#Documentation Guidelines:
- Each line has a max size of 150 characters
- 1 space after each ///
- Summary is to be multi-lined and has 1 tab + 1 space after the ///
- Each method parameter is to be documented
- Each type parameter is to be documented
- No spaces after the first opening tag
- No spaces before the last closing tag
- One period before the last closing tag
- Order should be: summary, params, types, return, example, exception, see, seealso
- Declarations of the tags should be in order.
- No hardcoded types, they should all be references
- Method overloads that can be inheritdoc should be
- If method overloads are inheritdoced the larger value should have the documentation declared on EX: with float and double, float should inheritdoc from double
- If method overloads are inheritdoced the paths should be fully defined
- If a tag is multi line, the documentation should have 1 line after the opening tag, and 1 line before the tag closing
- If a tag is multiline it should also have 1 tab + 1 space after the ///
- Documentation of similar types should have similar documentation
- Void tags should not have a space before the slash
- Sentences should be capitalized
- all tpyes should be cref's, no hardcoded types
- The returns tag should not begin with the word returns.
- If a method only has 1 out parameter, it should be called "result"