This log contains changes made to the project. Each entry contains changed made after the last version but before the number was changed. Any changes made after a number change are considered part of the next release. This is regardless if versions are still being released with that version number attached.
- Added: dustSulfur to ore dictionary
- Added: dustSaltpeter to ore dictionary
- Fixed: Grenade infinite looping when accessing capability
- Fixed: redmatter size packet not using entity id
- Improved: EMP tower rotation
- Removed: random drop spread from tnt defuse
- Added: sonar code scanning
- Added: JaCoCo code coverage reporting
- Added: github action pipeline
- Changed: IExplosiveData#getTier() to be non-null
This is not a complete list as we got lazy tracking things in the change log. Cutting this version after commit 9f4470b63e5d535a74e72b5a5b39c3fa988c3988
Added: lang support to most chat commands
Added: Launch button to launcher control panels
Added: Launch button to cruise launcher
Added: Tooltip to rocket launcher to indicate that it can fire any missile when the player is in creative mode
Added: Configuration option to dis-/allow antimatter blast destroying blocks (set to not destroy blocks by default)
Added: Configuration option to dis-/allow antimatter blast killing entities (set to not kill entities by default)
Added: Configuration options to set the amount of time bomb carts, explosives, and grenades should take to explode after being ignited (seperate config options per bomb cart/explosive/grenade type)
Changed: Explosion resistance of concrete blocks (reinforced concrete is now more resistant than vanilla obsidian)
Changed: Anti-Gravitational blast no longer affects creative players
Fixed: Gui background and tooltips not being drawn
Fixed: Several minor things in English and German localization
Fixed: Orientation of placed down anvil explosive
Fixed: Contagious explosive removing mobs instead of mutating them
Fixed: Contagious explosive making too much sound
Fixed: Russian, German and English language files
Fixed: Radar station not properly getting removed from the world causing other blocks to behave unexpectedly
Fixed: Disabling items in config causing a crash
Fixed: Warning with EntityDataManager
Fixed: Pick block for launcher base and launcher frame
Fixed: Launcher control panels facing away from the player when placing them down
Fixed: Configuration option to disallow antimatter blast from destroying unbreakable blocks not working
Fixed: Explosives sliding around after being ignited
Fixed: Anti-Gravitational blast picking up liquids as well as fire and more, causing lag
Improved: Item tooltips
Improved: Performance at several parts of the mod
Improved: Creative tab sorting
Improved: Render of explosives (now flash like vanilla TNT and expand shortly before exploding)
Improved: Chemical explosives (now only damages in air-range, meaning it wont pass through walls anymore Damage is only applied where particles are spawned. Damage has been tweaked and scales with the time you are inside the area of effect. Added kill messages, etc.)
Improved: Antimatter blast behaviour. This includes optimizations, including making it work better with water
Removed: S-Mine
Removed: Missile Module
Removed; Homing Missile
Removed: Anti-ballistic Missile
Removed: Cluster Missile
Removed: Nuclear Cluster Missile
Removed: Rejuvenation Explosives and Missile
Removed: Battery Box
Added: Several events (BlastCancelEvent, ExplosiveDefuseEvent, LaserRemoteTriggerEvent, LauncherSetTargetEvent, MissileChunkEvent, MissileRideEvent, RadarGunTraceEvent, RemoteTriggerEvent)
Added: Data fixers for explosives and more to be compatible with releases below this version
Added: NBTConstants file for all nbt keys
Added: Enums for TNT blast's push type and EMP tower's EMP mode
Added: @ObjectHolder annotation for blocks and items
Added: Additional smoke variant that doesn't move upwards after time
Added: Fallback for loading a world with an explosive that no longer exists. (Otherwise the game would crash)
Added: Code that verifies that we are not using the same NBT save string twice for two different things
Added: Tier "NONE" which used for blasts that do not have an explosive/missile/bomb cart/grenade
Fixed: LanguageUtility#splitByLine not splitting correctly
Changed: Chinese class/method/field/variable names to be in English
Improved: Code
Improved: Language file handling
Improved: Some class names
Improved: Checks of equality with Blocks.AIR. They are now using Block#isAir for compatbility
Removed: Unused model files
- Added: Support for Atomic Science uranium in nuke recipe
Added: Worker thread system (generates several threads to do blast calculations)
Added: Block placement queue to reduce lag when runing several blasts at once
Added: Redmatter death messages
Added: Translation keys for radar guns
Added: Missile insertion from screen
Added: Interaction from launcher frame to base & screen
Added: Energy bars to machine UIs
Changed: Launcher to remove missile on sneak + right click
Changed: Launcher to open screen UI on right click
Changed: nuclear explosive to use new thread
Changed: Antimatter explosive to use new thread
Fixed: Iron Plate sill having an ore-dictionary name causing issues with Atomic Science and other mods
Fixed: Missile not removing from inventory for RPG
Fixed: Redmatter being seen through walls
Fixed: air checks in several blasts
Fixed: explosive blocks dropping when destroyed by explosives
Fixed: formating and translation issues
Fixed: spike recipe not using ore name for sulfur
Fixed: some issues with redmatter movement
Reworked: Fragment entity fixing several issues and improving functionality
Implemented: creative tab sorting
Implemented: Orginal UIs for machines
Implemented: Cruise launcher
Improved: UI handling
Improved: redmatter fluid handling
Added: batch scripts to make building easier
Added: run and output folder to .gitignore
Updated: IC2 API
Updated: To latest snapshot
Updated: deps list
Renamed: methods
Added: Chunloading for impact target
Added: Missile simulation to allow missiles to move while world is unloaded
Added: Delayed missile launch to act as a launching animation
Added: Missile smoke
Fixed: Missile riding
Fixed: Missing battery recipes
Fixed: Some recipes not using sulfurDust ore dictionary value
Added: IC2 support
Added: Config for sulfur drop
Added: Add blast command to spawn blasts
Added: alias name of icbm to icbmc command (only works if ICBM 2 is not installed)
Added: runtime check to redmatter to prevent it from using to much CPU time each tick
Fixed: Thread not starting if entity tick was set high (sponge bug)
Fixed: explosives not generating block breaks
Fixed: redmatter stalling main thread
Fixed: tiles not cleaning up correctly when broken
Fixed: crash when placing a different tile in a previous location of a screen or frame
Fixed: is air check in projectile
Fixed: breaching blast not rotating in some cases (missile and commands)
Fixed: '/icbm remove all' not clearing redmatter (or explosives in general)
Fixed: debug spam in some cases0.
Fixed: energy issues for explosive pathing
Fixed: not being able placing presure plates on explosive blocks
Improved: Thread performance
Improved: explosive pathing in threads
Improved: Missile position rendering
Improved: redmatter animation and scaling
Removed: redmatter beam scale that made it hard to look at
Added: Scale option to blast creation
Added: sub command system to reduce work making commands
Reworked: Thread handling to reduce issues
Renamed: packet handlers and other classes
Not full list of changes as I neglected to use version #s during the update
Added: handling for power pass through for full launcher frame & support
Added: More explosive cart types
Rewrote: mod for 1.12
Rewrote: to not use VoltzEngine in order to be standalone
Rewrote: usage of metadata in some case in prep for 1.13 update
Temp Removed: Some graphics and audio until they can be ported
Temp Removed: Camo block
Temp Removed: Cruise Launcher
- Rewrote: mod for 1.12
- Rewrote: to include parts of CodingLib
- Rewrote: to include parts of VoltzEngine
- Rewrote: Network handling
- Rewrote: Multi-Block handling