- Personal freedom Crime without a victim is not a crime. You're free to do with your health and life whatever you consider. You're not small children, you can, bearing full responsibility, decide what do you need and what you don't, you can act on your own until your actions don't harm same rights of others.
- Self-ownership You have the full ownership of your body, as well as of your consiousness and of results of your actions. No one shall limit your freedom, use the results of your work, except in case of your consiousnes agreement. This principle of self-ownershup and derived right of freedom of agreement are the basic rights we use to build the base of our ideology.
- Freedom of agreement Any capable persons may conduct a contract between themselves and agree on common actions (inactions). This may concern sexual relationships, family, euthanasia, economic freedoms, freedom of assisiation, etc. Persons and people that aren't explicit sides of a contract shall not limit the freedom of agreement in any realm.
- The right to freedom of opinion and expression You have right to have any opinions and views. Noone shall limit your right to your own point of view and right to express it. Persons and people that aren't expilit sides of a contract shall not limit this right, introducce censorship, limits, suppress or, on contrary, force others to support any ideology, religion or views.
- Privacy Persons or people shall not intervene privacy of other people, or control any aspects of others' lives, unless this was expressly agreed in a contract.
- Right to self-defence and protection Each persion has right to protect his own life, health, and life and health of his family members, including armed defence by any means without any exception. There are no "limits of necessary self-defence"
- Forced service and slavery Forced service, including military (conscription) is a kind of slavery and is not acceptable, because it breaks the righ of self-ownership
- Priority of rights No one, including communities shall not limit personal rights more than it was expressly agreed in a contract.
- Right to exit a contract Any person can exit any contract, including a contract with a community (people). This right shall not be limited by any contract.
- Право виходу з угоди. Будь-яка людина може розірвати будь-яку угоду, в т.ч. угоду з громадою (групою людей). Це право не може бути обмежене жодними угодами.
- Freedom of movement. Personal freedom of movement shall not be limited by anything but a private propery of other people or groups of people (communities).
Lots of important tasks could not be solved by a single individual. Typical example is military security. Thus associations of individuals are important. To create an association, several individuals state:
- the goal of the association,
- rules of admission and membership, that state exhaustive list of rights, delegated to the association and cases when they are delegated,
- the process of collection of resources (e.g. funds) for the stated goals,
- the process of making joint decisions to use collected resources
- the order of profits and losses distribution,
- the procedure for resolving internal disputes,
- the procedure of leaving the association (responsibility for breaking the agreement)
The association is dissolved as soon as the goal is achieved.
Examples include: association of landowners (village community), the professional for-profit association (corporation), mutual insurance associations (medical or age), military territorial association.
As the result of fundamental rights, individuals that aren't members of association can not count on the help of the association (for example military or police assistance) and thus are responsible for their NON-participation. Symmetrically, members of society bear the consequences of failure to provide assistance to people who suffer.