Run the program, using the following syntax:
bandchip_assembler <input> -o <output>
Be aware that this version of the BandCHIP Assembler only supports one input file. As long the input file contains valid CHIP-8 assembly language instructions, it should work fine.
Output Type | Description |
BINARY | Produces a raw binary file. |
HEXASCIISTRING | Produces a text file in hexadecimal ASCII string form. |
Extension | Description | Memory Limit |
CHIP8 | Enables the original CHIP-8 instructions (excluding machine language instructions. | 4KB |
SCHIP10 | Enables SuperCHIP V1.0 instructions | 4KB |
SCHIP11 | Enables SuperCHIP V1.1 instructions. Builds upon SuperCHIP V1.0. | 4KB |
XOCHIP | Enables XO-CHIP instructions. Builds upon SuperCHIP V1.1. | 64KB (Code can only access 4KB) |
HCHIP64 | Enables HyperCHIP-64 instructions. Builds upon SuperCHIP V1.1 and XO-CHIP with upgrades to the original CHIP-8 instructions. | 64KB |
Option Type | Description | Options |
ALIGN | Sets the memory alignment. | On (Word-Aligned/2 Byte), Off |
EXTENSION | Sets the extension to use. | CHIP8, SCHIP10, SCHIP11, XOCHIP, HCHIP64 |
OUTPUT | Sets the output type. | BINARY, HEXASCIISTRING |
Opcode | Instruction | Description | Supported Extensions |
00CN | SCD | Scrolls the screen (bit plane in some extensions) down by N pixels. | SuperCHIP V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
00DN | SCU | Scrolls the screen (bit plane in some extensions) up by N pixels. | XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
00E0 | CLS | Clears the screen (bit plane in some extensions). | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
00EE | RET | Returns from the subroutine. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
00FB | SCR | Scrolls the screen (bit plane in some extensions) to the right by 4 pixels. | SuperCHIP V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
00FC | SCL | Scrolls the screen (bit plane in some extensions) to the left by 4 pixels. | SuperCHIP V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
00FD | EXIT | Exits the interpreter. | SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
00FE | LOW | Enters Low Resolution Mode. | SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
00FF | HIGH | Enters High Resolution Mode. | SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
1NNN | JP NNN | Jumps to the absolute address. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
2NNN | CALL NNN | Calls the subroutine at that absolute address. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
3XNN | SE VX, NN | Skips the following instruction if VX == NN | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
4XNN | SNE VX, NN | Skips the following instruction if VX != NN | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
5XY0 | SE VX, VY | Skips the following instruction if VX == VY | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
5XY2 | LD [I], VX, VY | Stores registers VX to VY in memory, starting at I. I does not increment. | XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
5XY3 | LD VX, VY, [I] | Loads registers VX to VY from memory, starting at I. I does not increment. | XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
6XNN | LD VX, NN | Sets the VX register to NN | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
7XNN | ADD VX, NN | Add NN to the VX register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
8XY0 | LD VX, VY | Sets the VX register to the VY register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
8XY1 | OR VX, VY | Sets the VX register to VX OR VY. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
8XY2 | AND VX, VY | Sets the VX register to VX AND VY. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
8XY3 | XOR VX, VY | Sets the VX register to VX XOR VY. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
8XY4 | ADD VX, VY | Add the VY register to the VX register. Sets the VF register to 01 if carried, otherwise 00. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
8XY5 | SUB VX, VY | Subtracts the VY register from the VX register and stores the result in the VX register. Sets the VF register to 00 if borrowed, otherwise 01. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
8XY6 | SHR VX, VY | Stores the VY register shifted one bit to the right into the VX register. Before the shift, the least significant bit is stored in the VF register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
8XY7 | SUBN VX, VY | Subtracts the VX register from the VY register and stores the result in the VX register. Sets the VF register to 00 if borrowed, otherwise 01. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
8XY8 | ROR VX, VY | Stores the VY register rotated one bit to the right into the VX register. | HyperCHIP-64 |
8XY9 | ROL VX, VY | Stores the VY register rotated one bit to the left into the VX register. | HyperCHIP-64 |
8XYA | TEST VX, VY | Tests VX AND VY without storing the result. Sets the VF register to 01 if the result is non-zero, otherwise 00. | HyperCHIP-64 |
8XYB | NOT VX, VY | Sets the VX register to NOT VY. | HyperCHIP-64 |
8XYE | SHL VX, VY | Stores the VY register shifted one bit to the left into the VX register. Before the shift, the most significant bit is stored in the VF register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, HyperCHIP-64 |
9XY0 | SNE VX, VY | Skips the following instruction if VX != VY | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
ANNN | LD I, NNN | Loads the address into the I register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
BNNN | JP V0, NNN | Jumps to the absolute address + V0 register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
CXNN | RND VX, NN | Generates a random number based on the NN mask and stores the result in the VX register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
DXYN | DRW VX, VY, N | Draws the sprite stored in the I register with the height of N (if N == 0, draws a 16x16 sprite in SuperCHIP/XO-CHIP/HyperCHIP-64) located at (VX, VY) on the screen (bit plane in some extextensions). | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
EX9E | SKP VX | Skips the following instruction if the key stored in the VX register was pressed. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
EXA1 | SKNP VX | Skips the following instruction if the key stored in the VX register was not pressed. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
F000 NNNN | LONG LD I, NNNN | Loads the 16-bit address into the I register. | XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FN01 | PLANE N | Set the drawing plane based on the bitmask specified by N. | XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
F002 | AUDIO | Loads 16 bytes of data from starting at I into the audio pattern buffer. | XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX07 | LD VX, DT | Sets the VX register to the delay timer register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX0A | LD VX, K | Waits for a keypress and then stores it in the VX register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX15 | LD DT, VX | Sets the delay timer register to the VX register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX18 | LD ST, VX | Sets the sound timer register to the VX register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX1E | ADD I, VX | Add the VX register to the I register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX20 | JP [I + VX] | Jumps indirectly to the address stored in memory at I + VX. | HyperCHIP-64 |
FX21 | CALL [I + VX] | Calls the subroutine indirectly at the address stored in memory at I + VX. | HyperCHIP-64 |
FX29 | LD F, VX | Sets the I register to the 4x5 font sprite digit stored in the VX register. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX30 | LD HF, VX | Sets the I register to the 8x10 font sprite digit stored in the VX register. | SuperCHIP V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX33 | LD B, VX | Stores the value in the VX register in 3-digit unpacked BCD form at I, I+1, and I+2. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX3A | PITCH VX | Sets the pitch register to the value in the VX register. | XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX3B | VOLUME VX | Sets the volume of the currently selected voice to the value stored in the VX register. | HyperCHIP-64 |
FN3C | VOICE N | Selects the voice specified by N. | HyperCHIP-64 |
FN3D | CHANNEL N | Sets the channel mask of the voice currently selected. | HyperCHIP-64 |
FX55 | LD [I], VX | Stores registers V0 to VX in memory, starting at I. The I register is incremented in this form 'I = I + X + 1'. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX65 | LD VX, [I] | Loads registers V0 to VX from memory, starting at I. The I register is incremented in this form 'I = I + X + 1'. | CHIP-8, SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX75 | LD R, VX | Stores registers V0 to VX in User RPL Flags. (X <= 7 in SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, X <= 15 in XO-CHIP and HyperCHIP-64) | SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FX85 | LD VX, R | Loads registers V0 to VX from User RPL Flags. (X <= 7 in SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, X <= 15 in XO-CHIP and HyperCHIP-64) | SuperCHIP V1.0/V1.1, XO-CHIP, HyperCHIP-64 |
FXA2 | LD I, [I + VX] | Loads the address stored in memory at I + VX into the I register. | HyperCHIP-64 |
Notation | Description |
0x00 | Hexadecimal notation, which is supported in both instructions and certain keywords. |
0b00000000 | Binary notation, which is supported only in data keywords. |
Keyword | Description |
ORG | Sets the address at the current line of code. Should not be less than 0x200 (reserved) and the current address. |
INCBIN | Includes binary data from the specified file. Must be a string and file must exist. |
DB | Data byte, which can be used to specify byte data. Commas are used to add additional data in a single line. Strings in double quotes can be used to define data. |
DW | Data word, which can be used to specify word data. Commas are used to add additional data in a single line. You can use labels as values as they're already word-sized. It is in big-endian form. |
Comments are supported by the use of semicolons.
This assembler has support for global labels. Support for local labels may get added in the future. Global labels are in the following form:
Primary uses for labels is for various instructions that happen to support addresses. HyperCHIP-64 extension can actually access labels outside the 4KB range and into the 64KB range.
Here's an example demonstrating the use of labels:
LD V0, 1
SKP V0 ; Skip the next instruction if the '1' key was pressed.
JP MainLoop
JP EndLoop
JP EndLoop