For the updated version, check out
NOT compatible with:
- AstroVim 3.x+
- NerdFont 3.x+
- Nvim 9.x+
If you install the latest version, you will have to downgrade it or rewrite the configs for AstroVim 3.x and patch NerdFont because the icons are broken on 3.x
- Neovim to 0.8.1
brew unlink neovim
brew install ./brew-custom/nvim-0.8.1/neovim.rb
- NerdFont to 2.3.3
brew install --cask ./brew-custom/local-nerd-font/font-hack-nerd-font.rb
If using ITerm2 you need to go to Settings -> Profiles -> Text -> Font -> Hack Nerd Font (if it's already selected, change to another font and change back to apply the changes)
If you want to exlude neovim from being updated:
brew pin neovim
# To check all pinned packages
brew list --pinned
*formulas are downloaded from: