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🔑 NATT keywords

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NATT Core Variables

The variable (module-name)-last-msg holds the content of the message received last by a given module.

The variable (module-name)-action-msg contains the content of the message that triggered the termination of waiting (wait_until keyword).

Keyword base info

When keyword have only one parameter, it is not necessary to specify the parameter name.

Each keyword can be ignored by adding the parameter ignore: true

Main Keywords

This set contains all the keywords that directly define the testing structure.


Marks the root element of the test configuration. It must be located at the beginning of the testing configuration. Tests start executing from this point.

Parameter Type Description
max_points float | not required Maximum points for the test. Used in the evaluation of graded assignments.
initial_steps list | not required Initial steps for all test suites. These steps are performed only once at the beginning and then the test suites are executed.
test_suites list List of test all suites.
    max_points: 10.0
    initial_steps: []
    test_suites: []


Used to define a testing suite.

Parameter Type Description
name string Name of the test suite.
delay long | not required Delay between executed test cases. After finishing of the test case, it will wait for the specified time. (default: 500 ms)
initial_steps list | not required Initial steps for the test suite. These steps are performed only once at the beginning.
test_cases list List of test cases.
    name: "suite_name"
    delay: 500
    initial_steps: []
    test_cases: []


Allows the definition of individual test cases.

Parameter Type Description
name string Name of the test case.
description string Description of the test case.
steps list Steps to execute in the test case.
    name: "Case name"
    description: "Description here"
    steps: []

Keywords for Controlling External Applications

This set includes keywords that enable working with an external application. It's primarily designed for launching and communicating with the tested applications.


Launches the application. At any given time, only one external application can run! It allows the definition of arguments to be passed to the application upon its launch.

Parameter Type Description
command string Command to run the application. Can run only one application at a time.
name string | not required Name of program runner. (default: "default")
run_app: "java -jar app.jar -arg1 111 -arg2 222"

    command: "java -jar app.jar -arg1 111 -arg2 222"
    name: "app-1"


Launches the application with a time delay. This operation is asynchronous. Again, only one external application can run at a time.

Parameter Type Description
command string Command to run the application. Can run only one application at a time.
delay long Time after which the application starts.
name string | not required Name of program runner. (default: "default")
    command: "java -jar app.jar -arg1 111 -arg2 222"
    delay: 500
    name: "app-1"


Stops the currently running application and launches the new application.

Parameter Type Description
command string Command to reload the application.
name string | not required Name of program runner. (default: "default")
reload_app: "java -jar app.jar"

    command: "java -jar app.jar"
    name: "app-1"


Sends a message to the running application via standard streaming.

Parameter Type Description
message string Message to send through the standard stream.
name string | not required Name of program runner. (default: "default")
standard_stream_send: "Message to send"

    message: "Message to send"
    name: "app-1"

General Keywords

This set includes keywords for working with variables, waiting, conditional waiting, and more.


Pauses the test execution for a defined duration.

Parameter Type Description
default long Time to wait in milliseconds.
wait: 1000


It waits until a message is received from a certain communication module. Messages can be filtered using the keyword create_filter_action. The content of the message that triggered the action is automatically saved in the (module-name)-action-msg variable for possible testing.

Parameter Type Description
module_name string The module that should trigger the action. You can specify multiple modules this way: module-1 & module-2.
time_out long | not required Maximum waiting time in milliseconds. (default: 10 000 ms)
    module_name: "module-1 & module-2"
    time_out: 30000


Retrieves and stores the content of a specific message from the message buffer into the chosen variable. If multiple messages match the specified search conditions, the variable stores the first one found, i.e., the one received first.

Parameter Type Description
var_name string Name of the variable to store the value of the message.
module_name string The module from which the message was received.
text string | not required Text that must be included in the message. (default: "")
tag string | not required Required tag of the message. (default: "")
mode string | not required Finding mode. There are these modes: "equals", "contains", "startswith", "endswith". (default: equals)
case_sensitive boolean | not required Whether the filter should be case sensitive.
    var_name: "var-1"
    module_name: "module-1"
    text: "Search text"
    tag: "message-tag"
    mode: "equals"
    case_sensitive: true


Counts the number of received messages during a single test case and saves this count into a variable.

Parameter Type Description
var_name string Variable to store the count.
module_name string Module whose received messages will be counted.
    var_name: "var-1"
    module_name: "module-1


Reads the content from the specified file on the local device and stores its value into the defined variable.

Parameter Type Description
var_name string Variable to store the file content.
file_path string Path to the file to be read.
    var_name: "var-1"
    file_path: "path/to/file.txt"


Reads the content from the specified file on the network device and stores its value into the defined variable.

Parameter Type Description
var_name string Variable to store the file content.
file_url string URL of the file to be read.
    var_name: "var-1"
    file_url: "path/to/file.txt"


Sets the specified variable to the defined content.

Parameter Type Description
var_name string Variable to store the value.
value string The value that will be stored in the variable.
    var_name: "var-1"
    value: "New value"


Retrieves the content of a specific variable, replacing all desired words with their replacements. The result is stored in another variable.

Parameter Type Description
to_var string Variable to store the modified text.
from_var string Variable containing the original text.
str_from list String to be replaced in the original text.
str_to list String to replace occurrences of str_from in the original text.
    to_var: "var-1"
    from_var: "var-2"
    str_from: ["TMP_PARAM_1", "TMP_PARAM_2"]
    str_to: ["Value", "1234"]


Writes the defined content into a file on the local device.

Parameter Type Description
file_path string The path to the file where the content will be written.
content string The content to be written to the file.
    file_path: "path/to/file.txt"
    content: "this text will be saved in a file with the value of this variable $your-var"


Writes the defined content into a file on the network device.

Parameter Type Description
file_url string URL of the file where the content will be written.
content string The content to be written to the file.
    file_url: ""
    content: "this text will be saved in a file with the value of this variable $your-var"


Clears the content of the message buffer. It's possible to clear the buffer content for all modules or for a specific one.

Parameter Type Description
module_name string Specific module name, or symbol * for all modules.
clear_buffer: "module-1"


Extracts the value of a specified attribute from the content of a variable in JSON format. It's possible to access array indices or to traverse multiple levels in one step.

Parameter Type Description
to_var string Variable to store the extracted value.
from_var string Variable containing the JSON structure.
param_name string Name of the parameter to extract from the JSON. If the structure is a list, specify an index to get one element. It is also possible to approach a certain parameter hierarchically in depth, when the parameter names are separated by ":". For example: parent_param:child_param.
    to_var: "var-1"
    from_var: "var-2"
    param_name: "id"

    to_var: "var-1"
    from_var: "var-2"
    param_name: "createAuthorResponse:author:id"


Retrieves the content of a single message from the message buffer of a specific module. The message is accessed using an index, and its content is stored in the defined variable.

Parameter Type Description
var_name string Variable to store the extracted message value.
module_name string Module name; its message buffer will be accessed.
index long Index of the message whose value will be extracted from the buffer into a variable. When the index is negative, it indexes from the back of the buffer. -1 is the last index of the buffer. At the last position is the last received message.
    var_name: "var-1"
    module_name: "module-1"
    index: 0


Allows for the definition of a custom keyword within the system. The custom keyword can include a series of steps and input parameters.

Parameter Type Description
name string The unique name assigned to the custom keyword. This name is required for invoking the keyword later.
params list | optional A list of parameters that the custom keyword expects to receive when invoked. These parameters can be used within the steps. Value of params must be string type.
steps list A list of keywords that will be executed as part of this custom keyword. Each step is executed in sequence when invoked.
    name: "my_keyword"
    params: ["param_1", "param_2"]
        - standard_stream_send: "This is message 1: $param_1"
        - standard_stream_send: "This is message 2: $param_2"


This keyword is used to invoke a custom keyword that has been previously defined. You can also define input parameters for the custom keyword, which can be used within the keyword's steps. Nested call of custom keyword is not allowed.

Parameter Type Description
name string The name of the custom keyword to be invoked.
    name: "my_keyword"
    param_1: "Variable 1"
    param_2: "123456"

call_keyword: "my_keyword"

Keywords for Assertion Definition

This set comprises keywords that allow the definition of assertions that must be met during testing.


Verifies if a variable contains the expected string.

Parameter Type Description
var_name string Variable to perform the assertion on.
expected string The expected string.
mode string | not required Comparison mode. There are these modes: "equals", "contains", "startswith", "endswith". (default: equals)
case_sensitive boolean | not required Determines if the comparison should be case sensitive. (default: true)
result boolean | not required It determines the expected outcome of the assertion. (default: true)
    var_name: "var-1"
    expected: "Expected value"
    mode: "equals"
    case_sensitive: true
    result: true


Checks if a numeric variable is lower than the specified value.

Parameter Type Description
var_name string Variable to perform the assertion on.
value float The upper limit for the variable value.
result boolean | not required It determines the expected outcome of the assertion. (default: true)
    var_name: "var-1"
    value: 100.0
    result: true


Checks if a numeric variable is larger than the specified value.

Parameter Type Description
var_name string Variable to perform the assertion on.
value float The lower limit for the variable value.
result boolean | not required It determines the expected outcome of the assertion. (default: true)
    var_name: "var-1"
    value: 100.0
    result: true


Checks if a variable is equal to the specified value. It's possible to set a certain tolerance range.

Parameter Type Description
var_name string Variable to perform the assertion on.
value float Expected value of the variable.
tolerance float Permissible deviation from the expected value.
result boolean | not required It determines the expected outcome of the assertion. (default: true)
    var_name: "var-1"
    value: 100.0
    tolerance: 5
    result: true


Verifies if the sequence of received messages from two modules falls within a specified segment. Simple comparison rules can also be defined for comparison.

Parameter Type Description
module1_name string First module involved in the assertion.
module2_name string Second module involved in the assertion.
start long Start index for the range check.
count long Number of values to check within the range.
rule string Message content comparison rule. Format is: (message separator)|(X);(X);... Where (X) is # (equals), ? (arbitrary), number 0-100 diff tolerance. Example: ",|#;?;15"
result boolean | not required It determines the expected outcome of the assertion. (default: true)
    module1_name: "module-1"
    module2_name: "module-2"
    start: 0
    count: 10
    rule: ";|#;10"
    result: true


Verifies if an external application is currently running.

Parameter Type Description
result boolean It determines the expected outcome of the assertion. (default: true)
name string | not required Name of program runner. (default: "default")
assert_app_is_running: true

    result: true
    name: "app-1"


Verifies if a specific module is currently running.

Parameter Type Description
module_name string Name of module.
result boolean | not required It determines the expected outcome of the assertion. (default: true)
    module_name: "module-1"
    result: true


Allows verification if the JSON object in a variable is identical to the expected JSON object.

Parameter Type Description
var_name string The name of the variable containing the JSON object to be asserted.
expected string The expected JSON object in string format for comparison.
exact_mode string Specifies a comparison mode for JSON objects that requires strict equality between expected and actual JSON. If false, it only compares parameters that are in the expected JSON. (default: false)
result boolean | not required It determines the expected outcome of the assertion. (default: true)
    var_name: "module-1"
    expected: '{"name": "value", "atr1": 0}'
    exact_mode: false
    result: true

Keywords for Working with Modules

This set includes keywords that enable working with communication modules.


Creates a module that launches a new virtual Telnet client.

Parameter Type Description
name string Unique name for the module.
host string | not required Hostname or IP address to connect to. (default: localhost)
port long | not required Port number on the host to connect to. (default: 23)
    name: "module-1"
    host: "localhost"
    port: 23


Creates a module that launches a virtual Telnet server.

Parameter Type Description
name string Unique name for the module.
port long | not required Port number to listen on. (default: 23)
    name: "module-1"
    port: 23


Creates a module that launches a web crawler.

Parameter Type Description
name string Unique name for the module.
start_url string URL to start crawling from.
max_depth long Maximum depth to crawl.
analyzer string Analyzer to use for parsing the web pages.
Analyzer Input param Output format
word-freq Output word count word;count
    name: "module-1"
    start_url: ""
    max_depth: 2
    analyzer: "word-freq:20"


Creates a module that launches a virtual email server.

Parameter Type Description
name string Unique name for the module.
port long Port number on which the email server will listen.
    name: "module-1"
    port: 25


Creates a module that launches an HTTP client for testing REST APIs.

Parameter Type Description
name string Unique name for the module.
url string URL of the REST API to test.
request_type string Type of HTTP request to send (GET, POST, etc.).
content_type string Data type in request. (default: application/json)
    name: "module-1"
    url: ""
    request_type: "POST"
    content_type: "application/json"


Creates a module for testing SOAP services.

Parameter Type Description
name string Unique name for the module.
url string URL of the SOAP service to test.
    name: "module-1"
    url: ""


Creates a module that launches a virtual MQTT client.

Parameter Type Description
name string Unique name for the module.
topics list | not required List of topics to subscribe to. (default: empty)
broker_url string | not required URL of the MQTT broker to connect to. (default: tcp://localhost:1883)
    name: "module-1"
    topics: ["topic1", "topic2"]
    broker_url: "tcp://localhost:1883"


Creates a module that launches an MQTT broker.

Parameter Type Description
name string Unique name for the module.
port long | not required Port number for the MQTT broker. (default: 1883)
    name: "module-1"
    port: 1883


Terminates a running module that is no longer needed.

Parameter Type Description
module_name string Name of the module to terminate.
termite_module: "module-1"


Sends a message using a specific module.

Parameter Type Description
name string Name of the sending module.
message string Message to send. For different modules, the content may have different format requirements.
delay long | not required How long it will take to send a message after calling this keyword.
    name: "module-1"
    message: "Message $your-var"
    delay: 0


Creates a filter for actions triggered upon message reception. Text content can be filtered.

Parameter Type Description
name string Name of module.
text string Text to filter on.
tag string | not required Tag of message. (default: "")
mode string | not required Filter mode. There are these modes: "equals", "contains", "startswith", "endswith". (default: equals)
case_sensitive boolean Whether the filter should be case sensitive. (default: true)
    name: "module-1"
    text: "Text"
    tag: "Message-tag"
    mode: "equals"
    case_sensitive: true


Removes all action filters for a specific module.

Parameter Type Description
module_name string Name of module.
clear_filter_actions: "module-1"