TrackGols is a personalized web application designed for users to effectively track and manage their goals. This web application provides users with customizable goal tracking capabilities, enabling them to set a goal, create columns and tasks, and visually track their progress by seamlessly dragging and dropping tasks across different columns. With TrackGols, achieving your goals has never been easier and fun!
- Database: Mongodb
- Backend: Node.js & Express
- Front-end: React
- brew
- npm
- node
- express
- mongodb
- docker
- Install docker by running these commands in the terminal:
docker pull mongodb/mongodb-community-server
docker run --name mongo -d mongodb/mongodb-community-server:latest
docker container ls
docker run -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -p 27017:27017 mongo
- Install mongo by running these commands in the terminal:
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install [email protected]
- Run this code on the root directory to restore database:
mongorestore -d trackgols -u root -p root --authenticationDatabase admin --drop --stopOnError --gzip dataBackup/trackgols
- Run this code on the root directory to install dependencies:
npm install
- Create a .env file on the root directory and add these variables:
PORT = 3001
CONNECTION_STRING = "mongodb://root:root@localhost:27017/"
DB_NAME = "trackgols"
- Run the server with:
npm start
- Deployment
- Users can rearrange columns
- Users can create multiple boards
- Users can sign in/create an account to save progress
- Users can add a due date to a goal
- Users can change the color theme of the board