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- "environment-setup": "Environment setup",
- "migrating-testnets": "Migrating testnets",
- "pre-genesis": "Pre-genesis validator setup",
- "genesis-validator-apply": "Applying as a genesis validator",
- "joining-the-testnet": "Joining the latest Testnet",
- "post-genesis-validator": "Becoming a validator after genesis",
- "testnet-history": "History of testnets",
- "faucet": "Testnet faucets",
- "faq": "FAQ",
- "campfire": "Campfire Testnet"
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-import { Callout } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
-import { Steps } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
-# The Namada Campfire Testnet βΊπ₯
-The Namada Campfire βΊπ₯ testnet is run in parallel to the "validator" testnet. This is a community-run testnet, currently being maintained and orchestrated by the [Luminara collective](https://luminara.icu), a small group of Namada supporters. Campfire usually runs the latest release (or pre-release), which may differ from the validator testnet. You can see the version and more at https://testnet.luminara.icu
-## Joining
-The most up-to-date docs on joining Campfire βΊπ₯ can be found [here](https://knowabl.notion.site/Campfire-testnet-5e4c1df53ab64b818a55bfcf36ccc550).
-### Pre-requisites
-Currently, Campfire βΊπ₯ docs only detail support for Ubuntu machines. However, the steps should be the same for any OS which can run Namada.
-The user will need to have completed the steps to install [Namada](../../introduction/install.mdx) and [CometBFT](../../introduction/installing-cometbft.mdx) as per usual.
-### Joining the network
-Check the testnet [info page](https://testnet.luminara.icu) which should have all info and links needed to join the network, including
-the current chain-id, peers, wasm files, etc.
-This page is automatically re-generated on chain creation so the info contained should always be current.
-Configuring your node to join Campfire is similar to any other public testnet, with a couple minor differences.
-### Set config server
-First, set this environment variable to instruct `namadac` to download the chain configs from an alternate URL.
-```bash copy
-export NAMADA_NETWORK_CONFIGS_SERVER="https://testnet.luminara.icu/configs"
-### Join network
-Run this command to download the chain configs. Don't forget the `--dont-prefetch-wasm` flag as we'll manually download and copy
-the wasm files into the chain directory in the next step.
-```bash copy
-namadac utils join-network --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --dont-prefetch-wasm
-### Download and extract the chain wasm files
-Download the wasm files from the link on [https://testnet.luminara.icu](https://testnet.luminara.icu) and copy them into the `wasm`
-directory inside your Namada base-dir.
-```bash copy
-wget https://testnet.luminara.icu/wasm.tar.gz
-tar -xf wasm.tar.gz
-cp wasm/* ~/.local/share/namada/$CHAIN_ID/wasm/
-### Update persistent peers
-Check [https://testnet.luminara.icu](https://testnet.luminara.icu) for a current persistent peer (or ask in the Discord server) and
-add it to your node's `config.toml` file (located at `/$CHAIN_ID/config.toml`).
-```bash copy
-# actual value will be different
-persistent_peers = "tcp://0e51028c038607680cde50fdb08b6931e869ce6a@β
-### (Optional) Sync using a snapshot
-For faster syncing, you can download a recent snapshot from [https://testnet.luminara.icu](https://testnet.luminara.icu).
-You will need to install lz4:
-```bash copy
-sudo apt install lz4
-Once you have downloaded the snapshot, you can extract it with:
-```bash copy
-lz4 -c -d .tar.lz4 | tar -x -C $HOME/temp
-After extracting, use the `db` folder to replace `NAMADA_BASE_DIR/$CHAIN_ID/db` and the `data` folder to replace NAMADA_BASE_DIR/$CHAIN_ID/cometbft/data`.
-### Start your node!
-```bash copy
-NAMADA_LOG=info CMT_LOG_LEVEL=p2p:none,pex:error NAMADA_CMT_STDOUT=true namada node ledger run
-## Interacting with the testnet
-Campfire includes a faucet, public rpc, wallet interface, indexer, and (hopefully soon) explorer. Check the [landing page](https://testnet.luminara.icu) for links and further info.
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-import { Steps } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
-import { Callout } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
-# Environment setup
-< Callout type = "info" >
-If you don't want to build Namada from source you can [install Namada from binaries](../../introduction/install/binaries.mdx).
-Note that building from source can be a difficult process and is not recommended for beginners.
-< /Callout>
-Export the following variables:
-```bash copy
-export NAMADA_TAG=v0.31.9
-## Installing Namada
-< Steps >
-### Install all pre-requisites
- - [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install)
- - [CometBFT](../../introduction/installing-cometbft.mdx)
- - [Protobuf](../../introduction/install/source/pre-requisites.mdx)
-### Clone namada repository and checkout the correct versions
-```shell copy
-git clone https://github.com/anoma/namada && cd namada && git checkout $NAMADA_TAG
-### Build binaries
-```bash copy
-make install
-- There may be some additional requirements you may have to install (linux):
-```bash copy
-sudo apt-get update -y
-sudo apt-get install build-essential make pkg-config libssl-dev libclang-dev -y
-curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
-< /Steps>
-## Installing CometBFT
-< Steps >
-### See the installing CometBFT section [here](../../introduction/installing-cometbft.mdx) for instructions on how to install CometBFT.
-### Copy both the namada and CometBFT binaries to somewhere on $PATH (or use the relative paths). This step may or may not be necessary.
-- namada binaries can be found in `/target/release`
-- CometBFT is likely in `$HOME/Downloads/cometbft`
-< /Steps>
-## Check ports
-< Steps >
-### Open ports on your machine:
- - 26656
- - 26657
-### To check if ports are open you can setup a simple server and curl the port from another host
-- Inside the namada folder, run
-``` bash
-{ printf 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n' "$(wc -c < namada)"; cat namada; } | nc -l $PORT
-- From another host run one of the two commands:
- - `nmap $IP -p$PORT`
- - `curl $IP:$PORT >/dev/null`
-### Verifying your installation
-- Make sure you are using the correct CometBFT version
- - `cometbft version` should output `0.37.2`
-- Make sure you are using the correct Namada version
- - `namada --version` should output `Namada v0.31.9`
-< /Steps>
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-# Namada FAQ
-### **Q: How do I join as a validator post-genesis?**
-**A:** Joining as a validator post genesis can be done following [these instructions](../../operators/validators/validator-setup.mdx).
-### **Q: How do I use the Faucet?**
-**A:** Check [here](./faucet.mdx) for a list of currently maintained testnet faucets.
-### **Q: Where can I see the available tokens on the Faucet?**
-**A:** The following list of tokens are available to withdraw from the faucet:
-There are a few more, but we leave it to you as a challenge to find out which these are π€
-HINT: `namadac balance`
-### **Q: How can I make an IBC transfer?**
-**A:** As of `v0.23.1` you can now follow the docs [here!](../../users/ibc.mdx)
-### **Q: What requirements do I need to be a User/Validator?**
-**A:** See [hardware requirements](../../operators/hardware.mdx).
-In order to build binaries from source, at least 16GB RAM will be required.
-### **Q: Where can I find the binaries to run Namada if I do not want to build from source?**
-**A:** See [Installing Namada from binaries](../../introduction/install/binaries.mdx)
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-import { Callout } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
-# Testnet Faucets
-Note: Testnet tokens have no monetary value nor any relation to mainnet tokens.
-## List of testnet faucets
-- Campfire testnet: [https://faucet.luminara.icu](https://faucet.luminara.icu)
-### Usage Note
-Since [fees are paid by implicit accounts](../../users/fees.mdx), it is recommended to source NAM to one of these accounts as the first step. Afterwards, using the `--gas-payer` flag, you can specify the address of the implicit account to pay for the transaction.
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-import { Callout } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
-# Applying to be a genesis validator
-Before a testnet launches, you can apply to be a genesis validator.
-### Set up
-Follow [this guide](../../operators/validators/validator-setup.mdx#pre-genesis) on how to generate "pre-genesis" validator files.
-For the shielded expedition, the `balances.toml` file has been published at the [namada-shieled-expedition repository](https://github.com/anoma/namada-shielded-expedition).
-Amounts bonded in the bonding transactions must be less than or equal to the amounts specified in the `balances.toml` file.
-It is recommended to leave at least 1000 `NAAN` unbonded for transaction fees.
-After this, you will have a signed `transactions.toml` file, the contents of which will look something like the following:
-vp = "vp_user"
-threshold = 1
-public_keys = ["tpknam1qrf7k5r2kvuppxnp0ruapkkd5szmyxzjxg7t64salgz5wrf6d327wmdh8xj"]
-address = "tnam1q9yprrkkhy0kfngwg59rxx9q2f8kj5ufhctn4n6u"
-vp = "vp_user"
-commission_rate = "0.01"
-max_commission_rate_change = "0.01"
-net_address = ""
-pk = "tpknam1qz2t8q4xt0vtm4x8kclr4lxhp0sea3956jzltdc2kqx4428a3queja2jx7p"
-authorization = "signam1qp2a25j2x2u5ggawvd6fa4z8h7m0tw3ndtulzfwzxtfe6487arazthq2s28v5lmekn6dlp9qukehxwvanzyhfcgqpu7y6cut5l928qsxr3pp7k"
-pk = "tpknam1qzwl3qsqtthmdwa2xn8pgymlsl3r8mdx53qgpm7xwwxgmn4hg0hjccnd27q"
-authorization = "signam1qzp03svcajhr7f68ayy3kq8xq4l78j7qdnxfc2v0g3s0qt69gkxhm0kx866hg77wty9hj004jfn94pavkmfqxqhyypjs0padv99vrjsqeqgg9q"
-pk = "tpknam1qqwxpdvqyqlke25cfg46knx3slmzl84ap6v3kunu5r4efu3va3n7zf7nduz"
-authorization = "signam1qpwzap7pczw3dlxjjxauhls9rya4fpxu4mmtrplkx9yfur5t3cf4wmwkvexnd4jyaeme3l9tfuxt7aapzzmjjsejsz8zz5upccykafgyu3dzqm"
-pk = "tpknam1qypdeegcgv32w6ynrqsaml546rn9jr8ua9pv54t0dpdyuf2069eyflghxz99u"
-authorization = "signam1qx5ve2mcu2s8pajr4w6tat9z3v3p4g75zy9vug0w7epwdzapg7k8u3jxrsg5kax4xk7p3maxv49va98hsz6ntdfs2fx3whk70raepyg3qyn0nufq"
-pk = "tpknam1qyp0659xh8e8la0gx39f40epmamgug5l2ddgpplfe2zgpm8xlk7yzhcpnfx2e"
-authorization = "signam1q806c02930rdnac5jtxtnmdr6jwhfwteu4eqchu0xe5jgaqsv0znztam6u3tyatme6fh72les7d502wpajqa0v8l5kc8cpef4nv8py5lqyv80ct3"
-email = "test@test.com"
-tpknam1qrf7k5r2kvuppxnp0ruapkkd5szmyxzjxg7t64salgz5wrf6d327wmdh8xj = "signam1qptu8kxn9apr7e7h438d60gsaqyupvgcur9rcxva4ft3vzh67y4qv2v2rm7ugg469kpe6qx7cr206n8tk0daqw9h03k72m6ffqwf56swvg0cjs"
-source = "tnam1q9yprrkkhy0kfngwg59rxx9q2f8kj5ufhctn4n6u"
-validator = "tnam1q9yprrkkhy0kfngwg59rxx9q2f8kj5ufhctn4n6u"
-amount = "100"
-tpknam1qrf7k5r2kvuppxnp0ruapkkd5szmyxzjxg7t64salgz5wrf6d327wmdh8xj = "signam1qqgn525t548eg7nrwhrlke0n6r8d3zqw79tdkeyva79r6snc26ew6fq2fkvunljw7l6hq5ed6e8dqyaq9afexwd88gnprlusjds77qgq57ej0a"
-This file contains only public information and is safe to share publicly.
-### Submitting the config
-For the shielded expedition, use the repository `https://github.com/anoma/namada-shielded-expedition` instead of `https://github.com/anoma/namda-testnets`.
-If you want to be a genesis validator for the testnet, please make a pull request to `https://github.com/anoma/namada-testnets` (`https://github.com/anoma/namada-shielded-expedition` for the Shielded expedition) adding your **signed** `transactions.toml` file to the relevant directory (e.g. `namada-public-testnet-2` for the second public testnet), renaming it to `""".toml`.
-E.g. if you chose your alias to be "bertha", submit the file with the name `bertha.toml`. You can see what an example PR looks like [here](https://github.com/anoma/namada-testnets/pull/2616).
-### Wait for the `CHAIN_ID`
-Wait until the corresponding `CHAIN_ID` has been distributed.
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-import { Callout } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
-# Joining the latest testnet
-Depending on whether you are a genesis validator, you can join the latest testnet either as a genesis validator or as a full node.
-## Joining as a genesis validator
-In order to join the network as a genesis validator, you will need to have been selected in the genesis ceremony. If you have not been selected, you can still join as a full node.
-For the shielded expedition, only the top 114 pilots have been selected as genesis validators. If you were not selected, you can still bond to one of the genesis validators or become a post-genesis validator.
-If you have been selected. You must run the following command:
-NAMADA_NETWORK_CONFIGS_SERVER="https://github.com/anoma/namada-shielded-expedition/releases/download/shielded-expedition.88f17d1d14" namadac utils join-network --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --genesis-validator $VALIDATOR_ALIAS
-Note that if you use the above command, your pre-genesis wallet must be in the default base directory (`$BASE_DIR`). If the wallet is not in the default base directory, you must use the flag `--pre-genesis-path` instead. The value for this will be `$BASE_DIR/pre-genesis/$VALIDATOR_ALIAS`.
-E.g if your base directory is `.namada` and your validator alias is `my-validator`, then run the command
-NAMADA_NETWORK_CONFIGS_SERVER="https://github.com/anoma/namada-shielded-expedition/releases/download/shielded-expedition.88f17d1d14" namadac utils join-network --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --pre-genesis-path $BASE_DIR/pre-genesis/$VALIDATOR_ALIAS
-Running the node of a pre-genesis validator is identical to that of a mainnet validator.
-For this reason, please refer to [these docs](../../operators/validators/validator-setup.mdx#start-validating) for running the node.
-## Submitting bonding transactions as a non-genesis validator
-If your public key has been allocated `NAM` (`NAAN` for the shielded expedition), you can bond to a genesis validator as a pre-genesis transaction.
-Please follw the steps [here](../../operators/networks/genesis-flow/participants.mdx#bond-to-a-pre-genesis-validator-account) in order to submit these transactions.
-Remember to sign these transactions as well.
-## Joining as a full node
-If you are not a genesis validator, please follow the steps for [joining as a full node](../../operators/ledger/running-a-full-node.mdx).
-It is then possible to test being a validator by [becoming a post-genesis validator](./post-genesis-validator.mdx).
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-import { Callout, Steps } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
-# Steps for migrating testnets
-With the introduction of `v0.28.0` there is no way to migrate keys over. Please follow the instructions from scratch.
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-# Become a validator post genesis
-After genesis, you can still join the network as a user and become a validator through self-bonding.
-After [joining the network as a full node](../../operators/ledger/running-a-full-node.mdx), you must [create a validator account](../../operators/validators/validator-setup.mdx).
-After this has been completed, you will need to increase your validator's `bonded-stake`, which can be done by self-bonding tokens sourced from the faucet.
-## Bonding
-Follow [this guide](../../operators/validators/staking.mdx#self-bonding) on how to self-bond a validator's tokens.
-## Check bonded-stake
-In order to vote on blocks, a validator must have enough `bonded-stake` to be included in the validators "consensus-set". A validator is in the consensus set if and only if it has enough `bonded-stake` to be in the top 128 validators by `bonded-stake`.
-To query the bonded-stake for all the validators in the current epoch, run the following command:
-```bash copy
-namada client bonded-stake
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-# Pre-genesis validator instructions
-Pre-genesis is defined as "before" the first (a.k.a genesis) block.
-At genesis, there will be a set of validators with a pre-defined amount of tokens (described in the genesis file).
-For testnets, it is possible to apply to become a pre-genesis validator.
-In order to do so, please follow [these steps](./genesis-validator-apply.mdx).
-If the testnet is already running and you have not been selected as a pre-genesis validator, please follow the steps for [joining as a full node](../../operators/ledger/running-a-full-node.mdx). If you still wish to validate, you can follow the steps to [become a post-genesis-validator](./post-genesis-validator.mdx).
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-import { Callout } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
-# Upgrades
-This page covers all installation steps required by various upgrades to testnets.
-## Latest Upgrade
-## Namada shielded expedition 2 `v0.31.8` upgrade
-In order to upgrade to the latest version of the Namada protocol, please follow the steps from [this hackmd](https://hackmd.io/EBTtfPiZT7yoRjxYRcbiPQ)
-## Shielded expedition
-- Namada Shielded expedition 2:
- - From date: 6th of February 2024 18:00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.31.9`
- - Cometbft version: `0.37.2`
- - CHAIN_ID: `shielded-expedition.88f17d1d14`
-- Namada Shielded expedition 1 (offline):
- - From date: 1st of February 2024 18:00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.31.0`
- - Cometbft version: `0.37.2`
- - CHAIN_ID: `shielded-expedition.3d767ac5d5`
-## Latest Testnet
-- Namada public testnet 15 (offline):
- - From date: 18th of December 2023 17:00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.28.1`
- - Cometbft version: `0.37.2`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-15.0dacadb8d663`
-## Testnet History Timeline
-- Namada public testnet 14 (offline):
- - From date: 5th of October 2023 17:00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.23.0`
- - Cometbft version: `0.37.2`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-14.5d79b6958580`
-- Namada public testnet 13 (offline):
- - From date: 12th of September 2023 17:00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.22.0`
- - Cometbft version: `0.37.2`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-13.facd514666d5`
-- Namada public testnet 12:
- - From date: 17th of August 2023 17.00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.21.1`
- - Cometbft version: `0.37.2`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-12.fedec12f3428`
-- Namada public testnet 11:
- - From date: 2nd of August 2023 17.00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.20.1`
- - Cometbft version: `0.37.2`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-11.cc649ddd49b0`
-- Namada public testnet 10:
- - From date: 29th of June 2023 17.00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.17.5`
- - Cometbft version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-10.3718993c3648`
-- Namada public testnet 9:
- - From date: 20th of June 2023 17.00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.17.3`
- - Cometbft version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-9.3718993c3648`
-- Namada public testnet 8:
- - From date: 17th of May 2023 17.00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.15.3`
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-8.0.b92ef72b820`
-- Namada public testnet 7:
- - From date: 24th of April 2023 17.00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.15.1`
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-7.0.3c5a38dc983`
-- Namada public testnet 6:
- - From date: 29th of March 2023 17.00 UTC
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.14.3`
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-6.0.a0266444b06`
-- Namada public testnet 5:
- - From date: 15th of March 2023
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.14.2`
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-5.0.d25aa64ace6`
-- Namada public testnet 4:
- - From date: 22nd of February 2023
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.14.1`
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-4.0.16a35d789f4`
-- Namada public testnet 3 hotfix (did not suffice):
- - From date: 13th of February 2023
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.13.4`
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-3.0.81edd4d6eb6`
-- Namada public testnet 3:
- - From date: 9th of February 2023
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.13.3`
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-3.0.81edd4d6eb6`
-- Namada public testnet 2.1.2 hotfix:
- - From date: 25th of January 2023
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.13.3`
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-2.1.4014f207f6d`
- Due to a bug, a [hotfix](https://github.com/anoma/namada/releases/tag/v0.13.3) was released.
- This needed to be installed and applied before `18:00:00 UTC` on `2023-01-25`.
-- Namada public testnet 2.1.2:
- - From date: 24th of January 2023
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.13.2`
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-2.1.4014f207f6d`
-- Namada public testnet 2.1:
- - From date: 17th of January 2023
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.13.1-hardfork` (hardfork)
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-2.0.2feaf2d718c`
-The above hardfork was meant to take effect on Block Height `37370`, but some issues arose. You can read more [here](https://blog.namada.net/namada-testnet-v0-13-0-upgrade-postmortem).
-- Namada public testnet 2.0:
- - From date: 12th of January 2023
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.13.0`
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-2.0.2feaf2d718c`
-- Namada public testnet 1:
- - Namada protocol version: `v0.12.0`
- - Tendermint version: `v0.1.4-abciplus`
- - Genesis time: 20th of December 2022 at 17:00 UTC
- - CHAIN_ID: `public-testnet-1.0.05ab4adb9db`
-## Upgrade History:
-***19/05/2023*** `public-testnet-8` hot-fix
-Due to some issues with our mempool validation, the testnet halted starting at block height `8073`. We fixed this issue and released a hot-fix version to a subset of the validators. This was sufficient to keep the testnet going. It did require some validators to resync the testnet.
-The chain was launched with chain-id `public-testnet-8.0.b92ef72b820`
-***24/04/2023*** `public-testnet-7` (offline)
-The testnet launched on 24/04/2023 at 17:00 UTC with the genesis validators from `public-testnet-7`. It launches with [version v0.15.1](https://github.com/anoma/namada/releases/tag/v0.15.1)
-The chain was launched with chain-id `public-testnet-7.0.3c5a38dc983`.
-The intended fix to solve the storage issue was only partially solved. This led to `v0.15.3` which intended to fix these issues.
-***13/02/2023*** `public-testnet-3`
-On *09/02/2023* the Namada chain `public-testnet-3` halted due to a bug in the Proof of Stake implementation when handling an edge case. Over the weekend, the team were able to fix and test a new patch that resolves the issue at hand. On *13/02/2023 11:30 UTC*, we were able to recover the network by having internal validators upgrade to the new patch. We are now calling on validators to upgrade to the new testnet as well, which will allow you to interact with the recovered chain.
-1. Begin by stopping all instances of the namada node
-```bash copy
-killall namadan
-2. Build the new tag (or download the binaries [here](https://github.com/anoma/namada/releases/tag/v0.13.4))
-```bash copy
-cd namada
-export NAMADA_TAG=v0.13.4
-make build-release
-3. Copy the new binaries to path. More in depth instructions can be found at [here](./environment-setup.mdx)
-4. Once this has been completed, **the node must tesync from genesis** (see below)
-**How to resync from genesis:**
-1. As a precautionary measure, make a backup of your pre-genesis keys
-```bash copy
-mkdir backup-pre-genesis && cp -r .namada/pre-genesis backup-pre-genesis/
-2. Delete the relevant folder in .namada
-```bash copy
-rm -r .namada/public-testnet-3.0.81edd4d6eb6
-rm .namada/public-testnet-3.0.81edd4d6eb6.toml
-WARNING: Do not delete the entire `.namada` folder, as it contains your pre-genesis keys. If this is accidentally done, you will have to copy over the backup-pre-genesis file.
-3. Rejoin the network
-```bash copy
-export CHAIN_ID="public-testnet-3.0.81edd4d6eb6"
-namada client utils join-network \
---chain-id $CHAIN_ID --genesis-validator $ALIAS
-4. Run the node. One can simply run the ledger again using the familiar command
-```bash copy
- NAMADA_CMT_STDOUT=true namada node ledger run
- ```
-Please reach out with any questions if you have any. This upgrade can be done asynchronously, but if you wish to continue validating the chain and testing our features, you must execute the above steps.
-### Hotfix for Testnet `public-testnet-2.1.4014f207f6d`
-The hotfixed testnet ran during the week, when a strange bug caused the network to stall. The core team spent 1 week investigating the cause of the bug, and the result they found was quite interesting. If you are curious about the specific details of the bug, please have a read through Ray's blog post [here](https://blog.namada.net/explaining-the-namada-0-13-3-consensus-fork/).
-At around 06:15 UTC 25/01/2023, a validator with very little stake was scheduled to become part of the active validator set. From this tx, we discovered a conversion bug between the Namada state machine and Cometbft, which lead to a crash in the node.
-A patch was released [v0.13.3](https://github.com/anoma/namada/releases/tag/v0.13.3) in order to deal with this issue.
-A new testnet was released before the fortnightly testnet release schedule due to the below hardfork not working as intended. Follow the steps in [setting up a new testnet](./environment-setup.mdx)
-### Hardfork v0.13.1
-This hardfork is set to be instantiated at block height `37370`, which is predicted to occur at around 17.00 UTC on 18/01/2023.
-**Requirements to do before 17.00 UTC 18/01/2023**
-In order to install this upgrade, a user or validator must
-1. [Download the binaries](https://github.com/anoma/namada/releases/tag/v0.13.1-hardfork) or install them [from source](https://github.com/anoma/namada/releases/tag/v0.13.1-hardfork)
-2. Ensure the versions are correct, such that `/namada --version` is `v0.13.1-hardfork`
-3. Interrupt the `namada ledger` by the interrupt command `^C`
-4. Install the binaries onto `$PATH` (this depends on your machine). This must be done after interrupting the ledger, as otherwise an error is likely to be thrown.
-5. As soon as possible, restart the ledger by running `NAMADA_CMT_STDOUT=true namada node ledger run`
-The ledger will then update correctly at the correct height. In order to ensure a smooth fork, please do this as soon as possible.