Learning objectives:
Learn mapping and differential gene expression analysis of rna-seq data
Interpret rna-seq analysis results
We will be using the same trimmed fastq data as before (Tulin et al., 2013).
The following commands will create a new folder rnaseq
and link the data in:
cd ..
mkdir -p rnaseq
cd rnaseq
ln -s ../quality/0Hour*.qc.fq.gz .
ln -s ../quality/6Hour*.qc.fq.gz .
ln -s /opt/rnaseq/assembly/nema_trinity/Trinity.fasta .
Note that this is a previously-assembly Trinity.fasta
file that the whole class will use. Why is this important?
salmon index --index nema --type quasi --transcripts Trinity.fasta
- What are the flags used in the salmon command?
- Read up on libtype, here.
for R1 in *R1*.qc.fq.gz
sample=$(basename $R1 extract.qc.fq.gz)
echo sample is $sample, R1 is $R1
echo R2 is $R2
salmon quant -i nema -p 2 -l IU -1 <(gunzip -c $R1) -2 <(gunzip -c $R2) -o ${sample}.quant
head 0Hour_ATCACG_L002_R1_001.qc.fq.gz.quant/quant.sf
find . -name \salmon_quant.log -exec grep -H "Mapping rate" {} \;