We are always happy to receive a pull request. See a typo? Feel free to fix it! No PR is too big or too small.
When contributing to this repository on larger content, please first ensure you have reviewed some of the other submissions in the area you want to submit content to, and have included a Read-Me in your submission.
All contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).
Ensure any installation or build dependencies are removed before the end of the layer when doing a build. If our .gitignore does not filter out this content, submit a separate Pull Request to have that priority updated.
Slugify your file names.
- Top-level Folders can be Camel-Case.
- Sub-folders and beyond can/be-kebab-case.
No special characters in file names.
Include a general description of what you are submitting.
Licenses in this repository are MIT by default. If you operate under a different license, please include it with your submission.
Markdown links with relevant paths, please. This is to ensure that the file you give the user will be workable once downloaded.
- If you are a contributor with a Ko.Fi, patreon, or other similar link, add yourself to the dice roll table at the bottom of the Readme.