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File metadata and controls

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KafkaProducer Quick Start

Generally speaking, The Modern C++ based Kafka API is quite similar to the Kafka Java's API.

We'd recommend users to cross-reference them, --especially the examples.

Unlike Java's KafkaProducer, here we introduce two derived classes, -- KafkaSyncProducer and KafkaAsyncProducer --depending on different send behaviors (synchronous/asynchronous).


  • The "Sync" (in the name) means send is a blocking operation, and it will immediately get the RecordMetadata while the function returns. If anything wrong occurs, an exception would be thrown.


        // Create configuration object
        kafka::Properties props({
            {"bootstrap.servers",  brokers},
            {"enable.idempotence", "true"},

        // Create a producer instance.
        kafka::KafkaSyncProducer producer(props);

        // Read messages from stdin and produce to the broker.
        std::cout << "% Type message value and hit enter to produce message. (empty line to quit)" << std::endl;

        for (std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line);) {
            // The ProducerRecord doesn't own `line`, it is just a thin wrapper
            auto record = kafka::ProducerRecord(topic,
                                                kafka::Value(line.c_str(), line.size()));

            // Send the message.
            try {
                kafka::Producer::RecordMetadata metadata = producer.send(record);
                std::cout << "% Message delivered: " << metadata.toString() << std::endl;
            } catch (const kafka::KafkaException& e) {
                std::cerr << "% Message delivery failed: " << e.error().message() << std::endl;

            if (line.empty()) break;

        // producer.close(); // No explicit close is needed, RAII will take care of it
  • ProducerConfig::BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS is mandatory for ProducerConfig.

  • ProducerRecord would not take any ownership for the key or value. Thus, the user must guarantee the memory block (pointed by key or value) is valid until being send.

  • Since send is a blocking operation, the throughput will be highly impacted, but it is easier to make sure of the message delivery and logically it is simpler.

  • At the end, the user could call close manually, or just leave it to the destructor (close would be called anyway).


  • The Async (in the name) means send is an unblocking operation, and the result (including errors) could only be got from the delivery callback.


        // Create configuration object
        kafka::Properties props ({
            {"bootstrap.servers",  brokers},
            {"enable.idempotence", "true"},

        // Create a producer instance.
        kafka::KafkaAsyncProducer producer(props);

        // Read messages from stdin and produce to the broker.
        std::cout << "% Type message value and hit enter to produce message. (empty line to quit)" << std::endl;

        for (std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line);) {
            // The ProducerRecord doesn't own `line`, it is just a thin wrapper
            auto record = kafka::ProducerRecord(topic,
                                                kafka::Value(line.c_str(), line.size()));
            // Send the message.
                          // The delivery report handler
                          [](const kafka::Producer::RecordMetadata& metadata, std::error_code ec) {
                              if (!ec) {
                                  std::cout << "% Message delivered: " << metadata.toString() << std::endl;
                              } else {
                                  std::cerr << "% Message delivery failed: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
                          // The memory block given by record.value() would be copied

            if (line.empty()) break;
  • Same with KafkaSyncProducer, the user must guarantee the memory block for ProducerRecord's key is valid until being send.

  • By default, the memory block for ProducerRecord's value must be valid until the delivery callback is called; Otherwise, the send should be with option KafkaProducer::SendOption::ToCopyRecordValue.

  • It's guaranteed that the delivery callback would be triggered anyway after send, -- a producer would even be waiting for it before close. So, it's a good way to release these memory resources in the Producer::Callback function.

KafkaAsyncProducer with KafkaClient::EventsPollingOption::Manual

While we construct a KafkaAsyncProducer with option KafkaClient::EventsPollingOption::Auto (default), an internal thread would be created for MessageDelivery callbacks handling.

This might not be what you want, since then you have to use 2 different threads to send the messages and handle the MessageDelivery responses.

Here we have another choice, -- using KafkaClient::EventsPollingOption::Manual, thus the MessageDelivery callbacks would be called within member function pollEvents().

  • Note, if you constructed the KafkaAsyncProducer with EventsPollingOption::Manual, the send() would be an unblocked operation. I.e, once the message buffering queue becomes full, the send() operation would throw an exception (or return an error code with the input reference parameter), -- instead of blocking there. This makes sense, since you might want to call pollEvents() later, thus delivery-callback could be called for some messages (which could then be removed from the message buffering queue).


    kafak::KafkaAsyncProducer producer(props, KafkaClient::EventsPollingOption::Manual);

    // Prepare "msgsToBeSent"
    auto std::map<int, std::pair<Key, Value>> msgsToBeSent = ...;
    for (const auto& msg : msgsToBeSent) {
        auto record = kafak::ProducerRecord(topic, partition, msg.second.first, msg.second.second, msg.first);
        std::error_code ec;
                      // Ack callback
                      [&msg](const kafka::Producer::RecordMetadata& metadata, std::error_code ec) {
                           // the message could be identified by `metadata.recordId()`
                           if (ec)  {
                               LOG_ERROR("Cannot send out message with recordId={0}", metadata.recordId());
                           } else {
                               msgsToBeSend.erase(metadata.recordId()); // Quite safe here
        if (ec) break;
    // Here we call the `MessageDelivery` callbacks
    // Note, we can only do this while the producer was constructed with `EventsPollingOption::MANUAL`.

Headers in ProducerRecord

  • A ProducerRecord could take extra information with headers.

    • Note, the header within headers contains the pointer of the memory block for its value. The memory block MUST be valid until the ProducerRecord is read by producer.send().


    kafak::KafkaAsyncProducer producer(props);

    auto record = kafka::ProducerRecord(topic, partition, Key(), Value());

    for (const auto& msg : msgsToBeSent) {
        // Prepare record headers
        std::string session = msg.session;
        std::uint32_t seqno = msg.seqno;
        record.headers() = {
            { "session", { session.c_str(), session.size()} },
            { "seqno",   { &seqno, sizeof(seqno)} }


                      // Ack callback
                      [&msg](const kafka::Producer::RecordMetadata& metadata, std::error_code ec) {
                           if (ec)  {
                               LOG_ERROR("Cannot send out message: {0}, err: {1}", metadata.toString(), ec);

Error handling

Once an error occurs during send(), KafkaSyncProducer and KafkaAsyncProducer behave differently.

  1. KafkaSyncProducer gets std::error_code by catching exceptions (with error() member function).

  2. KafkaAsyncProducer gets std::error_code with delivery-callback (with a parameter of the callback function).

There are 2 kinds of possible errors,

  1. Local errors,

    • RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_TOPIC -- The topic doesn't exist

    • RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_PARTITION -- The partition doesn't exist

    • RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG -- Invalid topic (topic is null or the length is too long (>512))

    • RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__MSG_TIMED_OUT -- No ack received within the time limit

  2. Broker errors,

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the available configurations?

About the automatic topic creation

If the cluster's configuration is with auto.create.topics.enable=true, the producer/consumer could trigger the brokers to create a new topic (with send, subscribe, etc)

Note, the default created topic may be not what you want (e.g, with default.replication.factor=1 configuration as default, etc), thus causing other unexpected problems.

What will happen after ack timeout?

If an ack failed to be received within MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS, an exception would be thrown for a KafkaSyncSend, or, an error code would be received by the delivery callback for a KafkaAsyncProducer.

How to enhance the sending performance?

Enlarging the default BATCH_NUM_MESSAGES and LINGER_MS might improve message batching, thus enhancing the throughput.

While, on the other hand, LINGER_MS would highly impact the latency.

The QUEUE_BUFFERING_MAX_MESSAGES and QUEUE_BUFFERING_MAX_KBYTES would determine the max in flight requests (some materials about Kafka would call it in this way). If the queue buffer is full, the send operation would be blocked.

Larger QUEUE_BUFFERING_MAX_MESSAGES/QUEUE_BUFFERING_MAX_KBYTES might help to improve throughput as well, while also means more messages locally buffering.

How to achieve reliable delivery

  • Quick Answer,

    1. The Kafka cluster should be configured with min.insync.replicas = 2 at least

    2. Use a KafkaSyncProducer (with configuration {ProducerConfig::ACKS, "all"}); or use a KafkaAsyncProducer (with configuration {ProducerConfig::ENABLE_IDEMPOTENCE, "true"}), together with proper error-handling within the delivery callbacks.

  • Complete Answer,

How many threads would be created by a KafkaProducer?

Excluding the user's main thread, KafkaSyncProducer would start another (N + 2) threads in the background, while KafkaAsyncProducer would start (N + 3) background threads. (N means the number of BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS)

Most of these background threads are started internally by librdkafka.

Here is a brief introduction what they're used for,

  1. Each broker (in the list of BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS) would take a separate thread to transmit messages towards a kafka cluster server.

  2. Another 2 background threads would handle internal operations and kinds of timers, etc.

  3. KafkaAsyncProducer has one more background thread to keep polling the delivery callback event.

E.g, if a KafkaSyncProducer was created with property of BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=,,, it would take 6 threads in total (including the main thread).

Which one of these threads will handle the callbacks

The Producer::Callback is only available for a KafkaAsyncProducer.

It will be handled by a background thread, not by the user's thread.

Note, should be careful if both the KafkaAsyncProducer::send() and the Producer::Callback might access the same container at the same time.