Resynthesys : . Implement manual frequency control : if at frame i we have f0, and at frame i+1 we have f0+epsilon, use the same oscillator. keep a map "initial frequency -> current frequency" to know which oscillator to shutdown when the sound is over (oscillators ar referred to in terms of initial midi pitch) . If the frequency varies too rapidly, try sweep instead of a succession of short notes . If there are many peaks with high energy close to one another, convert this to noise (snare) . analyse volume evolution to deduce the envelope
Fix cracks that sometimes appear after setting a reverb (before the reverb no crack, after crack) . try to reproduce in Grid3D + memory checker (cannot use memory checker in haskell program)
When an async is cancelled, we see "imj-game-hamazed-exe: AsyncCancelled" in the console. This will be problematic for console-only rendering, as it will interfere with the game content. So we should catch these exceptions instead.
we could stream audio at 200 kBytes per second ( 4bytes per frame, i.e 16 bits per channel in stereo) i.e 1.6 Mb / s
write a paper on auto optimizations used in the singlethread 0-latency convolution reverb algorithm. Buzzwords: . Robust (no need to synchronize with other threads) . Predictable (pure computations, auto-benchmarks) . Callback-length aware : we optimize for worst case cost per audio callback (max duration over all possible phases)
release imj-audio . Document linux performance limitation for fft. . documentation will likely fail to build: upload it manually.
naive fft optimization (for linux): . use assume(N%4 == 0) where applicable and AssumeAligned64 so that compilers can generate more efficient simd code. . use a non-recursive cooley-tuckey (see gpgpu-experiments), but make sure cache is well used (measure naive implementation vs. tiling : maybe the prefetcher will do a better job for the naive implementation) .. as suggested in https://www.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/bitrevorder.html, avoid having to bit-reverse the input by bit-reversing the coefficients. we could also use another radix, or use fft libraries.
midi polling should occur outside ghc's scope to avoid GC pauses, and Haskell overhead.
Effects . Allow to play multiple notes of the same wind at the same time (I'm not sure it works today) . Allow to play different kinds of Wind at the same time . give each wind preset a Haskell constructor. . do the same thing for robots
Panning . allow panning of instruments . in game-synths, each player could be automatically assigned a different position in the stereo field. When using true stereo reverbs, we could pan each player to far left / far right.
reverbs in imj-game-synths
. embed some reverbs . make an argument with "path to reverbs" to allow adding more reverbs
. let user adjust reverb gain (in addition to dry/wet)
. send the reverb file OTN : the key is "file path + hash", to see if the client has it. (hash should be part of spaceResponse_t)
. take the cost of the first convolution into account when dynamically optimizing:
worst case:
for k : [nDropped..n] 1 forward FFT (size 2^k), 1 inverse FFT (size 2^k), 2 multiply add (size 2^k)
if the number of late coefficients is much bigger than the number of early ones, the cost of early will be negligible. but if it's similar, we may have a problem, because early worst is 1.5x late worst in that case
A first approach is to measure the peak overhead, by sample, of early coefficients handling, and give this information to the algorithm, along with the timing (what is in sync with which grain?).
visual feedback when the compressor kicks in (rt thread sets a flag, non rt thread checks every second)
should we compress network messages? to analyze traffic: sudo tcpdump -i lo0 -v -nnXSs 0
harmonics param changes should change the sound in real time (use same technique as reverb wet)
When playing a loop, the server should offset the miditimestamps by period of the loop * loop number, else jitter compensation will not work. Also, for loops, the server should send timestamped events in advance, so as to be able to ignore network latencies (the client will buffer the event). Maybe we need to declare some sources having fixed delays (else, here, the latency compensation will try to adapt to the server sending events earlier)
see comments on 'playOnceFrom' and 'playOnce'
report "midi was too late" errors to the console, from the nrt thread using a flag.
implement EngineAndRamps as a Computable (see TODOs in voice) it will make "perfect MIDI timing" easier to implement, and will allow using the envelopes instead of the channel to xfade. It will also make the orchestrator's job easier because it will be possible to schedule envelopes precisely. We will need one (single-request) channel per ramp, instead of one multi-request channel for all.
Support delays in soundengine: 'onKeyPressed' / 'onKeyRelease' of EngineAndRamps should tell the soundengine how much delay there is.
adapt Music.Midi to use timestamps for more accurate timing, instead of relying on sleep. (rely on sleep, too, but wake up earlier and schedule note on / note off)
make effectOn / effectOff MIDI-aware ?
in ghc 8.2.2 we use much more memory than in ghc 8.4.3.
+RTS -h : to generates a .hp file hp2ps -c file.hp : to generate the .ps
in game synth, make an instrument volume?
report effective midi poll period when a debugmidi flag is activated (average, min, max)
Doc : volume is controlled by: chan_base_amplitude (0.3f) baseVolume (1.f to ...)
add a parameter to synchronize attack start or attack end or to use the same attack for all (one envelope, taking the max of durations)
[nice to have] allow unlimited polyphony on every instrument. .. if a given instrument is full, instantiate a second identical instrument: the problem is we don't know to which instrument we should send noteoff. .. allow the underlying container of TunedPitch / Channel pairs to grow
those locations should be fixed in Grid3d:
// TODO capture less
consider putting extras in cpp.audio, to have a nice C++ API
make a player app where a melody is played and we can interactively change the instrument used to play it.
Decay : Ease Out Circ ++
long Attack + release (Ease InOut Sine), Sustain 1 : musical saw
long attack, EaseIn Sine : smooth
make volume of music / effects adjustable in hamazed
limit the sustain value to 0.01 when using proper for decay
on soundengine, instead of using the channel xfade, the duration could be interpreted by the channel as "when to trigger the enveloppe keyReleased()" (thus, also when to trigger the enveloppe of the following request).
synths : verify if with 2 players, ghost notes occur.
add game doc., with /man /doc commands For synth: Use the computer keyboard to play notes.
Played notes are stored in a Recording:
- Pressing 'Space' will start a new singleline Sequence from the current Recording.
- Pressing one of the function keys fn where n is in [1..4] will: if multiline Sequence n doesn't already exist : start a new sequence using the current Recording. The period of the sequence is the length of the current Recording. if multiline Sequence n exists : insert the current Recording in the sequence. If the current Recording is longer than the existing sequence, multiple instances of it will be played at the same time. Note that this could lead to sound saturation if the Sequence period is short w.r.t the length of the Recording.
- Pressing 'f5' toggles the view between 'Tone' and 'Envelope'.
- Pressing 'f10' empties the current Recording.
size of UI should adapt:
Display sequences in UI, vertically:
Sequence 0 Sequence 1
............|.......... ............|.......... -- the progress of the sequence
1: -------------- 3:-------------- 2: -------------- 4:--------------
the ability to delete a loop / mute it
add command help
parallelize player input reading:
readInput = fmap (Right . dispatch) (readTQueue server)
<|> fmap Left (readTQueue platform)
if the server event cannot be handled because of an exclusivity key conflict, we should handle platform events instead.
Both streams of events (server events and platform events) are guaranteed to be handled by order of arrival in their respective queues.
We could let the programmer decide if we break that guarantee for audio events , and let them be handled before being put in the queue, to have a better timing precision:
In case of an audio app, we want the audio timing to be very accurate. The graphics timing can be less accurate.
In case of a game, we want audio to be synchronized with game events so handling audio events the same way as game event might be preferable.
adjust array frame colors (grey for synths)
make generic : the server sends the game state to the client (putIGame / withAnim)
notifyClient' $ EnterState $ Included $ PlayLevel Running
be made generic? -
OnContent is not handled generically. maybe content should not be generic at all. Re-evaluate pros/cons for that.
pro : Instructions for setup drawing in the viewport.
make a version where we can only move at all times, and not go diagonally.
using withAnim is tricky: we need to use it for every state action that may result in a changed 'getClientsInfos', 'getViewport' or 'mkWorldInfos'.
We should come up with a better design where the library user doesn't have to care about these aspects. For example, on every action run in the state monad, we could use it and run the animation only if something changed.
Joining... should not appear in tutorial we could disable the behavior where before displaying a new string, we display the other one in full. Instead, continue the animation to its end and then start the other one, or reverse the animation.
Document why we don't use a deadline technique for server similar to the client (maybe its justified, but I'm not sure)
Wait for all players to press a key before starting the game.
imj-server could depend on a smaller version of imj-base
(while looking at imj-server dependencies): GameItem should be moved out of imj-base, it is too game-specific.
make music evolve with the numbers shot in the game.
use 'Communication' sound while computing the world.
laser should have a sound, maybe depending on the music, it could be a chord.
winning or losing should change the music
when the client is computing the world, we could make audioout sleep to have more CPU available.
on client termination, sound should close gracefully, i.e fade out.
add a keyboard so that players can play music collaboratively: the note should transit through the server before being played so that both players have the latency.
animate on rebound on Z wall : wave on frame: ?
update readme demos with new UI: add a demo with 2 players.
make a standalone library for generating rectangle binary random (small) worlds. (move tests of topology there)
benchmark: instead of using asyncs, use forkIO and IORef Bool signaling when it should stop. (On server cancelation, or on timeout, the IORef Bool is atomically set to False.) When the consumer reads False, it putMVar Nothing (or Stats) to unblock the thread waiting for the result.
optimize opengl rendering under heavy conditions (no delta rendering, a lot of successive renders, like in the resize scenario)
1 : optimize arithmetic operations 1.1 : precompute pixel values : type PixelValue = Vec2 Pos
color of number explosion should be grey if number is deactivated.
use another text box for networking messages, to separate concerns, to prevent messages from being replaced by game info.
a continuous version where motions are fluid, for opengl.
Today all ' ' are (background) colored. We need 'transparentSpace': transparency (or alpha) could be encoded in the glyph metadata or in the color, and filtered by the delta renderer of in the type : we could have [Either Invisible (Glyph, LayeredColor)], drawing functions would filter Invisible, interpolations would need to handle Invisible too.
Then, use it between player name and ammo.
if performance matters here, put Glyph in Number and Ship. maybe in UIRectangle, too?
Look at core, see if color is encoded n times or 1 only. (delta Draw)
for game font, maybe we need to make _ higher, | smaller, etc... the idea is to not modify 0-9 a-f Z T maybe we need to move + and - to make them be in the center.
maybe we need 2 .ttf fonts, else modified _ would look strange in messages, and pipes too ?
one-click "increment / decrement r,g or b (maybe use r,g,b keys)
animate color of external frame at each shot number (fast change to another color then slow change back to normal) : this allows to become aware of when a number is shot.
chat : make it easier to use
in (AppState s) we could have arrays of random numbers, and a particle system would pass the index of the animated point.
Hence, either the color could rely on the random part or on the frame or both.
We need n arrays of random numbers, to avoid correlations between particles of the same particle system. A good first driver would be to emulate the randomness of fire: With an interpolation between red and yellow, we could use random only (not frame) to define at which frame (in the interpolation / in the cube) we are.
use location of particlesystem point to define color.
when cycling between two colors, we cycle on a bresenham straight line. Instead, to have richer color variations we could understand the two extremities as the poles of a sphere (approximated by a cube?), and cycle on all colors in great circles alternating the great circles at each interpolation of the sphere. Or spiraling on the sphere / cube.
so we need to define interpolations between 3d points: Line
random distribution of colors : center / radius
inject player color /gray/ component in cycle colors: first step: the hardcoded colors will only be used for their hue.
make world end when no reachable number is available. (i.e some numbers are alive, but in another component)
3 players : 2 do the 2 expressions, one does the operation : * or +
the count of flying items per connected component should be proportional to the cc size.
ships replaced by humans walking, jumping, climbing
Duel mode with one component, the one that has the max sum wins the level number. levels go on until 12.
Note that the start location matters a lot in that case. Think of a way to place ships in a fair way, with the notion of "manhattan collision free distance" to number.
- (mkLevelEssence) Specialized mode where one has + the other has -. To make players engage, they need to feel that they are both important to win the level. Using big flying numbers and small goal number is a way to reach this. To compensate for the small numbers of shots needed to finish a level, we can have a list of goal numbers (3).
to compute the target we do a random operation on existing numbers with + and -. Use big numbers. Show minus numbers in blue
Single player where + and - alternate at every shot number
Laser color changes : red = plus
the other ship can double numbers (make levels where we need to double some numbers in order to reach the sum)
the other ship can multiply
TextBox should take newlines into account, to make messages like: While parsing: stringparsed Error: ...
multiline algo should have an option to keep multiple spaces.
use up/down arrow to recall last message? -> shift up shift down to change cursor position.
autocompletion based on beginning of string, right arrow to validate. if input is a /, write all commands in help
Press H to show help / press H to hide help (write on the right of the game)
ranking : high scores of a user can be stored locally, and sent to other clients when connecting to a server. How to prevent fraud?
identify clients to match on reconnect (ip + player name ?)
recover on disconnections (intentional or not), client-side: when server connection vanishes, client could say: "Server is not reachable, please wait..." Then, when server is up again, (client trying every second), the client sends, along with the Connection request, its GameStateEssence + Level so that the server creates the corresponding CurrentGame, and ServerState.
server transfer: During the game, we could elect a new server when the server dies. When the server shutdowns, we could let the clients live, so that they can keep the game state.
when in Setup intent, the server should send updates of a list "which players would be in the game, should you hit Space now" to the clients
when player presses a key to restart: it waits for other player to also press a key to restart we could display "waiting for other players to press a key..."
the info "game ended" is sent when player presses play. then server verifies outcome and computes next world.
Instead, the info should be sent immediately so that the server can verify outcomes.
when changing view center, the text on the left does not change position, it changes only on the next world change.
investigate using higher level concepts to clarify server / client statefull interactions and make the implementation more robust, to be confident that all edge cases are well-handled: describe logic with a GRAFCET.
broadcast every player state change, to have the following UI: - Players: Player1 [Level 3 running] Player2 [Level 3 won] Player3 [Waiting]
- Chat: (Player 1) Hello ! (Player 2) Salut <Player 3 joined> (Player 2 typing...) > Comm|
I dropped the changes in time period (accelerating during game, resetting on collision with initalGameMultiplicator). Should we use it?
now that we have multiple threads, revise number of capabilities
if the server closes the connection, the next send from client should fail : can we automatically reconnect in that case? All peers should store their last GameStepIdx to know which was more advanced, and start from that state.
on connection, if server is not found, retry every 3 seconds.
when talking, animate text.
use bitwise package to optimize boolean matrix representation.
try round instead of square for walls.
go back and forth in time.
store update time in deadlines, to replace "while we are under the budget" by "if curTimeSpent + foreseenTimeSpent < budget then update this deadline"
- Note that this cost varies : for particle systems, full-grown particles take more time to update / game moved takes longer if there is a collision / laser shot takes longer if there is a collision
try glfw on windows, if it works, disable limitation and force the use of glfw on windows
a game where we need to escape a randomly generated maze.
in renderer, add the possibility to just change a color (fg or bg), just change a char.
- use it to create end level effects : draw everything with '.' or '+' except the winning message and the messages on the left.
- when laser is shot, make a circle expanding, where chars are overridden by '+' or color is overridden.
cross-dissolve between worlds, to have smooth transitions (especially important when there are walls)
when frame morphs, it should be centered in the screen, hence: use an evolution to replace the ship in the center, morph, then use another evolution to place the ship where it is in the next world.
scissors should be combinable : we need a stack of scissors.
Measure if O2 is necessary, especially for:
- particle systems with a lot of points
- delta renderer compilation times are slower by 4% with -O2.