theme | addons | transition | author | date | image | image-transform | image-filter | color-opacity | |
eavise |
fade |
Tanguy Ophoff |
26 June 2023 |
/earthobservation.jpg |
scale(1.1) |
grayscale(0.4) |
0.5 |
<Block class="w-full h-full flex-(~ items-center justify-center) p-5" :color-opacity="0.6" image="url(" imageFilter="grayscale(0.9)" v-click
How can we adapt detection algorithms
to work on remote sensing data?
<Block class="w-full h-full flex-(~ items-center justify-center) p-5" :color-opacity="0.6" image="url(" imageFilter="grayscale(0.9)" v-click
How to combine color and depth data
to improve detection models?
<Block class="w-full h-full flex-(~ items-center justify-center) p-5" :color-opacity="0.6" image="url(" imageFilter="grayscale(0.9)" v-click
How much can we speed up our models
whilst maintaining the accuracy?
<Block class="w-full h-full flex-(~ items-center justify-center) p-5" :color-opacity="0.6" image="url(" imageFilter="grayscale(0.9)" v-click="1"
How can we adapt detection algorithms
to work on remote sensing data?
window scene-specific
processing ResnetYolo
<Block class="w-full h-full flex-(~ items-center justify-center) p-5" :color-opacity="0.6" image="url(" imageFilter="grayscale(0.9)" v-click="3"
How to combine color and depth data
to improve detection models?
fuse layer mid-late
fusion different
use cases remote
<Block class="w-full h-full flex-(~ items-center justify-center) p-5" :color-opacity="0.6" image="url(" imageFilter="grayscale(0.9)" v-click="5"
How much can we speed up our models
whilst maintaining the accuracy?
selection constrainedness academic
4x industrial