An integration to simplify persisting data from Contentful to a local CoreData database; built on top of the official Contentful Swift SDK. This library specifically uses the
endpoint of the Content Delivery API to synchronize all content in a Contentful space to device.
What is Contentful?
Contentful provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike a CMS, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enable developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.
Before getting started, it is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with Apple's CoreData framework as many issues encountered during development may be CoreData specific. Read the CoreData Programming Guide and check out other (non-Contentful) examples.
The SynchronizationManager
manages the state of your CoreData database and keeps it in sync with the data from your Contentful Space:
// Tell the library which of your `NSManagedObject` subclasses that conform to `EntryPersistable` should be used when mapping API resonses to CoreData entities.
let entryTypes = [Author.self, Category.self, Post.self]
// Initialize the data store and it's schema.
let store = CoreDataStore(context: self.managedObjectContext)
let persistenceModel = PersistenceModel(spaceType: SyncInfo.self, assetType: Asset.self, entryTypes: entryTypes)
// Initialize the Contentful.Client with a persistenceIntegration which will receive messages about changes when calling `sync methods`
self.client = Client(spaceId: "<YOUR_SPACE_ID>", accessToken: "<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>")
// Create the manager.
self.syncManager = SynchronizationManager(client: self.client,
localizationScheme: LocalizationScheme.all, // Save data for all locales your space supports.
persistenceModel: persistenceModel)
// Sync with the API.
self.syncManager.sync { _ in
do {
// Fetch all `Posts` from CoreData
let post: Post? = try Post.self, predicate: NSPredicate(value: true))
} catch {
// Handle error thrown by CoreData fetches.
To make your model classes work with contentful-persistence.swift you will need to either conform to AssetPersistable
for Contentful Assets, or EntryPersistable
for Contentful entry types.
Then you will need to make the corresponding model in your projects xcdatamodel
file. Both EntryPersistable
and AssetPersistable
types must have a non-optional id
property as well as optional localeCode
, createdAt
, and updatedAt
NOTE: Optionality on CoreData entities is a bit different than Swift optionality. Optionality on CoreData entities means that the property may be absent when a save-to-database operation is performed. To configure a property's optionality, open the "Data Model Inspector" in Xcode's "Utilities" right sidebar and toggle the "Optional" checkbox:
The mapping of Contentful fields to your data model entities will be derived automatically, but you can also customize it, by implementing the static func mapping() -> [FieldName: String]?
on your class.
Below is an example of a model class. Note that for custom date fields, this library can't store Date
types; use String
instead and map to Date
after fetching from CoreData. For sys
properties however, Date
should be used
import Foundation
import CoreData
import ContentfulPersistence
import Contentful
// The following @objc attribute is only necessary if your xcdatamodel Default configuration doesn't have your module
// name prepended to the Swift class. To enable removing the @objc attribute, change the Class for your entity to `ModuleName.Post`
class Post: NSManagedObject, EntryPersistable {
// The identifier of the corresponding Content Type in Contentful.
static let contentTypeId = "post"
// Properties of the `sys` object of Contentful resources.
@NSManaged var id: String
@NSManaged var localeCode: String?
@NSManaged var createdAt: Date?
@NSManaged var updatedAt: Date?
// Custom fields on the content type.
@NSManaged var body: String?
@NSManaged var comments: NSNumber?
// NOTE: Unlike date fields in sys properties, this library can't store `Date` for custom fields.
// Use `String` and map to date after fetching from CoreData
@NSManaged var customDateField: String?
@NSManaged var date: NSDate?
@NSManaged var slug: String?
@NSManaged var tags: Data?
@NSManaged var title: String?
@NSManaged var authors: NSOrderedSet?
@NSManaged var category: NSOrderedSet?
@NSManaged var theFeaturedImage: Asset?
// Define the mapping from the fields on your Contentful.Entry to your model class.
// In the below example, only the `title` and `author` fields and `featuredImage` link will be populated.
static func fieldMapping() -> [FieldName: String] {
return [
"title": "title",
"featuredImage": "theFeaturedImage",
"author": "authors"
CocoaPods is the dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like the ContentfulPersistence in your projects.
platform :ios, '9.3'
target :MyApp do
pod 'ContentfulPersistenceSwift', '~> 0.13.0'
You can also use Carthage for integration by adding the following to your Cartfile
github "contentful/contentful.swift" ~> 0.13.0
For further information, check out the Developer Documentation or browse the API documentation. The latter can also be loaded into Xcode as a Docset.
To get started contributing, clone the project, cd
into the root directory and run the following: make setup_env
make setup_env
carthage bootstrap --platform all
This command will install all the development dependencies necessary to build the project, and execute the tests. To run the tests from the command line, execute make test
. Tests should also all run directly from the Xcode app.
Copyright (c) 2018 Contentful GmbH. See LICENSE for further details.