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dzluke edited this page Aug 14, 2020 · 4 revisions

Changes from Depot 1.0:

  • versioning of patches is no longer required, therefore versioning has been removed from the badge object, and badge has been replaced by badge2
  • reorganization of patchers folder
  • all .maxhelp files are now properly organized in the help folder
  • removal of tutors, tutorials, demos, repertoire, and applications folders
    • the patches in these folders have either been moved to patchers or CNMAT Pedagogy, or removed

MMJ Depot Contribution Guidelines

There are two important aspects to the programming style of the CNMAT MMJ Depot. First, it should be relatively easy for developers to add new patches and second, it should invite users to copy and paste elements into their own patches. To facilitate these, the number of required elements are minimal.


  • Every help patch must assert authorship (if known) and some form of UC License or Disclaimer.
  • Every "main" patch must have a help patch.
  • Every patch have the proper extension (eg .maxpat, .maxhelp) and follow the naming conventions.
  • There are two patches in the depot that allow contributers to submit their own patches and have them show up in the dynamically created overview. These are "banner.maxpat" and "badge2.maxpat". Both are covered below. Note on Duplication:

Another important consideration is avoiding duplication. Whenever there are two copies of a piece of software, inevitably one ends up changing (like when a bug is fixed), and then the other copy doesn't get updated, so they go out of synch. (This is called "version skew" and it drives people like Matt and Michael crazy.) So never have two copies of the same patch in two different places in the Depot; instead move that useful patch into a module or the baseline. And before you add something new to the Depot, see if you can find something already there that does the same job.

Please find more details on including your patch into our system here.

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