area-alt |
Ensures <area> elements of image maps have alternate text |
Critical |
cat.text-alternatives, wcag2a, wcag244, wcag412, section508, section508.22.a, TTv5, TT6.a, EN-301-549, EN-, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
c487ae |
aria-allowed-attr |
Ensures an element's role supports its ARIA attributes |
Critical |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
5c01ea |
aria-braille-equivalent |
Ensure aria-braillelabel and aria-brailleroledescription have a non-braille equivalent |
Serious |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- |
needs review |
aria-command-name |
Ensures every ARIA button, link and menuitem has an accessible name |
Serious |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, TTv5, TT6.a, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
97a4e1 |
aria-conditional-attr |
Ensures ARIA attributes are used as described in the specification of the element's role |
Serious |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
5c01ea |
aria-deprecated-role |
Ensures elements do not use deprecated roles |
Minor |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
674b10 |
aria-hidden-body |
Ensures aria-hidden="true" is not present on the document body. |
Critical |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag131, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN-, EN- |
failure |
aria-hidden-focus |
Ensures aria-hidden elements are not focusable nor contain focusable elements |
Serious |, wcag2a, wcag412, TTv5, TT6.a, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
6cfa84 |
aria-input-field-name |
Ensures every ARIA input field has an accessible name |
Serious |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, TTv5, TT5.c, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
e086e5 |
aria-meter-name |
Ensures every ARIA meter node has an accessible name |
Serious |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag111, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
aria-progressbar-name |
Ensures every ARIA progressbar node has an accessible name |
Serious |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag111, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
aria-prohibited-attr |
Ensures ARIA attributes are not prohibited for an element's role |
Serious |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
5c01ea |
aria-required-attr |
Ensures elements with ARIA roles have all required ARIA attributes |
Critical |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
4e8ab6 |
aria-required-children |
Ensures elements with an ARIA role that require child roles contain them |
Critical |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag131, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
bc4a75, ff89c9 |
aria-required-parent |
Ensures elements with an ARIA role that require parent roles are contained by them |
Critical |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag131, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
ff89c9 |
aria-roles |
Ensures all elements with a role attribute use a valid value |
Critical |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
674b10 |
aria-toggle-field-name |
Ensures every ARIA toggle field has an accessible name |
Serious |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, TTv5, TT5.c, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
e086e5 |
aria-tooltip-name |
Ensures every ARIA tooltip node has an accessible name |
Serious |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
aria-valid-attr-value |
Ensures all ARIA attributes have valid values |
Critical |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
6a7281 |
aria-valid-attr |
Ensures attributes that begin with aria- are valid ARIA attributes |
Critical |
cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
5f99a7 |
blink |
Ensures <blink> elements are not used |
Serious |
cat.time-and-media, wcag2a, wcag222, section508, section508.22.j, TTv5, TT2.b, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
button-name |
Ensures buttons have discernible text |
Critical |, wcag2a, wcag412, section508, section508.22.a, TTv5, TT6.a, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
97a4e1, m6b1q3 |
bypass |
Ensures each page has at least one mechanism for a user to bypass navigation and jump straight to the content |
Serious |
cat.keyboard, wcag2a, wcag241, section508, section508.22.o, TTv5, TT9.a, EN-301-549, EN- |
needs review |
cf77f2, 047fe0, b40fd1, 3e12e1, ye5d6e |
color-contrast |
Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds |
Serious |
cat.color, wcag2aa, wcag143, TTv5, TT13.c, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
afw4f7, 09o5cg |
definition-list |
Ensures <dl> elements are structured correctly |
Serious |
cat.structure, wcag2a, wcag131, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
dlitem |
Ensures <dt> and <dd> elements are contained by a <dl> |
Serious |
cat.structure, wcag2a, wcag131, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
document-title |
Ensures each HTML document contains a non-empty <title> element |
Serious |
cat.text-alternatives, wcag2a, wcag242, TTv5, TT12.a, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure |
2779a5 |
duplicate-id-aria |
Ensures every id attribute value used in ARIA and in labels is unique |
Critical |
cat.parsing, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- |
needs review |
3ea0c8 |
form-field-multiple-labels |
Ensures form field does not have multiple label elements |
Moderate |
cat.forms, wcag2a, wcag332, TTv5, TT5.c, EN-301-549, EN- |
needs review |
frame-focusable-content |
Ensures <frame> and <iframe> elements with focusable content do not have tabindex=-1 |
Serious |
cat.keyboard, wcag2a, wcag211, TTv5, TT4.a, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
akn7bn |
frame-title-unique |
Ensures <iframe> and <frame> elements contain a unique title attribute |
Serious |
cat.text-alternatives, wcag2a, wcag412, TTv5, TT12.d, EN-301-549, EN- |
needs review |
4b1c6c |
frame-title |
Ensures <iframe> and <frame> elements have an accessible name |
Serious |
cat.text-alternatives, wcag2a, wcag412, section508, section508.22.i, TTv5, TT12.d, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
cae760 |
html-has-lang |
Ensures every HTML document has a lang attribute |
Serious |
cat.language, wcag2a, wcag311, TTv5, TT11.a, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure |
b5c3f8 |
html-lang-valid |
Ensures the lang attribute of the <html> element has a valid value |
Serious |
cat.language, wcag2a, wcag311, TTv5, TT11.a, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure |
bf051a |
html-xml-lang-mismatch |
Ensure that HTML elements with both valid lang and xml:lang attributes agree on the base language of the page |
Moderate |
cat.language, wcag2a, wcag311, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure |
5b7ae0 |
image-alt |
Ensures <img> elements have alternate text or a role of none or presentation |
Critical |
cat.text-alternatives, wcag2a, wcag111, section508, section508.22.a, TTv5, TT7.a, TT7.b, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
23a2a8 |
input-button-name |
Ensures input buttons have discernible text |
Critical |, wcag2a, wcag412, section508, section508.22.a, TTv5, TT5.c, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
97a4e1 |
input-image-alt |
Ensures <input type="image"> elements have alternate text |
Critical |
cat.text-alternatives, wcag2a, wcag111, wcag412, section508, section508.22.a, TTv5, TT7.a, EN-301-549, EN-, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
59796f |
label |
Ensures every form element has a label |
Critical |
cat.forms, wcag2a, wcag412, section508, section508.22.n, TTv5, TT5.c, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
e086e5 |
link-in-text-block |
Ensure links are distinguished from surrounding text in a way that does not rely on color |
Serious |
cat.color, wcag2a, wcag141, TTv5, TT13.a, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
link-name |
Ensures links have discernible text |
Serious |, wcag2a, wcag244, wcag412, section508, section508.22.a, TTv5, TT6.a, EN-301-549, EN-, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
c487ae |
list |
Ensures that lists are structured correctly |
Serious |
cat.structure, wcag2a, wcag131, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
listitem |
Ensures <li> elements are used semantically |
Serious |
cat.structure, wcag2a, wcag131, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
marquee |
Ensures <marquee> elements are not used |
Serious |
cat.parsing, wcag2a, wcag222, TTv5, TT2.b, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
meta-refresh |
Ensures <meta http-equiv="refresh"> is not used for delayed refresh |
Critical |
cat.time-and-media, wcag2a, wcag221, TTv5, TT8.a, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure |
bc659a, bisz58 |
meta-viewport |
Ensures <meta name="viewport"> does not disable text scaling and zooming |
Critical |
cat.sensory-and-visual-cues, wcag2aa, wcag144, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure |
b4f0c3 |
nested-interactive |
Ensures interactive controls are not nested as they are not always announced by screen readers or can cause focus problems for assistive technologies |
Serious |
cat.keyboard, wcag2a, wcag412, TTv5, TT6.a, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
307n5z |
no-autoplay-audio |
Ensures <video> or <audio> elements do not autoplay audio for more than 3 seconds without a control mechanism to stop or mute the audio |
Moderate |
cat.time-and-media, wcag2a, wcag142, TTv5, TT2.a, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
needs review |
80f0bf |
object-alt |
Ensures <object> elements have alternate text |
Serious |
cat.text-alternatives, wcag2a, wcag111, section508, section508.22.a, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
8fc3b6 |
role-img-alt |
Ensures [role="img"] elements have alternate text |
Serious |
cat.text-alternatives, wcag2a, wcag111, section508, section508.22.a, TTv5, TT7.a, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
23a2a8 |
scrollable-region-focusable |
Ensure elements that have scrollable content are accessible by keyboard |
Serious |
cat.keyboard, wcag2a, wcag211, wcag213, TTv5, TT4.a, EN-301-549, EN-, EN- |
failure |
0ssw9k |
select-name |
Ensures select element has an accessible name |
Critical |
cat.forms, wcag2a, wcag412, section508, section508.22.n, TTv5, TT5.c, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
e086e5 |
server-side-image-map |
Ensures that server-side image maps are not used |
Minor |
cat.text-alternatives, wcag2a, wcag211, section508, section508.22.f, TTv5, TT4.a, EN-301-549, EN- |
needs review |
svg-img-alt |
Ensures <svg> elements with an img, graphics-document or graphics-symbol role have an accessible text |
Serious |
cat.text-alternatives, wcag2a, wcag111, section508, section508.22.a, TTv5, TT7.a, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure, needs review |
7d6734 |
td-headers-attr |
Ensure that each cell in a table that uses the headers attribute refers only to other cells in that table |
Serious |
cat.tables, wcag2a, wcag131, section508, section508.22.g, TTv5, TT14.b, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
a25f45 |
th-has-data-cells |
Ensure that <th> elements and elements with role=columnheader/rowheader have data cells they describe |
Serious |
cat.tables, wcag2a, wcag131, section508, section508.22.g, TTv5, TT14.b, EN-301-549, EN- |
failure, needs review |
d0f69e |
valid-lang |
Ensures lang attributes have valid values |
Serious |
cat.language, wcag2aa, wcag312, TTv5, TT11.b, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT |
failure |
de46e4 |
video-caption |
Ensures <video> elements have captions |
Critical |
cat.text-alternatives, wcag2a, wcag122, section508, section508.22.a, TTv5, TT17.a, EN-301-549, EN- |
needs review |
eac66b |