21/04/22 -- UQ HPC/GPU training session
- Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12B15trdheOK6abWc4d689eaDFx7kgxYf/view?usp=sharing
- Recording: https://uqz.zoom.us/rec/play/DE-KNgM2pQhXydiRR1md7wvMtl3N-5Xg8FX8IyaCzb-S2S6cUUDgUaf9glgOo1_Uzp6BVXUA8lLtn9iY.JSbUFt5qKHjb7Pf9?autoplay=true
High performance computing (HPC) is often referred to as supercomputers or clusters. A cluster is a pool of computing resources (e.g. CPUs, GPUs and disk drives) that can be allocated to execute our computational tasks.
There are a number of clusters avaiable to UQ reserachers and studnets. Cluster users can submit jobs (code) to a cluster for execution on specified hardware. The computing resources on a cluster are shared among all cluster users. The resources and workload are managed by a central job management system (slurm).
The typical workflow of running a computational task on a UQ hosted cluster involve:
- Remotely access the login node of a UQ hosted cluster,
- Copy the code over to the cluster,
- Set up the necessary environements (e.g. pytorch) needed to execute the code,
- Send a request to the cluster workload managment system (
) to have your code executed, - Your code will be executed when the requested resources are available and it is your turn.
This guide will take you through the above steps on by setting up pytorch
UQ's Rangpur cluster. Other clusters should work in a similar fashion.
NOTE: First, make sure you are familiar with using Unix Shell commands - most clusters don't have graphical interfaces.
Use ssh
to connect to and interact with the login node node of a Rangpur as follows
ssh [user_name]@rangpur.compute.eait.uq.edu.au
Enter your password and this should put you in the $HOME
directory. You can now interact with the cluster's login node by typing in Unix commands.
Enter pwd
to see the absolute path of the current directory:
02:11:13 [user_name]@login1 ~ → pwd
Enter ls
, your current directory should be empty (for new users):
02:11:13 [user_name]@login1 ~ → ls
Leave the terminal window open.
NOTE: If you are connecting to a UQ hosted cluster off compus, you will need to connect to UQ's VPN first.
NOTE: ssh
is a native commnad on macOS and Linux. If you are on Windows, you can use WSL or Putty instead of ssh
On your local computer, create an example script main.py
using the editor of your choice. Pretend this is the training script of a neural network.
# main.py
import torch
# this should print "True" if the environment is configured correct with GPU access
Save the file and copy it over to the cluster using scp [local file] [destination]
scp ./main.py [user_name]@rangpur.compute.eait.uq.edu.au:/home/Staff/[user_name]
We have now copied the just copied main.py
to our remote $HOME
directory (returned by the pwd
command in step 1). scp
can be used to copy files of any type and even entire directories with the -r
Enter ls
again in the cluster terminal window, you should see the copy of main.py
on Rangpur
02:14:04 [user_name]@login1 ~ → ls
Lets do a quick test by invoking the python
02:28:04 [user_name]@login1 ~ → python main.py
-bash: python: command not found
As you can see, the cluster does not have any enviroment set up to even run python
, not to mention pytorch
. We need to configure the enviroment ourselves for our script to run!
To successfully execute main.py
, we will need to at least have python
and pytorch
configured on the cluster. Dependencies for deep learning are best managed using conda, which can set up an entire GPU enabled python
environment with a few commands.
However, conda
is not available to users of Rangpur by default as of early 2022 (other cluster may differ. You can type module avail
in the cluster terminal to check if conda
is an option.).
02:38:05 [user_name]@login1 ~ → conda
-bash: conda: command not found
Luckily, conda
can be easily installed. Open the miniconda website, Copy the link of the package for Miniconda3 Linux 64-bit
. Use wget
on the cluster login node to download the installer to our $HONE
02:41:16 [user_name]@login1 ~ → wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
--2022-04-13 14:41:21-- https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
Resolving xxx.xxx.xxx.xx (xxx.xxx.xxx.xx)... xxx.xxx.xx.xxx
Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xx (xxx.xxx.xxx.xx)|xxx.xxx.xx.xxx|:8080... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 75660608 (72M) [application/x-sh]
Saving to: ‘Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh’
Miniconda3-latest-L 100%[===================>] 72.16M 41.9MB/s in 1.7s
2022-04-13 14:41:24 (41.9 MB/s) - ‘Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh’ saved [75660608/75660608]
02:41:24 [user_name]@login1 ~ → ls
main.py Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
Run the installer, Press "Enter" to start installation:
02:42:13 [user_name]@login1 ~ → sh Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
Welcome to Miniconda3 py39_4.11.0
In order to continue the installation process, please review the license
Please, press ENTER to continue
Agree to terms and conditions by entering yes
when prompted:
Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
Press "ENTER" to use conda
's preferred default location. All the conda
binaries will be stored here:
Miniconda3 will now be installed into this location:
- Press ENTER to confirm the location
- Press CTRL-C to abort the installation
- Or specify a different location below
will now fetch its essential dependencies. At the end, make sure you enter yes
to initialise conda
zlib pkgs/main/linux-64::zlib-1.2.11-h7f8727e_4
Preparing transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
installation finished.
Do you wish the installer to initialize Miniconda3
by running conda init? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes
NOTE: this step is important! Your shell will not be able to locate the installed conda
command if it is not initialised.
You should see the following once the installation is complete:
==> For changes to take effect, close and re-open your current shell. <==
If you'd prefer that conda's base environment not be activated on startup,
set the auto_activate_base parameter to false:
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
Thank you for installing Miniconda3!
As suggested, we should re-login to the cluster to see conda
active. Enter exit
, you will be disconnected from the cluster's login node. Use the same ssh
command to reconnect:
02:52:34 [user_name]@login1 ~ → exit
Connection to rangpur.compute.eait.uq.edu.au closed.
❯ ssh [user_name]@rangpur.compute.eait.uq.edu.au
[user_name]@rangpur.compute.eait.uq.edu.au's password:
Type conda
again, you should see the following (no longer command not found
02:53:52 [user_name]@login1 ~ → conda
usage: conda [-h] [-V] command ...
conda is a tool for managing and deploying applications, environments and packages.
positional arguments:
clean Remove unused packages and caches.
compare Compare packages between conda environments.
config Modify configuration values in .condarc. This is modeled after the git config command. Writes to the user .condarc file (/home/Staff/[user_name]/.condarc) by
create Create a new conda environment from a list of specified packages.
help Displays a list of available conda commands and their help strings.
info Display information about current conda install.
init Initialize conda for shell interaction. [Experimental]
install Installs a list of packages into a specified conda environment.
list List linked packages in a conda environment.
package Low-level conda package utility. (EXPERIMENTAL)
remove Remove a list of packages from a specified conda environment.
uninstall Alias for conda remove.
run Run an executable in a conda environment. [Experimental]
search Search for packages and display associated information. The input is a MatchSpec, a query language for conda packages. See examples below.
update Updates conda packages to the latest compatible version.
upgrade Alias for conda update.
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Show the conda version number and exit.
conda commands available from other packages:
[Optinal] We may now remove the installer:
02:57:04 [user_name]@login1 ~ → rm Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
We will now use conda
to install a self-contained python virtual enviroment containing pytorch
. In other words, we will ask conda
to fetch everything we need to run pytorch
Lets create a virtual enviroment to store the dependecies we need:
conda create --prefix ./my-env pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
conda create
creates a new virtual enviroment.--prefix
allows us to specific a specific directory to story the downloaded dependencies. Refer toconda
's documentation for other options../my-env
is the directory I specified to store the packages used by this enviroment, it can be any director you have access to.pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
are the packages we need to download to getpytorch
running on GPU. Others have already done the hard work building these packages so installing everything is a one-liner for us!- More detailed info on conda commands can be found here:
to confirm when prompted:
xz pkgs/main/linux-64::xz-5.2.5-h7b6447c_0
zlib pkgs/main/linux-64::zlib-1.2.11-h7f8727e_4
zstd pkgs/main/linux-64::zstd-1.4.9-haebb681_0
Proceed ([y]/n)? y
The installation of this virual environment should take a few mins and you will see the following once done:
# To activate this environment, use
# $ conda activate /home/Staff/[user_name]/my-env
# To deactivate an active environment, use
# $ conda deactivate
Enter ls
, you should see the directory (my-env
) we instructed conda
to store enviroment dependencies in:
03:12:14 [user_name]@login1 ~ → ls
main.py miniconda3 Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh my-env
Up until this point, the enviroment is still not active so the packages in it are still not accessible to us. We will need to activate the environment next.
created enviroments will persist on the cluster, we just need to activate them before we use them, no need to reinstall every time we log in. Any conda
environment install using the --prefix
flag can be activated using conda activate [env-dir]
. In this case, type:
conda activate /home/Staff/[user_name]/my-env
Finally, we do a quick test using our main.py
to see if it works
03:16:11 [user_name]@login1 ~ → python main.py
The script prints True
indicating pytorch is indeed installed and it is running on GPU. We can theoretically run nerual networks on GPU now!
Once our enviroment is activated, you can add more packages to it by going through a similar installation process to pytorch:
conda install opencv-python nibabel
conda install
will install pacakges to the active enviroment you are already in.
*** However, we are not done yet! We are currently running everything on the login node (as indicated by @login1
). Running heavy computing jobs on the login node is strictly forbidden and can result in bans!. The login node is shared and can slowdown under heavy load - it only intended for editing, copying code and setting up enviroments (as we have been doing).
The real computing power of the cluster is hidden behind slurm
, a popular cluster resource manager. We will need to submit a "request" to ask slurm
to run our code on our behalf, using the hardware we specify. slurm
will queue and execute jobs on computing nodes (not login). Wait times may increase if you already have too many running jobs.
A slurm
"request" comes in the form of slurm
scripts. Lets create one. In your cluster terminal, type nano slurm.sh
to create a file slurm.sh
. Paste in the following content (remeber to replace the placeholder user name with your own):
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00 # walltime limit (HH:MM:SS), job will be killed when this time is reached.
#SBATCH --nodes=1 # number of nodes, usually 1 is enough
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4 # 4 processor core(s) per node
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 # request 1 gpu (don't care what type)
#SBATCH --partition=vgpu20 # gpu node name
#SBATCH --job-name="test"
# The following is exactly the same as we did before, load up enviroment and run the code.
# Link the path to miniconda's binaries (created by conda installer)
export PATH="/home/Staff/[user_name]/miniconda3/bin:$PATH"
conda activate /home/Staff/[user_name]/my-env
# if for whatever reason, slurm is unable to locate conda, you can invoke the command with its full path:
python main.py
A slurm script has two main parts:
- specifications: a list of
#SBATCH --...
specifications to describe your request to slurm, including job name, run time and hardware requirements. A full list of options can be found here. - main program: following the list of specifications is the commands we would like to execute (such as training a neural network, preprocessing and inferece). The commands there will be executed after on a non-login node with the specifications we defined (gpu etc).
- slurm script generator: you can also auto-generate a slurm script using the Iowa State University website: https://www.hpc.iastate.edu/guides/classroom-hpc-cluster/slurm-job-script-generator. However, you will need to insert the Rangpur-specific partition name which you can find using the
For deep learning, the most important specifications are
#SBATCH --gres...
: what resource (typically GPU) and how many to use.gpu:1
of anygpu
. We can also request a specific type of GPU if available (e.g. on Wiener we put#SBATCH --gres=gpu:tesla-smx2:1
).#SBATCH --partition...
: what partition to run the job in. Most GPUs reside ingpu
partiions. On Rangpur the paritions arevgpu20
hosting 20 and 40GB cards, respectively. Hencing the partion choice will influce what GPU we end up getting.
In the example slurm
script, we are requesting for 1
from the 20GB gpu
You could also generate your own slurm
script using a generator and copy it over once done.
Save the slurm
script (ctrl-x
, y
then Enter
for nano) and submit it for execution using sbatch
04:28:55 [user_name]@login1 ~ → sbatch slurm.sh
Submitted batch job 12614
You are given a job_id
which can later be used to cancel the job if needed. Once the job starts, slurm
will create two files under the current directory [job_id].out
and [job_id].err
to store stdout
and stderr
outputs, respectively. After execution, 12614.out
should contain the same line as executing main.py
before. Except this time, the code was executed using slurm
allocated resources rather than on the login node.
Jobs read and write to the same local file system we see, hence they will output as if they were executed from an interactive terminal. You can submit multiple jobs (even with the exact same code), just make sure their their outputs don't overwrite each other! (e.g. submitting 5 training scripts that save weights to [ckpt]/weights.pth
will see them overwrting the checkpoint of each other). You can check the status of your submitted jobs with squeue -u [user_name]
04:29:05 [user_name]@login1 ~ → squeue -u [user_name]
12614 vgpu20 test [user_name] PD 0:00 1 (Priority)
means pending. Once your jobs starts running (when its turn comes), you will see R
in place of PD
To interrupt / kill a running or pending job, use scancel [job_id]
- Write the code and
scripts on a local computer using your preferred code editor. - Alaways synce your code with
or Github, you can access the codebase usinggit clone
on the cluster. - Some clusters may ignore the
specification. Make sure your job is not running indefinately. - Test your code thoroughly before submitting to slurm, don't wait 5 hours for your job to start and hit an error immediately.
- If you are submitting multiple jobs with the same code, to avoid overwites, make sure they are not outputting to the same.
- You can mount a cluster directory to your local computer using
, and access the cluster file system as if it was a connected hard-drive. Please find thesshfs
installation guide here: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-sshfs-to-mount-remote-file-systems-over-ssh. - The
directories are limited a 5GB on Rangpur, be sure to only store code and maybeconda
enviroments there. For data storage you should use the/scratch
drive or your research group drive.
To request for additional disk quota on your Rangpur cluster, please contact the EAIT Helpdesk at [email protected].
If you face any issues with your HPC setup or identify any errors in this guide, please do not hesitate to contact Siyu Liu ([email protected]) or Aninda Saha ([email protected]).