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Doppler is a liquidity bootstrapping Protocol built on top of Uniswap v4. Doppler abstracts the challenges associated with Uniswap v4 integrations from integrators by executing the entire liquidity bootstrapping auction inside of the hook contract. Read more


The Doppler Protocol make use of 4 Uniswap v4 hook functions in its contract:

  • afterInitialize
    • Used to place initial liquidity positions
  • beforeSwap
    • Used to trigger rebalancing of the bonding curve if the Protocol has not yet rebalanced in the current epoch
  • afterSwap
    • Used to account the total amount of asset tokens sold, totalTokensSold, and the total amount of numeraire tokens received from asset sales, totalProceeds
    • The Protocol excludes the swap fee, consisting of the LP fee and the Uniswap Protocol fee, from the accounted amounts such that it doesn't reinvest LP fees or attempt to reinvest protocol fees taken by Uniswap v4
  • beforeAddLiquidity
    • Used to trigger a revert if a user attempts to provide liquidity. This is necessary because The Protocol doesn't want any external liquidity providers

Curve Accumulation

The Doppler Protocol rebalance its bonding curve according to token sales along a pre-defined schedule based on the number of tokens to sell, numTokensToSell, over the duration, endingTime - startingTime. This rebalance occurs immediately preceeding the first swap in every epoch, in the beforeSwap hook. If the hook doesn't have any swaps in a given epoch then the rebalance applies retroactively to all missed epochs.

Max Dutch Auction

If sales are behind schedule, the curve is reduced via a dutch auction mechanism according to the relative amount that the Protocol is behind schedule. The maximum amount to dutch auction the curve in a single epoch is computed as the endingTick - startingTick divided by the total number of epochs, (endingTime - startingTime) / epochLength. In the case that there was a net sold amount of zero or less, computed as totalTokensSold - totalTokensSoldLastEpoch, the Protocol utilizes a dutch auction to shift the curve by this maximum amount.

Relative Dutch Auction

If the net sold amount is greater than zero, but the Protocol hasn't sold as many tokens as expected, computed as percentage(elapsed time / duration) * numTokensToSell, then the Protocol executes a dutch auction of the curve by the relative amount that it is undersold by multiplied by the maximum dutch auction amount, e.g. if the Protocol sold 80% of the expected amount, it undersold by 20% and thus will dutch auction by 20% of the maximum dutch auction amount.

Oversold Case

If sales are ahead of schedule, i.e. totalTokensSold is greater than the expected amount sold, computed as percentage(elapsed time / duration) * numTokensToSell, the Protocol moves the curve upwards by the amount that it has oversold by. The Protocol computes this increase as the delta between the current tick and the expected tick, which is generally the upper tick of the upper slug, which represents the point at which the Protocol has sold the expected amount (See Liquidity Placement).


For whichever of the above outcomes the Protocol has hit, it accumulates a tick delta to the tickAccumulator. This value is used to derive the current bonding curve at any given time. It is derived by the lowermost tick of the curve, tickLower, as the startingTick + tickAccumulator. Additionally, it derives the uppermost tick of the curve, tickUpper, as the tickLower + gamma. We can see how the tickAccumulator is accumulated in this graph, with the red line corresponding to the max dutch auction case, the orange line corresponding to the relative dutch auction case, and the green line corresponding to the oversold case.

Liquidity Placement (Slugs)

Within the bonding curve, the Protocol places 3 different types of liquidity positions, aka slugs:

  • Lower slug
    • Positioned below the current price, allowing for all purchased asset tokens to be sold back into the curve
  • Upper slug
    • Positioned above the current price, allowing for asset tokens to be purchased, places enough tokens to reach the expected amount of tokens sold
  • Price discovery slug(s)
    • Positioned above the upper slug, places enough tokens in each slug to reach the expected amount sold in the next epoch
    • Hook creators can pick an arbitrary amount of price discovery slugs, up to a maximum amount

Lower Slug

The lower slug is generally placed ranging from the global tickLower to the current tick. The Protocol places the total amount of proceeds from asset sales, totalProceeds, into the slug, allowing the users to sell their tokens back into the curve. The lower slug must have enough liquidity to support all tokens being sold back into the curve.

Ocassionally, the Protocol may not have sufficient totalProceeds to support all tokens being sold back into the curve with the usual slug placement. In this case, it computes the average clearing price of the tokens, computed as totalProceeds / totalTokensSold and place the slug at the tick corresponding to that price with a minimally sized range, i.e. range size of tickSpacing.

Upper Slug

The upper slug is generally placed between the current tick and a delta, computed as epochLength / duration * gamma. The Protocol supplies the delta between the expected amount of tokens sold, computed as percentage(elapsed time / duration) * numTokensToSell, and the actual totalTokensSold. In the case that totalTokensSold is greater than the expected amount of tokens sold, it skips the slug and instead simply set the ticks in storage both as the current tick.

Price Discovery Slugs

The price discovery slugs are generally placed between the upper slug upper tick and the top the bonding curve, tickUpper. The hook creator determines at the time of deployment how many price discovery slugs should be placed. The Protocol places the slugs equidistant between the upper slug's upper tick and the tickUpper, contiguously. the Protocol supplies tokens in each slug according to the percentage time difference between epochs multiplied by the numTokensToSell. Since the Protocol is supplying amounts according to remaining epochs, if it runs out of future epochs to supply for, it stops placing slugs. In the last epoch there will be no price disovery slugs.