- Openbase: JavaScript package insights and comparison
- Application Monitoring and Error Tracking Software | Sentry
- Phoenix (Phoenix web framework)
- Zeppelin (Apache Zeppelin)
- The world’s fastest framework for building websites | Hugo
- Nemo | A Data Processing System for Flexible Employment With Different Deployment Characteristics.
- Electron | Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
- Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites | Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
- Phacility - Home (software development platform, Phabricator)
- Home (Phabricator guide & forum)
- OpenSSH
- Base Web - Base Web React UI Framework
- Cloud Application Platform | Heroku
- Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence
- The OpenTracing project
- Bitnami: Packaged Applications for Any Platform - Cloud, Container, Virtual Machine
- CodePen: Build, Test, and Discover Front-end Code. (CodePen - Front End Developer Playground & Code Editor in the Browser)
- Jira | Issue & Project Tracking Software | Atlassian
- Open source and enterprise-ready professional software for data science - RStudio
- Kivy: Cross-platform Python Framework for NUI Development
- Micronaut Framework (A modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications)
- fastlane - App automation done right
- Jenkins (open source automation server)
- Enterprise Container Platform | Docker
- Production-Grade Container Orchestration - Kubernetes
- CMake
- Develop. Preview. Ship. - ZEIT (ZEIT - World-Class Static Hosting - ZEIT)
- Next.js - The React Framework (framework for static and server‑rendered applications built with React)
- Prisma - Database tools for modern application development
- Databricks - Unified Data Analytics
- Data Version Control · DVC
- Zstandard - Real-time data compression algorithm
- Apache Mesos
- lubuntu – lightweight, fast, easier
- Perforce Software | Development Tools For Innovation at Scale
- Mercurial SCM (Source Code Management)
- React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Qt | Cross-platform software development for embedded & desktop (GUI 프로그램 개발 크로스 플랫폼 프레임워크, C++)
- GatsbyJS (a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps)
- Hexo (A fast, simple & powerful blog framework)
- Mocha - the fun, simple, flexible JavaScript test framework
- Eleventy is a simpler static site generator.
- Netlify: All-in-one platform for automating modern web projects
- Open Source Search & Analytics · Elasticsearch | Elastic
- XpressEngine - PHP Open Source CMS
- XEHub
- XpressEngine (Github)
- wolfSSL Embedded SSL/TLS Library | Now Supporting TLS 1.3
- FreeRTOS - Market leading RTOS (Real Time Operating System) for embedded systems with Internet of Things extensions
- D3.js - Data-Driven Documents
- NuGet Gallery | Home
- OmniSharp - .NET and IntelliSense on any platform with your editor of choice
- Repl.it - The world's leading online coding platform
- Source Insight Programming Editor and Code Browser
- The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project
- Redis
- Bootstrap · The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world.
- jQuery (write less, do more.)
- ZenHub - Agile Project Management for GitHub
- Jade - Template Engine
- Getting Started – Pug
- Zeppelin (Web-based notebook that enables data-driven, interactive data analytics and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more.)
- CocoaPods.org (dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects)
- Apache MINA — Apache MINA (network application framework)
- Netty: Home (asynchronous event-driven network application framework)
- Tajo - A Big Data Warehouse System on Hadoop -
- Apache REEF - Apache REEF™ - a stdlib for Big Data
- Apache Hama - Big Data and High-Performance Computing
- Yocto Project – It's not an embedded Linux distribution – it creates a custom one for you
- Snyk | Develop Fast. Stay Secure (find and fix vulnerabilities in open source libraries and containers)
- Babel · The compiler for next generation JavaScript
- AMP - a web component framework to easily create user-first web experiences - amp.dev
- Apache Kafka (distributed streaming platform)
- Apache ZooKeeper (open-source server which enables highly reliable distributed coordination)
- RunKit is Node prototyping
- WebKit (A fast, open source web browser engine.)
- Node.js (JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.)
- OpenJS Foundation (Node.js project newsletter mailing list)
- The Open Graph protocol (facebook)
- Scoop (A command-line installer for Windows)
- Chocolatey Software | Chocolatey - The package manager for Windows
- npm | build amazing things
- ag-Grid: Datagrid packed with features that your users need with the performance you expect.
- webpack
- The Web Robots Pages
- gulp.js
- Dart programming language | Dart
- Hack · Programming Productivity Without Breaking Things
- HHVM | HHVM (open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hack.)
- V8 JavaScript engine
- Twisted (event-driven networking engine written in Python)
- fuchsia - Git at Google (modular, capability-based operating system)
- gitiles - Git at Google (A simple JGit repository browser)
- go Git repositories - Git at Google
- android Git repositories - Git at Google
- chromium Git repositories - Git at Google
- Vanilla JS
- Passport.js (authentication middleware for Node.js)
- Express - Node.js web application framework
- Graph Database | Multi-Model Database | OrientDB
- MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, machine-to-machine (M2M)/"Internet of Things" connectivity protocol)
- Mosca by mcollina (MQTT broker as a module)
- Underscore.js
- Lodash
- CoffeeScript
- EJS -- Embedded JavaScript templates
- PyPI · The Python Package Index
- Continuous Integration and Delivery - CircleCI
- Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence
- Ember.js (A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications)
- Leaflet - a JavaScript library for interactive maps
- Fuchsia
- Snowpack (Instant web development powered by modern JavaScript)
- SQLAlchemy - The Database Toolkit for Python
- React 360 · Create amazing 360 experiences
- Docusaurus · Easy to Maintain Open Source Documentation Websites
- ProtoPie - Interactive prototyping tool for all digital products
- Proto.io - Prototypes that feel real
- Balsamiq. Rapid, effective and fun wireframing software. | Balsamiq
- draw.io
- Origami Studio — Design Prototyping
- FluidUI.com - Create Web and Mobile Prototypes in Minutes
- Marvel - The design platform for digital products
- MockFlow - Online Wireframe Tools, Prototyping Tools, Design tool, UI Mockups, UX Suite, Desktop software, UX Planning
- PowerPoint Wireframe and Prototyping Tool | PowerMockup
- Website wireframes: Mockingbird
- Zeplin—Collaboration and handoff for product teams | Zeplin
- Figma: the collaborative interface design tool.
- Confluence - Team Collaboration Software | Atlassian
- Tandem | A virtual office for remote teams
- Krisp | Noise Cancelling App
- Otter Voice Meeting Notes - Otter.ai (record and review in real time)
- Toggl - Free Time Tracking Software
- Clockwise (intelligent calendar assistant)
- Pixelic - Product Management Software
- Quip (collaborative productivity software)
- Open Source ERP and CRM | Odoo (management software to run a company)
- Box - Content Management, Workflow, and Collaboration
- Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
- Let knowledge flow | Additor
- Lookback: Simple and powerful user research
- Swit (One Work Suite to replace them all)
- Localization Management Platform for agile teams | Crowdin
- BeeCanvas | The All-In-One Visual Workspace
- The Work Operating System That Makes Teamwork Click | monday.com