diff --git a/.github/workflows/build_test.yaml b/.github/workflows/build_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e399005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/build_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+name: build test
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ pull_request:
+ build:
+ name: build
+ runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+ timeout-minutes: 120
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ env:
+ ROS_DISTRO: humble
+ container:
+ image: osrf/ros:humble-desktop-jammy
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - name: Install dependencies of choreonoid
+ run: |
+ apt-get update && \
+ apt-get -y upgrade && \
+ apt-get -y install \
+ build-essential \
+ cmake-curses-gui \
+ libboost-dev \
+ libboost-system-dev \
+ libboost-program-options-dev \
+ libboost-iostreams-dev \
+ libeigen3-dev \
+ uuid-dev \
+ libxfixes-dev \
+ libyaml-dev \
+ libfmt-dev \
+ gettext \
+ zlib1g-dev \
+ libjpeg-dev \
+ libpng-dev \
+ libfreetype-dev \
+ qtbase5-dev \
+ libqt5x11extras5-dev \
+ libqt5svg5-dev \
+ qttranslations5-l10n \
+ python3-dev \
+ python3-numpy \
+ libassimp-dev \
+ libode-dev \
+ libfcl-dev \
+ libpulse-dev \
+ libsndfile1-dev \
+ libgstreamer1.0-dev \
+ libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev \
+ libzip-dev \
+ python3-colcon-coveragepy-result \
+ python3-colcon-lcov-result
+ - name: Run build test
+ uses: ros-tooling/action-ros-ci@v0.3
+ with:
+ target-ros2-distro: humble
+ vcs-repo-file-url: dependency.repos
+ extra-cmake-args: -DWITH_INTEGRATION_TEST=ON
+ # If possible, pin the repository in the workflow to a specific commit to avoid
+ # changes in colcon-mixin-repository from breaking your tests.
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index c7f9ea7..557d8d0 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,25 +7,39 @@ if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE)
- choreonoid
- roscpp
- std_msgs
- sensor_msgs
- image_transport
- # For ros_control
- pluginlib
- angles
- controller_manager
- hardware_interface
- joint_limits_interface
- transmission_interface
- urdf
- )
+ find_package(
+ roscpp
+ pluginlib
+ angles
+ controller_manager
+ hardware_interface
+ joint_limits_interface
+ transmission_interface
+ urdf
+ )
+ elseif ($ENV{ROS_VERSION} EQUAL 2)
+ find_package(
+ rclcpp ament_index_cpp
+ )
+ endif()
+find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED)
+find_package(std_srvs REQUIRED)
+find_package(sensor_msgs REQUIRED)
+find_package(image_transport REQUIRED)
+find_package(choreonoid REQUIRED)
+ include_directories(${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ endif()
@@ -34,14 +48,28 @@ else()
-# For ros_control
+ # For ros_control
+ # Install `launch` dir. only if `--install` option is set in catkin config
+ install(DIRECTORY launch
+ )
+ endif()
+ ament_package()
-install(DIRECTORY launch
- )
+ install(DIRECTORY
+ launch/ros2
+ )
+ endif()
diff --git a/dependency.repos b/dependency.repos
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0599050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dependency.repos
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ choreonoid:
+ type: git
+ url: https://github.com/choreonoid/choreonoid.git
+ version: master
diff --git a/launch/ros2/choreonoid.launch.xml b/launch/ros2/choreonoid.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b872dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/ros2/choreonoid.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/package.xml b/package.xml
index fff9266..fda67db 100644
--- a/package.xml
+++ b/package.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
The package for using Choreonoid as a ROS node
@@ -10,22 +10,32 @@
- catkin
+ catkin
+ ament_cmake
- roscpp
+ roscpp
+ rclcpp
+ std_srvs
+ geometry_msgs
- pluginlib
- angles
- controller_manager
- hardware_interface
- joint_limits_interface
- transmission_interface
- urdf
+ image_transport_plugins
+ pluginlib
+ angles
+ controller_manager
+ hardware_interface
+ joint_limits_interface
+ transmission_interface
+ urdf
+ ament_index_cpp
- cmake
+ cmake
+ ament_cmake
diff --git a/src/node/CMakeLists.txt b/src/node/CMakeLists.txt
index 1e4b70f..89f1364 100644
--- a/src/node/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/node/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
-set(target choreonoid_ros)
-add_executable(${target} choreonoid_ros.cpp)
-set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME choreonoid)
-target_link_libraries(${target} Choreonoid::CnoidBase ${roscpp_LIBRARIES})
+set(target choreonoid)
+ add_executable(${target} choreonoid_ros.cpp)
+ set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME choreonoid)
+ target_link_libraries(${target} Choreonoid::CnoidBase ${roscpp_LIBRARIES})
+ add_executable(${target} choreonoid_ros2.cpp)
+ ament_target_dependencies(${target} rclcpp ament_index_cpp std_msgs sensor_msgs image_transport)
+ set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME choreonoid)
+ target_link_libraries(${target} Choreonoid::CnoidBase)
+ install(TARGETS ${target}
+ endif()
diff --git a/src/node/choreonoid_ros2.cpp b/src/node/choreonoid_ros2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a043b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/node/choreonoid_ros2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ // removes ros-dependent arguments
+ // rclcpp::remove_ros_arguments throws an error if it fails parsing
+ std::vector nonRosArgvString = rclcpp::remove_ros_arguments(argc, argv);
+ int nonRosArgc = nonRosArgvString.size();
+ char* nonRosArgv[nonRosArgc];
+ for (int i = 0; i < nonRosArgc; ++i) {
+ nonRosArgv[i] = nonRosArgvString.at(i).data();
+ }
+ if (nonRosArgvString.at(nonRosArgc - 1).empty()) {
+ // ignores the final nonRosArgv
+ // because remove_ros_arguments potentially returns an empty string,
+ // which causes [Warning: Input file "" was not processed.] on Choreonoid
+ --nonRosArgc;
+ }
+ cnoid::App app(nonRosArgc, nonRosArgv, "Choreonoid-ROS2", "Choreonoid");
+ auto pluginManager = cnoid::PluginManager::instance();
+ const char* prefixVar = getenv("AMENT_PREFIX_PATH");
+ if(prefixVar){
+ do {
+ const char* begin = prefixVar;
+ while(*prefixVar != ':' && *prefixVar) prefixVar++;
+ pluginManager->addPluginDirectoryAsPrefix(cnoid::toUTF8(std::string(begin, prefixVar)));
+ } while (0 != *prefixVar++);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ pluginManager->addPluginDirectoryAsPrefix(
+ ament_index_cpp::get_package_prefix("choreonoid_ros"));
+ }
+ catch(const ament_index_cpp::PackageNotFoundError& ex){
+ std::cerr << "Error: The choreonoid_ros package is not found." << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!app.requirePluginToCustomizeApplication("ROS2")){
+ if(app.error() == cnoid::App::PluginNotFound){
+ auto message = app.errorMessage();
+ if(message.empty()){
+ std::cerr << "ROS2 plugin is not found." << std::endl;
+ } else {
+ std::cerr << "ROS2 plugin cannot be loaded.\n";
+ std::cerr << message << std::endl;
+ }
+ } else {
+ std::cerr << "ROS2 plugin does not work corerctly." << std::endl;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
+ int ret = app.exec();
+ rclcpp::shutdown();
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/plugin/BodyROS2Item.cpp b/src/plugin/BodyROS2Item.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..233e2f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugin/BodyROS2Item.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+#include "BodyROS2Item.h"
+#include "Format.h"
+#include "gettext.h"
+using namespace cnoid;
+using std::placeholders::_1;
+using std::placeholders::_2;
+namespace {
+struct has_dispatch : std::false_type {};
+struct has_dispatch().dispatch(std::declval>()))>>
+ : std::true_type {};
+std::enable_if_t::value> dispatch(T& obj, std::function func)
+ obj.dispatch(func);
+std::enable_if_t::value> dispatch(T& obj, std::function func)
+ obj.start(func);
+void BodyROS2Item::initializeClass(ExtensionManager *ext)
+ ext->itemManager().registerClass(N_("BodyROS2Item"));
+ ext->itemManager().addCreationPanel();
+ : os(MessageView::instance()->cout()),
+ threadPoolForPublishing(10)
+ bodyItem = nullptr;
+ io = nullptr;
+ jointStateUpdateRate = 100.0;
+BodyROS2Item::BodyROS2Item(const BodyROS2Item &org)
+ : ControllerItem(org),
+ os(MessageView::instance()->cout()),
+ threadPoolForPublishing(10)
+ io = nullptr;
+ jointStateUpdateRate = 100.0;
+ stop();
+Item *BodyROS2Item::doDuplicate() const
+ return new BodyROS2Item(*this);
+bool BodyROS2Item::store(Archive &archive)
+ archive.write("body_ros_version", 0);
+ archive.write("joint_state_update_rate", jointStateUpdateRate);
+ return true;
+bool BodyROS2Item::restore(const Archive &archive)
+ archive.read({"joint_state_update_rate", "jointStateUpdateRate"},
+ jointStateUpdateRate);
+ return true;
+void BodyROS2Item::doPutProperties(PutPropertyFunction &putProperty)
+ putProperty.decimals(2).min(0.0)("Update rate",
+ jointStateUpdateRate,
+ changeProperty(jointStateUpdateRate));
+void BodyROS2Item::onTreePathChanged()
+ bool hasValidTargetBody = false;
+ if(isConnectedToRoot()){
+ auto bodyItem = findOwnerItem();
+ if(bodyItem){
+ if(bodyItem != this->bodyItem) {
+ initializeRosNode(bodyItem);
+ }
+ hasValidTargetBody = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!hasValidTargetBody){
+ finalizeRosNode();
+ }
+void BodyROS2Item::initializeRosNode(BodyItem* bodyItem)
+ finalizeRosNode();
+ this->bodyItem = bodyItem;
+ std::string name = bodyItem->name();
+ std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '-', '_');
+ rosNode = std::make_shared(name);
+ executor = std::make_unique();
+ executor->add_node(rosNode);
+ executorThread = std::thread([this](){ executor->spin(); });
+ jointStatePublisher = rosNode->create_publisher(
+ getROS2Name("joint_states"), 1);
+void BodyROS2Item::finalizeRosNode()
+ if(executor){
+ executor->cancel();
+ executorThread.join();
+ executor->remove_node(rosNode);
+ executor.reset();
+ }
+ rosNode.reset();
+ bodyItem = nullptr;
+bool BodyROS2Item::initialize(ControllerIO *io)
+ if (!io->body()) {
+ MessageView::instance()
+ ->putln(formatR(_("BodyROS2Item \"{0}\" is invalid because it is "
+ "not assigned to a body."),
+ displayName()),
+ MessageView::WARNING);
+ return false;
+ }
+ this->io = io;
+ simulationBody = io->body();
+ timeStep_ = io->worldTimeStep();
+ controlTime_ = io->currentTime();
+ return true;
+double BodyROS2Item::timeStep() const
+ return timeStep_;
+bool BodyROS2Item::start()
+ imageTransport = std::make_shared(rosNode);
+ // buffer of preserve currently state of joints.
+ jointState.header.stamp = getStampMsgFromSec(controlTime_);
+ jointState.name.resize(body()->numAllJoints());
+ jointState.position.resize(body()->numAllJoints());
+ jointState.velocity.resize(body()->numAllJoints());
+ jointState.effort.resize(body()->numAllJoints());
+ // preserve initial state of joints.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < body()->numAllJoints(); i++) {
+ Link *joint = body()->joint(i);
+ jointState.name[i] = joint->jointName();
+ jointState.position[i] = joint->q();
+ jointState.velocity[i] = joint->dq();
+ jointState.effort[i] = joint->u();
+ }
+ createSensors(simulationBody);
+ jointStateUpdatePeriod = 1.0 / jointStateUpdateRate;
+ jointStateLastUpdate = io->currentTime();
+ RCLCPP_DEBUG(rosNode->get_logger(),
+ "Joint state update rate %f",
+ jointStateUpdateRate);
+ return true;
+void BodyROS2Item::createSensors(BodyPtr body)
+ using SetBoolCallback = std::function<
+ void(const std::shared_ptr,
+ std::shared_ptr)>;
+ DeviceList<> devices = body->devices();
+ forceSensors_.assign(devices.extract());
+ gyroSensors_.assign(devices.extract());
+ accelSensors_.assign(devices.extract());
+ imus_.assign(devices.extract());
+ visionSensors_.assign(devices.extract());
+ rangeVisionSensors_.assign(devices.extract());
+ rangeSensors_.assign(devices.extract());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < visionSensors_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (Camera *sensor = visionSensors_[i]) {
+ RangeCamera *camera = dynamic_cast(sensor);
+ if (camera) {
+ rangeVisionSensors_.push_back(camera);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ forceSensorPublishers.clear();
+ forceSensorPublishers.reserve(forceSensors_.size());
+ forceSensorSwitchServers.clear();
+ forceSensorSwitchServers.reserve(forceSensors_.size());
+ for (auto sensor : forceSensors_) {
+ std::string name = getROS2Name(sensor->name());
+ auto publisher
+ = rosNode->create_publisher(name,
+ 1);
+ sensor->sigStateChanged().connect([this, sensor, publisher]() {
+ updateForceSensor(sensor, publisher);
+ });
+ forceSensorPublishers.push_back(publisher);
+ SetBoolCallback requestCallback = std::bind(&BodyROS2Item::switchDevice,
+ this,
+ _1,
+ _2,
+ sensor);
+ forceSensorSwitchServers.push_back(
+ rosNode->create_service(name + "/set_enabled",
+ requestCallback));
+ RCLCPP_INFO(rosNode->get_logger(),
+ "Create force sensor %s",
+ sensor->name().c_str());
+ }
+ rateGyroSensorPublishers.clear();
+ rateGyroSensorPublishers.reserve(gyroSensors_.size());
+ rateGyroSensorSwitchServers.clear();
+ rateGyroSensorSwitchServers.reserve(gyroSensors_.size());
+ for (auto sensor : gyroSensors_) {
+ std::string name = getROS2Name(sensor->name());
+ auto publisher = rosNode->create_publisher(name, 1);
+ sensor->sigStateChanged().connect([this, sensor, publisher]() {
+ updateRateGyroSensor(sensor, publisher);
+ });
+ rateGyroSensorPublishers.push_back(publisher);
+ SetBoolCallback requestCallback = std::bind(&BodyROS2Item::switchDevice,
+ this,
+ _1,
+ _2,
+ sensor);
+ rateGyroSensorSwitchServers.push_back(
+ rosNode->create_service(name + "/set_enabled",
+ requestCallback));
+ RCLCPP_INFO(rosNode->get_logger(),
+ "Create gyro sensor %s",
+ sensor->name().c_str());
+ }
+ accelSensorPublishers.clear();
+ accelSensorPublishers.reserve(accelSensors_.size());
+ accelSensorSwitchServers.clear();
+ accelSensorSwitchServers.reserve(accelSensors_.size());
+ for (auto sensor : accelSensors_) {
+ std::string name = getROS2Name(sensor->name());
+ auto publisher = rosNode->create_publisher(name, 1);
+ sensor->sigStateChanged().connect([this, sensor, publisher]() {
+ updateAccelSensor(sensor, publisher);
+ });
+ accelSensorPublishers.push_back(publisher);
+ SetBoolCallback requestCallback = std::bind(&BodyROS2Item::switchDevice,
+ this,
+ _1,
+ _2,
+ sensor);
+ accelSensorSwitchServers.push_back(
+ rosNode->create_service(name + "/set_enabled",
+ requestCallback));
+ RCLCPP_INFO(rosNode->get_logger(),
+ "Create accel sensor %s",
+ sensor->name().c_str());
+ }
+ imuPublishers.clear();
+ imuPublishers.reserve(imus_.size());
+ imuSwitchServers.clear();
+ imuSwitchServers.reserve(imus_.size());
+ for (auto sensor : imus_) {
+ std::string name = getROS2Name(sensor->name());
+ auto publisher = rosNode->create_publisher(name, 1);
+ sensor->sigStateChanged().connect([this, sensor, publisher]() {
+ updateImu(sensor, publisher);
+ });
+ imuPublishers.push_back(publisher);
+ SetBoolCallback requestCallback = std::bind(&BodyROS2Item::switchDevice,
+ this,
+ _1,
+ _2,
+ sensor);
+ imuSwitchServers.push_back(
+ rosNode->create_service(name + "/set_enabled",
+ requestCallback));
+ RCLCPP_INFO(rosNode->get_logger(),
+ "Create IMU %s",
+ sensor->name().c_str());
+ }
+ visionSensorPublishers.clear();
+ visionSensorPublishers.reserve(visionSensors_.size());
+ visionSensorSwitchServers.clear();
+ visionSensorSwitchServers.reserve(visionSensors_.size());
+ for (CameraPtr sensor : visionSensors_) {
+ std::string name = getROS2Name(sensor->name());
+ auto publisher = imageTransport->advertise(name, 1);
+ visionSensorPublishers.push_back(publisher);
+ sensor->sigStateChanged().connect([this, sensor, publisher]() {
+ updateVisionSensor(sensor, publisher);
+ });
+ SetBoolCallback requestCallback = std::bind(&BodyROS2Item::switchDevice,
+ this,
+ _1,
+ _2,
+ sensor);
+ visionSensorSwitchServers.push_back(
+ rosNode->create_service(name + "/set_enabled",
+ requestCallback));
+ RCLCPP_INFO(rosNode->get_logger(),
+ "Create RGB camera %s (%f Hz)",
+ sensor->name().c_str(),
+ sensor->frameRate());
+ }
+ rangeVisionSensorPublishers.clear();
+ rangeVisionSensorPublishers.reserve(rangeVisionSensors_.size());
+ rangeVisionSensorSwitchServers.clear();
+ rangeVisionSensorSwitchServers.reserve(rangeVisionSensors_.size());
+ for (auto sensor : rangeVisionSensors_) {
+ std::string name = getROS2Name(sensor->name());
+ auto publisher = rosNode->create_publisher(
+ name + "/point_cloud", 1);
+ sensor->sigStateChanged().connect([this, sensor, publisher]() {
+ updateRangeVisionSensor(sensor, publisher);
+ });
+ rangeVisionSensorPublishers.push_back(publisher);
+ // adds a server only for the camera whose type is COLOR_DEPTH or POINT_CLOUD.
+ // Without this exception, a new service server may be a duplicate
+ // of one added to 'visionSensorSwitchServers'.
+ if (sensor->imageType() == Camera::NO_IMAGE) {
+ SetBoolCallback requestCallback
+ = std::bind(&BodyROS2Item::switchDevice, this, _1, _2, sensor);
+ rangeVisionSensorSwitchServers.push_back(
+ rosNode->create_service(
+ name + "/set_enabled", requestCallback));
+ RCLCPP_INFO(rosNode->get_logger(),
+ "Create depth camera %s (%f Hz)",
+ sensor->name().c_str(),
+ sensor->frameRate());
+ } else {
+ RCLCPP_INFO(rosNode->get_logger(),
+ "Create RGBD camera %s (%f Hz)",
+ sensor->name().c_str(),
+ sensor->frameRate());
+ }
+ }
+ rangeSensorPublishers.clear();
+ rangeSensorPublishers.reserve(rangeSensors_.size());
+ rangeSensorSwitchServers.clear();
+ rangeSensorSwitchServers.reserve(rangeSensors_.size());
+ rangeSensorPcPublishers.clear();
+ rangeSensorPcPublishers.reserve(rangeSensors_.size());
+ rangeSensorPcSwitchServers.clear();
+ rangeSensorPcSwitchServers.reserve(rangeSensors_.size());
+ for (auto sensor : rangeSensors_) {
+ if (sensor->pitchRange() > 0.0){
+ std::string name = getROS2Name(sensor->name());
+ auto pc_publisher = rosNode->create_publisher<
+ sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2>(name + "/point_cloud", 1);
+ sensor->sigStateChanged().connect([this, sensor, pc_publisher]() {
+ update3DRangeSensor(sensor, pc_publisher);
+ });
+ rangeSensorPcPublishers.push_back(pc_publisher);
+ SetBoolCallback requestCallback
+ = std::bind(&BodyROS2Item::switchDevice, this, _1, _2, sensor);
+ rangeSensorPcSwitchServers.push_back(
+ rosNode->create_service(
+ name + "/set_enabled", requestCallback));
+ RCLCPP_DEBUG(rosNode->get_logger(),
+ "Create 3d range sensor %s (%f Hz)",
+ sensor->name().c_str(),
+ sensor->scanRate());
+ } else {
+ std::string name = getROS2Name(sensor->name());
+ auto publisher = rosNode->create_publisher<
+ sensor_msgs::msg::LaserScan>(name + "/scan", 1);
+ sensor->sigStateChanged().connect([this, sensor, publisher]() {
+ updateRangeSensor(sensor, publisher);
+ });
+ rangeSensorPublishers.push_back(publisher);
+ SetBoolCallback requestCallback
+ = std::bind(&BodyROS2Item::switchDevice, this, _1, _2, sensor);
+ rangeSensorSwitchServers.push_back(
+ rosNode->create_service(
+ name + "/set_enabled", requestCallback));
+ RCLCPP_DEBUG(rosNode->get_logger(),
+ "Create 2d range sensor %s (%f Hz)",
+ sensor->name().c_str(),
+ sensor->scanRate());
+ }
+ }
+bool BodyROS2Item::control()
+ controlTime_ = io->currentTime();
+ double updateSince = controlTime_ - jointStateLastUpdate;
+ if (updateSince > jointStateUpdatePeriod) {
+ // publish current joint states
+ jointState.header.stamp = getStampMsgFromSec(controlTime_);
+ for (int i = 0; i < body()->numAllJoints(); i++) {
+ Link *joint = body()->joint(i);
+ jointState.position[i] = joint->q();
+ jointState.velocity[i] = joint->dq();
+ jointState.effort[i] = joint->u();
+ }
+ jointStatePublisher->publish(jointState);
+ jointStateLastUpdate += jointStateUpdatePeriod;
+ }
+ return true;
+void BodyROS2Item::updateForceSensor(
+ ForceSensor* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher)
+ if (!sensor->on()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto wrench = std::make_shared();
+ wrench->header.stamp = getStampMsgFromSec(io->currentTime());
+ wrench->header.frame_id = sensor->name();
+ wrench->wrench.force.x = sensor->F()[0] / 1000.0;
+ wrench->wrench.force.y = sensor->F()[1] / 1000.0;
+ wrench->wrench.force.z = sensor->F()[2] / 1000.0;
+ wrench->wrench.torque.x = sensor->F()[3] / 1000.0;
+ wrench->wrench.torque.y = sensor->F()[4] / 1000.0;
+ wrench->wrench.torque.z = sensor->F()[5] / 1000.0;
+ dispatch(threadPoolForPublishing, [publisher, wrench]{ publisher->publish(*wrench); });
+void BodyROS2Item::updateRateGyroSensor(
+ RateGyroSensor* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher)
+ if (!sensor->on()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto imu = std::make_shared();
+ imu->header.stamp = getStampMsgFromSec(io->currentTime());
+ imu->header.frame_id = sensor->name();
+ imu->angular_velocity.x = sensor->w()[0];
+ imu->angular_velocity.y = sensor->w()[1];
+ imu->angular_velocity.z = sensor->w()[2];
+ dispatch(threadPoolForPublishing, [publisher, imu]{ publisher->publish(*imu); });
+void BodyROS2Item::updateAccelSensor(
+ AccelerationSensor* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher)
+ if (!sensor->on()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto imu = std::make_shared();
+ imu->header.stamp = getStampMsgFromSec(io->currentTime());
+ imu->header.frame_id = sensor->name();
+ imu->linear_acceleration.x = sensor->dv()[0] / 10.0;
+ imu->linear_acceleration.y = sensor->dv()[1] / 10.0;
+ imu->linear_acceleration.z = sensor->dv()[2] / 10.0;
+ dispatch(threadPoolForPublishing, [publisher, imu]{ publisher->publish(*imu); });
+void BodyROS2Item::updateImu(
+ Imu* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher)
+ if (!sensor->on()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto imu = std::make_shared();
+ imu->header.stamp = getStampMsgFromSec(io->currentTime());
+ imu->header.frame_id = sensor->name();
+ imu->angular_velocity.x = sensor->w()[0];
+ imu->angular_velocity.y = sensor->w()[1];
+ imu->angular_velocity.z = sensor->w()[2];
+ imu->linear_acceleration.x = sensor->dv()[0] / 10.0;
+ imu->linear_acceleration.y = sensor->dv()[1] / 10.0;
+ imu->linear_acceleration.z = sensor->dv()[2] / 10.0;
+ dispatch(threadPoolForPublishing, [publisher, imu]{ publisher->publish(*imu); });
+void BodyROS2Item::updateVisionSensor(
+ Camera* sensor,
+ image_transport::Publisher publisher)
+ if (!sensor->on()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto image = std::make_shared();
+ image->header.stamp = getStampMsgFromSec(io->currentTime());
+ image->header.frame_id = sensor->name();
+ image->height = sensor->image().height();
+ image->width = sensor->image().width();
+ if (sensor->image().numComponents() == 3){
+ image->encoding = "rgb8";
+ } else if (sensor->image().numComponents() == 1) {
+ image->encoding = "mono8";
+ } else {
+ RCLCPP_WARN(rosNode->get_logger(),
+ "unsupported image component number: %i",
+ sensor->image().numComponents());
+ }
+ image->is_bigendian = 0;
+ image->step = sensor->image().width() * sensor->image().numComponents();
+ image->data.resize(image->step * image->height);
+ std::memcpy(&(image->data[0]),
+ &(sensor->image().pixels()[0]),
+ image->step * image->height);
+ dispatch(threadPoolForPublishing, [publisher, image]{ publisher.publish(image); });
+void BodyROS2Item::updateRangeVisionSensor(
+ RangeCamera* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher)
+ if (!sensor->on()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto pointCloud = std::make_shared();
+ pointCloud->header.stamp = getStampMsgFromSec(io->currentTime());
+ pointCloud->header.frame_id = sensor->name();
+ pointCloud->width = sensor->resolutionX();
+ pointCloud->height = sensor->resolutionY();
+ pointCloud->is_bigendian = false;
+ pointCloud->is_dense = true;
+ pointCloud->row_step = pointCloud->point_step * pointCloud->width;
+ if (sensor->imageType() == cnoid::Camera::COLOR_IMAGE) {
+ pointCloud->fields.resize(6);
+ pointCloud->fields[3].name = "rgb";
+ pointCloud->fields[3].offset = 12;
+ pointCloud->fields[3].count = 1;
+ pointCloud->fields[3].datatype = sensor_msgs::msg::PointField::FLOAT32;
+ /*
+ pointCloud->fields[3].name = "r";
+ pointCloud->fields[3].offset = 12;
+ pointCloud->fields[3].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::UINT8;
+ pointCloud->fields[3].count = 1;
+ pointCloud->fields[4].name = "g";
+ pointCloud->fields[4].offset = 13;
+ pointCloud->fields[4].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::UINT8;
+ pointCloud->fields[4].count = 1;
+ pointCloud->fields[5].name = "b";
+ pointCloud->fields[5].offset = 14;
+ pointCloud->fields[5].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::UINT8;
+ pointCloud->fields[5].count = 1;
+ */
+ pointCloud->point_step = 16;
+ } else {
+ pointCloud->fields.resize(3);
+ pointCloud->point_step = 12;
+ }
+ pointCloud->fields[0].name = "x";
+ pointCloud->fields[0].offset = 0;
+ pointCloud->fields[0].datatype = sensor_msgs::msg::PointField::FLOAT32;
+ pointCloud->fields[0].count = 4;
+ pointCloud->fields[1].name = "y";
+ pointCloud->fields[1].offset = 4;
+ pointCloud->fields[1].datatype = sensor_msgs::msg::PointField::FLOAT32;
+ pointCloud->fields[1].count = 4;
+ pointCloud->fields[2].name = "z";
+ pointCloud->fields[2].offset = 8;
+ pointCloud->fields[2].datatype = sensor_msgs::msg::PointField::FLOAT32;
+ pointCloud->fields[2].count = 4;
+ const std::vector &points = sensor->constPoints();
+ const unsigned char *pixels = sensor->constImage().pixels();
+ pointCloud->data.resize(points.size() * pointCloud->point_step);
+ unsigned char *dst = (unsigned char *) &(pointCloud->data[0]);
+ std::optional Ro;
+ if(!sensor->opticalFrameRotation().isIdentity()){
+ Ro = sensor->opticalFrameRotation().cast();
+ }
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < points.size(); ++j) {
+ Vector3f point = points[j];
+ // transforms a point into the Choreonoid-default camera coordinate
+ // if optical frame rotation is set
+ if (Ro) {
+ // image frame = optical frame rotation (Ro) * camera frame
+ // => camera frame = Ro^T * image frame
+ point = Ro.value().transpose() * point;
+ }
+ // converts camera coordinate from Choreonoid to ROS (URDF)
+ // Choreonoid: X-right, Y-upward, Z-backward
+ // ROS (URDF): X-right, Y-downward, Z-forward
+ const float x = point.x();
+ const float y = - point.y();
+ const float z = - point.z();
+ std::memcpy(&dst[0], &x, 4);
+ std::memcpy(&dst[4], &y, 4);
+ std::memcpy(&dst[8], &z, 4);
+ if (sensor->imageType() == cnoid::Camera::COLOR_IMAGE) {
+ dst[14] = *pixels++;
+ dst[13] = *pixels++;
+ dst[12] = *pixels++;
+ dst[15] = 0;
+ }
+ dst += pointCloud->point_step;
+ }
+ dispatch(threadPoolForPublishing, [publisher, pointCloud]{ publisher->publish(*pointCloud); });
+void BodyROS2Item::updateRangeSensor(
+ RangeSensor* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher)
+ if (!sensor->on()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto laserScan = std::make_shared();
+ laserScan->header.stamp = getStampMsgFromSec(io->currentTime());
+ laserScan->header.frame_id = sensor->name();
+ laserScan->range_max = sensor->maxDistance();
+ laserScan->range_min = sensor->minDistance();
+ if (sensor->yawRange() == 0.0) {
+ laserScan->angle_max = sensor->pitchRange() / 2.0;
+ laserScan->angle_min = -sensor->pitchRange() / 2.0;
+ laserScan->angle_increment = sensor->pitchStep();
+ } else {
+ laserScan->angle_max = sensor->yawRange() / 2.0;
+ laserScan->angle_min = -sensor->yawRange() / 2.0;
+ laserScan->angle_increment = sensor->yawStep();
+ }
+ const auto& rangeData = sensor->constRangeData();
+ laserScan->ranges.resize(rangeData.size());
+ //laserScan->intensities.resize(rangeData.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rangeData.size(); ++i) {
+ laserScan->ranges[i] = rangeData[i];
+ //laserScan->intensities[i] = -900000;
+ }
+ dispatch(threadPoolForPublishing, [publisher, laserScan]{ publisher->publish(*laserScan); });
+static inline void addPointToPointCloud
+(double yawAngle, double pitchAngle, double distance, const std::optional& Ro, unsigned char* dst)
+ double cosPitch = std::cos(pitchAngle);
+ Vector3f p;
+ p.x() = distance * cosPitch * std::sin(-yawAngle);
+ p.y() = distance * std::sin(pitchAngle);
+ p.z() = -distance * cosPitch * std::cos(yawAngle);
+ if(Ro){
+ p = (*Ro) * p;
+ }
+ std::memcpy(&dst[0], &p.x(), 4);
+ std::memcpy(&dst[4], &p.y(), 4);
+ std::memcpy(&dst[8], &p.z(), 4);
+void BodyROS2Item::update3DRangeSensor(
+ RangeSensor* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher)
+ if (!sensor->on()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto pointCloud = std::make_shared();
+ constexpr int pointStep = 12;
+ // Header Info
+ pointCloud->header.stamp = getStampMsgFromSec(io->currentTime());
+ pointCloud->header.frame_id = sensor->name();
+ pointCloud->height = 1;
+ pointCloud->fields.resize(3);
+ pointCloud->fields[0].name = "x";
+ pointCloud->fields[0].offset = 0;
+ pointCloud->fields[0].datatype = sensor_msgs::msg::PointField::FLOAT32;
+ pointCloud->fields[0].count = 4;
+ pointCloud->fields[1].name = "y";
+ pointCloud->fields[1].offset = 4;
+ pointCloud->fields[1].datatype = sensor_msgs::msg::PointField::FLOAT32;
+ pointCloud->fields[1].count = 4;
+ pointCloud->fields[2].name = "z";
+ pointCloud->fields[2].offset = 8;
+ pointCloud->fields[2].datatype = sensor_msgs::msg::PointField::FLOAT32;
+ pointCloud->fields[2].count = 4;
+ pointCloud->is_bigendian = false;
+ pointCloud->point_step = pointStep;
+ pointCloud->is_dense = true;
+ const auto& rangeData = sensor->constRangeData();
+ auto& pointCloudData = pointCloud->data;
+ pointCloudData.resize(rangeData.size() * pointCloud->point_step);
+ unsigned char* dst = (unsigned char*)&(pointCloudData[0]);
+ std::optional Ro;
+ if(!sensor->opticalFrameRotation().isIdentity()){
+ Ro = sensor->opticalFrameRotation().cast();
+ }
+ int numPoints = 0;
+ double maxDistance = sensor->maxDistance();
+#if CNOID_VERSION >= 0x020300
+ for(int i=0; i < rangeData.size(); ++i){
+ double distance = rangeData[i];
+ if(distance <= maxDistance){
+ Vector2 angles = sensor->getSphericalAngle(i);
+ double yawAngle = angles[0];
+ double pitchAngle = angles[1];
+ addPointToPointCloud(yawAngle, pitchAngle, distance, Ro, dst);
+ dst += pointStep;
+ ++numPoints;
+ }
+ }
+ const int numPitchSamples = sensor->numPitchSamples();
+ const double minPitchAngle = -sensor->pitchRange() / 2.0;
+ const double pitchStep = sensor->pitchStep();
+ const int numYawSamples = sensor->numYawSamples();
+ const double minYawAngle = -sensor->yawRange() / 2.0;
+ const double yawStep = sensor->yawStep();
+ for(int pitchIndex = 0; pitchIndex < numPitchSamples; ++pitchIndex){
+ const double pitchAngle = pitchIndex * pitchStep + minPitchAngle;
+ const double cosPitchAngle = cos(pitchAngle);
+ const double sinPitchAngle = sin(pitchAngle);
+ const int pitchTopIndex = pitchIndex * numYawSamples;
+ for (int yawIndex = 0; yawIndex < numYawSamples; ++yawIndex) {
+ const double distance = rangeData[pitchTopIndex + yawIndex];
+ if(distance <= maxDistance){
+ const double yawAngle = yawIndex * yawStep + minYawAngle;
+ addPointToPointCloud(yawAngle, pitchAngle, distance, Ro, dst);
+ dst += pointStep;
+ ++numPoints;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pointCloudData.resize(numPoints * pointStep);
+ pointCloud->width = numPoints;
+ pointCloud->row_step = pointCloudData.size();
+ dispatch(threadPoolForPublishing, [publisher, pointCloud]{ publisher->publish(*pointCloud); });
+void BodyROS2Item::switchDevice(
+ std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Request::ConstSharedPtr request,
+ std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Response::SharedPtr response,
+ Device* sensor)
+ sensor->on(request->data);
+ response->success = (request->data == sensor->on());
+builtin_interfaces::msg::Time BodyROS2Item::getStampMsgFromSec(double sec)
+ builtin_interfaces::msg::Time msg;
+ msg.sec = int(sec);
+ msg.nanosec = (sec - int(sec)) * 1000000000;
+ return msg;
+std::string BodyROS2Item::getROS2Name(const std::string &name) const {
+ std::string rosName = std::string(rosNode->get_fully_qualified_name()) + "/" + name;
+ std::replace(rosName.begin(), rosName.end(), '-', '_');
+ return rosName;
diff --git a/src/plugin/BodyROS2Item.h b/src/plugin/BodyROS2Item.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c975025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugin/BodyROS2Item.h
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#include "exportdecl.h"
+namespace cnoid {
+class CNOID_EXPORT BodyROS2Item : public ControllerItem
+ static void initializeClass(ExtensionManager *ext);
+ BodyROS2Item();
+ BodyROS2Item(const BodyROS2Item &org);
+ virtual ~BodyROS2Item();
+ void createSensors(BodyPtr body);
+ virtual bool initialize(ControllerIO *io) override;
+ virtual double timeStep() const override;
+ virtual bool start() override;
+ virtual bool control() override;
+ const Body *body() const { return simulationBody; };
+ const DeviceList &forceSensors() const
+ {
+ return forceSensors_;
+ }
+ const DeviceList &gyroSensors() const
+ {
+ return gyroSensors_;
+ }
+ const DeviceList &accelSensors() const
+ {
+ return accelSensors_;
+ }
+ const DeviceList& imus() const { return imus_; }
+ const DeviceList &visionSensors() const { return visionSensors_; }
+ const DeviceList &rangeVisionSensors() const
+ {
+ return rangeVisionSensors_;
+ }
+ const DeviceList &rangeSensors() const
+ {
+ return rangeSensors_;
+ }
+ double controlTime() const { return controlTime_; }
+ void setModuleName(const std::string &name);
+ virtual Item *doDuplicate() const override;
+ virtual void onTreePathChanged() override;
+ virtual bool store(Archive &archive) override;
+ virtual bool restore(const Archive &archive) override;
+ virtual void doPutProperties(PutPropertyFunction &putProperty) override;
+ BodyItem* bodyItem;
+ BodyPtr simulationBody;
+ DeviceList forceSensors_;
+ DeviceList gyroSensors_;
+ DeviceList accelSensors_;
+ DeviceList imus_;
+ DeviceList visionSensors_;
+ DeviceList rangeVisionSensors_;
+ DeviceList rangeSensors_;
+ double timeStep_;
+ /* joint states */
+ sensor_msgs::msg::JointState jointState;
+ std::shared_ptr>
+ jointStatePublisher;
+ double jointStateUpdateRate;
+ double jointStateUpdatePeriod;
+ double jointStateLastUpdate;
+ ControllerIO *io;
+ double controlTime_;
+ std::ostream &os;
+ rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr rosNode;
+ std::unique_ptr executor;
+ std::thread executorThread;
+ ThreadPool threadPoolForPublishing;
+ std::string bodyName;
+ std::vector::SharedPtr>
+ forceSensorPublishers;
+ std::vector::SharedPtr>
+ rateGyroSensorPublishers;
+ std::vector::SharedPtr>
+ accelSensorPublishers;
+ std::vector::SharedPtr>
+ imuPublishers;
+ std::shared_ptr imageTransport;
+ std::vector visionSensorPublishers;
+ std::vector::SharedPtr>
+ rangeVisionSensorPublishers;
+ std::vector::SharedPtr>
+ rangeSensorPublishers;
+ std::vector::SharedPtr>
+ rangeSensorPcPublishers;
+ std::vector> forceSensorSwitchServers;
+ std::vector> rateGyroSensorSwitchServers;
+ std::vector> accelSensorSwitchServers;
+ std::vector> imuSwitchServers;
+ std::vector> visionSensorSwitchServers;
+ std::vector>
+ rangeVisionSensorSwitchServers;
+ std::vector> rangeSensorSwitchServers;
+ std::vector> rangeSensorPcSwitchServers;
+ void initializeRosNode(BodyItem* bodyItem);
+ void finalizeRosNode();
+ void updateForceSensor(
+ ForceSensor* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher);
+ void updateRateGyroSensor(
+ RateGyroSensor* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher);
+ void updateAccelSensor(
+ AccelerationSensor* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher);
+ void updateImu(
+ Imu *sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher);
+ void updateVisionSensor(
+ Camera* sensor,
+ image_transport::Publisher publisher);
+ void updateRangeVisionSensor(
+ RangeCamera* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher);
+ void updateRangeSensor(
+ RangeSensor* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher);
+ void update3DRangeSensor(
+ RangeSensor* sensor,
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr publisher);
+ void switchDevice(std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Request::ConstSharedPtr request,
+ std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Response::SharedPtr response,
+ Device* sensor);
+ builtin_interfaces::msg::Time getStampMsgFromSec(double sec);
+ std::string getROS2Name(const std::string &name) const;
+typedef ref_ptr BodyROS2ItemPtr;
+} // namespace cnoid
diff --git a/src/plugin/BodyROSItem.cpp b/src/plugin/BodyROSItem.cpp
index e1ed394..8654062 100644
--- a/src/plugin/BodyROSItem.cpp
+++ b/src/plugin/BodyROSItem.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "BodyROSItem.h"
+#include "Format.h"
@@ -21,13 +22,11 @@ typedef sensor_msgs::PointCloud PointCloudTypeForRangeSensor;
typedef sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 PointCloudTypeForRangeSensor;
#include "gettext.h"
using namespace cnoid;
-using fmt::format;
void BodyROSItem::initializeClass(ExtensionManager* ext)
@@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ BodyROSItem::BodyROSItem()
: os(MessageView::instance()->cout())
io = nullptr;
+ jointStatePublication = true;
jointStateUpdateRate = 100.0;
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ BodyROSItem::BodyROSItem(const BodyROSItem& org)
, os(MessageView::instance()->cout())
io = nullptr;
+ jointStatePublication = true;
jointStateUpdateRate = 100.0;
@@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ Item* BodyROSItem::doDuplicate() const
bool BodyROSItem::store(Archive& archive)
archive.write("body_ros_version", 0);
+ archive.write("joint_state_publication", jointStatePublication);
archive.write("joint_state_update_rate", jointStateUpdateRate);
return true;
@@ -77,14 +79,17 @@ bool BodyROSItem::store(Archive& archive)
bool BodyROSItem::restore(const Archive& archive)
+ archive.read({ "joint_state_publication", "jointStatePublication" }, jointStatePublication);
archive.read({ "joint_state_update_rate", "jointStateUpdateRate" }, jointStateUpdateRate);
return true;
void BodyROSItem::doPutProperties(PutPropertyFunction& putProperty)
- putProperty.decimals(2).min(0.0)("Update rate", jointStateUpdateRate, changeProperty(jointStateUpdateRate));
+ putProperty("JointState Publication", jointStatePublication, changeProperty(jointStatePublication));
+ putProperty.decimals(2).min(0.0)("JointState Update rate", jointStateUpdateRate, changeProperty(jointStateUpdateRate));
@@ -92,7 +97,7 @@ bool BodyROSItem::initialize(ControllerIO* io)
if (!io->body()) {
- format(_("BodyROSItem \"{0}\" is invalid because it is not assigned to a body."), displayName()),
+ formatR(_("BodyROSItem \"{0}\" is invalid because it is not assigned to a body."), displayName()),
return false;
@@ -130,8 +135,15 @@ bool BodyROSItem::start()
rosNode.reset(new ros::NodeHandle(name));
+ if (!jointStatePublication) {
+ return true;
+ }
jointStatePublisher = rosNode->advertise("joint_states", 1000);
- jointStateUpdatePeriod = 1.0 / jointStateUpdateRate;
+ if (jointStateUpdateRate == 0.0) {
+ jointStateUpdatePeriod = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ jointStateUpdatePeriod = 1.0 / jointStateUpdateRate;
+ }
jointStateLastUpdate = io->currentTime();
ROS_DEBUG("Joint state update rate %f", jointStateUpdateRate);
@@ -232,10 +244,10 @@ void BodyROSItem::createSensors(BodyPtr body)
sensor->sigStateChanged().connect([this, sensor, publisher]() {
updateImu(sensor, publisher);
- accelSensorPublishers.push_back(publisher);
+ imuPublishers.push_back(publisher);
boost::function requestCallback
= boost::bind(&BodyROSItem::switchDevice, this, _1, _2, sensor);
- accelSensorSwitchServers.push_back(
+ imuSwitchServers.push_back(
rosNode->advertiseService(name + "/set_enabled", requestCallback));
ROS_INFO("Create IMU %s", sensor->name().c_str());
@@ -344,7 +356,7 @@ bool BodyROSItem::control()
controlTime_ = io->currentTime();
double updateSince = controlTime_ - jointStateLastUpdate;
- if (updateSince > jointStateUpdatePeriod) {
+ if (jointStatePublication && (updateSince > jointStateUpdatePeriod)) {
// publish current joint states
diff --git a/src/plugin/BodyROSItem.h b/src/plugin/BodyROSItem.h
index 796ea34..745b0a5 100644
--- a/src/plugin/BodyROSItem.h
+++ b/src/plugin/BodyROSItem.h
@@ -78,10 +78,13 @@ class CNOID_EXPORT BodyROSItem : public ControllerItem
DeviceList rangeSensors_;
double timeStep_;
+ /* properties */
+ bool jointStatePublication;
+ double jointStateUpdateRate;
/* joint states */
sensor_msgs::JointState joint_state_;
ros::Publisher jointStatePublisher;
- double jointStateUpdateRate;
double jointStateUpdatePeriod;
double jointStateLastUpdate;
diff --git a/src/plugin/CMakeLists.txt b/src/plugin/CMakeLists.txt
index d056657..9228202 100644
--- a/src/plugin/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/plugin/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,43 +2,72 @@ set(target CnoidROSPlugin)
choreonoid_make_gettext_mo_files(${target} mofiles)
- ROSPlugin.cpp
- WorldROSItem.cpp
- BodyROSItem.cpp
- ROSControlItem.cpp
- RobotHWSim.h
- deprecated/BodyPublisherItem.cpp
- ${mofiles}
- )
- ${roscpp_LIBRARIES}
- ${std_msgs_LIBRARIES}
- ${sensor_msgs_LIBRARIES}
- ${image_transport_LIBRARIES}
- ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
- Choreonoid::CnoidBodyPlugin
- )
-option(USE_POINTCLOUD1_IN_BODY_ROS_ITEM "Use the PointCloud type instead of PointCoud2 for publishing range sensor data" OFF)
+ choreonoid_add_plugin(${target}
+ ROSPlugin.cpp
+ WorldROSItem.cpp
+ BodyROSItem.cpp
+ ROSControlItem.cpp
+ RobotHWSim.h
+ deprecated/BodyPublisherItem.cpp
+ ${mofiles}
+ )
+ target_link_libraries(${target}
+ ${roscpp_LIBRARIES}
+ ${std_msgs_LIBRARIES}
+ ${sensor_msgs_LIBRARIES}
+ ${image_transport_LIBRARIES}
+ ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
+ Choreonoid::CnoidBodyPlugin
+ )
+ # PointCloud(1) is deprecated in ROS 2, but it is still used in ROS 1
+ option(USE_POINTCLOUD1_IN_BODY_ROS_ITEM "Use the PointCloud type instead of PointCloud2 for publishing range sensor data with ROS 1" OFF)
+ mark_as_advanced(USE_POINTCLOUD1_IN_BODY_ROS_ITEM)
+ endif()
+ # RobotHW inherited ros_control Choreonoid interface class
+ add_library(RobotHWCnoid RobotHWSim.h RobotHWCnoid.cpp)
+ target_link_libraries(RobotHWCnoid ${catkin_LIBRARIES} Choreonoid::CnoidBody Choreonoid::CnoidBase)
+ install(TARGETS RobotHWCnoid
+ )
+ add_subdirectory(pybind11)
+ endif()
+ choreonoid_add_plugin(${target}
+ ROS2Plugin.cpp
+ WorldROS2Item.cpp
+ BodyROS2Item.cpp
+ ${mofiles}
+ )
+ ament_target_dependencies(${target} PUBLIC
+ "rclcpp"
+ "std_msgs"
+ "std_srvs"
+ "sensor_msgs"
+ "image_transport"
+ )
-# RobotHW inherited ros_control Choreonoid interface class
-add_library(RobotHWCnoid RobotHWSim.h RobotHWCnoid.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(RobotHWCnoid ${catkin_LIBRARIES} Choreonoid::CnoidBody Choreonoid::CnoidBase)
+ target_link_libraries(${target} PUBLIC
+ Choreonoid::CnoidBodyPlugin
+ )
-install(TARGETS RobotHWCnoid
- )
+ # add_subdirectory(pybind11)
+ endif ()
- add_subdirectory(pybind11)
+ endif()
diff --git a/src/plugin/Format.h b/src/plugin/Format.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af183b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugin/Format.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#if CNOID_VERSION >= 0x020200
+namespace cnoid {
+#if __cplusplus >= 202002L && FMT_VERSION >= 80000
+std::string formatC(fmt::format_string s, Args&&... args)
+ return fmt::vformat(s, fmt::make_format_args(args...));
+std::string formatR(fmt::string_view s, Args&&... args)
+ return fmt::format(fmt::runtime(s), args...);
+#elif __cplusplus >= 201703L
+std::string formatC(fmt::string_view s, Args&&... args)
+ return fmt::format(s, args...);
+std::string formatR(fmt::string_view s, Args&&... args)
+ return fmt::format(s, args...);
+std::string formatC(const char* s, Args&&... args)
+ return fmt::format(s, args...);
+std::string formatC(const std::string& s, Args&&... args)
+ return fmt::format(s, args...);
+std::string formatR(const char* s, Args&&... args)
+ return fmt::format(s, args...);
+std::string formatR(const std::string& s, Args&&... args)
+ return fmt::format(s, args...);
+} // name space cnoid
+#endif // CNOID_VERSION < 0x020200
diff --git a/src/plugin/ROS2Plugin.cpp b/src/plugin/ROS2Plugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcca956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugin/ROS2Plugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include "ROS2Plugin.hpp"
+#include "BodyROS2Item.h"
+#include "WorldROS2Item.h"
+#include "deprecated/BodyPublisherItem.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace cnoid;
+ : Plugin("ROS2")
+ require("Body");
+bool ROS2Plugin::initialize()
+ WorldROS2Item::initializeClass(this);
+ BodyROS2Item::initializeClass(this);
+ return true;
+bool ROS2Plugin::customizeApplication(AppCustomizationUtil& /* app */)
+ return true;
diff --git a/src/plugin/ROS2Plugin.hpp b/src/plugin/ROS2Plugin.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e64160d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugin/ROS2Plugin.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+class ROS2Plugin : public cnoid::Plugin
+ ROS2Plugin();
+ virtual bool customizeApplication(cnoid::AppCustomizationUtil& app) override;
+ virtual bool initialize() override;
diff --git a/src/plugin/ROSControlItem.cpp b/src/plugin/ROSControlItem.cpp
index da34c5e..b142177 100644
--- a/src/plugin/ROSControlItem.cpp
+++ b/src/plugin/ROSControlItem.cpp
@@ -3,17 +3,16 @@
#include "ROSControlItem.h"
+#include "Format.h"
#include "gettext.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cnoid;
using namespace hardware_interface;
-using fmt::format;
void ROSControlItem::initializeClass(ExtensionManager* ext)
@@ -79,8 +78,8 @@ bool ROSControlItem::initialize(ControllerIO* io)
// Check body //
- format(_("ROSControlItem \"{0}\" is invalid because it is not assigned to a body."),
- displayName()),
+ formatR(_("ROSControlItem \"{0}\" is invalid because it is not assigned to a body."),
+ displayName()),
return false;
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ bool ROSControlItem::initialize(ControllerIO* io)
// load hardware_interface //
if(!robotHWSim->initSim(nodeHandle, io)){
- format(_("The hardware interface of {0} cannot be initialized."), displayName()),
+ formatR(_("The hardware interface of {0} cannot be initialized."), displayName()),
@@ -125,12 +124,12 @@ bool ROSControlItem::initialize(ControllerIO* io)
catch(pluginlib::LibraryLoadException& ex){
- format(_("Failed to create robot simulation interface loader : {0}"), ex.what()),
+ formatR(_("Failed to create robot simulation interface loader : {0}"), ex.what()),
return false;
- mv->putln(format(_("{0} has successfully been initialized"), displayName()));
+ mv->putln(formatR(_("{0} has successfully been initialized"), displayName()));
return true;
diff --git a/src/plugin/RobotHWCnoid.cpp b/src/plugin/RobotHWCnoid.cpp
index 46476fd..731b4cc 100644
--- a/src/plugin/RobotHWCnoid.cpp
+++ b/src/plugin/RobotHWCnoid.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "RobotHWCnoid.h"
+#include "Format.h"
@@ -11,14 +12,12 @@
#include "gettext.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cnoid;
-using fmt::format;
namespace hardware_interface {
@@ -72,16 +71,16 @@ bool RobotHWCnoid::initSim(const ros::NodeHandle& nh, cnoid::ControllerIO* args)
- format(_("{0} on {1} does not specify any hardware interface."),
- transmission[i].name_, transmission[i].joints_[0].name_),
+ formatR(_("{0} on {1} does not specify any hardware interface."),
+ transmission[i].name_, transmission[i].joints_[0].name_),
else if(jointInterfaces.size() > 1){
- format(_("{0} of transmission specifies multiple hardware interfaces. Currently the default "
- "robot hardware simulation interface only supports one. Using the first entry"),
- transmission[i].joints_[0].name_),
+ formatR(_("{0} of transmission specifies multiple hardware interfaces. Currently the default "
+ "robot hardware simulation interface only supports one. Using the first entry"),
+ transmission[i].joints_[0].name_),
@@ -92,8 +91,8 @@ bool RobotHWCnoid::initSim(const ros::NodeHandle& nh, cnoid::ControllerIO* args)
Link* link = io->body()->joint(jointNames[i].c_str());
- format(_("This robot has a joint named \"{0}\" which is not in the choreonoid model."),
- jointNames[i]),
+ formatR(_("This robot has a joint named \"{0}\" which is not in the choreonoid model."),
+ jointNames[i]),
return false;
@@ -182,13 +181,13 @@ bool RobotHWCnoid::loadURDF(const std::string& paramName)
if(nodeHandle.searchParam(paramName, searchedParam)){
if(!nodeHandle.getParam(searchedParam, urdfString)){
- format(_("Waiting for URDF model.\nFinding parameter name : {0}"),
- searchedParam),
+ formatR(_("Waiting for URDF model.\nFinding parameter name : {0}"),
+ searchedParam),
} else {
- mv->putln(format(_("There are no parameter related to : {0}"), paramName),
+ mv->putln(formatR(_("There are no parameter related to : {0}"), paramName),
return false;
diff --git a/src/plugin/WorldROS2Item.cpp b/src/plugin/WorldROS2Item.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bd2511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugin/WorldROS2Item.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+ \note Alghough multiple instances of WorldROSItem can be created,
+ only one /clock topic can exist in a system. The current implementation
+ does not consider this limitation and the clock value may be inconsistent
+ when multiple WorldROSItem publish it simultaneously. The implementation
+ should be improved to avoid this problem.
+#include "WorldROS2Item.h"
+#include "gettext.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace cnoid;
+namespace cnoid {
+class WorldROS2Item::Impl
+ WorldROS2Item *self;
+ WorldItem *worldItem;
+ ScopedConnection simulationBarConnection;
+ SimulatorItem *currentSimulatorItem;
+ ScopedConnectionSet currentSimulatorItemConnections;
+ rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr rosNode;
+ rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr clockPublisher;
+ double maxClockPublishingRate;
+ double clockPublishingInterval;
+ double nextClockPublishingTime;
+ Impl(WorldROS2Item *self);
+ Impl(WorldROS2Item *self, const Impl &org);
+ ~Impl();
+ void initialize();
+ void initializeWorld(WorldItem *worldItem);
+ void initializeClockPublisher();
+ void onSimulationAboutToStart(SimulatorItem *simulatorItem);
+ void setCurrentSimulatorItem(SimulatorItem *simulatorItem);
+ void clearCurrentSimulatorItem();
+ void onSimulationStarted();
+ void onSimulationStep();
+ void onSimulationFinished();
+} // namespace cnoid
+void WorldROS2Item::initializeClass(ExtensionManager *ext)
+ ext->itemManager().registerClass(N_("WorldROS2Item"));
+ ext->itemManager().addCreationPanel();
+ impl = new Impl(this);
+WorldROS2Item::Impl::Impl(WorldROS2Item *self)
+ : self(self)
+ maxClockPublishingRate = 100.0;
+ initialize();
+WorldROS2Item::WorldROS2Item(const WorldROS2Item &org)
+ : Item(org)
+ impl = new Impl(this, *org.impl);
+WorldROS2Item::Impl::Impl(WorldROS2Item *self, const Impl &org)
+ : self(self)
+ maxClockPublishingRate = org.maxClockPublishingRate;
+ initialize();
+void WorldROS2Item::Impl::initialize()
+ simulationBarConnection = SimulationBar::instance()
+ ->sigSimulationAboutToStart()
+ .connect([&](SimulatorItem *simulatorItem) {
+ onSimulationAboutToStart(simulatorItem);
+ });
+ delete impl;
+ clearCurrentSimulatorItem();
+Item *WorldROS2Item::doDuplicate() const
+ return new WorldROS2Item(*this);
+void WorldROS2Item::onTreePathChanged()
+ WorldItem *worldItem = nullptr;
+ if (isConnectedToRoot()) {
+ worldItem = findOwnerItem();
+ if (worldItem && worldItem != impl->worldItem) {
+ impl->initializeWorld(worldItem);
+ }
+ }
+void WorldROS2Item::Impl::initializeWorld(WorldItem *worldItem)
+ this->worldItem = worldItem;
+ string name = worldItem->name();
+ std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '-', '_');
+ rosNode = std::make_shared(name);
+ initializeClockPublisher();
+void WorldROS2Item::Impl::initializeClockPublisher()
+ clockPublisher.reset();
+ if (rosNode && maxClockPublishingRate > 0.0) {
+ clockPublisher = rosNode->create_publisher("/clock", 1);
+ }
+void WorldROS2Item::setMaxClockPublishingRate(double rate)
+ impl->maxClockPublishingRate = rate;
+ impl->initializeClockPublisher();
+void WorldROS2Item::Impl::onSimulationAboutToStart(SimulatorItem *simulatorItem)
+ if (worldItem && worldItem == simulatorItem->findOwnerItem()) {
+ if (simulatorItem != currentSimulatorItem) {
+ setCurrentSimulatorItem(simulatorItem);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ clearCurrentSimulatorItem();
+void WorldROS2Item::Impl::setCurrentSimulatorItem(SimulatorItem *simulatorItem)
+ clearCurrentSimulatorItem();
+ currentSimulatorItem = simulatorItem;
+ currentSimulatorItemConnections.add(
+ simulatorItem->sigSimulationStarted().connect(
+ [&]() { onSimulationStarted(); }));
+ currentSimulatorItemConnections.add(
+ simulatorItem->sigSimulationFinished().connect(
+ [&](bool /* isForced */) { clearCurrentSimulatorItem(); }));
+void WorldROS2Item::Impl::clearCurrentSimulatorItem()
+ currentSimulatorItemConnections.disconnect();
+ currentSimulatorItem = nullptr;
+void WorldROS2Item::Impl::onSimulationStarted()
+ clockPublishingInterval = 1.0 / maxClockPublishingRate;
+ nextClockPublishingTime = 0.0;
+ currentSimulatorItem->addMidDynamicsFunction([&]() { onSimulationStep(); });
+void WorldROS2Item::Impl::onSimulationStep()
+ double time = currentSimulatorItem->simulationTime();
+ // Publish clock
+ if (time >= nextClockPublishingTime) {
+ rosgraph_msgs::msg::Clock clock;
+ clock.clock.set__sec(static_cast(time));
+ int nanosec = (time - clock.clock.sec) * 10e6;
+ clock.clock.set__nanosec(nanosec);
+ clockPublisher->publish(clock);
+ nextClockPublishingTime += clockPublishingInterval;
+ }
+void WorldROS2Item::doPutProperties(PutPropertyFunction &putProperty)
+ putProperty.decimals(2).min(0.0)(_("Max clock publishing rate"),
+ impl->maxClockPublishingRate,
+ [&](double r) {
+ setMaxClockPublishingRate(r);
+ return true;
+ });
+bool WorldROS2Item::store(Archive &archive)
+ archive.write("max_clock_publishing_rate", impl->maxClockPublishingRate);
+ return true;
+bool WorldROS2Item::restore(const Archive &archive)
+ archive.read("max_clock_publishing_rate", impl->maxClockPublishingRate);
+ return true;
diff --git a/src/plugin/WorldROS2Item.h b/src/plugin/WorldROS2Item.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b13683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugin/WorldROS2Item.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#include "exportdecl.h"
+namespace cnoid {
+class CNOID_EXPORT WorldROS2Item : public Item
+ static void initializeClass(ExtensionManager* ext);
+ WorldROS2Item();
+ WorldROS2Item(const WorldROS2Item& org);
+ virtual ~WorldROS2Item();
+ void setMaxClockPublishingRate(double rate);
+ virtual Item* doDuplicate() const override;
+ virtual void onTreePathChanged() override;
+ virtual void doPutProperties(PutPropertyFunction& putProperty) override;
+ virtual bool store(Archive& archive) override;
+ virtual bool restore(const Archive& archive) override;
+ class Impl;
+ Impl* impl;
+typedef ref_ptr WorldROSItemPtr;
+} // namespace cnoid