description |
Guide to run simulation setup for NXP AIM CHALLENGE. |
To run the simulation, run the following commands in a new Terminal Window
$ ros2 launch b3rb_gz_bringup world:=Raceway_1
Running this will launch the gazebo simulation and Xterm window as follows:
On a different terminal run the following code:
$ source ~/cognipilot/cranium/install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run b3rb_ros_line_follower vectors
On a different terminal run the following code:
$ source ~/cognipilot/cranium/install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run b3rb_ros_line_follower runner
On a different terminal run the following code:
$ source ~/cognipilot/cranium/install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run b3rb_ros_line_follower detect
Running the above 3 commands should make the buggy move autonomously now in simulation.
{% hint style="danger" %}If on execution of any _ros2 run b3rb_ros_line_follower gives error like below, it means that sourcing of setup.bash was unsuccesful {% endhint %}
If after successful installation done on step-6, one is still facing issue on executing ros2 run b3rb_ros_line_follower vectors/detect/runner commands, then please make sure that the packaage installed in /cognipilot/cranium/src for br3b_ros_line_follower is same as this folder:
There seems issue from github side, where it is clonning previous unstable commit files and will cause issue. Please repalce the content with the content available on github and re-build the setup and try running again.
If issue is still not resolved try this approach: Please clone the setup from and manually follow steps given here: