Make the following not typecheck:
test : n:Nat -> Nat -> Vec Nat n test = \x. \n. filled n Z
Also make the following not typecheck:
test : n:Nat -> Nat -> Vec Nat n test = \x. \y. filled n Z
Address the following:
n:Nat -> (n:Nat -> Vec Nat n)
Where the second occurrence of
is constraining but is currently not considered so. Solutions:- Forbid this pattern
- Fix
(implem or callers)
Re-type arrows that have unconstraining binders to remove the binder altogether. E.g:
foo : x:Nat -> Nat test : Nat -> Nat test = foo
Should typecheck and
should have typeNat -> Nat
(and notx$XX:Nat -> Nat
) -
Implement totality checking.
Fix rigid-rigid first order unify equation to make it recurse in the arrow-arrow in the case where it currently doesn't, which is when one of the arrows has a constraining binder but the other has no binder. Indeed, it is necessary to handle higher order unification where we are trying to unify
x:Nat -> P x
withNat -> Nat
. Idea: recurse anyway and add a Predicate equation that asserts that the resulting arrow type has no constraining binder? -
Improve synthesization. Ideas:
- Update unification algorithm to generate all possibilities.
- Make sure recursion is valid, i.e. the resulting term terminates.