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Composers and researchers in videogame music, generative and adaptive music:
- Rob Hubbard - talk, here and here his way of composing music for the C64 is analyzed;
- Robert "Bobby" Prince;
- George Alistair "the Fat man" Sanger
- Karen Collins;
- Brian Eno;
- Leonard J Paul: website, Youtube channel, talk, lesson
- Yann Seznec: website;
- Winifred Phillips: website;
- a special mention to Thomas "floex" Dvorak music composer for Amanita Design and Thomas "Pif" Dvorak, Anamanita Design sound designer. Here an interesting talk about music in Samorost 3!
Sound effects in video games and many more:
- Andy Farnell main website, "", is offline. It seems we have found a copy of it here; you can still have a look at the original one from the wayback machine here. Take a look at this interview, and to the "Designing Sound" companion website;
- Perry Cook: website;
- Ge Wang: website and TED talk;
- Graham Gatheral: website, talk;
- Niels Bottcher website;
- Paul Weir, sound designer for the Hello Game's No Man Sky, talk, in game sounds;
- Dinesh Pai and Kees van den Doel Modal Synthesis for Vibrating Objects paper and code example and many more papers;
- Changxi Zheng and Doug James: fracture sound, water simulation model;
- William Moss and Hengchin Yeh Sounding Liquids paper and website;
- Kees van den Doel: water simulation model's paper;
- Nicolas Fournel blog
- Dylan Menzies: papers, pubblications
- Dr Stefan Bilbao: website
- Mark Grimshaw: thesis
- Anton Woldhek
- Rod Selfridge: sword sounds
- Christian Heinrichs
- Stefania Serafin and her work on contact models;
- Gary Scavone from the Computational Acoustic Modelling Loaboratory;
- Lucas Mengual "Modal synthesis for weapons" research: talk and paper;
- Dr Joshua D Reiss from Queen Mary University of London. Intelligent Sound Youtube channel, blog and twitter channel
- Akash Thakkar;
- Fract which uses PureData with Libpd as sound engine;
- GTA V and its RAGE audio engine: Alastair MacGregor's talk and slides. Assets and memory, Vehicles granular engine, Procedural audio Synthetizer tool;
- Smule's Leaf Trombone, Ocarina, etc...;
- Julius Smith's moForte software house develops a series of physical model based apps like GeoShred, moForte guitars and more;
- Pugs Luv Beats a game by Lucky Frame (Yann Seznec) with PureData embedded inside w/ help from Peter Brinkmann libPD (gameplay);
- Sim Cell by StrangeLoop. Listen to this podcast by Leonard J Paul, music and sound designer for the game, from the Sounding Out! magazine. This video shows how music and sound where crated;
- Vessel by StrangeLoop uses a custom adaptive music system. See this talk by Leonard J Paul @ GDC 2012;
- Spore;
- Revheadz's engine sound apps;
- SDL (Sound Design Lab) is a small company specialized in researching the field of engine sound. RealEngineSim and Vehicle Sound Simulator, Ride Yamaha or Trans4motor are only a few of their software products. They make use of procedural techniques to recreate realistic sound of a variety of engines (as stated in this interview by Osamu Maeda, the SDL director);
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- Virtual Analog Synthesis, the term was not used until the 1990s when the Nord Lead came out.
A possible example of this kind of synthesis is the Arturia True Analog Emulation (TAE) technology, used in software plug-ins by the company like the mini V or the arp-2600. Line6 Pod product, for example, implements a sound engine which simulate a lot of preamps, cabinets and room acoustics. Acustica-Audio also uses a lot of interesting technology inside their plugins: Nebula3 for example, which "is a multi-effect plug-in that is able to emulate and replicate several types of audio equipment and uses libraries which are created using a sophisticated “sampling approach” making it possible to “record” aspects of the sound of audio devices and play them back". AudioThing;
- Physical modelling synthesis engines are used in softwares like the Arturia Stage-73 V, the Moddart products (like PianoTeq or Organteq), Supreme Piano which uses an hybrid synthesis modelling, but also the Antares Auto-tune or Throath, Celemony Melodyne and Capstan, Izotope RX. Other examples are the Roland instruments like the Aerophone AE-10 use the SuperNATURAL modelling synthesis engine in parallel with traditional PCM synthetizer.
We can find the same concepts in many others software and hardware products like virtual instruments by Togu Audio Line (Tal), effects by The Audio Thing, Native Instruments B4, and more...
Other examples can be:
- Hardware instruments and Expanders: see (ex)GEM DRAKE technology;
- qiano a physical modeled piano!
- setBfree, a DSP tonewheel organ emulation;
- hexter a Yamaha DX7 emulator for GNU/Linux by Sam Bolton;
- aeolus, Aeolus is a synthesised pipe organ emulator;
- Audiokinetic Wwsise's plugins: SoundSeed
- adx2 by Cri middleware
- Tsugi audio products like, for example, Game Synth or DSP retro among others;
- AudioGaming Le sound sound design products;
- bfxr an online and offline sound effect generator. It was born after the Tomas Pettersson sfxr previous project. This is as3sfxr, a Flash porting.
- Praat;
- Sonic Visualizer;
- PaulStretch by Paul Nasca;
- Tapestrea: Techniques And Paradigms for Expressive Synthesis, Transformation, and Rendering of Environmental Audio. Here at Princeton Sound lab there's a lot of other interesting software tools like the
- Ge Wang's sndtools: soundpeek, rt_lpc and rt_pvc;
- Chuck (here's a tool which makes it possible to write and execute ChucK programs as VST/AudioUnit plugins!). Here the developer's tutorial on how chuck works;
- SMELT and SMIRK and many others...
- PureData. Learn PureData with Johannes Kreidler's "loadbang" book;
- Max/MSP;
- Simbolic Sound's Kyma;
- SuperCollider. If you want to learn how to use SuperCollider the Eli Fieldsteel Youtube playlist. Here's the Supercollider code repository and Supercollider code snippets ported from the Pure Data esamples from Farnell's "Designing Sound" book;
- CSound;
- Faust a DSP programming language;
- Heavy Audio Tools Framework;
- ISSE: Interactive Source Separation Editor by Nick J. Bryan;
- Xavier Serra and Julis O. Smith SMS tools. See also their Kadenze MOOC;
- Vamp plugins - Vamp is an audio processing plugin system for plugins that extract descriptive information from audio data;
- Tartini;
- Baudline: an interesting tool for doing spectral analysis of sounds;
Other tools of interest:
- Ircam softwares;
- VCV Rack modular synthetizer;
- GNU/Linux instrument and plugin by Zita;
- Intermorphic, a company with many years of experience in building generative music apps and sound engines. Koan, Noatikl, Liptikl, Mixtikl, Wotja are only a few of the software they developed;
Tools for development:
- RtAudio;
- OpenAL;
- The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ STK by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone. GitHub link;
- Steinberg VST SDK now is going toward Linux! An interesting article about that.
- Minim, an audio library for the Processing environment;
- Tones.js and howlers.js for audio inside Web browser;
Trakers and places where to find .mod
files, listen to chiptune music:
- Read this interesting article about the sound of "Retro City Rampage" by Leonard J. Paul. Very interesting also his presentation about the argument you can find here, from his website;
- playerPro is a public domain tracker and it was used by Aphex Twin as his main compositional tool for the "Druqs" album (source here);
- Renoise is a multiplatform modern tracker.
- OpenMPT;
- Impulse tracker;
- mod Archive;
- is a place where you can find many other chiptune enthusiasts. here you can listen to music too;
- kohina to listen to some good chiptune music;
- DemoScene community all kind of resources here;
.. and other videogame resources/tutorials:
- Open Game Art
- Bit Gem
- CGTrader
- TurboSquid
- Blend swap
- Game Art Tricks articles by @simonschreibt.
- sketchfab, a place where to find free downloadable 3D models;
- video game maps
- Godot Engine lead developer Juan Linietsky "Advantages of Open Source in GameDev" presentation;
- Game Sound XYZ;
- Make Human, a tool to easily prototype a human body model with rigs, clothes and textures;
Audio Assets:
- FreeSound
- Findsound;
- Philarmonia orchestra sound samples: thousands of free, downloadable sound samples specially recorded by Philharmonia Orchestra players. These samples are suitable for creating any kind of music, no matter what style;
- The University of Iowa Musical Instrument Samples The University of Iowa Musical Instrument Samples (MIS): these recordings have been freely available and may be downloaded and used for any projects, without restrictions;
- Virtual Playing Orchestra This is a free orchestral sample library featuring section and solo instruments for woodwinds, brass, strings and percussion;
- Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra a creative commons-licensed orchestral sample library;
- VSCO 2 Community Edition: this library is under a Creative Commons 0 (i.e. public domain) license. 3 GB of samples for free with no rules, no royalties, no limits on how or when you can use it.
- Kadenze Physics-Based Sound Synthesis for Games and Interactive Systems
- Coursera Introduction to Game Development
- MIT Open Course Ware: SoundDesign, Algorithmic and Generative Music, Interactive Music Systems;
- Learning Web Audio by Recreating The Works of Steve Reich and Brian Eno;
- Andy Farnell lecture on Procedural Audio @ Dolby, London on 9th April 2013.
- Andy Farnell Granular Synthesis talk at UWE Bristol (4/10/2017). A great introduction on granular synthesis in PD and its application in physically modelled sound like fire! The philosophy of breaking down a sound into its singular components, "gestalt effect", "the real is not real enough", cartoon: what it really means to be a sound designer! Talking about the clock sound;
Books about music, sound effects and sound topics in general:
- Karen Kollins "Game Sound" - MIT press;
- Winifred Phillips "A Composer's Guide to Game Music" - MIT press;
- Andy Farnell's "Designing Sound" - MIT press;
- Perry Cook "Real Sound Synthesis for Interactive Applications" - CRC press;
- Mark Grimshaw's "Game Sound Technology and Player Interaction: Concepts and Developments" - IGI Global;
- Stephen McAdams and Emmanuel Bigand , "Thinking in Sound: The Cognitive Psychology of Human Audition" - Oxford Science Pubblications;
Other books of interest:
- K.Collins, B.Kapralos, H.Tessler "The Oxfrod hadbook of Interactive Audio" - Oxford Univeristy press, 2014. Here a link to the companion website;
- Anna Anthropy "Rise of videogame zinester" - 7 stories press;
- Chris Solarsky "Interactive story and videogame art" - CRC press;
- Ernest Adams "Foundamentals of game design" - Pearson;
- James Newman "Videogames" (2nd ed) - Routledge;
- Blake J. Harris "Console Wars" - edizioni;
- Marco Accordi Rickards "Storia del videogioco" - Carocci editore;
- Micheal Chion "L' audiovisione. Suono e immagine nel cinema" - Lindau;
- R. Murray Schafer "Il paesaggio sonoro - Ricordi, Lim;
- Steven W. Smith' The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing - free downloadable from the website as .pdf;
- Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound, and introduction to Psychoacoustics edited by Perry Cook - MIT press, 2001;
- check out the dsprelated website. Here you will find lots of interesting books about DSP and audio programming!
- PAN: Procedural Audio Now
- Scott Selfon of Microsoft Corporation talks about repetition in videogames @ GDC 2014: "Techniques for Fighting Repetition in Game Audio". Here he talks about titles which uses audio in a innovative way: "Crossing the Streams: Game Audio Rule Breakers of the Past Decade" @ GDC 2013.
- GDC Doom Music;
- GDC Final Fantasy XV - interactive music and tools;
- Akash Thakkar & Disasterpiece GDC talk about the game "Hiperlight Drfiter";
- Audio talk GDC 2017
- Karen Collins @GDC 2013, @GDC 2014;
- Gamasutra article 1, article 2 and article 3;
- Full Indie Talks and presentation;
- PoliMi lecturer PierPaolo Lanzi talk about science in videogames;
- AES Audio for games twitter channel and website.
- Pompeu Fabra Audio Signal Processing Lab
- Queen Mary University software projects page
- Csound Magazine;
- Interview with David Thall, Mads Lykke and Andy Farnell
- Playstation VR worlds
- Audio Developer Conference (ADC);
- Peter McConnell GDC 2015 talk about music in videogames;
- Game Audio Programming talk;
- Signal Processing for Sound Design talk;
- Game Music Festival;
- The Sounding Object project
- The Association of Sound Designers
- AES Lecturers - YouTube channel
- project Bar-B-Q;
- IAsig;
- G.A.N.G.: a network of game audio and music workers!
- Sound Design Tutorials
- reaktoplayer blog and twitter profile;
- Lost Chocolate Blog
- game audio podcast ep.4 - about procedural audio
- Designing Sound Blog articles: part 1 and part 2
- Gaf, IEZA and this. GAL and this;
- Artificial intelligence for speach synthesis: WaveNet, NPSS which is a neural parametric singing sinthesizer,an artificial intelligence application (paper), see Gene Kogan website and other project.
- Artificial intelligence in music: Magenta is an OpenSource project by Google Brain team that uses the tensorFlow artificial intelligence library. Magenta main repo and demo page;
- A Game Audio Blog By Mat Arnold. here an interesting article about iMuse;
- VoCo: Text-based Insertion and Replacement in Audio Narration. Look at this article and this video for more information;
- JSIDPlay 2, a Commodore 64 emulator with oscilloscope to inspect different SID voice waveforms;
- High Voltage Sid Collection a music database for the C64;
- Byte magazine
- NesDev portal;
- Video Game Music Preservation Foundation;
- Atari Museum;
- C64 Wiki;
- Game database;
- videogame section;
- gametrak controller;
- The SLOrk speaker and Delorean, the Plork speaker, the Calart Machine Orchestra and all of its instruments, robots and publications. See also the MoPhO which stands for Stanford Mobile Phone Orchestra!;
- Princeton Sound Lab
- Stanford CCRMA
- Common Music and Grace;
- Impro-Visor by Bob Keller @ MUDD;
- Nyquist, a tool for sound synthesis and composition;
- Open Music by IRCAM;
- myNoise by Dr. Ir. Stéphane Pigeon;
- Sleeping Dragon;
- DIN: DIN Is Noise
- Impulse responses openairlib, room-impulse-response-data-set;
- OAML, Open Adaptive Music Library and OAMLStudio, the companion authoring tool;
| engine / middleware / tool | Linux | Mac OS X | Windows | | Pure Data | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Unity3D editor | yes | yes | yes | | Wwise SDK | yes | yes | yes | | Wwise editor | No | Yes | Yes | | Fmod API and lib | yes | yes | yes | | Fmod editor | no | yes | yes | | AGS (Adventure Game Studio) - editor | no (must use Wine and/or winetricks)| no | yes | | AGS (Adventure Game Studio) - runtime engine | yes | no | yes | {: class="reference-table"}
| middleware/tool | Unity3D | Unreal | | Wwise | yes | yes | | Fmod | yes | yes | {: class="reference-table"}
{% comment %}
late '70 - Atari 2600: 2 voice of synthetized sound: space invaders sound
AY-3-8910 arcade games of that era
from text based adventure games to graphical adventures Computer Chronicles
- Audio Mostly
- A system to create synthetic engine sound for electric/hybrid car: Harman Halosonic
VRDC 2016 - Virtual Reality and Real Audio GDC Eu 2015 - Oh My! That Sound Made the Game Feel Better! GDC 2015 - Audio Bootcamp : Advanced Composition Techniques for Adaptive Systems by Winifred Phillips Audio Bootcamp : Introduction (10-10:10am)/Sound Design the Bungie Way: The Weapons of Destiny Audio Bootcamp : Technical Sound Design Working in Games: Sound Design at Pinewood Studios
- don't use the
file format if you need your file to loop smoothly. Mp3 format adds data chunks at the end of the file so, when played back, you can heard an interruption. Instadd use the.ogg
file format: it has the same dimensions of the.mp3
version but it is better in terms of looping!
(ref. Karen Collins)
Storia dell'audio nelle varie console/videogiochi:
Amiga (mod format) [Storia del game sound]
Game audio oggi - figure professionali, modalità di lavoro e documenti di lavoro (ref Adams):
pre, pro, post
sample music cue sheet
dialogue cue sheet
sound design assets list
pop in VG
funzione del game audio
grado di interattività in audio dinamico
immersione e costruzione del reale
approcci compositivi a musica dinamica in VG
non-linearità nei VG
approcci a variabilità in VG
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