Releases: NCAR/ccpp-scm
v4.0.0beta02 release candidate
This beta release addresses machine setups to be consistent with the UFS release and issues with the script.
v4.0.0beta01 release candidate
This tag is for final testing purposes prior to the v4.0.0 release of CCPP SCM.
CCPP-SCM Version 3.0
The v3.0 release code may be obtained from this GitHub Repository.
git clone --recursive -b v3.0
cd gmtb-scm
For questions or comments about the CCPP, the SCM, and other Global Model Test Bed activities, please contact us at GMTB Help.
CCPP v1.0 final
This release is pushed to a public release repository, 4/8/2018
CCPP v1.0
The Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) is a library of physical parameterizations for atmospheric numerical models. It is distributed with a driver that enables its use with any host application. In this release, the CCPP has been bundled with the Global Model Test Bed Single Column Model (SCM) and contains all the physical parameterizations used in the operational NOAA Global Forecast System (GFS) implemented operationally in June 2017.