CS 416 is a senior undergraduate course in operating systems.
We will cover the basic concepts in operating systems, such as processes, threads, virtual memory, file systems, and communication protocols.
We may also cover a few interesting research topics.
For the programming assignments, we will be using C.
Students must have taken an undergraduate courses in Systems Programming and Computer Architecture.
These pre-requisites translate into CS 214 (which itself requires an undergraduate course in Computer Architecture, such as CS 211) OR the combination of ECE 331 and ECE 351.
The programming assignments require good programming skills and a lot of time and effort.
Note that these requirements are very serious; you will not be able to keep up with this course's load, if you don't have the suggested background, programming skills, and time.
Even if you do have the background and the skills, the course can require lots of technical research and reading for the programming assignments, so come very motivated!
- 20% Midterm
- 60% Homeworks and Programming Assignments
- 20% Final Exam
Exams and written homeworks in CS 416 must be strictly individual work.
Programming assignments will be done in groups of 3 or 4 students.
Collaboration with other groups on programming assignments is encouraged at the level of ideas.
Feel free to ask each other questions, brainstorm on algorithms, or work together at a blackboard.
- You should not, however, copy the actual code for programming assignments, or copy the wording for written homeworks.
- This will be considered cheating and will be punished severely!
- Please review the CS department's cheating policy to be sure you do not have difficulties.