MSExcelToMongoConnector - imports Excel (xlsx) spreadsheets to MongoDB
To run this tool, you need .Net FW 4.5+
Syntax: MSExcelToMongoConnector.exe [file name]
Example: MSExcelToMongoConnector.exe c:\temp\myFile.xlsx
Use the MSExcelToMongoConnector.yaml to configure the following: connectionString - MongoDB connection string databaseName - MongoDB database name to use batchSize - batch size when storing the data in MongoDB storeRaw - true/false - indicates whether to store the raw Excel files in the database (using GridFS)
Sample configuration: connectionString: mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018,localhost:27019?replicaSet=test databaseName: MSExcelConnector batchSize: 10 storeRaw: true
Tomer Yakir, MongoDB
This tool uses the following packages: ExcelDataReader Log4Net MongoDB .Net Driver YamlDotNet