Please see the archive of official LEGO RCX releases
- Philo Designs (more content available through the home page)
- Danny’s Robots
- Linda Hamilton's Technology and Transportation Education-Oriented Designs (via
- University of Montreal Lego Technic Home page
- Adder Differential Drive:
- Uses a pair of motors in conjunction with a differential drive to provide both turning and drift-free straight movement
- NOTE: Links to LDRAW DAT files in the webpage above are broken, so use the archived links below to access
- Adder Differential Drive:
- Andreas Junghans - Lego Mindstorms
- Ben Jackson’s Mindstorms Creations
- Hempel Design Group LEGO Models and Robotics
- JP Brown’s Serious LEGO
- Mario Ferrari’s Lego Mindstorms
- Mark Crosbies Homepage
- Mark’s LEGO NXT Projects
- Markov’s Lego Robots Tips and Tricks
- Robert Munafos LEGO(r) Creations at MROB
- Salzburg University RCX-Project
- The Straight and Narrow - OReilly Media
- Arcticus Xenon Lego RCX LIDAR Station Isotopia
- A Lego-robot with camera controlled by Matlab overview
- Building a LEGO Technic + MindStorms Plotter
- Chattanooga Robotics Web Site - BOT-BOX
- Creating a Spider Robot using LEGO-Mindstorms
- Design and development of LEGO Mindstorms based nomadic services
- format c: Robots Rocket Launcher
- Peter Smolders’ Lego Hexapod
- Red Front Door CD Changer
- Three Speed Automatic Transmission
- Smashing Robotics Differential Wheeled Mobile Robot System (c.f. Adder Differential Drive linked above)