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译者注: 本项目是一份关于医学图像分析上的论文清单,为了让更多的中国研究人员更好了解这一方向,我将该README文档翻译成简体中文。 向本项目的所有贡献者致敬。

Translator's note: The project is the first list of deep learning papers on medical applications.In order to facilitate Chinese software developers to learn the deep learning on medical,I translated README file into simplified Chinese. Salute to all contributors to this project.


据我们所知,这是第一份关于医学应用的深度学习论文清单。一般来说,有很多深度学习论文或计算机视觉的列表,例如Awesome Deep Learning Papers。在此列表中,我尝试根据他们的深度学习技巧和学习方法对论文进行分类。我相信这份清单可能是一个很好的起点对于深度学习医学应用研究人员而言。


  1. 2015年以来公开发布的顶尖深度学习论文。
  2. 来自具有同行评议的期刊和知名会议。也包括一些最近发表在 arXiv的论文。
  3. 深度学习技术,成像模态,临床数据库等元数据需要提供。




  • NN(Neural Networks):神经网络
  • MLP(Multilayer Perceptron): 多层感知机
  • RBM(Restricted Boltzmann Machine): 受限玻尔兹曼机
  • SAE(Stacked Auto-Encoders): 栈式自编码器
  • CAE(Convolutional Auto-Encoders): 卷积的自编码器
  • CNN(Convolutional Neural Networks): 卷积神经网络
  • RNN(Recurrent Neural Networks): 循环神经网络
  • LSTM(Long Short Term Memory): 长短期记忆神经网络
  • MS-CNN(Multi-Scale/View/Stream CNN): 多尺度卷积神经网络
  • MIL-CNN(Multi-instance Learning CNN): 多实例学习卷积神经网络
  • FCN(Fully Convolutional Networks):全卷积神经网络


  • US(Ultrasound): 医学超声检查
  • MR/MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging): 核磁共振成像
  • PET(Positron Emission Tomography): 正子断层照影
  • MG(Mammography): 乳房摄影术
  • CT(Computed Tompgraphy): 计算机断层扫描
  • H&E(Hematoxylin & Eosin Histology Images): 苏木精—伊红染色法






计算机技术 医学技术 目标区域 标题 数据库 J/C 年份
NN H&E Deep learning of feature representation with multiple instance learning for medical image analysis [pdf] ICASSP 2014
M-CNN H&E 乳腺 AggNet: Deep Learning From Crowds for Mitosis Detection in Breast Cancer Histology Images [pdf] AMIDA IEEE-TMI 2016
FCN H&E Suggestive Annotation: A Deep Active Learning Framework for Biomedical Image Segmentation pdf MICCAI 2017


计算机技术 医学技术 目标区域 标题 数据库 J/C 年份
M-CNN CT Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Networks for Lung Nodule Classification [pdf] LIDC-IDRI IPMI 2015
3D-CNN MRI 大脑 Predicting Alzheimer's disease: a neuroimaging study with 3D convolutional neural networks [pdf] ADNI arXiv 2015
CNN+RNN RGB 眼睛 Automatic Feature Learning to Grade Nuclear Cataracts Based on Deep Learning [pdf] IEEE-TBME 2015
CNN X-ray 膝盖 Quantifying Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis Severity using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks [pdf] O.E.1 arXiv 2016
CNN H&E 甲状腺 A Deep Semantic Mobile Application for Thyroid Cytopathology [pdf] SPIE 2016
3D-CNN, 3D-CAE MRI 大脑 Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostics by a Deeply Supervised Adaptable 3D Convolutional Network [pdf] ADNI arXiv 2016
M-CNN RGB 皮肤 Multi-resolution-tract CNN with hybrid pretrained and skin-lesion trained layers [pdf] Dermofit MLMI 2016
CNN RGB 皮肤,眼睛 Towards Automated Melanoma Screening: Exploring Transfer Learning Schemes [pdf] EDRA, DRD arXiv 2016
M-CNN CT Pulmonary Nodule Detection in CT Images: False Positive Reduction Using Multi-View Convolutional Networks [pdf] LIDC-IDRI, ANODE09, DLCST IEEE-TMI 2016
3D-CNN CT DeepLung: Deep 3D Dual Path Nets for Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection and Classification [pdf] LIDC-IDRI, LUNA16 IEEE-WACV 2018
3D-CNN MRI 大脑 3D Deep Learning for Multi-modal Imaging-Guided Survival Time Prediction of Brain Tumor Patients [pdf] MICCAI 2016
SAE US, CT 乳腺,大脑 Computer-Aided Diagnosis with Deep Learning Architecture: Applications to Breast Lesions in US Images and Pulmonary Nodules in CT Scans [pdf] LIDC-IDRI Nature 2016
CAE MG 乳腺 Unsupervised deep learning applied to breast density segmentation and mammographic risk scoring [pdf] IEEE-TMI 2016
MIL-CNN MG 乳腺 Deep multi-instance networks with sparse label assignment for whole mammogram classification [pdf] INbreast MICCAI 2017
GCN MRI 大脑 Spectral Graph Convolutions for Population-based Disease Prediction [pdf] ADNI, ABIDE arXiv 2017
CNN RGB 皮肤 Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks Nature 2017
FCN + CNN MRI 肝,肝癌 SurvivalNet: Predicting patient survival from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance images using cascaded fully convolutional and 3D convolutional neural networks [pdf] ISBI 2017


计算机技术 医学技术 目标区域 标题 数据库 J/C 年份
MLP CT 头颈 3D Deep Learning for Efficient and Robust Landmark Detection in Volumetric Data [pdf] MICCAI 2015
CNN US 胎儿 Standard Plane Localization in Fetal Ultrasound via Domain Transferred Deep Neural Networks [pdf] IEEE-JBHI 2015
2.5D-CNN MRI 股骨 Automated anatomical landmark detection ondistal femur surface using convolutional neural network [pdf] OAI ISBI 2015
LSTM US 胎儿 Automatic Fetal Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using Knowledge Transferred Recurrent Neural Networks [pdf] MICCAI 2015
CNN X-ray, MRI 头部 Regressing Heatmaps for Multiple Landmark Localization using CNNs [pdf] DHADS MICCAI 2016
CNN MRI, US, CT - An artificial agent for anatomical landmark detection in medical images [pdf] SATCOM MICCAI 2016
FCN US 胎儿 Real-time Standard Scan Plane Detection and Localisation in Fetal Ultrasound using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks [pdf] MICCAI 2016
CNN+LSTM MRI 心脏 Recognizing end-diastole and end-systole frames via deep temporal regression network [pdf] MICCAI 2016
M-CNN MRI 心脏 Improving Computer-Aided Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Random View Aggregation Neural Networks [pdf] IEEE-TMI 2016
CNN PET/CT 心脏 Automated detection of pulmonary nodules in PET/CT images: Ensemble false-positive reduction using a convolutional neural network technique Neural Networks [pdf] MP 2016
3D-CNN MRI 大脑 Automatic Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds From MR Images via 3D Convolutional Neural Networks [pdf] IEEE-TMI 2016
CNN X-ray, MG - Self-Transfer Learning for Fully Weakly Supervised Lesion Localization [pdf] NIH,China, DDSM,MIAS MICCAI 2016
CNN RGB 眼睛 Fast Convolutional Neural Network Training Using Selective Data Sampling: Application to Hemorrhage Detection in Color Fundus Images [pdf] DRD, MESSIDOR MICCAI 2016
GAN - - Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks to Guide Marker Discovery IPMI 2017
FCN X-ray 心脏 CathNets: Detection and Single-View Depth Prediction of Catheter Electrodes MIAR 2016
3D-CNN CT DeepLung: Deep 3D Dual Path Nets for Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection and Classification [pdf] LIDC-IDRI, LUNA16 IEEE-WACV 2018
3D-CNN CT DeepEM: Deep 3D ConvNets with EM for weakly supervised pulmonary nodule detection [pdf] LIDC-IDRI, LUNA16 MICCAI 2018


计算机技术 医学技术 目标区域 标题 数据库 J/C 年份
U-Net - - U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation MICCAI 2015
FCN MRI 头颈 Efficient multi-scale 3D CNN with fully connected CRF for accurate brain lesion segmentation [pdf] arXiv 2016
U-Net CT 头颈 AnatomyNet: Deep learning for fast and fully automated whole‐volume segmentation of head and neck anatomy [pdf] Medical Physics 2018
FCN CT 肝,肝癌 Automatic Liver and Lesion Segmentation in CT Using Cascaded Fully Convolutional Neural Networks and 3D Conditional Random Fields [pdf] MICCAI 2016
3D-CNN MRI 脊柱 Model-Based Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies from MR Images with 3D CNNs MICCAI 2016
FCN CT 肝,肝癌 Automatic Liver and Tumor Segmentation of CT and MRI Volumes using Cascaded Fully Convolutional Neural Networks [pdf] arXiv 2017
FCN MRI 肝,肝癌 SurvivalNet: Predicting patient survival from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance images using cascaded fully convolutional and 3D convolutional neural networks [pdf] ISBI 2017
3D-CNN Diffusion MRI 大脑 q-Space Deep Learning: Twelve-Fold Shorter and Model-Free Diffusion MRI [pdf] (Section II.B.2) IEEE-TMI 2016
GAN MG 心肌 Adversarial Deep Structured Nets for Mass Segmentation from Mammograms [pdf] INbreast, DDSM-BCRP ISBI 2018
3D-CNN CT 肝脏 3D Deeply Supervised Network for Automatic Liver Segmentation from CT Volumes pdf MICCAI 2017
3D-CNN MRI 大脑 Unsupervised domain adaptation in brain lesion segmentation with adversarial networks pdf IPMI 2017
FCN FUNDUS 眼睛/视网膜 A Fully Convolutional Neural Network based Structured Prediction Approach Towards the Retinal Vessel Segmentation pdf ISBI 2017


计算机技术 医学技术 目标区域 标题 数据库 J/C 年份
3D-CNN CT 脊柱 An Artificial Agent for Robust Image Registration [pdf] 2016


计算机技术 医学技术 目标区域 标题 数据库 J/C 年份
2.5D-CNN MRI Automated anatomical landmark detection ondistal femur surface using convolutional neural network [pdf] OAI ISBI 2015
3D-CNN Diffusion MRI 大脑 q-Space Deep Learning: Twelve-Fold Shorter and Model-Free Diffusion MRI [pdf] (Section II.B.1) [HCP] and other IEEE-TMI 2016


计算机技术 医学技术 目标区域 标题 数据库 J/C 年份
CNN CS-MRI A Deep Cascade of Convolutional Neural Networks for Dynamic MR Image Reconstruction pdf IEEE-TMI 2017
GAN CS-MRI Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for Compressed Sensing Automates MRI pdf NIPS 2017


计算机技术 医学技术 目标区域 标题 数据库 J/C 年份
GAN RGB (Microscopy) 红细胞 Red blood cell image generation for data augmentation using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks [pdf] arXiv 2019
GAN MRI 大脑 Learning Data Augmentation for Brain Tumor Segmentation with Coarse-to-Fine Generative Adversarial Networks [pdf] arXiv 2018
GAN MRI 大脑 Medical Image Synthesis for Data Augmentation and Anonymization using Generative Adversarial Networks [pdf] arXiv 2018
GAN CT, MRI 大脑 GAN Augmentation: Augmenting Training Data using Generative Adversarial Networks [pdf] arXiv 2018
GAN CT 肝脏 GAN-based Synthetic Medical Image Augmentation for increased CNN Performance in Liver Lesion Classification [pdf] arXiv 2018

