smartui-figma-web-cli-sample Steps to run: Please clone the following sample Github repo ( git clone Install the node modules using the command: npm i Configure your project token and Figma token Setup your project token show in the SmartUI app after, creating your project. export PROJECT_TOKEN="123456#1234abcd-****-****-****-************" set PROJECT_TOKEN="123456#1234abcd-****-****-****-************" Setup your personal access token for Figma to authenticate Figma with SmartUI. export FIGMA_TOKEN="123456#1234abcd-****-****-****-************" set FIGMA_TOKEN="123456#1234abcd-****-****-****-************" Create your figma baseline npx smartui upload-figma-web designs.json --buildName=FigmaBaseline1 Execute your functional test script (Selenium Nodejs in this sample) npx smartui --config web-config.json exec --buildName=web-build -- node figma-web-local.js