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Mo Morsi edited this page Jan 9, 2013 · 2 revisions

Installing Conductor on OSX:


* postgresql installed * RVM installed or ruby 1.8.7 * bundler installed * ‘pg’ gem installed


  1. git clone conductor repo
  2. cd src/ && bundle … bang!

aeolus-image gem is missing[1]

Meanwhile you can workaround this by using my fork[2] by fixing the Gemfile:

gem ‘aeolus-image’, :git =>

NOTE: Remove the Gemfile.lock file will make your life easier :~~)

  1. Edit the config/database.yml file and put correct values for your PG setup
  2. rake db:create … bang!

Could not load ‘aeolus_image’.

At this point I built the gem myself (gem build aeolus-image.gemspec) and installed it by hand: gem install aeolus-image-0.3.0.gem --local After this the db:create should work normally.

  1. rake db:migrate … bang!

rake aborted! uninitialized constant Sass::Plugin

So now edit the config/environments/development.rb and add following line on top of this file:

17 require ‘sass/plugin’

After running ‘db:migrate’ .. bang! ;~~) You need to force Conductor to use bundler instead of gems… So just execute this in console:

$ export USE_BUNDLER=yes

Then run rake db:migrate … and another bang :~~(

rake aborted! undefined method `debug_rjs=’ for ActionView::Base:Class

So now open the config/environments/development.rb once again file again and comment this line:

32 #config.action_view.debug_rjs = true

amazing! it’s now creating tables :-)

  1. rake dc:setup
  2. rails s
  3. Browse
  4. Login with admin/password



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