- Support for TYPO3 10.4 and 11.5 only
- old TypoScript paths under static/ts are deprecated. Use Configuration/TypoScript
- Initial TYPO3 8.7 LTS Support
- support for html mails in registration process
- fixed login redirect from plugin
- converted documentation to markdown
- added support for TYPO3 7.6
- some refactoring
- the reset password template key for mkmailer is configurable now
- is_current_user added to fe_user record for rendering and some codestyle changes
- prepareTemplate for marker class added
- prevent duplicate js code for multiple login boxes
- Avoid sql errors for invalid group list
- emoved references to ameos
- Render feuser in confirmation view
- ts path for HTML template changed to showregistrationTemplate
- Visibility of methods changed and code warnings fixed
- redirect configurable by fegroup
- Reset password works now out of the box
- Password reset is now default mode for forgotten passwords
- feuserauth xclass deactivation added in extension configuration and Exception handling fixed
- [FEATURE] method to login an FE user manually
- [TASK] show path of already registered XClass
- [TASK] refactored database tests
- [BUGFIX] fixed xClass inclusion for TYPO3 6.2