has built this adaptive tier for correlating form management, BPM and analytics together.
The goal of the REST API is to provide access to all relevant interfaces of the system. It is built using Python 🐍 .
- Prerequisites
- Solution Setup
- API Documentation
- Unit Testing
- Migration Script for existing users (For listing existing forms for clients)
- For docker based installation Docker need to be installed.
- Admin access to Keycloak server and ensure audience(camunda-rest-api) is setup in Keycloak-bpm server.
- Ensure that the
service is running and accessible on port6379
. For more details, refer to the forms-flow-redis README.
If you are interested in contributing to the project, you can install through docker or locally.
It's recommended to download dev-packages to follow Python coding standards for project like PEP8 if you are interested in contributing to project. You installing dev-packages using pip as follows:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
No specific client creation is required. Audience has been added for clients forms-flow-web and forms-flow-bpm.
- Make sure you have a Docker machine up and running.
- Make sure your current working directory is "forms-flow-ai/forms-flow-api".
- Rename the file sample.env to .env.
- Modify the environment variables in the newly created .env file if needed. Environment variables are given in the table below,
- NOTE : {your-ip-address} given inside the .env file should be changed to your host system IP address. Please take special care to identify the correct IP address if your system has multiple network cards
ℹ️ Variables with trailing 🚩 in below table should be updated in the .env file
Variable name | Meaning | Possible values | Default value |
The forms-flow-analytics Api base end-point | http://{your-ip-address}:7000 | |
The forms-flow-analytics admin API key | Get the api key from forms-flow-analytics (REDASH) by following the 'Get the Redash API Key' steps from [here](../forms-flow-analytics/ |
formsflow database postgres user | Used on installation to create the database.Choose your own | postgres |
formsflow database postgres password | Used on installation to create the database.Choose your own | changeme |
formsflow database name | Used on installation to create the database.Choose your own | FORMSFLOW_API_DB |
formsflow database host | Used on installation to create the database.Choose your own | |
formsflow database port | Used on installation to create the database.Choose your own | |
JDBC DB Connection URL for formsflow | postgresql://postgres:changeme@forms-flow-webapi-db:5432/webapi |
URL to your Keycloak server | http://{your-ip-address}:8080 |
The Keycloak realm to use | eg. forms-flow-ai | forms-flow-ai |
Client ID for Camunda to register with Keycloak | eg. forms-flow-bpm | forms-flow-bpm |
Client Secret of Camunda client in realm | eg. 22ce6557-6b86-4cf4-ac3b-42338c7b1ac12 | e4bdbd25-1467-4f7f-b993-bc4b1944c943 To generate a new keycloak client seceret by yourself follow the steps from here |
Client ID for formsflow to register with Keycloak | eg. forms-flow-web | forms-flow-web |
Camunda Rest API URL | http://{your-ip-address}:8000/camunda |
FORMSFLOW_API_URL 🚩 | Rest API URL | http://{your-ip-address}:5000 |
FORMSFLOW_API_CORS_ORIGINS | Rest API allowed origins, for allowing multiple origins you can separate host address using a comma seperated string or use * to allow all origins | eg:host1, host2, host3 |
* |
To fetch formio roles in multi tenancy | http://{your-ip-address}:5010/api/v1 |
Redis url | redis://{your-ip-address}:6379/0 |
To support single/cluster node | true /false |
false |
Database Connection URL | postgresql://postgres:changeme@forms-flow-webapi-db:5432 | |
Database username(This is not needed if we are having DATABASE_URL) | postgres |
Database password(This is not needed if we are having DATABASE_URL) | changeme |
Database host(This is not needed if we are having DATABASE_URL) | forms-flow-webapi-db |
Database port(This is not needed if we are having DATABASE_URL) | 5432 |
Database name(This is not needed if we are having DATABASE_URL) | webapi |
NOTE : Default realm is forms-flow-ai
forms-flow-api service uses port 5000, make sure the port is available.
cd {Your Directory}/forms-flow-ai/forms-flow-api
docker-compose up -d
to start.
NOTE: Use --build command with the start command to reflect any future .env changes eg : docker-compose up --build -d
- Run
docker-compose stop
to stop.
The application should be up and available for use at port defaulted to 5000 in http://localhost:5000/
- Access the /checkpoint endpoint for a Health Check on API to see it's up and running.
GET http://localhost:5000/checkpoint
"message": "Welcome to API"
- Get the access token
POST {Keycloak URL}/auth/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/token
grant_type: client_credentials
client_secret: {set client token}
client_id: forms-flow-bpm
Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- Access the /task endpoint and verify response. Ensure Bearer token is passed along
GET http://localhost:5000/task
Content-Type : application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}
The API docs can be accessed by checking the / root endpoint.
Further documentation and associated postman collection for API endpoint can found in the docs folder
We have implemented unit tests with pytest.
- Test cases are provided in the tests folder.
- Run the tests by ensuring appropriate test environment variables are setup in the .env file.
- Using the make command, run the tests by running
make test
Things to note when writing tests:
- Isolated: Each test should be an introvert, working in their own isolated bubble. You should never have to think about what other tests have put in the database.
- Tests functions should contain always
app, client, session
To display existing forms and applications for clients and reviewers, it is necessary to migrate the current Camunda authorizations. Additionally, to transfer existing task filters from forms-flow-bpm to forms-flow-api
Run a bash script inside the forms-flow-api. If you need to run this script in the instance or server, such as a Kubernetes cluster or Nginx, you have to access the Docker container of the FormsFlow web API and execute the bash script called
- To migrate forms: form
- To migrate applications: application
- To migrate filter: filter
- In multi-tenant environment: filter <tenant-key>
- In multi-tenant environment:
Alternatively, if you are setting up the environment locally and running the Docker container locally, you can get inside the FormsFlow web API container and run preferred command.
In the case of running the web API with Flask locally, you should activate the virtual environment and run the bash script within it. You can create the virtual environment by following the instructions provided in the Makefile inside the forms-flow-api.