ob-uart is a wrapper around make-serial-process
for org babel,
providing integration of UART communication into org documents.
ob-uart is useful for communication with devices that use a simple, command based interface over UART, such as is often the case in embedded development.
Using ob-uart allows using org-mode to test and document the interface, e.g.:
set_value_portb 3 1
To use ob-uart, add the repository to your load path, load it and
add it to org-babel-load-languages
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/ob-uart/")
'((uart . t)))
ob-uart can also be useful for tools like the Bus Pirate. The following example shows a temperature readout from an SHT21 humidity & temperature sensor.
- set mode to I²C, 50 kHz
m 4 2
m 4 2 I2C (mod spd)=( 0 1 ) Ready I2C>
- enable power supply and pull-up resistors
WP Power supplies ON Pull-up resistors ON I2C>
- scan for devices
(1) Searching I2C address space. Found devices at: 0x80(0x40 W) 0x81(0x40 R)
- send command to trigger temperature measurement
[0x80 0b11110011 %]
[0x80 0b11110011 %] I2C START BIT WRITE: 0x80 ACK WRITE: 0xF3 ACK DELAY 1ms I2C STOP BIT I2C>
- get result data
[0x81 r:3]
#+RESULTS[43d384c278126101882a82423eae8f83e4e43d62]: sht21_data
[0x81 r:3] I2C START BIT WRITE: 0x81 ACK READ: 0x64 ACK 0x74 ACK 0xEA NACK I2C STOP BIT I2C>
- calculate temperature
bytes = [int(x, 16) for x in data.split("\n")[3][5:].split(" ACK ")] print("%.1f" % (-46.85 + 175.72 * (bytes[0] * 256 + bytes[1]) / 2**16))