Randovania has multiple file formats that are persisted to the user's computer. Because of that, changes to these formats must also come with code that allows the older format version to be read.
In order to read these older file versions in a simple way, Randovania performs manipulations on the raw json files read, before being decoded to the Python classes.
Each file format has a version number that is persisted with the other fields. When reading a file, that version number is read and compared to the current version for the format. If it's lower, a migration function is called to adjust the data to the next version. This process is repeated until the current version is reached.
Formats used by user data:
- Presets
- LayoutDescription
Formats only used in the repository itself:
- GameDescription
- ItemDatabase
- Avoid using any existing Randovania code, as these might change in the future and break old migrations.
- If you depend on database fields, consider adding it to
as a way of ensure it can be easily accessible and won't be changed in the future.