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CoC Inheritance 2022 || Team Name
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CoC Inheritance 2022 || Team Name
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An attempt to bring together animal lovers Forging new lives for Mumbai's forgotten animals
The number of stray animals in Mumbai is currently over 2,50,000, out of which only 90,000 have been neutered since 2016. With little to no effort from the BMC, the work of rescuing and caring for stray animals has become more expensive and harder to manage for animal activists.
Our site stimulates co-operation between the users and the NGOs that are dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of stray and abandoned animals.
- Users send SOS forms.
- NGOs receive those forms and can help the stray animals.
- Pet lovers post their pets on pawstagram and view others' cute pet posts.
- A community of animal lovers and NGOs that are dedicated towards helping the abandoned animals of Mumbai.
- JavaScript
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- SOS feature
- Social Media Site
- NGO feature
- To co-ordinate between users and NGOs effectively
- Real time tracking of SOS requests
1.If an injured/ abandoned sttray animal is spotted, it can be helped by filling up a small SOS form 2.This form will be received by NGOs that will help the stray animal
Write the following commands on the terminal.
- Clone the project
git clone
- Go to the project directory
cd paw-stagram
- Install dependencies
npm install