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Custom Telegram Bot that is primarily used for managing my personal group.

It is able to detect spammers / scammers and auto ban them if you wish. By default it will just send me a report as the feature still needs some work to be trusted.

It supports using a custom made math captcha to deter automated bots.

It features the standard /notes functionality you see in other telegram bots.

It features a built in API mostly used for restarting the bot and using the bot as a user.

It can also interact with my Torrent-search-API and display the results in an attractive manner.

This bot is capable of:

  1. Greeting new members
  2. Anti Scam
  3. Notes
  4. Admin tasks such as
  • ban/unban
  • make admin
  • generate invite link
  • restrict/unrestrict users
  1. Internal permission managment
  • request/grant permissions
  • see all granted permissions
  • remove permissions
  • allow access to admin functions
  • allow access to torrent searching
  • allow access to permission mangement
  1. Torrent searching
  • search for torrents and sort them
  • get magnet link
  1. Specific things (Misq)


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Create a .env file and fill in what you need. This is the complete example
API_URL= #this is where Torrent-search-API is running. 
BOT_NAME=@t80search_bot # this is what the bot will respond too
LOGGING_CHANNEL=123454234 # if you enable logging it will send logs to this telegram channel
ROOT_USER=1234567 # This your telegram user id
YOUTUBE_CHANNEL=12345 # you can ignore this unless you want to forward your own custom message
YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_PINNED_MSG_ID=12345 # you can ignore this unless you want to forward your own custom message
  1. npm install to download the nodejs modules
  2. npm start to start the bot
  3. Add the bot to your group and set it as admin

help pages

The bot has 4 built in help pages if you get stuck, simply write the following into telegram

  1. @t80search_bot -h
t80search_bot V0.0.5    

        -t gets you into the torrent functions
        -t -h to see help page for torrent

        -a gets you into the admin functions
        -a -h to see help page for admin

        -p gets you into permissions manager
        -p -h shows help for permissions manager

        -p_ask allows you to request permissions
        -p_ask -t for example allows you to request
                  permissions to use torrent search

        Current requestable permissions are:
        -t for torrent searching
        -a for admin functions
        -p allows you to grant or remove
           permissions from users

        whois id lets you see info about users
              replying to a user with whois will
              do the same

        pinned forwards the saved message
  1. @t80search_bot -t -h user will need to have -t permissions to view this
t80search_bot V0.0.5 Torrents help    

        currently only is used.....

        -l n:  limits results to n results
               default is 6
        -s n: sort results by parameters (must be number)
            *   1 - by size decending (default)
            *   2 - by size ascending
            *   3 - by time descending
            *   4 - by time ascending
            *   5 - by seeders descending
            *   6 - by seeders ascending
            *   7 - by leechers descending
            *   8 - by leechers ascending
        -d n: shows url and magnet link for torrent this is only possible after searching. n will be displayed in the first column of search results (0 - n..)
        -h : displays this page

        basic usage: @t80search_bot ubuntu 16.04
        advanced usage - find ubuntu with most seeders and show only top 3 results
        @t80search_bot -s 5 -l 3 ubuntu 16.04

        get magnet link - use 0 for first result, 1 for second...
        @t80search_bot -d 1
  1. @t80search_bot -p -h user will need to have -p permissions to view this
t80search_bot V0.0.5 Permissions    

        -l lists all permission requests
        -lg lists all granted permissions
        -g allows you to grant permissions so like
        -g -t 123456789 grants the user whose id is 123456789 torrent access
        -r removes permission from user in the same way as granting
        -h displays this help
  1. @t80search_bot -a -h user will need to have -a permissions to view this
t80search_bot V0.0.5 Admin    

        These can either be replies to a message
        or just send the id directly

        ban (id) bans a user from the group
        unban (id) unbans a user from the group
        promote (id) makes a user admin
        gen_link generates invite link
        restrict (id) user cant do anything
        unrestrict (id) user is back to normal
        -h displays this help

Greeting new members

When a user joins the group there will be a welcome message. It contains the name of the user aswell as attached links via buttons for handy resources. The user will also need to complete a math captcha by clicking on the buttons before being able to send messages. Failing the captcha will result in a ban, failed attempts will be logged to a private channel for easy unbanning.

Anti Scam

Detects wether a user is a spammer/scammer and notifies the admins or bans the offender.

It uses a custom algorithm based on how many messages the user sent, words used, media type i.e if its an image etc, if the message is forwarded and so on.

The algorithm is based on a scoring system that puts users into categories.

Suspicius users are logged to a private logging channel which allows you to call functions directly through the attached telegram keyboard.

If the user is very likely to be a spammer/scammer the bot will log to the channel directly so that users will know not to trust the offender.


This is the standard /notes implementation found in most bots. Notes are currently hardcoded as I havent found the need to incorporate a full fledges database for this bot so all the notes are currently stored in Constants.js.

After calling /notes the bot will return a list of categories that you can choose and read in more detail. For example in the notes you will see /root which when typed will display another message and links for rooting guides.

A custom feature of notes is writing /n this shortcut will spawn a custom keyboard in your telegram client which has all the notes listed and you can simply click on notes instead of typing them.

You can also now use auto notes depending on keywords used in text. to toggle this feature on and off admin must type @bot shutup. It's on by default.

Admin tasks

Admin tasks work based on user id, or replies.


So to ban a user find a message they posted and reply with this @t80search_bot -a ban if you know the user id you want to ban you dont need to reply to message you can just sent this on telegram @t80search_bot -a ban 123456


same as ban but unbans a user so they can join again


Allows you to make another user an admin, this also works for other bots, so you can either reply to a message of the user or use their id @t80search_bot -a promote 12345


Generates an invite link that people can use @t80search_bot -a gen_link


This will restrict a user from typing or doing anything, works just like ban but user doesnt leave the group @t80search_bot -a restrict 12345


opposite of restrict

Internal permission managment

Currently there are 3 different types of permissions in the bot.

  1. -t allows the user to user torrenting features
  2. -p allows user to grand and take away permissions from other users
  3. -a allows user to use admin functionality By default the root user will have access to all 3.

If a user wants some permissions they will need to ask for it like so @t80search_bot -p_ask -t this will let the user know you want -t permissions. You can also ask for admin like this @t80search_bot -p_ask -a and so on. The bot will respond with

Request submitted wait for approval

Then whoever has -p permissions can see which permisions are requested with @t80search_bot -p -l And the bot will respond with something like this

Permissions requests

   -t || Test || 123456

To grant this permission use this @t80search_bot -p -g -t 123456. The bot will respond with

Permission request granted

Torrent searching

To search for a torrent you can simply run @t80search_bot -t Ubuntu. This will return a list with the largest file size first by default, to get the torrent you can either click the link or use the bot to get the magnet link.

refined searches

This is sorting and limiting

@t80search_bot -t -s 1 -l 6 Ubuntu this is the default what you would get by simply running @t80search_bot -t Ubuntu

@t80search_bot -t -s 5 -l 1 Ubuntu return 1 result that has the highest seeders.

See the help page for more sorting options @t80search_bot -t -h

getting magnet link

After you searched for something the bot will save your results until you search the next time. to get the magnet link take note what number corresponds with your result, for example bellow is a search result

1: Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 [MATE][armhf][img.xz][Uzerus]2 (https:........)

se: 260 | le: 2 | date: Mar. 7th '17 | size: 1.1 GB

2: A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux, 3rd Edition (PDF) (https........)

se: 81 | le: 3 | date: Aug. 12th '18 | size: 77.0 MB

3: Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition (https:.........)

se: 71 | le: 2 | date: Oct. 14th '19 | size: 21.4 MB

4: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS Desktop 64-bit (https:..........)

se: 55 | le: 2 | date: Aug. 6th '16 | size: 1.4 GB


If you want the magnet link for the 4th result ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS then you can simply @t80search_bot -t -d 4 and the bot will return the magnet link.

Specific things

This is where some fun functions go, there will probably be a better category for these later on lol.


This forwards a message specified in the .env file. @t80search_bot pinned


This gets user information. If you want to know someones id you can reply to them with @t80search_bot whois and the bot will reply with something like

id:         123456
is_bot:     true
first_name: torrent
username:   t80search_bot
status:     administrator

If you know the id if the user you dont need to reply to them you can just type @t80search_bot whois 123456 and the same as above will occur.


Will list users with the most messages sent at the top. You can also pass in a group id that the bot is part off and can view the results in a different channel.

chat_id      -123456
chat_title: bot bots
chat_type:  supergroup

Top Users in -123456
234323423: 109
234323424: 59

Telegram Group that this bot is active on
