I would recommand to run Nextflow within a screen or tmux session. It is recommanded to run only one instance of CAW for one patient in the same directory. The typical reduced command line is:
nextflow run SciLifeLab/CAW --sample <file.tsv> --step <step> --tools <tool>
All parameters, options and variables can be specified with configuration files and profile (cf configuration documentation).
Specify a name for MultiQC report (optionnal)
Specify an email for MultiQC report (optionnal)
Display help
Specify a project number ID on a UPPMAX cluster. (optionnal if not on such a cluster)
Use the given TSV file as sample (cf TSV documentation).
Choose from wich step the workflow will start. Choose only one step. Possible values are:
- preprocessing (default, will start workflow with FASTQ files)
- realign (will start workflow with BAM files (with T/N BAMs that were not realigned together))
- recalibrate (will start workflow with BAM files and Recalibration Tables (Only with T/N BAMs that were realigned together))
- skipPreprocessing (will skip entire preprocessing (Only with T/N BAMs that were realigned together))
Test run CAW on a smaller dataset, that way you don't have to specify --sample data/tsv/tiny.tsv --intervals repeats/tiny.list
Choose which tools will be used in the workflow. Different tools to be separated by commas. Possible values are:
- Ascat (use ascat for CNV)
- HaplotypeCaller (use HaplotypeCaller for VC)
- Manta (use Manta for SV)
- MultiQC (Make a QC report)
- MuTect1 (use MuTect1 for VC)
- MuTect2 (use MuTect2 for VC)
- Strelka (use Strelka for VC)
- VarDict (use VarDict for VC)
- snpEff (use snpEff for Annotation)
- VEP (use VEP for Annotation)
Display more information about files being processed.
Display version number and information.
Simpler to specify in the config file.
References [(cf References documentation)]
Could be usefull if you wish to change one reference for testing.
- --cosmic
- --cosmicIndex
- --dbsnp
- --dbsnpIndex
- --kgIndels
- --kgIndex
- --genome
- --genomeDict
- --genomeIndex
- --millsIndels
- --millsIndex
- --genomeAmb
- --genomeAnn
- --genomeBwt
- --genomePac
- --genomeSa
Which database to use for snpEff
Path to Vardict
See the options documentation
More informations on the SciLifeLab Nextflow documentation. The default profile is standard
. You can use your own profile:
nextflow run SciLifeLab/CAW --sample mysample.tsv -profile myprofile
A standard profile is defined in nextflow.config
. You can use the files in the configuration/
directory as a base to make a new .config
file that you can specify directly (or add as a profile):
nextflow run SciLifeLab/CAW --sample mysample.tsv -c config/milou.config
To update workflow to the latest version use:
nextflow pull SciLifeLab/CAW
If there is a feature or bugfix you want to use in a resumed or re-analyzed run, you have to update the workflow to the latest version. By default it is not updated automatically, so use something like:
nextflow run -latest SciLifeLab/CAW --sample mysample.tsv -resume