diff --git a/examples/colab/Training/binary_text_classification/NLU_training_negation_classifier_demo_biological_texts.ipynb b/examples/colab/Training/binary_text_classification/NLU_training_negation_classifier_demo_biological_texts.ipynb
index 770608c4..afaa8883 100644
--- a/examples/colab/Training/binary_text_classification/NLU_training_negation_classifier_demo_biological_texts.ipynb
+++ b/examples/colab/Training/binary_text_classification/NLU_training_negation_classifier_demo_biological_texts.ipynb
@@ -1 +1,3124 @@
-{"nbformat":4,"nbformat_minor":0,"metadata":{"colab":{"name":"NLU_training_negation_classifier_demo_biological_texts.ipynb","provenance":[],"collapsed_sections":[]},"kernelspec":{"display_name":"Python 3","name":"python3"}},"cells":[{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"zkufh760uvF3"},"source":["![JohnSnowLabs](https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/assets/images/logo.png)\n","\n","[![Open In Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://colab.research.google.com/github/JohnSnowLabs/nlu/blob/master/examples/colab/Training/binary_text_classification/NLU_training_negation_classifier_demo_biological_texts.ipynb)\n","\n","\n","# Training a Sentiment Analysis Classifier with NLU \n","## 2 Class Biological Negation Classifer Training\n","With the [SentimentDL model](https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/docs/en/annotators#sentimentdl-multi-class-sentiment-analysis-annotator) from Spark NLP you can achieve State Of the Art results on any multi class text classification problem \n","\n","This notebook showcases the following features : \n","\n","- How to train the deep learning classifier\n","- How to store a pipeline to disk\n","- How to load the pipeline from disk (Enables NLU offline mode)\n","\n","You can achieve these results or even better on this dataset with training data : \n","\n","
\n","\n","![image.png]()\n","\n","\n","You can achieve these results or even better on this dataset with test data : \n","\n","
\n","\n","\n","![Screenshot 2021-02-25 140123.png]()\n","\n","\n","\n","\n","\n","\n","\n","\n"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"dur2drhW5Rvi"},"source":["# 1. Install Java 8 and NLU"]},{"cell_type":"code","metadata":{"id":"hFGnBCHavltY","colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1620187471950,"user_tz":-120,"elapsed":121254,"user":{"displayName":"Christian Kasim Loan","photoUrl":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GjqAD-ircKP-s5Eh6JSdkDggDczfqQbJGU_IRb4Hw=s64","userId":"14469489166467359317"}},"outputId":"4abf85d5-354d-4b91-dac8-96cf4fabc546"},"source":["!wget https://setup.johnsnowlabs.com/nlu/colab.sh -O - | bash\n","import nlu"],"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"stream","text":["--2021-05-05 04:02:31-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JohnSnowLabs/nlu/master/scripts/colab_setup.sh\n","Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...\n","Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.\n","HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK\n","Length: 1671 (1.6K) [text/plain]\n","Saving to: ‘STDOUT’\n","\n","\r- 0%[ ] 0 --.-KB/s \r- 100%[===================>] 1.63K --.-KB/s in 0s \n","\n","2021-05-05 04:02:31 (36.7 MB/s) - written to stdout [1671/1671]\n","\n","Installing NLU 3.0.0 with PySpark 3.0.2 and Spark NLP 3.0.1 for Google Colab ...\n","\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 204.8MB 72kB/s \n","\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 153kB 51.4MB/s \n","\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 204kB 22.1MB/s \n","\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 204kB 49.6MB/s \n","\u001b[?25h Building wheel for pyspark (setup.py) ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n"],"name":"stdout"}]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"f4KkTfnR5Ugg"},"source":["# 2. Download Negation Bilogical Texts dataset \n","https://www.kaggle.com/ma7555/bioscope-corpus-negation-annotated\n","#Context\n","The BioScope corpus consists of medical and biological texts annotated for negation and their linguistic scope. This was done to allow a comparison between the development of systems for negation/hedge detection and scope resolution.\n","The corpus is publicly available for research purposes.\n","\n","You can use this corpus to fine-tune a BERT-like model for negation detection.\n","\n","This dataset was created in this format during the COVID-19 crisis as a training set for detecting negations regarding treatment of specific drugs in the released research papers.\n","\n","Creators of the original dataset: MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence - RGAI\n","https://rgai.inf.u-szeged.hu/node/105\n"]},{"cell_type":"code","metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"id":"OrVb5ZMvvrQD","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1620187472933,"user_tz":-120,"elapsed":122227,"user":{"displayName":"Christian Kasim Loan","photoUrl":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GjqAD-ircKP-s5Eh6JSdkDggDczfqQbJGU_IRb4Hw=s64","userId":"14469489166467359317"}},"outputId":"c4e16951-2733-4f4f-c59b-a6b517dc3774"},"source":["! wget http://ckl-it.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/bioscope_abstract.csv\n"],"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"stream","text":["--2021-05-05 04:04:31-- http://ckl-it.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/bioscope_abstract.csv\n","Resolving ckl-it.de (ckl-it.de)..., 2001:8d8:100f:f000::209\n","Connecting to ckl-it.de (ckl-it.de)||:80... connected.\n","HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK\n","Length: 802898 (784K) [text/csv]\n","Saving to: ‘bioscope_abstract.csv’\n","\n","bioscope_abstract.c 100%[===================>] 784.08K 1.21MB/s in 0.6s \n","\n","2021-05-05 04:04:32 (1.21 MB/s) - ‘bioscope_abstract.csv’ saved [802898/802898]\n","\n"],"name":"stdout"}]},{"cell_type":"code","metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":419},"id":"y4xSRWIhwT28","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1620187474073,"user_tz":-120,"elapsed":123361,"user":{"displayName":"Christian Kasim Loan","photoUrl":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GjqAD-ircKP-s5Eh6JSdkDggDczfqQbJGU_IRb4Hw=s64","userId":"14469489166467359317"}},"outputId":"d0700a4a-7d4e-4fe9-8d96-84ecb1ef03ea"},"source":["import pandas as pd\n","train_path = '/content/bioscope_abstract.csv'\n","\n","train_df = pd.read_csv(train_path)\n","# the text data to use for classification should be in a column named 'text'\n","columns=['text','y']\n","train_df = train_df[columns]\n","train_df = train_df.dropna()\n","train_df = train_df.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)\n","from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split\n","\n","train_df, test_df = train_test_split(train_df, test_size=0.2)\n","train_df"],"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/html":["
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
85 | \n","The mAb failed to induce NF-kappa B/Rel nuclea... | \n","positive | \n","
937 | \n","Because these induced gene products have NF-ka... | \n","negative | \n","
1707 | \n","H2O2-induced NF-kappaB activation in Wurzburg ... | \n","positive | \n","
1029 | \n","The carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of CD... | \n","negative | \n","
258 | \n","Pretreatment with actinomycin D and cyclohexim... | \n","negative | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
516 | \n","The finding that dexamethasone has no effect o... | \n","positive | \n","
1870 | \n","IL-4 secreted by activated T cells is a pleiot... | \n","negative | \n","
380 | \n","In contrast to wild-type B cells, neither of t... | \n","positive | \n","
684 | \n","The IL-12 nonresponsiveness of the Th2 clones ... | \n","positive | \n","
1830 | \n","Synergism between two distinct elements of the... | \n","negative | \n","
1600 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","sentence | \n","origin_index | \n","document | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","
0 | \n","positive | \n","The mAb failed to induce NF-kappa B/Rel nuclea... | \n","positive | \n","[The mAb failed to induce NF-kappa B/Rel nucle... | \n","85 | \n","The mAb failed to induce NF-kappa B/Rel nuclea... | \n","[-0.021044651046395302, -0.012281016446650028,... | \n","0.718423 | \n","
1 | \n","negative | \n","Because these induced gene products have NF-ka... | \n","positive | \n","[Because these induced gene products have NF-k... | \n","937 | \n","Because these induced gene products have NF-ka... | \n","[-0.018397482112050056, -0.0002952178183477372... | \n","0.656633 | \n","
2 | \n","positive | \n","H2O2-induced NF-kappaB activation in Wurzburg ... | \n","positive | \n","[H2O2-induced NF-kappaB activation in Wurzburg... | \n","1707 | \n","H2O2-induced NF-kappaB activation in Wurzburg ... | \n","[0.04317500814795494, 0.00023781821073498577, ... | \n","0.721148 | \n","
3 | \n","negative | \n","The carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of CD... | \n","positive | \n","[The carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of C... | \n","1029 | \n","The carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of CD... | \n","[0.0399024672806263, 0.06178785115480423, -0.0... | \n","0.702527 | \n","
4 | \n","negative | \n","Pretreatment with actinomycin D and cyclohexim... | \n","positive | \n","[Pretreatment with actinomycin D and cyclohexi... | \n","258 | \n","Pretreatment with actinomycin D and cyclohexim... | \n","[0.03217654675245285, -0.031980931758880615, 0... | \n","0.716568 | \n","
5 | \n","positive | \n","On the other hand, phorbol ester-induced produ... | \n","positive | \n","[On the other hand, phorbol ester-induced prod... | \n","1839 | \n","On the other hand, phorbol ester-induced produ... | \n","[0.05933626368641853, 0.06317632645368576, 0.0... | \n","0.712259 | \n","
6 | \n","positive | \n","Activated Rac-1 could mimic activated p21ras t... | \n","positive | \n","[Activated Rac-1 could mimic activated p21ras ... | \n","1552 | \n","Activated Rac-1 could mimic activated p21ras t... | \n","[0.012313981540501118, -0.05240459367632866, -... | \n","0.694476 | \n","
7 | \n","negative | \n","After a 2-day incubation in LDL, the binding o... | \n","positive | \n","[After a 2-day incubation in LDL, the binding ... | \n","942 | \n","After a 2-day incubation in LDL, the binding o... | \n","[0.01922391913831234, -0.05796779692173004, -0... | \n","0.673653 | \n","
8 | \n","negative | \n","As evidenced by electro mobility shift assay (... | \n","positive | \n","[As evidenced by electro mobility shift assay ... | \n","383 | \n","As evidenced by electro mobility shift assay (... | \n","[0.004417878575623035, -0.020263247191905975, ... | \n","0.698439 | \n","
9 | \n","negative | \n","Mutations at the B2 site abolish this transcri... | \n","positive | \n","[Mutations at the B2 site abolish this transcr... | \n","1515 | \n","Mutations at the B2 site abolish this transcri... | \n","[0.021449951454997063, 0.017173701897263527, -... | \n","0.679992 | \n","
10 | \n","positive | \n","Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays of HUVEC... | \n","positive | \n","[Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays of HUVE... | \n","1313 | \n","Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays of HUVEC... | \n","[0.008786042220890522, 0.03473477438092232, -0... | \n","0.750811 | \n","
11 | \n","positive | \n","In comparison to other activators of NF-kappa ... | \n","positive | \n","[In comparison to other activators of NF-kappa... | \n","1972 | \n","In comparison to other activators of NF-kappa ... | \n","[0.05494653061032295, 0.05886928364634514, 0.0... | \n","0.707760 | \n","
12 | \n","negative | \n","Here we show that the I alpha1 promoter contai... | \n","positive | \n","[Here we show that the I alpha1 promoter conta... | \n","1279 | \n","Here we show that the I alpha1 promoter contai... | \n","[0.024258537217974663, 0.003928740043193102, 0... | \n","0.672414 | \n","
13 | \n","positive | \n","Thus these data suggest that the phorbol myris... | \n","positive | \n","[Thus these data suggest that the phorbol myri... | \n","1094 | \n","Thus these data suggest that the phorbol myris... | \n","[0.04496181383728981, 0.006568090058863163, -0... | \n","0.738647 | \n","
14 | \n","positive | \n","A 40-fold stimulation of chloramphenicol acety... | \n","positive | \n","[A 40-fold stimulation of chloramphenicol acet... | \n","1528 | \n","A 40-fold stimulation of chloramphenicol acety... | \n","[0.02669776789844036, 0.0031935900915414095, 0... | \n","0.702648 | \n","
15 | \n","negative | \n","Third, a coimmunoprecipitation assay showed th... | \n","positive | \n","[Third, a coimmunoprecipitation assay showed t... | \n","1195 | \n","Third, a coimmunoprecipitation assay showed th... | \n","[0.03080531395971775, -0.01305992528796196, 0.... | \n","0.627124 | \n","
16 | \n","negative | \n","Phosphorylation of Jak2 in tax transformed cel... | \n","positive | \n","[Phosphorylation of Jak2 in tax transformed ce... | \n","1725 | \n","Phosphorylation of Jak2 in tax transformed cel... | \n","[0.05668512359261513, -0.014115522615611553, 0... | \n","0.666193 | \n","
17 | \n","positive | \n","This peptide potently inhibited NFAT activatio... | \n","positive | \n","[This peptide potently inhibited NFAT activati... | \n","1924 | \n","This peptide potently inhibited NFAT activatio... | \n","[0.051138270646333694, 0.019551211968064308, 0... | \n","0.726400 | \n","
18 | \n","positive | \n","Overexpression of Bcl-2 in tumor cells blocks ... | \n","positive | \n","[Overexpression of Bcl-2 in tumor cells blocks... | \n","527 | \n","Overexpression of Bcl-2 in tumor cells blocks ... | \n","[0.029882941395044327, 0.031224790960550308, -... | \n","0.700843 | \n","
19 | \n","negative | \n","Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) is a pleio... | \n","positive | \n","[Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) is a plei... | \n","284 | \n","Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) is a pleio... | \n","[0.04925459995865822, 0.030116116628050804, -0... | \n","0.664960 | \n","
20 | \n","positive | \n","An NFAT oligonucleotide carrying mutations in ... | \n","positive | \n","[An NFAT oligonucleotide carrying mutations in... | \n","524 | \n","An NFAT oligonucleotide carrying mutations in ... | \n","[0.014317388646304607, 0.01018354669213295, 0.... | \n","0.684760 | \n","
21 | \n","negative | \n","In addition Spi-B as well as PU.1 were able to... | \n","positive | \n","[In addition Spi-B as well as PU.1 were able t... | \n","521 | \n","In addition Spi-B as well as PU.1 were able to... | \n","[0.044076837599277496, -0.007634499575942755, ... | \n","0.632185 | \n","
22 | \n","positive | \n","Nuclear run-on assays demonstrate that : ( 1 )... | \n","positive | \n","[Nuclear run-on assays demonstrate that : ( 1 ... | \n","1064 | \n","Nuclear run-on assays demonstrate that : ( 1 )... | \n","[0.03107193484902382, 0.020781097933650017, 0.... | \n","0.722295 | \n","
23 | \n","positive | \n","Finally, we conclude that this effect of CIITA... | \n","positive | \n","[Finally, we conclude that this effect of CIIT... | \n","1539 | \n","Finally, we conclude that this effect of CIITA... | \n","[0.033310066908597946, -0.03267408534884453, 0... | \n","0.678016 | \n","
24 | \n","positive | \n","We found that ALD induce a transient activatio... | \n","positive | \n","[We found that ALD induce a transient activati... | \n","1994 | \n","We found that ALD induce a transient activatio... | \n","[0.049336668103933334, -0.016328582540154457, ... | \n","0.725506 | \n","
25 | \n","positive | \n","AFR behaves like ascorbate, while DHA and asco... | \n","positive | \n","[AFR behaves like ascorbate, while DHA and asc... | \n","203 | \n","AFR behaves like ascorbate, while DHA and asco... | \n","[0.06031205505132675, 0.00172607006970793, 0.0... | \n","0.738096 | \n","
26 | \n","positive | \n","It has been shown recently that in wild-type C... | \n","positive | \n","[It has been shown recently that in wild-type ... | \n","428 | \n","It has been shown recently that in wild-type C... | \n","[0.06434260308742523, 0.035497453063726425, -0... | \n","0.714807 | \n","
27 | \n","positive | \n","Oncogenic forms of NOTCH1 lacking either the p... | \n","positive | \n","[Oncogenic forms of NOTCH1 lacking either the ... | \n","112 | \n","Oncogenic forms of NOTCH1 lacking either the p... | \n","[0.036650002002716064, -0.005419247783720493, ... | \n","0.724903 | \n","
28 | \n","positive | \n","Rhabdomyosarcomas do not contain mutations in ... | \n","positive | \n","[Rhabdomyosarcomas do not contain mutations in... | \n","1258 | \n","Rhabdomyosarcomas do not contain mutations in ... | \n","[0.04726873338222504, -0.012257322669029236, -... | \n","0.685728 | \n","
29 | \n","negative | \n","Characterization of CD40 signaling determinant... | \n","positive | \n","[Characterization of CD40 signaling determinan... | \n","151 | \n","Characterization of CD40 signaling determinant... | \n","[0.005249931011348963, -0.01369913388043642, 0... | \n","0.699257 | \n","
30 | \n","negative | \n","Thus, a component of LDL-enhanced endothelial ... | \n","positive | \n","[Thus, a component of LDL-enhanced endothelial... | \n","1669 | \n","Thus, a component of LDL-enhanced endothelial ... | \n","[0.06682103872299194, -0.043387044221162796, -... | \n","0.651579 | \n","
31 | \n","positive | \n","However, stimulation with MBP did not produce ... | \n","positive | \n","[However, stimulation with MBP did not produce... | \n","1627 | \n","However, stimulation with MBP did not produce ... | \n","[0.07646981626749039, 0.05336544290184975, -0.... | \n","0.723428 | \n","
32 | \n","negative | \n","We analyzed the activity of the enhancer, the ... | \n","positive | \n","[We analyzed the activity of the enhancer, the... | \n","1819 | \n","We analyzed the activity of the enhancer, the ... | \n","[0.058565203100442886, 0.017934346571564674, 0... | \n","0.655187 | \n","
33 | \n","negative | \n","Death-inducing ligands (DILs) such as tumor ne... | \n","positive | \n","[Death-inducing ligands (DILs) such as tumor n... | \n","148 | \n","Death-inducing ligands (DILs) such as tumor ne... | \n","[0.018583133816719055, 0.05835242569446564, 0.... | \n","0.707814 | \n","
34 | \n","positive | \n","Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, w... | \n","positive | \n","[Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, ... | \n","857 | \n","Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, w... | \n","[0.01857064664363861, -1.7747517631505616e-05,... | \n","0.719099 | \n","
35 | \n","negative | \n","cAMP signaling inhibited Stat1 at several diff... | \n","positive | \n","[cAMP signaling inhibited Stat1 at several dif... | \n","285 | \n","cAMP signaling inhibited Stat1 at several diff... | \n","[0.0070323762483894825, -0.036651283502578735,... | \n","0.661534 | \n","
36 | \n","positive | \n","In addition, JNK activation by PMA plus ionoph... | \n","positive | \n","[In addition, JNK activation by PMA plus ionop... | \n","36 | \n","In addition, JNK activation by PMA plus ionoph... | \n","[0.04152128845453262, 0.014748011715710163, 0.... | \n","0.734088 | \n","
37 | \n","negative | \n","The viral protein Tax induces the activation a... | \n","positive | \n","[The viral protein Tax induces the activation ... | \n","679 | \n","The viral protein Tax induces the activation a... | \n","[0.06768079847097397, -0.028039786964654922, 0... | \n","0.682207 | \n","
38 | \n","negative | \n","Furthermore, OFT-1 appeared to have approximat... | \n","positive | \n","[Furthermore, OFT-1 appeared to have approxima... | \n","1527 | \n","Furthermore, OFT-1 appeared to have approximat... | \n","[0.07009289413690567, 0.03128473833203316, -0.... | \n","0.687950 | \n","
39 | \n","negative | \n","A principal objective of the present study was... | \n","positive | \n","[A principal objective of the present study wa... | \n","479 | \n","A principal objective of the present study was... | \n","[0.017783455550670624, -0.026092059910297394, ... | \n","0.659265 | \n","
40 | \n","positive | \n","We conclude that downregulation of WT1 during ... | \n","positive | \n","[We conclude that downregulation of WT1 during... | \n","1561 | \n","We conclude that downregulation of WT1 during ... | \n","[0.00441081915050745, 0.021023083478212357, -0... | \n","0.698446 | \n","
41 | \n","negative | \n","In these transfected CL-01 cells, CD40:CD40L e... | \n","positive | \n","[In these transfected CL-01 cells, CD40:CD40L ... | \n","1188 | \n","In these transfected CL-01 cells, CD40:CD40L e... | \n","[0.010555184446275234, -0.005831445567309856, ... | \n","0.679171 | \n","
42 | \n","negative | \n","Recent studies indicate that mutations in the ... | \n","positive | \n","[Recent studies indicate that mutations in the... | \n","667 | \n","Recent studies indicate that mutations in the ... | \n","[0.05200810357928276, -0.0026498467195779085, ... | \n","0.651673 | \n","
43 | \n","negative | \n","To confirm the importance of the three cis-act... | \n","positive | \n","[To confirm the importance of the three cis-ac... | \n","734 | \n","To confirm the importance of the three cis-act... | \n","[0.05337677150964737, -0.028393635526299477, 0... | \n","0.667999 | \n","
44 | \n","positive | \n","No significant difference was detected in the ... | \n","positive | \n","[No significant difference was detected in the... | \n","1805 | \n","No significant difference was detected in the ... | \n","[0.05019189417362213, 0.01725945621728897, 0.0... | \n","0.748773 | \n","
45 | \n","positive | \n","In contrast, anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 stimulated... | \n","positive | \n","[In contrast, anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 stimulate... | \n","1473 | \n","In contrast, anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 stimulated... | \n","[0.053164657205343246, 0.015389195643365383, 0... | \n","0.712844 | \n","
46 | \n","negative | \n","In this study we analyzed the effect of CD40 s... | \n","positive | \n","[In this study we analyzed the effect of CD40 ... | \n","418 | \n","In this study we analyzed the effect of CD40 s... | \n","[0.016681713983416557, 0.06071694567799568, -0... | \n","0.657744 | \n","
47 | \n","positive | \n","A dramatic increase in the intracellular level... | \n","positive | \n","[A dramatic increase in the intracellular leve... | \n","689 | \n","A dramatic increase in the intracellular level... | \n","[0.032944243401288986, -0.005736679304391146, ... | \n","0.704365 | \n","
48 | \n","positive | \n","Qualitatively different effects were observed ... | \n","positive | \n","[Qualitatively different effects were observed... | \n","1228 | \n","Qualitatively different effects were observed ... | \n","[0.06803048402070999, 0.039302267134189606, 0.... | \n","0.734736 | \n","
49 | \n","negative | \n","A third tyrosine within the amino-terminal reg... | \n","positive | \n","[A third tyrosine within the amino-terminal re... | \n","1899 | \n","A third tyrosine within the amino-terminal reg... | \n","[0.08541002124547958, 0.0034846188500523567, 0... | \n","0.687449 | \n","
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0 | \n","positive | \n","The mAb failed to induce NF-kappa B/Rel nuclea... | \n","positive | \n","[The mAb failed to induce NF-kappa B/Rel nucle... | \n","85 | \n","The mAb failed to induce NF-kappa B/Rel nuclea... | \n","[-0.021044651046395302, -0.012281016446650028,... | \n","0.750314 | \n","
1 | \n","negative | \n","Because these induced gene products have NF-ka... | \n","neutral | \n","[Because these induced gene products have NF-k... | \n","937 | \n","Because these induced gene products have NF-ka... | \n","[-0.018397482112050056, -0.0002952178183477372... | \n","0.524412 | \n","
2 | \n","positive | \n","H2O2-induced NF-kappaB activation in Wurzburg ... | \n","positive | \n","[H2O2-induced NF-kappaB activation in Wurzburg... | \n","1707 | \n","H2O2-induced NF-kappaB activation in Wurzburg ... | \n","[0.04317500814795494, 0.00023781821073498577, ... | \n","0.771501 | \n","
3 | \n","negative | \n","The carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of CD... | \n","positive | \n","[The carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of C... | \n","1029 | \n","The carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of CD... | \n","[0.0399024672806263, 0.06178785115480423, -0.0... | \n","0.703551 | \n","
4 | \n","negative | \n","Pretreatment with actinomycin D and cyclohexim... | \n","positive | \n","[Pretreatment with actinomycin D and cyclohexi... | \n","258 | \n","Pretreatment with actinomycin D and cyclohexim... | \n","[0.03217654675245285, -0.031980931758880615, 0... | \n","0.695075 | \n","
5 | \n","positive | \n","On the other hand, phorbol ester-induced produ... | \n","positive | \n","[On the other hand, phorbol ester-induced prod... | \n","1839 | \n","On the other hand, phorbol ester-induced produ... | \n","[0.05933626368641853, 0.06317632645368576, 0.0... | \n","0.776027 | \n","
6 | \n","positive | \n","Activated Rac-1 could mimic activated p21ras t... | \n","positive | \n","[Activated Rac-1 could mimic activated p21ras ... | \n","1552 | \n","Activated Rac-1 could mimic activated p21ras t... | \n","[0.012313981540501118, -0.05240459367632866, -... | \n","0.816325 | \n","
7 | \n","negative | \n","After a 2-day incubation in LDL, the binding o... | \n","positive | \n","[After a 2-day incubation in LDL, the binding ... | \n","942 | \n","After a 2-day incubation in LDL, the binding o... | \n","[0.01922391913831234, -0.05796779692173004, -0... | \n","0.645191 | \n","
8 | \n","negative | \n","As evidenced by electro mobility shift assay (... | \n","positive | \n","[As evidenced by electro mobility shift assay ... | \n","383 | \n","As evidenced by electro mobility shift assay (... | \n","[0.004417878575623035, -0.020263247191905975, ... | \n","0.670496 | \n","
9 | \n","negative | \n","Mutations at the B2 site abolish this transcri... | \n","neutral | \n","[Mutations at the B2 site abolish this transcr... | \n","1515 | \n","Mutations at the B2 site abolish this transcri... | \n","[0.021449951454997063, 0.017173701897263527, -... | \n","0.548251 | \n","
10 | \n","positive | \n","Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays of HUVEC... | \n","positive | \n","[Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays of HUVE... | \n","1313 | \n","Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays of HUVEC... | \n","[0.008786042220890522, 0.03473477438092232, -0... | \n","0.838780 | \n","
11 | \n","positive | \n","In comparison to other activators of NF-kappa ... | \n","positive | \n","[In comparison to other activators of NF-kappa... | \n","1972 | \n","In comparison to other activators of NF-kappa ... | \n","[0.05494653061032295, 0.05886928364634514, 0.0... | \n","0.709446 | \n","
12 | \n","negative | \n","Here we show that the I alpha1 promoter contai... | \n","neutral | \n","[Here we show that the I alpha1 promoter conta... | \n","1279 | \n","Here we show that the I alpha1 promoter contai... | \n","[0.024258537217974663, 0.003928740043193102, 0... | \n","0.514196 | \n","
13 | \n","positive | \n","Thus these data suggest that the phorbol myris... | \n","positive | \n","[Thus these data suggest that the phorbol myri... | \n","1094 | \n","Thus these data suggest that the phorbol myris... | \n","[0.04496181383728981, 0.006568090058863163, -0... | \n","0.803803 | \n","
14 | \n","positive | \n","A 40-fold stimulation of chloramphenicol acety... | \n","positive | \n","[A 40-fold stimulation of chloramphenicol acet... | \n","1528 | \n","A 40-fold stimulation of chloramphenicol acety... | \n","[0.02669776789844036, 0.0031935900915414095, 0... | \n","0.719408 | \n","
15 | \n","negative | \n","Third, a coimmunoprecipitation assay showed th... | \n","neutral | \n","[Third, a coimmunoprecipitation assay showed t... | \n","1195 | \n","Third, a coimmunoprecipitation assay showed th... | \n","[0.03080531395971775, -0.01305992528796196, 0.... | \n","0.577207 | \n","
16 | \n","negative | \n","Phosphorylation of Jak2 in tax transformed cel... | \n","neutral | \n","[Phosphorylation of Jak2 in tax transformed ce... | \n","1725 | \n","Phosphorylation of Jak2 in tax transformed cel... | \n","[0.05668512359261513, -0.014115522615611553, 0... | \n","0.535941 | \n","
17 | \n","positive | \n","This peptide potently inhibited NFAT activatio... | \n","positive | \n","[This peptide potently inhibited NFAT activati... | \n","1924 | \n","This peptide potently inhibited NFAT activatio... | \n","[0.051138270646333694, 0.019551211968064308, 0... | \n","0.761979 | \n","
18 | \n","positive | \n","Overexpression of Bcl-2 in tumor cells blocks ... | \n","positive | \n","[Overexpression of Bcl-2 in tumor cells blocks... | \n","527 | \n","Overexpression of Bcl-2 in tumor cells blocks ... | \n","[0.029882941395044327, 0.031224790960550308, -... | \n","0.715134 | \n","
19 | \n","negative | \n","Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) is a pleio... | \n","neutral | \n","[Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) is a plei... | \n","284 | \n","Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) is a pleio... | \n","[0.04925459995865822, 0.030116116628050804, -0... | \n","0.522261 | \n","
20 | \n","positive | \n","An NFAT oligonucleotide carrying mutations in ... | \n","positive | \n","[An NFAT oligonucleotide carrying mutations in... | \n","524 | \n","An NFAT oligonucleotide carrying mutations in ... | \n","[0.014317388646304607, 0.01018354669213295, 0.... | \n","0.605652 | \n","
21 | \n","negative | \n","In addition Spi-B as well as PU.1 were able to... | \n","neutral | \n","[In addition Spi-B as well as PU.1 were able t... | \n","521 | \n","In addition Spi-B as well as PU.1 were able to... | \n","[0.044076837599277496, -0.007634499575942755, ... | \n","0.559043 | \n","
22 | \n","positive | \n","Nuclear run-on assays demonstrate that : ( 1 )... | \n","positive | \n","[Nuclear run-on assays demonstrate that : ( 1 ... | \n","1064 | \n","Nuclear run-on assays demonstrate that : ( 1 )... | \n","[0.03107193484902382, 0.020781097933650017, 0.... | \n","0.723425 | \n","
23 | \n","positive | \n","Finally, we conclude that this effect of CIITA... | \n","neutral | \n","[Finally, we conclude that this effect of CIIT... | \n","1539 | \n","Finally, we conclude that this effect of CIITA... | \n","[0.033310066908597946, -0.03267408534884453, 0... | \n","0.566672 | \n","
24 | \n","positive | \n","We found that ALD induce a transient activatio... | \n","positive | \n","[We found that ALD induce a transient activati... | \n","1994 | \n","We found that ALD induce a transient activatio... | \n","[0.049336668103933334, -0.016328582540154457, ... | \n","0.777087 | \n","
25 | \n","positive | \n","AFR behaves like ascorbate, while DHA and asco... | \n","positive | \n","[AFR behaves like ascorbate, while DHA and asc... | \n","203 | \n","AFR behaves like ascorbate, while DHA and asco... | \n","[0.06031205505132675, 0.00172607006970793, 0.0... | \n","0.827045 | \n","
26 | \n","positive | \n","It has been shown recently that in wild-type C... | \n","positive | \n","[It has been shown recently that in wild-type ... | \n","428 | \n","It has been shown recently that in wild-type C... | \n","[0.06434260308742523, 0.035497453063726425, -0... | \n","0.763702 | \n","
27 | \n","positive | \n","Oncogenic forms of NOTCH1 lacking either the p... | \n","positive | \n","[Oncogenic forms of NOTCH1 lacking either the ... | \n","112 | \n","Oncogenic forms of NOTCH1 lacking either the p... | \n","[0.036650002002716064, -0.005419247783720493, ... | \n","0.761244 | \n","
28 | \n","positive | \n","Rhabdomyosarcomas do not contain mutations in ... | \n","positive | \n","[Rhabdomyosarcomas do not contain mutations in... | \n","1258 | \n","Rhabdomyosarcomas do not contain mutations in ... | \n","[0.04726873338222504, -0.012257322669029236, -... | \n","0.607541 | \n","
29 | \n","negative | \n","Characterization of CD40 signaling determinant... | \n","positive | \n","[Characterization of CD40 signaling determinan... | \n","151 | \n","Characterization of CD40 signaling determinant... | \n","[0.005249931011348963, -0.01369913388043642, 0... | \n","0.617174 | \n","
30 | \n","negative | \n","Thus, a component of LDL-enhanced endothelial ... | \n","neutral | \n","[Thus, a component of LDL-enhanced endothelial... | \n","1669 | \n","Thus, a component of LDL-enhanced endothelial ... | \n","[0.06682103872299194, -0.043387044221162796, -... | \n","0.532349 | \n","
31 | \n","positive | \n","However, stimulation with MBP did not produce ... | \n","positive | \n","[However, stimulation with MBP did not produce... | \n","1627 | \n","However, stimulation with MBP did not produce ... | \n","[0.07646981626749039, 0.05336544290184975, -0.... | \n","0.803395 | \n","
32 | \n","negative | \n","We analyzed the activity of the enhancer, the ... | \n","neutral | \n","[We analyzed the activity of the enhancer, the... | \n","1819 | \n","We analyzed the activity of the enhancer, the ... | \n","[0.058565203100442886, 0.017934346571564674, 0... | \n","0.525206 | \n","
33 | \n","negative | \n","Death-inducing ligands (DILs) such as tumor ne... | \n","positive | \n","[Death-inducing ligands (DILs) such as tumor n... | \n","148 | \n","Death-inducing ligands (DILs) such as tumor ne... | \n","[0.018583133816719055, 0.05835242569446564, 0.... | \n","0.721663 | \n","
34 | \n","positive | \n","Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, w... | \n","positive | \n","[Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, ... | \n","857 | \n","Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, w... | \n","[0.01857064664363861, -1.7747517631505616e-05,... | \n","0.762466 | \n","
35 | \n","negative | \n","cAMP signaling inhibited Stat1 at several diff... | \n","neutral | \n","[cAMP signaling inhibited Stat1 at several dif... | \n","285 | \n","cAMP signaling inhibited Stat1 at several diff... | \n","[0.0070323762483894825, -0.036651283502578735,... | \n","0.517350 | \n","
36 | \n","positive | \n","In addition, JNK activation by PMA plus ionoph... | \n","positive | \n","[In addition, JNK activation by PMA plus ionop... | \n","36 | \n","In addition, JNK activation by PMA plus ionoph... | \n","[0.04152128845453262, 0.014748011715710163, 0.... | \n","0.800704 | \n","
37 | \n","negative | \n","The viral protein Tax induces the activation a... | \n","neutral | \n","[The viral protein Tax induces the activation ... | \n","679 | \n","The viral protein Tax induces the activation a... | \n","[0.06768079847097397, -0.028039786964654922, 0... | \n","0.559131 | \n","
38 | \n","negative | \n","Furthermore, OFT-1 appeared to have approximat... | \n","positive | \n","[Furthermore, OFT-1 appeared to have approxima... | \n","1527 | \n","Furthermore, OFT-1 appeared to have approximat... | \n","[0.07009289413690567, 0.03128473833203316, -0.... | \n","0.662930 | \n","
39 | \n","negative | \n","A principal objective of the present study was... | \n","neutral | \n","[A principal objective of the present study wa... | \n","479 | \n","A principal objective of the present study was... | \n","[0.017783455550670624, -0.026092059910297394, ... | \n","0.569664 | \n","
40 | \n","positive | \n","We conclude that downregulation of WT1 during ... | \n","positive | \n","[We conclude that downregulation of WT1 during... | \n","1561 | \n","We conclude that downregulation of WT1 during ... | \n","[0.00441081915050745, 0.021023083478212357, -0... | \n","0.700463 | \n","
41 | \n","negative | \n","In these transfected CL-01 cells, CD40:CD40L e... | \n","neutral | \n","[In these transfected CL-01 cells, CD40:CD40L ... | \n","1188 | \n","In these transfected CL-01 cells, CD40:CD40L e... | \n","[0.010555184446275234, -0.005831445567309856, ... | \n","0.548869 | \n","
42 | \n","negative | \n","Recent studies indicate that mutations in the ... | \n","neutral | \n","[Recent studies indicate that mutations in the... | \n","667 | \n","Recent studies indicate that mutations in the ... | \n","[0.05200810357928276, -0.0026498467195779085, ... | \n","0.535857 | \n","
43 | \n","negative | \n","To confirm the importance of the three cis-act... | \n","neutral | \n","[To confirm the importance of the three cis-ac... | \n","734 | \n","To confirm the importance of the three cis-act... | \n","[0.05337677150964737, -0.028393635526299477, 0... | \n","0.538683 | \n","
44 | \n","positive | \n","No significant difference was detected in the ... | \n","positive | \n","[No significant difference was detected in the... | \n","1805 | \n","No significant difference was detected in the ... | \n","[0.05019189417362213, 0.01725945621728897, 0.0... | \n","0.838974 | \n","
45 | \n","positive | \n","In contrast, anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 stimulated... | \n","positive | \n","[In contrast, anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 stimulate... | \n","1473 | \n","In contrast, anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 stimulated... | \n","[0.053164657205343246, 0.015389195643365383, 0... | \n","0.727595 | \n","
46 | \n","negative | \n","In this study we analyzed the effect of CD40 s... | \n","neutral | \n","[In this study we analyzed the effect of CD40 ... | \n","418 | \n","In this study we analyzed the effect of CD40 s... | \n","[0.016681713983416557, 0.06071694567799568, -0... | \n","0.515776 | \n","
47 | \n","positive | \n","A dramatic increase in the intracellular level... | \n","positive | \n","[A dramatic increase in the intracellular leve... | \n","689 | \n","A dramatic increase in the intracellular level... | \n","[0.032944243401288986, -0.005736679304391146, ... | \n","0.699241 | \n","
48 | \n","positive | \n","Qualitatively different effects were observed ... | \n","positive | \n","[Qualitatively different effects were observed... | \n","1228 | \n","Qualitatively different effects were observed ... | \n","[0.06803048402070999, 0.039302267134189606, 0.... | \n","0.795765 | \n","
49 | \n","negative | \n","A third tyrosine within the amino-terminal reg... | \n","positive | \n","[A third tyrosine within the amino-terminal re... | \n","1899 | \n","A third tyrosine within the amino-terminal reg... | \n","[0.08541002124547958, 0.0034846188500523567, 0... | \n","0.600163 | \n","
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16 | \n", + "The two mutations R217A and R294A caused an in... | \n", + "[-0.5198838710784912, 0.6203998327255249, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "The two mutations R217A and R294A caused an in... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "Cipro did not affect the nuclear transcription... | \n", + "[-0.010745533742010593, 0.36891499161720276, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "Cipro did not affect the nuclear transcription... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "Conversely, diurnal rhythmicity persisted in a... | \n", + "[-0.6558191180229187, -0.4102998673915863, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "Conversely, diurnal rhythmicity persisted in a... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "The immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) class swi... | \n", + "[-0.5788812637329102, 0.16702984273433685, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "The immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) class swi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "Four regions in this DNA fragment interact wit... | \n", + "[0.4348486065864563, -0.4957105219364166, -0.9... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Four regions in this DNA fragment interact wit... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "Previous characterization of the GPIX promoter... | \n", + "[-1.4378761053085327, 0.35956352949142456, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Previous characterization of the GPIX promoter... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "Neutrophil maturation was impaired in PEBP2bet... | \n", + "[-0.9040020704269409, -0.3321942389011383, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "Neutrophil maturation was impaired in PEBP2bet... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "Treatment of normal monocytes with 12-0-tetrad... | \n", + "[-0.38281142711639404, -0.09264473617076874, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Treatment of normal monocytes with 12-0-tetrad... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "We have cloned the gene for a new ets-related ... | \n", + "[-0.06995158642530441, 0.0628473237156868, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "We have cloned the gene for a new ets-related ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "Expression and genomic configuration of GM-CSF... | \n", + "[-0.2674736976623535, 0.6871048212051392, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Expression and genomic configuration of GM-CSF... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "Consequently, cytosolic activation, nuclear tr... | \n", + "[-0.11669447273015976, -0.41803038120269775, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Consequently, cytosolic activation, nuclear tr... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "We propose that Jun plays a bifunctional role ... | \n", + "[-0.3439536988735199, -0.11270888149738312, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "We propose that Jun plays a bifunctional role ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "In B lymphoid cells, deltaspi-B and spi-B mRNA... | \n", + "[-0.026912417262792587, -0.07306383550167084, ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "In B lymphoid cells, deltaspi-B and spi-B mRNA... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "In order to study CD14 gene regulation, the hu... | \n", + "[-0.6894456744194031, 0.6227385997772217, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "In order to study CD14 gene regulation, the hu... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "E3 transcripts were RA-inducible in HL60 cells... | \n", + "[0.055561263114213943, 0.29671669006347656, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "E3 transcripts were RA-inducible in HL60 cells... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "IL-7 also delayed the decreases in the levels ... | \n", + "[-1.2081276178359985, -0.4925746023654938, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "IL-7 also delayed the decreases in the levels ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "A marked activation of gamma-promoter activity... | \n", + "[-0.7283461093902588, -0.00887372437864542, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "A marked activation of gamma-promoter activity... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "These results demonstrate that the transcripti... | \n", + "[-0.8078993558883667, 0.024193232879042625, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "These results demonstrate that the transcripti... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "The A6H monoclonal antibody (mAb) recognizes a... | \n", + "[-0.6170817017555237, 0.176478773355484, -0.77... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "The A6H monoclonal antibody (mAb) recognizes a... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "The highly specific granulomonocyte-associated... | \n", + "[-0.5863608717918396, 0.10614630579948425, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "The highly specific granulomonocyte-associated... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "Compared to benign tumor or mammary reduction ... | \n", + "[0.0020447946153581142, 0.1792808622121811, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Compared to benign tumor or mammary reduction ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "Sequence-specific DNA-binding small molecules ... | \n", + "[-0.2069147676229477, 0.016566185280680656, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Sequence-specific DNA-binding small molecules ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "Structure function analysis of vitamin D analo... | \n", + "[-0.4320926070213318, 0.74772709608078, -0.559... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Structure function analysis of vitamin D analo... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "To determine the mechanisms responsible for th... | \n", + "[-0.37579116225242615, 0.5168997049331665, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "To determine the mechanisms responsible for th... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "DNA band-shift analysis reveals NF-kappa B bin... | \n", + "[-0.04819030314683914, 0.04168706387281418, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "DNA band-shift analysis reveals NF-kappa B bin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "RESULTS: Both all-trans and 9-cis RA inhibited... | \n", + "[-0.5226595401763916, -0.33986032009124756, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "RESULTS: Both all-trans and 9-cis RA inhibited... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "Negative selection in the cortex appears to be... | \n", + "[-0.022223301231861115, -0.22735534608364105, ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Negative selection in the cortex appears to be... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "Nitric oxide-stimulated guanine nucleotide exc... | \n", + "[-0.3036770224571228, -0.13188859820365906, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "Nitric oxide-stimulated guanine nucleotide exc... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "We show that the ability to detect NF-ATp in a... | \n", + "[-0.6237607598304749, 0.3612492084503174, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "We show that the ability to detect NF-ATp in a... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "C3/5 cells developed specific proliferation an... | \n", + "[-0.26343587040901184, -0.09341304749250412, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "C3/5 cells developed specific proliferation an... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "Recent reports demonstrated that ionizing radi... | \n", + "[-0.5906685590744019, 0.20001085102558136, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Recent reports demonstrated that ionizing radi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "Here we examine molecular mechanisms controlli... | \n", + "[-0.4508644938468933, 0.2742282450199127, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Here we examine molecular mechanisms controlli... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "These results demonstrate that multiple X1 box... | \n", + "[-0.3715269863605499, 0.3266661465167999, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "These results demonstrate that multiple X1 box... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "IL-2 and IL-7 were equivalent in their ability... | \n", + "[-0.7310452461242676, -0.2004045844078064, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "IL-2 and IL-7 were equivalent in their ability... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
\n", + " | sentence | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "The virus had a direct impact on the nervous s... | \n", + "[-0.4990377724170685, 0.34958764910697937, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Based on nucleotide sequence requirements and ... | \n", + "[-0.49277549982070923, 0.09530887007713318, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Based on nucleotide sequence requirements and ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "TINUR belongs to the NGFI-B/nur77 family of th... | \n", + "[-0.10481061786413193, 0.1171066015958786, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "TINUR belongs to the NGFI-B/nur77 family of th... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "In selenium-deprived Jurkat and ESb-L T lympho... | \n", + "[-1.0812174081802368, 0.5883667469024658, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "In selenium-deprived Jurkat and ESb-L T lympho... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "These findings demonstrate that IFNs inhibit I... | \n", + "[-0.9547467231750488, -0.15689292550086975, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "These findings demonstrate that IFNs inhibit I... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "These data reveal the presence of distinct com... | \n", + "[-0.4628618657588959, 0.06154884025454521, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "These data reveal the presence of distinct com... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "The translated protein showed weak DNA binding... | \n", + "[-0.3139030635356903, -0.15748938918113708, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "The translated protein showed weak DNA binding... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "All tumor cell lines from the B-cell lineage a... | \n", + "[0.20084746181964874, -0.4846010208129883, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "All tumor cell lines from the B-cell lineage a... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "GABP factors bind to a distal interleukin 2 (I... | \n", + "[-0.26659855246543884, 0.2846565246582031, -1.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "GABP factors bind to a distal interleukin 2 (I... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "In addition, Tax also stimulates the transcrip... | \n", + "[-0.822009801864624, 0.6354378461837769, -0.34... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "In addition, Tax also stimulates the transcrip... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "Mutation of the TCF-1 alpha binding site dimin... | \n", + "[-0.6489402651786804, 0.1254355013370514, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Mutation of the TCF-1 alpha binding site dimin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "They involve phosphorylation and proteolytic r... | \n", + "[-0.8970018029212952, -0.5171773433685303, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "They involve phosphorylation and proteolytic r... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "Activation of the transcription factor NF-kapp... | \n", + "[-0.5248922109603882, 0.24680814146995544, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Activation of the transcription factor NF-kapp... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "Neutrophil accumulation and development of lun... | \n", + "[-1.0332255363464355, 0.5459337830543518, -1.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Neutrophil accumulation and development of lun... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "Mutations in these binding sites can interfere... | \n", + "[-0.11175256222486496, 0.06691665202379227, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Mutations in these binding sites can interfere... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "To understand the molecular mechanisms of func... | \n", + "[-0.4407936632633209, 0.782042920589447, -0.50... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "To understand the molecular mechanisms of func... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "Collectively, these results suggest that HOCl ... | \n", + "[-0.6647999882698059, 0.3089727759361267, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Collectively, these results suggest that HOCl ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "However, mutation of the AP-1 site markedly di... | \n", + "[-0.9864672422409058, 0.05116121098399162, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "However, mutation of the AP-1 site markedly di... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "A novel HIV-1 isolate containing alterations a... | \n", + "[-0.18733267486095428, 0.06821992248296738, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "A novel HIV-1 isolate containing alterations a... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "These findings suggest that Zp responds direct... | \n", + "[-0.7554842829704285, -0.054939232766628265, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "These findings suggest that Zp responds direct... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "Several distinct roles for hsp90 in modulating... | \n", + "[-0.12544415891170502, 0.2649071216583252, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Several distinct roles for hsp90 in modulating... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "In addition to activation of phospholipase C g... | \n", + "[-0.5602053999900818, -0.5014104843139648, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "In addition to activation of phospholipase C g... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "Also in the current study, binding activity to... | \n", + "[-0.9772286415100098, 0.048676762729883194, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Also in the current study, binding activity to... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "These alterations of transcription factors are... | \n", + "[-0.3631213307380676, 0.2459881603717804, -0.8... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "These alterations of transcription factors are... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2 and laten... | \n", + "[-0.1847376972436905, -0.007672342471778393, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2 and laten... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "Here, we present the isolation and characteriz... | \n", + "[-0.14775823056697845, -0.014818106777966022, ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Here, we present the isolation and characteriz... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "The signaling capabilities of the IL-10R for a... | \n", + "[-0.506297767162323, 0.44844114780426025, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "The signaling capabilities of the IL-10R for a... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "To identify potential cellular homologues of c... | \n", + "[0.001409502699971199, 0.13168536126613617, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "To identify potential cellular homologues of c... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "In addition, no CIITA protein is detectable in... | \n", + "[0.09807377308607101, -0.04232050105929375, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "In addition, no CIITA protein is detectable in... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "The expression of AP-1 depended on calcium mob... | \n", + "[-0.9711195826530457, -0.15560954809188843, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "The expression of AP-1 depended on calcium mob... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "Nuclear accumulation of NFAT4 opposed by the J... | \n", + "[-0.22911998629570007, 0.4173714518547058, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Nuclear accumulation of NFAT4 opposed by the J... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "This resistance to apoptosis is reversed by an... | \n", + "[-0.3486934304237366, 0.22132794559001923, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "This resistance to apoptosis is reversed by an... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "During recent years, studies of insulin-gene r... | \n", + "[-0.7870786786079407, 0.4678671956062317, -0.9... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "During recent years, studies of insulin-gene r... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "The NFAT protein migrated more slowly in a sod... | \n", + "[0.048784464597702026, -0.1957472562789917, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "The NFAT protein migrated more slowly in a sod... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "The effect of DM on expression of IL-2R alpha ... | \n", + "[-0.37844932079315186, 0.12598302960395813, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "The effect of DM on expression of IL-2R alpha ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "We conclude that TNF-alpha bioavailability and... | \n", + "[-0.5289692878723145, 0.7431911826133728, -0.7... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "We conclude that TNF-alpha bioavailability and... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "The two isozymes show little amino acid identi... | \n", + "[0.14430226385593414, -0.674239993095398, -0.7... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "The two isozymes show little amino acid identi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "Intriguingly, surface expression of LT-alpha1b... | \n", + "[-0.2223060429096222, -0.15909825265407562, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Intriguingly, surface expression of LT-alpha1b... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "Binding of the drug inhibits isomerase activit... | \n", + "[-0.6680501699447632, 0.34882932901382446, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Binding of the drug inhibits isomerase activit... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "These genes may then play a role in altering t... | \n", + "[-0.8830984830856323, 0.1207333579659462, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "These genes may then play a role in altering t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "Copyright 1999 Academic Press. | \n", + "[-1.021697759628296, 0.9163565635681152, -0.25... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Copyright 1999 Academic Press. | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "Direct exposure to 10 nM 2,3,7,8-TCDD caused a... | \n", + "[-0.8829392194747925, 0.09077997505664825, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Direct exposure to 10 nM 2,3,7,8-TCDD caused a... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "However, activation of the T cell lines leadin... | \n", + "[-0.2961618900299072, -0.22415119409561157, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "However, activation of the T cell lines leadin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "The defensin sensitivities of Salmonella typhi... | \n", + "[-0.4785139262676239, 0.172796368598938, -0.22... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "The defensin sensitivities of Salmonella typhi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "Receptors for the Fc portion of immunoglobulin... | \n", + "[-0.44332364201545715, -0.3984912037849426, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Receptors for the Fc portion of immunoglobulin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "We have isolated a novel cDNA clone encoding i... | \n", + "[0.11249734461307526, -0.1219027042388916, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "We have isolated a novel cDNA clone encoding i... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "IL-10 inhibitory activity is exerted on T lymp... | \n", + "[-0.07616603374481201, 0.030630899593234062, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "IL-10 inhibitory activity is exerted on T lymp... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "Furthermore, CD40 ligation of a HLA-A2+, Melan... | \n", + "[-0.3785442113876343, 0.29912295937538147, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Furthermore, CD40 ligation of a HLA-A2+, Melan... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "We conclude that interactions between TAFII32 ... | \n", + "[-0.4170002043247223, -0.09449539333581924, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "We conclude that interactions between TAFII32 ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "These cDNA were 2343 bp long and their transcr... | \n", + "[-0.9243519306182861, 0.7070343494415283, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "These cDNA were 2343 bp long and their transcr... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "In vitro studies using pure recombinant p21ras... | \n", + "[-0.6335657238960266, 0.15302662551403046, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "In vitro studies using pure recombinant p21ras... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "The virus had a direct impact on the nervous s... | \n", + "[0.6362331509590149, 0.006696224212646484, 0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "
\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","
1463 | \n","positive | \n","red cross installs blood drop-off bins for don... | \n","
9543 | \n","positive | \n","president-elect edwards seen entering chinatow... | \n","
2930 | \n","positive | \n","crowd at trump rally realizes they've been cha... | \n","
644 | \n","positive | \n","kerry captures bin laden one week too late | \n","
2390 | \n","negative | \n","'new hampshire' episode 4: not just for old, w... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
9034 | \n","negative | \n","deputy interior secretary met with lobbyist fo... | \n","
6330 | \n","negative | \n","parents of kidnapped girls make desperate plea | \n","
7127 | \n","negative | \n","image vs. substance in your self-made journey | \n","
7289 | \n","positive | \n","'secretary clinton is a different person than ... | \n","
9077 | \n","positive | \n","cnn producer on hunt for saddest-looking fuck ... | \n","
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1 | \n","neutral | \n","president-elect edwards seen entering chinatow... | \n","[0.07900547981262207, 0.06132232025265694, 0.0... | \n","president-elect edwards seen entering chinatow... | \n","0.539660 | \n","[president-elect edwards seen entering chinato... | \n","positive | \n","9543 | \n","
2 | \n","positive | \n","crowd at trump rally realizes they've been cha... | \n","[0.00032250594813376665, -0.022321783006191254... | \n","crowd at trump rally realizes they've been cha... | \n","0.624888 | \n","[crowd at trump rally realizes they've been ch... | \n","positive | \n","2930 | \n","
3 | \n","neutral | \n","kerry captures bin laden one week too late | \n","[-0.004850792698562145, 0.017207739874720573, ... | \n","kerry captures bin laden one week too late | \n","0.594691 | \n","[kerry captures bin laden one week too late] | \n","positive | \n","644 | \n","
4 | \n","neutral | \n","'new hampshire' episode 4: not just for old, w... | \n","[-0.04294964671134949, -0.07175017148256302, -... | \n","'new hampshire' episode 4: not just for old, w... | \n","0.546094 | \n","['new hampshire' episode 4: not just for old, ... | \n","negative | \n","2390 | \n","
5 | \n","neutral | \n","12 indie spots in hong kong | \n","[-0.036156971007585526, -0.014244569465517998,... | \n","12 indie spots in hong kong | \n","0.509936 | \n","[12 indie spots in hong kong] | \n","negative | \n","5450 | \n","
6 | \n","neutral | \n","former refugee fights for her dream to abolish... | \n","[-0.0035593388602137566, 0.008986725471913815,... | \n","former refugee fights for her dream to abolish... | \n","0.578656 | \n","[former refugee fights for her dream to abolis... | \n","negative | \n","7739 | \n","
7 | \n","neutral | \n","watch out, sephora. h&m beauty is coming for you. | \n","[-0.02806154452264309, -0.04734545946121216, 0... | \n","watch out, sephora. h&m beauty is coming for you. | \n","0.503327 | \n","[watch out, sephora., h&m beauty is coming for... | \n","negative | \n","4370 | \n","
8 | \n","neutral | \n","computer scientists say ai's underdeveloped et... | \n","[-0.007209080271422863, -0.01665995828807354, ... | \n","computer scientists say ai's underdeveloped et... | \n","0.564115 | \n","[computer scientists say ai's underdeveloped e... | \n","positive | \n","9418 | \n","
9 | \n","neutral | \n","past armageddon and on to zippori, one of isra... | \n","[-0.0013639864046126604, -0.05516374856233597,... | \n","past armageddon and on to zippori, one of isra... | \n","0.528413 | \n","[past armageddon and on to zippori, one of isr... | \n","negative | \n","4357 | \n","
10 | \n","neutral | \n","obama caves to girl scout lobby, wears tiara i... | \n","[-0.019499918445944786, -0.01798412762582302, ... | \n","obama caves to girl scout lobby, wears tiara i... | \n","0.580572 | \n","[obama caves to girl scout lobby, wears tiara ... | \n","negative | \n","2418 | \n","
11 | \n","neutral | \n","israel passes law cementing itself as exclusiv... | \n","[0.05780275911092758, -0.04909253492951393, -0... | \n","israel passes law cementing itself as exclusiv... | \n","0.587168 | \n","[israel passes law cementing itself as exclusi... | \n","positive | \n","7882 | \n","
12 | \n","positive | \n","local man's fear of snakes increases with each... | \n","[0.056381646543741226, -0.057368289679288864, ... | \n","local man's fear of snakes increases with each... | \n","0.611751 | \n","[local man's fear of snakes increases with eac... | \n","positive | \n","6117 | \n","
13 | \n","neutral | \n","media ethics: whose standards? | \n","[0.0406915545463562, 0.03338606283068657, -0.0... | \n","media ethics: whose standards? | \n","0.522510 | \n","[media ethics: whose standards?] | \n","negative | \n","7992 | \n","
14 | \n","neutral | \n","rare species of frog may hold cure to...ah, ne... | \n","[0.079066202044487, 0.021108830347657204, -0.0... | \n","rare species of frog may hold cure to...ah, ne... | \n","0.583740 | \n","[rare species of frog may hold cure to., ..ah,... | \n","positive | \n","6445 | \n","
15 | \n","neutral | \n","police officers waving everyone over to take a... | \n","[-0.011674991808831692, -0.07644280791282654, ... | \n","police officers waving everyone over to take a... | \n","0.551790 | \n","[police officers waving everyone over to take ... | \n","positive | \n","8222 | \n","
16 | \n","neutral | \n","nate berkus and jeremiah brent are married! | \n","[0.03597276285290718, 0.05780172348022461, -0.... | \n","nate berkus and jeremiah brent are married! | \n","0.521706 | \n","[nate berkus and jeremiah brent are married!] | \n","negative | \n","3847 | \n","
17 | \n","neutral | \n","summer camp hierarchy thrown into chaos after ... | \n","[-0.07574271410703659, 0.037431202828884125, 0... | \n","summer camp hierarchy thrown into chaos after ... | \n","0.547273 | \n","[summer camp hierarchy thrown into chaos after... | \n","positive | \n","253 | \n","
18 | \n","neutral | \n","iraqi officer under saddam masterminded the ri... | \n","[0.02313143201172352, -0.05338258296251297, -0... | \n","iraqi officer under saddam masterminded the ri... | \n","0.570464 | \n","[iraqi officer under saddam masterminded the r... | \n","negative | \n","2504 | \n","
19 | \n","neutral | \n","cop crashed cruiser into ditch after this owl ... | \n","[-0.0011760082561522722, -0.07277680933475494,... | \n","cop crashed cruiser into ditch after this owl ... | \n","0.539377 | \n","[cop crashed cruiser into ditch after this owl... | \n","negative | \n","6992 | \n","
20 | \n","positive | \n","bush elected president of iraq | \n","[-0.02786075882613659, 0.044202402234077454, -... | \n","bush elected president of iraq | \n","0.607670 | \n","[bush elected president of iraq] | \n","positive | \n","5882 | \n","
21 | \n","neutral | \n","senate does equifax a favor as a former execut... | \n","[0.048467256128787994, -0.020521214231848717, ... | \n","senate does equifax a favor as a former execut... | \n","0.546467 | \n","[senate does equifax a favor as a former execu... | \n","negative | \n","9721 | \n","
22 | \n","neutral | \n","texan feels emotionally empty after chili cook... | \n","[-0.03747135400772095, 0.021678565070033073, -... | \n","texan feels emotionally empty after chili cook... | \n","0.593196 | \n","[texan feels emotionally empty after chili coo... | \n","positive | \n","8362 | \n","
23 | \n","neutral | \n","lgbtq activists organizing massive dance prote... | \n","[0.03160602226853371, -0.031953465193510056, -... | \n","lgbtq activists organizing massive dance prote... | \n","0.582981 | \n","[lgbtq activists organizing massive dance prot... | \n","negative | \n","1073 | \n","
24 | \n","neutral | \n","samsung slashes profit forecast after pulling ... | \n","[0.06239231675863266, -0.03570358455181122, -0... | \n","samsung slashes profit forecast after pulling ... | \n","0.528766 | \n","[samsung slashes profit forecast after pulling... | \n","negative | \n","7620 | \n","
25 | \n","neutral | \n","unpublished twain autobiography rails against ... | \n","[-0.030312832444906235, 0.06083317846059799, 0... | \n","unpublished twain autobiography rails against ... | \n","0.546941 | \n","[unpublished twain autobiography rails against... | \n","positive | \n","6476 | \n","
26 | \n","neutral | \n","vegetarian begins sad, private routine of scan... | \n","[-0.07400622963905334, -0.04156332463026047, -... | \n","vegetarian begins sad, private routine of scan... | \n","0.557931 | \n","[vegetarian begins sad, private routine of sca... | \n","positive | \n","6011 | \n","
27 | \n","neutral | \n","down with cutesy cleaning supplies! | \n","[-0.05738799646496773, 0.06619091331958771, -0... | \n","down with cutesy cleaning supplies! | \n","0.523498 | \n","[down with cutesy cleaning supplies!] | \n","negative | \n","7466 | \n","
28 | \n","neutral | \n","hillary clinton sets personal single rep squat... | \n","[0.05143097788095474, 0.03707878664135933, -0.... | \n","hillary clinton sets personal single rep squat... | \n","0.586224 | \n","[hillary clinton sets personal single rep squa... | \n","positive | \n","2975 | \n","
29 | \n","neutral | \n","traveling tips for families with special diet | \n","[-0.05301835760474205, -0.04789021238684654, -... | \n","traveling tips for families with special diet | \n","0.544159 | \n","[traveling tips for families with special diet] | \n","negative | \n","9610 | \n","
30 | \n","neutral | \n","tearful biden carefully takes down blacklight ... | \n","[0.02181081660091877, -0.05245676264166832, 0.... | \n","tearful biden carefully takes down blacklight ... | \n","0.578549 | \n","[tearful biden carefully takes down blacklight... | \n","positive | \n","9186 | \n","
31 | \n","neutral | \n","8-year-old girl dies after drinking boiling wa... | \n","[-0.07436364144086838, -0.042152464389801025, ... | \n","8-year-old girl dies after drinking boiling wa... | \n","0.536114 | \n","[8-year-old girl dies after drinking boiling w... | \n","negative | \n","5053 | \n","
32 | \n","neutral | \n","woody harrelson applies to open a marijuana di... | \n","[0.0774756669998169, -0.06551078706979752, -0.... | \n","woody harrelson applies to open a marijuana di... | \n","0.520218 | \n","[woody harrelson applies to open a marijuana d... | \n","negative | \n","2457 | \n","
33 | \n","neutral | \n","interview with elaine jung | \n","[-0.0419117696583271, -0.02243213728070259, 0.... | \n","interview with elaine jung | \n","0.504458 | \n","[interview with elaine jung] | \n","negative | \n","4830 | \n","
34 | \n","neutral | \n","how your sleep changes with the moon | \n","[0.005925372242927551, 0.0024853269569575787, ... | \n","how your sleep changes with the moon | \n","0.505398 | \n","[how your sleep changes with the moon] | \n","negative | \n","9055 | \n","
35 | \n","neutral | \n","dr. scholl's introduces new cartilage inserts ... | \n","[0.05181374028325081, 0.061040107160806656, -0... | \n","dr. scholl's introduces new cartilage inserts ... | \n","0.577065 | \n","[dr. scholl's introduces new cartilage inserts... | \n","positive | \n","1651 | \n","
36 | \n","positive | \n","nation's dogs dangerously underpetted, say dogs | \n","[-0.01876039244234562, -0.03308898210525513, -... | \n","nation's dogs dangerously underpetted, say dogs | \n","0.600809 | \n","[nation's dogs dangerously underpetted, say dogs] | \n","positive | \n","5842 | \n","
37 | \n","neutral | \n","sean bean's most memorable death wasn't 'lord ... | \n","[-0.013742960058152676, 0.05260717123746872, -... | \n","sean bean's most memorable death wasn't 'lord ... | \n","0.530136 | \n","[sean bean's most memorable death wasn't 'lord... | \n","negative | \n","3328 | \n","
38 | \n","neutral | \n","wife too busy videotaping elk attack to save h... | \n","[-0.02963477373123169, -0.024700473994016647, ... | \n","wife too busy videotaping elk attack to save h... | \n","0.575398 | \n","[wife too busy videotaping elk attack to save ... | \n","positive | \n","3869 | \n","
39 | \n","positive | \n","obama, romney remain about equally powerful | \n","[0.046225905418395996, 0.020606394857168198, -... | \n","obama, romney remain about equally powerful | \n","0.609472 | \n","[obama, romney remain about equally powerful] | \n","positive | \n","6087 | \n","
40 | \n","neutral | \n","man arriving late forced to use excuse he was ... | \n","[0.007267913315445185, 0.012945346534252167, -... | \n","man arriving late forced to use excuse he was ... | \n","0.545002 | \n","[man arriving late forced to use excuse he was... | \n","positive | \n","6329 | \n","
41 | \n","neutral | \n","news roundup for june 19, 2017 | \n","[0.006106187589466572, -0.07620107382535934, -... | \n","news roundup for june 19, 2017 | \n","0.519457 | \n","[news roundup for june 19, 2017] | \n","negative | \n","4470 | \n","
42 | \n","neutral | \n","report: 1 in 5 air ducts contains person looki... | \n","[-0.03163425996899605, 0.012088724412024021, -... | \n","report: 1 in 5 air ducts contains person looki... | \n","0.572511 | \n","[report: 1 in 5 air ducts contains person look... | \n","positive | \n","4423 | \n","
43 | \n","neutral | \n","arrested but innocent? the internet still thin... | \n","[0.0008291222620755434, -0.07605188339948654, ... | \n","arrested but innocent? the internet still thin... | \n","0.505108 | \n","[arrested but innocent?, the internet still t... | \n","negative | \n","7363 | \n","
44 | \n","neutral | \n","this desperate dad is trying to ward off the t... | \n","[-0.009455329738557339, -0.0632706880569458, -... | \n","this desperate dad is trying to ward off the t... | \n","0.539598 | \n","[this desperate dad is trying to ward off the ... | \n","negative | \n","6400 | \n","
45 | \n","neutral | \n","in defense of the promposal | \n","[0.04038773849606514, 0.06097205728292465, -0.... | \n","in defense of the promposal | \n","0.511992 | \n","[in defense of the promposal] | \n","negative | \n","9190 | \n","
46 | \n","neutral | \n","reason man turning to religion later in life m... | \n","[0.024827271699905396, -0.00032991680200211704... | \n","reason man turning to religion later in life m... | \n","0.574382 | \n","[reason man turning to religion later in life ... | \n","positive | \n","234 | \n","
47 | \n","neutral | \n","bunch of hick nobodies sue for toxic-waste exp... | \n","[0.02218099869787693, 0.0022194429766386747, 0... | \n","bunch of hick nobodies sue for toxic-waste exp... | \n","0.570060 | \n","[bunch of hick nobodies sue for toxic-waste ex... | \n","positive | \n","5098 | \n","
48 | \n","neutral | \n","no one in family sure who trip to arboretum is... | \n","[-0.03585259988903999, 0.017737973481416702, -... | \n","no one in family sure who trip to arboretum is... | \n","0.573483 | \n","[no one in family sure who trip to arboretum i... | \n","positive | \n","2552 | \n","
49 | \n","positive | \n","voice coming from dnc sound system during sand... | \n","[-0.009395286440849304, -0.0020206505432724953... | \n","voice coming from dnc sound system during sand... | \n","0.602834 | \n","[voice coming from dnc sound system during san... | \n","positive | \n","1449 | \n","
\n"," | trained_sentiment | \n","document | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","sentence | \n","origin_index | \n","
0 | \n","neutral | \n","Aliens are immortal! | \n","[-0.0700131505727768, -0.06706050038337708, -0... | \n","0.549292 | \n","[Aliens are immortal!] | \n","0 | \n","
\n"," | trained_sentiment | \n","document | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","text | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","sentence | \n","y | \n","origin_index | \n","
0 | \n","positive | \n","red cross installs blood drop-off bins for don... | \n","[-0.07407097518444061, 0.020259270444512367, -... | \n","red cross installs blood drop-off bins for don... | \n","0.918347 | \n","[red cross installs blood drop-off bins for do... | \n","positive | \n","1463 | \n","
1 | \n","neutral | \n","president-elect edwards seen entering chinatow... | \n","[0.07900547981262207, 0.06132232025265694, 0.0... | \n","president-elect edwards seen entering chinatow... | \n","0.591700 | \n","[president-elect edwards seen entering chinato... | \n","positive | \n","9543 | \n","
2 | \n","positive | \n","crowd at trump rally realizes they've been cha... | \n","[0.00032250594813376665, -0.022321783006191254... | \n","crowd at trump rally realizes they've been cha... | \n","0.963672 | \n","[crowd at trump rally realizes they've been ch... | \n","positive | \n","2930 | \n","
3 | \n","positive | \n","kerry captures bin laden one week too late | \n","[-0.004850792698562145, 0.017207739874720573, ... | \n","kerry captures bin laden one week too late | \n","0.846780 | \n","[kerry captures bin laden one week too late] | \n","positive | \n","644 | \n","
4 | \n","negative | \n","'new hampshire' episode 4: not just for old, w... | \n","[-0.04294964671134949, -0.07175017148256302, -... | \n","'new hampshire' episode 4: not just for old, w... | \n","0.888615 | \n","['new hampshire' episode 4: not just for old, ... | \n","negative | \n","2390 | \n","
5 | \n","negative | \n","12 indie spots in hong kong | \n","[-0.036156971007585526, -0.014244569465517998,... | \n","12 indie spots in hong kong | \n","0.889380 | \n","[12 indie spots in hong kong] | \n","negative | \n","5450 | \n","
6 | \n","neutral | \n","former refugee fights for her dream to abolish... | \n","[-0.0035593388602137566, 0.008986725471913815,... | \n","former refugee fights for her dream to abolish... | \n","0.516011 | \n","[former refugee fights for her dream to abolis... | \n","negative | \n","7739 | \n","
7 | \n","negative | \n","watch out, sephora. h&m beauty is coming for you. | \n","[-0.02806154452264309, -0.04734545946121216, 0... | \n","watch out, sephora. h&m beauty is coming for you. | \n","0.904426 | \n","[watch out, sephora., h&m beauty is coming for... | \n","negative | \n","4370 | \n","
8 | \n","positive | \n","computer scientists say ai's underdeveloped et... | \n","[-0.007209080271422863, -0.01665995828807354, ... | \n","computer scientists say ai's underdeveloped et... | \n","0.881709 | \n","[computer scientists say ai's underdeveloped e... | \n","positive | \n","9418 | \n","
9 | \n","negative | \n","past armageddon and on to zippori, one of isra... | \n","[-0.0013639864046126604, -0.05516374856233597,... | \n","past armageddon and on to zippori, one of isra... | \n","0.887740 | \n","[past armageddon and on to zippori, one of isr... | \n","negative | \n","4357 | \n","
10 | \n","positive | \n","obama caves to girl scout lobby, wears tiara i... | \n","[-0.019499918445944786, -0.01798412762582302, ... | \n","obama caves to girl scout lobby, wears tiara i... | \n","0.654486 | \n","[obama caves to girl scout lobby, wears tiara ... | \n","negative | \n","2418 | \n","
11 | \n","positive | \n","israel passes law cementing itself as exclusiv... | \n","[0.05780275911092758, -0.04909253492951393, -0... | \n","israel passes law cementing itself as exclusiv... | \n","0.803852 | \n","[israel passes law cementing itself as exclusi... | \n","positive | \n","7882 | \n","
12 | \n","positive | \n","local man's fear of snakes increases with each... | \n","[0.056381646543741226, -0.057368289679288864, ... | \n","local man's fear of snakes increases with each... | \n","0.973072 | \n","[local man's fear of snakes increases with eac... | \n","positive | \n","6117 | \n","
13 | \n","negative | \n","media ethics: whose standards? | \n","[0.0406915545463562, 0.03338606283068657, -0.0... | \n","media ethics: whose standards? | \n","0.884770 | \n","[media ethics: whose standards?] | \n","negative | \n","7992 | \n","
14 | \n","positive | \n","rare species of frog may hold cure to...ah, ne... | \n","[0.079066202044487, 0.021108830347657204, -0.0... | \n","rare species of frog may hold cure to...ah, ne... | \n","0.942009 | \n","[rare species of frog may hold cure to., ..ah,... | \n","positive | \n","6445 | \n","
15 | \n","positive | \n","police officers waving everyone over to take a... | \n","[-0.011674991808831692, -0.07644280791282654, ... | \n","police officers waving everyone over to take a... | \n","0.616271 | \n","[police officers waving everyone over to take ... | \n","positive | \n","8222 | \n","
16 | \n","negative | \n","nate berkus and jeremiah brent are married! | \n","[0.03597276285290718, 0.05780172348022461, -0.... | \n","nate berkus and jeremiah brent are married! | \n","0.904110 | \n","[nate berkus and jeremiah brent are married!] | \n","negative | \n","3847 | \n","
17 | \n","neutral | \n","summer camp hierarchy thrown into chaos after ... | \n","[-0.07574271410703659, 0.037431202828884125, 0... | \n","summer camp hierarchy thrown into chaos after ... | \n","0.586359 | \n","[summer camp hierarchy thrown into chaos after... | \n","positive | \n","253 | \n","
18 | \n","negative | \n","iraqi officer under saddam masterminded the ri... | \n","[0.02313143201172352, -0.05338258296251297, -0... | \n","iraqi officer under saddam masterminded the ri... | \n","0.712658 | \n","[iraqi officer under saddam masterminded the r... | \n","negative | \n","2504 | \n","
19 | \n","negative | \n","cop crashed cruiser into ditch after this owl ... | \n","[-0.0011760082561522722, -0.07277680933475494,... | \n","cop crashed cruiser into ditch after this owl ... | \n","0.835989 | \n","[cop crashed cruiser into ditch after this owl... | \n","negative | \n","6992 | \n","
20 | \n","positive | \n","bush elected president of iraq | \n","[-0.02786075882613659, 0.044202402234077454, -... | \n","bush elected president of iraq | \n","0.928596 | \n","[bush elected president of iraq] | \n","positive | \n","5882 | \n","
21 | \n","negative | \n","senate does equifax a favor as a former execut... | \n","[0.048467256128787994, -0.020521214231848717, ... | \n","senate does equifax a favor as a former execut... | \n","0.908127 | \n","[senate does equifax a favor as a former execu... | \n","negative | \n","9721 | \n","
22 | \n","positive | \n","texan feels emotionally empty after chili cook... | \n","[-0.03747135400772095, 0.021678565070033073, -... | \n","texan feels emotionally empty after chili cook... | \n","0.953778 | \n","[texan feels emotionally empty after chili coo... | \n","positive | \n","8362 | \n","
23 | \n","neutral | \n","lgbtq activists organizing massive dance prote... | \n","[0.03160602226853371, -0.031953465193510056, -... | \n","lgbtq activists organizing massive dance prote... | \n","0.548180 | \n","[lgbtq activists organizing massive dance prot... | \n","negative | \n","1073 | \n","
24 | \n","negative | \n","samsung slashes profit forecast after pulling ... | \n","[0.06239231675863266, -0.03570358455181122, -0... | \n","samsung slashes profit forecast after pulling ... | \n","0.912397 | \n","[samsung slashes profit forecast after pulling... | \n","negative | \n","7620 | \n","
25 | \n","positive | \n","unpublished twain autobiography rails against ... | \n","[-0.030312832444906235, 0.06083317846059799, 0... | \n","unpublished twain autobiography rails against ... | \n","0.709892 | \n","[unpublished twain autobiography rails against... | \n","positive | \n","6476 | \n","
26 | \n","positive | \n","vegetarian begins sad, private routine of scan... | \n","[-0.07400622963905334, -0.04156332463026047, -... | \n","vegetarian begins sad, private routine of scan... | \n","0.845192 | \n","[vegetarian begins sad, private routine of sca... | \n","positive | \n","6011 | \n","
27 | \n","negative | \n","down with cutesy cleaning supplies! | \n","[-0.05738799646496773, 0.06619091331958771, -0... | \n","down with cutesy cleaning supplies! | \n","0.853556 | \n","[down with cutesy cleaning supplies!] | \n","negative | \n","7466 | \n","
28 | \n","positive | \n","hillary clinton sets personal single rep squat... | \n","[0.05143097788095474, 0.03707878664135933, -0.... | \n","hillary clinton sets personal single rep squat... | \n","0.908901 | \n","[hillary clinton sets personal single rep squa... | \n","positive | \n","2975 | \n","
29 | \n","negative | \n","traveling tips for families with special diet | \n","[-0.05301835760474205, -0.04789021238684654, -... | \n","traveling tips for families with special diet | \n","0.788320 | \n","[traveling tips for families with special diet] | \n","negative | \n","9610 | \n","
30 | \n","positive | \n","tearful biden carefully takes down blacklight ... | \n","[0.02181081660091877, -0.05245676264166832, 0.... | \n","tearful biden carefully takes down blacklight ... | \n","0.836097 | \n","[tearful biden carefully takes down blacklight... | \n","positive | \n","9186 | \n","
31 | \n","negative | \n","8-year-old girl dies after drinking boiling wa... | \n","[-0.07436364144086838, -0.042152464389801025, ... | \n","8-year-old girl dies after drinking boiling wa... | \n","0.888045 | \n","[8-year-old girl dies after drinking boiling w... | \n","negative | \n","5053 | \n","
32 | \n","negative | \n","woody harrelson applies to open a marijuana di... | \n","[0.0774756669998169, -0.06551078706979752, -0.... | \n","woody harrelson applies to open a marijuana di... | \n","0.916998 | \n","[woody harrelson applies to open a marijuana d... | \n","negative | \n","2457 | \n","
33 | \n","negative | \n","interview with elaine jung | \n","[-0.0419117696583271, -0.02243213728070259, 0.... | \n","interview with elaine jung | \n","0.909372 | \n","[interview with elaine jung] | \n","negative | \n","4830 | \n","
34 | \n","negative | \n","how your sleep changes with the moon | \n","[0.005925372242927551, 0.0024853269569575787, ... | \n","how your sleep changes with the moon | \n","0.908831 | \n","[how your sleep changes with the moon] | \n","negative | \n","9055 | \n","
35 | \n","positive | \n","dr. scholl's introduces new cartilage inserts ... | \n","[0.05181374028325081, 0.061040107160806656, -0... | \n","dr. scholl's introduces new cartilage inserts ... | \n","0.901216 | \n","[dr. scholl's introduces new cartilage inserts... | \n","positive | \n","1651 | \n","
36 | \n","positive | \n","nation's dogs dangerously underpetted, say dogs | \n","[-0.01876039244234562, -0.03308898210525513, -... | \n","nation's dogs dangerously underpetted, say dogs | \n","0.959039 | \n","[nation's dogs dangerously underpetted, say dogs] | \n","positive | \n","5842 | \n","
37 | \n","negative | \n","sean bean's most memorable death wasn't 'lord ... | \n","[-0.013742960058152676, 0.05260717123746872, -... | \n","sean bean's most memorable death wasn't 'lord ... | \n","0.888762 | \n","[sean bean's most memorable death wasn't 'lord... | \n","negative | \n","3328 | \n","
38 | \n","positive | \n","wife too busy videotaping elk attack to save h... | \n","[-0.02963477373123169, -0.024700473994016647, ... | \n","wife too busy videotaping elk attack to save h... | \n","0.892977 | \n","[wife too busy videotaping elk attack to save ... | \n","positive | \n","3869 | \n","
39 | \n","positive | \n","obama, romney remain about equally powerful | \n","[0.046225905418395996, 0.020606394857168198, -... | \n","obama, romney remain about equally powerful | \n","0.950219 | \n","[obama, romney remain about equally powerful] | \n","positive | \n","6087 | \n","
40 | \n","positive | \n","man arriving late forced to use excuse he was ... | \n","[0.007267913315445185, 0.012945346534252167, -... | \n","man arriving late forced to use excuse he was ... | \n","0.854663 | \n","[man arriving late forced to use excuse he was... | \n","positive | \n","6329 | \n","
41 | \n","negative | \n","news roundup for june 19, 2017 | \n","[0.006106187589466572, -0.07620107382535934, -... | \n","news roundup for june 19, 2017 | \n","0.926237 | \n","[news roundup for june 19, 2017] | \n","negative | \n","4470 | \n","
42 | \n","positive | \n","report: 1 in 5 air ducts contains person looki... | \n","[-0.03163425996899605, 0.012088724412024021, -... | \n","report: 1 in 5 air ducts contains person looki... | \n","0.952198 | \n","[report: 1 in 5 air ducts contains person look... | \n","positive | \n","4423 | \n","
43 | \n","negative | \n","arrested but innocent? the internet still thin... | \n","[0.0008291222620755434, -0.07605188339948654, ... | \n","arrested but innocent? the internet still thin... | \n","0.936171 | \n","[arrested but innocent?, the internet still t... | \n","negative | \n","7363 | \n","
44 | \n","negative | \n","this desperate dad is trying to ward off the t... | \n","[-0.009455329738557339, -0.0632706880569458, -... | \n","this desperate dad is trying to ward off the t... | \n","0.873377 | \n","[this desperate dad is trying to ward off the ... | \n","negative | \n","6400 | \n","
45 | \n","negative | \n","in defense of the promposal | \n","[0.04038773849606514, 0.06097205728292465, -0.... | \n","in defense of the promposal | \n","0.866386 | \n","[in defense of the promposal] | \n","negative | \n","9190 | \n","
46 | \n","positive | \n","reason man turning to religion later in life m... | \n","[0.024827271699905396, -0.00032991680200211704... | \n","reason man turning to religion later in life m... | \n","0.901040 | \n","[reason man turning to religion later in life ... | \n","positive | \n","234 | \n","
47 | \n","positive | \n","bunch of hick nobodies sue for toxic-waste exp... | \n","[0.02218099869787693, 0.0022194429766386747, 0... | \n","bunch of hick nobodies sue for toxic-waste exp... | \n","0.874898 | \n","[bunch of hick nobodies sue for toxic-waste ex... | \n","positive | \n","5098 | \n","
48 | \n","positive | \n","no one in family sure who trip to arboretum is... | \n","[-0.03585259988903999, 0.017737973481416702, -... | \n","no one in family sure who trip to arboretum is... | \n","0.859806 | \n","[no one in family sure who trip to arboretum i... | \n","positive | \n","2552 | \n","
49 | \n","positive | \n","voice coming from dnc sound system during sand... | \n","[-0.009395286440849304, -0.0020206505432724953... | \n","voice coming from dnc sound system during sand... | \n","0.943251 | \n","[voice coming from dnc sound system during san... | \n","positive | \n","1449 | \n","
\n"," | document | \n","text | \n","sentiment | \n","origin_index | \n","sentence | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n","
0 | \n","Aliens are immortal! | \n","Aliens are immortal! | \n","[negative] | \n","8589934592 | \n","[Aliens are immortal!] | \n","[0.9999138] | \n","[[0.30930545926094055, 0.12947328388690948, 0.... | \n","
\n", + " | y | \n", + "text | \n", + "
1875 | \n", + "negative | \n", + "this t. rex dominates 'american ninja warrior'... | \n", + "
11997 | \n", + "negative | \n", + "computer science in vietnam: counting down to ... | \n", + "
315 | \n", + "positive | \n", + "dhs announces racial profiling free-for-all th... | \n", + "
16252 | \n", + "negative | \n", + "the best rent the runway dresses for bridesmaids | \n", + "
12178 | \n", + "negative | \n", + "abe's visit will remind americans china's powe... | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
10908 | \n", + "positive | \n", + "sudden death of aunt creates rupture in family... | \n", + "
17451 | \n", + "negative | \n", + "over 50% of lgbtq youths struggle with eating ... | \n", + "
16032 | \n", + "negative | \n", + "gop senator: my family went from 'cotton to co... | \n", + "
17823 | \n", + "negative | \n", + "martin o'malley fails to make ohio's president... | \n", + "
14495 | \n", + "positive | \n", + "nra says parkland students should be grateful ... | \n", + "
22895 rows × 2 columns
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0 | \n", + "kids in bus accident mocked by kids in passing... | \n", + "[-0.7924436926841736, -0.07141707092523575, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "kids in bus accident mocked by kids in passing... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "these two words are stealing your freedom | \n", + "[-1.028885006904602, -0.7214630246162415, 0.12... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "these two words are stealing your freedom | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "bush vows to do 'that thing gore just said, on... | \n", + "[-1.7108917236328125, 0.2942552864551544, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "bush vows to do 'that thing gore just said, on... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "scotland's parliament backs new independence r... | \n", + "[0.14012272655963898, 0.7012102603912354, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "scotland's parliament backs new independence r... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "joe biden: being vice president is 'a bitch' | \n", + "[-0.571045458316803, 0.5463784337043762, -0.17... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "joe biden: being vice president is 'a bitch' | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "u.s. army now just chasing single remaining is... | \n", + "[-0.9116203188896179, -0.3868906497955322, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "u.s. army now just chasing single remaining is... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "sheryl crow's freshness date expires | \n", + "[-1.388686180114746, 0.5200713872909546, -0.43... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "sheryl crow's freshness date expires | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "new ebola quarantine protocol seen as barrier ... | \n", + "[-0.6295406222343445, 0.43973761796951294, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "new ebola quarantine protocol seen as barrier ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "the secret to building a successful business t... | \n", + "[-0.1442088484764099, 0.5362765192985535, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "the secret to building a successful business t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "school for crime | \n", + "[-1.4345587491989136, 0.35326844453811646, -1.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "school for crime | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "want to increase trust? increase your say/do r... | \n", + "[-1.2950726747512817, 1.153881311416626, -0.36... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "want to increase trust? increase your say/do r... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "when autocorrect and sexting collide | \n", + "[-1.1433782577514648, 0.25382623076438904, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "when autocorrect and sexting collide | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "the house science committee doesn't seem to un... | \n", + "[-0.24199619889259338, 0.8295924663543701, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "the house science committee doesn't seem to un... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "eric clapton wows audience with even slower ve... | \n", + "[-0.12445597350597382, -0.2018168419599533, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "eric clapton wows audience with even slower ve... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "rick perry returning to iowa | \n", + "[-1.3457694053649902, 0.5665305852890015, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "rick perry returning to iowa | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "one beer can't do local alcoholic any harm | \n", + "[-1.3927576541900635, 0.6284745335578918, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "one beer can't do local alcoholic any harm | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "couple at point where they're comfortable usin... | \n", + "[-1.5534732341766357, 0.2146364003419876, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "couple at point where they're comfortable usin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "watch how mountains of trash spread across the... | \n", + "[-1.8412539958953857, 0.1492537260055542, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "watch how mountains of trash spread across the... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "lowly mortal opens portal to hell | \n", + "[-0.8720283508300781, -1.011899709701538, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "lowly mortal opens portal to hell | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "stephen hawking reportedly working on juicy te... | \n", + "[-0.7349460124969482, -0.011331072077155113, 0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "stephen hawking reportedly working on juicy te... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "offshorers demand: no taxes, no risk | \n", + "[-1.0823032855987549, 1.29856276512146, -0.915... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "offshorers demand: no taxes, no risk | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "troubling study finds majority of americans wh... | \n", + "[-0.7015470862388611, -0.17110034823417664, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "troubling study finds majority of americans wh... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "annoying man more annoying after skydiving | \n", + "[-1.4149224758148193, -1.0473958253860474, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "annoying man more annoying after skydiving | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "robin hood foundation | \n", + "[-0.057901788502931595, 0.8722413778305054, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "robin hood foundation | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "passenger glued to airplane window like it fuc... | \n", + "[-0.33463752269744873, 0.7636221051216125, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "passenger glued to airplane window like it fuc... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "amazingly humanlike robot able to commit thous... | \n", + "[-1.2185980081558228, -0.9673603177070618, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "amazingly humanlike robot able to commit thous... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "tourists describe scenes of horror in tunisian... | \n", + "[-1.1378378868103027, -1.2116812467575073, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "tourists describe scenes of horror in tunisian... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "is your christmas present spying on you? | \n", + "[-0.8687025308609009, -0.0924399271607399, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "is your christmas present spying on you? | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "area man busts his ass all day, and for what? | \n", + "[-2.376340627670288, -0.3160030245780945, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "area man busts his ass all day, and for what? | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "department of interior employee caught embezzl... | \n", + "[-1.1687604188919067, 0.5776483416557312, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "department of interior employee caught embezzl... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "new software yellows neglected digital photos ... | \n", + "[-0.773508608341217, 0.5193011164665222, -0.54... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "new software yellows neglected digital photos ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "read live updates on the cnn democratic debate | \n", + "[-1.1500324010849, -0.5574671626091003, 0.3618... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "read live updates on the cnn democratic debate | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "new poultry stripe gum hardly tastes like goos... | \n", + "[-1.2104802131652832, 0.2168104648590088, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "new poultry stripe gum hardly tastes like goos... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "new film takes an honest look at life with a t... | \n", + "[-0.27279043197631836, -0.44589897990226746, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "new film takes an honest look at life with a t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "vice president pence pushes expansive nato and... | \n", + "[0.06816250830888748, 0.562971830368042, -0.57... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "vice president pence pushes expansive nato and... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "mom tucks handwritten guide on how to use netf... | \n", + "[-1.1668932437896729, 0.6492086052894592, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "mom tucks handwritten guide on how to use netf... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "man insists facebook friend actually reads 'wh... | \n", + "[-0.41535136103630066, -0.6858690977096558, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "man insists facebook friend actually reads 'wh... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "internet explorer makes desperate overture to ... | \n", + "[-0.058107126504182816, -0.19895373284816742, ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "internet explorer makes desperate overture to ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "rock song takes pro-rock stance | \n", + "[-0.8466075658798218, -0.350190132856369, 0.33... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "rock song takes pro-rock stance | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "college still looking for absolute saddest pla... | \n", + "[-0.8797492384910583, -0.09284910559654236, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "college still looking for absolute saddest pla... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "alton sterling's family demands action from ba... | \n", + "[-1.123725175857544, 0.27766698598861694, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "alton sterling's family demands action from ba... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "ronda rousey wants to show you how ripped she ... | \n", + "[-0.704077959060669, 0.4832143783569336, -0.43... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "ronda rousey wants to show you how ripped she ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "the workplace revolution: adding company cultu... | \n", + "[-0.6472877860069275, 0.819389283657074, -0.50... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "the workplace revolution: adding company cultu... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "wolf blitzer walks into middle of olive garden... | \n", + "[-1.089509129524231, -0.010750504210591316, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "wolf blitzer walks into middle of olive garden... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "grandchild, grandfather equally dreading colla... | \n", + "[-0.9178588390350342, -0.05760730057954788, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "grandchild, grandfather equally dreading colla... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "congress reassures nervous zuckerberg they won... | \n", + "[-0.723938524723053, 0.5092206597328186, -0.02... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "congress reassures nervous zuckerberg they won... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "senators lured back to emergency session by pr... | \n", + "[-2.088550567626953, 0.19368097186088562, -0.7... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "senators lured back to emergency session by pr... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "powerball officials remove plastic balls from ... | \n", + "[-1.236419916152954, 0.6744992733001709, -0.52... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "powerball officials remove plastic balls from ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "rude guy unfortunately says something funny | \n", + "[-0.9946603775024414, -0.6593665480613708, 0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "rude guy unfortunately says something funny | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "the room i carry with me | \n", + "[-1.4270148277282715, 0.47338584065437317, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "the room i carry with me | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
\n", + " | sentence | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Aliens are immortal! | \n", + "[-0.6534902453422546, -1.4232430458068848, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.989048 | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "kids in bus accident mocked by kids in passing... | \n", + "[-0.7924436926841736, -0.07141707092523575, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "kids in bus accident mocked by kids in passing... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "these two words are stealing your freedom | \n", + "[-1.028885006904602, -0.7214630246162415, 0.12... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "these two words are stealing your freedom | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "bush vows to do 'that thing gore just said, on... | \n", + "[-1.7108917236328125, 0.2942552864551544, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "bush vows to do 'that thing gore just said, on... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "scotland's parliament backs new independence r... | \n", + "[0.14012272655963898, 0.7012102603912354, -0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "scotland's parliament backs new independence r... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "joe biden: being vice president is 'a bitch' | \n", + "[-0.571045458316803, 0.5463784337043762, -0.17... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "joe biden: being vice president is 'a bitch' | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "u.s. army now just chasing single remaining is... | \n", + "[-0.9116203188896179, -0.3868906497955322, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "u.s. army now just chasing single remaining is... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "sheryl crow's freshness date expires | \n", + "[-1.388686180114746, 0.5200713872909546, -0.43... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "sheryl crow's freshness date expires | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "new ebola quarantine protocol seen as barrier ... | \n", + "[-0.6295406222343445, 0.43973761796951294, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "new ebola quarantine protocol seen as barrier ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "the secret to building a successful business t... | \n", + "[-0.1442088484764099, 0.5362765192985535, -0.5... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "the secret to building a successful business t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "school for crime | \n", + "[-1.4345587491989136, 0.35326844453811646, -1.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "school for crime | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "want to increase trust? increase your say/do r... | \n", + "[-1.2950726747512817, 1.153881311416626, -0.36... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "want to increase trust? increase your say/do r... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "when autocorrect and sexting collide | \n", + "[-1.1433782577514648, 0.25382623076438904, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "when autocorrect and sexting collide | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "the house science committee doesn't seem to un... | \n", + "[-0.24199619889259338, 0.8295924663543701, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "the house science committee doesn't seem to un... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "eric clapton wows audience with even slower ve... | \n", + "[-0.12445597350597382, -0.2018168419599533, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "eric clapton wows audience with even slower ve... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "rick perry returning to iowa | \n", + "[-1.3457694053649902, 0.5665305852890015, -0.5... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "rick perry returning to iowa | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "one beer can't do local alcoholic any harm | \n", + "[-1.3927576541900635, 0.6284745335578918, -0.5... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "one beer can't do local alcoholic any harm | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "couple at point where they're comfortable usin... | \n", + "[-1.5534732341766357, 0.2146364003419876, -0.6... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "couple at point where they're comfortable usin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "watch how mountains of trash spread across the... | \n", + "[-1.8412539958953857, 0.1492537260055542, -0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "watch how mountains of trash spread across the... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "lowly mortal opens portal to hell | \n", + "[-0.8720283508300781, -1.011899709701538, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "lowly mortal opens portal to hell | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "stephen hawking reportedly working on juicy te... | \n", + "[-0.7349460124969482, -0.011331072077155113, 0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "stephen hawking reportedly working on juicy te... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "offshorers demand: no taxes, no risk | \n", + "[-1.0823032855987549, 1.29856276512146, -0.915... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "offshorers demand: no taxes, no risk | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "troubling study finds majority of americans wh... | \n", + "[-0.7015470862388611, -0.17110034823417664, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "troubling study finds majority of americans wh... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "annoying man more annoying after skydiving | \n", + "[-1.4149224758148193, -1.0473958253860474, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "annoying man more annoying after skydiving | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "robin hood foundation | \n", + "[-0.057901788502931595, 0.8722413778305054, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "robin hood foundation | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "passenger glued to airplane window like it fuc... | \n", + "[-0.33463752269744873, 0.7636221051216125, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "passenger glued to airplane window like it fuc... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "amazingly humanlike robot able to commit thous... | \n", + "[-1.2185980081558228, -0.9673603177070618, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "amazingly humanlike robot able to commit thous... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "tourists describe scenes of horror in tunisian... | \n", + "[-1.1378378868103027, -1.2116812467575073, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "tourists describe scenes of horror in tunisian... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "is your christmas present spying on you? | \n", + "[-0.8687025308609009, -0.0924399271607399, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "is your christmas present spying on you? | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "area man busts his ass all day, and for what? | \n", + "[-2.376340627670288, -0.3160030245780945, -0.4... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "area man busts his ass all day, and for what? | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "department of interior employee caught embezzl... | \n", + "[-1.1687604188919067, 0.5776483416557312, -0.6... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "department of interior employee caught embezzl... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "new software yellows neglected digital photos ... | \n", + "[-0.773508608341217, 0.5193011164665222, -0.54... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "new software yellows neglected digital photos ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "read live updates on the cnn democratic debate | \n", + "[-1.1500324010849, -0.5574671626091003, 0.3618... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "read live updates on the cnn democratic debate | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "new poultry stripe gum hardly tastes like goos... | \n", + "[-1.2104802131652832, 0.2168104648590088, -0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "new poultry stripe gum hardly tastes like goos... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "new film takes an honest look at life with a t... | \n", + "[-0.27279043197631836, -0.44589897990226746, -... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "new film takes an honest look at life with a t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "vice president pence pushes expansive nato and... | \n", + "[0.06816250830888748, 0.562971830368042, -0.57... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "vice president pence pushes expansive nato and... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "mom tucks handwritten guide on how to use netf... | \n", + "[-1.1668932437896729, 0.6492086052894592, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "mom tucks handwritten guide on how to use netf... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "man insists facebook friend actually reads 'wh... | \n", + "[-0.41535136103630066, -0.6858690977096558, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "man insists facebook friend actually reads 'wh... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "internet explorer makes desperate overture to ... | \n", + "[-0.058107126504182816, -0.19895373284816742, ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "internet explorer makes desperate overture to ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "rock song takes pro-rock stance | \n", + "[-0.8466075658798218, -0.350190132856369, 0.33... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "rock song takes pro-rock stance | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "college still looking for absolute saddest pla... | \n", + "[-0.8797492384910583, -0.09284910559654236, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "college still looking for absolute saddest pla... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "alton sterling's family demands action from ba... | \n", + "[-1.123725175857544, 0.27766698598861694, -0.4... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "alton sterling's family demands action from ba... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "ronda rousey wants to show you how ripped she ... | \n", + "[-0.704077959060669, 0.4832143783569336, -0.43... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "ronda rousey wants to show you how ripped she ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "the workplace revolution: adding company cultu... | \n", + "[-0.6472877860069275, 0.819389283657074, -0.50... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "the workplace revolution: adding company cultu... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "wolf blitzer walks into middle of olive garden... | \n", + "[-1.089509129524231, -0.010750504210591316, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "wolf blitzer walks into middle of olive garden... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "grandchild, grandfather equally dreading colla... | \n", + "[-0.9178588390350342, -0.05760730057954788, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "grandchild, grandfather equally dreading colla... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "congress reassures nervous zuckerberg they won... | \n", + "[-0.723938524723053, 0.5092206597328186, -0.02... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "congress reassures nervous zuckerberg they won... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "senators lured back to emergency session by pr... | \n", + "[-2.088550567626953, 0.19368097186088562, -0.7... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "senators lured back to emergency session by pr... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "powerball officials remove plastic balls from ... | \n", + "[-1.236419916152954, 0.6744992733001709, -0.52... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "powerball officials remove plastic balls from ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "rude guy unfortunately says something funny | \n", + "[-0.9946603775024414, -0.6593665480613708, 0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "rude guy unfortunately says something funny | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "the room i carry with me | \n", + "[-1.4270148277282715, 0.47338584065437317, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "the room i carry with me | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Aliens are immortal! | \n", + "[0.3093056380748749, 0.1294729858636856, 0.065... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "
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\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","positive | \n","
1 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","positive | \n","
4 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5786 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","negative | \n","
5787 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","negative | \n","
5788 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","positive | \n","
5789 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","positive | \n","
5790 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","positive | \n","
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1 | \n","[user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED ... | \n","1 | \n","positive | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","0.720251 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","positive | \n","[0.04891366884112358, -0.07381151616573334, -0... | \n","
2 | \n","[user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are l... | \n","2 | \n","positive | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","0.580390 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","neutral | \n","[0.05556508153676987, -0.016491785645484924, 0... | \n","
3 | \n","[MNTA Over 12.00] | \n","3 | \n","positive | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","0.941032 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.010976563207805157, -0.029801178723573685,... | \n","
4 | \n","[OI Over 21.37] | \n","4 | \n","positive | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","0.535012 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","neutral | \n","[0.024849383160471916, 0.04679657891392708, -0... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5786 | \n","[Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to... | \n","5786 | \n","negative | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","0.939032 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.020985640585422516, -0.03145354241132736, -... | \n","
5787 | \n","[#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investo... | \n","5787 | \n","negative | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","0.983991 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","negative | \n","[0.05627664923667908, 0.012842322699725628, -0... | \n","
5788 | \n","[Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wa... | \n","5788 | \n","positive | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","0.918838 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","negative | \n","[0.019935883581638336, -0.031780488789081573, ... | \n","
5789 | \n","[#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up ... | \n","5789 | \n","positive | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","0.761864 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","positive | \n","[0.0031773506198078394, -0.04296385496854782, ... | \n","
5790 | \n","[#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still ... | \n","5790 | \n","positive | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","0.904347 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","positive | \n","[0.04823731631040573, -0.012027987278997898, -... | \n","
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1 | \n","[user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED ... | \n","1 | \n","positive | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","0.934187 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","positive | \n","[0.04891366884112358, -0.07381151616573334, -0... | \n","
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5786 | \n","[Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to... | \n","5786 | \n","negative | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","0.733400 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.020985640585422516, -0.03145354241132736, -... | \n","
5787 | \n","[#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investo... | \n","5787 | \n","negative | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","0.967702 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","negative | \n","[0.05627664923667908, 0.012842322699725628, -0... | \n","
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5790 | \n","[#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still ... | \n","5790 | \n","positive | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","0.999243 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","positive | \n","[0.04823731631040573, -0.012027987278997898, -... | \n","
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1 | \n","[user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED ... | \n","1 | \n","positive | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","0.648291 | \n","positive | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","[-0.43004706501960754, 0.5101228952407837, -0.... | \n","
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... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5786 | \n","[Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to... | \n","5786 | \n","negative | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","0.753365 | \n","negative | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","[-0.09503882378339767, 0.6293947696685791, 0.0... | \n","
5787 | \n","[#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investo... | \n","5787 | \n","negative | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","0.724050 | \n","negative | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","[-0.12879370152950287, 0.28170245885849, 0.028... | \n","
5788 | \n","[Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wa... | \n","5788 | \n","positive | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","0.781417 | \n","negative | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","[-0.3395586907863617, 0.9124063849449158, -0.3... | \n","
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5790 | \n","[#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still ... | \n","5790 | \n","positive | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","0.542672 | \n","neutral | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","[-0.4486270248889923, 0.43264666199684143, 0.0... | \n","
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5788 | \n", + "Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
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1459 | \n","Absolutely wonderful drama and Ros is top notc... | \n","positive | \n","
2428 | \n","I was totally surprised just how good this mov... | \n","positive | \n","
2093 | \n","This is a fine musical with a timeless score b... | \n","positive | \n","
2370 | \n","Saw it yesterday night at the Midnight Slam of... | \n","negative | \n","
2064 | \n","This show was Fabulous. It was intricate and w... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
353 | \n","This film held my interest enough to watch it ... | \n","positive | \n","
2322 | \n","After reading the other tepid reviews and comm... | \n","positive | \n","
1997 | \n","This movie, despite its list of B, C, and D li... | \n","negative | \n","
1585 | \n","One of the most magnificent movies ever made. ... | \n","positive | \n","
237 | \n","This movie is not worth anything. I mean, if y... | \n","negative | \n","
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1 | \n","[0.06992700695991516, 0.0012252129381522536, -... | \n","0.972120 | \n","I was totally surprised just how good this mov... | \n","I was totally surprised just how good this mov... | \n","positive | \n","[I was totally surprised just how good this mo... | \n","positive | \n","2428 | \n","
2 | \n","[0.052442848682403564, -0.017640504986047745, ... | \n","0.989897 | \n","This is a fine musical with a timeless score b... | \n","This is a fine musical with a timeless score b... | \n","positive | \n","[This is a fine musical with a timeless score ... | \n","positive | \n","2093 | \n","
3 | \n","[0.04445473477244377, 0.018118631094694138, -0... | \n","0.999111 | \n","Saw it yesterday night at the Midnight Slam of... | \n","Saw it yesterday night at the Midnight Slam of... | \n","negative | \n","[Saw it yesterday night at the Midnight Slam o... | \n","negative | \n","2370 | \n","
4 | \n","[0.01753336377441883, 0.05620148777961731, -0.... | \n","0.954813 | \n","This show was Fabulous. It was intricate and w... | \n","This show was Fabulous. It was intricate and w... | \n","positive | \n","[This show was Fabulous., It was intricate and... | \n","positive | \n","2064 | \n","
5 | \n","[0.02791544236242771, -0.028735769912600517, -... | \n","0.506074 | \n","Jean Dujardin gets Connery's mannerisms down p... | \n","Jean Dujardin gets Connery's mannerisms down p... | \n","neutral | \n","[Jean Dujardin gets Connery's mannerisms down ... | \n","positive | \n","1988 | \n","
6 | \n","[0.06690913438796997, 0.03236781805753708, -0.... | \n","0.982164 | \n","This is a tongue in cheek movie from the very ... | \n","This is a tongue in cheek movie from the very ... | \n","positive | \n","[This is a tongue in cheek movie from the very... | \n","positive | \n","1483 | \n","
7 | \n","[0.05750656872987747, -0.059703629463911057, -... | \n","0.989845 | \n","I have seen most, if not all of the Laurel & H... | \n","I have seen most, if not all of the Laurel & H... | \n","negative | \n","[I have seen most, if not all of the Laurel & ... | \n","negative | \n","207 | \n","
8 | \n","[-0.04340153560042381, -0.015529784373939037, ... | \n","0.991958 | \n","Although there is melodrama at the center or r... | \n","Although there is melodrama at the center or r... | \n","positive | \n","[Although there is melodrama at the center or ... | \n","positive | \n","2030 | \n","
9 | \n","[-0.032444775104522705, -0.018744193017482758,... | \n","0.986264 | \n","\"Hey Babu Riba\" is a film about a young woman,... | \n","\"Hey Babu Riba\" is a film about a young woman,... | \n","positive | \n","[\"Hey Babu Riba\" is a film about a young woman... | \n","positive | \n","397 | \n","
10 | \n","[0.04818158969283104, 0.006010068114846945, 0.... | \n","0.991307 | \n","I have to say the first I watched this film wa... | \n","I have to say the first I watched this film wa... | \n","negative | \n","[I have to say the first I watched this film w... | \n","negative | \n","1079 | \n","
11 | \n","[-0.011373912915587425, 0.033458177000284195, ... | \n","0.997292 | \n","Well, there's no real plot to speak of, it's j... | \n","Well, there's no real plot to speak of, it's j... | \n","negative | \n","[Well, there's no real plot to speak of, it's ... | \n","negative | \n","308 | \n","
12 | \n","[0.059722382575273514, -0.04133075103163719, -... | \n","0.999755 | \n","Why can't a movie be rated a zero? Or even a n... | \n","Why can't a movie be rated a zero? Or even a n... | \n","negative | \n","[Why can't a movie be rated a zero?, Or even a... | \n","negative | \n","175 | \n","
13 | \n","[-0.0024044793099164963, 0.01555465068668127, ... | \n","0.915433 | \n","PREY <br /><br />Aspect ratio: 1.37:1<br /><br... | \n","PREY <br /><br />Aspect ratio: 1.37:1<br /><br... | \n","positive | \n","[PREY <br /><br />Aspect ratio: 1.37:1<br /><b... | \n","negative | \n","610 | \n","
14 | \n","[0.014560171402990818, 0.07181794941425323, 0.... | \n","0.954957 | \n","Don't bother trying to watch this terrible min... | \n","Don't bother trying to watch this terrible min... | \n","negative | \n","[Don't bother trying to watch this terrible mi... | \n","negative | \n","1516 | \n","
15 | \n","[0.047474540770053864, -0.01399887353181839, -... | \n","0.992878 | \n","This is one of the most ridiculous westerns th... | \n","This is one of the most ridiculous westerns th... | \n","negative | \n","[This is one of the most ridiculous westerns t... | \n","negative | \n","1558 | \n","
16 | \n","[0.04194203019142151, 0.014816542156040668, -0... | \n","0.994948 | \n","Please don't waste your time. This movie rehas... | \n","Please don't waste your time. This movie rehas... | \n","negative | \n","[Please don't waste your time., This movie reh... | \n","negative | \n","1691 | \n","
17 | \n","[-0.01830967515707016, 0.0020676907151937485, ... | \n","0.835862 | \n","Nice character development in a pretty cool mi... | \n","Nice character development in a pretty cool mi... | \n","positive | \n","[Nice character development in a pretty cool m... | \n","positive | \n","227 | \n","
18 | \n","[-0.028767548501491547, -0.04782490059733391, ... | \n","0.994877 | \n","The Elegant Documentary -<br /><br />Don't wat... | \n","The Elegant Documentary -<br /><br />Don't wat... | \n","positive | \n","[The Elegant Documentary -<br /><br />Don't wa... | \n","positive | \n","172 | \n","
19 | \n","[0.020619677379727364, -0.0368206612765789, -0... | \n","0.993641 | \n","The script was VERY weak w/o enough character ... | \n","The script was VERY weak w/o enough character ... | \n","negative | \n","[The script was VERY weak w/o enough character... | \n","negative | \n","1687 | \n","
20 | \n","[0.025141961872577667, 0.03661772608757019, -0... | \n","0.972840 | \n","Though structured totally different from the b... | \n","Though structured totally different from the b... | \n","positive | \n","[Though structured totally different from the ... | \n","positive | \n","2496 | \n","
21 | \n","[0.05255172401666641, 0.0014638856519013643, -... | \n","0.971560 | \n","I am so excited that Greek is back! This seaso... | \n","I am so excited that Greek is back! This seaso... | \n","positive | \n","[I am so excited that Greek is back!, This sea... | \n","positive | \n","2162 | \n","
22 | \n","[0.05090215429663658, 0.04202255234122276, -0.... | \n","0.986716 | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","positive | \n","[Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" i... | \n","positive | \n","4 | \n","
23 | \n","[0.028773412108421326, 0.025388378649950027, -... | \n","0.998700 | \n","Most Lorne Michaels films seem to fail because... | \n","Most Lorne Michaels films seem to fail because... | \n","negative | \n","[Most Lorne Michaels films seem to fail becaus... | \n","negative | \n","654 | \n","
24 | \n","[0.0029449418652802706, -0.054734643548727036,... | \n","0.999298 | \n","\"Revolt of the Zombies\" proves that having the... | \n","\"Revolt of the Zombies\" proves that having the... | \n","negative | \n","[\"Revolt of the Zombies\" proves that having th... | \n","negative | \n","126 | \n","
25 | \n","[0.045008499175310135, 0.06566429883241653, -0... | \n","0.760545 | \n","Necessarily ridiculous film version the litera... | \n","Necessarily ridiculous film version the litera... | \n","positive | \n","[Necessarily ridiculous film version the liter... | \n","negative | \n","2316 | \n","
26 | \n","[0.03256276622414589, -0.041013315320014954, -... | \n","0.964842 | \n","Supposedly a \"social commentary\" on racism and... | \n","Supposedly a \"social commentary\" on racism and... | \n","negative | \n","[Supposedly a \"social commentary\" on racism an... | \n","negative | \n","250 | \n","
27 | \n","[0.037413761019706726, -0.041003260761499405, ... | \n","0.996598 | \n","I rented the DVD in a video store, as an alter... | \n","I rented the DVD in a video store, as an alter... | \n","negative | \n","[I rented the DVD in a video store, as an alte... | \n","negative | \n","644 | \n","
28 | \n","[-0.0654454156756401, 0.005620448384433985, -0... | \n","0.561247 | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","neutral | \n","[If you like original gut wrenching laughter y... | \n","positive | \n","9 | \n","
29 | \n","[0.027594028040766716, -0.024396954104304314, ... | \n","0.945314 | \n","Doctor Mordrid is one of those rare films that... | \n","Doctor Mordrid is one of those rare films that... | \n","negative | \n","[Doctor Mordrid is one of those rare films tha... | \n","positive | \n","376 | \n","
30 | \n","[0.017458664253354073, 0.05214596167206764, -0... | \n","0.973781 | \n","Back in 1982 a little film called MAKING LOVE ... | \n","Back in 1982 a little film called MAKING LOVE ... | \n","positive | \n","[Back in 1982 a little film called MAKING LOVE... | \n","positive | \n","746 | \n","
31 | \n","[0.04889684543013573, 0.029793666675686836, 0.... | \n","0.968998 | \n","1936 was the most prolific year for Astaire an... | \n","1936 was the most prolific year for Astaire an... | \n","positive | \n","[1936 was the most prolific year for Astaire a... | \n","positive | \n","2293 | \n","
32 | \n","[0.04028377681970596, 0.05781426653265953, -0.... | \n","0.989890 | \n","Tim Taylor is an abusive acholoic drug addict.... | \n","Tim Taylor is an abusive acholoic drug addict.... | \n","negative | \n","[Tim Taylor is an abusive acholoic drug addict... | \n","negative | \n","2398 | \n","
33 | \n","[0.033708442002534866, -0.06806037575006485, -... | \n","0.997308 | \n","First of all yes I'm white, so I try to tread ... | \n","First of all yes I'm white, so I try to tread ... | \n","negative | \n","[First of all yes I'm white, so I try to tread... | \n","negative | \n","784 | \n","
34 | \n","[-0.05339590832591057, 0.03226976469159126, 0.... | \n","0.971397 | \n","I have to say that the events of 9/11 didn't h... | \n","I have to say that the events of 9/11 didn't h... | \n","positive | \n","[I have to say that the events of 9/11 didn't ... | \n","positive | \n","713 | \n","
35 | \n","[0.034553565084934235, -0.002318630227819085, ... | \n","0.999211 | \n","This movie features Charlie Spradling dancing ... | \n","This movie features Charlie Spradling dancing ... | \n","negative | \n","[This movie features Charlie Spradling dancing... | \n","negative | \n","358 | \n","
36 | \n","[-0.03914014622569084, -0.04544996842741966, -... | \n","0.991993 | \n",". . . and that is only if you like the sight o... | \n",". . . and that is only if you like the sight o... | \n","negative | \n","[. . . and that is only if you like the sight ... | \n","negative | \n","1377 | \n","
37 | \n","[-0.037124212831258774, 0.04466667398810387, -... | \n","0.890090 | \n","An interesting movie with Jordana Brewster as ... | \n","An interesting movie with Jordana Brewster as ... | \n","positive | \n","[An interesting movie with Jordana Brewster as... | \n","positive | \n","1902 | \n","
38 | \n","[0.05217211693525314, -0.045366983860731125, -... | \n","0.998053 | \n","Next to the slasher films of the 1970s and 80s... | \n","Next to the slasher films of the 1970s and 80s... | \n","negative | \n","[Next to the slasher films of the 1970s and 80... | \n","negative | \n","2028 | \n","
39 | \n","[0.054036945104599, -0.0035783019848167896, -0... | \n","0.994295 | \n","I saw this movie in a theater while on vacatio... | \n","I saw this movie in a theater while on vacatio... | \n","negative | \n","[I saw this movie in a theater while on vacati... | \n","positive | \n","929 | \n","
40 | \n","[0.004495782777667046, 0.0002409428561804816, ... | \n","0.999238 | \n","Did the first travesty actually make money? Th... | \n","Did the first travesty actually make money? Th... | \n","negative | \n","[Did the first travesty actually make money?, ... | \n","negative | \n","659 | \n","
41 | \n","[0.05336875841021538, 0.01685612089931965, -0.... | \n","0.979532 | \n","Jay Craven's criminally ignored film is a sobe... | \n","Jay Craven's criminally ignored film is a sobe... | \n","positive | \n","[Jay Craven's criminally ignored film is a sob... | \n","positive | \n","2286 | \n","
42 | \n","[0.06096196547150612, -0.018674220889806747, -... | \n","0.936765 | \n","This is a great film with an amazing cast. Cri... | \n","This is a great film with an amazing cast. Cri... | \n","positive | \n","[This is a great film with an amazing cast. Cr... | \n","positive | \n","1198 | \n","
43 | \n","[-0.01874159276485443, -0.015269572846591473, ... | \n","0.945504 | \n","I had a hard time staying awake for the two ho... | \n","I had a hard time staying awake for the two ho... | \n","positive | \n","[I had a hard time staying awake for the two h... | \n","negative | \n","468 | \n","
44 | \n","[0.0465228296816349, -0.03501952812075615, -0.... | \n","0.980367 | \n","Not the film to see if you want to be intellec... | \n","Not the film to see if you want to be intellec... | \n","negative | \n","[Not the film to see if you want to be intelle... | \n","positive | \n","1335 | \n","
45 | \n","[-0.022962188348174095, -0.05519339069724083, ... | \n","0.996134 | \n","I bought this (it was only $3, ok?) under the ... | \n","I bought this (it was only $3, ok?) under the ... | \n","negative | \n","[I bought this (it was only $3, ok?) under the... | \n","negative | \n","1322 | \n","
46 | \n","[0.05667755752801895, -0.004784214776009321, 0... | \n","0.983472 | \n","I saw it tonight and fell asleep in the movie.... | \n","I saw it tonight and fell asleep in the movie.... | \n","negative | \n","[I saw it tonight and fell asleep in the movie... | \n","negative | \n","2141 | \n","
47 | \n","[-0.045412369072437286, -0.010548366233706474,... | \n","0.998861 | \n","The opening scene keeps me from rating at abso... | \n","The opening scene keeps me from rating at abso... | \n","negative | \n","[The opening scene keeps me from rating at abs... | \n","negative | \n","1065 | \n","
48 | \n","[0.005430039018392563, -0.021274806931614876, ... | \n","0.984353 | \n","If you are a fan of Zorro, Indiana Jones, or a... | \n","If you are a fan of Zorro, Indiana Jones, or a... | \n","negative | \n","[If you are a fan of Zorro, Indiana Jones, or ... | \n","positive | \n","2103 | \n","
49 | \n","[-0.012310817837715149, 0.036387305706739426, ... | \n","0.960394 | \n","Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famo... | \n","Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famo... | \n","negative | \n","[Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most fam... | \n","negative | \n","588 | \n","
\n"," | sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","sentence | \n","origin_index | \n","
0 | \n","[-0.022810865193605423, 0.015739120543003082, ... | \n","0.833494 | \n","It was one of the best films i have ever watch... | \n","negative | \n","[It was one of the best films i have ever watc... | \n","0 | \n","
\n"," | sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","text | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","sentence | \n","y | \n","origin_index | \n","
0 | \n","[0.06351275742053986, 0.040804557502269745, -2... | \n","0.564160 | \n","Absolutely wonderful drama and Ros is top notc... | \n","Absolutely wonderful drama and Ros is top notc... | \n","neutral | \n","[Absolutely wonderful drama and Ros is top not... | \n","positive | \n","1459 | \n","
1 | \n","[0.06992700695991516, 0.0012252129381522536, -... | \n","0.853955 | \n","I was totally surprised just how good this mov... | \n","I was totally surprised just how good this mov... | \n","positive | \n","[I was totally surprised just how good this mo... | \n","positive | \n","2428 | \n","
2 | \n","[0.052442848682403564, -0.017640504986047745, ... | \n","0.866541 | \n","This is a fine musical with a timeless score b... | \n","This is a fine musical with a timeless score b... | \n","positive | \n","[This is a fine musical with a timeless score ... | \n","positive | \n","2093 | \n","
3 | \n","[0.04445473477244377, 0.018118631094694138, -0... | \n","0.894689 | \n","Saw it yesterday night at the Midnight Slam of... | \n","Saw it yesterday night at the Midnight Slam of... | \n","negative | \n","[Saw it yesterday night at the Midnight Slam o... | \n","negative | \n","2370 | \n","
4 | \n","[0.01753336377441883, 0.05620148777961731, -0.... | \n","0.680551 | \n","This show was Fabulous. It was intricate and w... | \n","This show was Fabulous. It was intricate and w... | \n","positive | \n","[This show was Fabulous., It was intricate and... | \n","positive | \n","2064 | \n","
5 | \n","[0.02791544236242771, -0.028735769912600517, -... | \n","0.566901 | \n","Jean Dujardin gets Connery's mannerisms down p... | \n","Jean Dujardin gets Connery's mannerisms down p... | \n","neutral | \n","[Jean Dujardin gets Connery's mannerisms down ... | \n","positive | \n","1988 | \n","
6 | \n","[0.06690913438796997, 0.03236781805753708, -0.... | \n","0.870670 | \n","This is a tongue in cheek movie from the very ... | \n","This is a tongue in cheek movie from the very ... | \n","positive | \n","[This is a tongue in cheek movie from the very... | \n","positive | \n","1483 | \n","
7 | \n","[0.05750656872987747, -0.059703629463911057, -... | \n","0.811313 | \n","I have seen most, if not all of the Laurel & H... | \n","I have seen most, if not all of the Laurel & H... | \n","negative | \n","[I have seen most, if not all of the Laurel & ... | \n","negative | \n","207 | \n","
8 | \n","[-0.04340153560042381, -0.015529784373939037, ... | \n","0.885475 | \n","Although there is melodrama at the center or r... | \n","Although there is melodrama at the center or r... | \n","positive | \n","[Although there is melodrama at the center or ... | \n","positive | \n","2030 | \n","
9 | \n","[-0.032444775104522705, -0.018744193017482758,... | \n","0.880005 | \n","\"Hey Babu Riba\" is a film about a young woman,... | \n","\"Hey Babu Riba\" is a film about a young woman,... | \n","positive | \n","[\"Hey Babu Riba\" is a film about a young woman... | \n","positive | \n","397 | \n","
10 | \n","[0.04818158969283104, 0.006010068114846945, 0.... | \n","0.832985 | \n","I have to say the first I watched this film wa... | \n","I have to say the first I watched this film wa... | \n","negative | \n","[I have to say the first I watched this film w... | \n","negative | \n","1079 | \n","
11 | \n","[-0.011373912915587425, 0.033458177000284195, ... | \n","0.881889 | \n","Well, there's no real plot to speak of, it's j... | \n","Well, there's no real plot to speak of, it's j... | \n","negative | \n","[Well, there's no real plot to speak of, it's ... | \n","negative | \n","308 | \n","
12 | \n","[0.059722382575273514, -0.04133075103163719, -... | \n","0.939842 | \n","Why can't a movie be rated a zero? Or even a n... | \n","Why can't a movie be rated a zero? Or even a n... | \n","negative | \n","[Why can't a movie be rated a zero?, Or even a... | \n","negative | \n","175 | \n","
13 | \n","[-0.0024044793099164963, 0.01555465068668127, ... | \n","0.566536 | \n","PREY <br /><br />Aspect ratio: 1.37:1<br /><br... | \n","PREY <br /><br />Aspect ratio: 1.37:1<br /><br... | \n","neutral | \n","[PREY <br /><br />Aspect ratio: 1.37:1<br /><b... | \n","negative | \n","610 | \n","
14 | \n","[0.014560171402990818, 0.07181794941425323, 0.... | \n","0.835540 | \n","Don't bother trying to watch this terrible min... | \n","Don't bother trying to watch this terrible min... | \n","negative | \n","[Don't bother trying to watch this terrible mi... | \n","negative | \n","1516 | \n","
15 | \n","[0.047474540770053864, -0.01399887353181839, -... | \n","0.720724 | \n","This is one of the most ridiculous westerns th... | \n","This is one of the most ridiculous westerns th... | \n","negative | \n","[This is one of the most ridiculous westerns t... | \n","negative | \n","1558 | \n","
16 | \n","[0.04194203019142151, 0.014816542156040668, -0... | \n","0.881261 | \n","Please don't waste your time. This movie rehas... | \n","Please don't waste your time. This movie rehas... | \n","negative | \n","[Please don't waste your time., This movie reh... | \n","negative | \n","1691 | \n","
17 | \n","[-0.01830967515707016, 0.0020676907151937485, ... | \n","0.744092 | \n","Nice character development in a pretty cool mi... | \n","Nice character development in a pretty cool mi... | \n","positive | \n","[Nice character development in a pretty cool m... | \n","positive | \n","227 | \n","
18 | \n","[-0.028767548501491547, -0.04782490059733391, ... | \n","0.875401 | \n","The Elegant Documentary -<br /><br />Don't wat... | \n","The Elegant Documentary -<br /><br />Don't wat... | \n","positive | \n","[The Elegant Documentary -<br /><br />Don't wa... | \n","positive | \n","172 | \n","
19 | \n","[0.020619677379727364, -0.0368206612765789, -0... | \n","0.839296 | \n","The script was VERY weak w/o enough character ... | \n","The script was VERY weak w/o enough character ... | \n","negative | \n","[The script was VERY weak w/o enough character... | \n","negative | \n","1687 | \n","
20 | \n","[0.025141961872577667, 0.03661772608757019, -0... | \n","0.849500 | \n","Though structured totally different from the b... | \n","Though structured totally different from the b... | \n","positive | \n","[Though structured totally different from the ... | \n","positive | \n","2496 | \n","
21 | \n","[0.05255172401666641, 0.0014638856519013643, -... | \n","0.840122 | \n","I am so excited that Greek is back! This seaso... | \n","I am so excited that Greek is back! This seaso... | \n","positive | \n","[I am so excited that Greek is back!, This sea... | \n","positive | \n","2162 | \n","
22 | \n","[0.05090215429663658, 0.04202255234122276, -0.... | \n","0.874497 | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","positive | \n","[Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" i... | \n","positive | \n","4 | \n","
23 | \n","[0.028773412108421326, 0.025388378649950027, -... | \n","0.912337 | \n","Most Lorne Michaels films seem to fail because... | \n","Most Lorne Michaels films seem to fail because... | \n","negative | \n","[Most Lorne Michaels films seem to fail becaus... | \n","negative | \n","654 | \n","
24 | \n","[0.0029449418652802706, -0.054734643548727036,... | \n","0.894369 | \n","\"Revolt of the Zombies\" proves that having the... | \n","\"Revolt of the Zombies\" proves that having the... | \n","negative | \n","[\"Revolt of the Zombies\" proves that having th... | \n","negative | \n","126 | \n","
25 | \n","[0.045008499175310135, 0.06566429883241653, -0... | \n","0.562989 | \n","Necessarily ridiculous film version the litera... | \n","Necessarily ridiculous film version the litera... | \n","neutral | \n","[Necessarily ridiculous film version the liter... | \n","negative | \n","2316 | \n","
26 | \n","[0.03256276622414589, -0.041013315320014954, -... | \n","0.753462 | \n","Supposedly a \"social commentary\" on racism and... | \n","Supposedly a \"social commentary\" on racism and... | \n","negative | \n","[Supposedly a \"social commentary\" on racism an... | \n","negative | \n","250 | \n","
27 | \n","[0.037413761019706726, -0.041003260761499405, ... | \n","0.898136 | \n","I rented the DVD in a video store, as an alter... | \n","I rented the DVD in a video store, as an alter... | \n","negative | \n","[I rented the DVD in a video store, as an alte... | \n","negative | \n","644 | \n","
28 | \n","[-0.0654454156756401, 0.005620448384433985, -0... | \n","0.765227 | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","positive | \n","[If you like original gut wrenching laughter y... | \n","positive | \n","9 | \n","
29 | \n","[0.027594028040766716, -0.024396954104304314, ... | \n","0.581867 | \n","Doctor Mordrid is one of those rare films that... | \n","Doctor Mordrid is one of those rare films that... | \n","neutral | \n","[Doctor Mordrid is one of those rare films tha... | \n","positive | \n","376 | \n","
30 | \n","[0.017458664253354073, 0.05214596167206764, -0... | \n","0.814803 | \n","Back in 1982 a little film called MAKING LOVE ... | \n","Back in 1982 a little film called MAKING LOVE ... | \n","positive | \n","[Back in 1982 a little film called MAKING LOVE... | \n","positive | \n","746 | \n","
31 | \n","[0.04889684543013573, 0.029793666675686836, 0.... | \n","0.711966 | \n","1936 was the most prolific year for Astaire an... | \n","1936 was the most prolific year for Astaire an... | \n","positive | \n","[1936 was the most prolific year for Astaire a... | \n","positive | \n","2293 | \n","
32 | \n","[0.04028377681970596, 0.05781426653265953, -0.... | \n","0.823739 | \n","Tim Taylor is an abusive acholoic drug addict.... | \n","Tim Taylor is an abusive acholoic drug addict.... | \n","negative | \n","[Tim Taylor is an abusive acholoic drug addict... | \n","negative | \n","2398 | \n","
33 | \n","[0.033708442002534866, -0.06806037575006485, -... | \n","0.880034 | \n","First of all yes I'm white, so I try to tread ... | \n","First of all yes I'm white, so I try to tread ... | \n","negative | \n","[First of all yes I'm white, so I try to tread... | \n","negative | \n","784 | \n","
34 | \n","[-0.05339590832591057, 0.03226976469159126, 0.... | \n","0.859471 | \n","I have to say that the events of 9/11 didn't h... | \n","I have to say that the events of 9/11 didn't h... | \n","positive | \n","[I have to say that the events of 9/11 didn't ... | \n","positive | \n","713 | \n","
35 | \n","[0.034553565084934235, -0.002318630227819085, ... | \n","0.873029 | \n","This movie features Charlie Spradling dancing ... | \n","This movie features Charlie Spradling dancing ... | \n","negative | \n","[This movie features Charlie Spradling dancing... | \n","negative | \n","358 | \n","
36 | \n","[-0.03914014622569084, -0.04544996842741966, -... | \n","0.919768 | \n",". . . and that is only if you like the sight o... | \n",". . . and that is only if you like the sight o... | \n","negative | \n","[. . . and that is only if you like the sight ... | \n","negative | \n","1377 | \n","
37 | \n","[-0.037124212831258774, 0.04466667398810387, -... | \n","0.825637 | \n","An interesting movie with Jordana Brewster as ... | \n","An interesting movie with Jordana Brewster as ... | \n","positive | \n","[An interesting movie with Jordana Brewster as... | \n","positive | \n","1902 | \n","
38 | \n","[0.05217211693525314, -0.045366983860731125, -... | \n","0.879427 | \n","Next to the slasher films of the 1970s and 80s... | \n","Next to the slasher films of the 1970s and 80s... | \n","negative | \n","[Next to the slasher films of the 1970s and 80... | \n","negative | \n","2028 | \n","
39 | \n","[0.054036945104599, -0.0035783019848167896, -0... | \n","0.673891 | \n","I saw this movie in a theater while on vacatio... | \n","I saw this movie in a theater while on vacatio... | \n","negative | \n","[I saw this movie in a theater while on vacati... | \n","positive | \n","929 | \n","
40 | \n","[0.004495782777667046, 0.0002409428561804816, ... | \n","0.870754 | \n","Did the first travesty actually make money? Th... | \n","Did the first travesty actually make money? Th... | \n","negative | \n","[Did the first travesty actually make money?, ... | \n","negative | \n","659 | \n","
41 | \n","[0.05336875841021538, 0.01685612089931965, -0.... | \n","0.839090 | \n","Jay Craven's criminally ignored film is a sobe... | \n","Jay Craven's criminally ignored film is a sobe... | \n","positive | \n","[Jay Craven's criminally ignored film is a sob... | \n","positive | \n","2286 | \n","
42 | \n","[0.06096196547150612, -0.018674220889806747, -... | \n","0.880842 | \n","This is a great film with an amazing cast. Cri... | \n","This is a great film with an amazing cast. Cri... | \n","positive | \n","[This is a great film with an amazing cast. Cr... | \n","positive | \n","1198 | \n","
43 | \n","[-0.01874159276485443, -0.015269572846591473, ... | \n","0.653215 | \n","I had a hard time staying awake for the two ho... | \n","I had a hard time staying awake for the two ho... | \n","negative | \n","[I had a hard time staying awake for the two h... | \n","negative | \n","468 | \n","
44 | \n","[0.0465228296816349, -0.03501952812075615, -0.... | \n","0.520477 | \n","Not the film to see if you want to be intellec... | \n","Not the film to see if you want to be intellec... | \n","neutral | \n","[Not the film to see if you want to be intelle... | \n","positive | \n","1335 | \n","
45 | \n","[-0.022962188348174095, -0.05519339069724083, ... | \n","0.916282 | \n","I bought this (it was only $3, ok?) under the ... | \n","I bought this (it was only $3, ok?) under the ... | \n","negative | \n","[I bought this (it was only $3, ok?) under the... | \n","negative | \n","1322 | \n","
46 | \n","[0.05667755752801895, -0.004784214776009321, 0... | \n","0.629980 | \n","I saw it tonight and fell asleep in the movie.... | \n","I saw it tonight and fell asleep in the movie.... | \n","negative | \n","[I saw it tonight and fell asleep in the movie... | \n","negative | \n","2141 | \n","
47 | \n","[-0.045412369072437286, -0.010548366233706474,... | \n","0.944924 | \n","The opening scene keeps me from rating at abso... | \n","The opening scene keeps me from rating at abso... | \n","negative | \n","[The opening scene keeps me from rating at abs... | \n","negative | \n","1065 | \n","
48 | \n","[0.005430039018392563, -0.021274806931614876, ... | \n","0.716253 | \n","If you are a fan of Zorro, Indiana Jones, or a... | \n","If you are a fan of Zorro, Indiana Jones, or a... | \n","negative | \n","[If you are a fan of Zorro, Indiana Jones, or ... | \n","positive | \n","2103 | \n","
49 | \n","[-0.012310817837715149, 0.036387305706739426, ... | \n","0.831511 | \n","Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famo... | \n","Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famo... | \n","negative | \n","[Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most fam... | \n","negative | \n","588 | \n","
\n"," | sentiment_confidence | \n","sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n","text | \n","document | \n","sentence | \n","origin_index | \n","sentiment | \n","
0 | \n","[0.9986149, 0.9986149] | \n","[[0.030373765155673027, 0.05577867478132248, 0... | \n","It was one of the best films i have ever watch... | \n","It was one of the best films i have ever watch... | \n","[It was one of the best films i have ever watc... | \n","8589934592 | \n","[positive, positive] | \n","
\n", + " | text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
11147 | \n", + "I have not seen and heard the original version... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5176 | \n", + "Ghost Story has an interesting feminist reveng... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
23853 | \n", + "Christ. A sequel to one of the most cloying fi... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12990 | \n", + "Mendez and Marichal have provided us with a se... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
28039 | \n", + "\"Bend It Like Beckham\" is a film that got very... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
30425 | \n", + "This movie is a lot better than the asylums ve... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6508 | \n", + "I concur with everyone above who said anything... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2432 | \n", + "The \"Wrinkle in Time\" book series is my favori... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12347 | \n", + "Clint Eastwood scores big in this thriller fro... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3332 | \n", + "This is the one major problem with this film, ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
39999 rows × 2 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "This film has to be viewed in the right frame ... | \n", + "[-0.1513771265745163, 0.3099152743816376, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This film has to be viewed in the right frame ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "This is just a long advertisement for the movi... | \n", + "[-0.3328755795955658, 0.2796784043312073, 0.10... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This is just a long advertisement for the movi... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "This movie was physically painful to sit throu... | \n", + "[-0.6589022278785706, 0.09297071397304535, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This movie was physically painful to sit throu... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "This movie was one of a handful that actually ... | \n", + "[-0.5372501015663147, 0.5361205339431763, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This movie was one of a handful that actually ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "I was pleasantly pleased with the ending. I ju... | \n", + "[-0.3981836140155792, 0.3446210026741028, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "I was pleasantly pleased with the ending. I ju... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "I would purchase this and \"Thirty Seconds Over... | \n", + "[-0.4655883014202118, 0.7156240940093994, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "I would purchase this and \"Thirty Seconds Over... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "In any number of films, you can find Nicholas ... | \n", + "[-0.366023987531662, 0.2559768557548523, -0.03... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "In any number of films, you can find Nicholas ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "This film is quite boring. There are snippets ... | \n", + "[-0.4195595383644104, 0.37842151522636414, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This film is quite boring. There are snippets ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "Let's start this review out on a positive note... | \n", + "[-0.5557488203048706, -0.04156230762600899, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Let's start this review out on a positive note... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "Payback is the game being played in this drama... | \n", + "[-0.48163551092147827, 0.21267670392990112, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Payback is the game being played in this drama... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "Anthony Quinn is a master at capturing our hea... | \n", + "[-0.710480809211731, 0.029913106933236122, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Anthony Quinn is a master at capturing our hea... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "Someone, some day, should do a study of archit... | \n", + "[-0.6811888813972473, -0.06688129156827927, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Someone, some day, should do a study of archit... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "Thats My Bush is first of all a very entertain... | \n", + "[-0.5853302478790283, 0.4730848968029022, 0.01... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Thats My Bush is first of all a very entertain... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "The Last American Virgin (1982) was one of the... | \n", + "[-0.4013202488422394, 0.19056788086891174, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "The Last American Virgin (1982) was one of the... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "I experienced Nightbreed for the first time on... | \n", + "[-0.22270944714546204, 0.22281427681446075, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "I experienced Nightbreed for the first time on... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "When I checked out the review for this film af... | \n", + "[-0.39890941977500916, 0.403655081987381, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "When I checked out the review for this film af... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "This movie is a very realistic view of a polic... | \n", + "[-0.5352460145950317, 0.13765230774879456, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This movie is a very realistic view of a polic... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "The fact that after 50 years, it is still a hi... | \n", + "[-0.2797639071941376, -0.11143724620342255, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "The fact that after 50 years, it is still a hi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "One of the great mysteries of life, suffered f... | \n", + "[-0.5399389863014221, 0.385494589805603, -0.17... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "One of the great mysteries of life, suffered f... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "This movie is the Latino Godfather. An unlikel... | \n", + "[-0.37433841824531555, 0.10099871456623077, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This movie is the Latino Godfather. An unlikel... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "This is one fine movie, I can watch it any tim... | \n", + "[-1.3702389001846313, 0.30410271883010864, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This is one fine movie, I can watch it any tim... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "I love Meatballs! Terrific characters and poig... | \n", + "[-0.9990127086639404, 0.07002592086791992, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "I love Meatballs! Terrific characters and poig... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "Clocking in at an interminable three hours and... | \n", + "[-0.27705344557762146, -0.5027639865875244, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Clocking in at an interminable three hours and... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "Sudden Impact is the 4th of the Dirty Harry fi... | \n", + "[-0.5442849397659302, 0.2992677688598633, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Sudden Impact is the 4th of the Dirty Harry fi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "In a genre by itself, this film has a limited ... | \n", + "[-0.14087404310703278, 0.12531475722789764, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "In a genre by itself, this film has a limited ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "The One and only was a great film. I had just ... | \n", + "[-0.68660968542099, 0.14108557999134064, 0.091... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "The One and only was a great film. I had just ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "If you are 10 years old and never seen a movie... | \n", + "[-0.6596466302871704, 0.1337697058916092, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "If you are 10 years old and never seen a movie... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "Even if it were remotely funny, this mouldy wa... | \n", + "[-0.6116098761558533, 0.49599868059158325, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Even if it were remotely funny, this mouldy wa... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "This is one of the best bond games i have ever... | \n", + "[-0.03306262567639351, -0.01435087714344263, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This is one of the best bond games i have ever... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "The performances rate better than the rating I... | \n", + "[-0.9807755947113037, 0.5014723539352417, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "The performances rate better than the rating I... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "Chinese Ghost Story III is a totally superfluo... | \n", + "[0.17701220512390137, -0.3180699050426483, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Chinese Ghost Story III is a totally superfluo... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "Fred Williamson, one of the two or three top b... | \n", + "[-0.3707915246486664, 0.044643059372901917, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Fred Williamson, one of the two or three top b... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "Vince Lombardi High School has a new principal... | \n", + "[-0.49639755487442017, 0.48042890429496765, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Vince Lombardi High School has a new principal... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "It's hard to comment on this movie. It's one o... | \n", + "[-0.3472699224948883, 0.6240038275718689, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "It's hard to comment on this movie. It's one o... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "I commend pictures that try something differen... | \n", + "[-0.3393455743789673, 0.5790384411811829, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "I commend pictures that try something differen... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "It's not just that this is a bad movie; it's n... | \n", + "[-0.3814673125743866, -0.26899996399879456, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "It's not just that this is a bad movie; it's n... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "In order to enjoy 'Fur - An imaginary portrait... | \n", + "[-0.03743020445108414, 0.3995753526687622, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "In order to enjoy 'Fur - An imaginary portrait... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "I became a fan of the TV series `Homicide: Lif... | \n", + "[-0.4682881832122803, -0.018485404551029205, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "I became a fan of the TV series `Homicide: Lif... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "A terminally dull mystery-thriller, which may ... | \n", + "[-0.18775352835655212, 0.06152409315109253, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "A terminally dull mystery-thriller, which may ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "this movie, while it could be considered an al... | \n", + "[-0.507961094379425, 0.4713260531425476, -0.16... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "this movie, while it could be considered an al... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "This is the \"Battlefield Earth\" of mini series... | \n", + "[-0.4353094696998596, 0.027452869340777397, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This is the \"Battlefield Earth\" of mini series... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "DVD has become the equivalent of the old late ... | \n", + "[-0.1517794281244278, 0.2896312475204468, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "DVD has become the equivalent of the old late ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "I saw this movie when I was very young living ... | \n", + "[-0.14374561607837677, 0.10458363592624664, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "I saw this movie when I was very young living ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "This may not be a memorable classic, but it is... | \n", + "[-0.6834889650344849, 0.5808060169219971, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This may not be a memorable classic, but it is... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "This is a great film for pure entertainment, n... | \n", + "[-0.5870745778083801, 0.007088684476912022, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This is a great film for pure entertainment, n... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "When I saw this on TV I was nervous...whats if... | \n", + "[-0.8343449234962463, 0.2768908441066742, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "When I saw this on TV I was nervous...whats if... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "This film without doubt is one of the worst I ... | \n", + "[-0.48633041977882385, 0.6339375972747803, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This film without doubt is one of the worst I ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "\"Challenge to be Free\" was one of the first fi... | \n", + "[-0.30197039246559143, 0.4937012493610382, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "\"Challenge to be Free\" was one of the first fi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "I bought this movie a few days ago, and though... | \n", + "[-0.6582587361335754, 0.1842564195394516, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "I bought this movie a few days ago, and though... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "This movie is not as good as all think. the ac... | \n", + "[-0.33901163935661316, 0.04764261469244957, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This movie is not as good as all think. the ac... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
\n", + " | sentence | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "It was one of the best films i have ever watch... | \n", + "[-0.6158236265182495, -0.5645654201507568, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.997638 | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Set in 1945, Skenbart follows a failed Swedish... | \n", + "[-0.37176743149757385, 0.28505513072013855, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Set in 1945, Skenbart follows a failed Swedish... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "I can't believe I watched this whole movie. An... | \n", + "[-0.6678956151008606, 0.4565986394882202, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I can't believe I watched this whole movie. An... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "I'm beginning to see a pattern in the movies I... | \n", + "[-0.4640607237815857, 0.13232995569705963, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "I'm beginning to see a pattern in the movies I... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "Dan, the widowed father of three girls, has hi... | \n", + "[-1.204692006111145, 0.2007242888212204, -0.27... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Dan, the widowed father of three girls, has hi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "David Webb Peoples meets Paul Anderson...if it... | \n", + "[-0.23281101882457733, 0.1650732308626175, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "David Webb Peoples meets Paul Anderson...if it... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "I love MIDNIGHT COWBOY and have it in my video... | \n", + "[-0.731963574886322, 0.055591657757759094, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "I love MIDNIGHT COWBOY and have it in my video... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "I have NEVER EVER seen such a bad movie before... | \n", + "[-0.8489042520523071, -0.11029214411973953, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I have NEVER EVER seen such a bad movie before... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "I absolutely could not believe the levels of i... | \n", + "[-0.7605423331260681, 0.3872695565223694, -0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I absolutely could not believe the levels of i... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "A brash, self-centered Army cadet arrives at W... | \n", + "[-0.6972024440765381, 0.3831547200679779, -0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "A brash, self-centered Army cadet arrives at W... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "The film is a remake of a 1956 BBC serial call... | \n", + "[-0.19118931889533997, 0.3001491129398346, 0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "The film is a remake of a 1956 BBC serial call... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "Though Frank Loesser's songs are some of the f... | \n", + "[-0.5250385999679565, 0.13566239178180695, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Though Frank Loesser's songs are some of the f... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "Rented(free rental thank goodness) this as sup... | \n", + "[-0.83491051197052, 0.5083938837051392, -0.224... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Rented(free rental thank goodness) this as sup... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "This is one of those movies that make better t... | \n", + "[-0.2737158536911011, 0.3766928017139435, -0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "This is one of those movies that make better t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "What can be said of this independent effort be... | \n", + "[-0.18508094549179077, 0.3635772466659546, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "What can be said of this independent effort be... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "Wow. I thought this might be insipid but it wa... | \n", + "[-0.4717271327972412, 0.4512611925601959, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Wow. I thought this might be insipid but it wa... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "There is part of one sequence where some water... | \n", + "[-0.3119819164276123, 0.24397613108158112, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "There is part of one sequence where some water... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "i got a copy from the writer of this movie on ... | \n", + "[-0.4513140022754669, 0.25351178646087646, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "i got a copy from the writer of this movie on ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "... or was Honest Iago actually smirking at th... | \n", + "[-0.448510080575943, 0.3488628566265106, 0.424... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "... or was Honest Iago actually smirking at th... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "First of all, I'd like to say that I love the ... | \n", + "[-0.7053700685501099, -0.1855289489030838, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "First of all, I'd like to say that I love the ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "What an embarassment...This doesnt do justice ... | \n", + "[-0.9799928069114685, 0.37281569838523865, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "What an embarassment...This doesnt do justice ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "One of the worst movies ever made. Let's start... | \n", + "[-0.63435959815979, -0.03198552504181862, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "One of the worst movies ever made. Let's start... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "This movie is humorous, charming, and easily b... | \n", + "[-0.5476221442222595, 0.45070168375968933, 0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "This movie is humorous, charming, and easily b... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "The movie starts something like a less hyper-k... | \n", + "[-0.550375759601593, -0.21221719682216644, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "The movie starts something like a less hyper-k... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "I won't say this movie was bad, but it wasn't ... | \n", + "[-0.5449793934822083, 0.3829023241996765, -0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I won't say this movie was bad, but it wasn't ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "Wow! In my opinion, THE NET is an excellent, n... | \n", + "[-0.9690271615982056, 0.5579360127449036, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Wow! In my opinion, THE NET is an excellent, n... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "Falsely accused, skirt-chasing chums John Wayn... | \n", + "[-0.7523209452629089, 0.8658801913261414, 0.18... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "Falsely accused, skirt-chasing chums John Wayn... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "The Education of Little Tree is just not as go... | \n", + "[-0.775317370891571, 0.23664450645446777, -0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "The Education of Little Tree is just not as go... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "Interesting film about an actual event that to... | \n", + "[-0.7987304329872131, 0.3676035404205322, 0.11... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Interesting film about an actual event that to... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "I have been a Mario fan for as long as I can r... | \n", + "[-0.25044935941696167, -0.36489105224609375, -... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "I have been a Mario fan for as long as I can r... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "This woman never stops talking throughout the ... | \n", + "[-0.7558593153953552, 0.573503315448761, -0.11... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "This woman never stops talking throughout the ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "<br /><br />I still can't belive Louis Gossett... | \n", + "[-0.5051725506782532, 0.4716736972332001, 0.07... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "<br /><br />I still can't belive Louis Gossett... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "Florence Chadwick was actually the far more ac... | \n", + "[-0.8047178387641907, 0.6103856563568115, -0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "Florence Chadwick was actually the far more ac... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "This may be one of the best movies I have ever... | \n", + "[-0.9392787218093872, -0.002228498924523592, -... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "This may be one of the best movies I have ever... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "Othello is set to burn the eyes of the viewers... | \n", + "[-0.5233349800109863, -0.0218301210552454, 0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Othello is set to burn the eyes of the viewers... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "The statistics in this movie were well researc... | \n", + "[-0.4964343309402466, -0.1613437831401825, 0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "The statistics in this movie were well researc... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "Following their daughter's brutal murder,Julie... | \n", + "[-0.45342516899108887, 0.025125373154878616, -... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "Following their daughter's brutal murder,Julie... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "Compelling and Innovative! At the beginning of... | \n", + "[-0.39057832956314087, 0.07514691352844238, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "Compelling and Innovative! At the beginning of... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "I saw this movie when it aired on Lifetime bac... | \n", + "[-0.4824381172657013, -0.024186618626117706, -... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I saw this movie when it aired on Lifetime bac... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "I really wanted to like this movie. I absolute... | \n", + "[-0.5213059782981873, 0.08636035025119781, 0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I really wanted to like this movie. I absolute... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "This comment discusses \"North and South Book I... | \n", + "[-1.0346614122390747, 0.5499882698059082, -0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "This comment discusses \"North and South Book I... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "Rarely have I seen an action/suspense movie th... | \n", + "[0.08839510381221771, -0.08421049267053604, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Rarely have I seen an action/suspense movie th... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "This is a 100% improvement over the dross of a... | \n", + "[-0.4159573018550873, 0.1026173010468483, -0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "This is a 100% improvement over the dross of a... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "I liked it better than House Party 2 & 3. The ... | \n", + "[-0.37537163496017456, 0.2604108452796936, 0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "I liked it better than House Party 2 & 3. The ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "A friend and I went to see this movie. We have... | \n", + "[-0.30783846974372864, 0.0511380173265934, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "A friend and I went to see this movie. We have... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "Whattt was with the sound? It sounded like it ... | \n", + "[-0.591052234172821, 0.5442489385604858, 0.109... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Whattt was with the sound? It sounded like it ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "My college theater just had a special screenin... | \n", + "[-0.47453969717025757, 0.33813729882240295, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "My college theater just had a special screenin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "Kingdom County, Vermont, 1927. Noel Lord (Rip ... | \n", + "[-0.7206570506095886, 0.63383948802948, -0.231... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Kingdom County, Vermont, 1927. Noel Lord (Rip ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "Man, I really enjoyed this, if only for Fred W... | \n", + "[-0.9212082624435425, 0.2386074960231781, 0.20... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Man, I really enjoyed this, if only for Fred W... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "You've seen the same tired, worn out clichéd s... | \n", + "[-0.6829520463943481, 0.18268251419067383, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "You've seen the same tired, worn out clichéd s... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "This movie is really genuine and random. It's ... | \n", + "[-0.2603294849395752, -0.09567182511091232, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "This movie is really genuine and random. It's ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "It was one of the best films i have ever watch... | \n", + "[0.09222032874822617, 0.1172066256403923, 0.19... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
36 | \n","Theyre not RT @Naivana_: You gotta be kidding ... | \n","negative | \n","
7 | \n","Thank you @Apple for fixing the #Swift sourcek... | \n","positive | \n","
272 | \n","Washed my earphones by accident, still works. ... | \n","positive | \n","
146 | \n","@AppleOfficialll @apple I can't say enough abo... | \n","positive | \n","
237 | \n","@OneRepublic @Apple So amazing | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
247 | \n","Got to hear about the new patent by apple ... ... | \n","positive | \n","
157 | \n","fuck you @apple | \n","negative | \n","
93 | \n","#apple earns more #profit in on quarter than #... | \n","positive | \n","
165 | \n","This is why I moved over to @Apple... http://t... | \n","positive | \n","
52 | \n","I don't know what you're trying to do @apple b... | \n","negative | \n","
228 rows × 2 columns
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0 | \n","Theyre not RT @Naivana_: You gotta be kidding ... | \n","[0.053627125918865204, 0.03388773649930954, 0.... | \n","[Theyre not RT @Naivana_:, You gotta be kiddi... | \n","negative | \n","36 | \n","Theyre not RT @Naivana_: You gotta be kidding ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.519284 | \n","
1 | \n","Thank you @Apple for fixing the #Swift sourcek... | \n","[0.01400269940495491, 0.04662228375673294, 0.0... | \n","[Thank you @Apple for fixing the #Swift source... | \n","positive | \n","7 | \n","Thank you @Apple for fixing the #Swift sourcek... | \n","neutral | \n","0.526175 | \n","
2 | \n","Washed my earphones by accident, still works. ... | \n","[0.028794147074222565, 0.060343481600284576, -... | \n","[Washed my earphones by accident, still works.... | \n","positive | \n","272 | \n","Washed my earphones by accident, still works. ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.546108 | \n","
3 | \n","@AppleOfficialll @apple I can't say enough abo... | \n","[0.04390808567404747, 0.0024722537491470575, -... | \n","[@AppleOfficialll @apple I can't say enough ab... | \n","positive | \n","146 | \n","@AppleOfficialll @apple I can't say enough abo... | \n","neutral | \n","0.535401 | \n","
4 | \n","@OneRepublic @Apple So amazing | \n","[-0.0420607253909111, 0.05555792152881622, -0.... | \n","[@OneRepublic @Apple So amazing] | \n","positive | \n","237 | \n","@OneRepublic @Apple So amazing | \n","neutral | \n","0.562668 | \n","
5 | \n","The 10 biggest differences between #Mac and #P... | \n","[0.046186886727809906, 0.0493854284286499, 0.0... | \n","[The 10 biggest differences between #Mac and #... | \n","positive | \n","213 | \n","The 10 biggest differences between #Mac and #P... | \n","neutral | \n","0.541398 | \n","
6 | \n","@SamJam Agreed--have to give props to @Apple f... | \n","[0.06067856401205063, -0.014465369284152985, -... | \n","[@SamJam Agreed--have to give props to @Apple ... | \n","positive | \n","77 | \n","@SamJam Agreed--have to give props to @Apple f... | \n","neutral | \n","0.553645 | \n","
7 | \n","@OneRepublic @Apple that looks amazing, don't ... | \n","[0.016945000737905502, -0.019095521420240402, ... | \n","[@OneRepublic @Apple that looks amazing, don't... | \n","positive | \n","56 | \n","@OneRepublic @Apple that looks amazing, don't ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.548541 | \n","
8 | \n","Finally! Brooklyn Is Getting Its Own #Apple St... | \n","[0.06617175042629242, -0.018538057804107666, -... | \n","[Finally!, Brooklyn Is Getting Its Own #Apple... | \n","positive | \n","234 | \n","Finally! Brooklyn Is Getting Its Own #Apple St... | \n","neutral | \n","0.531661 | \n","
9 | \n","RT @ehsonakbary: THE WORLD'S FIRST MURDER VIA ... | \n","[0.07017797976732254, 0.03393903002142906, -0.... | \n","[RT @ehsonakbary: THE WORLD'S FIRST MURDER VIA... | \n","negative | \n","103 | \n","RT @ehsonakbary: THE WORLD'S FIRST MURDER VIA ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.541381 | \n","
10 | \n","@SwiftKey @Apple Oh In wish you guys would por... | \n","[0.04137858748435974, -0.03665991127490997, -0... | \n","[@SwiftKey @Apple Oh In wish you guys would po... | \n","negative | \n","208 | \n","@SwiftKey @Apple Oh In wish you guys would por... | \n","neutral | \n","0.532717 | \n","
11 | \n","The king of the phablets! Apple's iPhone 6 plu... | \n","[0.07199912518262863, 0.0021514107938855886, -... | \n","[The king of the phablets!, Apple's iPhone 6 ... | \n","positive | \n","250 | \n","The king of the phablets! Apple's iPhone 6 plu... | \n","neutral | \n","0.556155 | \n","
12 | \n","iPhone6 fell 2 ft. Screen shattered like it wa... | \n","[0.0498758926987648, 0.02919364534318447, -0.0... | \n","[iPhone6 fell 2 ft., Screen shattered like it ... | \n","negative | \n","263 | \n","iPhone6 fell 2 ft. Screen shattered like it wa... | \n","neutral | \n","0.525769 | \n","
13 | \n","Shockingly, iMessage on the desktop is fucked ... | \n","[0.056961141526699066, -0.02297591045498848, -... | \n","[Shockingly, iMessage on the desktop is fucked... | \n","negative | \n","107 | \n","Shockingly, iMessage on the desktop is fucked ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.515020 | \n","
14 | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","[0.03625739365816116, 0.0035043705720454454, -... | \n","[Yeeaaayyy., ., ., .awesome OS X Yosemite 10.1... | \n","positive | \n","285 | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","neutral | \n","0.542655 | \n","
15 | \n","@OneRepublic @Apple Thanks for sharing pics. A... | \n","[0.020150689408183098, -0.03949593007564545, 0... | \n","[@OneRepublic @Apple Thanks for sharing pics.,... | \n","positive | \n","138 | \n","@OneRepublic @Apple Thanks for sharing pics. A... | \n","neutral | \n","0.568121 | \n","
16 | \n","@apple @iBooks is awesome. Thank You! | \n","[0.0218979399651289, 0.005902431905269623, -0.... | \n","[@apple @iBooks is awesome., Thank You!] | \n","positive | \n","198 | \n","@apple @iBooks is awesome. Thank You! | \n","neutral | \n","0.559235 | \n","
17 | \n","Why I Hate Apple - http://t.co/IbpyJXaOuW #AAP... | \n","[0.055701617151498795, 0.04886789247393608, -0... | \n","[Why I Hate Apple - http://t.co/IbpyJXaOuW #AA... | \n","negative | \n","109 | \n","Why I Hate Apple - http://t.co/IbpyJXaOuW #AAP... | \n","neutral | \n","0.525435 | \n","
18 | \n","yo @Apple , why yall make it so hard to grip t... | \n","[0.07655678689479828, 0.0038530321326106787, -... | \n","[yo @Apple , why yall make it so hard to grip ... | \n","negative | \n","225 | \n","yo @Apple , why yall make it so hard to grip t... | \n","neutral | \n","0.526321 | \n","
19 | \n","@apple Why is your NYC Grand Central store so ... | \n","[0.06858145445585251, 0.052669648081064224, 0.... | \n","[@apple Why is your NYC Grand Central store so... | \n","negative | \n","131 | \n","@apple Why is your NYC Grand Central store so ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.518131 | \n","
20 | \n","Love the @Apple is supporting #HourOfCode with... | \n","[0.01483983639627695, -0.00843955110758543, -0... | \n","[Love the @Apple is supporting #HourOfCode wit... | \n","positive | \n","219 | \n","Love the @Apple is supporting #HourOfCode with... | \n","neutral | \n","0.543223 | \n","
21 | \n","Companies i admire : @3QDigital @vaynermedia @... | \n","[0.015711167827248573, 0.064913809299469, 0.01... | \n","[Companies i admire : @3QDigital @vaynermedia ... | \n","positive | \n","19 | \n","Companies i admire : @3QDigital @vaynermedia @... | \n","neutral | \n","0.539861 | \n","
22 | \n","These Damn @Apple Commercials Are Getting Wors... | \n","[0.00820611510425806, 0.004215271212160587, -0... | \n","[These Damn @Apple Commercials Are Getting Wor... | \n","negative | \n","142 | \n","These Damn @Apple Commercials Are Getting Wors... | \n","neutral | \n","0.513193 | \n","
23 | \n","Free s/o @apple for this nice iPad | \n","[0.05512142553925514, 0.011973769403994083, -0... | \n","[Free s/o @apple for this nice iPad] | \n","positive | \n","57 | \n","Free s/o @apple for this nice iPad | \n","neutral | \n","0.543708 | \n","
24 | \n","if I tweet about NANDOS my phone puts it in ca... | \n","[0.021839885041117668, 0.07290177792310715, -0... | \n","[if I tweet about NANDOS my phone puts it in c... | \n","positive | \n","140 | \n","if I tweet about NANDOS my phone puts it in ca... | \n","neutral | \n","0.538120 | \n","
25 | \n","RT @saigeist: the most offensive thing is the ... | \n","[0.043079257011413574, -0.045617833733558655, ... | \n","[RT @saigeist: the most offensive thing is the... | \n","negative | \n","178 | \n","RT @saigeist: the most offensive thing is the ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.512527 | \n","
26 | \n",".@tim_cook That rage when dealing @Apple Geniu... | \n","[0.05030369386076927, 0.023012423887848854, -0... | \n","[., @tim_cook That rage when dealing @Apple Ge... | \n","negative | \n","96 | \n",".@tim_cook That rage when dealing @Apple Geniu... | \n","neutral | \n","0.517721 | \n","
27 | \n","I hate my MacBook now. Fuck this update and fu... | \n","[0.04070044681429863, 0.02998330444097519, 0.0... | \n","[I hate my MacBook now., Fuck this update and... | \n","negative | \n","155 | \n","I hate my MacBook now. Fuck this update and fu... | \n","neutral | \n","0.510436 | \n","
28 | \n","Kantar: iPhone 6 helps Apple gain share over A... | \n","[0.06512415409088135, -0.009421378374099731, -... | \n","[Kantar: iPhone 6 helps Apple gain share over ... | \n","positive | \n","41 | \n","Kantar: iPhone 6 helps Apple gain share over A... | \n","neutral | \n","0.550157 | \n","
29 | \n","@tehhGOAT @Apple do you by accident have me bl... | \n","[-0.019428884610533714, 0.055587127804756165, ... | \n","[@tehhGOAT @Apple do you by accident have me b... | \n","negative | \n","17 | \n","@tehhGOAT @Apple do you by accident have me bl... | \n","neutral | \n","0.506774 | \n","
30 | \n","@fullcircleone ThanX! Big @Apple ThanX goes 2 ... | \n","[0.0020813194569200277, -0.025028454139828682,... | \n","[@fullcircleone ThanX!, Big @Apple ThanX goes... | \n","positive | \n","194 | \n","@fullcircleone ThanX! Big @Apple ThanX goes 2 ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.553299 | \n","
31 | \n","my phone keeps restarting on its own @apple do... | \n","[-0.0074605816043913364, 0.026783859357237816,... | \n","[my phone keeps restarting on its own @apple d... | \n","negative | \n","135 | \n","my phone keeps restarting on its own @apple do... | \n","neutral | \n","0.513831 | \n","
32 | \n","my dad called now my musics arent playing jesu... | \n","[0.008138233795762062, -0.026052597910165787, ... | \n","[my dad called now my musics arent playing jes... | \n","negative | \n","187 | \n","my dad called now my musics arent playing jesu... | \n","neutral | \n","0.519269 | \n","
33 | \n","@apple #greatservice thanks for helping me out... | \n","[0.02643176168203354, 0.015369059517979622, -0... | \n","[@apple #greatservice thanks for helping me ou... | \n","positive | \n","201 | \n","@apple #greatservice thanks for helping me out... | \n","neutral | \n","0.540207 | \n","
34 | \n","@Apple fix addis' phone so we can text each ot... | \n","[0.041290853172540665, 0.037915393710136414, -... | \n","[@Apple fix addis' phone so we can text each o... | \n","negative | \n","261 | \n","@Apple fix addis' phone so we can text each ot... | \n","neutral | \n","0.521058 | \n","
35 | \n","Sorry @samsung but I will be taking my smartph... | \n","[0.07281249761581421, 0.0376746729016304, 0.01... | \n","[Sorry @samsung but I will be taking my smartp... | \n","positive | \n","5 | \n","Sorry @samsung but I will be taking my smartph... | \n","neutral | \n","0.554886 | \n","
36 | \n","@LittleWordBites @TravlandLeisure @Apple >... | \n","[0.0581418015062809, -0.042348094284534454, -0... | \n","[@LittleWordBites @TravlandLeisure @Apple >... | \n","positive | \n","195 | \n","@LittleWordBites @TravlandLeisure @Apple > ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.571530 | \n","
37 | \n","RT @_emilymahon: @nosheenh2oo9 @Apple this is ... | \n","[0.05870470777153969, 0.061276875436306, -0.02... | \n","[RT @_emilymahon: @nosheenh2oo9 @Apple this is... | \n","positive | \n","8 | \n","RT @_emilymahon: @nosheenh2oo9 @Apple this is ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.546566 | \n","
38 | \n","@FaZeNikan @Apple lol iPhone,weak. Get on that... | \n","[0.07184943556785583, -0.025483926758170128, -... | \n","[@FaZeNikan @Apple lol iPhone,weak., Get on t... | \n","negative | \n","191 | \n","@FaZeNikan @Apple lol iPhone,weak. Get on that... | \n","neutral | \n","0.526558 | \n","
39 | \n","RT @hsmoghul: My @apple autocorrect changes Mu... | \n","[0.031838081777095795, 0.009894482791423798, 0... | \n","[RT @hsmoghul:, My @apple autocorrect changes... | \n","positive | \n","149 | \n","RT @hsmoghul: My @apple autocorrect changes Mu... | \n","neutral | \n","0.541348 | \n","
40 | \n","RT @_iamGambino: Thank you @Apple | \n","[0.018735762685537338, 0.07813401520252228, -0... | \n","[RT @_iamGambino: Thank you @Apple] | \n","positive | \n","212 | \n","RT @_iamGambino: Thank you @Apple | \n","neutral | \n","0.538737 | \n","
41 | \n","@lanadelreystan KILL YOURSELF @apple | \n","[-0.018729694187641144, 0.05311402678489685, -... | \n","[@lanadelreystan KILL YOURSELF @apple] | \n","negative | \n","245 | \n","@lanadelreystan KILL YOURSELF @apple | \n","neutral | \n","0.526904 | \n","
42 | \n","Great time had @Apple store on Friday. @Russel... | \n","[0.08689077943563461, 0.0028835677076131105, -... | \n","[Great time had @Apple store on Friday., @Rus... | \n","positive | \n","72 | \n","Great time had @Apple store on Friday. @Russel... | \n","neutral | \n","0.557536 | \n","
43 | \n","@CharlesJMeyer @Apple @Appy_Geek Hasn't Apple ... | \n","[0.05127181485295296, 0.03388502821326256, -0.... | \n","[@CharlesJMeyer @Apple @Appy_Geek Hasn't Apple... | \n","negative | \n","181 | \n","@CharlesJMeyer @Apple @Appy_Geek Hasn't Apple ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.518989 | \n","
44 | \n","Left the hoos we 100% now got 50 iPhones are d... | \n","[0.009334878996014595, 0.06441717594861984, 0.... | \n","[Left the hoos we 100% now got 50 iPhones are ... | \n","negative | \n","86 | \n","Left the hoos we 100% now got 50 iPhones are d... | \n","neutral | \n","0.526055 | \n","
45 | \n","@apple why is it that your iPhone's alarm fail... | \n","[0.013754838146269321, 0.05925201624631882, -0... | \n","[@apple why is it that your iPhone's alarm fai... | \n","negative | \n","69 | \n","@apple why is it that your iPhone's alarm fail... | \n","neutral | \n","0.515201 | \n","
46 | \n","Changing words that aren't even misspelled lik... | \n","[0.005594303365796804, 0.03357389196753502, -0... | \n","[Changing words that aren't even misspelled li... | \n","negative | \n","50 | \n","Changing words that aren't even misspelled lik... | \n","neutral | \n","0.510925 | \n","
47 | \n","that yosemite update is so annoying i regret i... | \n","[0.011035434901714325, -0.046652231365442276, ... | \n","[that yosemite update is so annoying i regret ... | \n","negative | \n","159 | \n","that yosemite update is so annoying i regret i... | \n","neutral | \n","0.512430 | \n","
48 | \n","Photo: Amazing customer service today @Apple. ... | \n","[0.0008898481610231102, 0.025655869394540787, ... | \n","[Photo: Amazing customer service today @Apple.... | \n","positive | \n","256 | \n","Photo: Amazing customer service today @Apple. ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.563457 | \n","
49 | \n","Awesome! @Apple invented peanut-butter-sandwic... | \n","[0.0439443401992321, 0.043788887560367584, -0.... | \n","[Awesome!, @Apple invented peanut-butter-sandw... | \n","positive | \n","20 | \n","Awesome! @Apple invented peanut-butter-sandwic... | \n","neutral | \n","0.547759 | \n","
\n"," | sentence_embedding_use | \n","sentence | \n","origin_index | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","
0 | \n","[-0.023322951048612595, -0.04157407209277153, ... | \n","[I hate the newest update] | \n","0 | \n","I hate the newest update | \n","neutral | \n","0.509875 | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","sentence | \n","y | \n","origin_index | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","
0 | \n","Theyre not RT @Naivana_: You gotta be kidding ... | \n","[0.053627125918865204, 0.03388773649930954, 0.... | \n","[Theyre not RT @Naivana_:, You gotta be kiddi... | \n","negative | \n","36 | \n","Theyre not RT @Naivana_: You gotta be kidding ... | \n","negative | \n","0.947914 | \n","
1 | \n","Thank you @Apple for fixing the #Swift sourcek... | \n","[0.01400269940495491, 0.04662228375673294, 0.0... | \n","[Thank you @Apple for fixing the #Swift source... | \n","positive | \n","7 | \n","Thank you @Apple for fixing the #Swift sourcek... | \n","positive | \n","0.926184 | \n","
2 | \n","Washed my earphones by accident, still works. ... | \n","[0.028794147074222565, 0.060343481600284576, -... | \n","[Washed my earphones by accident, still works.... | \n","positive | \n","272 | \n","Washed my earphones by accident, still works. ... | \n","positive | \n","0.867718 | \n","
3 | \n","@AppleOfficialll @apple I can't say enough abo... | \n","[0.04390808567404747, 0.0024722537491470575, -... | \n","[@AppleOfficialll @apple I can't say enough ab... | \n","positive | \n","146 | \n","@AppleOfficialll @apple I can't say enough abo... | \n","negative | \n","0.707370 | \n","
4 | \n","@OneRepublic @Apple So amazing | \n","[-0.0420607253909111, 0.05555792152881622, -0.... | \n","[@OneRepublic @Apple So amazing] | \n","positive | \n","237 | \n","@OneRepublic @Apple So amazing | \n","positive | \n","0.989958 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
95 | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","[0.036090489476919174, 0.033749453723430634, -... | \n","[Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania ... | \n","positive | \n","4 | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","neutral | \n","0.598268 | \n","
96 | \n","Photo: Yaaass. Shoutout to @apple.holidays and... | \n","[0.062088269740343094, -0.0338711179792881, -0... | \n","[Photo:, Yaaass., Shoutout to @apple., holiday... | \n","positive | \n","275 | \n","Photo: Yaaass. Shoutout to @apple.holidays and... | \n","positive | \n","0.998650 | \n","
97 | \n","RT @hypebot: Steve Job's Deposition in #iPod L... | \n","[0.06204485893249512, 0.05829763785004616, -0.... | \n","[RT @hypebot: Steve Job's Deposition in #iPod ... | \n","negative | \n","141 | \n","RT @hypebot: Steve Job's Deposition in #iPod L... | \n","neutral | \n","0.581826 | \n","
98 | \n","@apple I have been on hold for 30 minutes than... | \n","[0.02501610852777958, 0.04794774204492569, -0.... | \n","[@apple I have been on hold for 30 minutes tha... | \n","negative | \n","128 | \n","@apple I have been on hold for 30 minutes than... | \n","negative | \n","0.933449 | \n","
99 | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","[0.027452174574136734, -0.004120523110032082, ... | \n","[Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla... | \n","negative | \n","1 | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","negative | \n","0.729602 | \n","
100 rows × 8 columns
\n","\n"," | text | \n","sentiment | \n","sentence | \n","origin_index | \n","document | \n","sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","
0 | \n","I hate the newest update | \n","[negative] | \n","[I hate the newest update] | \n","8589934592 | \n","I hate the newest update | \n","[[-0.3084237277507782, -0.11030610650777817, 0... | \n","[0.67131346] | \n","
\n", + " | text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "I'm surprised there isn't more talk about what... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
691 | \n", + "over 1 hour on hold with @apple customer servi... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
1371 | \n", + "I'm still mad @apple | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
870 | \n", + "@jokigenki @Apple I think it's like 2011? Can'... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
1226 | \n", + "@apple #ios8 The lack of true keyboard integra... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
1392 | \n", + "itunes is awful & is ruining my life fix y... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
733 | \n", + "Happy Monday! My camera on my fancy @Apple #iP... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
503 | \n", + "Phone just died while it was plug in. @apple w... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
634 | \n", + "Whoever downgrades from a iphone 6 to a 5S obv... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
891 | \n", + "I can't queue songs on an iPhone @apple @timco... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
663 rows × 2 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "@apple fucking let everyone name the group cha... | \n", + "[-1.5767942667007446, -0.2661866843700409, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "@apple fucking let everyone name the group cha... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "As a die hard @Apple customer, I must say I am... | \n", + "[-0.1864045411348343, 0.37810075283050537, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "As a die hard @Apple customer, I must say I am... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "RT @_iamGambino: Thank you @Apple | \n", + "[-0.39863264560699463, -0.018525924533605576, ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "RT @_iamGambino: Thank you @Apple | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "YO YOU AINT SHIT @apple | \n", + "[-1.3272020816802979, -0.6504784226417542, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "YO YOU AINT SHIT @apple | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "Theyre not RT @Naivana_: You gotta be kidding ... | \n", + "[-0.26906388998031616, 0.16873443126678467, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Theyre not RT @Naivana_: You gotta be kidding ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "My MacBook Pro is now as annoying as my ASUS W... | \n", + "[-0.7138646841049194, -0.03021504543721676, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "My MacBook Pro is now as annoying as my ASUS W... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "It's just dawned on me that I've probably spen... | \n", + "[-0.08956478536128998, -0.09104951471090317, -... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "It's just dawned on me that I've probably spen... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "Hey @apple @sprint I'm not a fan of your lates... | \n", + "[-0.6237524747848511, 0.10997672379016876, 0.6... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Hey @apple @sprint I'm not a fan of your lates... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "@apple y'all shitty | \n", + "[-1.721300482749939, -1.328816533088684, 0.083... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@apple y'all shitty | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "YO I DIDNT TOUCH MY PHONE AT ALL AND RIGHT WHE... | \n", + "[-0.7379449605941772, 0.2959931790828705, -0.4... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "YO I DIDNT TOUCH MY PHONE AT ALL AND RIGHT WHE... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "FUCK @apple | \n", + "[-1.0854371786117554, -0.38098257780075073, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "FUCK @apple | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "my iphone6 plus is impossible to hold without ... | \n", + "[-0.06848365068435669, 0.4246528148651123, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "my iphone6 plus is impossible to hold without ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "@apple last time I checked I thought I bought ... | \n", + "[-1.1634764671325684, 0.5120655298233032, -0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@apple last time I checked I thought I bought ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "just need @apple to come out with a charger co... | \n", + "[-0.5657770037651062, 0.8361220359802246, -0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "just need @apple to come out with a charger co... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "RT @peterpham: Bought my @AugustSmartLock at t... | \n", + "[-0.43666037917137146, 0.7088866829872131, 0.4... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "RT @peterpham: Bought my @AugustSmartLock at t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "Apple's iPhone 6 Plus Amazingly Captures 41% o... | \n", + "[-0.1403159201145172, 0.65235835313797, 0.1092... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Apple's iPhone 6 Plus Amazingly Captures 41% o... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "@SamJam Agreed--have to give props to @Apple f... | \n", + "[-0.2358071506023407, 0.060792725533246994, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "@SamJam Agreed--have to give props to @Apple f... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "@jakeflem @Apple Yes It seems to fix it good t... | \n", + "[-1.220468521118164, 0.09469269961118698, -0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "@jakeflem @Apple Yes It seems to fix it good t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "It shouldn't take a whole week to replace my h... | \n", + "[-1.0816304683685303, 0.6302781701087952, -0.4... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "It shouldn't take a whole week to replace my h... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "@nigxnog @Apple bruh that means u type that a ... | \n", + "[-1.056034803390503, 0.15630772709846497, 0.51... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@nigxnog @Apple bruh that means u type that a ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "I don't undestand how @SYFNews #CreditCare web... | \n", + "[-0.6713889241218567, 0.5271422266960144, 0.07... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "I don't undestand how @SYFNews #CreditCare web... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "Steve Jobs Predicted Future Of E-Commerce Back... | \n", + "[-0.3053719401359558, 0.9345525503158569, 0.21... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "Steve Jobs Predicted Future Of E-Commerce Back... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "These Damn @Apple Commercials Are Getting Wors... | \n", + "[-0.8299529552459717, -0.4301386773586273, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "These Damn @Apple Commercials Are Getting Wors... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "Those** PICK UP THE SLACK YOU FUCK BOYS @Apple | \n", + "[-1.3581013679504395, -0.15301916003227234, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Those** PICK UP THE SLACK YOU FUCK BOYS @Apple | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "hey @apple can I catch a fucking maverick of a... | \n", + "[-0.6373146772384644, 0.5904020667076111, 0.28... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "hey @apple can I catch a fucking maverick of a... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "@apple#ipad #irig For the price to connect my ... | \n", + "[-0.5737035870552063, 0.6071469783782959, 0.06... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "@apple#ipad #irig For the price to connect my... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "fucking @apple are memer FAGGOTS http://t.co/w... | \n", + "[-0.04430821165442467, 0.44264474511146545, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "fucking @apple are memer FAGGOTS http://t.co/w... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "Safari just crashed on me and I didn't have an... | \n", + "[-0.32811102271080017, 0.6601451635360718, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "Safari just crashed on me and I didn't have an... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "@Apple deleted users' non-#iTunes music and di... | \n", + "[-0.3346312940120697, 0.2459762543439865, 0.54... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@Apple deleted users' non-#iTunes music and di... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "@PCAudioLabs is in and @Apple is out at Emanon... | \n", + "[-0.05351848155260086, 0.6132703423500061, 0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "@PCAudioLabs is in and @Apple is out at Emanon... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "@jokigenki @Apple I think it's like 2011? Can'... | \n", + "[-0.9171913862228394, -0.03775791823863983, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "@jokigenki @Apple I think it's like 2011? Can'... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "RT @tschwettman: hey @apple why won't you let ... | \n", + "[-0.8461720943450928, 0.45761561393737793, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "RT @tschwettman: hey @apple why won't you let ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "@wastwater1 l agree with you, they're about as... | \n", + "[-0.5620263814926147, 0.1833726316690445, 0.10... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@wastwater1 l agree with you, they're about as... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "How do I log into iCloud on my phone? Not the ... | \n", + "[-1.0261833667755127, 0.39792588353157043, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "How do I log into iCloud on my phone? Not the ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "Shout out to @Apple for making crappy iPhone a... | \n", + "[-1.0023715496063232, 0.22417372465133667, 0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Shout out to @Apple for making crappy iPhone a... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "We're so excited to be named to @Apple's 'App ... | \n", + "[-0.3373744487762451, 0.1699923425912857, 0.39... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "We're so excited to be named to @Apple's 'App ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "my iPhone is fucked. Thanks @apple and @EE wha... | \n", + "[-0.6871265769004822, 0.16453255712985992, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "my iPhone is fucked. Thanks @apple and @EE wha... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "iPhone6 fell 2 ft. Screen shattered like it wa... | \n", + "[-0.38180163502693176, 0.26194843649864197, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "iPhone6 fell 2 ft. Screen shattered like it wa... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "CNBCTV: #Chromecast beats #AppleTV #aapl http:... | \n", + "[0.25390008091926575, 0.2027512639760971, 0.71... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "CNBCTV: #Chromecast beats #AppleTV #aapl http... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "It makes you smarter. Elevate is @apple app of... | \n", + "[-0.3650900721549988, -0.056419190019369125, 0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "It makes you smarter. Elevate is @apple app o... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "IPhone6 has too many issues, why tf is the ear... | \n", + "[-0.5127007961273193, 0.68586665391922, -0.193... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "IPhone6 has too many issues, why tf is the ea... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "Great time had @Apple store on Friday. @Russel... | \n", + "[-0.8063774704933167, 0.4269622266292572, 0.51... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Great time had @Apple store on Friday. @Russel... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "Hey @apple are you even thinking about fixing ... | \n", + "[-0.9981245994567871, -0.04270806908607483, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Hey @apple are you even thinking about fixing ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
43 | \n", + ". @apple I don't think the '59' should be so c... | \n", + "[-1.193355679512024, 0.2766774296760559, -0.14... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + ". @apple I don't think the '59' should be so c... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
44 | \n", + ".@apple why do your computers like to crash on... | \n", + "[-1.2451688051223755, -0.2248333841562271, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + ".@apple why do your computers like to crash on... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "Ha, poor @apple trying to make its iPad and Ma... | \n", + "[-0.7224618196487427, 0.03269221633672714, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Ha, poor @apple trying to make its iPad and Ma... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "You'll be back in my life soon @apple | \n", + "[-1.220320701599121, -0.1481868475675583, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "You'll be back in my life soon @apple | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "iTunes is pissing me tf off @apple | \n", + "[-1.0455917119979858, 0.08097667992115021, 0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "iTunes is pissing me tf off @apple | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "RT @bchmura12: .@apple you suck | \n", + "[-0.9056015014648438, -0.7452876567840576, 0.6... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "RT @bchmura12: .@apple you suck | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "Updated to Yosemite on two machines. Both are ... | \n", + "[-0.5752751231193542, 0.05041218921542168, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Updated to Yosemite on two machines. Both are ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
\n", + " | sentence | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "I hate the newest update | \n", + "[-1.3662102222442627, 0.10369864851236343, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "@apple fucking let everyone name the group cha... | \n", + "[-1.5767942667007446, -0.2661866843700409, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@apple fucking let everyone name the group cha... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "As a die hard @Apple customer, I must say I am... | \n", + "[-0.1864045411348343, 0.37810075283050537, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "As a die hard @Apple customer, I must say I am... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "RT @_iamGambino: Thank you @Apple | \n", + "[-0.39863264560699463, -0.018525924533605576, ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "RT @_iamGambino: Thank you @Apple | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "YO YOU AINT SHIT @apple | \n", + "[-1.3272020816802979, -0.6504784226417542, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "YO YOU AINT SHIT @apple | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "Theyre not RT @Naivana_: You gotta be kidding ... | \n", + "[-0.26906388998031616, 0.16873443126678467, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Theyre not RT @Naivana_: You gotta be kidding ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
95 | \n", + "@Apple you need to sort your phones out. | \n", + "[-0.788460910320282, 0.194553405046463, 0.0300... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@Apple you need to sort your phones out. | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
96 | \n", + "Hey @apple, fuck you for thinking I want text ... | \n", + "[-0.7153223752975464, -0.0814858004450798, 0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Hey @apple, fuck you for thinking I want text ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
97 | \n", + "@Apple honestly sucks | \n", + "[-1.2007137537002563, -1.1623204946517944, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@Apple honestly sucks | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
98 | \n", + "How long does it really take for a phone to sh... | \n", + "[-0.9548358917236328, 0.6761127710342407, -0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "How long does it really take for a phone to sh... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
99 | \n", + "@whereiscooldude @Cyrus_T_Virus @Apple wait no... | \n", + "[-1.06529700756073, -0.23610278964042664, -0.4... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@whereiscooldude @Cyrus_T_Virus @Apple wait no... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
100 rows × 6 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "I hate the newest update | \n", + "[-0.3084234893321991, -0.1103060245513916, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
4204 | \n","When I was a kid I always wanted to go on the ... | \n","positive | \n","
5622 | \n","The selfish morons who panic bought toilet rol... | \n","negative | \n","
6545 | \n","Profitero studied keyword search patterns and ... | \n","positive | \n","
9049 | \n","From listed funds to builders to landlords, @k... | \n","negative | \n","
8568 | \n","Against the back drop of NHS workers, civil se... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
9513 | \n","Crude prices could go negative while Alberta's... | \n","negative | \n","
5209 | \n","Thank you so much to all of the amazing Health... | \n","positive | \n","
8606 | \n","Crime in the COVID 19 era says a man s charged... | \n","negative | \n","
3066 | \n","I need a sugar daddy fast! Cause this covid-19... | \n","positive | \n","
5140 | \n","#auspol \\r\\r\\r\\n#StayAtHome\\r\\r\\r\\n#COVID?19\\r... | \n","negative | \n","
8000 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | sentence_embedding_use | \n","text | \n","y | \n","origin_index | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","sentence | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","
0 | \n","[-0.07024706155061722, -0.047160204499959946, ... | \n","When I was a kid I always wanted to go on the ... | \n","positive | \n","4204 | \n","When I was a kid I always wanted to go on the ... | \n","0.782395 | \n","[When I was a kid I always wanted to go on the... | \n","positive | \n","
1 | \n","[-0.012395520694553852, -0.020829271525144577,... | \n","The selfish morons who panic bought toilet rol... | \n","negative | \n","5622 | \n","The selfish morons who panic bought toilet rol... | \n","0.628907 | \n","[The selfish morons who panic bought toilet ro... | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","[-0.02502020262181759, -0.08026497811079025, 0... | \n","Profitero studied keyword search patterns and ... | \n","positive | \n","6545 | \n","Profitero studied keyword search patterns and ... | \n","0.716436 | \n","[Profitero studied keyword search patterns and... | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","[0.06621277332305908, 0.011142794042825699, -0... | \n","From listed funds to builders to landlords, @k... | \n","negative | \n","9049 | \n","From listed funds to builders to landlords, @k... | \n","0.613169 | \n","[From listed funds to builders to landlords, @... | \n","positive | \n","
4 | \n","[-0.024583933874964714, 0.06747899204492569, 0... | \n","Against the back drop of NHS workers, civil se... | \n","positive | \n","8568 | \n","Against the back drop of NHS workers, civil se... | \n","0.753840 | \n","[Against the back drop of NHS workers, civil s... | \n","positive | \n","
5 | \n","[-0.030639173462986946, 0.07562850415706635, -... | \n","\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you'... | \n","negative | \n","1645 | \n","\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you'... | \n","0.642136 | \n","[\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you... | \n","positive | \n","
6 | \n","[0.020836224779486656, -0.06270623952150345, -... | \n","As the COVID 19 outbreak continues to spread f... | \n","negative | \n","4190 | \n","As the COVID 19 outbreak continues to spread f... | \n","0.636920 | \n","[As the COVID 19 outbreak continues to spread ... | \n","positive | \n","
7 | \n","[0.04782669618725777, -0.0003077308356296271, ... | \n","We re tracking daily changes in economic uncer... | \n","negative | \n","1930 | \n","We re tracking daily changes in economic uncer... | \n","0.618729 | \n","[We re tracking daily changes in economic unce... | \n","positive | \n","
8 | \n","[-0.04952622205018997, -0.024686245247721672, ... | \n","I'm slightly confused! All for social distanc... | \n","positive | \n","4717 | \n","I'm slightly confused! All for social distanci... | \n","0.748444 | \n","[I'm slightly confused!, All for social distan... | \n","positive | \n","
9 | \n","[0.015434695407748222, -0.0009663645178079605,... | \n","The knock-on effects of COVID-19 are having a... | \n","positive | \n","3860 | \n","The knock-on effects of COVID-19 are having a... | \n","0.778461 | \n","[The knock-on effects of COVID-19 are having ... | \n","positive | \n","
10 | \n","[0.01979624293744564, -0.006749877706170082, -... | \n","Praise #coronavirus! God Bless the little bug... | \n","positive | \n","7223 | \n","Praise #coronavirus! God Bless the little bugs... | \n","0.820170 | \n","[Praise #coronavirus!, God Bless the little bu... | \n","positive | \n","
11 | \n","[0.06731504201889038, 0.06525817513465881, -0.... | \n","For those that think #COVIDÂ19 #Coronavirus ... | \n","positive | \n","1540 | \n","For those that think #COVIDÂ19 #Coronavirus i... | \n","0.854121 | \n","[For those that think #COVIDÂ19 #Coronavirus ... | \n","positive | \n","
12 | \n","[-0.03877340257167816, -0.04483730345964432, -... | \n","Just managed to book a delivery with Sainsbury... | \n","negative | \n","1003 | \n","Just managed to book a delivery with Sainsbury... | \n","0.658872 | \n","[Just managed to book a delivery with Sainsbur... | \n","positive | \n","
13 | \n","[0.012202774174511433, 0.04586584493517876, -0... | \n","CanÂt get any in the supermarket but can rece... | \n","positive | \n","9630 | \n","CanÂt get any in the supermarket but can rece... | \n","0.777700 | \n","[CanÂt get any in the supermarket but can rec... | \n","positive | \n","
14 | \n","[0.03157752379775047, -0.03581700101494789, -0... | \n","Scary. Gun sales up in #USA. Due to food short... | \n","negative | \n","9278 | \n","Scary. Gun sales up in #USA. Due to food short... | \n","0.597093 | \n","[Scary. Gun sales up in #USA., Due to food sho... | \n","neutral | \n","
15 | \n","[0.07137540727853775, 0.004993322305381298, -0... | \n","VR headset companies, now is the time to slash... | \n","positive | \n","6960 | \n","VR headset companies, now is the time to slash... | \n","0.786807 | \n","[VR headset companies, now is the time to slas... | \n","positive | \n","
16 | \n","[0.07225924730300903, 0.002497387118637562, 0.... | \n","31% CanÂt Pay the Rent: ÂItÂs Only Going to... | \n","negative | \n","3771 | \n","31% CanÂt Pay the Rent: ÂItÂs Only Going to... | \n","0.643341 | \n","[31% CanÂt Pay the Rent: ÂItÂs Only Going t... | \n","positive | \n","
17 | \n","[0.04617633670568466, 0.03097780980169773, -0.... | \n","COVID-19 is unprecedented. And to manage the c... | \n","negative | \n","2605 | \n","COVID-19 is unprecedented. And to manage the c... | \n","0.652922 | \n","[COVID-19 is unprecedented., And to manage the... | \n","positive | \n","
18 | \n","[0.02162887528538704, -0.07251725345849991, -0... | \n","Even as government officials have appealed for... | \n","negative | \n","9976 | \n","Even as government officials have appealed for... | \n","0.594582 | \n","[Even as government officials have appealed fo... | \n","neutral | \n","
19 | \n","[-0.004043699707835913, -0.05827523022890091, ... | \n","I'm just wondering where all these panic buyer... | \n","negative | \n","6191 | \n","I'm just wondering where all these panic buyer... | \n","0.604813 | \n","[I'm just wondering where all these panic buye... | \n","positive | \n","
20 | \n","[-0.006520306225866079, 0.04672585800290108, -... | \n","To address the increased demand on our communi... | \n","positive | \n","4213 | \n","To address the increased demand on our communi... | \n","0.754619 | \n","[To address the increased demand on our commun... | \n","positive | \n","
21 | \n","[0.09055875241756439, -0.03801679238677025, -0... | \n","Important phone conversation with @ReedHasting... | \n","positive | \n","4180 | \n","Important phone conversation with @ReedHasting... | \n","0.824278 | \n","[Important phone conversation with @ReedHastin... | \n","positive | \n","
22 | \n","[0.06983352452516556, 0.045526593923568726, 0.... | \n","@JeffreeStar hey,I hope you see this tweet,jus... | \n","positive | \n","4393 | \n","@JeffreeStar hey,I hope you see this tweet,jus... | \n","0.712092 | \n","[@JeffreeStar hey,I hope you see this tweet,ju... | \n","positive | \n","
23 | \n","[0.010531553998589516, -0.041734274476766586, ... | \n","In addition to masks we re now also banning ha... | \n","positive | \n","7906 | \n","In addition to masks we re now also banning ha... | \n","0.804328 | \n","[In addition to masks we re now also banning h... | \n","positive | \n","
24 | \n","[-0.0046012867242097855, -0.00663403794169426,... | \n","It'll make bump into April bumpier, drawing do... | \n","positive | \n","2178 | \n","It'll make bump into April bumpier, drawing do... | \n","0.680699 | \n","[It'll make bump into April bumpier, drawing d... | \n","positive | \n","
25 | \n","[0.02057724818587303, 0.02416279725730419, -0.... | \n","#ScamAlert! There are some awful folks out the... | \n","negative | \n","3000 | \n","#ScamAlert! There are some awful folks out the... | \n","0.717378 | \n","[#ScamAlert!, There are some awful folks out ... | \n","positive | \n","
26 | \n","[-0.0029535864014178514, 0.06930557638406754, ... | \n","It's April and I'm on #ESA. So how has @GOVUK ... | \n","positive | \n","8967 | \n","It's April and I'm on #ESA. So how has @GOVUK ... | \n","0.729225 | \n","[It's April and I'm on #ESA., So how has @GOVU... | \n","positive | \n","
27 | \n","[-0.022838125005364418, 0.035331811755895615, ... | \n","#THANKYOU times a million to all those on the ... | \n","positive | \n","8202 | \n","#THANKYOU times a million to all those on the ... | \n","0.817317 | \n","[#THANKYOU times a million to all those on the... | \n","positive | \n","
28 | \n","[0.0058709485456347466, 0.007139457855373621, ... | \n","Online shopping doubles down during coronaviru... | \n","negative | \n","4932 | \n","Online shopping doubles down during coronaviru... | \n","0.656595 | \n","[Online shopping doubles down during coronavir... | \n","positive | \n","
29 | \n","[0.038493022322654724, -0.04178141430020332, 0... | \n","Covid-19 is changing the world as we know it. ... | \n","positive | \n","525 | \n","Covid-19 is changing the world as we know it. ... | \n","0.836061 | \n","[Covid-19 is changing the world as we know it.... | \n","positive | \n","
30 | \n","[0.001453789067454636, 0.005407411605119705, -... | \n","The whole supermarket delivery model is broken... | \n","negative | \n","1389 | \n","The whole supermarket delivery model is broken... | \n","0.656143 | \n","[The whole supermarket delivery model is broke... | \n","positive | \n","
31 | \n","[0.07007955759763718, 0.02776280976831913, -0.... | \n","For brands interested in building long term eq... | \n","positive | \n","146 | \n","For brands interested in building long term eq... | \n","0.717087 | \n","[For brands interested in building long term e... | \n","positive | \n","
32 | \n","[0.014691045507788658, 0.052066899836063385, 0... | \n","@masrour_barzani It is worth mentioning your e... | \n","positive | \n","2989 | \n","@masrour_barzani It is worth mentioning your e... | \n","0.750604 | \n","[@masrour_barzani It is worth mentioning your ... | \n","positive | \n","
33 | \n","[0.02123432233929634, 0.052282460033893585, -0... | \n","When you realize health care workers grocery s... | \n","positive | \n","9206 | \n","When you realize health care workers grocery s... | \n","0.808270 | \n","[When you realize health care workers grocery ... | \n","positive | \n","
34 | \n","[-0.016208922490477562, 0.041428711265325546, ... | \n","\"Sales of shelf-stable, fresh, and frozen seaf... | \n","positive | \n","5297 | \n","\"Sales of shelf-stable, fresh, and frozen seaf... | \n","0.683432 | \n","[\"Sales of shelf-stable, fresh, and frozen sea... | \n","positive | \n","
35 | \n","[0.0038951593451201916, 0.012588057667016983, ... | \n","@HolidayInn @ChoiceHotels @OmniHotels all majo... | \n","positive | \n","7155 | \n","@HolidayInn @ChoiceHotels @OmniHotels all majo... | \n","0.792782 | \n","[@HolidayInn @ChoiceHotels @OmniHotels all maj... | \n","positive | \n","
36 | \n","[0.027244137600064278, 0.058916911482810974, -... | \n","Some silver linings during this covid-19 crisi... | \n","negative | \n","3295 | \n","Some silver linings during this covid-19 crisi... | \n","0.639766 | \n","[Some silver linings during this covid-19 cris... | \n","positive | \n","
37 | \n","[0.013577781617641449, 0.004573680926114321, 0... | \n","Ok people CAN WE STOP BUYING ALL THE HAND SANI... | \n","positive | \n","1259 | \n","Ok people CAN WE STOP BUYING ALL THE HAND SANI... | \n","0.784130 | \n","[Ok people CAN WE STOP BUYING ALL THE HAND SAN... | \n","positive | \n","
38 | \n","[0.011083973571658134, -0.004668612964451313, ... | \n","Your well being is our top priority!\\r\\r\\r\\nWh... | \n","positive | \n","3510 | \n","Your well being is our top priority! While oth... | \n","0.712732 | \n","[Your well being is our top priority!, While o... | \n","positive | \n","
39 | \n","[0.010227790102362633, 0.03293986618518829, 0.... | \n","In #France, supermarket chains agree to a one-... | \n","positive | \n","9662 | \n","In #France, supermarket chains agree to a one-... | \n","0.762242 | \n","[In #France, supermarket chains agree to a one... | \n","positive | \n","
40 | \n","[-0.03131600469350815, 0.054168395698070526, 0... | \n","In one week health care workers, truck drivers... | \n","positive | \n","8688 | \n","In one week health care workers, truck drivers... | \n","0.787212 | \n","[In one week health care workers, truck driver... | \n","positive | \n","
41 | \n","[-0.01420750841498375, 0.031081417575478554, 0... | \n","Try your best to support local businesses duri... | \n","positive | \n","8111 | \n","Try your best to support local businesses duri... | \n","0.765113 | \n","[Try your best to support local businesses dur... | \n","positive | \n","
42 | \n","[0.023995142430067062, -0.014616046100854874, ... | \n","Consumer Hero is wishing all businesses and co... | \n","positive | \n","6005 | \n","Consumer Hero is wishing all businesses and co... | \n","0.732366 | \n","[Consumer Hero is wishing all businesses and c... | \n","positive | \n","
43 | \n","[0.03285776078701019, 0.007155246566981077, -0... | \n","The no longer hidden crisis in middle and poor... | \n","negative | \n","3965 | \n","The no longer hidden crisis in middle and poor... | \n","0.626646 | \n","[The no longer hidden crisis in middle and poo... | \n","positive | \n","
44 | \n","[0.061222951859235764, 0.04071924835443497, -0... | \n","@osaeB @markets Two economic positives from CO... | \n","positive | \n","561 | \n","@osaeB @markets Two economic positives from CO... | \n","0.702125 | \n","[@osaeB @markets Two economic positives from C... | \n","positive | \n","
45 | \n","[0.027163468301296234, -0.029017480090260506, ... | \n","Well the #Coronavirus food panic buying isnÂt... | \n","negative | \n","8352 | \n","Well the #Coronavirus food panic buying isnÂt... | \n","0.610110 | \n","[Well the #Coronavirus food panic buying isnÂ... | \n","positive | \n","
46 | \n","[0.04085322096943855, 0.04066244512796402, -0.... | \n","@Complex This is unacceptable! WhereÂs Peta? ... | \n","positive | \n","4370 | \n","@Complex This is unacceptable! WhereÂs Peta? ... | \n","0.818300 | \n","[@Complex This is unacceptable!, WhereÂs Peta... | \n","positive | \n","
47 | \n","[0.06088094785809517, 0.02243555523455143, -0.... | \n","STOP THE PANIC BUYING \\r\\r\\r\\nThere is no shor... | \n","negative | \n","8241 | \n","STOP THE PANIC BUYING There is no shortage of ... | \n","0.603424 | \n","[STOP THE PANIC BUYING There is no shortage of... | \n","positive | \n","
48 | \n","[-0.05397384986281395, 0.04183822497725487, -0... | \n","We often rightly hear about the great work tha... | \n","positive | \n","5160 | \n","We often rightly hear about the great work tha... | \n","0.831636 | \n","[We often rightly hear about the great work th... | \n","positive | \n","
49 | \n","[-0.009696043096482754, 0.09022427350282669, 0... | \n","In these tough and stressful times with 100 s ... | \n","negative | \n","5159 | \n","In these tough and stressful times with 100 s ... | \n","0.751247 | \n","[In these tough and stressful times with 100 s... | \n","positive | \n","
\n"," | sentence_embedding_use | \n","origin_index | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","sentence | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","
0 | \n","[0.027917474508285522, -0.06684374064207077, -... | \n","0 | \n","Everything is under control ! | \n","0.770841 | \n","[Everything is under control !] | \n","positive | \n","
\n"," | sentence_embedding_use | \n","text | \n","y | \n","origin_index | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","sentence | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","
0 | \n","[-0.07024706155061722, -0.047160204499959946, ... | \n","When I was a kid I always wanted to go on the ... | \n","positive | \n","4204 | \n","When I was a kid I always wanted to go on the ... | \n","0.978457 | \n","[When I was a kid I always wanted to go on the... | \n","positive | \n","
1 | \n","[-0.012395520694553852, -0.020829271525144577,... | \n","The selfish morons who panic bought toilet rol... | \n","negative | \n","5622 | \n","The selfish morons who panic bought toilet rol... | \n","0.530837 | \n","[The selfish morons who panic bought toilet ro... | \n","neutral | \n","
2 | \n","[-0.02502020262181759, -0.08026497811079025, 0... | \n","Profitero studied keyword search patterns and ... | \n","positive | \n","6545 | \n","Profitero studied keyword search patterns and ... | \n","0.845908 | \n","[Profitero studied keyword search patterns and... | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","[0.06621277332305908, 0.011142794042825699, -0... | \n","From listed funds to builders to landlords, @k... | \n","negative | \n","9049 | \n","From listed funds to builders to landlords, @k... | \n","0.541567 | \n","[From listed funds to builders to landlords, @... | \n","neutral | \n","
4 | \n","[-0.024583933874964714, 0.06747899204492569, 0... | \n","Against the back drop of NHS workers, civil se... | \n","positive | \n","8568 | \n","Against the back drop of NHS workers, civil se... | \n","0.961466 | \n","[Against the back drop of NHS workers, civil s... | \n","positive | \n","
5 | \n","[-0.030639173462986946, 0.07562850415706635, -... | \n","\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you'... | \n","negative | \n","1645 | \n","\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you'... | \n","0.508357 | \n","[\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you... | \n","neutral | \n","
6 | \n","[0.020836224779486656, -0.06270623952150345, -... | \n","As the COVID 19 outbreak continues to spread f... | \n","negative | \n","4190 | \n","As the COVID 19 outbreak continues to spread f... | \n","0.526309 | \n","[As the COVID 19 outbreak continues to spread ... | \n","neutral | \n","
7 | \n","[0.04782669618725777, -0.0003077308356296271, ... | \n","We re tracking daily changes in economic uncer... | \n","negative | \n","1930 | \n","We re tracking daily changes in economic uncer... | \n","0.542942 | \n","[We re tracking daily changes in economic unce... | \n","neutral | \n","
8 | \n","[-0.04952622205018997, -0.024686245247721672, ... | \n","I'm slightly confused! All for social distanc... | \n","positive | \n","4717 | \n","I'm slightly confused! All for social distanci... | \n","0.953167 | \n","[I'm slightly confused!, All for social distan... | \n","positive | \n","
9 | \n","[0.015434695407748222, -0.0009663645178079605,... | \n","The knock-on effects of COVID-19 are having a... | \n","positive | \n","3860 | \n","The knock-on effects of COVID-19 are having a... | \n","0.974030 | \n","[The knock-on effects of COVID-19 are having ... | \n","positive | \n","
10 | \n","[0.01979624293744564, -0.006749877706170082, -... | \n","Praise #coronavirus! God Bless the little bug... | \n","positive | \n","7223 | \n","Praise #coronavirus! God Bless the little bugs... | \n","0.983924 | \n","[Praise #coronavirus!, God Bless the little bu... | \n","positive | \n","
11 | \n","[0.06731504201889038, 0.06525817513465881, -0.... | \n","For those that think #COVIDÂ19 #Coronavirus ... | \n","positive | \n","1540 | \n","For those that think #COVIDÂ19 #Coronavirus i... | \n","0.994959 | \n","[For those that think #COVIDÂ19 #Coronavirus ... | \n","positive | \n","
12 | \n","[-0.03877340257167816, -0.04483730345964432, -... | \n","Just managed to book a delivery with Sainsbury... | \n","negative | \n","1003 | \n","Just managed to book a delivery with Sainsbury... | \n","0.519039 | \n","[Just managed to book a delivery with Sainsbur... | \n","neutral | \n","
13 | \n","[0.012202774174511433, 0.04586584493517876, -0... | \n","CanÂt get any in the supermarket but can rece... | \n","positive | \n","9630 | \n","CanÂt get any in the supermarket but can rece... | \n","0.976869 | \n","[CanÂt get any in the supermarket but can rec... | \n","positive | \n","
14 | \n","[0.03157752379775047, -0.03581700101494789, -0... | \n","Scary. Gun sales up in #USA. Due to food short... | \n","negative | \n","9278 | \n","Scary. Gun sales up in #USA. Due to food short... | \n","0.534066 | \n","[Scary. Gun sales up in #USA., Due to food sho... | \n","neutral | \n","
15 | \n","[0.07137540727853775, 0.004993322305381298, -0... | \n","VR headset companies, now is the time to slash... | \n","positive | \n","6960 | \n","VR headset companies, now is the time to slash... | \n","0.949657 | \n","[VR headset companies, now is the time to slas... | \n","positive | \n","
16 | \n","[0.07225924730300903, 0.002497387118637562, 0.... | \n","31% CanÂt Pay the Rent: ÂItÂs Only Going to... | \n","negative | \n","3771 | \n","31% CanÂt Pay the Rent: ÂItÂs Only Going to... | \n","0.517149 | \n","[31% CanÂt Pay the Rent: ÂItÂs Only Going t... | \n","neutral | \n","
17 | \n","[0.04617633670568466, 0.03097780980169773, -0.... | \n","COVID-19 is unprecedented. And to manage the c... | \n","negative | \n","2605 | \n","COVID-19 is unprecedented. And to manage the c... | \n","0.502484 | \n","[COVID-19 is unprecedented., And to manage the... | \n","neutral | \n","
18 | \n","[0.02162887528538704, -0.07251725345849991, -0... | \n","Even as government officials have appealed for... | \n","negative | \n","9976 | \n","Even as government officials have appealed for... | \n","0.543885 | \n","[Even as government officials have appealed fo... | \n","neutral | \n","
19 | \n","[-0.004043699707835913, -0.05827523022890091, ... | \n","I'm just wondering where all these panic buyer... | \n","negative | \n","6191 | \n","I'm just wondering where all these panic buyer... | \n","0.528756 | \n","[I'm just wondering where all these panic buye... | \n","neutral | \n","
20 | \n","[-0.006520306225866079, 0.04672585800290108, -... | \n","To address the increased demand on our communi... | \n","positive | \n","4213 | \n","To address the increased demand on our communi... | \n","0.955490 | \n","[To address the increased demand on our commun... | \n","positive | \n","
21 | \n","[0.09055875241756439, -0.03801679238677025, -0... | \n","Important phone conversation with @ReedHasting... | \n","positive | \n","4180 | \n","Important phone conversation with @ReedHasting... | \n","0.983021 | \n","[Important phone conversation with @ReedHastin... | \n","positive | \n","
22 | \n","[0.06983352452516556, 0.045526593923568726, 0.... | \n","@JeffreeStar hey,I hope you see this tweet,jus... | \n","positive | \n","4393 | \n","@JeffreeStar hey,I hope you see this tweet,jus... | \n","0.886496 | \n","[@JeffreeStar hey,I hope you see this tweet,ju... | \n","positive | \n","
23 | \n","[0.010531553998589516, -0.041734274476766586, ... | \n","In addition to masks we re now also banning ha... | \n","positive | \n","7906 | \n","In addition to masks we re now also banning ha... | \n","0.980952 | \n","[In addition to masks we re now also banning h... | \n","positive | \n","
24 | \n","[-0.0046012867242097855, -0.00663403794169426,... | \n","It'll make bump into April bumpier, drawing do... | \n","positive | \n","2178 | \n","It'll make bump into April bumpier, drawing do... | \n","0.780364 | \n","[It'll make bump into April bumpier, drawing d... | \n","positive | \n","
25 | \n","[0.02057724818587303, 0.02416279725730419, -0.... | \n","#ScamAlert! There are some awful folks out the... | \n","negative | \n","3000 | \n","#ScamAlert! There are some awful folks out the... | \n","0.547257 | \n","[#ScamAlert!, There are some awful folks out ... | \n","neutral | \n","
26 | \n","[-0.0029535864014178514, 0.06930557638406754, ... | \n","It's April and I'm on #ESA. So how has @GOVUK ... | \n","positive | \n","8967 | \n","It's April and I'm on #ESA. So how has @GOVUK ... | \n","0.844140 | \n","[It's April and I'm on #ESA., So how has @GOVU... | \n","positive | \n","
27 | \n","[-0.022838125005364418, 0.035331811755895615, ... | \n","#THANKYOU times a million to all those on the ... | \n","positive | \n","8202 | \n","#THANKYOU times a million to all those on the ... | \n","0.984350 | \n","[#THANKYOU times a million to all those on the... | \n","positive | \n","
28 | \n","[0.0058709485456347466, 0.007139457855373621, ... | \n","Online shopping doubles down during coronaviru... | \n","negative | \n","4932 | \n","Online shopping doubles down during coronaviru... | \n","0.517497 | \n","[Online shopping doubles down during coronavir... | \n","neutral | \n","
29 | \n","[0.038493022322654724, -0.04178141430020332, 0... | \n","Covid-19 is changing the world as we know it. ... | \n","positive | \n","525 | \n","Covid-19 is changing the world as we know it. ... | \n","0.994486 | \n","[Covid-19 is changing the world as we know it.... | \n","positive | \n","
30 | \n","[0.001453789067454636, 0.005407411605119705, -... | \n","The whole supermarket delivery model is broken... | \n","negative | \n","1389 | \n","The whole supermarket delivery model is broken... | \n","0.505307 | \n","[The whole supermarket delivery model is broke... | \n","neutral | \n","
31 | \n","[0.07007955759763718, 0.02776280976831913, -0.... | \n","For brands interested in building long term eq... | \n","positive | \n","146 | \n","For brands interested in building long term eq... | \n","0.887487 | \n","[For brands interested in building long term e... | \n","positive | \n","
32 | \n","[0.014691045507788658, 0.052066899836063385, 0... | \n","@masrour_barzani It is worth mentioning your e... | \n","positive | \n","2989 | \n","@masrour_barzani It is worth mentioning your e... | \n","0.946808 | \n","[@masrour_barzani It is worth mentioning your ... | \n","positive | \n","
33 | \n","[0.02123432233929634, 0.052282460033893585, -0... | \n","When you realize health care workers grocery s... | \n","positive | \n","9206 | \n","When you realize health care workers grocery s... | \n","0.988752 | \n","[When you realize health care workers grocery ... | \n","positive | \n","
34 | \n","[-0.016208922490477562, 0.041428711265325546, ... | \n","\"Sales of shelf-stable, fresh, and frozen seaf... | \n","positive | \n","5297 | \n","\"Sales of shelf-stable, fresh, and frozen seaf... | \n","0.841267 | \n","[\"Sales of shelf-stable, fresh, and frozen sea... | \n","positive | \n","
35 | \n","[0.0038951593451201916, 0.012588057667016983, ... | \n","@HolidayInn @ChoiceHotels @OmniHotels all majo... | \n","positive | \n","7155 | \n","@HolidayInn @ChoiceHotels @OmniHotels all majo... | \n","0.972513 | \n","[@HolidayInn @ChoiceHotels @OmniHotels all maj... | \n","positive | \n","
36 | \n","[0.027244137600064278, 0.058916911482810974, -... | \n","Some silver linings during this covid-19 crisi... | \n","negative | \n","3295 | \n","Some silver linings during this covid-19 crisi... | \n","0.500515 | \n","[Some silver linings during this covid-19 cris... | \n","neutral | \n","
37 | \n","[0.013577781617641449, 0.004573680926114321, 0... | \n","Ok people CAN WE STOP BUYING ALL THE HAND SANI... | \n","positive | \n","1259 | \n","Ok people CAN WE STOP BUYING ALL THE HAND SANI... | \n","0.953883 | \n","[Ok people CAN WE STOP BUYING ALL THE HAND SAN... | \n","positive | \n","
38 | \n","[0.011083973571658134, -0.004668612964451313, ... | \n","Your well being is our top priority!\\r\\r\\r\\nWh... | \n","positive | \n","3510 | \n","Your well being is our top priority! While oth... | \n","0.848192 | \n","[Your well being is our top priority!, While o... | \n","positive | \n","
39 | \n","[0.010227790102362633, 0.03293986618518829, 0.... | \n","In #France, supermarket chains agree to a one-... | \n","positive | \n","9662 | \n","In #France, supermarket chains agree to a one-... | \n","0.961013 | \n","[In #France, supermarket chains agree to a one... | \n","positive | \n","
40 | \n","[-0.03131600469350815, 0.054168395698070526, 0... | \n","In one week health care workers, truck drivers... | \n","positive | \n","8688 | \n","In one week health care workers, truck drivers... | \n","0.983875 | \n","[In one week health care workers, truck driver... | \n","positive | \n","
41 | \n","[-0.01420750841498375, 0.031081417575478554, 0... | \n","Try your best to support local businesses duri... | \n","positive | \n","8111 | \n","Try your best to support local businesses duri... | \n","0.963043 | \n","[Try your best to support local businesses dur... | \n","positive | \n","
42 | \n","[0.023995142430067062, -0.014616046100854874, ... | \n","Consumer Hero is wishing all businesses and co... | \n","positive | \n","6005 | \n","Consumer Hero is wishing all businesses and co... | \n","0.903110 | \n","[Consumer Hero is wishing all businesses and c... | \n","positive | \n","
43 | \n","[0.03285776078701019, 0.007155246566981077, -0... | \n","The no longer hidden crisis in middle and poor... | \n","negative | \n","3965 | \n","The no longer hidden crisis in middle and poor... | \n","0.530567 | \n","[The no longer hidden crisis in middle and poo... | \n","neutral | \n","
44 | \n","[0.061222951859235764, 0.04071924835443497, -0... | \n","@osaeB @markets Two economic positives from CO... | \n","positive | \n","561 | \n","@osaeB @markets Two economic positives from CO... | \n","0.764335 | \n","[@osaeB @markets Two economic positives from C... | \n","positive | \n","
45 | \n","[0.027163468301296234, -0.029017480090260506, ... | \n","Well the #Coronavirus food panic buying isnÂt... | \n","negative | \n","8352 | \n","Well the #Coronavirus food panic buying isnÂt... | \n","0.536124 | \n","[Well the #Coronavirus food panic buying isnÂ... | \n","neutral | \n","
46 | \n","[0.04085322096943855, 0.04066244512796402, -0.... | \n","@Complex This is unacceptable! WhereÂs Peta? ... | \n","positive | \n","4370 | \n","@Complex This is unacceptable! WhereÂs Peta? ... | \n","0.983527 | \n","[@Complex This is unacceptable!, WhereÂs Peta... | \n","positive | \n","
47 | \n","[0.06088094785809517, 0.02243555523455143, -0.... | \n","STOP THE PANIC BUYING \\r\\r\\r\\nThere is no shor... | \n","negative | \n","8241 | \n","STOP THE PANIC BUYING There is no shortage of ... | \n","0.538391 | \n","[STOP THE PANIC BUYING There is no shortage of... | \n","neutral | \n","
48 | \n","[-0.05397384986281395, 0.04183822497725487, -0... | \n","We often rightly hear about the great work tha... | \n","positive | \n","5160 | \n","We often rightly hear about the great work tha... | \n","0.989714 | \n","[We often rightly hear about the great work th... | \n","positive | \n","
49 | \n","[-0.009696043096482754, 0.09022427350282669, 0... | \n","In these tough and stressful times with 100 s ... | \n","negative | \n","5159 | \n","In these tough and stressful times with 100 s ... | \n","0.822190 | \n","[In these tough and stressful times with 100 s... | \n","positive | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","sentiment | \n","origin_index | \n","document | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n","sentence | \n","
0 | \n","Everything is under control ! | \n","[negative] | \n","8589934592 | \n","Everything is under control ! | \n","[0.7562715] | \n","[[0.3778035342693329, 0.29955393075942993, 0.1... | \n","[Everything is under control !] | \n","
\n", + " | text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
20175 | \n", + "WhatÂs the world most dangerous job?\\r\\r\\nSup... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
32442 | \n", + "Check out how Coronavirus is transforming Cons... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4860 | \n", + "this was an HOUR after opened My dad was shook... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12605 | \n", + "ScriptCo members have their medications delive... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6444 | \n", + "As we continue to monitor the situation concer... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
34114 | \n", + "Cracking Down on Retail COVID 19 Profiteers in... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36475 | \n", + "@SethAbramson Work. I am very fortunate to hav... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
29755 | \n", + "Create a free Amazon Business account to save ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39000 | \n", + "Best online stores to buy things from Tokyo an... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
11120 | \n", + "Bring back the ration book to stop this Panic ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
26758 rows × 2 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Over 45 tar sands projects that have already s... | \n", + "[-0.040878042578697205, 0.7422170639038086, -1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Over 45 tar sands projects that have already s... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "I just got super excited because I found toile... | \n", + "[-0.8823249340057373, 0.2473045289516449, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "I just got super excited because I found toile... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAIDÂINSLEE PROMOTES THE... | \n", + "[-0.5860391855239868, 0.45967912673950195, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAIDÂINSLEE PROMOTES THE... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "A lady fro @CheckersSA Brits tells me to hide ... | \n", + "[-1.0504486560821533, 0.03315277025103569, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "A lady fro @CheckersSA Brits tells me to hide ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "Just done an online shop and all the food esse... | \n", + "[-0.7228847742080688, 0.12011835724115372, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Just done an online shop and all the food esse... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "@GavinNewsom so let me get this straight crowd... | \n", + "[-0.7876735329627991, -0.0005504372529685497, ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "@GavinNewsom so let me get this straight crow... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "NY: 18- to 49-year-olds make up more than half... | \n", + "[-0.7093901634216309, 0.15827353298664093, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "NY: 18- to 49-year-olds make up more than half... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "Emerging market debt prices reflect worst case... | \n", + "[-0.38020092248916626, 0.469475656747818, -1.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Emerging market debt prices reflect worst case... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "do you clean your #supermarket items due to th... | \n", + "[-0.9434630870819092, 0.15352500975131989, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "do you clean your #supermarket items due to t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "@flipkartsupport @rsprasad @PMOIndia In his cr... | \n", + "[-0.5607839226722717, 0.01385028287768364, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "@flipkartsupport @rsprasad\\r\\r\\n@PMOIndia In h... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "Several Guernsey women have set up a group of ... | \n", + "[-0.5054810047149658, 0.3916030824184418, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Several Guernsey women have set up a group of ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "I took Plaquenil for 4 years. Now it's the hot... | \n", + "[-0.7918602228164673, 0.6628591418266296, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "I took Plaquenil for 4 years. Now it's the hot... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "CanÂt let this die. A little humor in these t... | \n", + "[-0.6068148016929626, 0.4092712998390198, 0.18... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "CanÂt let this die. A little humor in these t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "IÂve been to the grocery store three times si... | \n", + "[-1.2009631395339966, 0.18674977123737335, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "IÂve been to the grocery store three times si... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "That maybe there was a rioter out there who th... | \n", + "[-0.9833343029022217, 0.002539500128477812, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "That maybe there was a rioter out there who th... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "First they release and spread the virus Strip ... | \n", + "[-0.903867781162262, 0.3173466622829437, -0.74... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "First they release and spread the virus Strip ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "For about a year I have been toying with the i... | \n", + "[-0.7246012091636658, 0.4053008258342743, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "For about a year I have been toying with the i... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "Creation Consumer Finance in Belfast are now p... | \n", + "[-0.08034359663724899, 0.9084559082984924, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Creation Consumer Finance in Belfast are now p... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you'... | \n", + "[-1.6253035068511963, 0.23702141642570496, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you'... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "If you are a #RetailWorker and your store is s... | \n", + "[-0.18891872465610504, 1.0232254266738892, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "If you are a #RetailWorker and your store is s... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "I love this social distancing.. No one stand c... | \n", + "[-0.7862111330032349, 0.17004938423633575, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "I love this social distancing..\\r\\r\\n\\r\\r\\nNo ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "#Facebook Ads Fails to Reject COVID-19 Misinfo... | \n", + "[0.09989737719297409, 0.21870799362659454, 0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "#Facebook Ads Fails to Reject COVID-19 Misinfo... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "Lease prices decline in March as as the corona... | \n", + "[-0.21414655447006226, 0.6170880794525146, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Lease prices decline in March as as the corona... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "Complete Shutdown of Karnataka W.E.F 24th Marc... | \n", + "[-1.0250476598739624, 0.7916482090950012, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Complete Shutdown of Karnataka W.E.F 24th Marc... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "@MobilePunch Another deceitful palliative in m... | \n", + "[-0.967275083065033, 0.39687538146972656, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@MobilePunch Another deceitful palliative in m... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "I am anyways under lockdown since 6th March be... | \n", + "[-0.8778604865074158, 0.4535127580165863, -0.8... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "I am anyways under lockdown since 6th March be... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "@KFCSA @yumbrands was at your store , the air ... | \n", + "[-1.004093050956726, 0.5079272985458374, -0.48... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@KFCSA @yumbrands was at your store , the air ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "How to support and save local businesses durin... | \n", + "[-0.7925586700439453, 0.2502853572368622, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "How to support and save local businesses durin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "This is the latest current information on supe... | \n", + "[-1.155573844909668, 1.2174267768859863, -0.72... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "This is the latest current information on supe... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "If anyone witnesses any shops hiking their pri... | \n", + "[-1.0366969108581543, 0.9876224398612976, 0.21... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "If anyone witnesses any shops hiking their pri... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "It's about time @eBay_UK stopped allowing peop... | \n", + "[-0.6213818788528442, 0.8505221009254456, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "It's about time @eBay_UK stopped allowing peop... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "sounds like a good idea - LA market offers spe... | \n", + "[-0.8883647918701172, 0.09247803688049316, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "sounds like a good idea - LA market offers spe... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "No matter how they're ramping up efforts at #d... | \n", + "[-0.6616833209991455, 0.4456593692302704, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "No matter how they're ramping up efforts at #d... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "I was wondering if a lovely supermarket would ... | \n", + "[-0.7988455891609192, 0.3940075635910034, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "I was wondering if a lovely supermarket would ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "Telangana people, Please dont go out unless it... | \n", + "[-0.859315812587738, 0.18060781061649323, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Telangana people, Please dont go out unless it... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "Idiots are panic purchasing food in bulk that ... | \n", + "[-1.1440715789794922, 0.10256315022706985, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Idiots are panic purchasing food in bulk that ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "Following @BBVA_USA's initial offers last week... | \n", + "[-0.4633345901966095, 0.6127039790153503, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Following @BBVA_USA's initial offers last week... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "Please appreciate your supermarket delivery dr... | \n", + "[-0.8110732436180115, 0.9440520405769348, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Please appreciate your supermarket delivery dr... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "When asked, ÂWhy does ADI continue to operate... | \n", + "[-0.7378478050231934, 1.1133265495300293, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "When asked, ÂWhy does ADI continue to operate... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "The long-term fallout of the #coronavirus lock... | \n", + "[-0.4056348204612732, 0.8604288101196289, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "The long-term fallout of the #coronavirus lock... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "HELP US PACK THE PANTRIES I m live at 12 15 on... | \n", + "[-1.0248322486877441, 0.3955387771129608, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "HELP US PACK THE PANTRIES I m live at 12 15 on... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "Seeing whatÂs being left behind at grocery st... | \n", + "[-0.7818620800971985, 0.35503625869750977, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Seeing whatÂs being left behind at grocery st... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "Everyone don t forget condoms when you are hoa... | \n", + "[-1.7940707206726074, 0.559665322303772, -0.49... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Everyone don t forget condoms when you are hoa... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "If you come across any shops charging inflated... | \n", + "[-0.878898024559021, 0.7265058755874634, 0.008... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "If you come across any shops charging inflated... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "New @SA_Update #consumer insights affecting ve... | \n", + "[0.0033321159426122904, 0.9780365228652954, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "New @SA_Update #consumer insights affecting v... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "How is COVID-19 affecting the pork and commodi... | \n", + "[-0.6315991282463074, 0.5254122018814087, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "How is COVID-19 affecting the pork and commodi... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "Unbelievable https://t.co/fBrPYaxNH6 | \n", + "[-0.4117434322834015, 0.6890383362770081, 0.51... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Unbelievable https://t.co/fBrPYaxNH6 | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "How prepared are UK supermarkets to fulfill co... | \n", + "[-0.5095536112785339, 0.48363006114959717, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "How prepared are UK supermarkets to fulfill co... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "Quakertown Distiller Providing Hand Sanitizer ... | \n", + "[-1.3492352962493896, 0.669184684753418, -0.38... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Quakertown Distiller Providing Hand Sanitizer ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "Trump's disastrous dumbfuckery about #coronavi... | \n", + "[-0.7200496792793274, 0.3299054205417633, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Trump's disastrous dumbfuckery about #coronavi... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Over 45 tar sands projects that have already s... | \n", + "[-0.040878042578697205, 0.7422170639038086, -1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Over 45 tar sands projects that have already s... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "I just got super excited because I found toile... | \n", + "[-0.8823249340057373, 0.2473045289516449, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "I just got super excited because I found toile... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAIDÂINSLEE PROMOTES THE... | \n", + "[-0.5860391855239868, 0.45967912673950195, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAIDÂINSLEE PROMOTES THE... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "A lady fro @CheckersSA Brits tells me to hide ... | \n", + "[-1.0504486560821533, 0.03315277025103569, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "A lady fro @CheckersSA Brits tells me to hide ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "Just done an online shop and all the food esse... | \n", + "[-0.7228847742080688, 0.12011835724115372, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Just done an online shop and all the food esse... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "@GavinNewsom so let me get this straight crowd... | \n", + "[-0.7876735329627991, -0.0005504372529685497, ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "@GavinNewsom so let me get this straight crow... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "NY: 18- to 49-year-olds make up more than half... | \n", + "[-0.7093901634216309, 0.15827353298664093, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "NY: 18- to 49-year-olds make up more than half... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "Emerging market debt prices reflect worst case... | \n", + "[-0.38020092248916626, 0.469475656747818, -1.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Emerging market debt prices reflect worst case... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "do you clean your #supermarket items due to th... | \n", + "[-0.9434630870819092, 0.15352500975131989, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "do you clean your #supermarket items due to t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "@flipkartsupport @rsprasad @PMOIndia In his cr... | \n", + "[-0.5607839226722717, 0.01385028287768364, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "@flipkartsupport @rsprasad\\r\\r\\n@PMOIndia In h... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "Several Guernsey women have set up a group of ... | \n", + "[-0.5054810047149658, 0.3916030824184418, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Several Guernsey women have set up a group of ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "I took Plaquenil for 4 years. Now it's the hot... | \n", + "[-0.7918602228164673, 0.6628591418266296, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "I took Plaquenil for 4 years. Now it's the hot... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "CanÂt let this die. A little humor in these t... | \n", + "[-0.6068148016929626, 0.4092712998390198, 0.18... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "CanÂt let this die. A little humor in these t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "IÂve been to the grocery store three times si... | \n", + "[-1.2009631395339966, 0.18674977123737335, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "IÂve been to the grocery store three times si... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "That maybe there was a rioter out there who th... | \n", + "[-0.9833343029022217, 0.002539500128477812, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "That maybe there was a rioter out there who th... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "First they release and spread the virus Strip ... | \n", + "[-0.903867781162262, 0.3173466622829437, -0.74... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "First they release and spread the virus Strip ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "For about a year I have been toying with the i... | \n", + "[-0.7246012091636658, 0.4053008258342743, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "For about a year I have been toying with the i... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "Creation Consumer Finance in Belfast are now p... | \n", + "[-0.08034359663724899, 0.9084559082984924, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Creation Consumer Finance in Belfast are now p... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you'... | \n", + "[-1.6253035068511963, 0.23702141642570496, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you'... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "If you are a #RetailWorker and your store is s... | \n", + "[-0.18891872465610504, 1.0232254266738892, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "If you are a #RetailWorker and your store is s... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "I love this social distancing.. No one stand c... | \n", + "[-0.7862111330032349, 0.17004938423633575, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "I love this social distancing..\\r\\r\\n\\r\\r\\nNo ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "#Facebook Ads Fails to Reject COVID-19 Misinfo... | \n", + "[0.09989737719297409, 0.21870799362659454, 0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "#Facebook Ads Fails to Reject COVID-19 Misinfo... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "Lease prices decline in March as as the corona... | \n", + "[-0.21414655447006226, 0.6170880794525146, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Lease prices decline in March as as the corona... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "Complete Shutdown of Karnataka W.E.F 24th Marc... | \n", + "[-1.0250476598739624, 0.7916482090950012, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Complete Shutdown of Karnataka W.E.F 24th Marc... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "@MobilePunch Another deceitful palliative in m... | \n", + "[-0.967275083065033, 0.39687538146972656, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@MobilePunch Another deceitful palliative in m... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "I am anyways under lockdown since 6th March be... | \n", + "[-0.8778604865074158, 0.4535127580165863, -0.8... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "I am anyways under lockdown since 6th March be... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "@KFCSA @yumbrands was at your store , the air ... | \n", + "[-1.004093050956726, 0.5079272985458374, -0.48... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@KFCSA @yumbrands was at your store , the air ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "How to support and save local businesses durin... | \n", + "[-0.7925586700439453, 0.2502853572368622, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "How to support and save local businesses durin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "This is the latest current information on supe... | \n", + "[-1.155573844909668, 1.2174267768859863, -0.72... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "This is the latest current information on supe... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "If anyone witnesses any shops hiking their pri... | \n", + "[-1.0366969108581543, 0.9876224398612976, 0.21... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "If anyone witnesses any shops hiking their pri... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "It's about time @eBay_UK stopped allowing peop... | \n", + "[-0.6213818788528442, 0.8505221009254456, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "It's about time @eBay_UK stopped allowing peop... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "sounds like a good idea - LA market offers spe... | \n", + "[-0.8883647918701172, 0.09247803688049316, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "sounds like a good idea - LA market offers spe... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "No matter how they're ramping up efforts at #d... | \n", + "[-0.6616833209991455, 0.4456593692302704, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "No matter how they're ramping up efforts at #d... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "I was wondering if a lovely supermarket would ... | \n", + "[-0.7988455891609192, 0.3940075635910034, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "I was wondering if a lovely supermarket would ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "Telangana people, Please dont go out unless it... | \n", + "[-0.859315812587738, 0.18060781061649323, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Telangana people, Please dont go out unless it... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "Idiots are panic purchasing food in bulk that ... | \n", + "[-1.1440715789794922, 0.10256315022706985, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Idiots are panic purchasing food in bulk that ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "Following @BBVA_USA's initial offers last week... | \n", + "[-0.4633345901966095, 0.6127039790153503, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Following @BBVA_USA's initial offers last week... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "Please appreciate your supermarket delivery dr... | \n", + "[-0.8110732436180115, 0.9440520405769348, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Please appreciate your supermarket delivery dr... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "When asked, ÂWhy does ADI continue to operate... | \n", + "[-0.7378478050231934, 1.1133265495300293, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "When asked, ÂWhy does ADI continue to operate... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "The long-term fallout of the #coronavirus lock... | \n", + "[-0.4056348204612732, 0.8604288101196289, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "The long-term fallout of the #coronavirus lock... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "HELP US PACK THE PANTRIES I m live at 12 15 on... | \n", + "[-1.0248322486877441, 0.3955387771129608, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "HELP US PACK THE PANTRIES I m live at 12 15 on... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "Seeing whatÂs being left behind at grocery st... | \n", + "[-0.7818620800971985, 0.35503625869750977, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Seeing whatÂs being left behind at grocery st... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "Everyone don t forget condoms when you are hoa... | \n", + "[-1.7940707206726074, 0.559665322303772, -0.49... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Everyone don t forget condoms when you are hoa... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "If you come across any shops charging inflated... | \n", + "[-0.878898024559021, 0.7265058755874634, 0.008... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "If you come across any shops charging inflated... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "New @SA_Update #consumer insights affecting ve... | \n", + "[0.0033321159426122904, 0.9780365228652954, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "New @SA_Update #consumer insights affecting v... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "How is COVID-19 affecting the pork and commodi... | \n", + "[-0.6315991282463074, 0.5254122018814087, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "How is COVID-19 affecting the pork and commodi... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "Unbelievable https://t.co/fBrPYaxNH6 | \n", + "[-0.4117434322834015, 0.6890383362770081, 0.51... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Unbelievable https://t.co/fBrPYaxNH6 | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "How prepared are UK supermarkets to fulfill co... | \n", + "[-0.5095536112785339, 0.48363006114959717, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "How prepared are UK supermarkets to fulfill co... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "Quakertown Distiller Providing Hand Sanitizer ... | \n", + "[-1.3492352962493896, 0.669184684753418, -0.38... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Quakertown Distiller Providing Hand Sanitizer ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "Trump's disastrous dumbfuckery about #coronavi... | \n", + "[-0.7200496792793274, 0.3299054205417633, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Trump's disastrous dumbfuckery about #coronavi... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
\n", + " | sentence | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Everything is under control ! | \n", + "[-1.6309462785720825, 0.7175763845443726, -0.7... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.999999 | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Over 45 tar sands projects that have already s... | \n", + "[-0.040878042578697205, 0.7422170639038086, -1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Over 45 tar sands projects that have already s... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "I just got super excited because I found toile... | \n", + "[-0.8823249340057373, 0.2473045289516449, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I just got super excited because I found toile... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAIDÂINSLEE PROMOTES THE... | \n", + "[-0.5860391855239868, 0.45967912673950195, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAIDÂINSLEE PROMOTES THE... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "A lady fro @CheckersSA Brits tells me to hide ... | \n", + "[-1.0504486560821533, 0.03315277025103569, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "A lady fro @CheckersSA Brits tells me to hide ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "Just done an online shop and all the food esse... | \n", + "[-0.7228847742080688, 0.12011835724115372, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Just done an online shop and all the food esse... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "@GavinNewsom so let me get this straight crowd... | \n", + "[-0.7876735329627991, -0.0005504372529685497, ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "@GavinNewsom so let me get this straight crow... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "NY: 18- to 49-year-olds make up more than half... | \n", + "[-0.7093901634216309, 0.15827353298664093, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "NY: 18- to 49-year-olds make up more than half... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "Emerging market debt prices reflect worst case... | \n", + "[-0.38020092248916626, 0.469475656747818, -1.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Emerging market debt prices reflect worst case... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "do you clean your #supermarket items due to th... | \n", + "[-0.9434630870819092, 0.15352500975131989, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "do you clean your #supermarket items due to t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "@flipkartsupport @rsprasad @PMOIndia In his cr... | \n", + "[-0.5607839226722717, 0.01385028287768364, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@flipkartsupport @rsprasad\\r\\r\\n@PMOIndia In h... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "Several Guernsey women have set up a group of ... | \n", + "[-0.5054810047149658, 0.3916030824184418, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "Several Guernsey women have set up a group of ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "I took Plaquenil for 4 years. Now it's the hot... | \n", + "[-0.7918602228164673, 0.6628591418266296, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I took Plaquenil for 4 years. Now it's the hot... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "CanÂt let this die. A little humor in these t... | \n", + "[-0.6068148016929626, 0.4092712998390198, 0.18... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "CanÂt let this die. A little humor in these t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "IÂve been to the grocery store three times si... | \n", + "[-1.2009631395339966, 0.18674977123737335, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "IÂve been to the grocery store three times si... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "That maybe there was a rioter out there who th... | \n", + "[-0.9833343029022217, 0.002539500128477812, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "That maybe there was a rioter out there who th... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "First they release and spread the virus Strip ... | \n", + "[-0.903867781162262, 0.3173466622829437, -0.74... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "First they release and spread the virus Strip ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "For about a year I have been toying with the i... | \n", + "[-0.7246012091636658, 0.4053008258342743, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "For about a year I have been toying with the i... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "Creation Consumer Finance in Belfast are now p... | \n", + "[-0.08034359663724899, 0.9084559082984924, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Creation Consumer Finance in Belfast are now p... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you'... | \n", + "[-1.6253035068511963, 0.23702141642570496, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "\"Your going to lose people to the flu but you'... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "If you are a #RetailWorker and your store is s... | \n", + "[-0.18891872465610504, 1.0232254266738892, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "If you are a #RetailWorker and your store is s... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "I love this social distancing.. No one stand c... | \n", + "[-0.7862111330032349, 0.17004938423633575, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I love this social distancing..\\r\\r\\n\\r\\r\\nNo ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "#Facebook Ads Fails to Reject COVID-19 Misinfo... | \n", + "[0.09989737719297409, 0.21870799362659454, 0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "#Facebook Ads Fails to Reject COVID-19 Misinfo... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "Lease prices decline in March as as the corona... | \n", + "[-0.21414655447006226, 0.6170880794525146, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Lease prices decline in March as as the corona... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "Complete Shutdown of Karnataka W.E.F 24th Marc... | \n", + "[-1.0250476598739624, 0.7916482090950012, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Complete Shutdown of Karnataka W.E.F 24th Marc... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "@MobilePunch Another deceitful palliative in m... | \n", + "[-0.967275083065033, 0.39687538146972656, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "@MobilePunch Another deceitful palliative in m... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "I am anyways under lockdown since 6th March be... | \n", + "[-0.8778604865074158, 0.4535127580165863, -0.8... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "I am anyways under lockdown since 6th March be... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "@KFCSA @yumbrands was at your store , the air ... | \n", + "[-1.004093050956726, 0.5079272985458374, -0.48... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "@KFCSA @yumbrands was at your store , the air ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "How to support and save local businesses durin... | \n", + "[-0.7925586700439453, 0.2502853572368622, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "How to support and save local businesses durin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "This is the latest current information on supe... | \n", + "[-1.155573844909668, 1.2174267768859863, -0.72... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "This is the latest current information on supe... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "If anyone witnesses any shops hiking their pri... | \n", + "[-1.0366969108581543, 0.9876224398612976, 0.21... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "If anyone witnesses any shops hiking their pri... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "It's about time @eBay_UK stopped allowing peop... | \n", + "[-0.6213818788528442, 0.8505221009254456, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "It's about time @eBay_UK stopped allowing peop... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "sounds like a good idea - LA market offers spe... | \n", + "[-0.8883647918701172, 0.09247803688049316, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "sounds like a good idea - LA market offers spe... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "No matter how they're ramping up efforts at #d... | \n", + "[-0.6616833209991455, 0.4456593692302704, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "No matter how they're ramping up efforts at #d... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "I was wondering if a lovely supermarket would ... | \n", + "[-0.7988455891609192, 0.3940075635910034, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I was wondering if a lovely supermarket would ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "Telangana people, Please dont go out unless it... | \n", + "[-0.859315812587738, 0.18060781061649323, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Telangana people, Please dont go out unless it... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "Idiots are panic purchasing food in bulk that ... | \n", + "[-1.1440715789794922, 0.10256315022706985, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Idiots are panic purchasing food in bulk that ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "Following @BBVA_USA's initial offers last week... | \n", + "[-0.4633345901966095, 0.6127039790153503, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "Following @BBVA_USA's initial offers last week... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "Please appreciate your supermarket delivery dr... | \n", + "[-0.8110732436180115, 0.9440520405769348, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "Please appreciate your supermarket delivery dr... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "When asked, ÂWhy does ADI continue to operate... | \n", + "[-0.7378478050231934, 1.1133265495300293, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "When asked, ÂWhy does ADI continue to operate... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "The long-term fallout of the #coronavirus lock... | \n", + "[-0.4056348204612732, 0.8604288101196289, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "The long-term fallout of the #coronavirus lock... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "HELP US PACK THE PANTRIES I m live at 12 15 on... | \n", + "[-1.0248322486877441, 0.3955387771129608, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "HELP US PACK THE PANTRIES I m live at 12 15 on... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "Seeing whatÂs being left behind at grocery st... | \n", + "[-0.7818620800971985, 0.35503625869750977, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Seeing whatÂs being left behind at grocery st... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "Everyone don t forget condoms when you are hoa... | \n", + "[-1.7940707206726074, 0.559665322303772, -0.49... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Everyone don t forget condoms when you are hoa... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "If you come across any shops charging inflated... | \n", + "[-0.878898024559021, 0.7265058755874634, 0.008... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "If you come across any shops charging inflated... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "New @SA_Update #consumer insights affecting ve... | \n", + "[0.0033321159426122904, 0.9780365228652954, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "New @SA_Update #consumer insights affecting v... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "How is COVID-19 affecting the pork and commodi... | \n", + "[-0.6315991282463074, 0.5254122018814087, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "How is COVID-19 affecting the pork and commodi... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "Unbelievable https://t.co/fBrPYaxNH6 | \n", + "[-0.4117434322834015, 0.6890383362770081, 0.51... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Unbelievable https://t.co/fBrPYaxNH6 | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "How prepared are UK supermarkets to fulfill co... | \n", + "[-0.5095536112785339, 0.48363006114959717, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "How prepared are UK supermarkets to fulfill co... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "Quakertown Distiller Providing Hand Sanitizer ... | \n", + "[-1.3492352962493896, 0.669184684753418, -0.38... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Quakertown Distiller Providing Hand Sanitizer ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "Trump's disastrous dumbfuckery about #coronavi... | \n", + "[-0.7200496792793274, 0.3299054205417633, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Trump's disastrous dumbfuckery about #coronavi... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Everything is under control ! | \n", + "[0.37780365347862244, 0.29955413937568665, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
951 | \n","Finnish software developer Basware Oyj said on... | \n","positive | \n","
829 | \n","Comptel , a vendor of dynamic Operations Suppo... | \n","positive | \n","
760 | \n","Espoon kaupunki awarded contracts for personal... | \n","positive | \n","
770 | \n","Net cash flow from operations is expected to r... | \n","positive | \n","
811 | \n","The shopping center to be opened in St. Peters... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
12 | \n","Finnish Talentum reports its operating profit ... | \n","positive | \n","
981 | \n","The financial impact is estimated to be an ann... | \n","positive | \n","
4773 | \n","`` I am extremely delighted with this project ... | \n","positive | \n","
4080 | \n","Cost cutting measures , which have produced ar... | \n","positive | \n","
1944 | \n","Paper maker Stora Enso Oyj said Friday it has ... | \n","positive | \n","
1573 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | origin_index | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","y | \n","text | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","sentence | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","
0 | \n","951 | \n","0.985986 | \n","positive | \n","Finnish software developer Basware Oyj said on... | \n","Finnish software developer Basware Oyj said on... | \n","positive | \n","[Finnish software developer Basware Oyj said o... | \n","[0.015306072309613228, -0.002737046219408512, ... | \n","
1 | \n","829 | \n","0.989200 | \n","positive | \n","Comptel , a vendor of dynamic Operations Suppo... | \n","Comptel , a vendor of dynamic Operations Suppo... | \n","positive | \n","[Comptel , a vendor of dynamic Operations Supp... | \n","[0.04115989804267883, -0.013678845949470997, -... | \n","
2 | \n","760 | \n","0.968155 | \n","positive | \n","Espoon kaupunki awarded contracts for personal... | \n","Espoon kaupunki awarded contracts for personal... | \n","positive | \n","[Espoon kaupunki awarded contracts for persona... | \n","[0.050158627331256866, 0.011978656984865665, 0... | \n","
3 | \n","770 | \n","0.983851 | \n","positive | \n","Net cash flow from operations is expected to r... | \n","Net cash flow from operations is expected to r... | \n","positive | \n","[Net cash flow from operations is expected to ... | \n","[0.06134718284010887, 0.020957626402378082, -0... | \n","
4 | \n","811 | \n","0.974798 | \n","positive | \n","The shopping center to be opened in St. Peters... | \n","The shopping center to be opened in St. Peters... | \n","positive | \n","[The shopping center to be opened in St. Peter... | \n","[0.030753908678889275, -0.009971680119633675, ... | \n","
5 | \n","4442 | \n","0.965111 | \n","negative | \n","Cash flow from operations in January-December ... | \n","Cash flow from operations in January-December ... | \n","positive | \n","[Cash flow from operations in January-December... | \n","[0.05352102592587471, 0.06253479421138763, -0.... | \n","
6 | \n","25 | \n","0.984061 | \n","positive | \n","Nordea Group 's operating profit increased in ... | \n","Nordea Group 's operating profit increased in ... | \n","positive | \n","[Nordea Group 's operating profit increased in... | \n","[0.0497022308409214, 0.023793146014213562, -0.... | \n","
7 | \n","378 | \n","0.989835 | \n","positive | \n","The Finnish supplier of BSS-OSS and VAS for te... | \n","The Finnish supplier of BSS-OSS and VAS for te... | \n","positive | \n","[The Finnish supplier of BSS-OSS and VAS for t... | \n","[0.03325969725847244, -0.004926654975861311, -... | \n","
8 | \n","4096 | \n","0.973341 | \n","positive | \n","Following the transaction , Lundbeck has world... | \n","Following the transaction , Lundbeck has world... | \n","positive | \n","[Following the transaction , Lundbeck has worl... | \n","[0.07471615076065063, -0.04718644917011261, -0... | \n","
9 | \n","169 | \n","0.981174 | \n","positive | \n","Both operating profit and net sales for the th... | \n","Both operating profit and net sales for the th... | \n","positive | \n","[Both operating profit and net sales for the t... | \n","[0.03235051780939102, 0.03737620636820793, -0.... | \n","
10 | \n","145 | \n","0.985590 | \n","positive | \n","Finnish Okmetic that manufactures and processe... | \n","Finnish Okmetic that manufactures and processe... | \n","positive | \n","[Finnish Okmetic that manufactures and process... | \n","[0.05688846856355667, -0.01949388161301613, -0... | \n","
11 | \n","941 | \n","0.966510 | \n","positive | \n","Cargotec Germany GmbH has been awarded a contr... | \n","Cargotec Germany GmbH has been awarded a contr... | \n","positive | \n","[Cargotec Germany GmbH has been awarded a cont... | \n","[0.041768044233322144, -0.019827384501695633, ... | \n","
12 | \n","700 | \n","0.984256 | \n","positive | \n","For the current year , Raute expects its net s... | \n","For the current year , Raute expects its net s... | \n","positive | \n","[For the current year , Raute expects its net ... | \n","[0.07800783962011337, 0.009446296840906143, -0... | \n","
13 | \n","4417 | \n","0.973687 | \n","negative | \n","Operating profit , excluding non-recurring ite... | \n","Operating profit , excluding non-recurring ite... | \n","positive | \n","[Operating profit , excluding non-recurring it... | \n","[0.038493648171424866, 0.03324933722615242, -0... | \n","
14 | \n","4032 | \n","0.970608 | \n","negative | \n","Operating loss of the Pulp & Paper Machinery u... | \n","Operating loss of the Pulp & Paper Machinery u... | \n","positive | \n","[Operating loss of the Pulp & Paper Machinery ... | \n","[0.03237569332122803, 0.05145535245537758, -0.... | \n","
15 | \n","370 | \n","0.977541 | \n","positive | \n","The airline has ordered nine Airbus A350-900 a... | \n","The airline has ordered nine Airbus A350-900 a... | \n","positive | \n","[The airline has ordered nine Airbus A350-900 ... | \n","[0.011570269241929054, 0.03636825457215309, -0... | \n","
16 | \n","2003 | \n","0.981171 | \n","positive | \n","Airbus has 100 firm orders for the A350 and 89... | \n","Airbus has 100 firm orders for the A350 and 89... | \n","positive | \n","[Airbus has 100 firm orders for the A350 and 8... | \n","[0.038183026015758514, 0.03844863548874855, -0... | \n","
17 | \n","610 | \n","0.973718 | \n","positive | \n","In addition , Cramo and Peab have signed exclu... | \n","In addition , Cramo and Peab have signed exclu... | \n","positive | \n","[In addition , Cramo and Peab have signed excl... | \n","[0.0708921030163765, -0.003263903083279729, -0... | \n","
18 | \n","107 | \n","0.974965 | \n","positive | \n","In the fourth quarter of 2008 , net sales incr... | \n","In the fourth quarter of 2008 , net sales incr... | \n","positive | \n","[In the fourth quarter of 2008 , net sales inc... | \n","[0.05488097295165062, 0.057823579758405685, -0... | \n","
19 | \n","1601 | \n","0.981420 | \n","positive | \n","Tekla will implement the renewal in software v... | \n","Tekla will implement the renewal in software v... | \n","positive | \n","[Tekla will implement the renewal in software ... | \n","[0.007560136262327433, -0.07031573355197906, -... | \n","
20 | \n","4460 | \n","0.977390 | \n","positive | \n","Technical indicators for the stock are bullish... | \n","Technical indicators for the stock are bullish... | \n","positive | \n","[Technical indicators for the stock are bullis... | \n","[0.02970636636018753, -0.03946929797530174, -0... | \n","
21 | \n","4842 | \n","0.978522 | \n","negative | \n","Operating profit fell to EUR 35.4 mn from EUR ... | \n","Operating profit fell to EUR 35.4 mn from EUR ... | \n","positive | \n","[Operating profit fell to EUR 35.4 mn from EUR... | \n","[0.04256516322493553, 0.04907069727778435, -0.... | \n","
22 | \n","1863 | \n","0.988105 | \n","positive | \n","The Basware Connectivity services allow compan... | \n","The Basware Connectivity services allow compan... | \n","positive | \n","[The Basware Connectivity services allow compa... | \n","[0.029763543978333473, 0.010379478335380554, 0... | \n","
23 | \n","648 | \n","0.982175 | \n","positive | \n","In the first nine months of 2010 , the company... | \n","In the first nine months of 2010 , the company... | \n","positive | \n","[In the first nine months of 2010 , the compan... | \n","[0.01850833371281624, 0.04868901148438454, -0.... | \n","
24 | \n","3994 | \n","0.952864 | \n","negative | \n","Return on investment ROI was 4.1 % compared to... | \n","Return on investment ROI was 4.1 % compared to... | \n","positive | \n","[Return on investment ROI was 4.1 % compared t... | \n","[0.0815257877111435, 0.05799625441431999, -0.0... | \n","
25 | \n","4643 | \n","0.965377 | \n","negative | \n","Revenue for the quarter totaled 27.4 billion ,... | \n","Revenue for the quarter totaled 27.4 billion ,... | \n","positive | \n","[Revenue for the quarter totaled 27.4 billion ... | \n","[0.02374003455042839, 0.031523674726486206, -0... | \n","
26 | \n","45 | \n","0.989241 | \n","positive | \n","The agreement strengthens our long-term partne... | \n","The agreement strengthens our long-term partne... | \n","positive | \n","[The agreement strengthens our long-term partn... | \n","[0.06433788686990738, 0.027824176475405693, -0... | \n","
27 | \n","276 | \n","0.976970 | \n","positive | \n","Ruukki has signed a contract to deliver and in... | \n","Ruukki has signed a contract to deliver and in... | \n","positive | \n","[Ruukki has signed a contract to deliver and i... | \n","[0.07258088141679764, 0.018949447199702263, -0... | \n","
28 | \n","4359 | \n","0.957311 | \n","negative | \n","The total number of filling stations has been ... | \n","The total number of filling stations has been ... | \n","positive | \n","[The total number of filling stations has been... | \n","[-0.08472520112991333, 0.025925278663635254, -... | \n","
29 | \n","131 | \n","0.961769 | \n","positive | \n","The major breweries increased their domestic b... | \n","The major breweries increased their domestic b... | \n","positive | \n","[The major breweries increased their domestic ... | \n","[-0.006784140598028898, -0.0337284579873085, -... | \n","
30 | \n","302 | \n","0.983410 | \n","positive | \n","The transactions would increase earnings per s... | \n","The transactions would increase earnings per s... | \n","positive | \n","[The transactions would increase earnings per ... | \n","[0.03781255707144737, -0.05154890567064285, -0... | \n","
31 | \n","420 | \n","0.951963 | \n","negative | \n","Compared with the FTSE 100 index , which rose ... | \n","Compared with the FTSE 100 index , which rose ... | \n","positive | \n","[Compared with the FTSE 100 index , which rose... | \n","[0.033254701644182205, 0.03514326363801956, -0... | \n","
32 | \n","4410 | \n","0.957335 | \n","negative | \n","Nordic banks have already had to write off siz... | \n","Nordic banks have already had to write off siz... | \n","positive | \n","[Nordic banks have already had to write off si... | \n","[0.059580087661743164, 0.029068391770124435, -... | \n","
33 | \n","1213 | \n","0.955761 | \n","positive | \n","Employees are also better prepared to answer c... | \n","Employees are also better prepared to answer c... | \n","positive | \n","[Employees are also better prepared to answer ... | \n","[-0.06203755363821983, 0.001560033531859517, -... | \n","
34 | \n","594 | \n","0.975450 | \n","positive | \n","The company recorded revenues of E658 .1 milli... | \n","The company recorded revenues of E658 .1 milli... | \n","positive | \n","[The company recorded revenues of E658 .1 mill... | \n","[-0.00406982097774744, 0.07419776916503906, -0... | \n","
35 | \n","781 | \n","0.981393 | \n","positive | \n","Thanksto improvements in demand and the adjust... | \n","Thanksto improvements in demand and the adjust... | \n","positive | \n","[Thanksto improvements in demand and the adjus... | \n","[0.06293173134326935, 0.018011141568422318, -0... | \n","
36 | \n","646 | \n","0.971967 | \n","positive | \n","For the first nine months of 2010 , Talvivaara... | \n","For the first nine months of 2010 , Talvivaara... | \n","positive | \n","[For the first nine months of 2010 , Talvivaar... | \n","[0.05364197865128517, 0.025862835347652435, -0... | \n","
37 | \n","86 | \n","0.985699 | \n","positive | \n","The acquisition will considerably increase Kem... | \n","The acquisition will considerably increase Kem... | \n","positive | \n","[The acquisition will considerably increase Ke... | \n","[0.07686954736709595, 0.008272827602922916, -0... | \n","
38 | \n","408 | \n","0.983062 | \n","positive | \n","To our members and partners , the use of IT wi... | \n","To our members and partners , the use of IT wi... | \n","positive | \n","[To our members and partners , the use of IT w... | \n","[0.03138357028365135, -0.008651087991893291, -... | \n","
39 | \n","4736 | \n","0.933318 | \n","negative | \n","In food trade , sales amounted to EUR320 .1 m ... | \n","In food trade , sales amounted to EUR320 .1 m ... | \n","positive | \n","[In food trade , sales amounted to EUR320 .1 m... | \n","[0.06947962194681168, 0.015812069177627563, -0... | \n","
40 | \n","17 | \n","0.988272 | \n","positive | \n","Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd ... | \n","Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd ... | \n","positive | \n","[Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd... | \n","[0.05365738272666931, -0.055247869342565536, -... | \n","
41 | \n","741 | \n","0.980143 | \n","positive | \n","` Our strategic cooperation with Rentakran bri... | \n","` Our strategic cooperation with Rentakran bri... | \n","positive | \n","[` Our strategic cooperation with Rentakran br... | \n","[0.020993076264858246, 0.004286216571927071, -... | \n","
42 | \n","194 | \n","0.988024 | \n","positive | \n","Finnish messaging solutions developer Tecnomen... | \n","Finnish messaging solutions developer Tecnomen... | \n","positive | \n","[Finnish messaging solutions developer Tecnome... | \n","[-0.00443086214363575, -0.01589011400938034, -... | \n","
43 | \n","184 | \n","0.954769 | \n","positive | \n","EBIT margin was up from 1.4 % to 5.1 % . | \n","EBIT margin was up from 1.4 % to 5.1 % . | \n","positive | \n","[EBIT margin was up from 1.4 % to 5.1 % .] | \n","[0.04300238937139511, -0.08182621747255325, -0... | \n","
44 | \n","662 | \n","0.981895 | \n","positive | \n","According to Sepp+Ænen , the new technology UM... | \n","According to Sepp+Ænen , the new technology UM... | \n","positive | \n","[According to Sepp+Ænen , the new technology U... | \n","[0.060580458492040634, 0.02758965454995632, -0... | \n","
45 | \n","4657 | \n","0.985490 | \n","negative | \n","Finnish Scanfil , a systems supplier and contr... | \n","Finnish Scanfil , a systems supplier and contr... | \n","positive | \n","[Finnish Scanfil , a systems supplier and cont... | \n","[0.056254126131534576, 0.05756135284900665, -0... | \n","
46 | \n","4397 | \n","0.970407 | \n","negative | \n","Frost sold shares for $ 19 million at $ 6.06-7... | \n","Frost sold shares for $ 19 million at $ 6.06-7... | \n","positive | \n","[Frost sold shares for $ 19 million at $ 6.06-... | \n","[0.07948038727045059, 0.01797480694949627, -0.... | \n","
47 | \n","4283 | \n","0.876012 | \n","negative | \n","This is bad news for the barbeque season . | \n","This is bad news for the barbeque season . | \n","positive | \n","[This is bad news for the barbeque season .] | \n","[0.033248767256736755, -0.0037416787818074226,... | \n","
48 | \n","44 | \n","0.981696 | \n","positive | \n","Sales increased due to growing market rates an... | \n","Sales increased due to growing market rates an... | \n","positive | \n","[Sales increased due to growing market rates a... | \n","[0.047733016312122345, 0.010620158165693283, 0... | \n","
49 | \n","4036 | \n","0.971800 | \n","negative | \n","Operating loss totalled EUR 3.2 mn , compared ... | \n","Operating loss totalled EUR 3.2 mn , compared ... | \n","positive | \n","[Operating loss totalled EUR 3.2 mn , compared... | \n","[0.056506961584091187, 0.03850569948554039, -0... | \n","
\n"," | origin_index | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","sentence | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","
0 | \n","0 | \n","0.94103 | \n","According to the most recent update there has ... | \n","positive | \n","[According to the most recent update there has... | \n","[0.009911456145346165, 0.04162858799099922, -0... | \n","
\n"," | origin_index | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","y | \n","text | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","sentence | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","
0 | \n","951 | \n","0.999660 | \n","positive | \n","Finnish software developer Basware Oyj said on... | \n","Finnish software developer Basware Oyj said on... | \n","positive | \n","[Finnish software developer Basware Oyj said o... | \n","[0.015306072309613228, -0.002737046219408512, ... | \n","
1 | \n","829 | \n","0.999917 | \n","positive | \n","Comptel , a vendor of dynamic Operations Suppo... | \n","Comptel , a vendor of dynamic Operations Suppo... | \n","positive | \n","[Comptel , a vendor of dynamic Operations Supp... | \n","[0.04115989804267883, -0.013678845949470997, -... | \n","
2 | \n","760 | \n","0.997053 | \n","positive | \n","Espoon kaupunki awarded contracts for personal... | \n","Espoon kaupunki awarded contracts for personal... | \n","positive | \n","[Espoon kaupunki awarded contracts for persona... | \n","[0.050158627331256866, 0.011978656984865665, 0... | \n","
3 | \n","770 | \n","0.958511 | \n","positive | \n","Net cash flow from operations is expected to r... | \n","Net cash flow from operations is expected to r... | \n","positive | \n","[Net cash flow from operations is expected to ... | \n","[0.06134718284010887, 0.020957626402378082, -0... | \n","
4 | \n","811 | \n","0.978840 | \n","positive | \n","The shopping center to be opened in St. Peters... | \n","The shopping center to be opened in St. Peters... | \n","positive | \n","[The shopping center to be opened in St. Peter... | \n","[0.030753908678889275, -0.009971680119633675, ... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
95 | \n","689 | \n","0.897502 | \n","positive | \n","Finnish Sampo Bank , of Danish Danske Bank gro... | \n","Finnish Sampo Bank , of Danish Danske Bank gro... | \n","positive | \n","[Finnish Sampo Bank , of Danish Danske Bank gr... | \n","[0.06391362845897675, 0.028690673410892487, -0... | \n","
96 | \n","1998 | \n","0.979267 | \n","positive | \n","Talentum expects that the net sales of its cor... | \n","Talentum expects that the net sales of its cor... | \n","positive | \n","[Talentum expects that the net sales of its co... | \n","[0.07739534974098206, 0.037561606615781784, -0... | \n","
97 | \n","4458 | \n","0.997499 | \n","positive | \n","efficiency improvement measures 20 January 201... | \n","efficiency improvement measures 20 January 201... | \n","positive | \n","[efficiency improvement measures 20 January 20... | \n","[0.056025125086307526, 0.054798685014247894, -... | \n","
98 | \n","4415 | \n","0.518980 | \n","negative | \n","Operating profit , excluding non-recurring ite... | \n","Operating profit , excluding non-recurring ite... | \n","neutral | \n","[Operating profit , excluding non-recurring it... | \n","[0.031145866960287094, 0.051556773483753204, -... | \n","
99 | \n","4752 | \n","0.516453 | \n","negative | \n","Operating profit totaled EUR 9.4 mn , down fro... | \n","Operating profit totaled EUR 9.4 mn , down fro... | \n","neutral | \n","[Operating profit totaled EUR 9.4 mn , down fr... | \n","[0.04533316195011139, 0.06103566288948059, -0.... | \n","
100 rows × 8 columns
\n","\n"," | origin_index | \n","sentiment | \n","sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n","text | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","sentence | \n","
0 | \n","8589934592 | \n","[negative] | \n","[[-0.021685948595404625, 0.13073018193244934, ... | \n","According to the most recent update there has ... | \n","[0.86657214] | \n","According to the most recent update there has ... | \n","[According to the most recent update there has... | \n","
\n", + " | text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
4631 | \n", + "The OMX Nordic 40 OMXN40 index , comprising th... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
4512 | \n", + "Dubai Nokia has announced the launch of `` Com... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2860 | \n", + "credit 20 November 2009 - Finnish glass techno... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1780 | \n", + "HELSINKI AFX - Outokumpu said its technology u... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
845 | \n", + "Helsingin Uutiset , Vantaan Sanomat and Lansiv... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
186 | \n", + "EPS for the quarter was EUR0 .00 , as compared... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "The company also estimates the already carried... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1492 | \n", + "A realignment of interests in the sector is cl... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2094 | \n", + "European traffic grew nearly 30 % . | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4452 | \n", + "The period 's sales dropped to EUR30 .6 m from... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
1573 rows × 2 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
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1 | \n", + "Dubai Nokia has announced the launch of `` Com... | \n", + "[-0.37779635190963745, -0.20781250298023224, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Dubai Nokia has announced the launch of `` Com... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "credit 20 November 2009 - Finnish glass techno... | \n", + "[-0.4517509937286377, 0.6735780239105225, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "credit 20 November 2009 - Finnish glass techno... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "HELSINKI AFX - Outokumpu said its technology u... | \n", + "[-0.10504205524921417, 0.31528422236442566, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "HELSINKI AFX - Outokumpu said its technology u... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "Helsingin Uutiset , Vantaan Sanomat and Lansiv... | \n", + "[-1.087294101715088, -0.1457926332950592, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Helsingin Uutiset , Vantaan Sanomat and Lansiv... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "Operating profit totaled EUR 5.5 mn , up from ... | \n", + "[-0.643149197101593, -0.04868743568658829, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Operating profit totaled EUR 5.5 mn , up from ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "Excluding non-recurring items , pre-tax profit... | \n", + "[-0.7197213172912598, 0.31680017709732056, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Excluding non-recurring items , pre-tax profit... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "1 February 2011 - Finnish textile and clothing... | \n", + "[-0.31616416573524475, 0.5464960336685181, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "1 February 2011 - Finnish textile and clothing... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "`` There 's the issue of thieves stealing them... | \n", + "[-1.2100399732589722, 0.25674229860305786, 0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "`` There 's the issue of thieves stealing them... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "Estonian telecoms company Elisa 's customer nu... | \n", + "[-0.3009508550167084, 0.6154500842094421, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "Estonian telecoms company Elisa 's customer nu... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "Net sales for the financial year 2006 are expe... | \n", + "[-0.7339814305305481, 0.9638439416885376, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Net sales for the financial year 2006 are expe... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "55 workers in +_m+_l will be affected by the c... | \n", + "[-1.243334174156189, 0.8785222172737122, -0.93... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "55 workers in +_m+_l will be affected by the c... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "The Helsinki-based company , which also owns t... | \n", + "[-0.7551414370536804, 0.16214342415332794, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "The Helsinki-based company , which also owns t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "YIT lodged counter claims against Neste Oil to... | \n", + "[-1.143906831741333, 1.0500915050506592, -0.84... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "YIT lodged counter claims against Neste Oil to... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "Kaido Kaare , general director for Atria Eesti... | \n", + "[-0.9822889566421509, 0.27106359601020813, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Kaido Kaare , general director for Atria Eesti... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "Mobile phone shipments jumped 26 percent to al... | \n", + "[-0.46120399236679077, 0.09638205915689468, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Mobile phone shipments jumped 26 percent to al... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "`` After this purchase , Cramo will become the... | \n", + "[-0.7024871706962585, 0.37345775961875916, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "`` After this purchase , Cramo will become the... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "The court found TelecomInvest 's arguments con... | \n", + "[-0.8505982756614685, -0.07158830016851425, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "The court found TelecomInvest 's arguments con... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "Operating profit for 2009 lower than outlook p... | \n", + "[-0.6575804352760315, 0.68410724401474, -0.230... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "Operating profit for 2009 lower than outlook p... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "Vanhanen said the strike would be `` extremely... | \n", + "[-0.7677791714668274, -0.44950076937675476, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Vanhanen said the strike would be `` extremely... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "Construction volumes meanwhile grow at a rate ... | \n", + "[-1.4539079666137695, 0.1873081475496292, -0.8... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "Construction volumes meanwhile grow at a rate ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "Operating profit for the six-month period decr... | \n", + "[-1.0161586999893188, 0.548879861831665, -0.86... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Operating profit for the six-month period decr... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "Raisio 's malting capacity was in full use in ... | \n", + "[-1.2556798458099365, 0.37126457691192627, -1.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "Raisio 's malting capacity was in full use in ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "Both operating profit and turnover for the six... | \n", + "[-0.8761054873466492, 0.2913503050804138, -0.8... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Both operating profit and turnover for the six... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "Our superior customer centricity and expertise... | \n", + "[-0.11308443546295166, 0.5551179647445679, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Our superior customer centricity and expertise... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "Commission income rose by 25.7 % to EUR 16.1 m... | \n", + "[-0.7847265601158142, 0.2198852002620697, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "Commission income rose by 25.7 % to EUR 16.1 m... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "The personnel reduction will be carried out in... | \n", + "[-0.8359718918800354, -0.18021883070468903, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "The personnel reduction will be carried out in... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "The result will also be burdened by increased ... | \n", + "[-0.6881139278411865, 1.2389051914215088, -1.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "The result will also be burdened by increased ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "Employees are also better prepared to answer c... | \n", + "[-1.3386954069137573, 0.24523791670799255, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Employees are also better prepared to answer c... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "It generated an operating loss of EUR 96.3 mn ... | \n", + "[-0.7223557829856873, 0.23957425355911255, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "It generated an operating loss of EUR 96.3 mn ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "In addition , the company will reduce a maximu... | \n", + "[-0.9004239439964294, 1.6903105974197388, -0.9... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "In addition , the company will reduce a maximu... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "Forestries were also higher , driven by yester... | \n", + "[-0.9628726840019226, 0.23581582307815552, 0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Forestries were also higher , driven by yester... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "In the second quarter of 2010 , the group 's n... | \n", + "[-0.9420221447944641, 0.34946343302726746, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "In the second quarter of 2010 , the group 's n... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "It is a solid credit that has been compared to... | \n", + "[-0.0682043731212616, 0.5560981035232544, -0.8... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "It is a solid credit that has been compared to... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "He said he has been losing five families a mon... | \n", + "[-1.1294713020324707, 0.507931113243103, -0.73... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "He said he has been losing five families a mon... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "In Finland , media group Talentum will start p... | \n", + "[-0.6348045468330383, 0.3473186492919922, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "In Finland , media group Talentum will start p... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "Finnish pharmaceuticals company Orion 's net s... | \n", + "[-0.8268173933029175, 0.19876690208911896, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Finnish pharmaceuticals company Orion 's net s... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "`` The margarine business has been put into go... | \n", + "[-0.6286064386367798, 0.48110127449035645, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "`` The margarine business has been put into go... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "Operating profit excluding non-recurring items... | \n", + "[-0.7780808210372925, 0.021108699962496758, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Operating profit excluding non-recurring items... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "MD Henning Bahr of Stockmann Gruppen praises t... | \n", + "[-0.39700981974601746, 0.9596268534660339, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "MD Henning Bahr of Stockmann Gruppen praises t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "Based on the first quarter result , existing o... | \n", + "[-0.7781174182891846, 0.9358287453651428, -1.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "Based on the first quarter result , existing o... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "Both operating profit and net sales for the 12... | \n", + "[-0.7753643989562988, 0.8645752668380737, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Both operating profit and net sales for the 12... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "In Sweden , operating profit for the period un... | \n", + "[-0.8275543451309204, 0.10950104892253876, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "In Sweden , operating profit for the period un... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "To our members and partners , the use of IT wi... | \n", + "[-0.798611581325531, 0.7145741581916809, -0.40... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "To our members and partners , the use of IT wi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "Of the sales price , a sales gain of some 3.1 ... | \n", + "[-0.8446655869483948, 0.8184226751327515, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Of the sales price , a sales gain of some 3.1 ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "It is a disappointment to see the plan folded . | \n", + "[-1.0249158143997192, 0.8160240054130554, 0.03... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "It is a disappointment to see the plan folded . | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "Progress Group , QPR 's representative in Saud... | \n", + "[-0.17222441732883453, 0.3021131455898285, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "Progress Group , QPR 's representative in Saud... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "The new agreement , which expands a long-estab... | \n", + "[-0.5851113796234131, 0.6877164244651794, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "The new agreement , which expands a long-estab... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "With CapMan as a partner , we will be able to ... | \n", + "[-0.2812011241912842, 1.1173006296157837, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "With CapMan as a partner , we will be able to ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "`` Overall , we 're pleased with the startup c... | \n", + "[-0.7001730799674988, 0.15320643782615662, 0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "`` Overall , we 're pleased with the startup c... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
\n", + " | sentence | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "According to the most recent update there has ... | \n", + "[-0.9835950136184692, 0.07015661895275116, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "The OMX Nordic 40 OMXN40 index , comprising th... | \n", + "[-0.5881205201148987, 0.19063492119312286, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "The OMX Nordic 40 OMXN40 index , comprising th... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "Dubai Nokia has announced the launch of `` Com... | \n", + "[-0.37779635190963745, -0.20781250298023224, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Dubai Nokia has announced the launch of `` Com... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "credit 20 November 2009 - Finnish glass techno... | \n", + "[-0.4517509937286377, 0.6735780239105225, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "credit 20 November 2009 - Finnish glass techno... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "HELSINKI AFX - Outokumpu said its technology u... | \n", + "[-0.10504205524921417, 0.31528422236442566, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "HELSINKI AFX - Outokumpu said its technology u... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "Helsingin Uutiset , Vantaan Sanomat and Lansiv... | \n", + "[-1.087294101715088, -0.1457926332950592, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Helsingin Uutiset , Vantaan Sanomat and Lansiv... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
95 | \n", + "Ruukki Group calculates that it has lost EUR 4... | \n", + "[-1.1240153312683105, 0.029101694002747536, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Ruukki Group calculates that it has lost EUR 4... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
96 | \n", + "This is the second successful effort for the f... | \n", + "[-1.0914063453674316, 0.636502742767334, -0.13... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "This is the second successful effort for the f... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
97 | \n", + "For the first nine months of 2010 , Talvivaara... | \n", + "[-1.4264403581619263, -0.3568509817123413, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "For the first nine months of 2010 , Talvivaara... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
98 | \n", + "Nordea sees a return to positive growth for th... | \n", + "[-0.5386144518852234, -0.5268656611442566, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Nordea sees a return to positive growth for th... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
99 | \n", + "In the third quarter , net sales increased by ... | \n", + "[-0.8460788726806641, 0.5203403830528259, -0.8... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "In the third quarter , net sales increased by ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
100 rows × 6 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "According to the most recent update there has ... | \n", + "[-0.02168591320514679, 0.13073040544986725, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "
\n"," | Unnamed: 0 | \n","id | \n","keyword | \n","location | \n","text | \n","target | \n","y | \n","
2310 | \n","2375.0 | \n","6350.0 | \n","heat%20wave | \n","Chandigarh, India | \n","Bihar District Magistrate Issues Order to Clos... | \n","1.0 | \n","positive | \n","
2044 | \n","1607.0 | \n","3937.0 | \n","destroyed | \n","Scotland, but like at the top | \n","YOU THERE, PACHIRISU PUNK, PREPARE TO BE DESTR... | \n","0.0 | \n","negative | \n","
2473 | \n","809.0 | \n","272.0 | \n","annihilated | \n","USA | \n","A devastating and thorough refutation of and N... | \n","0.0 | \n","negative | \n","
1369 | \n","152.0 | \n","3817.0 | \n","desolate | \n","United States Air Force | \n","bubby finally gonna help with desolate while i... | \n","0.0 | \n","negative | \n","
1880 | \n","305.0 | \n","4609.0 | \n","earthquake | \n","Chile | \n","Temblor: mb 4.5 SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND: Ma... | \n","1.0 | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
1531 | \n","2759.0 | \n","110.0 | \n","aftershock | \n","NYC | \n","The magnitude 5.9 quake in #PuertoRico this mo... | \n","1.0 | \n","positive | \n","
903 | \n","182.0 | \n","3256.0 | \n","debris | \n","Republic of the Philippines | \n","Hello everyone. Tito Sotto is wrong. Cloud see... | \n","0.0 | \n","negative | \n","
2621 | \n","287.0 | \n","4008.0 | \n","destruction | \n","Recife, Brasil | \n","Bear witness to his destruction. West Coast, #... | \n","0.0 | \n","negative | \n","
1235 | \n","5131.0 | \n","2863.0 | \n","curfew | \n","Vehari | \n","KASHMIR STILL UNDER CURFEW ðÂÂÂðÂÂÂðÂ... | \n","1.0 | \n","positive | \n","
2264 | \n","1300.0 | \n","8294.0 | \n","quarantined | \n","ÃÂT: 45.246915,-76.163963 | \n","Chinese woman with mystery virus quarantined i... | \n","1.0 | \n","positive | \n","
2400 rows × 7 columns
\n","\n"," | y | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","text | \n","sentence | \n","id | \n","target | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","keyword | \n","origin_index | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","Unnamed: 0 | \n","location | \n","
0 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Bihar District Magistrate Issues Order to Clos... | \n","[Bihar District Magistrate Issues Order to Clo... | \n","6350.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Bihar District Magistrate Issues Order to Clos... | \n","0.714817 | \n","heat%20wave | \n","2310 | \n","[0.01817215047776699, -0.042255766689777374, -... | \n","2375.0 | \n","Chandigarh, India | \n","
1 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","YOU THERE, PACHIRISU PUNK, PREPARE TO BE DESTR... | \n","[YOU THERE, PACHIRISU PUNK, PREPARE TO BE DEST... | \n","3937.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","YOU THERE, PACHIRISU PUNK, PREPARE TO BE DESTR... | \n","0.624722 | \n","destroyed | \n","2044 | \n","[0.01567729189991951, 0.00028937371098436415, ... | \n","1607.0 | \n","Scotland, but like at the top | \n","
2 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","A devastating and thorough refutation of and N... | \n","[A devastating and thorough refutation of and ... | \n","272.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","A devastating and thorough refutation of and N... | \n","0.516126 | \n","annihilated | \n","2473 | \n","[0.030531354248523712, 0.018328234553337097, -... | \n","809.0 | \n","USA | \n","
3 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","bubby finally gonna help with desolate while i... | \n","[bubby finally gonna help with desolate while ... | \n","3817.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","bubby finally gonna help with desolate while i... | \n","0.635754 | \n","desolate | \n","1369 | \n","[-0.010298581793904305, -0.023482605814933777,... | \n","152.0 | \n","United States Air Force | \n","
4 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Temblor: mb 4.5 SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND: Ma... | \n","[Temblor: mb 4.5 SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND:, ... | \n","4609.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Temblor: mb 4.5 SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND: Ma... | \n","0.688311 | \n","earthquake | \n","1880 | \n","[-0.07005153596401215, -0.042087431997060776, ... | \n","305.0 | \n","Chile | \n","
5 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Human body parts have been found in a bag on a... | \n","[Human body parts have been found in a bag on ... | \n","1333.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Human body parts have been found in a bag on a... | \n","0.672013 | \n","body%20bag | \n","936 | \n","[-0.01760876551270485, -0.07565091550350189, -... | \n","1765.0 | \n","Dublin, Ireland | \n","
6 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","JFC!!! Racist comment ! I guess all \"lazy\" may... | \n","[JFC!!!, Racist comment !, I guess all \"lazy\" ... | \n","1709.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","JFC!!! Racist comment ! I guess all \"lazy\" may... | \n","0.577475 | \n","buildings%20burning | \n","2032 | \n","[0.023510590195655823, 0.002154689282178879, -... | \n","2141.0 | \n","Southern OBX | \n","
7 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","14/17:27 EST Severe Thunderstorm Warning for p... | \n","[14/17:27 EST Severe Thunderstorm Warning for ... | \n","10191.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","14/17:27 EST Severe Thunderstorm Warning for p... | \n","0.727776 | \n","thunderstorm | \n","647 | \n","[-0.0552973710000515, 0.024097146466374397, -0... | \n","5108.0 | \n","Queensland, Australia | \n","
8 | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","Roadworks are co-ordinated and approved by a g... | \n","[Roadworks are co-ordinated and approved by a ... | \n","4845.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Roadworks are co-ordinated and approved by a g... | \n","0.669093 | \n","emergency%20services | \n","1081 | \n","[-0.05318903550505638, 0.018101226538419724, -... | \n","2228.0 | \n","Edinburgh | \n","
9 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Iran Protests: 1,500 killed 5,000 Injured 7,00... | \n","[Iran Protests: 1,500 killed 5,000 Injured 7,0... | \n","6776.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Iran Protests: 1,500 killed 5,000 Injured 7,00... | \n","0.727720 | \n","injured | \n","1759 | \n","[0.03859921544790268, -0.010697060264647007, -... | \n","4651.0 | \n","Ohio River Valley | \n","
10 | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","Kwara State Governor, Mallam purchased Truck f... | \n","[Kwara State Governor, Mallam purchased Truck ... | \n","5632.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Kwara State Governor, Mallam purchased Truck f... | \n","0.653245 | \n","fire%20truck | \n","1551 | \n","[-0.013514711521565914, -0.004037567414343357,... | \n","2225.0 | \n","Ilorin, Nigeria | \n","
11 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","IâÂÂm wondering if framing these pictures t... | \n","[IâÂÂm wondering if framing these pictures ... | \n","5718.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","IâÂÂm wondering if framing these pictures t... | \n","0.545631 | \n","flattened | \n","237 | \n","[0.03829433023929596, -0.08540338277816772, -0... | \n","2171.0 | \n","ZellRepublikð | \n","
12 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","Transparency makes everything better: individu... | \n","[Transparency makes everything better: individ... | \n","5503.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Transparency makes everything better: individu... | \n","0.597684 | \n","fear | \n","593 | \n","[0.0025042055640369654, 0.027974789962172508, ... | \n","1037.0 | \n","North East England | \n","
13 | \n","positive | \n","neutral | \n","If I didn't need my Crutch I would seriously w... | \n","[If I didn't need my Crutch I would seriously ... | \n","1280.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","If I didn't need my Crutch I would seriously w... | \n","0.583970 | \n","bloody | \n","914 | \n","[0.043823741376399994, 0.057542573660612106, -... | \n","819.0 | \n","Guildford | \n","
14 | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","Imagine you get a phone call from the Israeli ... | \n","[Imagine you get a phone call from the Israeli... | \n","1552.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Imagine you get a phone call from the Israeli ... | \n","0.644661 | \n","bombed | \n","596 | \n","[-0.02263369970023632, -0.04711006581783295, -... | \n","2227.0 | \n","Uganda, Nigeria | \n","
15 | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","[Breaking] Nirbhaya Rape: Supreme Court dismis... | \n","[[Breaking] Nirbhaya Rape: Supreme Court dismi... | \n","3127.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","[Breaking] Nirbhaya Rape: Supreme Court dismis... | \n","0.660057 | \n","death | \n","2715 | \n","[-0.014349669218063354, -0.07226337492465973, ... | \n","812.0 | \n","India | \n","
16 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","this storm is quite violent oh lord imagine ir... | \n","[this storm is quite violent oh lord imagine i... | \n","10739.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","this storm is quite violent oh lord imagine ir... | \n","0.662823 | \n","violent%20storm | \n","1010 | \n","[-0.02750890888273716, 0.021164197474718094, -... | \n","5069.0 | \n","ireland , 20 | \n","
17 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","Yeah France is doing fantastic with all the mi... | \n","[Yeah France is doing fantastic with all the m... | \n","2347.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Yeah France is doing fantastic with all the mi... | \n","0.536393 | \n","collapse | \n","2853 | \n","[0.027280263602733612, 0.015566764399409294, -... | \n","399.0 | \n","South Africa | \n","
18 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","He seems to be crumbling more rapidly now. The... | \n","[He seems to be crumbling more rapidly now., ... | \n","3350.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","He seems to be crumbling more rapidly now. The... | \n","0.568037 | \n","deluge | \n","1481 | \n","[0.11189540475606918, -0.009536723606288433, 0... | \n","375.0 | \n","Midwest Red State | \n","
19 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","#coup 9/11 vs Cal Fires So is this an attack o... | \n","[#coup 9/11 vs Cal Fires So is this an attack ... | \n","1779.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","#coup 9/11 vs Cal Fires So is this an attack o... | \n","0.583260 | \n","buildings%20on%20fire | \n","429 | \n","[-0.015312806703150272, 0.030779404565691948, ... | \n","2388.0 | \n","OnFreedomRoad.com | \n","
20 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","6 months of videos of protesters smashing, bur... | \n","[6 months of videos of protesters smashing, bu... | \n","3599.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","6 months of videos of protesters smashing, bur... | \n","0.709840 | \n","derail | \n","427 | \n","[-0.02566157653927803, 0.009822700172662735, -... | \n","2900.0 | \n","hk island, govt held, not K&NT | \n","
21 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Mexican Border City on High Alert Over âÂÂS... | \n","[Mexican Border City on High Alert Over âÂÂ... | \n","9696.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Mexican Border City on High Alert Over âÂÂS... | \n","0.687776 | \n","suicide%20bomber | \n","2907 | \n","[0.015122084878385067, -0.0711512491106987, -0... | \n","5733.0 | \n","Colorado, USA | \n","
22 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","Amazing light show or a battle for your health... | \n","[Amazing light show or a battle for your healt... | \n","3909.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Amazing light show or a battle for your health... | \n","0.530186 | \n","destroy | \n","107 | \n","[0.001234019990079105, -0.06394369900226593, 0... | \n","1805.0 | \n","Brisbane, Queensland | \n","
23 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Emergency services called to a collision on th... | \n","[Emergency services called to a collision on t... | \n","4877.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Emergency services called to a collision on th... | \n","0.689470 | \n","emergency%20services | \n","2844 | \n","[-0.05413218215107918, -0.0021766768768429756,... | \n","2548.0 | \n","United Kingdom | \n","
24 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","HEADLINE: \"6.4 earthquake strikes Puerto Rico,... | \n","[HEADLINE: \"6.4 earthquake strikes Puerto Rico... | \n","9125.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","HEADLINE: \"6.4 earthquake strikes Puerto Rico,... | \n","0.757030 | \n","seismic | \n","1497 | \n","[0.004592240322381258, -0.03824039548635483, -... | \n","6523.0 | \n","Florida, USA | \n","
25 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","âÂÂYou were like a breath of fresh air. ItÃ... | \n","[âÂÂYou were like a breath of fresh air., I... | \n","4466.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","âÂÂYou were like a breath of fresh air. ItÃ... | \n","0.613734 | \n","drowning | \n","1452 | \n","[-0.03848513588309288, 0.07503059506416321, -0... | \n","2700.0 | \n","Cairo | \n","
26 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","The arsonist turns up with a fire extinguisher... | \n","[The arsonist turns up with a fire extinguishe... | \n","510.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","The arsonist turns up with a fire extinguisher... | \n","0.532903 | \n","arsonist | \n","2801 | \n","[-0.001973913051187992, -0.017796456813812256,... | \n","761.0 | \n","NSW. Gumbaynggirr country. | \n","
27 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","M7: all lanes have reopened inbound between J5... | \n","[M7:, all lanes have reopened inbound between ... | \n","2560.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","M7: all lanes have reopened inbound between J5... | \n","0.689800 | \n","collision | \n","1277 | \n","[-0.04796949401497841, -0.07411075383424759, -... | \n","5460.0 | \n","M50 Dublin | \n","
28 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Hi Respected #Friends Hello #TweeterWorld #Nam... | \n","[Hi Respected #Friends Hello #TweeterWorld #Na... | \n","679.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Hi Respected #Friends Hello #TweeterWorld #Nam... | \n","0.642852 | \n","avalanche | \n","2212 | \n","[0.004341206979006529, 0.01691211760044098, 0.... | \n","6874.0 | \n","Another WorldâÂ¥ï¸Ââ¦ï¸Ââ ïÂ... | \n","
29 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","i wouldnâÂÂt even be surprised if they some... | \n","[i wouldnâÂÂt even be surprised if they som... | \n","2284.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","i wouldnâÂÂt even be surprised if they some... | \n","0.580780 | \n","cliff%20fall | \n","311 | \n","[-0.0520143061876297, 0.0450257770717144, -0.0... | \n","674.0 | \n","she/they ⢠| \n","
30 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","3.5 magnitude earthquake recorded in Bulgan ai... | \n","[3.5 magnitude earthquake recorded in Bulgan a... | \n","4638.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.5 magnitude earthquake recorded in Bulgan ai... | \n","0.725532 | \n","earthquake | \n","2961 | \n","[-0.01304821576923132, -0.023747781291604042, ... | \n","6976.0 | \n","Jigjidjav St, Ulaanbaatar | \n","
31 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Trumps Presidency =2024 Oil spill in Alaska ha... | \n","[Trumps Presidency =2024 Oil spill in Alaska h... | \n","7931.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Trumps Presidency =2024 Oil spill in Alaska ha... | \n","0.603689 | \n","oil%20spill | \n","2644 | \n","[-0.01266513578593731, 0.07648883014917374, -0... | \n","1905.0 | \n","Kelowna, British Columbia | \n","
32 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","A fire outbreak has razed down 39 shops, ravag... | \n","[A fire outbreak has razed down 39 shops, rava... | \n","8394.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","A fire outbreak has razed down 39 shops, ravag... | \n","0.679642 | \n","razed | \n","1982 | \n","[0.061840321868658066, 0.020564774051308632, -... | \n","3117.0 | \n","Abuja, Nigeria | \n","
33 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","When technical brains speak to a raging debate... | \n","[When technical brains speak to a raging debat... | \n","221.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","When technical brains speak to a raging debate... | \n","0.609269 | \n","ambulance | \n","2063 | \n","[0.02085897885262966, 0.03478141874074936, 0.0... | \n","1296.0 | \n","Ghana | \n","
34 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","A wildlife rehab center in South Carolina says... | \n","[A wildlife rehab center in South Carolina say... | \n","8617.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","A wildlife rehab center in South Carolina says... | \n","0.654906 | \n","rescuers | \n","221 | \n","[0.05315405875444412, -0.013145094737410545, -... | \n","442.0 | \n","California, USA | \n","
35 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","hey you former russian spy electrocute me | \n","[hey you former russian spy electrocute me] | \n","4657.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","hey you former russian spy electrocute me | \n","0.573599 | \n","electrocute | \n","156 | \n","[-0.019302884116768837, -0.0029615701641887426... | \n","504.0 | \n","ðÂÂÂðÂÂÂ&ð ðÂÂÂðÂÂÂðÂ... | \n","
36 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","JKP cop Devinder Singh's sordid saga vindicate... | \n","[JKP cop Devinder Singh's sordid saga vindicat... | \n","3018.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","JKP cop Devinder Singh's sordid saga vindicate... | \n","0.588211 | \n","danger | \n","1676 | \n","[-0.020209699869155884, -0.05051594600081444, ... | \n","1889.0 | \n","DELHI, KASHMIR | \n","
37 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","Time will tell when I fall off a cliff or high... | \n","[Time will tell when I fall off a cliff or hig... | \n","2277.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Time will tell when I fall off a cliff or high... | \n","0.521615 | \n","cliff%20fall | \n","505 | \n","[0.008356968872249126, 0.07969766110181808, 0.... | \n","1335.0 | \n","Sydney, Australia | \n","
38 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","JUST IN: An earthquake was felt in parts of CA... | \n","[JUST IN: An earthquake was felt in parts of C... | \n","4622.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","JUST IN: An earthquake was felt in parts of CA... | \n","0.761350 | \n","earthquake | \n","2858 | \n","[0.03384742885828018, -0.022578943520784378, -... | \n","6461.0 | \n","Pasig City | \n","
39 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","This tweet blew up and this is where people pr... | \n","[This tweet blew up and this is where people p... | \n","1029.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","This tweet blew up and this is where people pr... | \n","0.602517 | \n","blew%20up | \n","1090 | \n","[0.056242309510707855, -0.023219745606184006, ... | \n","1686.0 | \n","ENFP / 4w3 | \n","
40 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","We thrown him as debris should be out of the h... | \n","[We thrown him as debris should be out of the ... | \n","3277.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","We thrown him as debris should be out of the h... | \n","0.566319 | \n","debris | \n","1729 | \n","[0.07086315006017685, -0.04039449617266655, -0... | \n","169.0 | \n","Lahore, Pakistan | \n","
41 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","âÂÂKey compoNts I appreciate as a transport... | \n","[âÂÂKey compoNts I appreciate as a transpor... | \n","5424.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","âÂÂKey compoNts I appreciate as a transport... | \n","0.505895 | \n","fatalities | \n","329 | \n","[0.06842903792858124, -0.02750425413250923, -0... | \n","2833.0 | \n","California, USA | \n","
42 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","#childsafety | Local flu death of boy is one o... | \n","[#childsafety | Local flu death of boy is one ... | \n","3193.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","#childsafety | Local flu death of boy is one o... | \n","0.702334 | \n","deaths | \n","2469 | \n","[-0.023012271150946617, 0.03902702406048775, -... | \n","2076.0 | \n","Los Angeles, Ca | \n","
43 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","A fire outbreak has razed down shops, ravaging... | \n","[A fire outbreak has razed down shops, ravagin... | \n","8413.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","A fire outbreak has razed down shops, ravaging... | \n","0.718965 | \n","razed | \n","833 | \n","[0.05622481927275658, 0.0063430992886424065, 0... | \n","1372.0 | \n","Abuja | \n","
44 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Death toll in Pakistan mosque suicide bombing ... | \n","[Death toll in Pakistan mosque suicide bombing... | \n","9707.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Death toll in Pakistan mosque suicide bombing ... | \n","0.765301 | \n","suicide%20bombing | \n","1440 | \n","[-0.021320270374417305, -0.04400596395134926, ... | \n","1737.0 | \n","Deutschland ð©ðª | \n","
45 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","https://t.co/CggAt6G2TK Blocked drains, 13th J... | \n","[https://t.co/CggAt6G2TK Blocked drains, 13th ... | \n","8770.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","https://t.co/CggAt6G2TK Blocked drains, 13th J... | \n","0.664557 | \n","rubble | \n","1282 | \n","[0.04071395844221115, -0.021260187029838562, -... | \n","5288.0 | \n","Cymru | \n","
46 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","Update at 18:15 Tuesday to do list - Sleep in ... | \n","[Update at 18:15 Tuesday to do list - Sleep in... | \n","2268.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Update at 18:15 Tuesday to do list - Sleep in ... | \n","0.582058 | \n","cliff%20fall | \n","2768 | \n","[0.04768536612391472, 0.009061871096491814, 0.... | \n","528.0 | \n","Plotskiville | \n","
47 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","China sinkhole: Six people killed in Xining as... | \n","[China sinkhole: Six people killed in Xining a... | \n","3236.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","China sinkhole: Six people killed in Xining as... | \n","0.776652 | \n","deaths | \n","2167 | \n","[-0.03895467147231102, -0.053079184144735336, ... | \n","2861.0 | \n","Queens, NY | \n","
48 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Lawyer who gave aid to anti-CAA protestors ele... | \n","[Lawyer who gave aid to anti-CAA protestors el... | \n","4727.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Lawyer who gave aid to anti-CAA protestors ele... | \n","0.691819 | \n","electrocuted | \n","408 | \n","[-0.016440408304333687, -0.03521612286567688, ... | \n","2992.0 | \n","Bengaluru, India | \n","
49 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","A local veterinarian takes care of the horses ... | \n","[A local veterinarian takes care of the horses... | \n","5121.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","A local veterinarian takes care of the horses ... | \n","0.613162 | \n","evacuation | \n","2140 | \n","[-0.06955872476100922, 0.06343398988246918, -0... | \n","1479.0 | \n","Republic of the Philippines | \n","
\n"," | document | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","origin_index | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","sentence | \n","
0 | \n","All the buildings in the capital were destroyed | \n","0.697948 | \n","0 | \n","positive | \n","[0.01043090783059597, 0.06007970869541168, -0.... | \n","[All the buildings in the capital were destroyed] | \n","
\n"," | y | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","text | \n","sentence | \n","id | \n","target | \n","document | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","keyword | \n","origin_index | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","Unnamed: 0 | \n","location | \n","
0 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Bihar District Magistrate Issues Order to Clos... | \n","[Bihar District Magistrate Issues Order to Clo... | \n","6350.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Bihar District Magistrate Issues Order to Clos... | \n","0.970833 | \n","heat%20wave | \n","2310 | \n","[0.01817215047776699, -0.042255766689777374, -... | \n","2375.0 | \n","Chandigarh, India | \n","
1 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","YOU THERE, PACHIRISU PUNK, PREPARE TO BE DESTR... | \n","[YOU THERE, PACHIRISU PUNK, PREPARE TO BE DEST... | \n","3937.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","YOU THERE, PACHIRISU PUNK, PREPARE TO BE DESTR... | \n","0.982484 | \n","destroyed | \n","2044 | \n","[0.01567729189991951, 0.00028937371098436415, ... | \n","1607.0 | \n","Scotland, but like at the top | \n","
2 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","A devastating and thorough refutation of and N... | \n","[A devastating and thorough refutation of and ... | \n","272.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","A devastating and thorough refutation of and N... | \n","0.969792 | \n","annihilated | \n","2473 | \n","[0.030531354248523712, 0.018328234553337097, -... | \n","809.0 | \n","USA | \n","
3 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","bubby finally gonna help with desolate while i... | \n","[bubby finally gonna help with desolate while ... | \n","3817.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","bubby finally gonna help with desolate while i... | \n","0.985924 | \n","desolate | \n","1369 | \n","[-0.010298581793904305, -0.023482605814933777,... | \n","152.0 | \n","United States Air Force | \n","
4 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Temblor: mb 4.5 SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND: Ma... | \n","[Temblor: mb 4.5 SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND:, ... | \n","4609.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Temblor: mb 4.5 SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND: Ma... | \n","0.973546 | \n","earthquake | \n","1880 | \n","[-0.07005153596401215, -0.042087431997060776, ... | \n","305.0 | \n","Chile | \n","
5 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Human body parts have been found in a bag on a... | \n","[Human body parts have been found in a bag on ... | \n","1333.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Human body parts have been found in a bag on a... | \n","0.974148 | \n","body%20bag | \n","936 | \n","[-0.01760876551270485, -0.07565091550350189, -... | \n","1765.0 | \n","Dublin, Ireland | \n","
6 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","JFC!!! Racist comment ! I guess all \"lazy\" may... | \n","[JFC!!!, Racist comment !, I guess all \"lazy\" ... | \n","1709.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","JFC!!! Racist comment ! I guess all \"lazy\" may... | \n","0.960352 | \n","buildings%20burning | \n","2032 | \n","[0.023510590195655823, 0.002154689282178879, -... | \n","2141.0 | \n","Southern OBX | \n","
7 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","14/17:27 EST Severe Thunderstorm Warning for p... | \n","[14/17:27 EST Severe Thunderstorm Warning for ... | \n","10191.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","14/17:27 EST Severe Thunderstorm Warning for p... | \n","0.981230 | \n","thunderstorm | \n","647 | \n","[-0.0552973710000515, 0.024097146466374397, -0... | \n","5108.0 | \n","Queensland, Australia | \n","
8 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","Roadworks are co-ordinated and approved by a g... | \n","[Roadworks are co-ordinated and approved by a ... | \n","4845.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Roadworks are co-ordinated and approved by a g... | \n","0.755662 | \n","emergency%20services | \n","1081 | \n","[-0.05318903550505638, 0.018101226538419724, -... | \n","2228.0 | \n","Edinburgh | \n","
9 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Iran Protests: 1,500 killed 5,000 Injured 7,00... | \n","[Iran Protests: 1,500 killed 5,000 Injured 7,0... | \n","6776.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Iran Protests: 1,500 killed 5,000 Injured 7,00... | \n","0.982878 | \n","injured | \n","1759 | \n","[0.03859921544790268, -0.010697060264647007, -... | \n","4651.0 | \n","Ohio River Valley | \n","
10 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","Kwara State Governor, Mallam purchased Truck f... | \n","[Kwara State Governor, Mallam purchased Truck ... | \n","5632.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Kwara State Governor, Mallam purchased Truck f... | \n","0.745413 | \n","fire%20truck | \n","1551 | \n","[-0.013514711521565914, -0.004037567414343357,... | \n","2225.0 | \n","Ilorin, Nigeria | \n","
11 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","IâÂÂm wondering if framing these pictures t... | \n","[IâÂÂm wondering if framing these pictures ... | \n","5718.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","IâÂÂm wondering if framing these pictures t... | \n","0.951121 | \n","flattened | \n","237 | \n","[0.03829433023929596, -0.08540338277816772, -0... | \n","2171.0 | \n","ZellRepublikð | \n","
12 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","Transparency makes everything better: individu... | \n","[Transparency makes everything better: individ... | \n","5503.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Transparency makes everything better: individu... | \n","0.979479 | \n","fear | \n","593 | \n","[0.0025042055640369654, 0.027974789962172508, ... | \n","1037.0 | \n","North East England | \n","
13 | \n","positive | \n","negative | \n","If I didn't need my Crutch I would seriously w... | \n","[If I didn't need my Crutch I would seriously ... | \n","1280.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","If I didn't need my Crutch I would seriously w... | \n","0.620800 | \n","bloody | \n","914 | \n","[0.043823741376399994, 0.057542573660612106, -... | \n","819.0 | \n","Guildford | \n","
14 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","Imagine you get a phone call from the Israeli ... | \n","[Imagine you get a phone call from the Israeli... | \n","1552.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Imagine you get a phone call from the Israeli ... | \n","0.894990 | \n","bombed | \n","596 | \n","[-0.02263369970023632, -0.04711006581783295, -... | \n","2227.0 | \n","Uganda, Nigeria | \n","
15 | \n","negative | \n","neutral | \n","[Breaking] Nirbhaya Rape: Supreme Court dismis... | \n","[[Breaking] Nirbhaya Rape: Supreme Court dismi... | \n","3127.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","[Breaking] Nirbhaya Rape: Supreme Court dismis... | \n","0.502236 | \n","death | \n","2715 | \n","[-0.014349669218063354, -0.07226337492465973, ... | \n","812.0 | \n","India | \n","
16 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","this storm is quite violent oh lord imagine ir... | \n","[this storm is quite violent oh lord imagine i... | \n","10739.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","this storm is quite violent oh lord imagine ir... | \n","0.917719 | \n","violent%20storm | \n","1010 | \n","[-0.02750890888273716, 0.021164197474718094, -... | \n","5069.0 | \n","ireland , 20 | \n","
17 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","Yeah France is doing fantastic with all the mi... | \n","[Yeah France is doing fantastic with all the m... | \n","2347.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Yeah France is doing fantastic with all the mi... | \n","0.935926 | \n","collapse | \n","2853 | \n","[0.027280263602733612, 0.015566764399409294, -... | \n","399.0 | \n","South Africa | \n","
18 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","He seems to be crumbling more rapidly now. The... | \n","[He seems to be crumbling more rapidly now., ... | \n","3350.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","He seems to be crumbling more rapidly now. The... | \n","0.980057 | \n","deluge | \n","1481 | \n","[0.11189540475606918, -0.009536723606288433, 0... | \n","375.0 | \n","Midwest Red State | \n","
19 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","#coup 9/11 vs Cal Fires So is this an attack o... | \n","[#coup 9/11 vs Cal Fires So is this an attack ... | \n","1779.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","#coup 9/11 vs Cal Fires So is this an attack o... | \n","0.926649 | \n","buildings%20on%20fire | \n","429 | \n","[-0.015312806703150272, 0.030779404565691948, ... | \n","2388.0 | \n","OnFreedomRoad.com | \n","
20 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","6 months of videos of protesters smashing, bur... | \n","[6 months of videos of protesters smashing, bu... | \n","3599.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","6 months of videos of protesters smashing, bur... | \n","0.905132 | \n","derail | \n","427 | \n","[-0.02566157653927803, 0.009822700172662735, -... | \n","2900.0 | \n","hk island, govt held, not K&NT | \n","
21 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Mexican Border City on High Alert Over âÂÂS... | \n","[Mexican Border City on High Alert Over âÂÂ... | \n","9696.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Mexican Border City on High Alert Over âÂÂS... | \n","0.714104 | \n","suicide%20bomber | \n","2907 | \n","[0.015122084878385067, -0.0711512491106987, -0... | \n","5733.0 | \n","Colorado, USA | \n","
22 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","Amazing light show or a battle for your health... | \n","[Amazing light show or a battle for your healt... | \n","3909.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Amazing light show or a battle for your health... | \n","0.970722 | \n","destroy | \n","107 | \n","[0.001234019990079105, -0.06394369900226593, 0... | \n","1805.0 | \n","Brisbane, Queensland | \n","
23 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Emergency services called to a collision on th... | \n","[Emergency services called to a collision on t... | \n","4877.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Emergency services called to a collision on th... | \n","0.953050 | \n","emergency%20services | \n","2844 | \n","[-0.05413218215107918, -0.0021766768768429756,... | \n","2548.0 | \n","United Kingdom | \n","
24 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","HEADLINE: \"6.4 earthquake strikes Puerto Rico,... | \n","[HEADLINE: \"6.4 earthquake strikes Puerto Rico... | \n","9125.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","HEADLINE: \"6.4 earthquake strikes Puerto Rico,... | \n","0.992927 | \n","seismic | \n","1497 | \n","[0.004592240322381258, -0.03824039548635483, -... | \n","6523.0 | \n","Florida, USA | \n","
25 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","âÂÂYou were like a breath of fresh air. ItÃ... | \n","[âÂÂYou were like a breath of fresh air., I... | \n","4466.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","âÂÂYou were like a breath of fresh air. ItÃ... | \n","0.984222 | \n","drowning | \n","1452 | \n","[-0.03848513588309288, 0.07503059506416321, -0... | \n","2700.0 | \n","Cairo | \n","
26 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","The arsonist turns up with a fire extinguisher... | \n","[The arsonist turns up with a fire extinguishe... | \n","510.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","The arsonist turns up with a fire extinguisher... | \n","0.971530 | \n","arsonist | \n","2801 | \n","[-0.001973913051187992, -0.017796456813812256,... | \n","761.0 | \n","NSW. Gumbaynggirr country. | \n","
27 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","M7: all lanes have reopened inbound between J5... | \n","[M7:, all lanes have reopened inbound between ... | \n","2560.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","M7: all lanes have reopened inbound between J5... | \n","0.924938 | \n","collision | \n","1277 | \n","[-0.04796949401497841, -0.07411075383424759, -... | \n","5460.0 | \n","M50 Dublin | \n","
28 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Hi Respected #Friends Hello #TweeterWorld #Nam... | \n","[Hi Respected #Friends Hello #TweeterWorld #Na... | \n","679.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Hi Respected #Friends Hello #TweeterWorld #Nam... | \n","0.817334 | \n","avalanche | \n","2212 | \n","[0.004341206979006529, 0.01691211760044098, 0.... | \n","6874.0 | \n","Another WorldâÂ¥ï¸Ââ¦ï¸Ââ ïÂ... | \n","
29 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","i wouldnâÂÂt even be surprised if they some... | \n","[i wouldnâÂÂt even be surprised if they som... | \n","2284.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","i wouldnâÂÂt even be surprised if they some... | \n","0.974524 | \n","cliff%20fall | \n","311 | \n","[-0.0520143061876297, 0.0450257770717144, -0.0... | \n","674.0 | \n","she/they ⢠| \n","
30 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","3.5 magnitude earthquake recorded in Bulgan ai... | \n","[3.5 magnitude earthquake recorded in Bulgan a... | \n","4638.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","3.5 magnitude earthquake recorded in Bulgan ai... | \n","0.988485 | \n","earthquake | \n","2961 | \n","[-0.01304821576923132, -0.023747781291604042, ... | \n","6976.0 | \n","Jigjidjav St, Ulaanbaatar | \n","
31 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Trumps Presidency =2024 Oil spill in Alaska ha... | \n","[Trumps Presidency =2024 Oil spill in Alaska h... | \n","7931.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Trumps Presidency =2024 Oil spill in Alaska ha... | \n","0.639585 | \n","oil%20spill | \n","2644 | \n","[-0.01266513578593731, 0.07648883014917374, -0... | \n","1905.0 | \n","Kelowna, British Columbia | \n","
32 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","A fire outbreak has razed down 39 shops, ravag... | \n","[A fire outbreak has razed down 39 shops, rava... | \n","8394.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","A fire outbreak has razed down 39 shops, ravag... | \n","0.933097 | \n","razed | \n","1982 | \n","[0.061840321868658066, 0.020564774051308632, -... | \n","3117.0 | \n","Abuja, Nigeria | \n","
33 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","When technical brains speak to a raging debate... | \n","[When technical brains speak to a raging debat... | \n","221.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","When technical brains speak to a raging debate... | \n","0.985238 | \n","ambulance | \n","2063 | \n","[0.02085897885262966, 0.03478141874074936, 0.0... | \n","1296.0 | \n","Ghana | \n","
34 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","A wildlife rehab center in South Carolina says... | \n","[A wildlife rehab center in South Carolina say... | \n","8617.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","A wildlife rehab center in South Carolina says... | \n","0.941231 | \n","rescuers | \n","221 | \n","[0.05315405875444412, -0.013145094737410545, -... | \n","442.0 | \n","California, USA | \n","
35 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","hey you former russian spy electrocute me | \n","[hey you former russian spy electrocute me] | \n","4657.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","hey you former russian spy electrocute me | \n","0.983450 | \n","electrocute | \n","156 | \n","[-0.019302884116768837, -0.0029615701641887426... | \n","504.0 | \n","ðÂÂÂðÂÂÂ&ð ðÂÂÂðÂÂÂðÂ... | \n","
36 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","JKP cop Devinder Singh's sordid saga vindicate... | \n","[JKP cop Devinder Singh's sordid saga vindicat... | \n","3018.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","JKP cop Devinder Singh's sordid saga vindicate... | \n","0.974994 | \n","danger | \n","1676 | \n","[-0.020209699869155884, -0.05051594600081444, ... | \n","1889.0 | \n","DELHI, KASHMIR | \n","
37 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","Time will tell when I fall off a cliff or high... | \n","[Time will tell when I fall off a cliff or hig... | \n","2277.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Time will tell when I fall off a cliff or high... | \n","0.960691 | \n","cliff%20fall | \n","505 | \n","[0.008356968872249126, 0.07969766110181808, 0.... | \n","1335.0 | \n","Sydney, Australia | \n","
38 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","JUST IN: An earthquake was felt in parts of CA... | \n","[JUST IN: An earthquake was felt in parts of C... | \n","4622.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","JUST IN: An earthquake was felt in parts of CA... | \n","0.995373 | \n","earthquake | \n","2858 | \n","[0.03384742885828018, -0.022578943520784378, -... | \n","6461.0 | \n","Pasig City | \n","
39 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","This tweet blew up and this is where people pr... | \n","[This tweet blew up and this is where people p... | \n","1029.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","This tweet blew up and this is where people pr... | \n","0.977069 | \n","blew%20up | \n","1090 | \n","[0.056242309510707855, -0.023219745606184006, ... | \n","1686.0 | \n","ENFP / 4w3 | \n","
40 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","We thrown him as debris should be out of the h... | \n","[We thrown him as debris should be out of the ... | \n","3277.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","We thrown him as debris should be out of the h... | \n","0.972861 | \n","debris | \n","1729 | \n","[0.07086315006017685, -0.04039449617266655, -0... | \n","169.0 | \n","Lahore, Pakistan | \n","
41 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","âÂÂKey compoNts I appreciate as a transport... | \n","[âÂÂKey compoNts I appreciate as a transpor... | \n","5424.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","âÂÂKey compoNts I appreciate as a transport... | \n","0.978197 | \n","fatalities | \n","329 | \n","[0.06842903792858124, -0.02750425413250923, -0... | \n","2833.0 | \n","California, USA | \n","
42 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","#childsafety | Local flu death of boy is one o... | \n","[#childsafety | Local flu death of boy is one ... | \n","3193.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","#childsafety | Local flu death of boy is one o... | \n","0.983754 | \n","deaths | \n","2469 | \n","[-0.023012271150946617, 0.03902702406048775, -... | \n","2076.0 | \n","Los Angeles, Ca | \n","
43 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","A fire outbreak has razed down shops, ravaging... | \n","[A fire outbreak has razed down shops, ravagin... | \n","8413.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","A fire outbreak has razed down shops, ravaging... | \n","0.979082 | \n","razed | \n","833 | \n","[0.05622481927275658, 0.0063430992886424065, 0... | \n","1372.0 | \n","Abuja | \n","
44 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Death toll in Pakistan mosque suicide bombing ... | \n","[Death toll in Pakistan mosque suicide bombing... | \n","9707.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Death toll in Pakistan mosque suicide bombing ... | \n","0.991969 | \n","suicide%20bombing | \n","1440 | \n","[-0.021320270374417305, -0.04400596395134926, ... | \n","1737.0 | \n","Deutschland ð©ðª | \n","
45 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","https://t.co/CggAt6G2TK Blocked drains, 13th J... | \n","[https://t.co/CggAt6G2TK Blocked drains, 13th ... | \n","8770.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","https://t.co/CggAt6G2TK Blocked drains, 13th J... | \n","0.875209 | \n","rubble | \n","1282 | \n","[0.04071395844221115, -0.021260187029838562, -... | \n","5288.0 | \n","Cymru | \n","
46 | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","Update at 18:15 Tuesday to do list - Sleep in ... | \n","[Update at 18:15 Tuesday to do list - Sleep in... | \n","2268.0 | \n","0.0 | \n","Update at 18:15 Tuesday to do list - Sleep in ... | \n","0.935865 | \n","cliff%20fall | \n","2768 | \n","[0.04768536612391472, 0.009061871096491814, 0.... | \n","528.0 | \n","Plotskiville | \n","
47 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","China sinkhole: Six people killed in Xining as... | \n","[China sinkhole: Six people killed in Xining a... | \n","3236.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","China sinkhole: Six people killed in Xining as... | \n","0.997117 | \n","deaths | \n","2167 | \n","[-0.03895467147231102, -0.053079184144735336, ... | \n","2861.0 | \n","Queens, NY | \n","
48 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","Lawyer who gave aid to anti-CAA protestors ele... | \n","[Lawyer who gave aid to anti-CAA protestors el... | \n","4727.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","Lawyer who gave aid to anti-CAA protestors ele... | \n","0.802344 | \n","electrocuted | \n","408 | \n","[-0.016440408304333687, -0.03521612286567688, ... | \n","2992.0 | \n","Bengaluru, India | \n","
49 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","A local veterinarian takes care of the horses ... | \n","[A local veterinarian takes care of the horses... | \n","5121.0 | \n","1.0 | \n","A local veterinarian takes care of the horses ... | \n","0.800290 | \n","evacuation | \n","2140 | \n","[-0.06955872476100922, 0.06343398988246918, -0... | \n","1479.0 | \n","Republic of the Philippines | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","sentiment | \n","document | \n","origin_index | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","sentence | \n","sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n","
0 | \n","All the buildings in the capital were destroyed | \n","[positive] | \n","All the buildings in the capital were destroyed | \n","8589934592 | \n","[0.99480504] | \n","[All the buildings in the capital were destroyed] | \n","[[-0.393466055393219, 0.33815130591392517, -0.... | \n","
\n", + " | id | \n", + "keyword | \n", + "location | \n", + "text | \n", + "target | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "2 | \n", + "ablaze | \n", + "New York City | \n", + "Arsonist sets cars ablaze at dealership https:... | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "3 | \n", + "ablaze | \n", + "Morgantown, WV | \n", + "Arsonist sets cars ablaze at dealership https:... | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "5 | \n", + "ablaze | \n", + "OC | \n", + "If this child was Chinese, this tweet would ha... | \n", + "0 | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "6 | \n", + "ablaze | \n", + "London, England | \n", + "Several houses have been set ablaze in Ngemsib... | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "7 | \n", + "ablaze | \n", + "Bharat | \n", + "Asansol: A BJP office in Salanpur village was ... | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
11362 | \n", + "11362 | \n", + "wrecked | \n", + "feuille d'érable | \n", + "Stell wrecked ako palagi sayo. Haha. #ALABTopS... | \n", + "0 | \n", + "
11365 | \n", + "11365 | \n", + "wrecked | \n", + "Blue State in a red sea | \n", + "Media should have warned us well in advance. T... | \n", + "0 | \n", + "
11366 | \n", + "11366 | \n", + "wrecked | \n", + "arohaonces | \n", + "i feel directly attacked ð i consider moonb... | \n", + "0 | \n", + "
11367 | \n", + "11367 | \n", + "wrecked | \n", + "ðµð | \n", + "i feel directly attacked ð i consider moonb... | \n", + "0 | \n", + "
11368 | \n", + "11368 | \n", + "wrecked | \n", + "auroraborealis | \n", + "ok who remember \"outcast\" nd the \"dora\" au?? T... | \n", + "0 | \n", + "
7952 rows × 5 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
1786 | \n", + "Arsonist sets cars ablaze at dealership https:... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2465 | \n", + "Travis Manawa [about Brandon's group]: I think... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
1318 | \n", + "If a scientist said if you jump off a cliff yo... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2177 | \n", + "#StormBrendon is also bringing high winds, so ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
293 | \n", + "Like , I'm really talking about blending gener... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
666 | \n", + "US Troops Clear Rubble from Iraq Base Days Aft... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2843 | \n", + "can we create an anti-bioterrorism commission? | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
312 | \n", + "When cultures collide! #southernspain https://... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2072 | \n", + "A look inside a tree that has been struck by l... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2024 | \n", + "Two lanes have been closed while emergency ser... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2400 rows × 2 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Arsonist sets cars ablaze at dealership https:... | \n", + "[-0.1667916625738144, 1.0302923917770386, 0.18... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "Arsonist sets cars ablaze at dealership https:... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "Travis Manawa [about Brandon's group]: I think... | \n", + "[-0.9610550999641418, 0.13062980771064758, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Travis Manawa [about Brandon's group]: I think... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "If a scientist said if you jump off a cliff yo... | \n", + "[-0.6688402891159058, 0.640354335308075, 0.369... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "If a scientist said if you jump off a cliff yo... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "#StormBrendon is also bringing high winds, so ... | \n", + "[-1.0540131330490112, 0.8802893757820129, -0.6... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "#StormBrendon is also bringing high winds, so ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "Like , I'm really talking about blending gener... | \n", + "[-1.0963889360427856, -0.39644378423690796, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Like , I'm really talking about blending gener... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "Seriously though... If that defender was taken... | \n", + "[-0.9136804938316345, 0.593141496181488, -0.13... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Seriously though... If that defender was taken... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "Chemical Hazard - Advice for Cobram. For more ... | \n", + "[-0.38091930747032166, 0.6411349177360535, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Chemical Hazard - Advice for Cobram. For more ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "2,400 jobs are at stake should the deal fall t... | \n", + "[-0.44847720861434937, 0.5910513997077942, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "2,400 jobs are at stake should the deal fall t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "Western Cape blood stocks down to just four da... | \n", + "[-0.5973049402236938, 0.3307306170463562, -0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "Western Cape blood stocks down to just four da... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "Last night in Sweden ð¸ðª 2 BOMBINGS. - Th... | \n", + "[-0.5309799313545227, -0.5059896111488342, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Last night in Sweden ð¸ðª 2 BOMBINGS. - Th... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "BREAKING: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelens... | \n", + "[-1.1355115175247192, -0.24506860971450806, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "BREAKING: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelens... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "Here's what you can learn from the conservativ... | \n", + "[-1.1318162679672241, 0.4271548390388489, -0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Here's what you can learn from the conservativ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "Rajneeti News (Stardust: Oldest material on ea... | \n", + "[-0.4446831941604614, -0.11513718217611313, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Rajneeti News (Stardust: Oldest material on ea... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "In 2008, Laskar and Gastineau simulated 2500 f... | \n", + "[-0.7734904885292053, -0.19835318624973297, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "In 2008, Laskar and Gastineau simulated 2500 f... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "Why are you still calling it a plane crash ð§... | \n", + "[-0.12437181919813156, 1.112841010093689, 0.27... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Why are you still calling it a plane crash ð§... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "Report recieved of a 9 vehicle RTC on M66 betw... | \n", + "[-0.38135823607444763, 1.1142768859863281, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Report recieved of a 9 vehicle RTC on M66 betw... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "** Cleared ** The vehicles involved in the col... | \n", + "[-0.2368348389863968, 0.9701917171478271, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "** Cleared ** The vehicles involved in the col... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "105 is the number to call if you have a power ... | \n", + "[-0.8241100907325745, 1.1454272270202637, -0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "105 is the number to call if you have a power ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "Stress is something that affects many of us. I... | \n", + "[-0.9658268690109253, 0.5662633776664734, -0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "Stress is something that affects many of us. I... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "Re: #AustraliaBushfires, a question for any #f... | \n", + "[-0.6997240781784058, 0.5168095827102661, 0.12... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Re: #AustraliaBushfires, a question for any #f... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "Enormous exploding sinkhole in China swallows ... | \n", + "[-0.5793707370758057, -0.18351595103740692, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "Enormous exploding sinkhole in China swallows ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "This creature whoâs soul is no longer claren... | \n", + "[-0.4663412868976593, 0.04406387358903885, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "This creature whoâs soul is no longer claren... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "In 70 CE Titus the son of the Roman Emperor Ve... | \n", + "[-0.8847564458847046, -0.1676793396472931, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "In 70 CE Titus the son of the Roman Emperor Ve... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "#BREAKING: Trudeau says the 57 Canadians kille... | \n", + "[-0.45176926255226135, -0.1339559406042099, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "#BREAKING: Trudeau says the 57 Canadians kille... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "airplane accident answers. The US designated t... | \n", + "[-0.2922760844230652, 0.3953195810317993, -0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "airplane accident answers. The US designated t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "Unlike previous State of the nation addresses,... | \n", + "[-0.8965665698051453, 0.9926007986068726, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Unlike previous State of the nation addresses,... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "Woodbury takes emergency action to address #wa... | \n", + "[-0.7830190658569336, 0.8649871349334717, 0.20... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "Woodbury takes emergency action to address #wa... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "Mudslide closes Kailua-bound lane of Pali High... | \n", + "[-0.42747634649276733, 0.13894236087799072, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Mudslide closes Kailua-bound lane of Pali High... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "á´Êá´Êá´É´s... á´Êá´Ê'Êá´ É´á´á´ ... | \n", + "[-0.5791727304458618, 0.11972904205322266, 0.4... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "á´Êá´Êá´É´s... á´Êá´Ê'Êá´ É´á´á´ ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "Eduardo Degrano looks at the damage to his hom... | \n", + "[-1.1623308658599854, 0.569926917552948, -0.58... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Eduardo Degrano looks at the damage to his hom... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "darinde...how i wish i could put these in hot ... | \n", + "[-1.5163923501968384, 0.6165133118629456, -0.5... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "darinde...how i wish i could put these in hot ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "Earthquake Information No.1 Date and Time: 14 ... | \n", + "[-1.085410714149475, -0.15019290149211884, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Earthquake Information No.1 Date and Time: 14 ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "âItâs a blight on the country as a whole.â... | \n", + "[-0.5412101745605469, 0.611747682094574, -0.00... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "âItâs a blight on the country as a whole.â... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "I don't mind being your enemy if you're an ene... | \n", + "[-0.6546711325645447, 0.43016937375068665, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "I don't mind being your enemy if you're an ene... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "A follow-up to yesterday's Pakistan post: In t... | \n", + "[-1.091268539428711, -0.17232197523117065, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "A follow-up to yesterday's Pakistan post: In t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "âPassed away.â This euphemistic trash is p... | \n", + "[-1.0350548028945923, 0.04470200464129448, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "âPassed away.â This euphemistic trash is p... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "I wonder how many homes could have been saved ... | \n", + "[-0.6520278453826904, 0.6858862042427063, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "I wonder how many homes could have been saved ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "I just zoom it and took ss and feel attack.. H... | \n", + "[-0.9297969937324524, -0.12180554866790771, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I just zoom it and took ss and feel attack.. H... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "Human Body Parts Discovered In Bag In Dublin h... | \n", + "[-0.6394882202148438, 0.8264853954315186, 0.34... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "Human Body Parts Discovered In Bag In Dublin h... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "It is not just an Australian problem. We need ... | \n", + "[-0.7464641332626343, 0.9418659806251526, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "It is not just an Australian problem. We need ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "If I didn't need my Crutch I would seriously w... | \n", + "[-1.1001498699188232, 1.0316743850708008, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "If I didn't need my Crutch I would seriously w... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "But it eventually will have to work without...... | \n", + "[-0.6016444563865662, 0.95436030626297, -0.232... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "But it eventually will have to work without...... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "... #MAGA5G.LiVEViL+ my recommended read not f... | \n", + "[-0.8835289478302002, 0.3090209364891052, 0.29... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "... #MAGA5G.LiVEViL+ my recommended read not f... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "This earlier collision N'bound between J9 Red ... | \n", + "[-0.19473275542259216, 0.8363125920295715, 0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "This earlier collision N'bound between J9 Red ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "I feel attacked. https://t.co/PrtvRimq6y | \n", + "[-0.4955633580684662, 0.16522228717803955, 0.6... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "I feel attacked. https://t.co/PrtvRimq6y | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "For the past several months, after imposing a ... | \n", + "[-0.5843112468719482, 0.04129549860954285, 0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "For the past several months, after imposing a ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "Yuck! Looks like she's wearing a body bag. May... | \n", + "[-1.058443307876587, 0.23154138028621674, -0.4... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Yuck! Looks like she's wearing a body bag. May... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "Such a loss to and the people of NE Fife. pays... | \n", + "[-0.9249093532562256, -0.045939963310956955, -... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Such a loss to and the people of NE Fife. pays... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "This rain going dumb, itâs flooding now | \n", + "[-1.7112693786621094, 0.5982310175895691, -0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "This rain going dumb, itâs flooding now | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "WEATHER ALERT: Severe Thunderstorm Warning inc... | \n", + "[-0.7861663699150085, 0.22981716692447662, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "WEATHER ALERT: Severe Thunderstorm Warning inc... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
\n", + " | sentence | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "All the buildings in the capital were destroyed | \n", + "[-0.33511286973953247, 0.3084930181503296, -1.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.99924 | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Arsonist sets cars ablaze at dealership https:... | \n", + "[-0.1667916625738144, 1.0302923917770386, 0.18... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Arsonist sets cars ablaze at dealership https:... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "Travis Manawa [about Brandon's group]: I think... | \n", + "[-0.9610550999641418, 0.13062980771064758, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "Travis Manawa [about Brandon's group]: I think... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "If a scientist said if you jump off a cliff yo... | \n", + "[-0.6688402891159058, 0.640354335308075, 0.369... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "If a scientist said if you jump off a cliff yo... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "#StormBrendon is also bringing high winds, so ... | \n", + "[-1.0540131330490112, 0.8802893757820129, -0.6... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "#StormBrendon is also bringing high winds, so ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "Like , I'm really talking about blending gener... | \n", + "[-1.0963889360427856, -0.39644378423690796, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Like , I'm really talking about blending gener... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "Seriously though... If that defender was taken... | \n", + "[-0.9136804938316345, 0.593141496181488, -0.13... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Seriously though... If that defender was taken... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "Chemical Hazard - Advice for Cobram. For more ... | \n", + "[-0.38091930747032166, 0.6411349177360535, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "Chemical Hazard - Advice for Cobram. For more ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "2,400 jobs are at stake should the deal fall t... | \n", + "[-0.44847720861434937, 0.5910513997077942, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "2,400 jobs are at stake should the deal fall t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "Western Cape blood stocks down to just four da... | \n", + "[-0.5973049402236938, 0.3307306170463562, -0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Western Cape blood stocks down to just four da... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "Last night in Sweden ð¸ðª 2 BOMBINGS. - Th... | \n", + "[-0.5309799313545227, -0.5059896111488342, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Last night in Sweden ð¸ðª 2 BOMBINGS. - Th... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "BREAKING: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelens... | \n", + "[-1.1355115175247192, -0.24506860971450806, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "BREAKING: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelens... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "Here's what you can learn from the conservativ... | \n", + "[-1.1318162679672241, 0.4271548390388489, -0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Here's what you can learn from the conservativ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "Rajneeti News (Stardust: Oldest material on ea... | \n", + "[-0.4446831941604614, -0.11513718217611313, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Rajneeti News (Stardust: Oldest material on ea... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "In 2008, Laskar and Gastineau simulated 2500 f... | \n", + "[-0.7734904885292053, -0.19835318624973297, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "In 2008, Laskar and Gastineau simulated 2500 f... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "Why are you still calling it a plane crash ð§... | \n", + "[-0.12437181919813156, 1.112841010093689, 0.27... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Why are you still calling it a plane crash ð§... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "Report recieved of a 9 vehicle RTC on M66 betw... | \n", + "[-0.38135823607444763, 1.1142768859863281, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Report recieved of a 9 vehicle RTC on M66 betw... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "** Cleared ** The vehicles involved in the col... | \n", + "[-0.2368348389863968, 0.9701917171478271, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "** Cleared ** The vehicles involved in the col... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "105 is the number to call if you have a power ... | \n", + "[-0.8241100907325745, 1.1454272270202637, -0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "105 is the number to call if you have a power ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "Stress is something that affects many of us. I... | \n", + "[-0.9658268690109253, 0.5662633776664734, -0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Stress is something that affects many of us. I... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "Re: #AustraliaBushfires, a question for any #f... | \n", + "[-0.6997240781784058, 0.5168095827102661, 0.12... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Re: #AustraliaBushfires, a question for any #f... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "Enormous exploding sinkhole in China swallows ... | \n", + "[-0.5793707370758057, -0.18351595103740692, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Enormous exploding sinkhole in China swallows ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "This creature whoâs soul is no longer claren... | \n", + "[-0.4663412868976593, 0.04406387358903885, 0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "This creature whoâs soul is no longer claren... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "In 70 CE Titus the son of the Roman Emperor Ve... | \n", + "[-0.8847564458847046, -0.1676793396472931, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "In 70 CE Titus the son of the Roman Emperor Ve... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "#BREAKING: Trudeau says the 57 Canadians kille... | \n", + "[-0.45176926255226135, -0.1339559406042099, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "#BREAKING: Trudeau says the 57 Canadians kille... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "airplane accident answers. The US designated t... | \n", + "[-0.2922760844230652, 0.3953195810317993, -0.1... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "airplane accident answers. The US designated t... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "Unlike previous State of the nation addresses,... | \n", + "[-0.8965665698051453, 0.9926007986068726, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Unlike previous State of the nation addresses,... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "Woodbury takes emergency action to address #wa... | \n", + "[-0.7830190658569336, 0.8649871349334717, 0.20... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Woodbury takes emergency action to address #wa... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "Mudslide closes Kailua-bound lane of Pali High... | \n", + "[-0.42747634649276733, 0.13894236087799072, -0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Mudslide closes Kailua-bound lane of Pali High... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "á´Êá´Êá´É´s... á´Êá´Ê'Êá´ É´á´á´ ... | \n", + "[-0.5791727304458618, 0.11972904205322266, 0.4... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "á´Êá´Êá´É´s... á´Êá´Ê'Êá´ É´á´á´ ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "Eduardo Degrano looks at the damage to his hom... | \n", + "[-1.1623308658599854, 0.569926917552948, -0.58... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "Eduardo Degrano looks at the damage to his hom... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "darinde...how i wish i could put these in hot ... | \n", + "[-1.5163923501968384, 0.6165133118629456, -0.5... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "darinde...how i wish i could put these in hot ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "Earthquake Information No.1 Date and Time: 14 ... | \n", + "[-1.085410714149475, -0.15019290149211884, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Earthquake Information No.1 Date and Time: 14 ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "âItâs a blight on the country as a whole.â... | \n", + "[-0.5412101745605469, 0.611747682094574, -0.00... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "âItâs a blight on the country as a whole.â... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "I don't mind being your enemy if you're an ene... | \n", + "[-0.6546711325645447, 0.43016937375068665, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "I don't mind being your enemy if you're an ene... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "A follow-up to yesterday's Pakistan post: In t... | \n", + "[-1.091268539428711, -0.17232197523117065, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "A follow-up to yesterday's Pakistan post: In t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "âPassed away.â This euphemistic trash is p... | \n", + "[-1.0350548028945923, 0.04470200464129448, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "âPassed away.â This euphemistic trash is p... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "I wonder how many homes could have been saved ... | \n", + "[-0.6520278453826904, 0.6858862042427063, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "I wonder how many homes could have been saved ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "I just zoom it and took ss and feel attack.. H... | \n", + "[-0.9297969937324524, -0.12180554866790771, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "I just zoom it and took ss and feel attack.. H... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "Human Body Parts Discovered In Bag In Dublin h... | \n", + "[-0.6394882202148438, 0.8264853954315186, 0.34... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "Human Body Parts Discovered In Bag In Dublin h... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "It is not just an Australian problem. We need ... | \n", + "[-0.7464641332626343, 0.9418659806251526, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "It is not just an Australian problem. We need ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "If I didn't need my Crutch I would seriously w... | \n", + "[-1.1001498699188232, 1.0316743850708008, -0.3... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "If I didn't need my Crutch I would seriously w... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "But it eventually will have to work without...... | \n", + "[-0.6016444563865662, 0.95436030626297, -0.232... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "But it eventually will have to work without...... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "... #MAGA5G.LiVEViL+ my recommended read not f... | \n", + "[-0.8835289478302002, 0.3090209364891052, 0.29... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "... #MAGA5G.LiVEViL+ my recommended read not f... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "This earlier collision N'bound between J9 Red ... | \n", + "[-0.19473275542259216, 0.8363125920295715, 0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "This earlier collision N'bound between J9 Red ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "I feel attacked. https://t.co/PrtvRimq6y | \n", + "[-0.4955633580684662, 0.16522228717803955, 0.6... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "I feel attacked. https://t.co/PrtvRimq6y | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "For the past several months, after imposing a ... | \n", + "[-0.5843112468719482, 0.04129549860954285, 0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "For the past several months, after imposing a ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "Yuck! Looks like she's wearing a body bag. May... | \n", + "[-1.058443307876587, 0.23154138028621674, -0.4... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "Yuck! Looks like she's wearing a body bag. May... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "Such a loss to and the people of NE Fife. pays... | \n", + "[-0.9249093532562256, -0.045939963310956955, -... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Such a loss to and the people of NE Fife. pays... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "This rain going dumb, itâs flooding now | \n", + "[-1.7112693786621094, 0.5982310175895691, -0.2... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "This rain going dumb, itâs flooding now | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "WEATHER ALERT: Severe Thunderstorm Warning inc... | \n", + "[-0.7861663699150085, 0.22981716692447662, -0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "WEATHER ALERT: Severe Thunderstorm Warning inc... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "All the buildings in the capital were destroyed | \n", + "[-0.39346593618392944, 0.33815115690231323, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","positive | \n","
1 | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
595 | \n","bangali desh bechne main sabse aage | \n","positive | \n","
596 | \n","national media channels were gaged not cover t... | \n","positive | \n","
597 | \n","been following these threads from the beginni... | \n","negative | \n","
598 | \n","pretty sure this sarcasm satire the news 1500... | \n","positive | \n","
599 | \n","much would love for namo our next hard imagin... | \n","positive | \n","
600 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | origin_index | \n","text | \n","y | \n","sentence | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","
0 | \n","0 | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","positive | \n","[its true they had cut the power what doucheba... | \n","[0.033111296594142914, 0.053994592279195786, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.626655 | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","
1 | \n","1 | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","positive | \n","[fuck giroud better finishing like this month] | \n","[0.0678204670548439, 0.01411951333284378, -0.0... | \n","positive | \n","0.653644 | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","
2 | \n","2 | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","positive | \n","[looks shit now but still proud made] | \n","[0.03247417137026787, -0.09844466298818588, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.660186 | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","
3 | \n","3 | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","[pelor the burning hate the best evil god] | \n","[0.04032062366604805, 0.07666622847318649, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.578461 | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","
4 | \n","4 | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","[can ask what you with something this powerful] | \n","[0.015518003143370152, -0.05116305500268936, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.691478 | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","
5 | \n","5 | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","negative | \n","[aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency la... | \n","[0.02478150464594364, -0.06508146971464157, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.612378 | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","
6 | \n","6 | \n","fuck yeah | \n","negative | \n","[fuck yeah] | \n","[0.046024102717638016, -0.02504798397421837, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.586349 | \n","fuck yeah | \n","
7 | \n","7 | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","positive | \n","[honestly really surprised alice ranked that l... | \n","[-0.035716041922569275, -0.04127982258796692, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.654837 | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","
8 | \n","8 | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","negative | \n","[didn care about politics before now hate] | \n","[-0.006816443987190723, 0.06221264228224754, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.581450 | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","
9 | \n","9 | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","negative | \n","[hard nips and goosebumps] | \n","[-0.02919699251651764, -0.030449824407696724, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.580563 | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","
10 | \n","10 | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","negative | \n","[varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tr... | \n","[0.04727796092629433, -0.06792476028203964, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.621601 | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","
11 | \n","11 | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","positive | \n","[old man has lost his mind] | \n","[0.039657335728406906, -0.04277808964252472, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.639790 | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","
12 | \n","12 | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","negative | \n","[why this being downvoted you might ask both m... | \n","[0.06581216305494308, -0.06079106032848358, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.629655 | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","
13 | \n","13 | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply do... | \n","positive | \n","[hasnt changed all apolitical before simply do... | \n","[0.03509754315018654, -0.004639611579477787, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.624468 | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply don... | \n","
14 | \n","14 | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","negative | \n","[for one campaign pretty much just snatched th... | \n","[0.017386479303240776, 0.0443551279604435, -0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.618989 | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","
15 | \n","15 | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","positive | \n","[vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition... | \n","[0.0372871570289135, -0.051079731434583664, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.661443 | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","
16 | \n","16 | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","positive | \n","[lol this only proves how desperate they are g... | \n","[0.05233633145689964, -0.03147873282432556, 0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.615814 | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","
17 | \n","17 | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example ... | \n","negative | \n","[dont hate aap but your questions are example ... | \n","[0.026356501504778862, -0.04044199362397194, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.614039 | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example w... | \n","
18 | \n","18 | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","negative | \n","[what were the other policies you discussed no... | \n","[-0.07521010935306549, 0.008543566800653934, 0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.581745 | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","
19 | \n","19 | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","positive | \n","[wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukush... | \n","[-0.069316066801548, -0.015458517707884312, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.663116 | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","
20 | \n","20 | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","negative | \n","[sorry know this isn what you asked just venti... | \n","[0.016777774319052696, -0.05478339642286301, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.618847 | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","
21 | \n","21 | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief min... | \n","positive | \n","[coming out strongly against gujarat chief min... | \n","[0.06856724619865417, -0.019821861758828163, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.640057 | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief mini... | \n","
22 | \n","22 | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","positive | \n","[there one tool bjp can use their manifesto wh... | \n","[0.057847339659929276, -0.05365725979208946, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.648467 | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","
23 | \n","23 | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","positive | \n","[jakiro spotted the middle top maybe] | \n","[-0.011690961197018623, -0.024473996832966805,... | \n","positive | \n","0.678376 | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","
24 | \n","24 | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them t... | \n","positive | \n","[family mormon have never tried explain them t... | \n","[0.03987010195851326, -0.0009543427731841803, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.678150 | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them th... | \n","
25 | \n","25 | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","negative | \n","[with these results would have grudgingly acce... | \n","[0.034668292850255966, -0.05392604321241379, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.632179 | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","
26 | \n","26 | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after ... | \n","negative | \n","[tea partier expresses support for namo after ... | \n","[0.032365716993808746, -0.056087080389261246, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.587468 | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after e... | \n","
27 | \n","27 | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","negative | \n","[politically would stupid move take stand righ... | \n","[-0.00040777752292342484, -0.01262842211872339... | \n","neutral | \n","0.593538 | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","
28 | \n","28 | \n","wtf why | \n","negative | \n","[wtf why] | \n","[0.025807170197367668, -0.07080958038568497, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.584124 | \n","wtf why | \n","
29 | \n","29 | \n","have actually seen lot users views change dur... | \n","positive | \n","[have actually seen lot users views change dur... | \n","[-0.009333955124020576, 0.01388698909431696, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.649225 | \n","have actually seen lot users views change duri... | \n","
30 | \n","30 | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","positive | \n","[truth told there not insignificant percentage... | \n","[0.03927519917488098, -0.05597652122378349, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.649703 | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","
31 | \n","31 | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","positive | \n","[was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp... | \n","[0.03805134445428848, -0.030298737809062004, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.639704 | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","
32 | \n","32 | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","positive | \n","[most religions have dogmatic orthodox well es... | \n","[0.03939439728856087, -0.02040349319577217, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.684981 | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","
33 | \n","33 | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","positive | \n","[laureatte sen said christian schools are perf... | \n","[0.05267934128642082, 0.05836360529065132, 0.0... | \n","positive | \n","0.647901 | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","
34 | \n","34 | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch... | \n","positive | \n","[need stop watching the garbage that you watch... | \n","[-0.012382612563669682, 0.01988200470805168, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.653579 | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch ... | \n","
35 | \n","35 | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","negative | \n","[gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt m... | \n","[0.027552243322134018, 0.013075066730380058, 0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.593626 | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","
36 | \n","36 | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the... | \n","negative | \n","[hate aap for the other thread points such the... | \n","[0.014617362059652805, -0.038017578423023224, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.618540 | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the ... | \n","
37 | \n","37 | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","negative | \n","[absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst... | \n","[0.0109744006767869, 0.0033110964577645063, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.623482 | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","
38 | \n","38 | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throu... | \n","negative | \n","[are you corrupt mind have you benefited throu... | \n","[0.03834373503923416, -0.06521473079919815, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.599771 | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throug... | \n","
39 | \n","39 | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","positive | \n","[congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad ... | \n","[0.03138439729809761, -0.06221967190504074, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.649323 | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","
40 | \n","40 | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","negative | \n","[protip don type uppercase text all caps harde... | \n","[0.044019922614097595, 0.025341013446450233, 0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.567544 | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","
41 | \n","41 | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his wil... | \n","positive | \n","[brother trog very wrathful indeed but his wil... | \n","[-0.024625714868307114, 0.06193268671631813, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.654243 | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his will... | \n","
42 | \n","42 | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this ... | \n","positive | \n","[start off saying that the craftsmanship this ... | \n","[0.05780624598264694, -0.06291750818490982, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.707086 | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this p... | \n","
43 | \n","43 | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron h... | \n","negative | \n","[have made request unban namoarmy hell moron h... | \n","[0.015555822290480137, -0.012748800218105316, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.578515 | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron ho... | \n","
44 | \n","44 | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and ... | \n","negative | \n","[child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and ... | \n","[0.05774841457605362, -0.05956699699163437, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.608462 | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and y... | \n","
45 | \n","45 | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","negative | \n","[namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know] | \n","[0.025534288957715034, 0.004176765214651823, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.576838 | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","
46 | \n","46 | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","positive | \n","[great agility from akpom cut back and bend] | \n","[0.06865684688091278, -0.02164856530725956, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.676614 | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","
47 | \n","47 | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","positive | \n","[from undecided pro aap they are not perfect b... | \n","[0.01590304635465145, -0.0683458000421524, -0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.651092 | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","
48 | \n","48 | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","negative | \n","[woah there don insane with pray mean you don ... | \n","[0.050547026097774506, -0.01725909113883972, 0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.573394 | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","
49 | \n","49 | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","positive | \n","[porngress wont announce their candidate cuz t... | \n","[0.05935536324977875, -0.051609162241220474, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.662533 | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","
\n"," | origin_index | \n","sentence | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","
0 | \n","0 | \n","[Indian prime minister was assinated!] | \n","[0.012644989416003227, -0.04661174491047859, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.6117 | \n","Indian prime minister was assinated! | \n","
\n"," | origin_index | \n","text | \n","y | \n","sentence | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","
0 | \n","0 | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","positive | \n","[its true they had cut the power what doucheba... | \n","[0.033111296594142914, 0.053994592279195786, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.761194 | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","
1 | \n","1 | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","positive | \n","[fuck giroud better finishing like this month] | \n","[0.0678204670548439, 0.01411951333284378, -0.0... | \n","positive | \n","0.938677 | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","
2 | \n","2 | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","positive | \n","[looks shit now but still proud made] | \n","[0.03247417137026787, -0.09844466298818588, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.954937 | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","
3 | \n","3 | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","[pelor the burning hate the best evil god] | \n","[0.04032062366604805, 0.07666622847318649, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.810980 | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","
4 | \n","4 | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","[can ask what you with something this powerful] | \n","[0.015518003143370152, -0.05116305500268936, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.956043 | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","
5 | \n","5 | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","negative | \n","[aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency la... | \n","[0.02478150464594364, -0.06508146971464157, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.708917 | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","
6 | \n","6 | \n","fuck yeah | \n","negative | \n","[fuck yeah] | \n","[0.046024102717638016, -0.02504798397421837, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.731940 | \n","fuck yeah | \n","
7 | \n","7 | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","positive | \n","[honestly really surprised alice ranked that l... | \n","[-0.035716041922569275, -0.04127982258796692, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.966494 | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","
8 | \n","8 | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","negative | \n","[didn care about politics before now hate] | \n","[-0.006816443987190723, 0.06221264228224754, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.672320 | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","
9 | \n","9 | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","negative | \n","[hard nips and goosebumps] | \n","[-0.02919699251651764, -0.030449824407696724, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.604969 | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","
10 | \n","10 | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","negative | \n","[varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tr... | \n","[0.04727796092629433, -0.06792476028203964, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.639880 | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","
11 | \n","11 | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","positive | \n","[old man has lost his mind] | \n","[0.039657335728406906, -0.04277808964252472, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.929136 | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","
12 | \n","12 | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","negative | \n","[why this being downvoted you might ask both m... | \n","[0.06581216305494308, -0.06079106032848358, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.546161 | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","
13 | \n","13 | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply do... | \n","positive | \n","[hasnt changed all apolitical before simply do... | \n","[0.03509754315018654, -0.004639611579477787, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.883017 | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply don... | \n","
14 | \n","14 | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","negative | \n","[for one campaign pretty much just snatched th... | \n","[0.017386479303240776, 0.0443551279604435, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.636396 | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","
15 | \n","15 | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","positive | \n","[vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition... | \n","[0.0372871570289135, -0.051079731434583664, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.848566 | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","
16 | \n","16 | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","positive | \n","[lol this only proves how desperate they are g... | \n","[0.05233633145689964, -0.03147873282432556, 0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.819890 | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","
17 | \n","17 | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example ... | \n","negative | \n","[dont hate aap but your questions are example ... | \n","[0.026356501504778862, -0.04044199362397194, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.724538 | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example w... | \n","
18 | \n","18 | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","negative | \n","[what were the other policies you discussed no... | \n","[-0.07521010935306549, 0.008543566800653934, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.732422 | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","
19 | \n","19 | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","positive | \n","[wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukush... | \n","[-0.069316066801548, -0.015458517707884312, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.971349 | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","
20 | \n","20 | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","negative | \n","[sorry know this isn what you asked just venti... | \n","[0.016777774319052696, -0.05478339642286301, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.623325 | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","
21 | \n","21 | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief min... | \n","positive | \n","[coming out strongly against gujarat chief min... | \n","[0.06856724619865417, -0.019821861758828163, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.736283 | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief mini... | \n","
22 | \n","22 | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","positive | \n","[there one tool bjp can use their manifesto wh... | \n","[0.057847339659929276, -0.05365725979208946, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.870023 | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","
23 | \n","23 | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","positive | \n","[jakiro spotted the middle top maybe] | \n","[-0.011690961197018623, -0.024473996832966805,... | \n","positive | \n","0.965604 | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","
24 | \n","24 | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them t... | \n","positive | \n","[family mormon have never tried explain them t... | \n","[0.03987010195851326, -0.0009543427731841803, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.964053 | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them th... | \n","
25 | \n","25 | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","negative | \n","[with these results would have grudgingly acce... | \n","[0.034668292850255966, -0.05392604321241379, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.521401 | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","
26 | \n","26 | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after ... | \n","negative | \n","[tea partier expresses support for namo after ... | \n","[0.032365716993808746, -0.056087080389261246, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.837552 | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after e... | \n","
27 | \n","27 | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","negative | \n","[politically would stupid move take stand righ... | \n","[-0.00040777752292342484, -0.01262842211872339... | \n","neutral | \n","0.541656 | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","
28 | \n","28 | \n","wtf why | \n","negative | \n","[wtf why] | \n","[0.025807170197367668, -0.07080958038568497, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.747054 | \n","wtf why | \n","
29 | \n","29 | \n","have actually seen lot users views change dur... | \n","positive | \n","[have actually seen lot users views change dur... | \n","[-0.009333955124020576, 0.01388698909431696, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.818759 | \n","have actually seen lot users views change duri... | \n","
30 | \n","30 | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","positive | \n","[truth told there not insignificant percentage... | \n","[0.03927519917488098, -0.05597652122378349, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.776765 | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","
31 | \n","31 | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","positive | \n","[was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp... | \n","[0.03805134445428848, -0.030298737809062004, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.630857 | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","
32 | \n","32 | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","positive | \n","[most religions have dogmatic orthodox well es... | \n","[0.03939439728856087, -0.02040349319577217, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.972607 | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","
33 | \n","33 | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","positive | \n","[laureatte sen said christian schools are perf... | \n","[0.05267934128642082, 0.05836360529065132, 0.0... | \n","positive | \n","0.911020 | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","
34 | \n","34 | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch... | \n","positive | \n","[need stop watching the garbage that you watch... | \n","[-0.012382612563669682, 0.01988200470805168, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.954440 | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch ... | \n","
35 | \n","35 | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","negative | \n","[gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt m... | \n","[0.027552243322134018, 0.013075066730380058, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.767667 | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","
36 | \n","36 | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the... | \n","negative | \n","[hate aap for the other thread points such the... | \n","[0.014617362059652805, -0.038017578423023224, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.690414 | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the ... | \n","
37 | \n","37 | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","negative | \n","[absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst... | \n","[0.0109744006767869, 0.0033110964577645063, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.581476 | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","
38 | \n","38 | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throu... | \n","negative | \n","[are you corrupt mind have you benefited throu... | \n","[0.03834373503923416, -0.06521473079919815, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.783217 | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throug... | \n","
39 | \n","39 | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","positive | \n","[congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad ... | \n","[0.03138439729809761, -0.06221967190504074, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.764358 | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","
40 | \n","40 | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","negative | \n","[protip don type uppercase text all caps harde... | \n","[0.044019922614097595, 0.025341013446450233, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.738550 | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","
41 | \n","41 | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his wil... | \n","positive | \n","[brother trog very wrathful indeed but his wil... | \n","[-0.024625714868307114, 0.06193268671631813, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.923871 | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his will... | \n","
42 | \n","42 | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this ... | \n","positive | \n","[start off saying that the craftsmanship this ... | \n","[0.05780624598264694, -0.06291750818490982, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.985073 | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this p... | \n","
43 | \n","43 | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron h... | \n","negative | \n","[have made request unban namoarmy hell moron h... | \n","[0.015555822290480137, -0.012748800218105316, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.796430 | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron ho... | \n","
44 | \n","44 | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and ... | \n","negative | \n","[child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and ... | \n","[0.05774841457605362, -0.05956699699163437, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.709697 | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and y... | \n","
45 | \n","45 | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","negative | \n","[namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know] | \n","[0.025534288957715034, 0.004176765214651823, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.851523 | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","
46 | \n","46 | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","positive | \n","[great agility from akpom cut back and bend] | \n","[0.06865684688091278, -0.02164856530725956, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.966416 | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","
47 | \n","47 | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","positive | \n","[from undecided pro aap they are not perfect b... | \n","[0.01590304635465145, -0.0683458000421524, -0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.891286 | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","
48 | \n","48 | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","negative | \n","[woah there don insane with pray mean you don ... | \n","[0.050547026097774506, -0.01725909113883972, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.798072 | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","
49 | \n","49 | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","positive | \n","[porngress wont announce their candidate cuz t... | \n","[0.05935536324977875, -0.051609162241220474, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.858500 | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","
\n"," | origin_index | \n","text | \n","sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n","sentence | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","sentiment | \n","document | \n","
0 | \n","8589934592 | \n","Indian prime minister was assinated | \n","[[-0.09739551693201065, 0.23939256370067596, 0... | \n","[Indian prime minister was assinated] | \n","[0.81195] | \n","[negative] | \n","Indian prime minister was assinated | \n","
\n", + " | text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "title edit 56dd brend ambasittur for vidya sec... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "this reminds kunkka old dota loading screen ar... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "meanwhile the other news cms intenttarget | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "lovely finish there giroud | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "glad see kurisu made with surprising results d... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
595 | \n", + "true india needs top universities and not fdi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
596 | \n", + "why did miyaichi come off early | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
597 | \n", + "indian media has lost its credibility now ital... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
598 | \n", + "malaysia french satellite find further debris ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
599 | \n", + "tell many people you can vote for modi this go... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
600 rows × 2 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "title edit 56dd brend ambasittur for vidya secret | \n", + "[-0.13924618065357208, 0.03819392994046211, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "title edit 56dd brend ambasittur for vidya sec... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "this reminds kunkka old dota loading screen ar... | \n", + "[-0.05514780059456825, -0.02986345998942852, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "this reminds kunkka old dota loading screen ar... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "meanwhile the other news cms intenttarget | \n", + "[-1.3784979581832886, -0.05633991211652756, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "meanwhile the other news cms intenttarget | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "lovely finish there giroud | \n", + "[-1.026403546333313, -0.5962088108062744, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "lovely finish there giroud | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "glad see kurisu made with surprising results d... | \n", + "[-1.3281804323196411, -0.3425588011741638, 0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "glad see kurisu made with surprising results d... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "wee jas lawful neutral god death magic and nec... | \n", + "[-1.090584635734558, -0.39823225140571594, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "wee jas lawful neutral god death magic and nec... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "holy fuck this amazing | \n", + "[-2.318075656890869, -0.10535052418708801, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "holy fuck this amazing | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "yougaiz yougaiz who interested parineeti chopr... | \n", + "[-0.7263230085372925, -0.9229655861854553, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "yougaiz yougaiz who interested parineeti chopr... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "not whole lot has changed except the fact that... | \n", + "[-1.1650828123092651, 0.09717072546482086, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "not whole lot has changed except the fact that... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "different times different cultures same point ... | \n", + "[-1.5615334510803223, -0.6228992938995361, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "different times different cultures same point ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "too much attention | \n", + "[-1.473575234413147, 0.6288167834281921, -0.68... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "too much attention | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "its nice and all but your monitors make want b... | \n", + "[-0.8991073966026306, 0.8156149983406067, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "its nice and all but your monitors make want b... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "india turns into toi comments section the mome... | \n", + "[-0.7343364357948303, -0.12650255858898163, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "india turns into toi comments section the mom... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "nice build man pretty damn sexy can ask why ti... | \n", + "[-1.21924889087677, 0.21342627704143524, -0.40... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "nice build man pretty damn sexy can ask why ti... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "rofl why are you asking permission you and you... | \n", + "[-0.8997104167938232, 0.45302870869636536, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "rofl why are you asking permission you and you... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "seriously did you infographic maker even consi... | \n", + "[-0.8621772527694702, 0.4609760046005249, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "seriously did you infographic maker even consi... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "cliche but you can wrong with cyric mean was m... | \n", + "[-1.3570650815963745, -0.10502084344625473, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "cliche but you can wrong with cyric mean was ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "from whatever heard this the model modi speech... | \n", + "[-0.8209349513053894, 0.2195633053779602, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "from whatever heard this the model modi speech... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "heard there was direct line narendra modi whic... | \n", + "[-0.4502873718738556, -0.10798719525337219, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "heard there was direct line narendra modi whi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n", + "[-0.6922494173049927, 0.08739931136369705, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "many them fear namo being prime minister could... | \n", + "[-1.3202203512191772, -0.021619228646159172, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "many them fear namo being prime minister coul... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "source will have accommodate hindus from bangl... | \n", + "[-0.6071749329566956, 0.21432138979434967, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "source will have accommodate hindus from bang... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "confirmed woman and this india 186 comments le... | \n", + "[-0.7401843070983887, -0.4919162094593048, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "confirmed woman and this india 186 comments l... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "prepared for downvotes but after watching seve... | \n", + "[-0.5390527844429016, 1.0651843547821045, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "prepared for downvotes but after watching sev... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "delhi not sleeping after long day see congress... | \n", + "[-1.3164680004119873, 0.059689976274967194, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "delhi not sleeping after long day see congres... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "would like bjp come out support scrapping sec ... | \n", + "[-0.39008525013923645, 0.6130499243736267, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "would like bjp come out support scrapping sec... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "update still found debris black boxes evidence... | \n", + "[-0.5251181721687317, 0.5843355059623718, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "update still found debris black boxes evidenc... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n", + "[-0.42395493388175964, 0.3328923285007477, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "wtf why | \n", + "[-1.0021588802337646, 1.2250791788101196, 0.05... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "wtf why | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "fantastic strike the | \n", + "[-0.6758270859718323, -0.2134172022342682, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "fantastic strike the | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "you mean the ruling coalition government hatch... | \n", + "[-0.5493559837341309, -0.2645500600337982, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "you mean the ruling coalition government hatch... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "before used anti rss result anti bjp very skep... | \n", + "[-0.11697939038276672, 0.26724380254745483, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "before used anti rss result anti bjp very ske... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "first understand that you are not anyway contr... | \n", + "[-1.1990007162094116, -0.23811395466327667, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "first understand that you are not anyway contr... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "personally for shooting muslims and internetof... | \n", + "[-1.314710259437561, -0.07083063572645187, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "personally for shooting muslims and internetof... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "nice build one thing caught eye absolute splur... | \n", + "[-0.3646998703479767, -0.6708006262779236, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "nice build one thing caught eye absolute splur... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "looks shit now but still proud made | \n", + "[-1.128523588180542, 0.31619158387184143, 0.02... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "looks shit now but still proud made | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "what wrong with that another lame ass attempt ... | \n", + "[-1.9695912599563599, 0.27932408452033997, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "what wrong with that another lame ass attempt ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "how difficult was get the length and bend the ... | \n", + "[-1.2320657968521118, 0.9790331721305847, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "how difficult was get the length and bend the ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "very impressed with gnabry movement and linkin... | \n", + "[-0.3107994794845581, 0.3307916522026062, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "very impressed with gnabry movement and linki... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "here interesting tidbit what the like off pert... | \n", + "[-0.308876633644104, 0.49783819913864136, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "here interesting tidbit what the like off pert... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "false dichotomy either you are for for bjp you... | \n", + "[-0.6038466691970825, 0.2866456210613251, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "false dichotomy either you are for for bjp you... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "angry namo bhaktas the survival the angry namo... | \n", + "[-1.20363450050354, -1.119809627532959, -0.183... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "angry namo bhaktas the survival the angry namo... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "this would issue these people were prosecuted ... | \n", + "[-0.853580892086029, 0.8160178661346436, 0.117... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "this would issue these people were prosecuted ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "hate free india would boring love hate relatio... | \n", + "[-0.28927552700042725, -0.9648609757423401, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "hate free india would boring love hate relati... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "this getting bit silly now | \n", + "[-1.1343425512313843, -0.030997686088085175, 0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "this getting bit silly now | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "giroud should done better but great ball rosicky | \n", + "[-1.308074951171875, -0.03950951248407364, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "giroud should done better but great ball rosicky | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n", + "[-2.2450177669525146, -0.5104915499687195, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "won vote for aap anymore that for sure though ... | \n", + "[-0.7843935489654541, -0.32822510600090027, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "won vote for aap anymore that for sure though... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "regardless the opposition all girouds goals ha... | \n", + "[-1.635783076286316, 0.30238792300224304, -0.7... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "regardless the opposition all girouds goals ha... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "directly pleading people who oppose modi just ... | \n", + "[-0.7491450905799866, -0.4327720105648041, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "directly pleading people who oppose modi just... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
\n", + " | sentence | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Indian prime minister was assinated! | \n", + "[-0.7613918781280518, 0.7001779079437256, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.999982 | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "title edit 56dd brend ambasittur for vidya secret | \n", + "[-0.13924618065357208, 0.03819392994046211, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "title edit 56dd brend ambasittur for vidya sec... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "this reminds kunkka old dota loading screen ar... | \n", + "[-0.05514780059456825, -0.02986345998942852, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "this reminds kunkka old dota loading screen ar... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "meanwhile the other news cms intenttarget | \n", + "[-1.3784979581832886, -0.05633991211652756, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "meanwhile the other news cms intenttarget | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "lovely finish there giroud | \n", + "[-1.026403546333313, -0.5962088108062744, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "lovely finish there giroud | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "glad see kurisu made with surprising results d... | \n", + "[-1.3281804323196411, -0.3425588011741638, 0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "glad see kurisu made with surprising results d... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "wee jas lawful neutral god death magic and nec... | \n", + "[-1.090584635734558, -0.39823225140571594, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "wee jas lawful neutral god death magic and nec... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "holy fuck this amazing | \n", + "[-2.318075656890869, -0.10535052418708801, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "holy fuck this amazing | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "yougaiz yougaiz who interested parineeti chopr... | \n", + "[-0.7263230085372925, -0.9229655861854553, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "yougaiz yougaiz who interested parineeti chopr... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "not whole lot has changed except the fact that... | \n", + "[-1.1650828123092651, 0.09717072546482086, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "not whole lot has changed except the fact that... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "different times different cultures same point ... | \n", + "[-1.5615334510803223, -0.6228992938995361, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "different times different cultures same point ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "too much attention | \n", + "[-1.473575234413147, 0.6288167834281921, -0.68... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "too much attention | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "its nice and all but your monitors make want b... | \n", + "[-0.8991073966026306, 0.8156149983406067, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "its nice and all but your monitors make want b... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "india turns into toi comments section the mome... | \n", + "[-0.7343364357948303, -0.12650255858898163, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "india turns into toi comments section the mom... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "nice build man pretty damn sexy can ask why ti... | \n", + "[-1.21924889087677, 0.21342627704143524, -0.40... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "nice build man pretty damn sexy can ask why ti... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "rofl why are you asking permission you and you... | \n", + "[-0.8997104167938232, 0.45302870869636536, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "rofl why are you asking permission you and you... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "seriously did you infographic maker even consi... | \n", + "[-0.8621772527694702, 0.4609760046005249, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "seriously did you infographic maker even consi... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "cliche but you can wrong with cyric mean was m... | \n", + "[-1.3570650815963745, -0.10502084344625473, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "cliche but you can wrong with cyric mean was ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "from whatever heard this the model modi speech... | \n", + "[-0.8209349513053894, 0.2195633053779602, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "from whatever heard this the model modi speech... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "heard there was direct line narendra modi whic... | \n", + "[-0.4502873718738556, -0.10798719525337219, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "heard there was direct line narendra modi whi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n", + "[-0.6922494173049927, 0.08739931136369705, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "many them fear namo being prime minister could... | \n", + "[-1.3202203512191772, -0.021619228646159172, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "many them fear namo being prime minister coul... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "source will have accommodate hindus from bangl... | \n", + "[-0.6071749329566956, 0.21432138979434967, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "source will have accommodate hindus from bang... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "confirmed woman and this india 186 comments le... | \n", + "[-0.7401843070983887, -0.4919162094593048, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "confirmed woman and this india 186 comments l... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "prepared for downvotes but after watching seve... | \n", + "[-0.5390527844429016, 1.0651843547821045, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "prepared for downvotes but after watching sev... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "delhi not sleeping after long day see congress... | \n", + "[-1.3164680004119873, 0.059689976274967194, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "delhi not sleeping after long day see congres... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "would like bjp come out support scrapping sec ... | \n", + "[-0.39008525013923645, 0.6130499243736267, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "would like bjp come out support scrapping sec... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "update still found debris black boxes evidence... | \n", + "[-0.5251181721687317, 0.5843355059623718, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "update still found debris black boxes evidenc... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n", + "[-0.42395493388175964, 0.3328923285007477, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "wtf why | \n", + "[-1.0021588802337646, 1.2250791788101196, 0.05... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "wtf why | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "fantastic strike the | \n", + "[-0.6758270859718323, -0.2134172022342682, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "fantastic strike the | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "you mean the ruling coalition government hatch... | \n", + "[-0.5493559837341309, -0.2645500600337982, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "you mean the ruling coalition government hatch... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "before used anti rss result anti bjp very skep... | \n", + "[-0.11697939038276672, 0.26724380254745483, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "before used anti rss result anti bjp very ske... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "first understand that you are not anyway contr... | \n", + "[-1.1990007162094116, -0.23811395466327667, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "first understand that you are not anyway contr... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "personally for shooting muslims and internetof... | \n", + "[-1.314710259437561, -0.07083063572645187, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "personally for shooting muslims and internetof... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "nice build one thing caught eye absolute splur... | \n", + "[-0.3646998703479767, -0.6708006262779236, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "nice build one thing caught eye absolute splur... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "looks shit now but still proud made | \n", + "[-1.128523588180542, 0.31619158387184143, 0.02... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "looks shit now but still proud made | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "what wrong with that another lame ass attempt ... | \n", + "[-1.9695912599563599, 0.27932408452033997, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "what wrong with that another lame ass attempt ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "how difficult was get the length and bend the ... | \n", + "[-1.2320657968521118, 0.9790331721305847, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "how difficult was get the length and bend the ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "very impressed with gnabry movement and linkin... | \n", + "[-0.3107994794845581, 0.3307916522026062, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "very impressed with gnabry movement and linki... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "here interesting tidbit what the like off pert... | \n", + "[-0.308876633644104, 0.49783819913864136, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "here interesting tidbit what the like off pert... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "false dichotomy either you are for for bjp you... | \n", + "[-0.6038466691970825, 0.2866456210613251, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "false dichotomy either you are for for bjp you... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "angry namo bhaktas the survival the angry namo... | \n", + "[-1.20363450050354, -1.119809627532959, -0.183... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "angry namo bhaktas the survival the angry namo... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "this would issue these people were prosecuted ... | \n", + "[-0.853580892086029, 0.8160178661346436, 0.117... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "this would issue these people were prosecuted ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "hate free india would boring love hate relatio... | \n", + "[-0.28927552700042725, -0.9648609757423401, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "hate free india would boring love hate relati... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "this getting bit silly now | \n", + "[-1.1343425512313843, -0.030997686088085175, 0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "this getting bit silly now | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "giroud should done better but great ball rosicky | \n", + "[-1.308074951171875, -0.03950951248407364, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "giroud should done better but great ball rosicky | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n", + "[-2.2450177669525146, -0.5104915499687195, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "won vote for aap anymore that for sure though ... | \n", + "[-0.7843935489654541, -0.32822510600090027, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "won vote for aap anymore that for sure though... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "regardless the opposition all girouds goals ha... | \n", + "[-1.635783076286316, 0.30238792300224304, -0.7... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "regardless the opposition all girouds goals ha... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "directly pleading people who oppose modi just ... | \n", + "[-0.7491450905799866, -0.4327720105648041, 0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "directly pleading people who oppose modi just... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Indian prime minister was assinated | \n", + "[-0.09739536792039871, 0.23939242959022522, 0.... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
3761 | \n","P see what happened from October to Dec that s... | \n","negative | \n","
1428 | \n","AAP Closed my short for positiveK Will short a... | \n","negative | \n","
3091 | \n","AAP It may be wise to hold off on buying #AAP ... | \n","negative | \n","
620 | \n","RT @DaveCBenoit: The banking system is not bui... | \n","negative | \n","
1611 | \n","Sensex Slumps Over positive,000 Points From Da... | \n","negative | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
1281 | \n","The rodeo clown sent BK screaming into the S... | \n","negative | \n","
1895 | \n","WMT breaking out of channel + All MAs are lini... | \n","positive | \n","
3458 | \n","keep an eye on IDA presentation bout postive d... | \n","positive | \n","
3399 | \n","DNDN Good place to lock in (some) profit at 7... | \n","positive | \n","
2303 | \n","VVS breaking out of a flag setup. MACD cross-u... | \n","positive | \n","
3200 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | y | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","origin_index | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","document | \n","text | \n","sentence | \n","
0 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.03631044551730156, -0.02809535153210163, -... | \n","0.532420 | \n","3761 | \n","neutral | \n","P see what happened from October to Dec that s... | \n","P see what happened from October to Dec that s... | \n","[P see what happened from October to Dec that ... | \n","
1 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.019356619566679, 0.02282714657485485, 0.00... | \n","0.528691 | \n","1428 | \n","neutral | \n","AAP Closed my short for positiveK Will short a... | \n","AAP Closed my short for positiveK Will short a... | \n","[AAP Closed my short for positiveK Will short ... | \n","
2 | \n","negative | \n","[0.03622237220406532, -0.06491724401712418, 0.... | \n","0.518308 | \n","3091 | \n","neutral | \n","AAP It may be wise to hold off on buying #AAP ... | \n","AAP It may be wise to hold off on buying #AAP ... | \n","[AAP It may be wise to hold off on buying #AAP... | \n","
3 | \n","negative | \n","[0.038874898105859756, 0.025729672983288765, -... | \n","0.538483 | \n","620 | \n","neutral | \n","RT @DaveCBenoit: The banking system is not bui... | \n","RT @DaveCBenoit: The banking system is not bui... | \n","[RT @DaveCBenoit:, The banking system is not ... | \n","
4 | \n","negative | \n","[0.04230193793773651, -0.02588844671845436, -0... | \n","0.526358 | \n","1611 | \n","neutral | \n","Sensex Slumps Over positive,000 Points From Da... | \n","Sensex Slumps Over positive,000 Points From Da... | \n","[Sensex Slumps Over positive,000 Points From D... | \n","
5 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.000432533270213753, -0.009179827757179737,... | \n","0.530686 | \n","876 | \n","neutral | \n","Selling your home to a computer was supposed t... | \n","Selling your home to a computer was supposed t... | \n","[Selling your home to a computer was supposed ... | \n","
6 | \n","positive | \n","[0.06600425392389297, -0.022004421800374985, -... | \n","0.581016 | \n","1678 | \n","neutral | \n","ed Daily Triangle on HEO,..... pdating ong and... | \n","ed Daily Triangle on HEO,..... pdating ong an... | \n","[ed Daily Triangle on HEO,., .... pdating ong ... | \n","
7 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.017160149291157722, -0.03617899864912033, ... | \n","0.549800 | \n","482 | \n","neutral | \n","P breaking out after expanding from Shark Patt... | \n","P breaking out after expanding from Shark Patt... | \n","[P breaking out after expanding from Shark Pat... | \n","
8 | \n","positive | \n","[0.026538891717791557, -0.06604061275720596, -... | \n","0.568579 | \n","2540 | \n","neutral | \n","Acting well above 26.positive9 flat base trigg... | \n","Acting well above 26.positive9 flat base trigg... | \n","[Acting well above 26.positive9 flat base trig... | \n","
9 | \n","positive | \n","[0.08514805138111115, -0.024943925440311432, -... | \n","0.524013 | \n","2183 | \n","neutral | \n","CYBX broke out to all time highs accompained b... | \n","CYBX broke out to all time highs accompained b... | \n","[CYBX broke out to all time highs accompained ... | \n","
10 | \n","positive | \n","[0.05149979144334793, -0.061731286346912384, -... | \n","0.518314 | \n","3998 | \n","neutral | \n","solid day with MGM AAP SBX leading the way for... | \n","solid day with MGM AAP SBX leading the way for... | \n","[solid day with MGM AAP SBX leading the way fo... | \n","
11 | \n","negative | \n","[0.03843201324343681, -0.0733688548207283, -0.... | \n","0.516091 | \n","19 | \n","neutral | \n","AAP 465 is resistance and heading to 435 in th... | \n","AAP 465 is resistance and heading to 435 in th... | \n","[AAP 465 is resistance and heading to 435 in t... | \n","
12 | \n","negative | \n","[0.02629232406616211, -0.014554189518094063, -... | \n","0.522850 | \n","219 | \n","neutral | \n","CO pointed out this wknd - huge Outside Day - ... | \n","CO pointed out this wknd - huge Outside Day - ... | \n","[CO pointed out this wknd - huge Outside Day -... | \n","
13 | \n","positive | \n","[0.05966312810778618, -0.08997906744480133, -0... | \n","0.611891 | \n","1041 | \n","positive | \n","VVS ong set up: | \n","VVS ong set up: | \n","[VVS ong set up:] | \n","
14 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.003521521808579564, -0.011022194288671017,... | \n","0.545092 | \n","2763 | \n","neutral | \n","DDD come on 40! I got some calls at 0.positive... | \n","DDD come on 40! I got some calls at 0.positive... | \n","[DDD come on 40!, I got some calls at 0.posit... | \n","
15 | \n","positive | \n","[0.07560215145349503, -0.009755599312484264, -... | \n","0.536057 | \n","1683 | \n","neutral | \n","WMB might fill this gap and reverse. | \n","WMB might fill this gap and reverse. | \n","[WMB might fill this gap and reverse.] | \n","
16 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.0117484824731946, -0.007429660763591528, -... | \n","0.536093 | \n","2565 | \n","neutral | \n","Heard on the Street: Funeral providers would s... | \n","Heard on the Street: Funeral providers would s... | \n","[Heard on the Street: Funeral providers would ... | \n","
17 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.03314466401934624, -0.04437091201543808, -... | \n","0.620777 | \n","2065 | \n","positive | \n","user welcome to the TK club | \n","user welcome to the TK club | \n","[user welcome to the TK club] | \n","
18 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.018701869994401932, 0.03903575986623764, -... | \n","0.589417 | \n","2308 | \n","neutral | \n","ed Weekly Triangle on DVAX,....Scaling P | \n","ed Weekly Triangle on DVAX,....Scaling P | \n","[ed Weekly Triangle on DVAX,., ., .., Scaling P] | \n","
19 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.011695394292473793, 0.05609796568751335, -... | \n","0.515030 | \n","3355 | \n","neutral | \n","AAP What does Al Gore know that we don't? | \n","AAP What does Al Gore know that we don't? | \n","[AAP What does Al Gore know that we don't?] | \n","
20 | \n","positive | \n","[0.04774581268429756, -0.03589113429188728, -0... | \n","0.581980 | \n","2594 | \n","neutral | \n","user CSN, yesterday I bough at 25Kpositive.237... | \n","user CSN, yesterday I bough at 25Kpositive.237... | \n","[user CSN, yesterday I bough at 25Kpositive., ... | \n","
21 | \n","positive | \n","[0.04126836359500885, -0.0008074558572843671, ... | \n","0.554633 | \n","3099 | \n","neutral | \n","FAO is deciding its direction #waitforit | \n","FAO is deciding its direction #waitforit | \n","[FAO is deciding its direction #waitforit] | \n","
22 | \n","negative | \n","[0.017080938443541527, 0.021576160565018654, 0... | \n","0.519300 | \n","2091 | \n","neutral | \n","EN Take your profits and run. Nice run up,but ... | \n","EN Take your profits and run. Nice run up,but ... | \n","[EN Take your profits and run., Nice run up,bu... | \n","
23 | \n","negative | \n","[0.04716206341981888, -0.021414492279291153, -... | \n","0.534085 | \n","1819 | \n","neutral | \n","GOOG reminds me so much of AAP in Sept bouncin... | \n","GOOG reminds me so much of AAP in Sept bounci... | \n","[GOOG reminds me so much of AAP in Sept bounci... | \n","
24 | \n","positive | \n","[0.023834621533751488, -0.07077112793922424, -... | \n","0.500451 | \n","3913 | \n","neutral | \n","AAP doji being put in on 60 min after 7 down c... | \n","AAP doji being put in on 60 min after 7 down c... | \n","[AAP doji being put in on 60 min after 7 down ... | \n","
25 | \n","negative | \n","[0.1026904433965683, 0.013861684128642082, -0.... | \n","0.510388 | \n","3117 | \n","neutral | \n","James Dinsmore attributes Bancroft Fundââ¬â... | \n","James Dinsmore attributes Bancroft Fundââ¬â... | \n","[James Dinsmore attributes Bancroft Fundââ¬â... | \n","
26 | \n","positive | \n","[0.006304154172539711, -0.0644269809126854, -0... | \n","0.518708 | \n","695 | \n","neutral | \n","SEV nicely green on red market | \n","SEV nicely green on red market | \n","[SEV nicely green on red market] | \n","
27 | \n","negative | \n","[0.06555721163749695, 0.023601243272423744, -0... | \n","0.515442 | \n","2916 | \n","neutral | \n","VS option trader closes out Feb 50C selling po... | \n","VS option trader closes out Feb 50C selling po... | \n","[VS option trader closes out Feb 50C selling p... | \n","
28 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.0012494433904066682, -0.017743036150932312... | \n","0.596320 | \n","692 | \n","neutral | \n","AON Continuation on good volume | \n","AON Continuation on good volume | \n","[AON Continuation on good volume] | \n","
29 | \n","positive | \n","[0.04852033779025078, 0.00623974809423089, -0.... | \n","0.513316 | \n","475 | \n","neutral | \n","Watch for SGY to break its downward trend line... | \n","Watch for SGY to break its downward trend line... | \n","[Watch for SGY to break its downward trend lin... | \n","
30 | \n","positive | \n","[0.05204714462161064, 0.03000013716518879, -0.... | \n","0.556872 | \n","3159 | \n","neutral | \n","SXC - breaking above key downward channel leve... | \n","SXC - breaking above key downward channel leve... | \n","[SXC - breaking above key downward channel lev... | \n","
31 | \n","negative | \n","[0.053190235048532486, -0.023420613259077072, ... | \n","0.524574 | \n","2102 | \n","neutral | \n","Government May Slash Borrowing From Market In ... | \n","Government May Slash Borrowing From Market In ... | \n","[Government May Slash Borrowing From Market In... | \n","
32 | \n","negative | \n","[0.013695711269974709, 0.031249094754457474, -... | \n","0.501941 | \n","1689 | \n","neutral | \n","CS - To those that doubted me; today is you're... | \n","CS - To those that doubted me; today is you're... | \n","[CS - To those that doubted me; today is you'r... | \n","
33 | \n","positive | \n","[0.03522776812314987, -0.00036802110844291747,... | \n","0.507491 | \n","2455 | \n","neutral | \n","PAB has resistance from June to Sept but Over ... | \n","PAB has resistance from June to Sept but Over ... | \n","[PAB has resistance from June to Sept but Over... | \n","
34 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.05846807360649109, -0.027525130659341812, ... | \n","0.523526 | \n","2337 | \n","neutral | \n","BAC anyone think this might slush and fall bel... | \n","BAC anyone think this might slush and fall bel... | \n","[BAC anyone think this might slush and fall be... | \n","
35 | \n","positive | \n","[0.05771354213356972, -0.03869543969631195, -0... | \n","0.503713 | \n","3529 | \n","neutral | \n","with little whips on pops and drops don't go a... | \n","with little whips on pops and drops don't go a... | \n","[with little whips on pops and drops don't go ... | \n","
36 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.049992404878139496, -0.017947403714060783,... | \n","0.536274 | \n","2076 | \n","neutral | \n","Green Weekly Triangle on CYTX,....pdating | \n","Green Weekly Triangle on CYTX,....pdating | \n","[Green Weekly Triangle on CYTX,., ...pdating] | \n","
37 | \n","positive | \n","[0.006133062299340963, -0.05417517572641373, -... | \n","0.546319 | \n","3012 | \n","neutral | \n","reports next Wed. user: ATW: Barclays starts a... | \n","reports next Wed. user: ATW: Barclays starts ... | \n","[reports next Wed. user: ATW:, Barclays start... | \n","
38 | \n","negative | \n","[0.041309256106615067, 0.02620919793844223, -0... | \n","0.518853 | \n","3805 | \n","neutral | \n","NKD target positive50 - positive2 points to be... | \n","NKD target positive50 - positive2 points to be... | \n","[NKD target positive50 - positive2 points to b... | \n","
39 | \n","positive | \n","[0.0385039821267128, -0.040522705763578415, -0... | \n","0.522853 | \n","3789 | \n","neutral | \n","Positive GOOG earnings pushed NQ_F higher and ... | \n","Positive GOOG earnings pushed NQ_F higher and ... | \n","[Positive GOOG earnings pushed NQ_F higher and... | \n","
40 | \n","positive | \n","[0.05128449201583862, -0.04454624652862549, -0... | \n","0.552043 | \n","3625 | \n","neutral | \n","SSQ pulling back as suspected. uckily sold nea... | \n","SSQ pulling back as suspected. uckily sold nea... | \n","[SSQ pulling back as suspected., uckily sold n... | \n","
41 | \n","negative | \n","[0.018300753086805344, -0.04134758561849594, -... | \n","0.519100 | \n","851 | \n","neutral | \n","NKE potential short for many reasons. Check F ... | \n","NKE potential short for many reasons. Check F ... | \n","[NKE potential short for many reasons., Check ... | \n","
42 | \n","negative | \n","[0.09244795143604279, 0.015826726332306862, -0... | \n","0.534414 | \n","608 | \n","neutral | \n","Supply-chain finance has become popular in rec... | \n","Supply-chain finance has become popular in rec... | \n","[Supply-chain finance has become popular in re... | \n","
43 | \n","positive | \n","[0.042959753423929214, 0.004588234703987837, -... | \n","0.536310 | \n","546 | \n","neutral | \n","AEG Over 28.23 | \n","AEG Over 28.23 | \n","[AEG Over 28.23] | \n","
44 | \n","negative | \n","[0.004285166040062904, -0.07630395889282227, -... | \n","0.506102 | \n","1225 | \n","neutral | \n","AAP Free-falling Now to 457 | \n","AAP Free-falling Now to 457 | \n","[AAP Free-falling Now to 457] | \n","
45 | \n","positive | \n","[0.017030321061611176, -0.022644072771072388, ... | \n","0.500568 | \n","1227 | \n","neutral | \n","BAC positivepositive.75 to positivepositive.80... | \n","BAC positivepositive.75 to positivepositive.80... | \n","[BAC positivepositive., 75 to positivepositive... | \n","
46 | \n","positive | \n","[0.030308598652482033, 0.02380680851638317, -0... | \n","0.513642 | \n","3991 | \n","neutral | \n","NVDA not working so far still holding though. | \n","NVDA not working so far still holding though. | \n","[NVDA not working so far still holding though.] | \n","
47 | \n","negative | \n","[0.05175251513719559, 0.05424535647034645, -0.... | \n","0.512999 | \n","1467 | \n","neutral | \n","CAT Once she loses 86.50 ookout Below!!! Strai... | \n","CAT Once she loses 86.50 ookout Below!!! Strai... | \n","[CAT Once she loses 86.50 ookout Below!, !!, S... | \n","
48 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.022420072928071022, -0.06559137254953384, ... | \n","0.600178 | \n","1000 | \n","positive | \n","My setup alerts went bonkers today..One of man... | \n","My setup alerts went bonkers today..One of man... | \n","[My setup alerts went bonkers today., ., One o... | \n","
49 | \n","positive | \n","[0.03310457989573479, -0.038539715111255646, -... | \n","0.554509 | \n","282 | \n","neutral | \n","SWHC Obama/Biden to speak tomorrow on gun cont... | \n","SWHC Obama/Biden to speak tomorrow on gun cont... | \n","[SWHC Obama/Biden to speak tomorrow on gun con... | \n","
\n"," | sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","origin_index | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","document | \n","sentence | \n","
0 | \n","[0.06509937345981598, -0.05708129703998566, -0... | \n","0.502021 | \n","0 | \n","neutral | \n","Bitcoin dropped by 50 percent! | \n","[Bitcoin dropped by 50 percent!] | \n","
\n"," | y | \n","sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","origin_index | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","document | \n","text | \n","sentence | \n","
0 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.03631044551730156, -0.02809535153210163, -... | \n","0.673180 | \n","3761 | \n","negative | \n","P see what happened from October to Dec that s... | \n","P see what happened from October to Dec that s... | \n","[P see what happened from October to Dec that ... | \n","
1 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.019356619566679, 0.02282714657485485, 0.00... | \n","0.692276 | \n","1428 | \n","negative | \n","AAP Closed my short for positiveK Will short a... | \n","AAP Closed my short for positiveK Will short a... | \n","[AAP Closed my short for positiveK Will short ... | \n","
2 | \n","negative | \n","[0.03622237220406532, -0.06491724401712418, 0.... | \n","0.704943 | \n","3091 | \n","negative | \n","AAP It may be wise to hold off on buying #AAP ... | \n","AAP It may be wise to hold off on buying #AAP ... | \n","[AAP It may be wise to hold off on buying #AAP... | \n","
3 | \n","negative | \n","[0.038874898105859756, 0.025729672983288765, -... | \n","0.737828 | \n","620 | \n","negative | \n","RT @DaveCBenoit: The banking system is not bui... | \n","RT @DaveCBenoit: The banking system is not bui... | \n","[RT @DaveCBenoit:, The banking system is not ... | \n","
4 | \n","negative | \n","[0.04230193793773651, -0.02588844671845436, -0... | \n","0.690660 | \n","1611 | \n","negative | \n","Sensex Slumps Over positive,000 Points From Da... | \n","Sensex Slumps Over positive,000 Points From Da... | \n","[Sensex Slumps Over positive,000 Points From D... | \n","
5 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.000432533270213753, -0.009179827757179737,... | \n","0.674662 | \n","876 | \n","negative | \n","Selling your home to a computer was supposed t... | \n","Selling your home to a computer was supposed t... | \n","[Selling your home to a computer was supposed ... | \n","
6 | \n","positive | \n","[0.06600425392389297, -0.022004421800374985, -... | \n","0.983413 | \n","1678 | \n","positive | \n","ed Daily Triangle on HEO,..... pdating ong and... | \n","ed Daily Triangle on HEO,..... pdating ong an... | \n","[ed Daily Triangle on HEO,., .... pdating ong ... | \n","
7 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.017160149291157722, -0.03617899864912033, ... | \n","0.958774 | \n","482 | \n","positive | \n","P breaking out after expanding from Shark Patt... | \n","P breaking out after expanding from Shark Patt... | \n","[P breaking out after expanding from Shark Pat... | \n","
8 | \n","positive | \n","[0.026538891717791557, -0.06604061275720596, -... | \n","0.945701 | \n","2540 | \n","positive | \n","Acting well above 26.positive9 flat base trigg... | \n","Acting well above 26.positive9 flat base trigg... | \n","[Acting well above 26.positive9 flat base trig... | \n","
9 | \n","positive | \n","[0.08514805138111115, -0.024943925440311432, -... | \n","0.897408 | \n","2183 | \n","positive | \n","CYBX broke out to all time highs accompained b... | \n","CYBX broke out to all time highs accompained b... | \n","[CYBX broke out to all time highs accompained ... | \n","
10 | \n","positive | \n","[0.05149979144334793, -0.061731286346912384, -... | \n","0.839700 | \n","3998 | \n","positive | \n","solid day with MGM AAP SBX leading the way for... | \n","solid day with MGM AAP SBX leading the way for... | \n","[solid day with MGM AAP SBX leading the way fo... | \n","
11 | \n","negative | \n","[0.03843201324343681, -0.0733688548207283, -0.... | \n","0.649359 | \n","19 | \n","negative | \n","AAP 465 is resistance and heading to 435 in th... | \n","AAP 465 is resistance and heading to 435 in th... | \n","[AAP 465 is resistance and heading to 435 in t... | \n","
12 | \n","negative | \n","[0.02629232406616211, -0.014554189518094063, -... | \n","0.696317 | \n","219 | \n","negative | \n","CO pointed out this wknd - huge Outside Day - ... | \n","CO pointed out this wknd - huge Outside Day - ... | \n","[CO pointed out this wknd - huge Outside Day -... | \n","
13 | \n","positive | \n","[0.05966312810778618, -0.08997906744480133, -0... | \n","0.994020 | \n","1041 | \n","positive | \n","VVS ong set up: | \n","VVS ong set up: | \n","[VVS ong set up:] | \n","
14 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.003521521808579564, -0.011022194288671017,... | \n","0.860149 | \n","2763 | \n","positive | \n","DDD come on 40! I got some calls at 0.positive... | \n","DDD come on 40! I got some calls at 0.positive... | \n","[DDD come on 40!, I got some calls at 0.posit... | \n","
15 | \n","positive | \n","[0.07560215145349503, -0.009755599312484264, -... | \n","0.961940 | \n","1683 | \n","positive | \n","WMB might fill this gap and reverse. | \n","WMB might fill this gap and reverse. | \n","[WMB might fill this gap and reverse.] | \n","
16 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.0117484824731946, -0.007429660763591528, -... | \n","0.703831 | \n","2565 | \n","negative | \n","Heard on the Street: Funeral providers would s... | \n","Heard on the Street: Funeral providers would s... | \n","[Heard on the Street: Funeral providers would ... | \n","
17 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.03314466401934624, -0.04437091201543808, -... | \n","0.994179 | \n","2065 | \n","positive | \n","user welcome to the TK club | \n","user welcome to the TK club | \n","[user welcome to the TK club] | \n","
18 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.018701869994401932, 0.03903575986623764, -... | \n","0.991520 | \n","2308 | \n","positive | \n","ed Weekly Triangle on DVAX,....Scaling P | \n","ed Weekly Triangle on DVAX,....Scaling P | \n","[ed Weekly Triangle on DVAX,., ., .., Scaling P] | \n","
19 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.011695394292473793, 0.05609796568751335, -... | \n","0.725599 | \n","3355 | \n","positive | \n","AAP What does Al Gore know that we don't? | \n","AAP What does Al Gore know that we don't? | \n","[AAP What does Al Gore know that we don't?] | \n","
20 | \n","positive | \n","[0.04774581268429756, -0.03589113429188728, -0... | \n","0.973669 | \n","2594 | \n","positive | \n","user CSN, yesterday I bough at 25Kpositive.237... | \n","user CSN, yesterday I bough at 25Kpositive.237... | \n","[user CSN, yesterday I bough at 25Kpositive., ... | \n","
21 | \n","positive | \n","[0.04126836359500885, -0.0008074558572843671, ... | \n","0.986087 | \n","3099 | \n","positive | \n","FAO is deciding its direction #waitforit | \n","FAO is deciding its direction #waitforit | \n","[FAO is deciding its direction #waitforit] | \n","
22 | \n","negative | \n","[0.017080938443541527, 0.021576160565018654, 0... | \n","0.675147 | \n","2091 | \n","negative | \n","EN Take your profits and run. Nice run up,but ... | \n","EN Take your profits and run. Nice run up,but ... | \n","[EN Take your profits and run., Nice run up,bu... | \n","
23 | \n","negative | \n","[0.04716206341981888, -0.021414492279291153, -... | \n","0.759626 | \n","1819 | \n","negative | \n","GOOG reminds me so much of AAP in Sept bouncin... | \n","GOOG reminds me so much of AAP in Sept bounci... | \n","[GOOG reminds me so much of AAP in Sept bounci... | \n","
24 | \n","positive | \n","[0.023834621533751488, -0.07077112793922424, -... | \n","0.693293 | \n","3913 | \n","positive | \n","AAP doji being put in on 60 min after 7 down c... | \n","AAP doji being put in on 60 min after 7 down c... | \n","[AAP doji being put in on 60 min after 7 down ... | \n","
25 | \n","negative | \n","[0.1026904433965683, 0.013861684128642082, -0.... | \n","0.587268 | \n","3117 | \n","neutral | \n","James Dinsmore attributes Bancroft Fundââ¬â... | \n","James Dinsmore attributes Bancroft Fundââ¬â... | \n","[James Dinsmore attributes Bancroft Fundââ¬â... | \n","
26 | \n","positive | \n","[0.006304154172539711, -0.0644269809126854, -0... | \n","0.875854 | \n","695 | \n","positive | \n","SEV nicely green on red market | \n","SEV nicely green on red market | \n","[SEV nicely green on red market] | \n","
27 | \n","negative | \n","[0.06555721163749695, 0.023601243272423744, -0... | \n","0.674148 | \n","2916 | \n","negative | \n","VS option trader closes out Feb 50C selling po... | \n","VS option trader closes out Feb 50C selling po... | \n","[VS option trader closes out Feb 50C selling p... | \n","
28 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.0012494433904066682, -0.017743036150932312... | \n","0.984582 | \n","692 | \n","positive | \n","AON Continuation on good volume | \n","AON Continuation on good volume | \n","[AON Continuation on good volume] | \n","
29 | \n","positive | \n","[0.04852033779025078, 0.00623974809423089, -0.... | \n","0.778999 | \n","475 | \n","positive | \n","Watch for SGY to break its downward trend line... | \n","Watch for SGY to break its downward trend line... | \n","[Watch for SGY to break its downward trend lin... | \n","
30 | \n","positive | \n","[0.05204714462161064, 0.03000013716518879, -0.... | \n","0.983867 | \n","3159 | \n","positive | \n","SXC - breaking above key downward channel leve... | \n","SXC - breaking above key downward channel leve... | \n","[SXC - breaking above key downward channel lev... | \n","
31 | \n","negative | \n","[0.053190235048532486, -0.023420613259077072, ... | \n","0.725456 | \n","2102 | \n","negative | \n","Government May Slash Borrowing From Market In ... | \n","Government May Slash Borrowing From Market In ... | \n","[Government May Slash Borrowing From Market In... | \n","
32 | \n","negative | \n","[0.013695711269974709, 0.031249094754457474, -... | \n","0.577159 | \n","1689 | \n","neutral | \n","CS - To those that doubted me; today is you're... | \n","CS - To those that doubted me; today is you're... | \n","[CS - To those that doubted me; today is you'r... | \n","
33 | \n","positive | \n","[0.03522776812314987, -0.00036802110844291747,... | \n","0.749848 | \n","2455 | \n","positive | \n","PAB has resistance from June to Sept but Over ... | \n","PAB has resistance from June to Sept but Over ... | \n","[PAB has resistance from June to Sept but Over... | \n","
34 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.05846807360649109, -0.027525130659341812, ... | \n","0.683594 | \n","2337 | \n","negative | \n","BAC anyone think this might slush and fall bel... | \n","BAC anyone think this might slush and fall bel... | \n","[BAC anyone think this might slush and fall be... | \n","
35 | \n","positive | \n","[0.05771354213356972, -0.03869543969631195, -0... | \n","0.776892 | \n","3529 | \n","positive | \n","with little whips on pops and drops don't go a... | \n","with little whips on pops and drops don't go a... | \n","[with little whips on pops and drops don't go ... | \n","
36 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.049992404878139496, -0.017947403714060783,... | \n","0.915735 | \n","2076 | \n","positive | \n","Green Weekly Triangle on CYTX,....pdating | \n","Green Weekly Triangle on CYTX,....pdating | \n","[Green Weekly Triangle on CYTX,., ...pdating] | \n","
37 | \n","positive | \n","[0.006133062299340963, -0.05417517572641373, -... | \n","0.925494 | \n","3012 | \n","positive | \n","reports next Wed. user: ATW: Barclays starts a... | \n","reports next Wed. user: ATW: Barclays starts ... | \n","[reports next Wed. user: ATW:, Barclays start... | \n","
38 | \n","negative | \n","[0.041309256106615067, 0.02620919793844223, -0... | \n","0.725568 | \n","3805 | \n","positive | \n","NKD target positive50 - positive2 points to be... | \n","NKD target positive50 - positive2 points to be... | \n","[NKD target positive50 - positive2 points to b... | \n","
39 | \n","positive | \n","[0.0385039821267128, -0.040522705763578415, -0... | \n","0.879851 | \n","3789 | \n","positive | \n","Positive GOOG earnings pushed NQ_F higher and ... | \n","Positive GOOG earnings pushed NQ_F higher and ... | \n","[Positive GOOG earnings pushed NQ_F higher and... | \n","
40 | \n","positive | \n","[0.05128449201583862, -0.04454624652862549, -0... | \n","0.964138 | \n","3625 | \n","positive | \n","SSQ pulling back as suspected. uckily sold nea... | \n","SSQ pulling back as suspected. uckily sold nea... | \n","[SSQ pulling back as suspected., uckily sold n... | \n","
41 | \n","negative | \n","[0.018300753086805344, -0.04134758561849594, -... | \n","0.644012 | \n","851 | \n","positive | \n","NKE potential short for many reasons. Check F ... | \n","NKE potential short for many reasons. Check F ... | \n","[NKE potential short for many reasons., Check ... | \n","
42 | \n","negative | \n","[0.09244795143604279, 0.015826726332306862, -0... | \n","0.729759 | \n","608 | \n","negative | \n","Supply-chain finance has become popular in rec... | \n","Supply-chain finance has become popular in rec... | \n","[Supply-chain finance has become popular in re... | \n","
43 | \n","positive | \n","[0.042959753423929214, 0.004588234703987837, -... | \n","0.985379 | \n","546 | \n","positive | \n","AEG Over 28.23 | \n","AEG Over 28.23 | \n","[AEG Over 28.23] | \n","
44 | \n","negative | \n","[0.004285166040062904, -0.07630395889282227, -... | \n","0.604251 | \n","1225 | \n","negative | \n","AAP Free-falling Now to 457 | \n","AAP Free-falling Now to 457 | \n","[AAP Free-falling Now to 457] | \n","
45 | \n","positive | \n","[0.017030321061611176, -0.022644072771072388, ... | \n","0.839384 | \n","1227 | \n","positive | \n","BAC positivepositive.75 to positivepositive.80... | \n","BAC positivepositive.75 to positivepositive.80... | \n","[BAC positivepositive., 75 to positivepositive... | \n","
46 | \n","positive | \n","[0.030308598652482033, 0.02380680851638317, -0... | \n","0.888166 | \n","3991 | \n","positive | \n","NVDA not working so far still holding though. | \n","NVDA not working so far still holding though. | \n","[NVDA not working so far still holding though.] | \n","
47 | \n","negative | \n","[0.05175251513719559, 0.05424535647034645, -0.... | \n","0.569252 | \n","1467 | \n","neutral | \n","CAT Once she loses 86.50 ookout Below!!! Strai... | \n","CAT Once she loses 86.50 ookout Below!!! Strai... | \n","[CAT Once she loses 86.50 ookout Below!, !!, S... | \n","
48 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.022420072928071022, -0.06559137254953384, ... | \n","0.986396 | \n","1000 | \n","positive | \n","My setup alerts went bonkers today..One of man... | \n","My setup alerts went bonkers today..One of man... | \n","[My setup alerts went bonkers today., ., One o... | \n","
49 | \n","positive | \n","[0.03310457989573479, -0.038539715111255646, -... | \n","0.925892 | \n","282 | \n","positive | \n","SWHC Obama/Biden to speak tomorrow on gun cont... | \n","SWHC Obama/Biden to speak tomorrow on gun cont... | \n","[SWHC Obama/Biden to speak tomorrow on gun con... | \n","
\n"," | sentiment | \n","sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","text | \n","origin_index | \n","sentence | \n","
0 | \n","[negative, negative] | \n","[[0.17410096526145935, 0.14491602778434753, 0.... | \n","[0.7221757, 0.7221757] | \n","Bitcoin dropped by 50 percent!! | \n","Bitcoin dropped by 50 percent!! | \n","8589934592 | \n","[Bitcoin dropped by 50 percent!, !] | \n","
\n", + " | text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
3971 | \n", + "Taking profits on CMG from 321, not time to a ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4113 | \n", + "STI 5 min 1 - and 30 min opening range, added ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1878 | \n", + "ong EN with stop arnd 39.40- entry 40.10 | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3270 | \n", + "Adding short BWS to portfolio. I think next ye... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5073 | \n", + "The banks for years rode consumer spending and... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
5591 | \n", + "Sensex, Nifty End Mixed Despite RBI's Steep Re... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
2338 | \n", + "ZNGA Merrill upgraded this on 2/5 - just a ret... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
984 | \n", + "AMAT reached very high overbought conditions. ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2883 | \n", + "GOOG reminds me so much of AAP in Sept bounci... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
4309 | \n", + "AAP 425 has been the BY target for the last fe... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4632 rows × 2 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Taking profits on CMG from 321, not time to a ... | \n", + "[-1.1575689315795898, 0.2715361416339874, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "Taking profits on CMG from 321, not time to a ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "STI 5 min 1 - and 30 min opening range, added ... | \n", + "[-1.3090834617614746, -0.1740988940000534, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "STI 5 min 1 - and 30 min opening range, added ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "ong EN with stop arnd 39.40- entry 40.10 | \n", + "[-1.189386248588562, 0.4811112582683563, -0.66... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "ong EN with stop arnd 39.40- entry 40.10 | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "Adding short BWS to portfolio. I think next ye... | \n", + "[-0.6736384630203247, 0.7296571731567383, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "Adding short BWS to portfolio. I think next ye... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "The banks for years rode consumer spending and... | \n", + "[-0.3878522217273712, 0.5501695275306702, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "The banks for years rode consumer spending and... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "of some of the most watched biotechs AMGN look... | \n", + "[-0.31379231810569763, 0.5748125910758972, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "of some of the most watched biotechs AMGN look... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "GOOG here is the leader of the pack for the ri... | \n", + "[-0.5645806193351746, 0.6001827716827393, 0.08... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "GOOG here is the leader of the pack for the ri... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "user another good read. keep em coming and tha... | \n", + "[-1.0190978050231934, 0.7494890093803406, 0.07... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "user another good read. keep em coming and tha... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "GTXI long 5.16, will take early assuming no ga... | \n", + "[-0.2726511061191559, 0.32721856236457825, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "GTXI long 5.16, will take early assuming no ga... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "Sen. Kelly Loeffler and her husband, New York ... | \n", + "[-0.28392985463142395, 1.012831449508667, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Sen. Kelly Loeffler and her husband, New York ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "WMT if i had enough cash on hand i'd be shorti... | \n", + "[-1.1887261867523193, 0.9961069226264954, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "WMT if i had enough cash on hand i'd be shorti... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "BAC Bank Of America Is The Best Bank Stock On ... | \n", + "[0.3251396119594574, 0.9818293452262878, -0.51... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "BAC Bank Of America Is The Best Bank Stock On ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "agree user: hedge funds sold AAP in Q4. We'll ... | \n", + "[-0.5504413843154907, 1.0578975677490234, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "agree user: hedge funds sold AAP in Q4. We'll ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "user: Mr AAP is going to have to stop hanging ... | \n", + "[-0.5393702983856201, 1.2257893085479736, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "user: Mr AAP is going to have to stop hanging ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "BAC Obama is slowing the rally... Ouch ! | \n", + "[-1.0150749683380127, 0.10769235342741013, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "BAC Obama is slowing the rally... Ouch ! | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "A couple biotech stocks that are setting up we... | \n", + "[-0.09664952009916306, -0.05535533279180527, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "A couple biotech stocks that are setting up we... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "BAC next stop 10.50 | \n", + "[-1.4360231161117554, 0.030535195022821426, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "BAC next stop 10.50 | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "STEM continuing move up - possiby getting some... | \n", + "[-0.6773928999900818, 0.3930101990699768, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "STEM continuing move up - possiby getting some... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "CDX taking some off | \n", + "[-1.3559353351593018, 0.2133549153804779, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "CDX taking some off | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "AJ stopped out +6% for a nice gain | \n", + "[-1.078188419342041, -0.23945243656635284, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "AJ stopped out +6% for a nice gain | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "with FCX gapping well above ideal entry lookin... | \n", + "[-0.7907727956771851, 0.7457559108734131, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "with FCX gapping well above ideal entry lookin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "Rupee Edges Lower To 76.43 Against Dollar Amid... | \n", + "[-0.41530898213386536, 0.15534837543964386, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Rupee Edges Lower To 76.43 Against Dollar Amid... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "ACX Today's P reads very positive.Would like t... | \n", + "[-0.8882211446762085, 0.13111452758312225, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "ACX Today's P reads very positive.Would like t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "KWK this one is heavily oversold here, think w... | \n", + "[-0.4115653336048126, 0.23945458233356476, 0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "KWK this one is heavily oversold here, think w... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "user: GEVO the beginning of a new uptrend: | \n", + "[-0.8558018207550049, 0.20911763608455658, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "user: GEVO the beginning of a new uptrend: | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "Health insurance stocks should hold up fairly ... | \n", + "[-0.6992183327674866, 0.873347282409668, -0.33... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Health insurance stocks should hold up fairly ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "CBMX that is unbelievable!!!!!!! but I am happ... | \n", + "[-0.7398191690444946, 0.0032342064660042524, 0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "CBMX that is unbelievable!!!!!!! but I am hap... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "Global markets rise following fresh signals th... | \n", + "[-0.46590617299079895, 0.5152156949043274, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "Global markets rise following fresh signals th... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "My SHOTS, various strats, AXDX CMCO DGIT D ECY... | \n", + "[-0.9121986627578735, 0.18954770267009735, 0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "My SHOTS, various strats, AXDX CMCO DGIT D ECY... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "this could be the last good chance to short AMZN | \n", + "[-1.4936555624008179, -0.08102501928806305, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "this could be the last good chance to short AMZN | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "HFC - Great group. ooks good. More here -> | \n", + "[-1.282071590423584, 0.452540785074234, -0.020... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "HFC - Great group. ooks good. More here -> | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "RT @WSJheard: Heard on the Street's @jackycwon... | \n", + "[-0.16953450441360474, 0.5467158555984497, 0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "RT @WSJheard: Heard on the Street's @jackycwon... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "MON How quickly investors forget the massive b... | \n", + "[-1.0020204782485962, 0.06035422161221504, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "MON How quickly investors forget the massive b... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "EA if price doesn't hold above 9SMA then 16.71... | \n", + "[-0.6850847005844116, 0.7942832708358765, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "EA if price doesn't hold above 9SMA then 16.71... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "NKD well above the moving averages, look for s... | \n", + "[-1.168450117111206, 0.5925496816635132, -0.27... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "NKD well above the moving averages, look for s... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "AAP looking to take some off around 429, shoul... | \n", + "[-0.9121736884117126, 0.7181501388549805, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "AAP looking to take some off around 429, shoul... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "Selling ICE Short check out my video analysis | \n", + "[-1.0185582637786865, 0.23524264991283417, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Selling ICE Short check out my video analysis | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "CAT Bingo, it is Bingo everywhere today. | \n", + "[-1.0476768016815186, -0.31251490116119385, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "CAT Bingo, it is Bingo everywhere today. | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "HAO like it on a pop over 6 w vol | \n", + "[-0.397280752658844, -0.7803610563278198, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "HAO like it on a pop over 6 w vol | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "user: AAP nothing like firing of CEO to make i... | \n", + "[0.2457299381494522, 0.9597267508506775, -0.56... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "user: AAP nothing like firing of CEO to make i... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "Coronavirus Crisis: GoAir Decides To Reduce Pa... | \n", + "[-0.18016083538532257, 0.4278823137283325, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "Coronavirus Crisis: GoAir Decides To Reduce Pa... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "As the coronavirus pandemic intensifies, adher... | \n", + "[-0.7261321544647217, -0.19837094843387604, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "As the coronavirus pandemic intensifies, adher... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "notable 52wk highs [20 > /sh < 50] AFCE AK ACO... | \n", + "[-1.047921895980835, 0.6981227993965149, 0.153... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "notable 52wk highs [20 > /sh < 50] AFCE AK ACO... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "AAP PMI Manufacturing Index ---> In Few minute... | \n", + "[-0.7834053039550781, 0.5567207336425781, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "AAP PMI Manufacturing Index ---> In Few minute... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "SPW pauses, SCTY continues its run, up > 20% i... | \n", + "[-0.8796350955963135, 0.21304339170455933, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "SPW pauses, SCTY continues its run, up > 20% i... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "RT @josephttwallace: Glutted Oil Markets’ Ne... | \n", + "[-0.24904966354370117, 0.5449734926223755, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "RT @josephttwallace: Glutted Oil Markets’ Ne... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "GOOG keep in mind there are about 1,000 contra... | \n", + "[-0.6386780738830566, 0.6693974137306213, -0.7... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "GOOG keep in mind there are about 1,000 contra... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "V and MA FYI: When they tagged the 50d's yeste... | \n", + "[-1.3859288692474365, 0.1374266892671585, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "V and MA FYI: When they tagged the 50d's yeste... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "GOOG holding up well | \n", + "[-0.9325542449951172, 0.7117096185684204, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "GOOG holding up well | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "JPMorgan Chase Chief Executive James Dimon ret... | \n", + "[-0.5751636624336243, 0.5106868147850037, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "JPMorgan Chase Chief Executive James Dimon ret... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
\n", + " | sentence | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Bitcoin dropped by 50 percent! | \n", + "[-1.7797279357910156, 0.3090762495994568, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Taking profits on CMG from 321, not time to a ... | \n", + "[-1.1575689315795898, 0.2715361416339874, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Taking profits on CMG from 321, not time to a ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "STI 5 min 1 - and 30 min opening range, added ... | \n", + "[-1.3090834617614746, -0.1740988940000534, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "STI 5 min 1 - and 30 min opening range, added ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "ong EN with stop arnd 39.40- entry 40.10 | \n", + "[-1.189386248588562, 0.4811112582683563, -0.66... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "ong EN with stop arnd 39.40- entry 40.10 | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "Adding short BWS to portfolio. I think next ye... | \n", + "[-0.6736384630203247, 0.7296571731567383, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "Adding short BWS to portfolio. I think next ye... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "The banks for years rode consumer spending and... | \n", + "[-0.3878522217273712, 0.5501695275306702, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "The banks for years rode consumer spending and... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "of some of the most watched biotechs AMGN look... | \n", + "[-0.31379231810569763, 0.5748125910758972, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "of some of the most watched biotechs AMGN look... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "GOOG here is the leader of the pack for the ri... | \n", + "[-0.5645806193351746, 0.6001827716827393, 0.08... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "GOOG here is the leader of the pack for the ri... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "user another good read. keep em coming and tha... | \n", + "[-1.0190978050231934, 0.7494890093803406, 0.07... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "user another good read. keep em coming and tha... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "GTXI long 5.16, will take early assuming no ga... | \n", + "[-0.2726511061191559, 0.32721856236457825, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "GTXI long 5.16, will take early assuming no ga... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "Sen. Kelly Loeffler and her husband, New York ... | \n", + "[-0.28392985463142395, 1.012831449508667, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Sen. Kelly Loeffler and her husband, New York ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "WMT if i had enough cash on hand i'd be shorti... | \n", + "[-1.1887261867523193, 0.9961069226264954, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "WMT if i had enough cash on hand i'd be shorti... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "BAC Bank Of America Is The Best Bank Stock On ... | \n", + "[0.3251396119594574, 0.9818293452262878, -0.51... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "BAC Bank Of America Is The Best Bank Stock On ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "agree user: hedge funds sold AAP in Q4. We'll ... | \n", + "[-0.5504413843154907, 1.0578975677490234, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "agree user: hedge funds sold AAP in Q4. We'll ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "user: Mr AAP is going to have to stop hanging ... | \n", + "[-0.5393702983856201, 1.2257893085479736, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "user: Mr AAP is going to have to stop hanging ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "BAC Obama is slowing the rally... Ouch ! | \n", + "[-1.0150749683380127, 0.10769235342741013, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "BAC Obama is slowing the rally... Ouch ! | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "A couple biotech stocks that are setting up we... | \n", + "[-0.09664952009916306, -0.05535533279180527, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "A couple biotech stocks that are setting up we... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "BAC next stop 10.50 | \n", + "[-1.4360231161117554, 0.030535195022821426, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "BAC next stop 10.50 | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "STEM continuing move up - possiby getting some... | \n", + "[-0.6773928999900818, 0.3930101990699768, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "STEM continuing move up - possiby getting some... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "CDX taking some off | \n", + "[-1.3559353351593018, 0.2133549153804779, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "CDX taking some off | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "AJ stopped out +6% for a nice gain | \n", + "[-1.078188419342041, -0.23945243656635284, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "AJ stopped out +6% for a nice gain | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "with FCX gapping well above ideal entry lookin... | \n", + "[-0.7907727956771851, 0.7457559108734131, -0.3... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "with FCX gapping well above ideal entry lookin... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "Rupee Edges Lower To 76.43 Against Dollar Amid... | \n", + "[-0.41530898213386536, 0.15534837543964386, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Rupee Edges Lower To 76.43 Against Dollar Amid... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "ACX Today's P reads very positive.Would like t... | \n", + "[-0.8882211446762085, 0.13111452758312225, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "ACX Today's P reads very positive.Would like t... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "KWK this one is heavily oversold here, think w... | \n", + "[-0.4115653336048126, 0.23945458233356476, 0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "KWK this one is heavily oversold here, think w... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "user: GEVO the beginning of a new uptrend: | \n", + "[-0.8558018207550049, 0.20911763608455658, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "user: GEVO the beginning of a new uptrend: | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "Health insurance stocks should hold up fairly ... | \n", + "[-0.6992183327674866, 0.873347282409668, -0.33... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Health insurance stocks should hold up fairly ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "CBMX that is unbelievable!!!!!!! but I am happ... | \n", + "[-0.7398191690444946, 0.0032342064660042524, 0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "CBMX that is unbelievable!!!!!!! but I am hap... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "Global markets rise following fresh signals th... | \n", + "[-0.46590617299079895, 0.5152156949043274, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "Global markets rise following fresh signals th... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "My SHOTS, various strats, AXDX CMCO DGIT D ECY... | \n", + "[-0.9121986627578735, 0.18954770267009735, 0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "My SHOTS, various strats, AXDX CMCO DGIT D ECY... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "this could be the last good chance to short AMZN | \n", + "[-1.4936555624008179, -0.08102501928806305, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "this could be the last good chance to short AMZN | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "HFC - Great group. ooks good. More here -> | \n", + "[-1.282071590423584, 0.452540785074234, -0.020... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "HFC - Great group. ooks good. More here -> | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "RT @WSJheard: Heard on the Street's @jackycwon... | \n", + "[-0.16953450441360474, 0.5467158555984497, 0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "RT @WSJheard: Heard on the Street's @jackycwon... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "MON How quickly investors forget the massive b... | \n", + "[-1.0020204782485962, 0.06035422161221504, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "MON How quickly investors forget the massive b... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "EA if price doesn't hold above 9SMA then 16.71... | \n", + "[-0.6850847005844116, 0.7942832708358765, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "EA if price doesn't hold above 9SMA then 16.71... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "NKD well above the moving averages, look for s... | \n", + "[-1.168450117111206, 0.5925496816635132, -0.27... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "NKD well above the moving averages, look for s... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "AAP looking to take some off around 429, shoul... | \n", + "[-0.9121736884117126, 0.7181501388549805, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "AAP looking to take some off around 429, shoul... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "Selling ICE Short check out my video analysis | \n", + "[-1.0185582637786865, 0.23524264991283417, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "Selling ICE Short check out my video analysis | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "CAT Bingo, it is Bingo everywhere today. | \n", + "[-1.0476768016815186, -0.31251490116119385, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "CAT Bingo, it is Bingo everywhere today. | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "HAO like it on a pop over 6 w vol | \n", + "[-0.397280752658844, -0.7803610563278198, -0.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "HAO like it on a pop over 6 w vol | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "user: AAP nothing like firing of CEO to make i... | \n", + "[0.2457299381494522, 0.9597267508506775, -0.56... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "user: AAP nothing like firing of CEO to make i... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "Coronavirus Crisis: GoAir Decides To Reduce Pa... | \n", + "[-0.18016083538532257, 0.4278823137283325, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "Coronavirus Crisis: GoAir Decides To Reduce Pa... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "As the coronavirus pandemic intensifies, adher... | \n", + "[-0.7261321544647217, -0.19837094843387604, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "As the coronavirus pandemic intensifies, adher... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "notable 52wk highs [20 > /sh < 50] AFCE AK ACO... | \n", + "[-1.047921895980835, 0.6981227993965149, 0.153... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "notable 52wk highs [20 > /sh < 50] AFCE AK ACO... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "AAP PMI Manufacturing Index ---> In Few minute... | \n", + "[-0.7834053039550781, 0.5567207336425781, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "AAP PMI Manufacturing Index ---> In Few minute... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "SPW pauses, SCTY continues its run, up > 20% i... | \n", + "[-0.8796350955963135, 0.21304339170455933, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "SPW pauses, SCTY continues its run, up > 20% i... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "RT @josephttwallace: Glutted Oil Markets’ Ne... | \n", + "[-0.24904966354370117, 0.5449734926223755, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "RT @josephttwallace: Glutted Oil Markets’ Ne... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "GOOG keep in mind there are about 1,000 contra... | \n", + "[-0.6386780738830566, 0.6693974137306213, -0.7... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "GOOG keep in mind there are about 1,000 contra... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "V and MA FYI: When they tagged the 50d's yeste... | \n", + "[-1.3859288692474365, 0.1374266892671585, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "V and MA FYI: When they tagged the 50d's yeste... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "GOOG holding up well | \n", + "[-0.9325542449951172, 0.7117096185684204, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "GOOG holding up well | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "JPMorgan Chase Chief Executive James Dimon ret... | \n", + "[-0.5751636624336243, 0.5106868147850037, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "JPMorgan Chase Chief Executive James Dimon ret... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "Bitcoin dropped by 50 percent!! | \n", + "[0.20597122609615326, 0.16840754449367523, 0.0... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","negative | \n","
1 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","negative | \n","
2 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
595 | \n","perception makes fool some call âforeign inv... | \n","negative | \n","
596 | \n","when will see your tweet for justice for you a... | \n","negative | \n","
597 | \n","haha congress going gaga over this after looti... | \n","positive | \n","
598 | \n","this movie shows the life histiry narendra mod... | \n","negative | \n","
599 | \n","modi left his year old wife and returned her r... | \n","positive | \n","
600 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","y | \n","origin_index | \n","text | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","sentence | \n","
0 | \n","[0.060062434524297714, -0.05557167902588844, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","0 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","0.781124 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","[how narendra modi has almost killed the india... | \n","
1 | \n","[0.05362718552350998, -0.004547705873847008, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","1 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","0.772585 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","[you think was modi behind that accident] | \n","
2 | \n","[0.07274721562862396, -0.061593908816576004, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","2 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","0.778565 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","[kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasa... | \n","
3 | \n","[0.06106054410338402, -0.060213156044483185, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","3 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","0.732274 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","[connected name with surname not bcz religion ... | \n","
4 | \n","[0.0737471729516983, 0.006071774289011955, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","4 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","0.783452 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","[anyone better than modi when nehruji expired ... | \n","
5 | \n","[0.05888386443257332, -0.0646616667509079, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","5 | \n","\\r\\nmodiji wont tired crying foul\\r\\nmain chow... | \n","0.788001 | \n","modiji wont tired crying foul main chowkidar h... | \n","[modiji wont tired crying foul main chowkidar ... | \n","
6 | \n","[0.058948416262865067, -0.029682165011763573, ... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","6 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","0.781363 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","[poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can... | \n","
7 | \n","[0.051331546157598495, -0.06789953261613846, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","7 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","0.767519 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","[green underwear missing ive been doubting isi... | \n","
8 | \n","[0.044129759073257446, -0.06111813709139824, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","8 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","0.754464 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","[congress years wasnt able complete one rafale... | \n","
9 | \n","[0.03665374591946602, -0.03695330768823624, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","9 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","0.693848 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","[asked learn from how treat minority well does... | \n","
10 | \n","[0.07035735249519348, -0.06952506303787231, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","10 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","0.785139 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","[stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek... | \n","
11 | \n","[0.013958276249468327, -0.030759528279304504, ... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","11 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","0.731118 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","[drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mil... | \n","
12 | \n","[0.026277026161551476, -0.06238812580704689, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","12 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","0.784451 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","[asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kn... | \n","
13 | \n","[0.07457270473241806, -0.058670494705438614, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","13 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","0.761034 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","[from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019... | \n","
14 | \n","[0.061704088002443314, -0.04553354158997536, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","14 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","0.772205 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","[very true sir thats why they are against modi... | \n","
15 | \n","[0.053420260548591614, -0.0038897113408893347,... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","15 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","0.769769 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","[they are giving jobs citizen india what you a... | \n","
16 | \n","[0.027197618037462234, -0.036435648798942566, ... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","16 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","0.762557 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","[congress has always attempted empower people ... | \n","
17 | \n","[0.06601184606552124, -0.020045213401317596, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","17 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","0.779734 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","[have never said that modi succeed yet even al... | \n","
18 | \n","[0.046943631023168564, -0.06800007820129395, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","18 | \n","\\r\\nthe foundation for new india 2022 has alre... | \n","0.755853 | \n","the foundation for new india 2022 has already ... | \n","[the foundation for new india 2022 has already... | \n","
19 | \n","[0.05615750327706337, -0.002462629694491625, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","19 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","0.770993 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","[only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat t... | \n","
20 | \n","[0.030352214351296425, -0.06195472553372383, 0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","20 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","0.758632 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","[one step time navigating thru looteyns when e... | \n","
21 | \n","[0.07535804808139801, -0.05643236264586449, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","21 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","0.778967 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","[why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have... | \n","
22 | \n","[0.05986170098185539, -0.0674145296216011, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","22 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","0.782218 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","[modi will remain for next 510 years and till ... | \n","
23 | \n","[0.023959942162036896, -0.01397246215492487, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","23 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","0.753846 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","[pledge your first vote for modi] | \n","
24 | \n","[0.04451165348291397, -0.06473662704229355, -0... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","24 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","0.775316 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","[why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 ... | \n","
25 | \n","[0.06561190634965897, -0.0614917054772377, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","25 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","0.791679 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","[raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fr... | \n","
26 | \n","[0.05217093229293823, -0.05785880237817764, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","26 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","0.764641 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","[modi govts slashing indias education budget c... | \n","
27 | \n","[0.04579754173755646, -0.051767487078905106, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","27 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","0.748229 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","[why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her p... | \n","
28 | \n","[0.047987841069698334, -0.050984784960746765, ... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","28 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","0.768564 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","[know going into dirty details nehru family it... | \n","
29 | \n","[0.04509664326906204, -0.05019481107592583, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","29 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","0.745878 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","[momota begum will let her state become total ... | \n","
30 | \n","[0.04315190762281418, -0.04578147828578949, -0... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","30 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","0.768158 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","[thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peo... | \n","
31 | \n","[0.0144237345084548, -0.052222371101379395, -0... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","31 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","0.752480 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","[those who themselves dont know how many fathe... | \n","
32 | \n","[0.02492097206413746, -0.0531931146979332, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","32 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","0.785754 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","[the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than a... | \n","
33 | \n","[0.040389616042375565, -0.06375984847545624, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","33 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","0.763549 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","[modi also live for few years only like you no... | \n","
34 | \n","[0.06742898374795914, -0.060488566756248474, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","34 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","0.741321 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","[narendra modi more brainy than all the drswam... | \n","
35 | \n","[0.06360629200935364, -0.06786973774433136, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","35 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","0.771774 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","[have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi... | \n","
36 | \n","[0.024233123287558556, -0.05243394151329994, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","36 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","0.758803 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","[this the difference confident leaders call up... | \n","
37 | \n","[0.039280060678720474, -0.05146652087569237, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","37 | \n","jawans killed the border\\r\\ncrimes against wom... | \n","0.774826 | \n","jawans killed the border crimes against women ... | \n","[jawans killed the border crimes against women... | \n","
38 | \n","[0.05051109194755554, -0.0660049319267273, 0.0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","38 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","0.789172 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","[tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this... | \n","
39 | \n","[-0.010975896380841732, -0.059168506413698196,... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","39 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","0.702905 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","[think hindus should back off and let them suf... | \n","
40 | \n","[0.02310813218355179, -0.027600247412919998, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","40 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","0.664961 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","[yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic a... | \n","
41 | \n","[0.043231260031461716, -0.07101075351238251, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","41 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","0.783011 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","[why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt ... | \n","
42 | \n","[0.04160398617386818, -0.06572042405605316, -0... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","42 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","0.748431 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","[due automation and artificial intelligence fu... | \n","
43 | \n","[-0.00038854932063259184, -0.04599419981241226... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","43 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","0.776327 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","[weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acc... | \n","
44 | \n","[-0.02063656784594059, -0.07548005133867264, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","44 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","0.734817 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","[our narendra modi ordered indian air force ta... | \n","
45 | \n","[0.01779576577246189, -0.06789527088403702, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","45 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","0.758230 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","[why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high leve... | \n","
46 | \n","[0.065566785633564, -0.04119298234581947, -0.0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","46 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","0.783157 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","[its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta ... | \n","
47 | \n","[0.03988223522901535, -0.04965453967452049, -0... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","47 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","0.767342 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","[before modis arrival 2014 all supported him f... | \n","
48 | \n","[0.010842484422028065, 0.01363383699208498, -0... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","48 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","0.767096 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","[think you forgot dollar india handled excepti... | \n","
49 | \n","[-0.01967957802116871, 0.05570048466324806, -0... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","49 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","0.677169 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","[tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt bu... | \n","
\n"," | sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","origin_index | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","sentence | \n","
0 | \n","[0.013345886953175068, -0.021778283640742302, ... | \n","negative | \n","0 | \n","0.722135 | \n","the president of india just died | \n","[the president of india just died] | \n","
\n"," | sentence_embedding_use | \n","trained_sentiment | \n","y | \n","origin_index | \n","text | \n","trained_sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","sentence | \n","
0 | \n","[0.060062434524297714, -0.05557167902588844, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","0 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","0.689142 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","[how narendra modi has almost killed the india... | \n","
1 | \n","[0.05362718552350998, -0.004547705873847008, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","1 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","0.689483 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","[you think was modi behind that accident] | \n","
2 | \n","[0.07274721562862396, -0.061593908816576004, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","2 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","0.707988 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","[kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasa... | \n","
3 | \n","[0.06106054410338402, -0.060213156044483185, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","3 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","0.675382 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","[connected name with surname not bcz religion ... | \n","
4 | \n","[0.0737471729516983, 0.006071774289011955, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","4 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","0.638730 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","[anyone better than modi when nehruji expired ... | \n","
5 | \n","[0.05888386443257332, -0.0646616667509079, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","5 | \n","\\r\\nmodiji wont tired crying foul\\r\\nmain chow... | \n","0.723110 | \n","modiji wont tired crying foul main chowkidar h... | \n","[modiji wont tired crying foul main chowkidar ... | \n","
6 | \n","[0.058948416262865067, -0.029682165011763573, ... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","6 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","0.690602 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","[poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can... | \n","
7 | \n","[0.051331546157598495, -0.06789953261613846, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","7 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","0.705077 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","[green underwear missing ive been doubting isi... | \n","
8 | \n","[0.044129759073257446, -0.06111813709139824, -... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","8 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","0.561979 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","[congress years wasnt able complete one rafale... | \n","
9 | \n","[0.03665374591946602, -0.03695330768823624, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","9 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","0.746584 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","[asked learn from how treat minority well does... | \n","
10 | \n","[0.07035735249519348, -0.06952506303787231, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","10 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","0.768111 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","[stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek... | \n","
11 | \n","[0.013958276249468327, -0.030759528279304504, ... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","11 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","0.511294 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","[drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mil... | \n","
12 | \n","[0.026277026161551476, -0.06238812580704689, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","12 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","0.689268 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","[asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kn... | \n","
13 | \n","[0.07457270473241806, -0.058670494705438614, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","13 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","0.641822 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","[from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019... | \n","
14 | \n","[0.061704088002443314, -0.04553354158997536, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","14 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","0.651230 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","[very true sir thats why they are against modi... | \n","
15 | \n","[0.053420260548591614, -0.0038897113408893347,... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","15 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","0.706768 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","[they are giving jobs citizen india what you a... | \n","
16 | \n","[0.027197618037462234, -0.036435648798942566, ... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","16 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","0.607062 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","[congress has always attempted empower people ... | \n","
17 | \n","[0.06601184606552124, -0.020045213401317596, -... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","17 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","0.628577 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","[have never said that modi succeed yet even al... | \n","
18 | \n","[0.046943631023168564, -0.06800007820129395, -... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","18 | \n","\\r\\nthe foundation for new india 2022 has alre... | \n","0.547697 | \n","the foundation for new india 2022 has already ... | \n","[the foundation for new india 2022 has already... | \n","
19 | \n","[0.05615750327706337, -0.002462629694491625, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","19 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","0.632572 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","[only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat t... | \n","
20 | \n","[0.030352214351296425, -0.06195472553372383, 0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","20 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","0.635106 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","[one step time navigating thru looteyns when e... | \n","
21 | \n","[0.07535804808139801, -0.05643236264586449, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","21 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","0.738669 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","[why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have... | \n","
22 | \n","[0.05986170098185539, -0.0674145296216011, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","22 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","0.659078 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","[modi will remain for next 510 years and till ... | \n","
23 | \n","[0.023959942162036896, -0.01397246215492487, -... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","23 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","0.555447 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","[pledge your first vote for modi] | \n","
24 | \n","[0.04451165348291397, -0.06473662704229355, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","24 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","0.578395 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","[why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 ... | \n","
25 | \n","[0.06561190634965897, -0.0614917054772377, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","25 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","0.706507 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","[raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fr... | \n","
26 | \n","[0.05217093229293823, -0.05785880237817764, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","26 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","0.607360 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","[modi govts slashing indias education budget c... | \n","
27 | \n","[0.04579754173755646, -0.051767487078905106, -... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","27 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","0.588993 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","[why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her p... | \n","
28 | \n","[0.047987841069698334, -0.050984784960746765, ... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","28 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","0.753084 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","[know going into dirty details nehru family it... | \n","
29 | \n","[0.04509664326906204, -0.05019481107592583, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","29 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","0.615988 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","[momota begum will let her state become total ... | \n","
30 | \n","[0.04315190762281418, -0.04578147828578949, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","30 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","0.555271 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","[thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peo... | \n","
31 | \n","[0.0144237345084548, -0.052222371101379395, -0... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","31 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","0.631877 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","[those who themselves dont know how many fathe... | \n","
32 | \n","[0.02492097206413746, -0.0531931146979332, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","32 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","0.586682 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","[the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than a... | \n","
33 | \n","[0.040389616042375565, -0.06375984847545624, -... | \n","neutral | \n","negative | \n","33 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","0.587196 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","[modi also live for few years only like you no... | \n","
34 | \n","[0.06742898374795914, -0.060488566756248474, -... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","34 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","0.533663 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","[narendra modi more brainy than all the drswam... | \n","
35 | \n","[0.06360629200935364, -0.06786973774433136, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","35 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","0.672972 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","[have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi... | \n","
36 | \n","[0.024233123287558556, -0.05243394151329994, -... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","36 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","0.510922 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","[this the difference confident leaders call up... | \n","
37 | \n","[0.039280060678720474, -0.05146652087569237, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","37 | \n","jawans killed the border\\r\\ncrimes against wom... | \n","0.701794 | \n","jawans killed the border crimes against women ... | \n","[jawans killed the border crimes against women... | \n","
38 | \n","[0.05051109194755554, -0.0660049319267273, 0.0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","38 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","0.714883 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","[tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this... | \n","
39 | \n","[-0.010975896380841732, -0.059168506413698196,... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","39 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","0.553189 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","[think hindus should back off and let them suf... | \n","
40 | \n","[0.02310813218355179, -0.027600247412919998, -... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","40 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","0.671809 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","[yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic a... | \n","
41 | \n","[0.043231260031461716, -0.07101075351238251, -... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","41 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","0.709371 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","[why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt ... | \n","
42 | \n","[0.04160398617386818, -0.06572042405605316, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","42 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","0.553482 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","[due automation and artificial intelligence fu... | \n","
43 | \n","[-0.00038854932063259184, -0.04599419981241226... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","43 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","0.609747 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","[weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acc... | \n","
44 | \n","[-0.02063656784594059, -0.07548005133867264, -... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","44 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","0.513191 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","[our narendra modi ordered indian air force ta... | \n","
45 | \n","[0.01779576577246189, -0.06789527088403702, -0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","45 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","0.635148 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","[why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high leve... | \n","
46 | \n","[0.065566785633564, -0.04119298234581947, -0.0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","46 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","0.687171 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","[its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta ... | \n","
47 | \n","[0.03988223522901535, -0.04965453967452049, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","47 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","0.557571 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","[before modis arrival 2014 all supported him f... | \n","
48 | \n","[0.010842484422028065, 0.01363383699208498, -0... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","48 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","0.615532 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","[think you forgot dollar india handled excepti... | \n","
49 | \n","[-0.01967957802116871, 0.05570048466324806, -0... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","49 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","0.604604 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","[tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt bu... | \n","
\n"," | sentiment | \n","sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n","origin_index | \n","text | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","sentence | \n","
0 | \n","[positive] | \n","[[0.009460609406232834, -0.07943306118249893, ... | \n","8589934592 | \n","the president of india just died | \n","[0.8165338] | \n","the president of india just died | \n","[the president of india just died] | \n","
\n", + " | text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "new post added mumbai press official site prod... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "not wrong the actual temperature might but and... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "why pakistan crying name modi every day how na... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "public toilet near kanagadurga temple nizampet... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
... | \n", + "... | \n", + "... | \n", + "
595 | \n", + "jai hind modi very nice thought | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
596 | \n", + "after going thru all the comedy speeches shri ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
597 | \n", + "mistry man not then why drag modi the nri foll... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
598 | \n", + "why modi have not held single press conference... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
599 | \n", + "modi government which fails protect its women ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
600 rows × 2 columns
\n", + "\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "new post added mumbai press official site prod... | \n", + "[-0.2672112286090851, 0.22553667426109314, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "new post added mumbai press official site prod... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "not wrong the actual temperature might but and... | \n", + "[-1.243513822555542, 0.24190887808799744, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "not wrong the actual temperature might but and... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "why pakistan crying name modi every day how na... | \n", + "[-0.7444853782653809, -0.0514342300593853, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "why pakistan crying name modi every day how na... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n", + "[-0.34242647886276245, 0.46881920099258423, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "public toilet near kanagadurga temple nizampet... | \n", + "[-1.1381851434707642, 0.512217104434967, -0.74... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "public toilet near kanagadurga temple nizampet... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "the foundation for new india 2022 has already ... | \n", + "[-0.4057338237762451, 1.0029019117355347, -0.9... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "\\nthe foundation for new india 2022 has alread... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "dear governorani can you let the people indian... | \n", + "[-1.4633989334106445, 0.0006002967129461467, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "dear governorani can you let the people indian... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "this daft donkey’ dick aap was born the iac mo... | \n", + "[0.04606145992875099, 0.3098487854003906, 0.02... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "this daft donkey’ dick aap was born the iac mo... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "major reason for social hatred and strife modi... | \n", + "[-0.9470604658126831, 0.27183642983436584, -1.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "major reason for social hatred and strife modi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "demo was black money caught modi did inspite r... | \n", + "[-0.7136786580085754, 0.0788763239979744, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "demo was black money caught modi did inspite r... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "one the best ministers modis cabinet | \n", + "[-0.3664279282093048, 0.3727397918701172, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "one the best ministers modis cabinet | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n", + "[-1.0506610870361328, 0.20963071286678314, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "governor kalyan singh aligarh 23rd march all a... | \n", + "[-0.20803016424179077, 0.07477151602506638, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "governor kalyan singh aligarh 23rd march all a... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "this campaign low hanging fruit seems giving f... | \n", + "[-1.2681258916854858, 0.24513696134090424, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "this campaign low hanging fruit seems giving f... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "strict policing that too health system sir reg... | \n", + "[-0.9757605195045471, 1.0792640447616577, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "strict policing that too health system sir reg... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "shatrughan sinha was far bigger public figure ... | \n", + "[-0.5276148319244385, 0.2546652853488922, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "shatrughan sinha was far bigger public figure ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "people wish your vision india and least intere... | \n", + "[-1.0698672533035278, 0.5003032088279724, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "people wish your vision india and least intere... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "chowkidar hee chor hain baap chor beta bada ch... | \n", + "[-0.5458223223686218, -0.23064681887626648, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "chowkidar hee chor hain baap chor beta bada ch... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "with modi all his drawbacks atleast know what ... | \n", + "[-0.8066104054450989, -0.014454682357609272, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "with modi all his drawbacks atleast know what ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "compare that with modi’ 2014 “vikas purush” el... | \n", + "[-0.5401442646980286, -0.41557249426841736, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "compare that with modi’ 2014 “vikas purush” el... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "with welfare delivery gst ibc and feo place mo... | \n", + "[-0.5764278769493103, 1.2036645412445068, -1.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "with welfare delivery gst ibc and feo place mo... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "young and dynamic chowkidar says you are not w... | \n", + "[-0.08391488343477249, -0.43613195419311523, 0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "young and dynamic chowkidar says you are not w... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "dont forget petrol prices have risen ₹ modi go... | \n", + "[-0.10981855541467667, 0.5448974370956421, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "dont forget petrol prices have risen ₹ modi go... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "prime minister narendra modi has urged voters ... | \n", + "[0.27992355823516846, 0.0582934208214283, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "prime minister narendra modi has urged voters ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "when someone asks random question economy sche... | \n", + "[-0.5603336691856384, -0.1663953959941864, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "when someone asks random question economy sche... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "from whatsapp have two options this elections ... | \n", + "[0.02258816733956337, -0.18138407170772552, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "from whatsapp have two options this elections ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "heres interesting section work which gives com... | \n", + "[-1.3662021160125732, 0.042950600385665894, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "heres interesting section work which gives com... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "know why you willpapu his chamchas nothing tar... | \n", + "[-1.0259658098220825, 0.31534343957901, -0.242... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "know why you willpapu his chamchas nothing tar... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n", + "[-0.411965548992157, -0.5224093198776245, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "one see the fake calculation calsi chek kariye... | \n", + "[-1.0891247987747192, -0.5220181345939636, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "one see the fake calculation calsi chek kariye... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "being born religion where female deities worsh... | \n", + "[-1.0681140422821045, -0.6835974454879761, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "being born religion where female deities worsh... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "narendra modi became and despite biased viciou... | \n", + "[-0.20442193746566772, -0.3683846890926361, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "narendra modi became and despite biased viciou... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n", + "[-0.9112239480018616, 0.17845268547534943, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "from the very beginningmodi doing wada faramos... | \n", + "[-1.3499250411987305, 0.23698307573795319, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "from the very beginningmodi doing wada faramos... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "women are powerful nature wat hinduism states ... | \n", + "[-0.47838863730430603, 0.19593238830566406, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "women are powerful nature wat hinduism states ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "almost 4000 crore spent but the ganga more pol... | \n", + "[-1.229308009147644, -0.07380063086748123, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "almost 4000 crore spent but the ganga more pol... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "seriously must have sick mind call small kid r... | \n", + "[-0.8348453640937805, -0.03178590536117554, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "seriously must have sick mind call small kid r... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "agree with you was unrequired was kinda uncomf... | \n", + "[-0.4827183485031128, 0.08657485246658325, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "agree with you was unrequired was kinda uncomf... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "rajdeep think 4got that imran not indian never... | \n", + "[-0.6942201852798462, -0.3642423152923584, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "rajdeep think 4got that imran not indian never... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "the great modi trap ways congress has walked into | \n", + "[-0.9660191535949707, -0.2219739854335785, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "the great modi trap ways congress has walked i... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "has come new meanings nationalism hindu and su... | \n", + "[-0.03318127244710922, 0.04329724237322807, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "has come new meanings nationalism hindu and su... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "modi govt hindus are behaving wildly | \n", + "[-0.5563615560531616, 0.4725855588912964, 0.10... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "modi govt hindus are behaving wildly | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "sir one request why bjp candidate contesting f... | \n", + "[-0.6955257654190063, 0.37047961354255676, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "sir one request why bjp candidate contesting f... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "vapas lana hai desh agey badana hai vote for m... | \n", + "[-0.8704789876937866, -0.22370557487010956, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "vapas lana hai\\ndesh agey badana hai\\nvote for... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "even with massive mandate 336 seats the nda go... | \n", + "[-0.20755957067012787, 0.34972018003463745, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "even with massive mandate 336 seats the nda go... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "can promise what can delivered epf pension uni... | \n", + "[-1.3415300846099854, 1.6326956748962402, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "can promise what can delivered epf pension uni... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "and even print this seriously whats this elect... | \n", + "[-1.4377732276916504, -0.11478081345558167, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "and even print this seriously whats this elect... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "she has asked three questions from modi and he... | \n", + "[-1.193617343902588, -0.02149897627532482, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "she has asked three questions from modi and he... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "dear all tsunami favour modi 2019 coming from ... | \n", + "[-0.5854026675224304, -0.21378959715366364, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "dear all tsunami favour modi 2019 coming from ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "rahul gandhis politics love can defeat the mod... | \n", + "[-0.39933672547340393, -0.5969381332397461, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "rahul gandhis politics love can defeat the mod... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
\n", + " | sentence | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "the president of india just died | \n", + "[-0.9852966070175171, 0.5659735798835754, -1.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_small_bert_L2_128 | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "text | \n", + "y | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "new post added mumbai press official site prod... | \n", + "[-0.2672112286090851, 0.22553667426109314, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "new post added mumbai press official site prod... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
1 | \n", + "not wrong the actual temperature might but and... | \n", + "[-1.243513822555542, 0.24190887808799744, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "not wrong the actual temperature might but and... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
2 | \n", + "why pakistan crying name modi every day how na... | \n", + "[-0.7444853782653809, -0.0514342300593853, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "why pakistan crying name modi every day how na... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
3 | \n", + "congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n", + "[-0.34242647886276245, 0.46881920099258423, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
4 | \n", + "public toilet near kanagadurga temple nizampet... | \n", + "[-1.1381851434707642, 0.512217104434967, -0.74... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "public toilet near kanagadurga temple nizampet... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
5 | \n", + "the foundation for new india 2022 has already ... | \n", + "[-0.4057338237762451, 1.0029019117355347, -0.9... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "\\nthe foundation for new india 2022 has alread... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
6 | \n", + "dear governorani can you let the people indian... | \n", + "[-1.4633989334106445, 0.0006002967129461467, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "dear governorani can you let the people indian... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
7 | \n", + "this daft donkey’ dick aap was born the iac mo... | \n", + "[0.04606145992875099, 0.3098487854003906, 0.02... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "this daft donkey’ dick aap was born the iac mo... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
8 | \n", + "major reason for social hatred and strife modi... | \n", + "[-0.9470604658126831, 0.27183642983436584, -1.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "major reason for social hatred and strife modi... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
9 | \n", + "demo was black money caught modi did inspite r... | \n", + "[-0.7136786580085754, 0.0788763239979744, -0.5... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "demo was black money caught modi did inspite r... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
10 | \n", + "one the best ministers modis cabinet | \n", + "[-0.3664279282093048, 0.3727397918701172, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "one the best ministers modis cabinet | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
11 | \n", + "raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n", + "[-1.0506610870361328, 0.20963071286678314, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
12 | \n", + "governor kalyan singh aligarh 23rd march all a... | \n", + "[-0.20803016424179077, 0.07477151602506638, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "governor kalyan singh aligarh 23rd march all a... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
13 | \n", + "this campaign low hanging fruit seems giving f... | \n", + "[-1.2681258916854858, 0.24513696134090424, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "this campaign low hanging fruit seems giving f... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
14 | \n", + "strict policing that too health system sir reg... | \n", + "[-0.9757605195045471, 1.0792640447616577, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "strict policing that too health system sir reg... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
15 | \n", + "shatrughan sinha was far bigger public figure ... | \n", + "[-0.5276148319244385, 0.2546652853488922, -0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "8.0 | \n", + "shatrughan sinha was far bigger public figure ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
16 | \n", + "people wish your vision india and least intere... | \n", + "[-1.0698672533035278, 0.5003032088279724, -0.4... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "3.0 | \n", + "people wish your vision india and least intere... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
17 | \n", + "chowkidar hee chor hain baap chor beta bada ch... | \n", + "[-0.5458223223686218, -0.23064681887626648, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "chowkidar hee chor hain baap chor beta bada ch... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
18 | \n", + "with modi all his drawbacks atleast know what ... | \n", + "[-0.8066104054450989, -0.014454682357609272, -... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "with modi all his drawbacks atleast know what ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
19 | \n", + "compare that with modi’ 2014 “vikas purush” el... | \n", + "[-0.5401442646980286, -0.41557249426841736, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "compare that with modi’ 2014 “vikas purush” el... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
20 | \n", + "with welfare delivery gst ibc and feo place mo... | \n", + "[-0.5764278769493103, 1.2036645412445068, -1.0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "with welfare delivery gst ibc and feo place mo... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
21 | \n", + "young and dynamic chowkidar says you are not w... | \n", + "[-0.08391488343477249, -0.43613195419311523, 0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "young and dynamic chowkidar says you are not w... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
22 | \n", + "dont forget petrol prices have risen ₹ modi go... | \n", + "[-0.10981855541467667, 0.5448974370956421, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "dont forget petrol prices have risen ₹ modi go... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
23 | \n", + "prime minister narendra modi has urged voters ... | \n", + "[0.27992355823516846, 0.0582934208214283, -0.2... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "7.0 | \n", + "prime minister narendra modi has urged voters ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
24 | \n", + "when someone asks random question economy sche... | \n", + "[-0.5603336691856384, -0.1663953959941864, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "when someone asks random question economy sche... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
25 | \n", + "from whatsapp have two options this elections ... | \n", + "[0.02258816733956337, -0.18138407170772552, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "from whatsapp have two options this elections ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "heres interesting section work which gives com... | \n", + "[-1.3662021160125732, 0.042950600385665894, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "heres interesting section work which gives com... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
27 | \n", + "know why you willpapu his chamchas nothing tar... | \n", + "[-1.0259658098220825, 0.31534343957901, -0.242... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "know why you willpapu his chamchas nothing tar... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
28 | \n", + "only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n", + "[-0.411965548992157, -0.5224093198776245, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
29 | \n", + "one see the fake calculation calsi chek kariye... | \n", + "[-1.0891247987747192, -0.5220181345939636, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "one see the fake calculation calsi chek kariye... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
30 | \n", + "being born religion where female deities worsh... | \n", + "[-1.0681140422821045, -0.6835974454879761, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "being born religion where female deities worsh... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
31 | \n", + "narendra modi became and despite biased viciou... | \n", + "[-0.20442193746566772, -0.3683846890926361, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "narendra modi became and despite biased viciou... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
32 | \n", + "think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n", + "[-0.9112239480018616, 0.17845268547534943, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
33 | \n", + "from the very beginningmodi doing wada faramos... | \n", + "[-1.3499250411987305, 0.23698307573795319, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "from the very beginningmodi doing wada faramos... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
34 | \n", + "women are powerful nature wat hinduism states ... | \n", + "[-0.47838863730430603, 0.19593238830566406, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "women are powerful nature wat hinduism states ... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
35 | \n", + "almost 4000 crore spent but the ganga more pol... | \n", + "[-1.229308009147644, -0.07380063086748123, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "almost 4000 crore spent but the ganga more pol... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
36 | \n", + "seriously must have sick mind call small kid r... | \n", + "[-0.8348453640937805, -0.03178590536117554, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "seriously must have sick mind call small kid r... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
37 | \n", + "agree with you was unrequired was kinda uncomf... | \n", + "[-0.4827183485031128, 0.08657485246658325, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "agree with you was unrequired was kinda uncomf... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
38 | \n", + "rajdeep think 4got that imran not indian never... | \n", + "[-0.6942201852798462, -0.3642423152923584, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "rajdeep think 4got that imran not indian never... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
39 | \n", + "the great modi trap ways congress has walked into | \n", + "[-0.9660191535949707, -0.2219739854335785, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "the great modi trap ways congress has walked i... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
40 | \n", + "has come new meanings nationalism hindu and su... | \n", + "[-0.03318127244710922, 0.04329724237322807, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "has come new meanings nationalism hindu and su... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "modi govt hindus are behaving wildly | \n", + "[-0.5563615560531616, 0.4725855588912964, 0.10... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "modi govt hindus are behaving wildly | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
42 | \n", + "sir one request why bjp candidate contesting f... | \n", + "[-0.6955257654190063, 0.37047961354255676, -0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "sir one request why bjp candidate contesting f... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
43 | \n", + "vapas lana hai desh agey badana hai vote for m... | \n", + "[-0.8704789876937866, -0.22370557487010956, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "vapas lana hai\\ndesh agey badana hai\\nvote for... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
44 | \n", + "even with massive mandate 336 seats the nda go... | \n", + "[-0.20755957067012787, 0.34972018003463745, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "even with massive mandate 336 seats the nda go... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
45 | \n", + "can promise what can delivered epf pension uni... | \n", + "[-1.3415300846099854, 1.6326956748962402, -0.6... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "can promise what can delivered epf pension uni... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
46 | \n", + "and even print this seriously whats this elect... | \n", + "[-1.4377732276916504, -0.11478081345558167, 0.... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "and even print this seriously whats this elect... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
47 | \n", + "she has asked three questions from modi and he... | \n", + "[-1.193617343902588, -0.02149897627532482, 0.1... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "1.0 | \n", + "she has asked three questions from modi and he... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "
48 | \n", + "dear all tsunami favour modi 2019 coming from ... | \n", + "[-0.5854026675224304, -0.21378959715366364, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "4.0 | \n", + "dear all tsunami favour modi 2019 coming from ... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
49 | \n", + "rahul gandhis politics love can defeat the mod... | \n", + "[-0.39933672547340393, -0.5969381332397461, -0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "rahul gandhis politics love can defeat the mod... | \n", + "negative | \n", + "
\n", + " | document | \n", + "sentence_embedding_from_disk | \n", + "sentiment | \n", + "sentiment_confidence | \n", + "
0 | \n", + "the president of india just died | \n", + "[0.009459968656301498, -0.07943318039178848, 0... | \n", + "positive | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "
\n"," | sentence | \n","word_embedding_glove | \n","document | \n","entities_class | \n","entities | \n","token | \n","origin_index | \n","
0 | \n","[Donald Trump and Angela Merkel dont share man... | \n","[[-0.5496799945831299, -0.488319993019104, 0.5... | \n","Donald Trump and Angela Merkel dont share many... | \n","[PER, PER] | \n","[Donald Trump, Angela Merkel] | \n","[Donald, Trump, and, Angela, Merkel, dont, sha... | \n","0 | \n","