A portable Celeste Classic C source port for Sega Dreamcast
- D-pad - Movement
- A Button - Jump
- B Button / X Button - Dash
- Start Button - Pause
- The sound sometimes crackles
Music does not loop and crash (possible kos or dev environment bug)Music does not loop exactly
First, you need to setup and configure KallistiOS according to your operating system, you can see that here
After that, compile using these commands in the terminal
source /opt/toolchains/dc/kos/environ.sh
git clone --recursive https://github.com/GPF/SDL2
Now take the SDL_dreamcastvideo.c
from the tools folder and overwrite it in SDL2/src/videos/dreamcast/
cd ~/SDL2/build-scripts
git clone --recursive https://github.com/carstene1ns/libmikmod/tree/master
cd ~/lmikmod/dc
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Memorix101/ccleste-dreamcast
cd ~/ccelste-dc
chmod 755 ./make_cdi.sh
chmod 755 ./tools/mkdcdisc
This C source port of the original Celeste for the PICO-8 was originally developed by lemon32767.
Sound wave files are taken from the Celeste-Classic-GBA project, music _.ogg files were obtained by converting the _.wav dumps from PICO-8, which I did using audacity & ffmpeg.
The frame for the N-Gage version is based on Mountain at Dusk Background by ansimuz.
All credit for the original game goes to the original developers (Maddy Thorson & Noel Berry).