In order to reduce the size, httplive provides you two min.js, one is using webworker, the other is not.If you are using webpack as a building tool, you can simply switch between them.
Otherwise, you can import them by path:
// no-worker
import HTTPLive from 'httplive';
// worker
import HTTPLive from 'httplive/dist/index.worker.min';
And, no matter which one you import, their interface is the same.
import HTTPLive from 'httplive';
Its constructor is:
interface HTTPLive(params)
Object params{
attribute HTMLElement video;[necessary]
attribute String url;
attribute Object mse;
attribute Object request;
Object mse{
attribute Number maxBufferTime, 60;
attribute Number trailedTime, 2;
attribute Boolean keepUpdated, true;
attribute Number playbackRate, 1.5;
For above params, only the video is necessary.
- video: The video element you want to bind with MSE.
- url: the link of live video
- mse: some params to control the MSE
- maxBufferTime: the maximum playing time to remove timeRanges
- keepUpdated: indicate to catch up time when the video time behind the ranges.end(0)
- trailedTime: the maximum delay time of video behind the ranges.end(0), otherwise, the play will use fast forward to catch up live time.
- playbackRate: the fast forward rate when to catch up time.
For better experience, you can canel the keepUpdated
let video = document.getElementById('video');
let flv = new HTTPLive({
let flv = new HTTPLive({
keepUpdated: false
interface HTTPLive(params){
void send(String url);
void retry();
EventListener on(event,fn);
EventListener bind(event,fn);
EventListener addEventListener(event,fn);
static boolean isSupported();
enum event{
- send(url): when you start to recevice the live video chunk, you can call this fn. but remember that, you can only trigger this fn once.
- retry(): provide you a way to retry the connection.
- on/bind/addEventListener(): just add some listener to get some valuable messages.
- isSupported: check if the browser support MSE.
Httplive provide two events for you, sync
and info
. You can get the Initialization Info and palyback info about A/V sync.
window.__report("The video size, width: " + mediaInfo.width + " height: " + mediaInfo.height);
let {diffTimebase,audioTimebase,videoTimeStamp} = msg;
if(diffTimebase > 100){
// videoTime is 100ms faster than audio
// A/V is sync
The info
detail is :
Event info{
attribute Object mediaInfo;
attribute String videoMime;
attribute String audioMime;
Object mediaInfo{
attribute Number audiocodecid:
attribute Number audiodatarate
attribute Number audiosamplerate
attribute Number audiosamplesize
attribute Number duration
attribute String encoder
attribute Number filesize
attribute Number height
attribute Boolean stereo
attribute Number videocodecid
attribute Number videodatarate
attribute Number width
attribute Boolean hasVideo
attribute Boolean hasAudio
the sync
deatil is:
Event sync{
attribute Number videoTimebase;
attribute Number audioTimebase;
attribute Number diffTimebase;
attribute Number videoTimeStamp;
attribute Number audioTimeStamp;