The NXP AIM 2024 Grand Finale track will be designed using the parts and dimensions that are described in the below attached file:
{% file src=".gitbook/assets/AIM_2024/Track configuration default.docx" %} Track Parts details and sizes {% endfile %}
{% hint style="info" %} The teams can design there own physical tracks by refering to the dimension and design of various parts of the track that are given in the document. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="warning" %} The teams can design there own physical tracks by using variety of materials. Try to experiment with different shine, texture nad material of surface to get best results for your algorithm. {% endhint %}
The particpants are recommend to refer and design the tracks for their own practice for the final showdown in grand finale using NXP AIM kits, by refering to the below smaple track.
{% file src=".gitbook/assets/AIM_2024/SampleTrack1.pdf" %} Sample Track length and width {% endfile %}
{% file src=".gitbook/assets/AIM_2024/" %} Sample Track CAD files {% endfile %}
Participants will be required to identify the traffic signs and obstacles and take correct decissions in the Grand Finale.
The following traffic signs will be used in the grand finale:
- Go straight traffic sign
- Turn Left traffic sign
- Turn Right traffic sign
- Stop traffic sign
- Red light (in traffic light)
- Green light (in traffic light)
{% hint style="info" %} Paticipants are recommended to use the dataset that will be provided by technical team (on 31st August,2024) to practice for sign detection algroithm. {% endhint %}
For obstacle avoidance, teams can use any real world obstacles such which are detectable by lidar on top of NXP AIM buggy. Recommned shape and designs are:
- Cube/Cuboidal boxes
- Poles/Stands
- Cylindrical obstacles (Cans/cups/etc.)
- Pyramid shape obstacles
- Spherical obstacles (FootBall etc)
The particpants can also refer to other track designs as well for preparing for the grand finale.
{% file src=".gitbook/assets/AIM_2024/NxpCupTrackConfig_1.pdf" %} Sample Track-2 {% endfile %}
{% file src=".gitbook/assets/AIM_2024/NxpCupTrackConfig_2.pdf" %} Sample Track-2 {% endfile %}