- kubernetes-pods obtain cluster and component lables
- update obsolete version of Ingres kind up to networking.k8s.io/v1 (added pathType + fixed port notion)
- volume ReadOnly option required for EFS
- refactor value mountPath
- EFS implementation
- toleration for deployment
- fix resources with partial implementation
- tel variable VERSION support
- deployment: resources request/limits
- deployment: lifecycle option moved to values. Because our distress doesn't have any sleep command we should consider dont use it as hardcode
- deployment: set
revisionHistoryLimit: 1
ToDo: move to values
- trigger pods to restart when only config file or secrets was changed. Allow reconcile changes with already on-live services.
- cronjob fix
- this crd appload when tag is number
- documentation
- volume mounts
- worker bug fix
- secrets should redeploy every new secret changes or when tag is changed
- example values, min working values
- kubernetes-kubelet finally
- scrap agent metrics from service discovery
- loki tags for correct processing
- not use prometheus reseiver
- tune otlp connection