title Automated Tests - Symfony Certification Preparation List Back to index Automated Tests Testing - symfony.com PHPUnit 9.5 Manual - phpunit.readthedocs.io Unit tests with PHPUnit Unit tests - symfony.com Writing Tests for PHPUnit - phpunit.readthedocs.io Functional tests with PHPUnit Functional tests - symfony.com Configuring a Database for Tests - symfony.com Fixtures - phpunit.readthedocs.io WebTestCase abstract class - github.com Client object Working with the Test Client - symfony.com KernelBrowser - github.com Crawler object The DomCrawler Component - symfony.com The Crawler - symfony.com Crawler class - github.com Profiler object How to Use the Profiler in a Functional Test - symfony.com Framework objects access Retrieving Services in the Test - symfony.com Accessing the Container - symfony.com Client configuration Testing Configuration - symfony.com Request and response objects introspection Accessing Internal Objects - symfony.com PHPUnit bridge The PHPUnit Bridge - symfony.com Handling legacy deprecated code SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER - symfony.com