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window.dpz = window.dpz || {};
function getCookie(a) {
var c, d, e, b = document.cookie.split(";");
for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
if (d = b[c].substr(0, b[c].indexOf("=")), e = b[c].substr(b[c].indexOf("=") + 1), d = d.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), d == a)
return unescape(e);
function wwwRedirect() {
var a = window.location.hostname.replace(/.dominos.com$/, ""), c = { www: "order", "www-prod1": "nolo-us-prod1", "www-prod2": "nolo-us-prod2", "www-va-prod1": "nolo-us-va-prod1", "www-va-prod2": "nolo-us-va-prod2", "www-preprod": "nolo-us-preprod", "www-qa": "nolo-us-qa", "www-qa2": "nolo-us-qa2", "www-qa3": "nolo-us-qa3", "www-qa4": "nolo-us-qa4", "www-dev": "nolo-us-dev" };
if (c[a]) {
var d = window.location.pathname && window.location.pathname.replace(/^\/en(?![^\/])/, "");
window.location = ["https://", window.location.host.replace(a, c[a]), "/en", d, window.location.search, window.location.hash].join("");
if ("withCredentials" in new XMLHttpRequest) {
if (getCookie("DPZUser"))
$(document).on("getExternalReferrer.complete", function () {
var DEBUG = false;
if (!window.location.origin)
window.location.origin = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ":" + window.location.port : "");
urlConfig.baseUrl = envConfig == "localhost" ? window.location.origin + urlConfig.root : urlConfig.root;
document.domain = document.domain.substring(document.domain.indexOf("dominos"));
define("dpz.util", function () {
var a = {};
return a = { mapStrip: function (a, d) {
var e = 0, b = $.isArray(a), f = b ? a.length : 0, g = [];
if (b && f)
for (; e < f; e++)
d.call(a[e], e, a[e]) && g.push(a[e]);
return g;
}, objectPropertyArray: function (a) {
var d, e = [];
if (Object.keys && typeof Object.keys == "function")
return Object.keys(a);
for (d in a)
return e;
}, flattenTree: function (a, d) {
var e, b, f = {}, d = d || "";
for (e in a)
b = a[e], typeof b == "string" ? f[d + (d ? "." + e : e)] = b : typeof b == "object" && (f = $.extend({}, f, this.flattenTree(b, d + (d ? "." + e : e))));
return f;
} };
dpz.market = {};
dpz.marketSetup = function () {
var a = function () {
var a = window.location.href.toString().match(/lang=(.{2})/);
return a ? a[1] : false;
}, c = function () {
var c = { marketCode: "US", marketName: "UNITED_STATES" }, b = { en: "English", es: "Español" }, d = a() || $("html").attr("lang") || "en", g = d == "es" ? "en" : "es";
c.primaryLanguageCode = d;
c.primaryLanguageName = b[d];
c.secondaryLanguageCode = g;
c.secondaryLanguageName = b[g];
return c;
}(), d = {};
return d = { init: function () {
DEBUG && dpz.forceTest ? d.fail() : d.determineMarket();
}, hasCors: function () {
if ("withCredentials" in new XMLHttpRequest)
return true;
}, hasLocalStorage: function () {
try {
return localStorage.setItem("__x", "x"), localStorage.removeItem("__x"), true;
catch (a) {
return false;
}, determineMarket: function () {
var a = d.getForcedMarket();
console.log("a = " + a);
if (a)
return d.basicCacheClear(), d.requestMarket({ url: d.marketDeterminationURL(a), success: d.handleMarketDeterminationResponse }), true;
if (d.configureMarketFromLocalStorage())
return d.configureMarket(dpz.market), true;
if (document.domain === "dominos.com")
return d.configureMarket(c), true;
d.requestMarket({ url: d.marketDeterminationURL(), success: d.handleMarketDeterminationResponse });
}, validMarketDetermination: function (a) {
if (!$.isPlainObject(a))
throw "Market determiniation response is not a valid object.";
if (a.marketCode) {
if (a.marketCode === "TEST" && !dpz.forceTest)
throw d.basicCacheClear(), "Cannot use testing market folder outside of a test.";
throw "Market determiniation response does not contain marketCode.";
if (!a.marketName)
throw "Market determiniation response does not contain marketName.";
if (!a.primaryLanguageCode)
throw "Market determiniation response does not contain primaryLanguageCode.";
if (!a.primaryLanguageName)
throw "Market determiniation response does not contain primaryLanguageName.";
if (!a.secondaryLanguageCode && a.secondaryLanguageCode !== null)
throw "Market determiniation response does not contain secondaryLanguageCode.";
if (!a.secondaryLanguageName && a.secondaryLanguageName !== null)
throw "Market determiniation response does not contain secondaryLanguageName.";
return true;
}, configureMarketFromLocalStorage: function () {
var a;
if (d.hasLocalStorage()) {
if (window.localStorage.dpz_active_language)
dpz.market.activeLanguageCode = typeof window.localStorage.dpz_active_language === "string" && window.localStorage.dpz_active_language.length === 2 ? window.localStorage.dpz_active_language : void 0;
if (window.localStorage.dpz_market) {
try {
a = $.parseJSON(window.localStorage.dpz_market);
catch (b) {
try {
if (d.validMarketDetermination(a)) {
if (dpz.market.activeLanguageCode !== void 0)
a.activeLanguageCode = dpz.market.activeLanguageCode;
dpz.market = $.extend({}, dpz.market, a);
return true;
catch (c) {
return false;
}, getMarketFromStorage: function () {
var a = {};
if (d.hasLocalStorage() && window.localStorage.dpz_market) {
try {
a = $.parseJSON(window.localStorage.dpz_market);
catch (b) {
d.validMarketDetermination(a) || (a = {});
return a;
}, basicCacheSave: function () {
var a = d.getMarketFromStorage();
return d.hasLocalStorage() ? (a = $.extend({}, a, dpz.market), window.localStorage.dpz_market = JSON.stringify(a), true) : false;
}, basicCacheClear: function () {
d.hasLocalStorage() && (window.localStorage.clear(), window.sessionStorage.clear());
}, marketDeterminationURL: function (a) {
a = a || window.location.origin;
return "/market-identification-service/market?marketUrl=" + a;
}, getForcedMarket: function () {
var a = window.location.href.toString().match(/marketUrl=(.*)/);
return a ? a[1] : false;
}, getLangParam: a, requestMarket: function (a) {
a = $.extend({}, { type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8", cache: "dpz_market", async: false, dataType: "json", error: d.fail }, a);
}, buildFolderName: function (a) {
return (a.activeLanguageCode || "en") + "_" + (a.marketCode || "US");
}, buildPrimaryLanguageFolderName: function (a) {
return (a.primaryLanguageCode || "en") + "_" + (a.marketCode || "US");
}, buildMarketCDNPath: function (a) {
return urlConfig.assets + "/market/" + a.folderName;
}, buildPrimaryMarketCDNPath: function (a) {
return urlConfig.assets + "/market/" + a.primaryFolderName;
}, handleMarketDeterminationResponse: function (a) {
try {
d.validMarketDetermination(a) && d.configureMarket(a);
catch (b) {
}, setLanguageActiveStatus: function (a) {
var b = d.getLangParam();
if (typeof b === "string" && b.length == 2)
dpz.market.activeLanguageCode = b;
a.activeLanguageCode && a.activeLanguageCode === a.secondaryLanguageCode ? (dpz.market.activeLanguageCode = a.activeLanguageCode = a.secondaryLanguageCode, dpz.market.activeLanguageName = a.activeLanguageName = a.secondaryLanguageName, dpz.market.inactiveLanguageCode = a.inactiveLanguageCode = a.primaryLanguageCode, dpz.market.inactiveLanguageName = a.inactiveLanguageName = a.primaryLanguageName) : (dpz.market.activeLanguageCode = a.activeLanguageCode = a.primaryLanguageCode, dpz.market.activeLanguageName = a.activeLanguageName = a.primaryLanguageName, dpz.market.inactiveLanguageCode = a.inactiveLanguageCode = a.secondaryLanguageCode, dpz.market.inactiveLanguageName = a.inactiveLanguageName = a.secondaryLanguageName);
return a;
}, configureMarket: function (a) {
dpz.market = $.extend({}, dpz.market, a);
dpz.market.folderName = d.buildFolderName(dpz.market);
dpz.market.primaryFolderName = d.buildPrimaryLanguageFolderName(dpz.market);
dpz.market.directory = d.buildMarketCDNPath(dpz.market);
dpz.market.primaryDirectory = d.buildPrimaryMarketCDNPath(dpz.market);
dpz.market.directoryLocal = urlConfig.localAssets + "/market/" + dpz.market.folderName;
requirejs.config(d.buildRequireJSConfig({ moduleBase: urlConfig.root + "/assets/base/js/modules", primaryMarketDirectory: dpz.market.primaryDirectory, marketDirectory: dpz.market.directory, marketDirectoryLocal: dpz.market.directoryLocal }));
}, buildRequireJSConfig: function (a) {
return { baseUrl: a.moduleBase, paths: { master: urlConfig.assets + "/market/_master", market: d.hasCors() ? a.marketDirectory : a.marketDirectoryLocal, marketconfig: (d.hasCors() ? a.marketDirectory : a.marketDirectoryLocal) + "/config", marketjs: (d.hasCors() ? a.marketDirectory : a.marketDirectoryLocal) + "/js", marketmodules: (d.hasCors() ? a.marketDirectory : a.marketDirectoryLocal) + "/js/modules", markettemplates: (d.hasCors() ? a.marketDirectory : a.marketDirectoryLocal) + "/templates", marketprimary: a.primaryMarketDirectory }, text: { useXhr: function () {
return true;
} } };
}, fail: function () {
if (DEBUG)
dpz.forceTest ? c.marketCode = "TEST" : console.log("Market determination setup failed, falling back to en_US.");
} };
$.ajax({ url: (dpz.marketSetup.hasCors() ? dpz.market.directory : dpz.market.directoryLocal) + "/config/app/app.json", async: false, success: function (a) {
dpz.market.marketConfig = a;
define("dpz.marketconfig", function () {
return dpz.market.marketConfig;
} });
define("dpz.config", ["dpz.util", "marketconfig/lang/lang"], function (a, c) {
function d(a, b) {
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(a) === "[object Object]" && a.hasOwnProperty(b))
return a[b];
var e = dpz.market.marketConfig, b, f, g = {};
$.extend(g, { loadConfig: function (a) {
if (!a.strings)
throw "No language configuration defined.";
if (!a.marketconfig)
throw "No market configuration defined.";
b = a.strings;
f = g.processContent(a.marketconfig);
$("head").append('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' + dpz.market.directory + '/css/override.min.css" media="all" />');
return true;
}, marketReplace: function (a) {
var a = JSON.stringify(a), b = a.match(/(?!\{\{)[^{}]+?(?=\}\})/g), c = b !== null ? b.length : 0, e = [], f, g = "";
if (c > 0)
for (f = 0; f < c; f++)
e = b[f].split(" "), e.length == 2 && (g = e[1].match(/[a-zA-Z]+/), g = $.isArray(g) && g.length > 0 ? g[0] : "", e[0] === "market" && (e = g ? d(dpz.market, g) : "", a = a.replace("{{" + b[f] + "}}", e)));
return JSON.parse(a);
}, processTranslation: function (a) {
var c = JSON.stringify(a), a = c.match(/(?!\{\{)[^{}]+?(?=\}\})/g), e = a !== null ? a.length : 0, f = [], g = "", l = c;
if (e > 0)
for (c = 0; c < e; c++)
f = a[c].split("t "), f.length == 2 && (g = f[1].replace(/^('|")|('|")$/g, ""), f[0] === "" && (f = g ? d(b, g) || g : g, l = l.replace("{{" + a[c] + "}}", f)));
return JSON.parse(l);
}, processContent: function (a) {
a = g.marketReplace(a);
return a = g.processTranslation(a);
}, getNavigation: function (a) {
a = g.getMarketProperty(a);
return a === void 0 ? [] : g.killConfigStrip(a.mainNavigation);
}, getSubNavigation: function (a) {
a = g.getMarketProperty(a);
return a === void 0 ? [] : g.killConfigStrip(a.subNavigation);
}, killConfigStrip: function (b) {
return a.mapStrip(b, function (a, b) {
if (b.listClass && b.listClass.match(/killConfig-/))
return killConfig.isMarketEnabled(b.listClass.split(/killConfig-/)[1]);
else if (b.anchorClass && b.anchorClass.match(/killConfig-/))
return killConfig.isMarketEnabled(b.anchorClass.split(/killConfig-/)[1]);
else if (b.killConfig)
if ($.isArray(b.killConfig))
for (var c = b.killConfig.length; 0 < c;)
return killConfig.isMarketEnabled(b.killConfig[0]);
return killConfig.isMarketEnabled(b.killConfig);
return true;
}, killConfigActive: function (a) {
return f.killConfig[a] ? true : false;
}, getMarketProperty: function (a) {
return d(f, a);
}, getLanguageStrings: function () {
return b;
}, registerMarketJSExtensions: function (a) {
if (!a)
return false;
a.extensions && $.isArray(a.extensions) && $.each(a.extensions, function (a, b) {
b.route ? $(window).hashchange(function () {
window.location.hash === b.route && require(b.modules);
}) : require(b.modules);
} });
g.loadConfig({ strings: c, marketconfig: e });
return g;
this.dpz = this.dpz || {};
this.dpz.JST = this.dpz.JST || {};
this.dpz.JST.footer = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, g = this.lambda, f = ' <li class="site-footer__links__item ' + f((b = (b = c.listClass || (a != null ? a.listClass : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "listClass", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"><a class="' + f((b = (b = c.anchorClass || (a != null ? a.anchorClass : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "anchorClass", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + " c-site-footer-link-" + f(g(e && e.index, a)) + '" href="' + f((c.makeLink || a && a.makeLink || d).call(a, a != null ? a.url : a, { name: "makeLink", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" target="' + f((b = (b = c.target || (a != null ? a.target : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "target", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">', a = (b = (b = c.text || (a != null ? a.text : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "text", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (f += a);
return f + "</a></li> ";
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="site-footer grid"> <div class="site-footer__links grid__cell grid__cell--one"> <ul class="dominosColor1"> ', d = c.each.call(a, a != null ? a.footerLinks : a, { name: "each", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' </ul> </div> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-eighth none--handheld"> <p class="legal-label uppercase dominosColor1 c-site-footer-legalstuff">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.legal_stuff", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> </div> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--five-eighths none--handheld"> <div class="legal-content">';
d = (b = (b = c.footerLegal || (a != null ? a.footerLegal : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "footerLegal", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</div> </div> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"> ';
d = (b = (b = c.socialLinks || (a != null ? a.socialLinks : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "socialLinks", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += " ";
d = (b = (b = c.promoLinks || (a != null ? a.promoLinks : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "promoLinks", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + " </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.footerLegal = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return " <p><span class=\"bold\">Any Delivery Charge is not a tip paid to your driver. Please reward your driver for awesomeness. Our drivers carry less than $20.</span> You must ask for this limited time offer. Minimum purchase required for delivery. Delivery charge and tax may apply. Prices, participation, delivery area and charges may vary, including AK and HI. Returned checks, along with the state's maximum allowable returned check fee, may be electronically presented to your bank. ©2015 Dominos IP Holder LLC. Dominos®, Domino's Pizza® and the game piece logo are registered trademarks of Domino's IP Holder LLC. \"Coca-Cola\" and the Contour Bottle design are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company. The Ice Breakers® Mints trademark and trade dress are used under license. Apple, the Apple logo and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Windows® Phone is a registered trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.</p> <p>Domino's pizza made with a Gluten Free Crust is prepared in a common kitchen with the risk of gluten exposure. Therefore, Domino's DOES NOT recommend this pizza for customers with celiac disease. Customers with gluten sensitivities should exercise judgment in consuming this pizza.</p> <p>Our Guarantee: If you are not completely satisfied with your Domino's Pizza experience, we will make it right or refund your money.</p> <p><a href=\"" + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/content/content.jsp?page=terms#CATransparencySupplyChainAct">CA Transparency in Supply Chains Act Disclosure</a></p> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.promoLinks = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="promo-link"> <img alt="' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.open_for_lunch", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/img/footer-links/footerOpenLunch.gif"> </div> <div class="promo-link"> <img alt="' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.delivering_dairy_goodness", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/img/footer-links/footerDairyGoodness.jpg"> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.socialLinks = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b = ' <div class="social-links cf dominosColor1"> ', d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.facebookUrl : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(2, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (b += d);
b += " ";
d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.twitterUrl : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(4, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (b += d);
b += " ";
d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.googleUrl : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(6, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (b += d);
b += " ";
d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.pinterestUrl : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(8, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (b += d);
b += " ";
d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.instagramUrl : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(10, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (b += d);
return b + " </div> ";
}, 2: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="js-footer-fb-btn fb-btn"><a href="' + f((b = (b = c.facebookUrl || (a != null ? a.facebookUrl : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "facebookUrl", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" target="_blank" ><div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-show-faces="false" data-dpz-icon="facebook"></div></a></div> ';
}, 4: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="js-footer-tw-btn tw-btn"><a href="' + f((b = (b = c.twitterUrl || (a != null ? a.twitterUrl : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "twitterUrl", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" target="_blank" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false" data-show-screen-name="false" data-width="65px" data-dpz-icon="twitter"></a></div> ';
}, 6: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="js-footer-gl-btn gl-btn"><a href="' + f((b = (b = c.googleUrl || (a != null ? a.googleUrl : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "googleUrl", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" target="_blank"><div class="g-plusone" data-size="medium" data-annotation="none" data-recommendations="false" data-href="" data-dpz-icon="google-plus"></div></a></div> ';
}, 8: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="js-footer-pt-btn pt-btn"><a href="' + f((b = (b = c.pinterestUrl || (a != null ? a.pinterestUrl : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "pinterestUrl", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" target="_blank"><div class="" data-size="medium" data-annotation="none" data-recommendations="false" data-href="" data-dpz-icon="pinterest"></div></a></div> ';
}, 10: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="js-footer-pt-btn ig-btn"><a href="' + f((b = (b = c.instagramUrl || (a != null ? a.instagramUrl : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "instagramUrl", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" target="_blank"><div class="" data-size="medium" data-annotation="none" data-recommendations="false" data-href="" data-dpz-icon="instagram"></div></a></div> ';
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b = c.helperMissing, d = " ", a = (c.killConfig || a && a.killConfig || b).call(a, "socialLinks", { name: "killConfig", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
a != null && (d += a);
return d + " ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.logo = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.logo_link || (a != null ? a.logo_link : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "logo_link", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" class="logo" style="background-image:url(' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + "/images/img/" + f((b = (b = c.logo_image || (a != null ? a.logo_image : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "logo_image", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + ');">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.dominos_pizza", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.mobileLogo = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.logo_link || (a != null ? a.logo_link : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "logo_link", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"><div class="logo--mobile">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.dominos_pizza", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</div></a> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.progressBar = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="progress-bar__container notnational"> <ul> <li class="progress-bar__tile progress-bar__tile--find"><a hidefocus="hidefocus" data-link="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/#/locations/search/"><span><img src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/tracker/Store-Icon.png" /><p>FIND STORE</p></span></a></li> <li class="progress-bar__tile progress-bar__tile--build"><a hidefocus="hidefocus" data-link="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/#/section/Food/category/AllEntrees/"><span><img src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/tracker/Pizza-Icon.png" /><p>BUILD ORDER</p></span></a></li> <li class="progress-bar__tile progress-bar__tile--pay"><a hidefocus="hidefocus" data-link="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/payment.jsp"><span><img src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/tracker/Cart-Icon.png" /><p>PAY & PLACE ORDER</p></span></a></li> <li class="progress-bar__tile progress-bar__tile--track"><a hidefocus="hidefocus"><span><img src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/tracker/Progress-Icon.png" /><p>TRACK ORDER</p></span></a></li> </ul> </div> ';
}, 3: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="progress-bar__container progress-bar__container--experience-' + f((b = (b = c.experience || (a != null ? a.experience : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "experience", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> <div class="progress-bar__container--child"> <a hidefocus="hidefocus" data-link="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/#/locations/search/"> <div class="progress-bar__tile--experience-' + f((b = (b = c.experience || (a != null ? a.experience : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "experience", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + ' progress-bar__tile--find progress-bar__tile__circle progress-bar__tile__circle--hidden"> <div class="progress-bar__tile__circle"> <img src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/tracker/ExpDFinderIcon.png" /> </div> <p>FIND STORE</p> </div> </a> <hr class="progress-bar__line" /> <a hidefocus="hidefocus" data-link="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/#/section/Food/category/AllEntrees/"> <div class="progress-bar__tile--experience-' + f((b = (b = c.experience || (a != null ? a.experience : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "experience", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + ' progress-bar__tile--build progress-bar__tile__circle progress-bar__tile__circle--hidden"> <div class="progress-bar__tile__circle"> <img src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/tracker/ExpDPizzaIcon.png" /> </div> <p>BUILD ORDER</p> </div> </a> <hr class="progress-bar__line" /> <a hidefocus="hidefocus" data-link="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/payment.jsp"> <div class="progress-bar__tile--experience-' + f((b = (b = c.experience || (a != null ? a.experience : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "experience", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + ' progress-bar__tile--pay progress-bar__tile__circle progress-bar__tile__circle--hidden"> <div class="progress-bar__tile__circle"> <img src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/tracker/ExpDCartIcon.png" /> </div> <p>PAY & PLACE ORDER</p> </div> </a> <hr class="progress-bar__line" /> <div class="progress-bar__tile--experience-' + f((b = (b = c.experience || (a != null ? a.experience : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "experience", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + ' progress-bar__tile--track progress-bar__tile__circle progress-bar__tile__circle--hidden"> <div class="progress-bar__tile__circle"> <img src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/tracker/ExpDTrackerIcon.png" /> </div> <p>TRACK ORDER</p> </div> </div> </div> ';
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
d = " ";
a = c.unless.call(a, a != null ? a.renderSlimVersion : a, { name: "unless", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.program(3, e), data: e });
a != null && (d += a);
return d + " ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.siteMainNavigation = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, g = this.lambda, f = ' <li class="' + f((b = (b = c.listClass || (a != null ? a.listClass : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "listClass", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"><a class="' + f((b = (b = c.anchorClass || (a != null ? a.anchorClass : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "anchorClass", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + " c-site-nav-main-link-" + f(g(e && e.index, a)) + '" href="' + f((c.makeLink || a && a.makeLink || d).call(a, a != null ? a.url : a, { name: "makeLink", hash: {}, data: e })) + '">', a = (b = (b = c.text || (a != null ? a.text : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "text", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (f += a);
return f + "</a></li> ";
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
d = ' <ul class="site-nav__main"> ';
a = c.each.call(a, a != null ? a.mainNavigation : a, { name: "each", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
a != null && (d += a);
return d + " </ul> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.headerProfile = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b = " ", d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.enActive : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(2, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (b += d);
b += " ";
d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.esActive : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(4, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (b += d);
return b + " ";
}, 2: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, g = ' <div class="none--handheld toggle-lang-ab js-toggleLangAB"><span>', d = (c.market || a && a.market || b).call(a, "activeLanguageName", { name: "market", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (g += d);
g += '</span> | <a class="js-toggleLang" href="' + f((c.market || a && a.market || b).call(a, "inactiveLanguageCode", { name: "market", hash: {}, data: e })) + '">';
d = (c.market || a && a.market || b).call(a, "inactiveLanguageName", { name: "market", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (g += d);
return g + "</a></div> ";
}, 4: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing;
b = this.escapeExpression;
var f = ' <div class="none--handheld toggle-lang-ab js-toggleLangAB"><a class="js-toggleLang" href="' + b((c.market || a && a.market || d).call(a, "inactiveLanguageCode", { name: "market", hash: {}, data: e })) + '">';
b = (c.market || a && a.market || d).call(a, "inactiveLanguageName", { name: "market", hash: {}, data: e });
b != null && (f += b);
f += "</a> | <span>";
b = (c.market || a && a.market || d).call(a, "activeLanguageName", { name: "market", hash: {}, data: e });
b != null && (f += b);
return f + "</span></div> ";
}, 6: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="js-changeLoginState none">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.hi", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' <a href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/" class="site-nav__profile__welcome-user js-userName">', d = (b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</a>. <a href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/logout/" class="site-nav__profile__not-user js-notUser">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.not_firstname_sign_out", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</a></div> <div class="js-changeLoginState"><a href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/login/" class="site-nav__profile__sign-in js-login c-header-customer-login" style="background-image:url(' + g((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/bkg/icons/login-icon.jpg)">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a> " + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.dont_have_a_pizza_profile", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + " ";
d = c.unless.call(a, a != null ? a.isPaymentPage : a, { name: "unless", hash: {}, fn: this.program(7, e), inverse: this.program(9, e), data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + " ";
}, 7: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="site-nav__profile__create-account js-createProfile c-header-create-profile">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.create_one", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a></div> ";
}, 9: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression;
return " " + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "payment.create_one_below_during_checkout", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ". ";
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="site-nav__profile"> ', d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.navTest : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += " ";
d = c.unless.call(a, a != null ? a.isConfirmationPage : a, { name: "unless", hash: {}, fn: this.program(6, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + ' </div> <div class="clr"><\!-- --\></div> <div class="js-sign-in--pop-up card card--overlay card--overlay__sign-in--pop-up none"> <div class="card--overlay__sign-in--pop-up__triangle"></div> <div class="card--overlay__sign-in--pop-up__inner"> <a class="card--overlay__close js-close-button" href="#close">\u00d7</a> <a href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/login/" class="btn btn--bounce btn--ABtestBlogin btn--shimmer js-login--pop-up">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <p style="text-align:center;">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.dont_have_a_pizza_profile", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' <a href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="site-nav__profile__create-account js-create-profile--pop-up">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.create_one", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a></p> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.headerProfileB = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="site-nav__profile"> <div class="js-changeLoginState none">Hi, <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/" class="site-nav__profile__welcome-user js-userName">' + f((b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '</a>. <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/logout/" class="site-nav__profile__not-user js-notUser">Not ' + f((b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '? Sign Out</a></div> <div class="js-changeLoginState"><a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/login/" class="site-nav__profile__sign-in js-login">Sign in</a> Don\'t have a Pizza Profile? <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="site-nav__profile__create-account js-createProfile">Create one</a></div> </div> <div class="clr"><\!-- --\></div> <div id="ABSignInPopUp" class="card card--overlay none"> <div class="triangle-with-shadow"></div> <div class="ABSignInPopUp-inner"> <a class="card--overlay__close js-closeButton" href="#Close">\u00d7</a> <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/login/" class="btn btn--bounce btn--ABtestBlogin btn--shimmer js-login js-ABPopUp">Sign In</a> <p style="text-align:center;">Don\'t have a profile? <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="site-nav__profile__create-account js-createProfile">Create one</a></p> </div> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.headerProfileC = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="site-nav__profile"> <div class="js-changeLoginState none">Hi, <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/" class="site-nav__profile__welcome-user js-userName">' + f((b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '</a>. <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/logout/" class="site-nav__profile__not-user js-notUser">Not ' + f((b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '? Sign Out</a></div> <div class="js-changeLoginState"><a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/login/" class="site-nav__profile__sign-in js-login">Sign in</a> Don\'t have a Pizza Profile? <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="site-nav__profile__create-account js-createProfile">Create one</a></div> </div> <div class="clr"><\!-- --\></div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.headerProfileD = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="site-nav__profile experienceDfallback"> <div class="js-changeLoginState none">Hi, <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/" class="site-nav__profile__welcome-user js-userName">' + f((b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '</a>. <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/logout/" class="site-nav__profile__not-user js-notUser">Not ' + f((b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '? Sign Out</a></div> <div class="js-changeLoginState"><a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/login/" class="site-nav__profile__sign-in js-login">Sign in</a> Don\'t have a Pizza Profile? <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="site-nav__profile__create-account js-createProfile">Create one</a></div> </div> <div class="site-nav__profile profileSignInExperienceD striped-background none"> <div class="innerContainer"> <a class="card--overlay__close js-closeButton" href="#Close">\u00d7</a> <div class="js-changeLoginState none">Hi, <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/" class="site-nav__profile__welcome-user js-userName">' + f((b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '</a>. <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/logout/" class="site-nav__profile__not-user js-notUser">Not ' + f((b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '? Sign Out</a></div> <div> <span class="flourishLeft"></span><div class="ribbon ribbon--navy"><div class="ribbon__text">Pizza Profile</div></div><span class="flourishRight"></span> <p class="bannerSubText">Want to order faster? Sign in to your pizza profile</p> <p class="signInDescription">Once you\'re logged in, you\'ll have access to your easy order\u2122, recent orders, saved addresses, payment information, and more.</p> <div class="js-formActions"> <div class="js-anonymous"> <div> <div class="buttonsContainer cf"> <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/login/" class="btn btn--shimmer btn--bounce btn--signIn js-login">Sign In</a> <span class="or">OR</span> <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="btn createAccount btn--shimmer btn--bounce btn--profileOverlayTestC js-createProfile">Create a profile</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clr"><\!-- --\></div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.headerProfileE = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="site-nav__profile profileSignInExperienceE"> <form method="POST" class="login" novalidate="novalidate"> <div class="js-formActions actionsContainer"> <div class="js-anonymous"> <div class="signInContainer"> <button class="btn btn--abtestE btn--lock btn--shimmer btn--bounce btn--profileOverlayTestC js-loginSubmit signIn" type="submit"><span>Sign In</span></button> <button class="btn btn--lock btn--reset-password js-loginSubmit none" type="submit">Reset Password</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="form formInputsContainer"> <p class="formLabel">PROFILE SIGN IN </p> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--email grid"> <label for="Email" class="none grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one textInput">EMAIL</label> <input placeholder="EMAIL" type="text" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="ABtestE-email grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-email" value=""> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Password" class="none textInput grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one">Password</label> <input type="password" placeholder="PASSWORD" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="ABtestE-password grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-password"> </div> </div> <div class="grid rememberMeContainer"> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--actions grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero js-formActions"> <div class="js-anonymous"> <div class="form__control-group"> <label for="Remember_Me" class="entryToggle optional"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-rememberMe" id="Remember_Me" name="Remember_Me"> Keep me signed in </label> <a class="helpIcon noText js-isTemplatePopup" data-template-popup="rememberMeLegalText" href="#">Legal Notice</a> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText" style="display: none;">You will have the opportunity to select "Keep me signed in" checkbox when you create a Pizza Profile or sign in to your existing Pizza Profile for a quicker ordering experience. By checking this box, you allow Domino\'s to provide you with a more personalized experience in which you will be greeted by your first name and presented with (i) your Easy Order\u2122, (ii) a list of your recent orders and (iii) information about your local store. When you select "Keep me signed in", you will remain signed in to your Pizza Profile on that particular computer or device for up to six months or until you select the "sign out" link or clear your computer\'s or device\'s cookies. Although you are signed in to your Pizza Profile account, you will be prompted for your password if you attempt to perform a sensitive action such as modifying the personal information in your Pizza Profile account or completing an order using a stored credit card. If you change your mind about remaining signed in, simply select the "sign out" link to deactivate this feature.<br>NOTE: To prevent others from accessing your Pizza Profile account, Domino\'s does not recommend the use of this feature on any public or shared computer or device.</p></div> </div></div> </div> <a class="buttonType5 btn--forgot-password js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">Forgot password?</a> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-backToSignIn js-resetPassword btn--back-to-sign-in" href="#">Back to sign in</a> <div class="anonymousContainer"> <p class="js-anonymous"><span>Don\'t have one? </span><a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="createAccount js-createProfile">Create One</a></p> </div> </form> </div> <div class="clr"><\!-- --\></div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.subNavigation = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, f = ' <li id="' + f((b = (b = c.listId || (a != null ? a.listId : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "listId", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"><a class="' + f((b = (b = c.anchorClass || (a != null ? a.anchorClass : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "anchorClass", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" href="' + f((c.makeLink || a && a.makeLink || d).call(a, a != null ? a.url : a, { name: "makeLink", hash: {}, data: e })) + '">', a = (b = (b = c.text || (a != null ? a.text : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "text", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (f += a);
return f + "</a></li> ";
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
d = " <ul> ";
a = c.each.call(a, a != null ? a.subNavigation : a, { name: "each", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
a != null && (d += a);
return d + " </ul> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.trackerLookup = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="grid"> <div class="grid__cell--one"> <div class="tracker--image tracker-flash"> <div class="tracker__body"> <img src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/tracker/static-bar.jpg" alt="Domino\'s Tracker®"> </div> </div> <div id="trackerPhoneText" class="card card--flat card--strikethrough"> <div class="card__header"> <h2 class="card__title">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.want_to_know_whats_happening", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h2> </div> <div class="card__body"> <p>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.the_delivery_experts_at_dominos", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> </div> </div> <div id="phoneCollect" class="card card--pop card--tracker-lookup none"> <div class="card__header"> <h2 class="card__title">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.help_us_find_your_order", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h2> </div> <div class="card__body"> <div class="form form--stacked"> <form id="phoneForm" method="POST"> <p>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.search_for_your_order_with_your_phone_number", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</p> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--required"> <label for="Phone" alt="required"><strong>*</strong>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.phone", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="tel" id="Phone" name="Phone" class="js-phone" size="15" /> <span>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.ext", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</span> <input type="tel" id="Extension" name="Extension" class="js-extension" size="6" maxlength="6"> </div> <div class="noOrdersMessage none"> ' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.oops_we_werent_able_to", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </div> <div class="trackerConnectionErrorMessage none"> ' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.oops_the_dominos_tracker_is", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </div> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--actions--alignright"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn--large js-formSubmit"><span>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "tracker.track_your_order", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span></button> </div> <p class="terms-of-use">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.by_tracking_your_order_you", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> </form> </div> <div id="recentOrders" class="none recent-orders"> <p class="recent-orders__text">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.here_are_your_most_recent", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> <h2>" + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.order_date", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h2> <ul class="container"><\!-- --\></ul> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--actions--alignright"> <a href="#/order/" class="btn btn--large js-changePhone"><span>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.new_search", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.error404 = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression, b = ' <div id="errorPage"> <h1>' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "Where... Am I?", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</h1> <p>" + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "Somewhere along the way the page you are looking for went missing. Take a look at the URL you typed and make sure it's correct.", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> <p>" + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "If you got here by clicking a link, try back a little later. We move pretty fast, so odds are it'll be back shortly.", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> <p>", a = (c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, '<a href="{ctx}">Click Here</a> to go back to Dominos.com', a, { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
a != null && (b += a);
return b + "</p> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.visualPizzaOverlay = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, f = ' <div class="card card--overlay card--overlay--bubble-pizza"> <h1 class="card__title">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "entrees.feeds_feeds", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> <div class="card__body"> <p>', a = (b = (b = c.size || (a != null ? a.size : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "size", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (f += a);
return f + "</p> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.loyaltyStoreParticipationOverlay = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="loyalty__participating-store-overlay"> <div class="loyalty__participating-store-overlay--header"> <img class="loyalty__participating-store-overlay--img" src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/loyalty/banner-loyalty-activation.jpg" alt="' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "overlays.loyalty_participating_store_headline", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" /> </div> <h2>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "overlays.loyalty_participating_store_subhead", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</h2> <p>" + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "overlays.loyalty_participating_store_subtext", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p class="disclaimer">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "overlays.loyalty_participating_store_disclaimer", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <button class="btn js-okayButton">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.got_it_thanks", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</button> </div>";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.trackerTiles = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, d = '<\!-- TRACKER TILE --\> <div id="trackerTiles" class="tracker-tile"> ', a = (b = (b = c.trackerTileRotations || (a != null ? a.trackerTileRotations : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "trackerTileRotations", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (d += a);
return d + " </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.trackerTile = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, d = ' <div class="tracker-tile__tile none tile"> ', a = (b = (b = c.tileContent || (a != null ? a.tileContent : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "tileContent", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (d += a);
return d + " </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.trackerFeedbackLookup = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = '<\!-- SHOUTOUT --\> <div id="makelineComment" class="card card--pop card--feedback card--tracker-shoutout"> <div id="makelineBlocker" class="blockUI"><\!-- --\></div> <div class="card__body"> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid__cell--five-sixths grid__cell--handheld--one"> ', d = (b = (b = c.questionComment || (a != null ? a.questionComment : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "questionComment", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' <div class="thankyouComment none">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "confirmation.thanks_for_the_note_of", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</div> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one-sixth grid__cell--handheld--one"> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--actions--alignright"> <a href="#" class="btn" id="shoutoutSend"><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "confirmation.send", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <\!-- EXPERIENCE --\> <div class="card card--pop card--feedback card--tracker-rate-experience"> <div class="card__header"> <h2 class="card__title">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "confirmation.rate_your_ordering_experience", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h2> </div> <div class="card__body"> <ul> <li> ';
d = (b = (b = c.starRatingOrder || (a != null ? a.starRatingOrder : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "starRatingOrder", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' </li> </ul> </div> </div> <\!-- RATE OUR TEAM (initial block) --\> <div id="rateOurTeam" class="card card--pop card--feedback card--tracker-rate-team afterOrder"> <div class="blockUI"><\!-- --\></div> <div class="card__header"> <h2 class="card__title">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "confirmation.rate_our_team_members_and_your_food", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h2> </div> <div class="card__body"> <ul> <li id="driverQuestion"> ';
d = (b = (b = c.starRatingRoute || (a != null ? a.starRatingRoute : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "starRatingRoute", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' </li> <li class="seperator"> ';
d = (b = (b = c.starRatingProduct || (a != null ? a.starRatingProduct : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "starRatingProduct", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' </li> </ul> </div> </div> <\!-- TELL US MORE (initial block) --\> <div id="tellUsMore" class="card card--pop card--feedback card--tracker-comment"> <div class="blockUI"><\!-- --\></div> <div class="card__header"> <h2 class="card__title">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "confirmation.tell_us_more", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h2> </div> <div class="card__body"> <ul> <li> ';
d = (b = (b = c.starRatingGeneral || (a != null ? a.starRatingGeneral : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "starRatingGeneral", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + ' </li> <li class="seperator"> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid__cell--five-sixths grid__cell--handheld--one"> <textarea class="commentBox" id="' + g((b = (b = c.commentBoxID || (a != null ? a.commentBoxID : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "commentBoxID", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">' + g((b = (b = c.commentBoxText || (a != null ? a.commentBoxText : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "commentBoxText", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '</textarea> <div class="thankyouCommentBox none">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "confirmation.thank_you_please_call_the", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</div> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one-sixth grid__cell--handheld--one"> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--actions--alignright"> <a href="#" class="btn" id="commentSend"><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "confirmation.send", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.removeEasyOrder = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, g = ' <div id="removeEasyOrder"> <h1 class="pageHeading">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "general.remove_your_easy_order", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> <div class="card card--pop"> <div class="card__body"> <p class="no-mrg">', d = (c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "general.are_you_sure_you_want", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (g += d);
return g + '</p> <div class="form__control-group--actions--alignright"> <a class="btn btn--secondary js-closeButton" href="#">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "forms.cancel", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <button class="btn js-continue">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "general.yes_remove", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.profileCreatedMsg = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <p class="headlineText informationText">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.congratulations_firstname_your_pizza_profile", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.pizzaProfileLoginOverlayF = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div id="pizzaProfileLoginOverlay" class="testF"> <div> <h1 class="pageHeading signInHeading">', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.sign_in_to_your_pizza", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</h1> <p class="js-anonymous">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.dont_have_one_create_one", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> </div> <form method="POST"> <p class="message js-message js-semiLoggedIn">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.please_confirm_your_password_so", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <div class="formArea horizontal fl"> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Email" class="entryLabel">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.email", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <div class="entryGroup"> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="large js-email" value="' + g((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> </div> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Password" class="entryLabel">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <div class="entryGroup"> <input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="large js-password"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="formEntry actions js-formActions"> <div class="semiLoggedIn js-semiLoggedIn"> <button class="btn btnLarge js-loginSubmit" type="submit">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.submit", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.forgot_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="clr"></div> <span class="signout blue uppercase triangle js-payment">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.continue_as_guest", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> <span class="signout red triangle js-signout">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.not_firstname_sign_out", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</span> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="js-anonymous"> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.forgot_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Remember_Me" class="entryToggle optional"> <input type="checkbox" class="js-rememberMe checkbox" id="Remember_Me" name="Remember_Me"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "Keep Me Securely Signed In for Faster Ordering in as Little as 30 Seconds", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </label> <a class="hint helpIcon noText fl js-rememberMeLegal" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.legal_notice", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="hint rememberMeHelp"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.get_faster_access_to_your", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </div> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText">';
d = (b = (b = c.rememberMeLegalText || (a != null ? a.rememberMeLegalText : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "rememberMeLegalText", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '</p> <button class="btn btnLarge js-loginSubmit signIn" type="submit"><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span></button> </div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="none"> <button class="btn btnLarge js-loginSubmit" type="submit">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.reset_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.back_to_sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </form> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.pizzaProfileLoginOverlayE = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div id="pizzaProfileLoginOverlay" class="testE"> <div> <h1 class="pageHeading signInHeading">', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.sign_in_to_your_pizza", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</h1> <p class="js-anonymous">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.dont_have_one_create_one", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> </div> <form method="POST"> <p class="message js-message js-semiLoggedIn">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.please_confirm_your_password_so", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <div class="formArea horizontal fl"> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Email" class="entryLabel">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.email", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <div class="entryGroup"> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="large js-email" value="' + g((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> </div> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Password" class="entryLabel">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <div class="entryGroup"> <input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="large js-password"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="formEntry actions js-formActions"> <div class="semiLoggedIn js-semiLoggedIn"> <button class="btn btnLarge js-loginSubmit" type="submit">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.submit", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.forgot_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="clr"></div> <span class="signout blue uppercase triangle js-payment">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.continue_as_guest", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> <span class="signout red triangle js-signout">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.not_firstname_sign_out", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</span> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="js-anonymous"> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.forgot_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Remember_Me" class="entryToggle optional"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="Remember_Me" name="Remember_Me"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.keep_me_signed_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </label> <a class="hint helpIcon noText fr js-rememberMeLegal" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.legal_notice", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="hint rememberMeHelp clr"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.securely_access_your_recent_orders", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </div> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText">';
d = (b = (b = c.rememberMeLegalText || (a != null ? a.rememberMeLegalText : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "rememberMeLegalText", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '</p> <button class="btn btnLarge js-loginSubmit signIn" type="submit"><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span></button> </div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="none"> <button class="btn btnLarge js-loginSubmit" type="submit">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.reset_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.back_to_sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </form> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.pizzaProfileLoginOverlayD = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div id="pizzaProfileLoginOverlay" class="testD"> <div> <h1 class="pageHeading signInHeading">', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.sign_in_to_your_pizza", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</h1> <p class="js-anonymous">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.dont_have_one_create_one", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> </div> <form method="POST"> <p class="message js-message js-semiLoggedIn">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.please_confirm_your_password_so", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <div class="formArea horizontal fl"> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Email" class="entryLabel">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "1) Email", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <div class="entryGroup"> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="large js-email" value="' + g((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> </div> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Password" class="entryLabel">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "2) Password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <div class="entryGroup"> <input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="large js-password"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="formEntry actions js-formActions"> <div class="semiLoggedIn js-semiLoggedIn"> <button class="btn btnLarge js-loginSubmit" type="submit">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.submit", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.forgot_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="clr"></div> <span class="signout blue uppercase triangle js-payment">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.continue_as_guest", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> <span class="signout red triangle js-signout">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.not_firstname_sign_out", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</span> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="js-anonymous"> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.forgot_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Remember_Me" class="entryToggle optional"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "3) Keep me signed in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="Remember_Me" name="Remember_Me"> </label> <a class="hint helpIcon noText js-rememberMeLegal" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.legal_notice", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="hint rememberMeHelp clr"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.get_faster_access_to_your", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </div> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText">';
d = (b = (b = c.rememberMeLegalText || (a != null ? a.rememberMeLegalText : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "rememberMeLegalText", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '</p> <button class="btn btnLarge js-loginSubmit signIn" type="submit"><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span></button> </div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="none"> <button class="btn btnLarge js-loginSubmit" type="submit">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.reset_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.back_to_sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </form> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.pizzaProfileLoginOverlayC = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div id="pizzaProfileLoginOverlay" class="testC"> <div> <h1 class="pageHeading signInHeading">', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.sign_in_to_your_pizza", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '</h1> <p class="pizza-profile-subtext">With a pizza profile, your address and payment information will be saved so it will be even faster and easier to order than ever.</p> </div> <form method="POST" class="login" novalidate="novalidate"> <div class="form"> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Email" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one textInput">Email</label> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-email" value=""> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Password" class="textInput grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one">Password</label> <input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-password"> </div> </div> <div class="grid"> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--actions grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero js-formActions"> <div class="js-anonymous"> <a class="buttonType5 btn--forgot-password js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">Forgot password?</a> <div class="form__control-group"> <label for="Remember_Me" class="entryToggle optional"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-rememberMe" id="Remember_Me" name="Remember_Me"> Keep me signed in </label> <a class="helpIcon noText js-rememberMeLegal" href="#">Legal Notice</a> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText" style="display: none;">You will have the opportunity to select "Keep me signed in" checkbox when you create a Pizza Profile or sign in to your existing Pizza Profile for a quicker ordering experience. By checking this box, you allow Domino\'s to provide you with a more personalized experience in which you will be greeted by your first name and presented with (i) your Easy Order\u2122, (ii) a list of your recent orders and (iii) information about your local store. When you select "Keep me signed in", you will remain signed in to your Pizza Profile on that particular computer or device for up to six months or until you select the "sign out" link or clear your computer\'s or device\'s cookies. Although you are signed in to your Pizza Profile account, you will be prompted for your password if you attempt to perform a sensitive action such as modifying the personal information in your Pizza Profile account or completing an order using a stored credit card. If you change your mind about remaining signed in, simply select the "sign out" link to deactivate this feature.<br>NOTE: To prevent others from accessing your Pizza Profile account, Domino\'s does not recommend the use of this feature on any public or shared computer or device.</p></div> </div> <div class="none"> <button class="btn btn--large btn--reset-password js-loginSubmit" type="submit">Reset Password</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword btn--back-to-sign-in" href="#">Back to sign in</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="js-formActions"> <div class="js-anonymous"> <div> <div class="buttonsContainer cf"> <div class="anonymousContainer"> <p class="js-anonymous"><span>Don\'t have one? </span><a href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="btn btn--bounce btn--shimmer createAccount btn--profileOverlayTestC js-createProfile">Create a profile</a></p> </div> <span class="or">OR</span> <div class="signInContainer"> <button class="btn btn--shimmer btn--bounce btn--profileOverlayTestC js-loginSubmit signIn" type="submit"><span>Sign In</span></button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </form> <div class="guestOrderText"> <p>Don\'t want to create a pizza profile? That\'s okay, you can order as a guest.</p> <a class="btn btn--profileOverlayTestC js-guestOrder btn--bounce btn--shimmer">Order as Guest</a> </div> <p class="loginError none">We could not locate a Pizza Profile with that e-mail and password combination. Please make sure you are using the e-mail address associated with your Domino\'s Pizza Profile.</p> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.pizzaProfileLoginOverlayB = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div id="pizzaProfileLoginOverlay" class="testB"> <div> <h1 class="pageHeading signInHeading">', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.sign_in_to_your_pizza", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</h1> <p class="js-anonymous">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.dont_have_one_create_one", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> </div> <form method="POST"> <p class="message js-message js-semiLoggedIn">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.please_confirm_your_password_so", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <div class="formArea horizontal fl"> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Email" class="entryLabel">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.email", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <div class="entryGroup"> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="large js-email" value="' + g((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> </div> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Password" class="entryLabel">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <div class="entryGroup"> <input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="large js-password"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="formEntry actions js-formActions"> <div class="semiLoggedIn js-semiLoggedIn"> <button class="btn btnLarge js-loginSubmit" type="submit">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.submit", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.forgot_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="clr"></div> <span class="signout blue uppercase triangle js-payment">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.continue_as_guest", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> <span class="signout red triangle js-signout">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.not_firstname_sign_out", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</span> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div class="js-anonymous"> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.forgot_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="formEntry"> <label for="Remember_Me" class="entryToggle optional"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox none" id="Remember_Me" name="Remember_Me"> </label> <div class="testButtonGroup fl"> <button class="btn btn--secondary btn--small js-loginSubmit signIn" type="submit"><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.sign_in_for_this_order", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span></button> <button class="btn btn--small js-loginSubmitKeepMeLoggedIn signIn" type="submit"><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.sign_in_keep_me_signed", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span></button> </div> </div> <div class="clr"><\!-- --\></div> <a class="hint helpIcon noText fr js-rememberMeLegal" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.legal_notice", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="hint rememberMeHelp"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.get_faster_access_to_your", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </div> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText">';
d = (b = (b = c.rememberMeLegalText || (a != null ? a.rememberMeLegalText : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "rememberMeLegalText", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '</p> </div> <div class="none"> <button class="btn btnLarge js-loginSubmit" type="submit">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.reset_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.back_to_sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </form> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.pizzaProfileLoginOverlay = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="card__body card__body--profile-login" id="pizzaProfileLoginOverlay"> <div class="js-formActions"> <h1 class="pageHeading signInHeading">', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.sign_in_to_your_pizza", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</h1> <p class="js-anonymous">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.dont_have_one_create_one", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> <h1 class="pageHeading signInHeading none"><span class="js-anonymous"></span>';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.reset_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</h1> <p class="js-anonymous none">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.to_reset_your_password_please", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> </div> <div class="none js-formActions"> </div> <form METHOD="POST"> <div class="message grid js-message js-semiLoggedIn"> <p class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.please_confirm_your_password_so", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> </div> <div class="form"> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Email" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.email", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-email c-pizza-profile-overlay-email" value="' + g((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Password" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-password c-pizza-profile-overlay-password"> </div> </div> <div class="grid"> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--actions grid__cell--one grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero js-formActions"> <div class="semiLoggedIn js-semiLoggedIn grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter"> <button class="btn btn--large fr js-loginSubmit" type="submit">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.submit", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.forgot_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <span class="signout blue uppercase btn--arrow js-payment">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.continue_as_guest", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> <span class="signout red btn--arrow js-signout">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.not_firstname_sign_out", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</span> </div> <div class="js-anonymous"> <div class="form__control-group"> <label for="Remember_Me" class="fl entryToggle optional"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-rememberMe" id="Remember_Me" name="Remember_Me" /> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.keep_me_signed_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </label> </div> <div class="cf"> <a class="buttonType5 btn--forgot-password js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword c-pizza-profile-overlay-resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.forgot_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> </div> <div class="form__control-group"> <div class="grid loginButtonsContainer"> <div class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one none--handheld"> <button class="js-loginOnce btn btn--large js-loginSubmit signIn btn--lock js-loginOnce c-pizza-profile-overlay-loginSubmit" type="submit"> <span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.sign_in_for_this_order", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> </button> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> <button class="js-loginKeepLoggedIn btn btn--lock btn--large js-loginSubmit js-loginKeepLoggedIn signIn none--handheld c-pizza-profile-overlay-loginKeepLoggedIn" type="submit"> <span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.sign_in_keep_me_signed", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </span> </button> <a class="helpIcon noText js-rememberMeLegal" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.legal_notice", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <p class="hint rememberMeHelp"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.securely_access_your_recent_orders", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </p> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one"> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.you_will_have_the_opportunity", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '</p> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one grid__cell--handheld--one none--desktop-tablet"> <button class="js-loginKeepLoggedIn btn btn--lock btn--large js-loginSubmit js-loginKeepLoggedIn signIn" type="submit"> <span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="none grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"> <button class="btn btn--large btn--reset-password js-loginSubmit" type="submit">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.submit", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword btn--back-to-sign-in" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.back_to_sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.rememberMeLegalText = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b = c.helperMissing, d = "", a = (c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "general.you_will_have_the_opportunity", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
a != null && (d += a);
return d + " ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.pizzaCalculatorHelp = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="pizzaCalculatorHelp"> <h1 class="pageHeading">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "groupOrdering.pizza_math_calculator", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</h1> <p>" + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "groupOrdering.just_type_in_how_many", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> <ul> <li>" + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "groupOrdering.recommendation_is_based_on_large", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</li> <li>" + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "groupOrdering.formula_is_of_people_multiplied", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</li> <li>" + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "groupOrdering.if_equation_doesnt_come_out", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</li> </ul> <div class="centeringContainer"> <a class="btn js-closeButton">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.got_it_thanks", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.nameEasyOrder = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="card__body card__body--name-easy-order" id="nameEasyOrder"> <h1 class="pageHeading">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.make_this_order_my_easy_order", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> <form novalidate="novalidate" method="POST"> <div class="form"> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <input type="text" id="Easy_Order_Nickname" name="Easy_Order_Nickname" size="20" maxlength="20" placeholder="' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.now_give_it_a_name", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" class="grid__cell--one"> </div> <div class="form__control-group--actions--alignright"> <a class="btn btn--secondary js-closeButton" href="#">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "forms.cancel", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <button class="btn js-continue" type="submit">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "forms.save", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</button> </div> </div> </form> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.messageBox = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <section class="messageBox"> <h1>' + f((b = (b = c.title || (a != null ? a.title : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "title", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + "</h1> <p>" + f((b = (b = c.description || (a != null ? a.description : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "description", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + "</p> </section> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.informationNotification = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, d = ' <p class="informationNotification informationText">', a = (b = (b = c.text || (a != null ? a.text : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "text", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (d += a);
return d + "</p> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.groupOrderingInfo = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div id="groupOrderingInfo"> <div class="overlayHeader"> <h1 class="stackAttack">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.dominos_group_ordering", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> </div> <div class="overlayContent"> <img class="fl" src="' + g((b = (b = c.assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/bkg/overlays/groupordering-product.jpg" alt="Domino\'s Group Ordering"> <div class="fr"> <h2>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.the_more_pizzas_you_order", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h2> <div class="couponInfo"> <div class="fl">', d = (b = (b = c.couponInfo || (a != null ? a.couponInfo : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "couponInfo", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</div> <button class="btn btn--large fr js-continue">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.get_started", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <div class="clr"><\!-- --\></div> </div> <p>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.start_adding_pizzas_to_your", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> <p>" + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.if_you_dont_see_the", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p class="overlayFooter js-overlayFooter">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.if_you_wish_to_see", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + "</p> </div> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.groupOrdering = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div id="groupOrdering"> <div class="centeringContainer"> <h1 class="stackAttack header">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.dominos_group_ordering", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> </div> <div class="centeringContainer doubleLineBanner"> <p>', d = (b = (b = c.subheaderMessage || (a != null ? a.subheaderMessage : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "subheaderMessage", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> </div> <div class="outerBorder"> <div class="innerBorder"> ';
d = (b = (b = c.pizzaContainer || (a != null ? a.pizzaContainer : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "pizzaContainer", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += " ";
d = (b = (b = c.sidesContainer || (a != null ? a.sidesContainer : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "sidesContainer", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' </div> <div class="gOFooter"> <p>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.you_can_edit_items_by", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p class="footerDisclaimerMenu">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.if_the_item_you_love", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> <p class="footerDisclaimerCoupon">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.if_you_wish_to_see", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + "</p> </div> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.discountHover = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div id="discountHover"> <div class="discountLevel"> <h1>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "groupOrdering.level", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> <p class="pizzaLevel">' + f((b = (b = c.pizzaLevel || (a != null ? a.pizzaLevel : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "pizzaLevel", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '<span class="go-pizzaIcon"><\!-- --\></span></p> </div> <div class="percentLevel"> <h1>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "groupOrdering.percent_level", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</h1> <p>" + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "groupOrdering.order_at_least", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> </div> <div class="triangle"></div> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.glutenFreeDisclaimer = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="glutenFreeDisclaimer"> <h1 class="pageHeading">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.wed_like_you_to_know", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</h1> <p>" + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.dominos_pizza_made_with_a", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <a class="btn js-continue">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.got_it_thanks", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.glutenLegalMessage = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b = c.helperMissing, d = "<p>", a = (c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "general.dominos_pizza_made_with_a", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
a != null && (d += a);
return d + "</p>";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.genericOverlay = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, f = ' <div class="card card--overlay ' + f((b = (b = c.bouncebacktest || (a != null ? a.bouncebacktest : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "bouncebacktest", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + " " + f((b = (b = c.customClass || (a != null ? a.customClass : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "customClass", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> <a class="card--overlay__close js-closeButton" href="#Close">\u00d7</a> ', a = (b = (b = c.overlayContent || (a != null ? a.overlayContent : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "overlayContent", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (f += a);
return f + " </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.errorNotification = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, d = ' <p class="errorNotification errorText">', a = (b = (b = c.text || (a != null ? a.text : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "text", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (d += a);
return d + "</p> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.customerProfileOverlayFields = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, f = ' <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Profile_Enroll_Loyalty" class="form__control-group--toggle grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--offset-one-third grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero optional"> <input type="checkbox" id="Profile_Enroll_Loyalty" class="js-loyalty_profile_enroll" name="Profile_Enroll_Loyalty"> ' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_enroll_in_program", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </label> <p class="js-loyalty-lega hint rememberMeHelp grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--offset-one-third grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero legalText"> <a class="hint helpIcon noText fr js-loyalty-details-toggler" href="#">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.why", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a> " + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_enroll_disclaimer", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </p> <p class="js-loyalty-details grid__cell grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--offset-one-third grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero legalText none">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_one_line_details", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <div class="grid__cell js-loyalty-terms-container terms-of-use-container terms-of-use-container--loyalty-card none">', a = (b = (b = c.loyaltyTermsBody || (a != null ? a.loyaltyTermsBody : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "loyaltyTermsBody", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (f += a);
return f + "</div> </div> ";
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Profile_First_Name" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.first_name", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="text" id="Profile_First_Name" name="Profile_First_Name" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-overlay-firstname" value="', d = (b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Profile_Last_Name" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.last_name", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="text" id="Profile_Last_Name" name="Profile_Last_Name" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-overlay-lastname" value="';
d = (b = (b = c.lastName || (a != null ? a.lastName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "lastName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Profile_Email" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.email_address", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="email" id="Profile_Email" name="Profile_Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--handheld--one js-email c-customerprofile-overlay-email" value="' + g((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Profile_Confirm_Email" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.confirm_email_address", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="email" id="Profile_Confirm_Email" name="Profile_Confirm_Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-overlay-confirmemail"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Profile_Phone" alt="required" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.primary_phone_number", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="tel" id="Phone" name="Profile_Phone" maxlength="15" placeholder="Phone" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--two-thirds js-phone c-customerprofile-overlay-phone" value="' + g((b = (b = c.phone || (a != null ? a.phone : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "phone", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" > <input type="tel" id="Profile_Extension" name="Profile_Extension" maxlength="6" placeholder="Ext." class="grid__cell--one-eighth grid__cell--handheld--one-third js-extension c-customerprofile-overlay-extension" value="' + g((b = (b = c.extension || (a != null ? a.extension : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "extension", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Profile_Alt_Phone" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.alternate_phone_number", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="tel" id="Profile_Alt_Phone" name="Profile_Alt_Phone" maxlength="15" placeholder="Phone" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--two-thirds js-phone c-customerprofile-overlay-altphone" value="' + g((b = (b = c.altPhone || (a != null ? a.altPhone : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "altPhone", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" > <input type="tel" id="Profile_Alt_Extension" name="Profile_Alt_Extension" maxlength="6" placeholder="Ext." class="grid__cell--one-eighth grid__cell--handheld--one-third js-extension c-customerprofile-overlay-altextension" value="' + g((b = (b = c.altExtension || (a != null ? a.altExtension : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "altExtension", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Profile_Callback_Phone" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.callback_phone", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="tel" id="Profile_Callback_Phone" name="Profile_Callback_Phone" maxlength="15" placeholder="Phone" class="grid__cell--three-eighths js-phone c-customerprofile-overlay-callbackphone" value="' + g((b = (b = c.phone || (a != null ? a.phone : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "phone", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" > <input type="tel" id="Profile_Callback_Extension" name="Profile_Callback_Extension" maxlength="6" placeholder="Ext." class="grid__cell--one-eighth grid__cell--handheld--one-third js-extension c-customerprofile-overlay-callbackextension" value="' + g((b = (b = c.extension || (a != null ? a.extension : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "extension", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> <a class="grid__cell--one-eighth grid__cell--handheld--one-third hint helpIcon noText js-isTemplatePopup" data-template-popup="callbackPhone" href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/content/content.jsp?page=callbackPhone">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.why_do_we_need_this", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Profile_Password" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="password" id="Profile_Password" name="Profile_Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--handheld--one js-password c-customerprofile-overlay-profile"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Profile_Create_Password" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="password" id="Profile_Create_Password" name="Profile_Create_Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-overlay-createpassword"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Profile_Confirm_Password" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.confirm_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="password" id="Profile_Confirm_Password" name="Profile_Confirm_Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-overlay-confirmpassword"> <div class="hint grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--offset-one-third grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"><strong class="bold">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.heads_up", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</strong> " + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.use_at_least_8_characters", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label class="form__control-group--toggle grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--offset-one-third grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero" for="Profile_Remember_Me"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox c-customerprofile-overlay-rememberme" id="Profile_Remember_Me" name="Profile_Remember_Me"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.keep_me_signed_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </label> <p class="hint rememberMeHelp grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--offset-one-third grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"> <a class="hint helpIcon noText fr js-rememberMeLegal" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.legal_notice", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a> " + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.get_faster_access_to_your", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </p> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText grid__cell--five-eighths grid__cell--offset-one-third grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.you_will_have_the_opportunity", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += "</p> </div> ";
d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.showLoyalty : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + " ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.customerProfileFields = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="form__control-group"> <div class="js-changeLoginState"> <p> <strong> <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/customer/#/customer/login/" class="site-nav__profile__sign-in site-nav__profile__sign-in--checkout js-login-payment" style="">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "forms.sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + " </a>" + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "locations.to_your_pizza_profile_to", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + " </strong> </p> </div> </div> ";
}, 3: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="hint grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--offset-two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"><strong class="bold">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.heads_up", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</strong> " + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "forms.use_at_least_8_characters", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</div> ";
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = " ", d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.showLoginMessage : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="First_Name" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.first_name", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="text" id="First_Name" name="First_Name" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-firstname" value="';
d = (b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Last_Name" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.last_name", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="text" id="Last_Name" name="Last_Name" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-lastname" value="';
d = (b = (b = c.lastName || (a != null ? a.lastName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "lastName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Email" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.email_address", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one js-email c-customerprofile-email " value="' + g((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Confirm_Email" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.confirm_email_address", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="email" id="Confirm_Email" name="Confirm_Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-confirmemail " value="' + g((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Phone" alt="required" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.primary_phone_number", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="tel" id="Phone" name="Phone" maxlength="15" placeholder="' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.phone", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--three-quarters js-phone c-customerprofile-phone phoneAligment ' + g((b = (b = c.phoneAlignEdit || (a != null ? a.phoneAlignEdit : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "phoneAlignEdit", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" value="' + g((b = (b = c.phone || (a != null ? a.phone : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "phone", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> <input type="tel" id="Extension" name="Extension" maxlength="6" placeholder="' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.ext", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" class="grid__cell--one-fifth grid__cell--handheld--one-quarter js-extension c-customerprofile-extension " value="' + g((b = (b = c.extension || (a != null ? a.extension : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "extension", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Alt_Phone" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.alternate_phone_number", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="tel" id="Alt_Phone" name="Alt_Phone" maxlength="15" placeholder="' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.phone", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--three-quarters js-phone c-customerprofile-altphone " value="' + g((b = (b = c.altPhone || (a != null ? a.altPhone : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "altPhone", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" > <input type="tel" id="Alt_Extension" name="Alt_Extension" maxlength="6" placeholder="' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.ext", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" class="grid__cell--one-fifth grid__cell--handheld--one-quarter js-extension c-customerprofile-altextension " value="' + g((b = (b = c.altExtension || (a != null ? a.altExtension : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "altExtension", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Callback_Phone" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.callback_phone", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="tel" id="Callback_Phone" name="Callback_Phone" maxlength="15" placeholder="' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.phone", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--two-thirds js-phone phoneCheckOut c-customerprofile-callbackphone " value="' + g((b = (b = c.phone || (a != null ? a.phone : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "phone", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" > <input type="tel" id="Callback_Extension" name="Callback_Extension" maxlength="6" placeholder="' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.ext", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" class="grid__cell--one-fifth grid__cell--handheld--one-quarter js-extension extensionFix c-customerprofile-callbackextension " value="' + g((b = (b = c.extension || (a != null ? a.extension : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "extension", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> <div class="grid__cell"><a class="hint helpIcon noText js-isTemplatePopup fixIcon" data-template-popup="callbackPhone" href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/content/content.jsp?page=callbackPhone">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.why_do_we_need_this", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a></div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Password" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one js-password c-customerprofile-password"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Current_Password" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.current_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="password" id="Current_Password" name="Current_Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-currentpassword"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="New_Password" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.new_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="password" id="New_Password" name="New_Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-newpassword"> <div class="hint grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--offset-two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"><strong class="bold">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.note", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</strong> " + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.use_at_least_8_characters", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Create_Password" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="password" id="Create_Password" name="Create_Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-createpassword"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Confirm_Password" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.confirm_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="password" id="Confirm_Password" name="Confirm_Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one c-customerprofile-confirmpassword"> ';
d = c.unless.call(a, a != null ? a.hideHeadsUp : a, { name: "unless", hash: {}, fn: this.program(3, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + ' </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Birth_Month" class="grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one birthDateLabel">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.birthday", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <select id="Birth_Month" name="Birth_Month" class="js-birthMonth birthMonthSelect grid__cell--one-fifth grid__cell--handheld--one-half c-customerprofile-birthmonth"> <option value=" ">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.month", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="01">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.january", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="02">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.february", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="03">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.march", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="04">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.april", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="05">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.may", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="06">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.june", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="07">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.july", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="08">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.august", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="09">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.september", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="10">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.october", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="11">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.november", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="12">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.december", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> </select> <select id="Birth_Day" name="Birth_Day" class="js-birthDay birthDaySelect grid__cell--one-fifth grid__cell--handheld--one-half c-customerprofile-birthday"> </select> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Email_Opt_In" class="form__control-group--toggle grid__cell--three-fifths grid__cell--offset-two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-emailOptIn c-customerprofile-emailoptin" checked="checked" id="Email_Opt_In" name="Email_Opt_In"> <i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.yes_i_would_like_to", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + " </label> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.customerCreditCardFields = Handlebars.template({ 1: function () {
return '<i class="rqd">*</i>';
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--icons form__control-group--cc-type js-cardType"> <input type="hidden" id="Credit_Card_Type" name="Credit_Card_Type" class="js-creditCardType"> <label class="form__input--icon VISA">Visa</label> <label class="form__input--icon MASTERCARD">Mastercard</label> <label class="form__input--icon AMEX">AMEX</label> <label class="form__input--icon DISCOVER">Discover</label> <label class="form__input--icon JCB">JCB</label> <label class="form__input--icon DINERS">Diner\'s</label> <label class="form__input--icon ENROUTE">Enroute</label> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Credit_Card_Number" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "payment.credit_card_number", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</span></label> <input type="tel" id="Credit_Card_Number" name="Credit_Card_Number" value="' + g((b = (b = c.creditCardNumber || (a != null ? a.creditCardNumber : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "creditCardNumber", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one js-creditCardNumber" autocomplete="off"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Expiration_Month" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.expiration_date", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <select id="Expiration_Month" name="Expiration_Month" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half js-expirationMonth"> <option value=" ">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.month", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="1">01</option> <option value="2">02</option> <option value="3">03</option> <option value="4">04</option> <option value="5">05</option> <option value="6">06</option> <option value="7">07</option> <option value="8">08</option> <option value="9">09</option> <option value="10">10</option> <option value="11">11</option> <option value="12">12</option> </select> <select id="Expiration_Year" name="Expiration_Year" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half js-expirationYear"> <option value=" ">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.year", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> </select> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <div class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid_cell--custom-control-group--first-div"> <label for="Credit_Card_Security_Code" class="grid__cell--one grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.security_code", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</span></label> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half grid_cell--custom-control-group--middle-div"> <input type="tel" id="Credit_Card_Security_Code" name="Credit_Card_Security_Code" value="' + g((b = (b = c.securityCode || (a != null ? a.securityCode : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "securityCode", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" class="grid__cell--one grid__cell--handheld--one grid_cell--custom-control-group--middle-div__input js-securityCode" autocomplete="off"> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one-quarter"> <a class="hint helpIcon noText js-isTemplatePopup" data-template-popup="securityCode" href="/pages/content/content.jsp?page=securityCode">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms._", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> </div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <div class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid_cell--custom-control-group--first-div"> <label for="Billing_Postal_Code" class="grid__cell--one grid__cell--handheld--one">', d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.isAVSEnabled : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "payment.billing_zip_code", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half grid_cell--custom-control-group--middle-div"> <input type="tel" id="Billing_Postal_Code" name="Billing_Postal_Code" maxlength="10" class="grid__cell--one grid__cell--handheld--one grid_cell--custom-control-group--middle-div__input js-billingPostalCode" value="' + g((b = (b = c.billingPostalCode || (a != null ? a.billingPostalCode : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "billingPostalCode", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" autocomplete="off"> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one-quarter"> <a class="hint helpIcon noText js-isTemplatePopup" data-template-popup="zipCode" href="/pages/content/content.jsp?page=zipCode">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms._", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> </div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid js-saveCreditCard" > <label for="Save_Credit_Card" class="form__control-group--toggle grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-saveToProfile" id="Save_Credit_Card" name="Save_Credit_Card"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.save_my_credit_card_for", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </label> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid js-creditCardNickname"> <label for="Credit_Card_Nickname" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one optional"><i class="rqd">*</i><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "payment.credit_card_nickname", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</span></label> <input type="text" id="Credit_Card_Nickname" name="Credit_Card_Nickname" maxlength="20" value="';
d = (b = (b = c.creditCardNickname || (a != null ? a.creditCardNickname : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "creditCardNickname", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> <div class="hint grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"><strong class="bold">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.example", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</strong> " + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "payment.my_visa_corporate_card_etc", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid js-defaultCreditCard"> <label for="Is_Default_CC" class="form__control-group--toggle grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero optional"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="Is_Default_CC" name="Is_Default_CC"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "payment.make_this_card_my_primary_card", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + " </label> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.customerCreateProfile = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="pageBox"> <div class="saveCreditCard js-profileSaveCreditCard none"> <label for="Profile_Save_Credit_Card" class="fl form__label--save-credit-card"> <input type="checkbox" id="Profile_Save_Credit_Card" name="Profile_Save_Credit_Card" class="js-profileSaveCreditCard none"> ' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.save_my_credit_card_for", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </label> <input type="text" class="js-profileSaveCreditCard none grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one" id="Profile_Save_Credit_Card_Name" placeholder="' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.name_your_credit_card", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" maxlength="20"> </div> <label for="Profile_Save_Easy_Order" class="form__control-group--toggle"> <input type="checkbox" id="Profile_Save_Easy_Order" name="Profile_Save_Easy_Order"> ' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.save_this_order_as_my", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' <a class="hint helpIcon noText easyOrderHelp js-easyOrderLegal" href="#">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.why", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> </label> <p class="legalText js-easyOrderLegalText none">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.an_easy_order_is_the", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <input type="text" id="Profile_Save_Easy_Order_Name" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one" placeholder="' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.name_your_easy_order", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" maxlength="20"> </div> ';
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f, g = c.helperMissing, h = this.escapeExpression, i = ' <div id="customerCreateProfile" class="card--customer-create-profile js-profileCreateToggle"> <h1 class="pageHeading signInHeading">' + h((c.t || a && a.t || g).call(a, "general.order_faster_and_easier_than", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> <form method="POST"> <div class="form horizontal medium"> <p class="informationText">' + h((c.t || a && a.t || g).call(a, "general.enter_and_confirm_your_email", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + " </p><div> ";
b = (f = (f = c.profileFields || (a != null ? a.profileFields : a)) != null ? f : g, typeof f === "function" ? f.call(a, { name: "profileFields", hash: {}, data: e }) : f);
b != null && (i += b);
i += " </div> ";
b = c.unless.call(a, a != null ? a.showLoyalty : a, { name: "unless", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
b != null && (i += b);
i += ' <div class="requiredFieldsText"><i class="rqd">*</i><span> ' + h((c.t || a && a.t || g).call(a, "forms.indicates_required_field", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span></div> <div class="form__control-group--actions--alignright"> <button class="btn js-continueButton" type="submit"><span>' + h((c.t || a && a.t || g).call(a, "general.create_your_profile", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span></button> <button class="btn btn--secondary js-closeButton" type=""><span>' + h((c.t || a && a.t || g).call(a, "forms.cancel", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span></button> </div> <p class="terms-of-use">' + h((c.t || a && a.t || g).call(a, "payment.by_creating_a_profile_you", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <div id="terms-of-use-container" class="none"> <div class="js-termsContainer"> ';
b = this.invokePartial(d.contentPageTerms, "", "contentPageTerms", a, void 0, c, d, e);
b != null && (i += b);
return i + ' </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> <div class="js-profileCreateToggle confirmationMessage none"> <h1 class="pageHeading">' + h((c.t || a && a.t || g).call(a, "general.pizza_profile", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> <div class="pageBox"> <div> <p class="confirmationText">' + h((c.t || a && a.t || g).call(a, "general.its_official", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p class="confirmationText">' + h((c.t || a && a.t || g).call(a, "general.you_now_have_a_pizza_profile", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> </div> </div> </div> ";
}, usePartial: true, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.customerAddressSaved = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="js-savedEntry card__list-item grid"> <label class="profile-list-name form__control-group--toggle grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--three-quarters"> <input type="radio" name="Address_Selection" class="js-addressSelection" value="', d = (b = (b = c.addressName || (a != null ? a.addressName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "addressName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '"> ';
d = (b = (b = c.addressName || (a != null ? a.addressName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "addressName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' <div class="primary">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.primary_address", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</div> </label> <div class="profile-list-type profile-address-type form__control-group form__control-group--address-type grid__cell--one-eighth grid__cell--handheld--one-quarter"> <label class="form__input--icon ' + g((b = (b = c.addressType || (a != null ? a.addressType : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "addressType", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">' + g((c.tt || a && a.tt || f).call(a, "locations", a != null ? a.addressType : a, { name: "tt", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> </div> <div class="profile-list-description grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--three-quarters"> <div>';
d = (b = (b = c.locationName || (a != null ? a.locationName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "locationName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += "</div> <div>";
d = (b = (b = c.street || (a != null ? a.street : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "street", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += " ";
d = (b = (b = c.addressLine2 || (a != null ? a.addressLine2 : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "addressLine2", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += "</div> <div>";
d = (b = (b = c.city || (a != null ? a.city : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "city", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += ", ";
d = (b = (b = c.region || (a != null ? a.region : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "region", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += " ";
d = (b = (b = c.postalCode || (a != null ? a.postalCode : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "postalCode", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</div> <div class="delivery-instructions js-deliveryInstructions none">';
d = (b = (b = c.deliveryInstructions || (a != null ? a.deliveryInstructions : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "deliveryInstructions", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '</div> </div> <ul class="controls profile-list-controls grid__cell--one-eighth grid__cell--handheld--one-quarter"> <li><a class="buttonType4 qa-ClEdit js-editAddress" href="#" data-id="' + g((b = (b = c.id || (a != null ? a.id : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "id", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.edit", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a></li> <li><a class="buttonType3 qa-ClRemove js-deleteAddress" href="#" data-id="' + g((b = (b = c.id || (a != null ? a.id : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "id", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.remove", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a></li> </ul> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.customerAddressFields = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="form__control-group grid locationTypeSelectBox"> <label for="Address_Type_Select" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.address_type", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <select id="Address_Type_Select" name="Address_Type" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one js-changeAddressTypeSelect skip-first-opt-clear"> <option value="House">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.house", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="Apartment">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.apartment", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="Business">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.business", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="Campus">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.campus_base", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="Hotel">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.hotel", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="Dormitory">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.dormitory", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="Other">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.other", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> </select> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Location_Name" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.location_name", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</span></label> <input type="text" id="Location_Name" name="Location_Name" maxlength="40" value="', d = (b = (b = c.locationName || (a != null ? a.locationName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "locationName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Street" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.street_address", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="text" id="Street" name="Street" maxlength="40" value="' + g((b = (b = c.street || (a != null ? a.street : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "street", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Address_Line_2" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.suite_apt", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</span></label> <input type="text" id="Address_Line_2" name="Address_Line_2" maxlength="40" value="' + g((b = (b = c.addressLine2 || (a != null ? a.addressLine2 : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "addressLine2", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="City" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.city", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="text" id="City" name="City" maxlength="40" value="' + g((b = (b = c.city || (a != null ? a.city : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "city", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one js-city"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <div class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--custom__state"> <label for="Region" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one-half grid__cell--custom__region--label grid__cell--custom__label"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.state", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <select id="Region" name="Region" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one-half grid__cell--custom__region--input grid__cell--custom-form-error--region js-region"> <option value="">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.select", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</option> <option value="AK">AK</option><option value="AL">AL</option><option value="AR">AR</option><option value="AZ">AZ</option> <option value="CA">CA</option><option value="CO">CO</option><option value="CT">CT</option> <option value="DC">DC</option><option value="DE">DE</option> <option value="FL">FL</option> <option value="GA">GA</option> <option value="HI">HI</option> <option value="IA">IA</option><option value="ID">ID</option><option value="IL">IL</option><option value="IN">IN</option> <option value="KS">KS</option><option value="KY">KY</option> <option value="LA">LA</option> <option value="MA">MA</option><option value="MD">MD</option><option value="ME">ME</option><option value="MI">MI</option><option value="MN">MN</option><option value="MO">MO</option><option value="MS">MS</option><option value="MT">MT</option> <option value="NC">NC</option><option value="ND">ND</option><option value="NE">NE</option><option value="NH">NH</option><option value="NJ">NJ</option><option value="NM">NM</option><option value="NV">NV</option><option value="NY">NY</option> <option value="OH">OH</option><option value="OK">OK</option><option value="OR">OR</option> <option value="PA">PA</option> <option value="RI">RI</option> <option value="SC">SC</option><option value="SD">SD</option> <option value="TN">TN</option><option value="TX">TX</option> <option value="UT">UT</option> <option value="VT">VT</option><option value="VA">VA</option> <option value="WA">WA</option><option value="WV">WV</option><option value="WI">WI</option><option value="WY">WY</option> </select> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--custom__zip-code"> <label for="Postal_Code" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half grid__cell--custom__label grid__cell--custom__zip-code--label"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.zip_code", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="tel" id="Postal_Code" name="Postal_Code" maxlength="10" class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one-half grid__cell--custom__zip-code--input grid__cell--custom-form-error--zip js-postalCode" value="' + g((b = (b = c.postalCode || (a != null ? a.postalCode : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "postalCode", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Region_Campus" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.state", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <select id="Region_Campus" name="Region_Campus" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one js-campusRegion"> <option value="">- ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.select_a_state", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' -</option> </select> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Campus" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.campus_base", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <select id="Campus" name="Campus" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one js-campusCampus"> <option value="">- ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.select_a_school_campus_base", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' -</option> </select> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Dorm" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.dorm_building", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <select id="Dorm" name="Dorm" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one js-campusDorm"> <option value="">- ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.select_a_building", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' -</option> </select> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Room_Number" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.room", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="text" id="Room_Number" name="Room_Number" maxlength="40" value="' + g((b = (b = c.addressLine2 || (a != null ? a.addressLine2 : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "addressLine2", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid js-saveAddressToProfile"> <label for="Save_Address" class="form__control-group--toggle grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-saveToProfile" id="Save_Address" name="Save_Address"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.save_this_address_to_my_pizza_profile", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </label> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Address_Name" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.address_nickname", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</span></label> <input type="text" id="Address_Name" name="Address_Name" maxlength="20" value="';
d = (b = (b = c.addressName || (a != null ? a.addressName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "addressName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> <div class="hint grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.example_my_home_my_studio", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Delivery_Instructions" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.delivery_instructions", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</span></label> <input type="text" id="Delivery_Instructions" name="Delivery_Instructions" maxlength="35" value="';
d = (b = (b = c.deliveryInstructions || (a != null ? a.deliveryInstructions : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "deliveryInstructions", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> <div class="hint grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.example_gate_code_ring_the", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '</div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Is_Default" class="optional form__control-group--toggle grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="Is_Default" name="Is_Default"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "locations.make_this_address_my_primary_address", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + " </label> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.couponInfo = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression;
return " <p>" + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "groupOrdering.numberofpizzas_pizzas_percentoff_off", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.contentOverlay = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="js-content ' + f((b = (b = c.klass || (a != null ? a.klass : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "klass", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"><p class="spinner"><\!-- --\></p></div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.contentPageTerms = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <h2>Gift Cards</h2> <p> For terms of use and privacy policy information on Gift Cards, please <a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/content/content.jsp?page=giftCards">click here</a>. </p> ';
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b = c.helperMissing, d = "<div class=\"genericContentPage\"> <div id=\"terms-of-use\"> <h1 class=\"pageHeading\">Terms of Use</h1> <h2>Acceptance Terms of Use</h2> <p> These Terms of Use govern your use of the Domino's Pizza, Inc. and its affiliates (Hereinafter \"Domino's\" or \"Domino's Pizza\") online and mobile web site (the \"Website\" or collectively, the \"Websites\") and our tablet and smartphone applications (the \"Application\" or collectively the \"Applications\"). By using, visiting, or browsing the Websites or using the Applications, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you should not use the Websites or Applications. These Terms of Use are an ongoing contract between you and Domino's Pizza and apply to your use of the Websites or Applications. These Terms of Use affect your rights and you should read them carefully. </p> <h2>Changes to Terms of Use</h2> <p> Domino's Pizza reserves the right, from time to time, with or without notice to you, to change these Terms of Use in our sole and absolute discretion. The most current version of these Terms of Use can be reviewed by clicking on the \"Terms of Use\" located at the bottom of the pages of the Domino's Pizza Web site. The most current version of the Terms of Use will supersede all previous versions. Your use of the Domino's Pizza Web site after changes are made means that you agree to be bound by such changes. </p> <h2>Privacy and Personal Information</h2> <p> Domino's Pizza is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information you provide us on our Websites and Applications. Any information submitted on the Websites and Applications is subject to our Privacy Policy, the terms of which are incorporated herein. Please review our Privacy Policy to understand our practices. The date of any changes to our Privacy Policy will be noted at the bottom of our Privacy Policy. </p> <h2>Your Account</h2> <p> If you use the Websites or Applications, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer, smartphone or tablet, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. The Websites and Applications sell products to adults, who can purchase with a credit card. If you are under 18, you may use the Websites and Applications only with involvement of a parent or guardian. Domino's Pizza and its affiliates reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel orders in their sole discretion. </p> <h2>Your Acceptance</h2> <p> BY USING AND/OR VISITING ANY WEBSITE or APPLICATION OPERATED BY DOMINO'S PIZZA LLC (\"Domino's\"), YOU SIGNIFY YOUR ASSENT TO BOTH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (the \"Terms of Use\") AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DOMINO'S PRIVACY NOTICE (\"Privacy Policy\"), WHICH ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. If you do not agree to any of these terms, then please do not use the Websites or Applications. </p> <h2>Domino's Pizza Websites and Applications</h2> <p> These Terms of Use apply to all users of the Websites and Applications, including users who are also contributors of video content, information, and other materials or services on the Websites or Applications. The Websites and Applications may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by Domino's Pizza. Domino's Pizza has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites. In addition, Domino's will not and cannot censor or edit the content of any third-party site. By using the Websites or Applications, you expressly relieve Domino's from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website. Accordingly, we encourage you to be aware when you leave the Websites or Applications and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of each other website that you visit. </p> <h2>Website/Application Access</h2> <ol> <li>Domino's hereby grants you permission to use the Websites as set forth in this Terms of Use, provided that: (i) your use of the Websites and Applications as permitted are solely for your personal, noncommercial use; (ii) you will not copy or distribute any part of the Websites or Applications in any medium without Domino's prior written authorization; (iii) you will not alter or modify any part of the Websites or Applications other than as may be reasonably necessary to use the Websites or Applications for their intended purpose; and (iv) you will otherwise comply with the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use.</li> <li>In order to access some features of the Websites or Applications, you will have to create an account. You may never use another's account without permission. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account, and you must keep your account password secure. You must notify Domino's immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account. Although Domino's will not be liable for your losses caused by any unauthorized use of your account, you may be liable for the losses of Domino's or others due to such unauthorized use.</li> <li>You agree not to use or launch any automated system, including without limitation, \"robots,\" \"spiders,\" \"offline readers,\" etc., that accesses the Websites or Applications in a manner that sends more request messages to the Domino's servers in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a convention on-line web browser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Domino's grants the operators of public search engines permission to use spiders to copy materials from the site for the sole purpose of creating publicly available searchable indices of the materials, but not caches or archives of such materials. Domino's reserves the right to revoke these exceptions either generally or in specific cases. You agree not to collect or harvest any personally identifiable information, including account names, from the Websites or Applications, nor to use the communication systems provided by the Websites or Applications for any commercial solicitation purposes. You agree not to solicit, for commercial purposes, any users of the Websites or Applications with respect to their User Submissions.</li> </ol> <h2>Intellectual Property Rights</h2> <p> The content on the Websites and Applications, except all User Submissions (as defined below), including without limitation, the text, software, scripts, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, interactive features and the like (\"Content\") and the trademarks, service marks and logos contained therein (\"Marks\"), are owned by or licensed to Domino's, subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights under United States and foreign laws and international conventions. Content on the Websites and Applications is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use only and may not be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any other purposes whatsoever without the prior written consent of the respective owners. Domino's reserves all rights not expressly granted in and to the Websites, Applications and the Content. You agree to not engage in the use, copying, or distribution of any of the Content other than expressly permitted herein, including any use, copying, or distribution of User Submissions of third parties obtained through the Websites or Applications for any commercial purposes. If you download or print a copy of the Content for personal use, you must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained therein. You agree not to circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security related features of the Websites and Applications or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any Content or enforce limitations on use of the Websites and Applications or the Content therein. </p> <h2>User Submissions</h2> <ol> <li>The Websites or Applications may now or in the future permit the submission of photos, audio files, videos or other communications submitted by you and other users (\"User Submissions\") and the hosting, sharing, and/or publishing of such User Submissions. You understand that whether or not such User Submissions are published, Domino's does not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to any submissions. You agree that Domino's may publish your name and User Submission on the Websites, Applications or in other press releases or media items.</li> <li>You shall be solely responsible for your own User Submissions and the consequences of posting or publishing them. In connection with User Submissions, you affirm, represent, and/or warrant that: (i) you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to use and authorize Domino's to use all patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights in and to any and all User Submissions to enable inclusion and use of the User Submissions in the manner contemplated by the Websites, Applications and these Terms of Use; and (ii) you have the written consent, release, and/or permission of each and every identifiable individual person in the User Submission to use the name or likeness of each and every such identifiable individual person to enable inclusion and use of the User Submissions in the manner contemplated by the Websites, Applications and these Terms of Use. User agrees that any BFD name registrations become the property of Domino's IP Holder LLC and Domino's Pizza may use such submissions in any manner in the sole discretion of Domino's Pizza. For clarity, you retain all of your ownership rights in your other User Submissions. However, by submitting the User Submissions to Domino's, you hereby grant Domino's a perpetual worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the User Submissions in connection with the Websites, Applications and the Domino's (and its successor's) business, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the Websites or Applications (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels. You also hereby grant each recipient of any User Submission a non-exclusive license to access your User Submissions through the Website or Applications, and to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display and perform such User Submissions as permitted through the functionality of the Websites, Applications and under these Terms of Use.</li> <li>In connection with User Submissions, you further agree that you will not: (i) submit material that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from their rightful owner to post the material and to grant Domino's all of the license rights granted herein; (ii) publish falsehoods or misrepresentations that could damage Domino's or any third party; (iii) submit material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any law, or is otherwise inappropriate; (iv) post advertisements or solicitations of business: (v) impersonate another person. Domino's does not endorse any User Submission or any opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed therein, and Domino's expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with User Submissions. Domino's does not permit copyright infringing activities and infringement of intellectual property rights on its Websites or Applications, and Domino's will block and remove all Content and User Submissions if properly notified that such Content or User Submission infringes on another's intellectual property rights. Domino's reserves the right to remove Content and User Submissions without prior notice. Domino's will also terminate a User's access to its Websites or Applications, if they are determined to be a repeat infringer. A repeat infringer is a User who has been notified of infringing activity twice and/or has had a User Submission removed from the Websites or Applications. Domino's also reserves the right to decide whether Content or a User Submission is appropriate and complies with these Terms of Use for violations other than copyright infringement and violations of intellectual property law, such as, but not limited to, pornography, obscene or defamatory material, or excessive length. Domino's may remove such User Submissions and/or terminate a User's access for uploading such material in violation of these Terms of Use at any time, without prior notice and at its sole discretion. In addition, you agree that you will not email any of your User Submissions or links to your User Submissions to individuals with whom you are not acquainted.</li> <li>In particular, if you are a copyright owner or an agent thereof and believe that any User Submission or other content infringes upon your copyrights, you may submit a notification pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (\"DMCA\") by providing our Copyright Agent with the following information in writing (see 17 U.S.C 512(c)(3) for further detail): <ol> <li>A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;</li> <li>Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site;</li> <li>Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material;</li> <li>Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact you, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail;</li> <li>A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and</li> <li>A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. Domino's designated Copyright Agent to receive notifications of claimed infringement is: Marilyn Henderson-Hobbs, 30 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, email: [email protected], fax: 734-327-8877. For clarity, only DMCA notices should go to the Copyright Agent; any other feedback, comments, requests for technical support, and other communications should be directed to Domino's customer service. You acknowledge that if you fail to comply with all of the requirements of this Section 5(D), your DMCA notice may not be valid.</li> </ol> </li> <li>You understand that when using the Websites and Applications, you may be exposed to User Submissions from a variety of sources, and that Domino's is not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, safety, or intellectual property rights of or relating to such User Submissions. You further understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to User Submissions that are inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or objectionable, and you agree to waive, and hereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against Domino's with respect thereto, and agree to indemnify and hold Domino's, its Owners/Operators, affiliates, and/or licensors, harmless to the fullest extent allowed by law regarding all matters related to your use of the site.</li> </ol> <h2>Warranty Disclaimer</h2> <p> YOU AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF THE DOMINO'S WEBSITE SHALL BE AT YOUR SOLE RISK. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DOMINO'S, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE WEBSITE AND YOUR USE THEREOF. DOMINO'S MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THIS SITE'S CONTENT OR THE CONTENT OF ANY SITES LINKED TO THIS SITE AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY (I) ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR INACCURACIES OF CONTENT, (II) PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, RESULTING FROM YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF OUR WEBSITE, (III) ANY UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR USE OF OUR SECURE SERVERS AND/OR ANY AND ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION AND/OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION STORED THEREIN, (IV) ANY INTERRUPTION OR CESSATION OF TRANSMISSION TO OR FROM OUR WEBSITE, (IV) ANY BUGS, VIRUSES, TROJAN HORSES, OR THE LIKE WHICH MAY BE TRANSMITTED TO OR THROUGH OUR WEBSITE BY ANY THIRD PARTY, AND/OR (V) ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONSIN ANY CONTENT OR FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF ANY CONTENT POSTED, EMAILED, TRANSMITTED, OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE VIA THE DOMINO'S WEBSITE. DOMINO'S DOES NOT WARRANT, ENDORSE, GUARANTEE, OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE ADVERTISED OR OFFERED BY A THIRD PARTY THROUGH THE DOMINO'S WEBSITE OR ANY HYPERLINKED WEBSITE OR FEATURED IN ANY BANNER OR OTHER ADVERTISING, AND DOMINO'S WILL NOT BE A PARTY TO OR IN ANY WAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN YOU AND THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. AS WITH THE PURCHASE OF A PRODUCT OR SERVICE THROUGH ANY MEDIUM OR IN ANY ENVIRONMENT, YOU SHOULD USE YOUR BEST JUDGMENT AND EXERCISE CAUTION WHERE APPROPRIATE.YOU AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITES AND APPLICATIONS SHALL BE AT YOUR SOLE RISK. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DOMINO'S, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE WEBSITES, APPLICATIONS AND YOUR USE THEREOF. DOMINO'S MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE WEBSITES' AND APPLICATIONS' CONTENT OR THE CONTENT OF ANY SITES LINKED TO THE WEBSITES OR APPLICATIONS AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY (I) ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR INACCURACIES OF CONTENT, (II) PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, RESULTING FROM YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF OUR WEBSITES AND APPLICATIONS, (III) ANY UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR USE OF OUR SECURE SERVERS AND/OR ANY AND ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION AND/OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION STORED THEREIN, (IV) ANY INTERRUPTION OR CESSATION OF TRANSMISSION TO OR FROM OUR WEBSITES OR APPLICATIONS, (IV) ANY BUGS, VIRUSES, TROJAN HORSES, OR THE LIKE WHICH MAY BE TRANSMITTED TO OR THROUGH OUR WEBSITES AND APPLICATIONS BY ANY THIRD PARTY, AND/OR (V) ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONSIN ANY CONTENT OR FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF ANY CONTENT POSTED, EMAILED, TRANSMITTED, OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE VIA THE WEBSITES AND APPLICATIONS. DOMINO'S DOES NOT WARRANT, ENDORSE, GUARANTEE, OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE ADVERTISED OR OFFERED BY A THIRD PARTY THROUGH THE WEBSITES OR APPLICATIONS OR ANY HYPERLINKED WEBSITE OR FEATURED IN ANY BANNER OR OTHER ADVERTISING, AND DOMINO'S WILL NOT BE A PARTY TO OR IN ANY WAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN YOU AND THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. AS WITH THE PURCHASE OF A PRODUCT OR SERVICE THROUGH ANY MEDIUM OR IN ANY ENVIRONMENT, YOU SHOULD USE YOUR BEST JUDGMENT AND EXERCISE CAUTION WHERE APPROPRIATE. </p> <h2>Limitation of Liability</h2> <p> IN NO EVENT SHALL DOMINO'S, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM ANY (I) ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR INACCURACIES OF CONTENT, (II) PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, RESULTING FROM YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF OUR WEBSITES OR APPLICATIONS, (III) ANY UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR USE OF OUR SECURE SERVERS AND/OR ANY AND ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION AND/OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION STORED THEREIN, (IV) ANY INTERRUPTION OR CESSATION OF TRANSMISSION TO OR FROM OUR WEBSITES OR APPLICATIONS, (IV) ANY BUGS, VIRUSES, TROJAN HORSES, OR THE LIKE, WHICH MAY BE TRANSMITTED TO OR THROUGH OUR WEBSITES OR APPLICATIONS BY ANY THIRD PARTY, AND/OR (V) ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN ANY CONTENT OR FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF YOUR USE OF ANY CONTENT POSTED, EMAILED, TRANSMITTED, OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE VIA THE WEBSITES OR APPLICATIONS, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER ORNOT THE COMPANY IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL APPLY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW IN THE APPLICABLE JURISDICTION. <br /><br /> YOU SPECIFICALLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT DOMINO'S SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR USER SUBMISSIONS OR THE DEFAMATORY, OFFENSIVE, OR ILLEGAL CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY AND THAT THE RISK OF HARM OR DAMAGE FROM THE FOREGOING RESTS ENTIRELY WITH YOU. <br /><br /> The Websites and Applications are controlled and offered by Domino's from its facilities in the United States of America. Domino's makes no representations that the Websites and Applications are appropriate or available for use in other locations. Those who access or use the Websites and Applications from other jurisdictions do so at their own volition and are responsible for compliance with local law. </p> <h2>Indemnity</h2> <p> You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Domino's, its parent corporations, affiliates officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) arising from: (i) your use of and access to the Websites and Applications; (ii) your violation of any term of these Terms of Use; (iii) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; or (iv) any claim that one of your User Submissions caused damage to a third party. This defense and indemnification obligation will survive these Terms of Use and your use of the Websites and Applications. </p> <h2>Ability to accept Terms of Service</h2> <p> You affirm that you are either more than 18 years of age, or an emancipated minor, or possess legal parental or guardian consent, and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Terms of Use, and to abide by and comply with these Terms of Use. In any case, you affirm that you are over the age of 13, as the Websites and Applications are not intended for children under 13. If you are under 13 years of age, then please do not use the Websites or Applications - there are lots of other great web sites and applications for you. Talk to your parents about what sites and applications are appropriate for you. </p> <h2>Assignment</h2> <p> These Terms of Use, and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, may not be transferred or assigned by you, but may be assigned by Domino's without restriction. </p> <h2>Domino's Pizza Intellectual Property</h2> <p> This Websites and Applications contain many valuable trademarks owned and used by Domino's Pizza LLC, and its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world. These trademarks are used to distinguish Domino's Pizza's quality products and services. These trademarks and related proprietary property are protected from reproduction and simulation under national and international laws and are not to be copied without the express written permission of Domino's Pizza LLC. <br /><br /> The text, graphics and html code contained in the Websites and Applications are the exclusive property of Domino's Pizza LLC. Except where otherwise noted, the text, graphics and html code contained here may not be copied, distributed, displayed, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Domino's Pizza LLC. <br /><br /> The Websites and Applications may link to sites not maintained by or related to Domino's Pizza. Hyper-text links are provided as a service to users and are not sponsored by or affiliated with the Websites, Applications or Domino's Pizza. Domino's Pizza has not reviewed the sites hyper-linked to or from the Websites and Applications and is not responsible for the content of any other site. These links are to be accessed at the user's own risk. Domino's Pizza makes no representations or warranties about the content, completeness, or accuracy of these links or the sites hyper-linked to the Websites or Applications. Furthermore, Domino's Pizza does not implicitly endorse third-party sites hyper-linked to the Websites or Applications. </p> <h2>Domino's Tracker®</h2> <p> In addition to the Terms of Use, the following additional terms and conditions govern the access and use of the Websites and Applications Domino's Tracker (\"Domino's Tracker\") service to request order progress and tracking information (\"Domino's Tracker Data\") on your Domino's Pizza order. Domino's Pizza authorizes you to request Domino's Tracker Data for a Domino's Pizza order for which you are the recipient and for no other purpose. You are not authorized to make the Domino's Tracker Data available on any website or to otherwise use or sell the Domino's Tracker Data for any other use without the express consent of Domino's Pizza. You acknowledge and agree that the Domino's Tracker Data are the private property of Domino's Pizza, are provided to you free of charge and that any use of Domino's Tracker Data is at your sole risk. Domino's Tracker Data is provided \"AS IS\" and Domino's Pizza disclaims all warranties, express or implied. In addition, any comment or input from you on Domino's Tracker messaging services that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any law, or is otherwise inappropriate or in violation of the Terms of Use is prohibited. Any access or use that is inconsistent with these terms is unauthorized and strictly prohibited. </p> <h2 title=\"Short Message Service\">SMS</h2> <ol> <li>Your carrier's standard messaging rates apply to your entry or submission message, our confirmation and all subsequent SMS correspondence. Domino's Pizza does not charge for any content however downloadable content may incur additional charges from your cell phone provider. Please contact your wireless carrier for information about your messaging plan. Your carrier may impose message or charge limitations on your account that are outside our control. All charges are billed by and payable to your mobile service provider.</li> <li>By subscribing, you consent to receiving up to 6 SMS messages per month using automated technology, further text messages from us which may include offers from us, our affiliates and partners. You can unsubscribe at any time from all services by sending STOP ALL to 366466. Your consent to receive text messages is not required to make a purchase.</li> <li>You represent that you are the owner or authorized user of the wireless device you use to subscribe for the service, and that you are authorized to approve the applicable charges.</li> <li>We will not be liable for any delays or failures in your receipt of any SMS messages as delivery is subject to effective transmission from your network operator and processing by your mobile device. SMS message services are provided on an AS IS, AS AVAILABLE basis.</li> <li>Data obtained from you in connection with this SMS service may include your cell phone number, your carrier's name, and the date, time and content of your messages and other information that you may provide. We may use this information to contact you and to provide the services you request from us, and to otherwise operate, develop and improve the service. Your wireless carrier and other service providers may also collect data about your SMS usage, and their practices are governed by their own policies. We will only use information you provide to the service to transmit your text message or as otherwise described in this document. Nonetheless, we reserve the right at all times to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or governmental request, to avoid liability, or to protect our rights or property. When you complete forms online or otherwise provide us information in connection with the service, you agree to provide accurate, complete, and true information.</li> <li>The service and the content and materials received through the service are proprietary to us or our licensors, and is for your personal, non-commercial use only. You shall not damage, impair, interfere with or disrupt the service or its functionality.</li> <li>The service is available only in the United States.</li> <li>We reserve the right to alter charges and/or these terms and conditions from time to time. We may suspend or terminate the service to you if we believe you are in breach of our terms and conditions. Your service is also subject to termination in the event that your wireless service terminates or lapses. We may discontinue the service at any time.</li> <li>If you have any questions, email us <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">here</a>. You can also text the word .help. or .info. to 366466 to get additional information about the service. We do not charge for help or info messages; however, your normal carrier rates apply.</li> </ol> <h2>Arbitration</h2> <p> <b> BECAUSE OF THE MUTUAL BENEFITS (SUCH AS REDUCED EXPENSE AND INCREASED EFFICIENCY) WHICH PRIVATE BINDING ARBITRATION CAN PROVIDE BOTH YOU AND DOMINO'S PIZZA, BOTH DOMINO'S PIZZA AND YOU AGREE THAT ANY CLAIM, DISPUTE, AND/OR CONTROVERSY RELATING IN ANY WAY TO YOUR USE OF THE WEB SITES AND APPLICATIONS, OR TO ANY PRODUCTS SOLD BY DOMINO'S PIZZA OR THROUGH THE WEBSITES OR THE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO AND DETERMINED EXCLUSIVELY BY BINDING ARBITRATION UNDER THE FEDERAL ARBITRATION ACT, 9 U.S.C. SECTIONS 1-16, RATHER THAN IN COURT, EXCEPT THAT YOU MAY ASSERT CLAIMS IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT IF YOUR CLAIMS QUALIFY. </b> <br /><br /> Any arbitration pursuant to the Privacy Policy or Terms of Use shall be initiated with and conducted by the American Arbitration Association (AAA), whose rules, including the AAA's Supplementary Procedures for Consumer-Related Disputes, may be obtained at <a href=\"http://www.adr.org\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.adr.org</a> or by calling (800)778-7879. Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees will be governed by the AAA's rules. You may choose to have the arbitration conducted by telephone, based on written submissions, or in person in Washtenaw County, Michigan. Nothing herein shall prevent Domino's Pizza or you from obtaining from a court a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunctive relief to preserve the status quo or prevent any irreparable harm pending the arbitration of the underlying claim, dispute, and/or controversy. <br /><br /> In addition to requirements imposed by law, any arbitrator herein shall be a retired state or federal court judge, or licensed attorney with arbitration experience and at least ten years' experience as a lawyer, as mutually agreed to by the parties, and shall be subject to disqualification on the same grounds as would apply to a judge of a court of relevant jurisdiction. The arbitrator shall follow controlling law and issue a decision in writing within 45 days of the arbitration hearing with a supporting opinion based on applicable law. If the decision and supporting opinion are not appealed as described below within 90 days of issuance of the decision, then the decision is final, binding, and conclusive on the parties and may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. At either party's election, such decision and supporting opinion may be appealed to another arbitrator (\"appellate arbitrator\"), who shall be chosen in the same manner as described above. The appellate arbitrator shall apply to the underlying decision and opinion the same standard for review of civil cases as an appellate court in the relevant jurisdiction and issue a decision in writing with a supporting opinion based on such review and applicable law. The appellate arbitrator's decision shall be final, binding and conclusive on the parties and may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. <br /><br /> <b> WE EACH AGREE THAT ANY DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEEDINGS WILL BE CONDUCTED ONLY ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS AND NOT ON A CLASS, COLLECTIVE, MULTIPLE-PARTY, OR PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL BASIS. YOU AND DOMINO'S PIZZA UNDERSTAND THAT BY AGREEING TO THIS BINDING ARBITRATION PROVISION, BOTH GIVE UP THEIR RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY OF ANY INDIVIDUAL, CLASS, COLLECTIVE ACTION, MULTIPLE-PARTY, PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, OR OTHER CLAIM EITHER MAY HAVE AGAINST THE OTHER, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN. </b> <br /><br /> Should any term or provision, or portion thereof, be declared void or unenforceable or deemed in contravention of law, it shall be severed and/or modified by the arbitrator or court and the remainder of this agreement shall be enforceable; provided, however, that if the provision above prohibiting class-wide, collective action, consolidated, or other group arbitration is deemed invalid, then this entire arbitration provision shall be null and void. </p> <h2>General</h2> <p> You agree that: (i) the Websites and Applications shall be deemed solely based in Michigan; and (ii) the Websites and Applications shall be deemed passive websites and applications that do not give rise to personal jurisdiction over Domino's, either specific or general, in jurisdictions other than Michigan. These Terms of Use shall be governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of Michigan, without respect to its conflict of laws principles. These Terms of Use, together with the Privacy Policy and any other legal notices published by Domino's on the Websites or Applications, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Domino's concerning the Websites and Applications. If any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term of this these Terms of Use shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and the failure by Domino's to assert any right or provision under these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Domino's reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use at any time and without notice, and it is your responsibility to review these Terms of Use for any changes. Your use of the Websites and Applications following any amendment of these Terms of Use will signify your assent to and acceptance of its revised terms. YOU AND DOMINO'S AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE WEBSITES AND APPLICATIONS MUST COMMENCE WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE CAUSE OF ACTION ACCRUES. OTHERWISE, SUCH CAUSE OF ACTION IS PERMANENTLY BARRED. </p> ", a = (c.killConfig || a && a.killConfig || b).call(a, "giftCardsEnabled", { name: "killConfig", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
a != null && (d += a);
return d + " <h2 id=\"CATransparencySupplyChainAct\">California Transparency in Supply Chains Act</h2> <p> As a company philosophy, Domino's Pizza, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (\"Domino's Pizza\") strongly oppose any and all illegal and unethical treatment of individuals, including acts of slavery or human trafficking. Domino's Pizza utilizes a standard agreement that requires its suppliers to comply with all applicable laws, which includes applicable labor laws. Domino's Pizza also provides to its suppliers a Code of Ethics that similarly notifies suppliers of their obligation to comply with all applicable laws and also provides a dedicated avenue for reporting any illegal or unethical behavior. Domino's Pizza conducts periodic assessments of its suppliers and is determining whether to expand this assessment to obtain information about its suppliers' activities related to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010. Domino's Pizza is also considering implementing requests for certification from its suppliers and/or audits of its suppliers. At this time, Domino's Pizza does not plan to utilize a third party to perform any verifications or audits. Domino's Pizza also expects to evaluate whether training and/or changes in accountability standards and procedures for its employees and/or contractors are appropriate. </p> <div> <br /><br /> These Terms of Use were updated as of February 3, 2014 </div> </div> </div>";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.confirmOverlay = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="card__header"> <h1 class="card__title informationText">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "forms.attention", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> </div> <div class="card__body"> <p class="informationText">' + f((b = (b = c.message || (a != null ? a.message : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "message", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '</p> <div class="form__control-group--actions--alignright"> <a class="btn btn--secondary js-closeButton" href="#">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "forms.cancel", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <a class="btn js-continue" href="#">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "forms.confirm", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.codeOverlay = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <span class="' + f((b = (b = c.title || (a != null ? a.title : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "title", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, a != null ? a.title : a, { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</span> ";
}, 3: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <span class="none ' + f((b = (b = c.routeHeading || (a != null ? a.routeHeading : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "routeHeading", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.welcome_to_dominos", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> <span class="none ' + f((b = (b = c.couponHeading || (a != null ? a.couponHeading : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "couponHeading", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.great_choice", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> <span class="' + f((b = (b = c.defaultHeading || (a != null ? a.defaultHeading : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "defaultHeading", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "forms.attention", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</span> ";
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="card__header"> <h1 class="card__title ' + g((b = (b = c.codeClass || (a != null ? a.codeClass : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "codeClass", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> ', d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.title : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.program(3, e), data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' </h1> </div> <div class="card__body"> <p class="' + g((b = (b = c.codeClass || (a != null ? a.codeClass : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "codeClass", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">';
d = (b = (b = c.message || (a != null ? a.message : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "message", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + "</p> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.eRoutingCouponOverlay = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="media media--horizontal media--coupon-routing"> <div class="grid__cell--one-third coupon-image media__image--coupon-routing"> <img src="' + f((b = (b = c.couponImage || (a != null ? a.couponImage : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "couponImage", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" alt="' + f((b = (b = c.couponName || (a != null ? a.couponName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "couponName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" /> </div> <div class="media__description media__description--coupon-routing"> <div> <p>' + f((b = (b = c.couponName || (a != null ? a.couponName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "couponName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + "</p> </div> </div> </div> ";
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, g = ' <div class="card__header card__header--coupon-routing"> <h1 class="card__title stackAttack center"> ' + f((c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "general.coupon_selected", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </h1> </div> <div class="card__body card__body--coupon-routing"> <div class="grid"> ', d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.couponInNationalMenu : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (g += d);
return g + ' <div class="grid__cell--one center grid__cell--button-container"> <h3>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "general.enter_location", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h3> <div class="btn js-continueButton">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "general.find_a_location", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</div> </div> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.bubbleCodeOverlay = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <h2 class="' + f((b = (b = c.codeClass || (a != null ? a.codeClass : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "codeClass", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "forms.attention", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h2> <p class="' + f((b = (b = c.codeClass || (a != null ? a.codeClass : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "codeClass", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '">' + f((b = (b = c.message || (a != null ? a.message : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "message", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '</p> <a class="card--overlay__close js-closeButton" href="#Close">\u00d7</a> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.pizzaContainer = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div id="gO-Pizza" class="js-groupOrderingCategory"> <div class="gOSubheader"> <h2 class="fl stepText"><span class="stackAttack">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.step_1", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</span></h2> <div class="rightTriangle"><\!-- --\></div> <h2 class="fl">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.start_ordering_pizzas", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h2> <h3 class="fr js-discountText none">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.and_see_your_discount_grow", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h3> </div> <div id="pizzaCalculator"> <div class="pizzaMathLogo"><\!-- --\></div> <div class="calculatorWindow"> <div class="calculatorView"> <div class="pizzaCalcActiveState fl"> <div class="fl numberOfPeople"> <h1>', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.no_of_people", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</h1> <div class="centeringContainer"> <div class="triangle"></div> </div> <div class="borderRight borderLeft"> <div class="inputWrapper"> <input type="tel" id="NumberOfPeople" name="NumberOfPeople" value="0" maxlength="2"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fl slicesPerPerson"> <h1>';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.slices_per_person", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</h1> <div class="centeringContainer"> <div class="triangle"></div> </div> <div class="borderRight"> <div class="inputWrapper"> <input type="tel" id="SlicesPerPerson" name="SlicesPerPerson" value="0" maxlength="1"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fl youWillNeed"> <h1>';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.you_will_need", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</h1> <div class="centeringContainer"> <div class="triangle"></div> </div> <p class="fl">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.0_large_pizzas", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> <a class="btn fr js-pizzaCalcDone">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.ok", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> </div> </div> <div class="pizzaCalcDefaultState fr"> <div class="pizzaCalcDefaultText fl"> <p>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.not_sure_how_many_to", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> <p>" + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.use_our_pizza_math_calculator", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> </div> <a class="hint helpIcon noText js-pizzaCalcHelp fr" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms._", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <a class="btn btn--secondary js-pizzaCalculator">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.calculate", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> </div> <div class="pizzaCalcFinishedState fr none"> <div class="pizzaCalcDefaultText fl"> <p>';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.for_0_people_at_0", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += "</p> <p>";
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.you_need_0_large_pizzas", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> </div> <a class="hint helpIcon noText js-pizzaCalcHelp fr" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms._", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <a href="#" class="btn btn--secondary js-pizzaRecalculate">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.recalculate", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clr"><\!-- --\></div> <div class="productContainer"> ';
d = (b = (b = c.groupOrderingPizzas || (a != null ? a.groupOrderingPizzas : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "groupOrderingPizzas", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + ' <div class="gOProduct byop"> <div class="qtyOverlayBYOP js-productQtyBYOP none"> <p class="js-productCount">0</p> </div> <p class="productDescription">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.dont_see_what_youre_looking", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <div class="centeringContainer"> <p class="productName">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.build_your_own_pizza", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> </div> <div class="centeringContainer-button"> <a class="btn js-buildYourOwnPizza" href="#/product/S_PIZZA/builder/" data-wt-panelname="byopizza">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "builders.pizza_builder", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.sidesContainer = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, f = ' <div id="gO-Sides" class="js-groupOrderingCategory"> <div class="gOSubheader"> <h2 class="fl stepText"><span class="stackAttack">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.step_2", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</span></h2> <div class="rightTriangle"><\!-- --\></div> <h2 class="fl">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "groupOrdering.start_ordering_sides", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</h2> </div> ", a = (b = (b = c.categories || (a != null ? a.categories : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "categories", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (f += a);
return f + " </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.sideCategory = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, f = ' <div class="sideCategory"> <h1 class="sectionHeading"><span class="' + f((b = (b = c.categoryName || (a != null ? a.categoryName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "categoryName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"><\!-- --\></span>' + f((b = (b = c.categoryName || (a != null ? a.categoryName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "categoryName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '</h1> <div class="products"> ', a = (b = (b = c.categoryProducts || (a != null ? a.categoryProducts : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "categoryProducts", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (f += a);
return f + " </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.groupOrderingProduct = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="gOProduct"> <div class="productImage"> ', d = (b = (b = c.image || (a != null ? a.image : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "image", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' <div class="js-pizzaControls" data-prodcode="' + g((b = (b = c.reference || (a != null ? a.reference : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "reference", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" data-options="' + g((b = (b = c.options || (a != null ? a.options : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "options", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" data-id="0" data-qty="0" data-dietarytag="' + g((b = (b = c.dietary || (a != null ? a.dietary : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "dietary", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" data-prodcat="' + g((b = (b = c.category || (a != null ? a.category : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "category", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> <a href="#" class="flat-btn js-newItem">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "groupOrdering.order", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <a href="#" class="flat-btn small remove js-removeItem none" data-id="">-</a> <a href="#" class="flat-btn small add js-addItem none">+</a> </div> </div> <div class="productInfo"> <p class="productName">';
d = (b = (b = c.name || (a != null ? a.name : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "name", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> <p class="productSize">';
d = (b = (b = c.size || (a != null ? a.size : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "size", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
d = (b = (b = c.price || (a != null ? a.price : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "price", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> <p class="productDescription none">';
d = (b = (b = c.description || (a != null ? a.description : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "description", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '</p> </div> <div class="qtyOverlay js-productQty none"> <p class="js-productCount">0</p> </div> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.discountDashboard = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, f = ' <div id="discountDashboard"> <div id="headerMin" class="none"> <h1> Group Ordering - Current discount level: <span class="js-totalPizzas">' + f((b = (b = c.totalPizzas || (a != null ? a.totalPizzas : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "totalPizzas", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '</span> pizzas, <span class="js-percentOff">0</span>% off each <span class="dashboardToggle">\u25b2</span></h1> </div> <div id="headerMax"> <h1>total pizzas</h1> <h1>pizza discount</h1> <h1 class="discountLevels"><span>next</span> discount: level <span class="js-nextDiscountLevel">0</span>, <span class="js-nextPercentOff">0%</span> off each</h1> <h1 class="js-nextStep nextStep">next step...<span class="dashboardToggle">\u25bc</span></h1> <h1 class="js-returnTo nextStep none">return to...<span class="dashboardToggle">\u25bc</span></h1> </div> <div id="dashboardContent"> <div class="content-totalPizzas fl"> <div class="centeringContainer"> <div class="triangle"></div> </div> <div class="input-totalPizzas"> <div class="inputWrapper"> <p class="js-totalPizzas">' + f((b = (b = c.totalPizzas || (a != null ? a.totalPizzas : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "totalPizzas", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="content-pizzaDiscount fl"> <div class="centeringContainer"> <div class="triangle"></div> </div> <div> <div class="inputWrapper"> <p><span class="js-percentOff">0</span>%</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="content-discountThresholds fl"> <div> <div class="triangle js-triangle"></div> </div> <div> <div class="centeringContainer"> <div id="js-discountHover"><\!-- --\></div> ', a = (b = (b = c.pizzaCeiling || (a != null ? a.pizzaCeiling : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "pizzaCeiling", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
a != null && (f += a);
return f + ' </div> </div> </div> <div class="content-nextButtons fl"> <div class="centeringContainer"> <a class="btn js-pizza" href="#/section/GroupOrdering/category/Sides/" data-category="drinks_sides">Sides & Drinks <span>\u25ba</span></a> <a class="btn js-sides" href="#/checkout/" data-category="checkout">Checkout <span>\u25ba</span></a> <a class="btn btn--secondary js-gOBtn" href="#/section/GroupOrdering/category/Pizza/" data-category="pizzas">Group Ordering <span>\u25ba</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.globalGatewayOverlay = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, d = ' <div class="global-gateway__tile js-globalGatewayTile"> <div class="global-gateway__tile__header grid__cell--one"> <h3 class="global-gateway__tile__title">' + f((b = (b = c.region || (a != null ? a.region : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "region", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '</h3> </div> <ul class="global-gateway__list js-globalGatewayCountryList"> ', a = c.each.call(a, a != null ? a.markets : a, { name: "each", hash: {}, fn: this.program(2, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
a != null && (d += a);
return d + " </ul> </div> ";
}, 2: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <li class="global-gateway__list-item js-globalGatewayListItem"> <a class="global-gateway__link js-marketLink" href="', d = (b = (b = c.url || (a != null ? a.url : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "url", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '">' + g((b = (b = c.name || (a != null ? a.name : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "name", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + "</a> </li> ";
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
d = '<div class="card__header"> <h2 class="card__title">Discover The World Of Domino\'s</h2> <a id="js-globalGatewayBack" class="global-gateway__header__link--left none" href="#">Back</a> </div> <div id="globalGatewayOverlay" class="card__body"> <div id="js-globalGatewayMarketList" class="grid"> ';
a = c.each.call(a, a != null ? a.regions : a, { name: "each", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
a != null && (d += a);
return d + ' </div> <div id="js-globalGatewayConfirmation" class="grid none"> <div class="grid__cell--one"> <div class="global-gateway__tile global-gateway__tile--message"> <p class="italic"> You are now leaving dominos.com and going to a website built and operated by an independently owned and operated Domino\'s international franchise. </p> <p class="bold no-mrg-btm"> Note: Domino\'s Pizza is not responsible for content or privacy policies on sites operated by international franchisees. </p> </div> <div class="form__control-group--actions center"> <a id="js-globalGatewayContinue" class="btn" href="#" target="_blank">Continue</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.callbackPhone = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression;
return '<div class="genericContentPage"> <h1 class="pageHeading">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.callback_phone_number", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</h1> <p>" + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.in_case_the_store_needs", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> </div>";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.saveEasyOrder = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression;
return '<div class="genericContentPage"> <h1 class="pageHeading">' + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.easy_order", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</h1> <p>" + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.an_easy_order_is_the", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> </div>";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.optInBothNewAlready = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <section class="card card--pop grid__cell--one"> <header class="card__header"> <h1 class="card__title">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.thank_you", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> </header> <div class="card__body"> <p>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.thank_you_for_signing_up_both", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> <p>" + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.and_you_are_already_enrolled", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p><a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/" class="btn">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.continue_ordering", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a></p> </div> </section> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.optInBothNewNew = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <section class="card card--pop grid__cell--one"> <header class="card__header"> <h1 class="card__title">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.thank_you", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> </header> <div class="card__body"> <p>', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.thank_you_for_signing_up_both", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + "</p> <h3>" + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.next_steps", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</h3> <p>" + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.a_text_message_will_be", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p><a href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/" class="btn">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.continue_ordering", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a></p> </div> </section> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.optInEmailNew = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <section class="card card--pop grid__cell--one"> <header class="card__header"> <h1 class="card__title">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.thank_you", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> </header> <div class="card__body"> <p>', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.thank_you_for_signing_up_email", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + '</p> <p><a href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/" class="btn">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.continue_ordering", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a></p> </div> </section> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.optInSMSAlready = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <section class="card card--pop grid__cell--one"> <header class="card__header"> <h1 class="card__title">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.thank_you", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> </header> <div class="card__body"> <p>' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.you_are_already_enrolled_to", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p><a href="' + f((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/" class="btn">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "general.continue_ordering", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a></p> </div> </section> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.optInSMSNew = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <section class="card card--pop grid__cell--one"> <header class="card__header"> <h1 class="card__title">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.thank_you", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h1> </header> <div class="card__body"> <p>', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.thank_you_for_signing_up_phone", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + "</p> <h3>" + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.next_steps", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</h3> <p>" + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.a_text_message_will_be", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p><a href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/" class="btn">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.continue_ordering", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</a></p> </div> </section> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.pizzaProfileLoginOverlayKMSI_B = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="card__body card__body--profile-login KMSI KMSI-B" id="pizzaProfileLoginOverlay"> <div> <h1 class="pageHeading signInHeading"><span class="js-anonymous">Sign in to your</span> Pizza Profile</h1> <p class="js-anonymous">Don\'t have one? <a href="/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="btn--arrow createAccount js-createProfile">Create one</a></p> </div> <form method="POST"> <div class="message grid js-message js-semiLoggedIn"> <p class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero">Please confirm your password so we know it\'s you!</p> </div> <div class="form"> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Email" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one">Email</label> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-email" value="' + f((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Password" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one">Password</label> <input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-password"> </div> </div> <div class="grid"> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--actions grid__cell--one grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero js-formActions"> <div class="semiLoggedIn js-semiLoggedIn grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter"> <button class="btn btn--large fr js-loginSubmit" type="submit">Submit</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">Forgot password?</a> <span class="signout blue uppercase btn--arrow js-payment">Continue as guest</span> <span class="signout red btn--arrow js-signout">Not ' + f((b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '? <span class="uppercase">Sign out</span></span> </div> <div class="js-anonymous"> <div class="cf"> <a class="buttonType5 btn--forgot-password js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">Forgot password?</a> </div> <div class="form__control-group"> <label for="Remember_Me" class="entryToggle optional"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-rememberMe" id="Remember_Me" name="Remember_Me"> Keep me signed in </label> <div class="grid loginButtonsContainer"> <div class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> <button class="js-loginOnce btn btn--large js-loginSubmit signIn btn--lock js-loginOnce" type="submit"><span>Sign In For This Order</span></button> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> <button class="js-loginKeepLoggedIn btn btn--lock btn--large js-loginSubmit js-loginKeepLoggedIn signIn" type="submit"><span>Sign In & Keep Me Signed In </span></button> <a class="helpIcon noText js-rememberMeLegal" href="#">Legal Notice</a> <p class="hint rememberMeHelp"> Get faster access to your profile features such as recent orders and saved addresses. </p> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText">You will have the opportunity to select the "Sign In & Keep Me Signed In" button when you create a Pizza Profile or sign in to your existing Pizza Profile for a quicker ordering experience. By choosing this option, you allow Domino\'s to provide you with a more personalized experience in which you will be greeted by your first name and presented with (i) your Easy Order\u2122, (ii) a list of your recent orders and (iii) information about your local store. When you select "Sign in & Keep me signed in", you will remain signed in to your Pizza Profile on that particular computer or device for up to six months or until you select the "sign out" link or clear your computer\'s or device\'s cookies. Although you are signed in to your Pizza Profile account, you will be prompted for your password if you attempt to perform a sensitive action such as modifying the personal information in your Pizza Profile account or completing an order using a stored credit card. If you change your mind about remaining signed in, simply select the "sign out" link to deactivate this feature.<br>NOTE: To prevent others from accessing your Pizza Profile account, Domino\'s does not recommend the use of this feature on any public or shared computer or device.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="none grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter"> <button class="btn btn--large btn--reset-password js-loginSubmit" type="submit">Reset Password</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword btn--back-to-sign-in" href="#">Back to sign in</a> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.pizzaProfileLoginOverlayKMSI_C = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="card__body card__body--profile-login KMSI KMSI-C" id="pizzaProfileLoginOverlay"> <div> <h1 class="pageHeading signInHeading"><span class="js-anonymous">Sign in to your</span> Pizza Profile</h1> <p class="js-anonymous">Don\'t have one? <a href="/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="btn--arrow createAccount js-createProfile">Create one</a></p> </div> <form method="POST"> <div class="message grid js-message js-semiLoggedIn"> <p class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero">Please confirm your password so we know it\'s you!</p> </div> <div class="form"> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Email" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one">Email</label> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-email" value="' + f((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Password" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one">Password</label> <input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-password"> </div> </div> <div class="grid"> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--actions grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero js-formActions"> <div class="semiLoggedIn js-semiLoggedIn"> <button class="btn btn--large fr js-loginSubmit" type="submit">Submit</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">Forgot password?</a> <span class="signout blue uppercase btn--arrow js-payment">Continue as guest</span> <span class="signout red btn--arrow js-signout">Not ' + f((b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '? <span class="uppercase">Sign out</span></span> </div> <div class="js-anonymous"> <a class="buttonType5 btn--forgot-password js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">Forgot password?</a> <div class="form__control-group"> <label for="Remember_Me" class="entryToggle optional"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-rememberMe" id="Remember_Me" name="Remember_Me"> Keep me signed in </label> <a class="helpIcon noText js-rememberMeLegal" href="#">Legal Notice</a> <p class="hint rememberMeHelp"> Securely access your recent orders, saved locations, and payment methods. </p> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText">You will have the opportunity to select "Keep me signed in" checkbox when you create a Pizza Profile or sign in to your existing Pizza Profile for a quicker ordering experience. By checking this box, you allow Domino\'s to provide you with a more personalized experience in which you will be greeted by your first name and presented with (i) your Easy Order\u2122, (ii) a list of your recent orders and (iii) information about your local store. When you select "Keep me signed in", you will remain signed in to your Pizza Profile on that particular computer or device for up to six months or until you select the "sign out" link or clear your computer\'s or device\'s cookies. Although you are signed in to your Pizza Profile account, you will be prompted for your password if you attempt to perform a sensitive action such as modifying the personal information in your Pizza Profile account or completing an order using a stored credit card. If you change your mind about remaining signed in, simply select the "sign out" link to deactivate this feature.<br>NOTE: To prevent others from accessing your Pizza Profile account, Domino\'s does not recommend the use of this feature on any public or shared computer or device.</p> <button class="btn btn--large btn--lock js-loginSubmit signIn" type="submit"><span>Sign In</span></button> </div> </div> <div class="none"> <button class="btn btn--large btn--reset-password js-loginSubmit" type="submit">Reset Password</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword btn--back-to-sign-in" href="#">Back to sign in</a> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.pizzaProfileLoginOverlayKMSI_D = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="card__body card__body--profile-login KMSI KMSI-D" id="pizzaProfileLoginOverlay"> <div> <h1 class="pageHeading signInHeading"><span class="js-anonymous">Sign in to your</span> Pizza Profile</h1> <p class="js-anonymous">Don\'t have one? <a href="/pages/customer/#/customer/profile/new" class="btn--arrow createAccount js-createProfile">Create one</a></p> </div> <form method="POST"> <div class="message grid js-message js-semiLoggedIn"> <p class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero">Please confirm your password so we know it\'s you!</p> </div> <div class="form"> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Email" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one">Email</label> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-email" value="' + f((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Password" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one">Password</label> <input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--handheld--one js-password"> </div> </div> <div class="grid"> <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--actions grid__cell--one grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero js-formActions"> <div class="semiLoggedIn js-semiLoggedIn grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter"> <button class="btn btn--large fr js-loginSubmit" type="submit">Submit</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">Forgot password?</a> <span class="signout blue uppercase btn--arrow js-payment">Continue as guest</span> <span class="signout red btn--arrow js-signout">Not ' + f((b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '? <span class="uppercase">Sign out</span></span> </div> <div class="js-anonymous"> <div class="cf"> <a class="buttonType5 btn--forgot-password js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">Forgot password?</a> </div> <div class="form__control-group"> <label for="Remember_Me" class="entryToggle optional"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-rememberMe" id="Remember_Me" name="Remember_Me"> Keep me signed in </label> <div class="grid loginButtonsContainer"> <div class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> <button class="js-loginOnce btn btn--large js-loginSubmit signIn js-loginOnce" type="submit"><span>Sign In For This Order</span></button> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> <button class="js-loginKeepLoggedIn btn btn--large js-loginSubmit js-loginKeepLoggedIn signIn" type="submit"><span>Sign In & Keep Me Signed In </span></button> <a class="helpIcon noText js-rememberMeLegal" href="#">Legal Notice</a> <p class="hint rememberMeHelp"> Get faster access to your profile features such as recent orders and saved addresses. </p> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText">You will have the opportunity to select the "Sign In & Keep Me Signed In" button when you create a Pizza Profile or sign in to your existing Pizza Profile for a quicker ordering experience. By choosing this option, you allow Domino\'s to provide you with a more personalized experience in which you will be greeted by your first name and presented with (i) your Easy Order\u2122, (ii) a list of your recent orders and (iii) information about your local store. When you select "Sign in & Keep me signed in", you will remain signed in to your Pizza Profile on that particular computer or device for up to six months or until you select the "sign out" link or clear your computer\'s or device\'s cookies. Although you are signed in to your Pizza Profile account, you will be prompted for your password if you attempt to perform a sensitive action such as modifying the personal information in your Pizza Profile account or completing an order using a stored credit card. If you change your mind about remaining signed in, simply select the "sign out" link to deactivate this feature.<br>NOTE: To prevent others from accessing your Pizza Profile account, Domino\'s does not recommend the use of this feature on any public or shared computer or device.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="none grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter"> <button class="btn btn--large btn--reset-password js-loginSubmit" type="submit">Reset Password</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword btn--back-to-sign-in" href="#">Back to sign in</a> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> ';
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.newUserBouncebackOverlay = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression;
return ' <div class="confirm-bounceback"> <div class="grid"> <div class="confirm-bounceback__media grid__cell--two-fifths grid__cell--handheld--one media"> <img class="confirm-bounceback__media__img media__image card__image" src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/promo/50-off-bounceback.jpg" alt="50% Off All Pizzas"> </div> <div class="confirm-bounceback__text grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--three-fifths"> <p class="stackAttack">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.bounceback_header", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <hr> <p class="confirm-bounceback__text__grey">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.bounceback_p1", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p class="confirm-bounceback__text__blue">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.bounceback_p2", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p class="confirm-bounceback__text__blue confirm-bounceback__text__blue--small">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.bounceback_p3", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one"> <div class="confirm-bounceback__bottom js-bounceback-bottom grid"> <div class="grid__cell--one grid__cell--handheld--one"> <form class="form grid" method="POST"> <div class="grid__cell--one-third grid__cell--handheld--one"> <label class="confirm-bounceback__email-check"> <input type="checkbox" name="OptIn" class="js-bounceback-opt-in confirm-bounceback__email-check__input"><span class="confirm-bounceback__email-check__text">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.yes_i_would_like_to", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> </label> </div> <div class="grid__cell--two-thirds grid__cell--handheld--one"> <input id="Email" class="js-email confirm-bounceback__email" name="Email" maxlength="100" type="text" value="' + f((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> <input class="btn btn-large confirm-bounceback__submit" type="submit" value="SEND"> </div> </form> </div> <p class="grid__cell--one grid__cell--handheld--one confirmationText none">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "confirmation.bounceback_success", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.checkoutLoyaltyActivate = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="js-loyalty-page loyalty-stopover"> <div class="loyalty-stopover--banner--image-container center"> <img src="' + g((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/loyalty/banner-loyalty-activation.jpg" alt="', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_activation_title", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '" /> </div> <div class="grid grid"> <h1 class="grid__cell grid__cell--one loyalty-stopover--description center">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_profiled_enroll_header", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</h1> <p class="grid__cell grid__cell--one loyalty-stopover--description center">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_points_earning", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> <p class="grid__cell grid__cell--one loyalty-stopover--description center">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_points_reward", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> <div class="dashed-separator"></div> <p class="grid__cell grid__cell--one loyalty-stopover--banner loyalty-stopover--banner--enroll loyalty-stopover--banner--profiled center">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_profiled_enroll_bonus_description", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> <p class="grid__cell grid__cell--one center loyalty-stopover--enroll-bonus--small">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_profiled_enroll_bonus_qualification", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one center"> <button class="btn btn--large js-activateLoyalty loyalty-stopover--cta--profiled">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.enroll_and_checkout", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> </div> <p class="grid__cell grid__cell--one center loyalty-stopover--enroll-bonus--small">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_enrollment_agreement", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one none legal-dropdown loyalty-stopover--legal-dropdown">';
d = (b = (b = c.loyaltyTermsBody || (a != null ? a.loyaltyTermsBody : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "loyaltyTermsBody", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</div> <a class="grid__cell grid__cell--one js-continueAsGuest loyalty-stopover--skip-continue" href="' + g((b = (b = c.ctx || (a != null ? a.ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/pages/order/payment.jsp">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_skip_and_continue", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + "</a> </div> </div>";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.checkoutLoyaltyStopover = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="form__control-group form__control-group--loyalty-opt-in js-loyaltyOptInContainer grid"> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--none grid__cell grid__cell--handheld--one"> <div class="js-arrow-box arrow-box arrow-box--notification none"> <div class="arrow-box__box arrow-box__box--text">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_motivation", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</div> <div class="arrow-box__bottom-arrow arrow-box__bottom-arrow--notification"></div> </div> </div> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--none"> <div class="js-arrow-box arrow-box arrow-box--notification none"> <div class="arrow-box__right-arrow arrow-box__right-arrow--notification fr"></div> <div class="arrow-box__box arrow-box__box--notification fr"> <div class="arrow-box__box--text arrow-box__box--text--notification">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_motivation", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</div> </div> </div> </div> <label for="Loyalty_Opt_In" class="form__control-group--toggle grid__cell grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one optional loyalty-stopover--checkbox-label"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-loyaltyOptIn form__checkbox--loyalty" id="Loyalty_Opt_In" name="Loyalty_Opt_In"> <img src="' + g((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/loyalty/icon-loyalty.png" class="loyalty-stopover--checkbox-label--img"> <p class="loyalty-stopover--checkbox-label--text">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_enroll_description", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> </label> </div> <div class="js-loyaltyProfileCreationFields none"> <div class="form__control-group grid grid--flex"> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--none"> ', d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.showBonus : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(2, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' </div> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> <p class="loyalty-stopover--banner loyalty-stopover--banner--enroll">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_create_profile_to_enroll", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p class="loyalty-stopover--profile-benefits">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_profile_benefits", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <hr class="dashed-separator dashed-separator--loyalty-stopover none--handheld" /> </div> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--none grid__cell--handheld--one"> ';
d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.showBonus : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(4, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + ' </div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Confirm_Email" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.confirm_email_address", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="email" id="Confirm_Email" name="Confirm_Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one " value="' + g((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Create_Password" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="password" id="Create_Password" name="Create_Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> <div class="hint grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"> <strong class="bold">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.heads_up", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</strong> " + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.use_at_least_8_characters", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Confirm_Password" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.confirm_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="password" id="Confirm_Password" name="Confirm_Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one"> </div> </div> ';
}, 2: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b = c.helperMissing, f = ' <div class="arrow-box arrow-box--enroll-bonus"> <div class="arrow-box__right-arrow arrow-box__right-arrow--enroll-bonus fr"></div> <div class="arrow-box__box arrow-box__box--enroll-bonus fr"> <div class="arrow-box__box--text arrow-box__box--text--enroll-bonus">', d = (c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_enroll_bonus_description_desktop", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (f += d);
f += '</div> <div class="arrow-box__box--footer">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_enroll_bonus_qualification", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (f += d);
return f + "</div> </div> </div> ";
}, 4: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b = c.helperMissing, f = ' <div class="arrow-box arrow-box--enroll-bonus"> <div class="arrow-box__box arrow-box__box--text arrow-box__box--text--enroll-bonus">', d = (c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_enroll_bonus_description_handheld", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (f += d);
f += '</div> <div class="arrow-box__bottom-arrow arrow-box__bottom-arrow--enroll-bonus"></div> <div class="arrow-box__footer">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || b).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_enroll_bonus_qualification", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (f += d);
return f + "</div> </div> ";
}, compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, f = c.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression, h = ' <div class="grid"> <h2 class="grid__cell grid__cell--two-thirds grid__cell--offset-one-eighth grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero center loyalty-stopover--banner"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_sign_in_disclaimer", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </h2> </div> <div class="grid grid--flex"> <div class=" grid__cell grid__cell--one-half center grid__cell--loyalty-stopover--checkout-selection grid__cell--loyalty-stopover--checkout-selection--first js-signIn-action-container"> <p class="loyalty-stopover--selection-hint">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_sign_to_profile", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <a href="#" class="js-signIn js-viewToggle btn checkout-selection--button">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <h3 class="js-signIn js-toggledContent none loyalty-stopover--selected-action">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h3> </div> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-half center grid__cell--loyalty-stopover--checkout-selection js-orderAsGuest-action-container"> <p class="loyalty-stopover--selection-hint">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.dont_have_a_pizza_profile", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <a href="#" class="js-orderAsGuest btn js-viewToggle">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.order_as_guest", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <h3 class="js-orderAsGuest js-toggledContent loyalty-stopover--selected-action none">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.order_as_guest", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h3> </div> </div> <div class="js-signIn js-toggledContent loyalty-stopover--form-container form none"> <form id="loyalty-stopover-signin" METHOD="POST"> <div class="form__control-group grid message js-message js-semiLoggedIn"> <p class="grid__cell--three-quarters grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.please_confirm_your_password_so", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </p> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid js-formActions"> <p class="js-anonymous grid__cell grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero none"> ', d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.to_reset_your_password_please", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += ' </p> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Email" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.email", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one js-email" value="' + g((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form form__control-group grid"> <label for="Password" class="grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</label> <input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one js-password"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Remember_Me" class="entryToggle optional grid_cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero loyalty-stopover--remember-me"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-rememberMe " id="Remember_Me" name="Remember_Me" /> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.keep_me_signed_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </label> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half right"> <a class="buttonType5 btn--forgot-password js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.forgot_password", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> </div> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid js-formActions"> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"> <a class="helpIcon noText js-rememberMeLegal" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.legal_notice", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> <p class="hint rememberMeHelp hint--loyalty-stopover">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.securely_access_your_recent_orders_loyalty_pilot", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> </div> <div class="grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero"> <p class="none js-rememberMeLegalText legalText legalText--loyalty-stopover">';
d = (c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.you_will_have_the_opportunity", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
h += '</p> </div> </div> <div class="grid loginButtonsContainer js-formActions"> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero requiredFieldsText requiredFieldsText--loyalty-stopover"> <strong>*</strong><span> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.indicates_required_field", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> </div> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half right"> <button class="js-loginOnce btn btn js-loginSubmit signIn btn--lock js-loginOnce" type="submit"> <span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.sign_in_continue", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> </button> </div> </div> <div class="form__control-group--actions grid grid--flex js-formActions"> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero requiredFieldsText requiredFieldsText--loyalty-stopover none"> <strong>*</strong><span> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.indicates_required_field", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> </div> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one right none"> <button class="btn btn--reset-password btn--reset-password--loyalty-stopover js-loginSubmit" type="submit">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.submit", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</button> <a class="buttonType5 js-toggleLogin js-resetPassword btn--back-to-sign-in" href="#">' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.back_to_sign_in", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</a> </div> </div> </form> </div> <div class="js-orderAsGuest js-toggledContent loyalty-stopover--form-container form none"> <form id="loyalty-order-as-guest"> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="First_Name" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.first_name", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="text" id="First_Name" name="First_Name" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one" value="';
d = (b = (b = c.firstName || (a != null ? a.firstName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "firstName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Last_Name" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "customer.last_name", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="text" id="Last_Name" name="Last_Name" maxlength="40" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one" value="';
d = (b = (b = c.lastName || (a != null ? a.lastName : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "lastName", hash: {}, data: e }) : b);
d != null && (h += d);
h += '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Email" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.email_address", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="email" id="Email" name="Email" maxlength="100" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--handheld--one js-guest-email " value="' + g((b = (b = c.email || (a != null ? a.email : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "email", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '"> </div> <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Phone" alt="required" class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one"><i class="rqd">*</i>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.phone_number", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ':</label> <input type="tel" id="Phone" name="Phone" maxlength="15" placeholder="' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.phone", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" class="grid__cell--three-eighths grid__cell--handheld--three-quarters js-phone phoneAligment ' + g((b = (b = c.phoneAlignEdit || (a != null ? a.phoneAlignEdit : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "phoneAlignEdit", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" value="' + g((b = (b = c.phone || (a != null ? a.phone : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "phone", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" /> <input type="tel" id="Extension" name="Extension" maxlength="6" placeholder="' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.ext", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '" class="grid__cell--one-eighth grid__cell--handheld--one-quarter js-extension" value="' + g((b = (b = c.extension || (a != null ? a.extension : a)) != null ? b : f, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "extension", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '" /> </div> ';
d = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.loyaltyCanEnroll : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(1, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
d != null && (h += d);
return h + ' <div class="form__control-group grid"> <label for="Email_Opt_In" class="form__control-group--toggle grid__cell grid__cell--one-half grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero optional loyalty-stopover--checkbox-label"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox js-emailOptIn" checked="checked" id="Email_Opt_In" name="Email_Opt_In" /> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "general.yes_i_would_like_to", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + ' </label> </div> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half grid__cell--offset-one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero requiredFieldsText requiredFieldsText--loyalty-stopover"> <strong>*</strong><span> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.indicates_required_field", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span> </div> <div class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--handheld--one-half form__control-group--actions--alignright"> <button class="btn" type="submit"><span>' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "forms.continue", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</span></button> </div> <p class="grid__cell grid__cell--one-quarter grid__cell--offset-one-half grid__cell--handheld--one grid__cell--handheld--offset-zero terms-of-use js-termsOfUse js-termsOfUse--loyalty-stopover none"> ' + g((c.t || a && a.t || f).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_profile_creation_agreement", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + " </p> </div> </form> </div>";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.loyaltyTermsBody = Handlebars.template({ compiler: [6, ">= 2.0.0-beta.1"], main: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, g = ' <div class="js-loyalty-terms"> <div class="loyalty__terms--logo center"><img src="' + f((b = (b = c.market_assets_ctx || (a != null ? a.market_assets_ctx : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "market_assets_ctx", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + '/images/loyalty/card-icon-loyalty.png" alt="Piece of the Pie Logo" /></div> <h1 class="pageHeading loyalty-terms__page-heading center">';
b = (c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_legal_name", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e });
b != null && (g += b);
return g + '</h1> <h2 class="loyalty__terms--section loyalty__terms--header center">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_terms_header", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</h2> <p class="loyalty__terms--date-location center">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_terms_program_date_location", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <ol class="loyalty__terms--list"> <li class="loyalty__terms__term">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_term_overview", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</li> <li class="loyalty__terms__term">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_term_participation", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</li> <li class="loyalty__terms__term">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_term_modification_and_termination", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</li> <li class="loyalty__terms__term">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_term_collecting_points", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</li> <li class="loyalty__terms__term">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_term_point_redemption", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</li> <li class="loyalty__terms__term">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_term_inactivity_forfeiture", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</li> <li class="loyalty__terms__term">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_term_general", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</li> <li class="loyalty__terms__term">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_term_limitation_liability", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</li> </ol> <p class="loyalty__terms--sponsored">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_terms_sponsored_by", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <h2 class="loyalty__terms--section center">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_terms_disclosures", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</h2> <p>" + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_terms_disclosures_text", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> <p>" + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.loyalty_terms_last_update", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> </div> ";
}, useData: true });
this.dpz.JST.loyaltyWidgetBalance = Handlebars.template({ 1: function (a, c, d, e) {
var b, d = c.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, d = ' <div class="loyalty__widget loyalty__widget--balance"> <ul class="loyalty__widget__scale"> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> <div class="loyalty__widget__scale__base"> <div class="points__bar__container"> <div class="points__bar"></div> <p class="loyalty__widget__text--points-balance"><span class="js-pointsBalance">0</span>/' + f((b = (b = c.pointsBase || (a != null ? a.pointsBase : a)) != null ? b : d, typeof b === "function" ? b.call(a, { name: "pointsBase", hash: {}, data: e }) : b)) + 'pts</p> <div class="loyalty__widget__star"></div> <p class="loyalty__widget__text--free-pizza">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_widget_free_pizza", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> <p class="loyalty__widget__text--pizza-earned none">' + f((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "checkout.loyalty_widget_pizza_earned", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + '</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="points__message"> ';
b = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.pointsMessage : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(2, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
b != null && (d += b);
d += " ";
b = c["if"].call(a, a != null ? a.defaultMessage : a, { name: "if", hash: {}, fn: this.program(4, e), inverse: this.noop, data: e });
b != null && (d += b);
return d + " </div> ";
}, 2: function (a, c, d, e) {
var d = c.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression;
return " <p>" + b((c.t || a && a.t || d).call(a, "customer.widget_points_pending", { name: "t", hash: {}, data: e })) + "</p> ";