A strongly-typed TypeScript wrapper for the official MyAnimeList API.
npm install @davidqf555/mal.js
A client ID can be registered here.
The documentation for the API can be found here.
import MALClient, { FieldsParser } from '@davidqf555/mal.js';
// Create client to access MyAnimeList API
const client = new MALCLient(client_id, client_secret);
// Generate URL for client to authenticate with randomly generated verifer
const { url, code_verifier } = client.requestAuthorization();
// Retrieve token after client authenticates and receives code
const { access_token } = await client.retrieveAuthorizationToken(code, code_verifier);
// Get anime list from a query
const { data } = await client.getAnimeList({ q: 'Sword Art Online', fields: new FieldsParser({ mean: true, rank: true }) });
// Get user anime list of access token owner
const { data } = await client.getUserAnimeList('@me', { status: 'watching' }, access_token);
There is support for user authentication and every documented endpoint.
The supported user authentication methods follow the OAuth 2.0 procedure outlined in the MyAnimeList API documentation.
Name | Description |
requestAuthorization |
Uses/Generates a code verifier to create a link for the user to authenticate |
retrieveAuthorizationToken |
Uses the code from the user redirect after authentication to generate both a refresh and access token |
refreshAuthorizationToken |
Uses a refresh token to refresh both the access and refresh tokens |
Each method corresponds to a documented endpoint in the MyAnimeList API.
Name | Endpoint |
getAnimeList |
GET /anime |
getAnimeDetails |
GET /anime/{anime_id} |
getAnimeRanking |
GET /anime/ranking |
getSeasonalAnime |
GET /anime/season/{year}/{season} |
getSuggestedAnime |
GET /anime/suggestions |
updateAnimeListStatus |
PATCH /anime/{anime_id}/my_list_status |
deleteAnimeListItem |
DELETE /anime/{anime_id}/my_list_status |
getUserAnimeList |
GET /users/{user_name}/animelist |
getForumBoards |
GET /forum/boards |
getForumTopicDetails |
GET /forum/topic/{topic_id} |
getForumTopics |
GET /forum/topics |
getMangaList |
GET /manga |
getMangaDetails |
GET /manga/{manga_id} |
getMangaRanking |
GET /manga/ranking |
updateMangaListStatus |
PATCH /manga/{manga_id}/my_list_status |
deleteMangaListItem |
DELETE /manga/{manga_id}/my_list_status |
getUserMangaList |
GET /users/{user_name}/mangalist |
getUserInfo |
GET /users/{user_name} |