title PHP and Web Security - Symfony Certification Preparation List Back to index PHP and Web Security PHP API up to PHP 8.1 version PHP Watch by version PHP 8.1: What's New and Changed PHP 8.0: What's New and Changed PHP 7.4: What's New and Changed PHP 7.3: What's New and Changed Php Releases PHP 8.1 PHP 8.0 PHP 7.4 PHP 7.3 PHP 7.2 PHP 7.1 PHP 7.0 Object Oriented Programming Classes and Objects - php.net Namespaces PHP Namespaces in 120 seconds - symfonycasts.com Namespaces - php.net Interfaces Object Interfaces - php.net Type Operators - php.net Type declarations - php.net Anonymous functions and closures Anonymous functions - php.net Closure - php.net Abstract classes Class Abstraction - php.net Exception and error handling Exception (class) - php.net Exceptions - php.net Traits Traits - php.net PHP extensions Extensions (sorted by Membership) - php.net SPL Standard PHP Library - php.net