This document contains the codes used to obtain the results of our study. It is divided in two sections: "procedures" and "results". Both sections is organized in two subsections, respectively, an Externally Regulating Gene (ERG) and a Self-Repressing Gene (SRG) models. In "procedures" we find the codes that compute the points for the graphs, and in "results" is shown, properly, the graphs of our work.
The KummerM function parameters are written as functions of the kinetic parameters of the stochastic model for an ERG:
> |
(1.1.1) |
Here we define the formulas for computing the probabilities phi_n, alpha_n, beta_n as function of the KummerM function parameters: a, b, N.
> |
We compute the probabilities phi_n, alpha_n, beta_n for given values of the KummerM function parameters.
The parameter K gives the maximal value for n and is choosen to ensure that phi0+phi1+...+phiK~1
> |
Following, we have an example for test the probabilities procedure:
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> |
> |
For an SRG, the KummerM function parameters are written as functions of the kinetic parameters of the stochastic model as follows:
> |
(1.2.1) |
Here we define the formulas for computing the probabilities phi_n, alpha_n, beta_n as function of the KummerM function parameters: a, b, N, z0:
> |
We compute the probabilities phi_n, alpha_n, beta_n for given values of the KummerM function parameters.
The parameter K gives the maximal value for n and is choosen to ensure that phi0+phi1+...+phiK~1
> |
Here, we have an example to test the SRG probabilities procedure:
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( |
The graphs of correlations, probabilities distributions and Fano factor, the statistical quantities and the kinectic parameters obtained for a ERG and a SRG models are shown in the two subsections below.
Quasi-Fano distributions
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> |
Super-Fano distributions
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> |
Fano distributions
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> |
> |
Quasi-Fano distributions
> |
> |
> |
Super-Fano distributions
Graph with b fixed
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> |
> |
Graph without fixed parameter
> |
> |
> |
Sub-Fano distributions
> |
> |
For the KummerM function parameter values being
N= 667.3 a=3333.0000 b= 2.0000 z0= 0.0005
#################### Statistical quantities ###########################
P[alpha]=0.049108 <n>=32.7714 Fano=0.513676 cov=-15.937528
#################### Kinetic parameters ############################
k= 6.6733 f=33.3300 h1=19.9900 h1_eff= 6.6700
For the KummerM function parameter values being
N= 1000.5 a=5000.0000 b= 3.0000 z0= 0.0005
#################### Statistical quantities ###########################
P[alpha]=0.049003 <n>=49.0271 Fano=0.514881 cov=-23.783969
#################### Kinetic parameters ############################
k=10.0050 f=50.0000 h1=19.9900 h1_eff=10.0000
For the KummerM function parameter values being
N= 1333.7 a=6667.0000 b= 4.0000 z0= 0.0005
#################### Statistical quantities ###########################
P[alpha]=0.048950 <n>=65.2833 Fano=0.515480 cov=-31.631067
#################### Kinetic parameters ############################
k=13.3367 f=66.6700 h1=19.9900 h1_eff=13.3300
For Fano distributions:
For the KummerM function parameter values being
N= 1000.0 a= 0.5000 b= 0.5000 z0= 0.0005
#################### Statistical quantities ###########################
P[alpha]=0.000500 <n>= 0.5000 Fano=1.000000 cov=0.000000
#################### Kinetic parameters ############################
k=10.0000 f= 0.0050 h1=19.9900 h1_eff= 9.9950
For the KummerM function parameter values being
N= 2000.0 a= 1.0000 b= 1.0000 z0= 0.0005
#################### Statistical quantities ###########################
P[alpha]=0.000500 <n>= 1.0000 Fano=1.000000 cov=0.000000
#################### Kinetic parameters ############################
k=20.0000 f= 0.0100 h1=19.9900 h1_eff=19.9900
For the KummerM function parameter values being
N= 4000.0 a= 2.0000 b= 2.0000 z0= 0.0005
#################### Statistical quantities ###########################
P[alpha]=0.000500 <n>= 2.0000 Fano=1.000000 cov=0.000000
#################### Kinetic parameters ############################
k=40.0000 f= 0.0200 h1=19.9900 h1_eff=39.9800
For the KummerM function parameter values being
N= 6000.0 a= 3.0000 b= 3.0000 z0= 0.0005
#################### Statistical quantities ###########################
P[alpha]=0.000500 <n>= 3.0000 Fano=1.000000 cov=0.000000
#################### Kinetic parameters ############################
k=60.0000 f= 0.0300 h1=19.9900 h1_eff=59.9700
For the KummerM function parameter values being
N= 8000.0 a= 4.0000 b= 4.0000 z0= 0.0005
#################### Statistical quantities ###########################
P[alpha]=0.000500 <n>= 4.0000 Fano=1.000000 cov=0.000000
#################### Kinetic parameters ############################
k=80.0000 f= 0.0400 h1=19.9900 h1_eff=79.9600