GreptimeDB implements APIs for both Prometheus remote read and remote write. You can use GreptimeDB as a Prometheus backend.
Meanwhile, GreptimeDB supports PromQL as its query interface, so that you can use GreptimeDB as a drop-in replacement for Prometheus.
This demo showcases how to run the famous Node Exporter integrations with GreptimeDB as the storage backend.
First of all, let's get a free GreptimeDB service:
- Obtain a free GreptimeDB service from GreptimeCloud.
- Click the "Connection Information" button and find the connection string.
- Create a
by copy thegreptime.env.sample
and fill with your connection information.
## Fill with your connection information
We build a docker-compose file to start Prometheus node exporter and Prometheus
with just one call. Make sure you have docker
and docker-compose
installed. Run:
docker compose up
You can visualize the node mertics from the Web Dashboard:
The "Node Exporter Full" dashboard template will give you the same charts as the Grafana Node Exporter Dashboard.
Since GreptimeDB can be used as a drop-in replacement of Prometheus, it's also possible to visualize node metrics with Grafana Dashboard with the Prometheus plugin, as if GreptimeDB is a Prometheus instance.
First, start a Grafana container:
docker run -d --name=grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana
Open http://localhost:3000/
at browser and log in with the default credential: both username and password are admin
You should add GreptimeDB as an instance of Prometheus data source. Click "Connections", "Data sources", and then "Add new data source":
Choose "Prometheus" and add the necessary configuration:
Click "Save & Test" at the button to ensure the connection is correctly set up.
Then, go the "Dashboard" page and click "Create Dashboard":
Choose "Import a dashboard" and then load the Node Exporter Full public template (
Use the data source you just registered, and click "Import". You will be redirected to the final dashboard: