All notable changes to the "MinifyAll" CLI tool/package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Some issues with the preserve license
- Updated npm packages
- Preserve comments added to fix issue #65
- Try-catch clause if the rgb/a color minifier couldn't be performed.
- Multiple checks to not minify colours if the result isn't valid.
- 0% removal to check if preceding character is ":" or "(".
- CSS now removes space after a colon ":", and 0% gets transformed into just "0" to fix issue #59.
- Spaced after a colon to close the issue #57 (this colon-space removal was probably copied from the css minifier)
- Uglify package to minimize all the dist .js files.
- Updated npm packages.
- Some files and directories to the '.npmignore' file, to reduce the bundle size.
- Removed paces at the beginning, or the end of the minified code.
- Dependency errors by updating them
- Issue #49. A px number with a sign which ends with 0 was appended with 0px. ex: +1200px to +1200px0px
- 00px was always transformed to 0px. So 1200px would be minified to 120px. It is fixed now, as MinifyAll searches if the previous character is a number or not.
- Issue 45. MinifyAll now supports CSS calc operations.
- Issue label bot yaml in the .github directory.
- Issue #43 (JSON minifier was removing a space after a comma).
- Multiple other JSON improvements to try to remove the more spaces possible without removing spaces inside a text string.
- Test file to only test JSON/C code.
- Tests case to test the showVersion and showHelp arguments (informationalArguments.test.ts).
- now also updates the informationalArguments.test.ts file.
- npmg git hook to run versionUpdater before each commit to ensure all the versions strings are up to date.
- Script to update the version of the package in the file and in the informationCLI.ts file automatically run on npm prepublish script.
- A file inside the
directory that explains what is located in that directory.
- Test consistency and reliability as it sometimes failed because of async await problems.
- Default value of the file is now ".", this will prevent the CLI from crashing.
- Suffix argument changes its default value from "-min" to "" (blank string).
- Windows support in reading / creating files.
- DeepScan badge.
- Github workflow actions to test on CI (windows, macOs and ubuntu with node versions 13.x and 14.x).
- Github workflow badge.
- Stale bot and configuration in the .github/ directory.
- Issue templates.
- package json script to remove the dist folder without outputting errors.
- Contribution description in the file.
- Unnecessary await keyword in the fileControler test file.
- License badge.
- Excluded *.d.ts in the tsconfig file.
- Some typos in the file.
- Unused await keyword in the fileController test.
- Package json scripts that didn't output error.
- TypeScript typings.
- Import of the module, from:
import {MinifyAllClass} from '@josee9988/minifyall/dist/index.js';
toimport { MinifyAllClass } from '@josee9988/minifyall';
- Version 1.0.0, minifier works with HTML, CSS, JSON and JSONC.