- Issues: https://github.com/ammannbe/RecipeManagerApi
- Supported architectures: amd64
- 8.x.x, 8.x, 8, latest
- 7.x.x, 7.x, 7
- 6.x.x, 6.x, 6
It's recommended to install this application with docker. Consult https://github.com/ammannbe/RecipeManagerDocker for installation
See also: Laravel Configuration
- APP_NAME: Name of the App. Default: RecipeManager
- APP_ENV: App environement. Possible values: "production", "local". Default: local
- APP_KEY: Encryption key. This key will be set for you after the first startup.
- APP_DEBUG: In production this value should be false. Default: true
- APP_URL: The address, where the app should run. The port is optional. Default: http://localhost:8000
- SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS Your frontend domain (normally the Node.js docker container). Default: localhost:3000
- LOCALE: The default app locale Default: en
- LOCALES: Possible locales. Leave empty to hide the language switcher in the UI. Default: en,de
See also Laravel Logging
- LOG_CHANNEL: Where should logs go. Possible values: stack, telegram, stderr Default: stack
- LOG_QUERIES: Write every database query to the log file. This option enabled can blow up your log channel. Default: false
- TELEGRAM_LOGGER_BOT_TOKEN: Only for LOG_CHANNEL=telegram. Also see Telegram BotFather.
- TELEGRAM_LOGGER_CHAT_ID: Only for LOG_CHANNEL=telegram. Also see Telegram BotFather.
- TRUSTED_PROXIES A comma separated list of IP Addresses of your proxies. Default:
See also Laravel Database
- DB_CONNECTION: Change the DBMS. Default: mysql
- DB_HOST: Database host address. Default: db
- DB_PORT: Database host port Default: 3306
- DB_DATABASE: Table name Default: recipe_manager
- DB_USERNAME: Username Default: recipe_manager
- DB_PASSWORD: Provide a random string
See also Laravel Redis
- REDIS_HOST: Redis host address. Default: redis
- REDIS_PORT: Redis host port Default: 6379
- REDIS_PASSWORD: Provide a random string
See also Laravel Scout and Meilisearch
- SCOUT_DRIVER: Scout Driver. Default: meilisearch
- MEILISEARCH_HOST: MeiliSearch Host. Default: http://meilisearch:7700
- MEILISEARCH_KEY: MeiliSearch Master Key
See also Laravel Mail
- MAIL_MAILER: Transport type Default: smtp
- MAIL_HOST: Host address Default: smtp.mailtrap.io
- MAIL_PORT: Host port Default: 2525
- MAIL_USERNAME: E-Mail username Default: null
- MAIL_PASSWORD: E-Mail username password Default: null
- MAIL_ENCRYPTION: Encryption type, e.g. tls. Default: null
- MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: Default: [email protected]
- MAIL_FROM_NAME: Default: RecipeManager
- BROADCAST_DRIVER: Default: log
- CACHE_DRIVER: Default: file
- QUEUE_CONNECTION: Default: redis
- SESSION_DRIVER: Default: cookie
- SESSION_LIFETIME: Default: 120
- SESSION_DOMAIN: A TLD where the web and api have access to Default: localhost
- DISABLE_REGISTRATION Disable user registrations Default: false
- DISABLE_COOKBOOKS Disable the cookbooks feature Default: false
- DISABLE_TAGS Disable the tags feature Default: false
- DISABLE_RATINGS Disable the ratings feature Default: false
- DISABLE_UNIT_CREATION Disable the "unit creation by normal users" feature Default: false
- DISABLE_FOOD_CREATION Disable the "food creation by normal users" feature Default: false
- DISABLE_INGREDIENT_ATTRIBUTE_CREATION Disable the "ingredient attribute creation by normal users" feature Default: false
- MAX_RATING_STARS Tha amount of possible rating stars Default: 5